blob: ffa7816d57a5c08aff5906bb2a262f2629efb4c5 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- ValidUTF8Buffer.swift - Bounded Collection of Valid UTF-8 --------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// Stores valid UTF8 inside an unsigned integer.
// Actually this basic type could be used to store any UInt8s that cannot be
// 0xFF
public struct _ValidUTF8Buffer<Storage: UnsignedInteger & FixedWidthInteger> {
public typealias Element = Unicode.UTF8.CodeUnit
internal typealias _Storage = Storage
internal var _biasedBits: Storage
@inlinable // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
internal init(_biasedBits: Storage) {
self._biasedBits = _biasedBits
@inlinable // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
internal init(_containing e: Element) {
e != 192 && e != 193 && !(245...255).contains(e), "invalid UTF8 byte")
_biasedBits = Storage(truncatingIfNeeded: e &+ 1)
extension _ValidUTF8Buffer : Sequence {
public typealias SubSequence = Slice<_ValidUTF8Buffer>
@_fixed_layout // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
public struct Iterator : IteratorProtocol, Sequence {
@inlinable // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
public init(_ x: _ValidUTF8Buffer) { _biasedBits = x._biasedBits }
@inlinable // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
public mutating func next() -> Element? {
if _biasedBits == 0 { return nil }
defer { _biasedBits >>= 8 }
return Element(truncatingIfNeeded: _biasedBits) &- 1
@usableFromInline // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
internal var _biasedBits: Storage
@inlinable // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
public func makeIterator() -> Iterator {
return Iterator(self)
extension _ValidUTF8Buffer : Collection {
@_fixed_layout // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
public struct Index : Comparable {
internal var _biasedBits: Storage
@inlinable // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
internal init(_biasedBits: Storage) { self._biasedBits = _biasedBits }
@inlinable // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
public static func == (lhs: Index, rhs: Index) -> Bool {
return lhs._biasedBits == rhs._biasedBits
@inlinable // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
public static func < (lhs: Index, rhs: Index) -> Bool {
return lhs._biasedBits > rhs._biasedBits
@inlinable // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
public var startIndex : Index {
return Index(_biasedBits: _biasedBits)
@inlinable // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
public var endIndex : Index {
return Index(_biasedBits: 0)
@inlinable // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
public var count : Int {
return Storage.bitWidth &>> 3 &- _biasedBits.leadingZeroBitCount &>> 3
@inlinable // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
public var isEmpty : Bool {
return _biasedBits == 0
@inlinable // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
public func index(after i: Index) -> Index {
_debugPrecondition(i._biasedBits != 0)
return Index(_biasedBits: i._biasedBits >> 8)
@inlinable // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
public subscript(i: Index) -> Element {
return Element(truncatingIfNeeded: i._biasedBits) &- 1
extension _ValidUTF8Buffer : BidirectionalCollection {
@inlinable // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
public func index(before i: Index) -> Index {
let offset = _ValidUTF8Buffer(_biasedBits: i._biasedBits).count
_debugPrecondition(offset != 0)
return Index(_biasedBits: _biasedBits &>> (offset &<< 3 - 8))
extension _ValidUTF8Buffer : RandomAccessCollection {
public typealias Indices = DefaultIndices<_ValidUTF8Buffer>
@inlinable // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
public func distance(from i: Index, to j: Index) -> Int {
return (
i._biasedBits.leadingZeroBitCount - j._biasedBits.leadingZeroBitCount
) &>> 3
@inlinable // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
public func index(_ i: Index, offsetBy n: Int) -> Index {
let startOffset = distance(from: startIndex, to: i)
let newOffset = startOffset + n
_debugPrecondition(newOffset >= 0)
_debugPrecondition(newOffset <= count)
return Index(_biasedBits: _biasedBits._fullShiftRight(newOffset &<< 3))
extension _ValidUTF8Buffer : RangeReplaceableCollection {
@inlinable // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
public init() {
_biasedBits = 0
@inlinable // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
public var capacity: Int {
return _ValidUTF8Buffer.capacity
@inlinable // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
public static var capacity: Int {
return Storage.bitWidth / Element.bitWidth
@inlinable // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
public mutating func append(_ e: Element) {
_debugPrecondition(count + 1 <= capacity)
e != 192 && e != 193 && !(245...255).contains(e), "invalid UTF8 byte")
_biasedBits |= Storage(e &+ 1) &<< (count &<< 3)
@inlinable // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
public mutating func removeFirst() -> Element {
let result = Element(truncatingIfNeeded: _biasedBits) &- 1
_biasedBits = _biasedBits._fullShiftRight(8)
return result
@inlinable // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
internal func _isValid(_ i: Index) -> Bool {
return i == endIndex || indices.contains(i)
@inlinable // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
public mutating func replaceSubrange<C: Collection>(
_ target: Range<Index>, with replacement: C
) where C.Element == Element {
var r = _ValidUTF8Buffer()
for x in self[..<target.lowerBound] { r.append(x) }
for x in replacement { r.append(x) }
for x in self[target.upperBound...] { r.append(x) }
self = r
extension _ValidUTF8Buffer {
@inlinable // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
public mutating func append<T>(contentsOf other: _ValidUTF8Buffer<T>) {
_debugPrecondition(count + other.count <= capacity)
_biasedBits |= Storage(
truncatingIfNeeded: other._biasedBits) &<< (count &<< 3)
extension _ValidUTF8Buffer {
@inlinable // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
public static var encodedReplacementCharacter : _ValidUTF8Buffer {
return _ValidUTF8Buffer(_biasedBits: 0xBD_BF_EF &+ 0x01_01_01)
internal var _bytes: (bytes: UInt64, count: Int) {
let count = self.count
let mask: UInt64 = 1 &<< (UInt64(truncatingIfNeeded: count) &<< 3) &- 1
let unbiased = UInt64(truncatingIfNeeded: _biasedBits) &- 0x0101010101010101
return (unbiased & mask, count)