blob: cd29473cc38e71acf1e8342340a62f697be7bb58 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- StringNormalization.swift ----------------------------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
struct _NormalizedCodeUnitIterator: IteratorProtocol {
var segmentBuffer = _FixedArray16<CodeUnit>(allZeros:())
var overflowBuffer: [CodeUnit]? = nil
var normalizationBuffer: [CodeUnit]? = nil
var source: _SegmentSource
var segmentBufferIndex = 0
var segmentBufferCount = 0
var overflowBufferIndex = 0
var overflowBufferCount = 0
typealias CodeUnit = UInt16
init<Source: BidirectionalCollection>
(_ collection: Source)
where Source.Element == UInt16, Source.SubSequence == Source
source = _CollectionSource(collection)
init(_ guts: _StringGuts, _ range: Range<Int>, startIndex: Int = 0) {
source = _StringGutsSource(guts, range, start: startIndex)
mutating func compare(with other: _NormalizedCodeUnitIterator) -> _Ordering {
var mutableOther = other
for cu in IteratorSequence(self) {
if let otherCU = {
let result = _lexicographicalCompare(cu, otherCU)
if result == .equal {
} else {
return result
} else {
//other returned nil, we are greater
return .greater
//we ran out of code units, either we are equal, or only we ran out and
//other is greater
if let _ = {
return .less
} else {
return .equal
struct _CollectionSource<Source: BidirectionalCollection>: _SegmentSource
where Source.Element == UInt16, Source.SubSequence == Source
var remaining: Int {
@_specialize(where Source == _UnmanagedString<UInt16>)
@_specialize(where Source == _UnmanagedOpaqueString)
get {
return collection.distance(from: index, to: collection.endIndex)
var collection: Source
var index: Source.Index
init(_ collection: Source) {
self.collection = collection
index = collection.startIndex
@_specialize(where Source == _UnmanagedString<UInt16>)
@_specialize(where Source == _UnmanagedOpaqueString)
mutating func tryFill(buffer: UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<UInt16>) -> Int? {
var bufferIndex = 0
let originalIndex = index
repeat {
guard index != collection.endIndex else {
guard bufferIndex < buffer.count else {
//The buffer isn't big enough for the current segment
index = originalIndex
return nil
let cu = collection[index]
buffer[bufferIndex] = cu
index = collection.index(after: index)
bufferIndex += 1
} while !collection.hasNormalizationBoundary(after: collection.index(before: index))
return bufferIndex
struct _StringGutsSource: _SegmentSource {
var remaining: Int {
return range.count - index
var guts: _StringGuts
var index: Int
var range: Range<Int>
init(_ guts: _StringGuts, _ range: Range<Int>, start: Int = 0) {
self.guts = guts
self.range = range
index = range.lowerBound + start
mutating func tryFill(buffer: UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<UInt16>) -> Int? {
var bufferIndex = 0
let originalIndex = index
repeat {
guard index < range.count else {
guard bufferIndex < buffer.count else {
//The buffer isn't big enough for the current segment
index = originalIndex
return nil
let cu = guts.codeUnit(atCheckedOffset: index)
buffer[bufferIndex] = cu
index += 1
bufferIndex += 1
} while !guts.hasNormalizationBoundary(after: index - 1)
return bufferIndex
mutating func next() -> CodeUnit? {
if segmentBufferCount == segmentBufferIndex {
segmentBuffer = _FixedArray16<CodeUnit>(allZeros:())
segmentBufferCount = 0
segmentBufferIndex = 0
if overflowBufferCount == overflowBufferIndex {
overflowBufferCount = 0
overflowBufferIndex = 0
if source.remaining <= 0
&& segmentBufferCount == 0
&& overflowBufferCount == 0 {
// Our source of code units to normalize is empty and our buffers from
// previous normalizations are also empty.
return nil
if segmentBufferCount == 0 && overflowBufferCount == 0 {
//time to fill a buffer if possible. Otherwise we are done, return nil
// Normalize segment, and then compare first code unit
var intermediateBuffer = _FixedArray16<CodeUnit>(allZeros:())
if overflowBuffer == nil,
let filled = source.tryFill(buffer: &intermediateBuffer)
guard let count = _tryNormalize(
endingAt: filled),
into: &segmentBuffer
else {
fatalError("Output buffer was not big enough, this should not happen")
segmentBufferCount = count
} else {
let size = source.remaining * _Normalization._maxNFCExpansionFactor
if overflowBuffer == nil {
overflowBuffer = Array(repeating: 0, count: size)
normalizationBuffer = Array(repeating:0, count: size)
guard let count = normalizationBuffer!.withUnsafeMutableBufferPointer({
(normalizationBufferPtr) -> Int? in
guard let filled = source.tryFill(buffer: normalizationBufferPtr)
else {
fatalError("Invariant broken, buffer should have space")
return overflowBuffer!.withUnsafeMutableBufferPointer {
(overflowBufferPtr) -> Int? in
return _tryNormalize(
UnsafeBufferPointer( rebasing: normalizationBufferPtr[..<filled]),
into: overflowBufferPtr
}) else {
fatalError("Invariant broken, overflow buffer should have space")
overflowBufferCount = count
//exactly one of the buffers should have code units for us to return
_sanityCheck((segmentBufferCount == 0)
!= ((overflowBuffer?.count ?? 0) == 0))
if segmentBufferIndex < segmentBufferCount {
let index = segmentBufferIndex
segmentBufferIndex += 1
return segmentBuffer[index]
} else if overflowBufferIndex < overflowBufferCount {
_sanityCheck(overflowBufferIndex < overflowBuffer!.count)
let index = overflowBufferIndex
overflowBufferIndex += 1
return overflowBuffer![index]
} else {
return nil
protocol _SegmentSource {
var remaining: Int { get }
mutating func tryFill(buffer: UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<UInt16>) -> Int?
extension _SegmentSource {
mutating func tryFill(
buffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<_Normalization._SegmentOutputBuffer>
) -> Int? {
return tryFill(buffer: _castOutputBuffer(buffer))