blob: b761c21657ab6304f7ff4833e8df6b0cf5838d96 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift
struct Foo {
static var someVar: Foo = Foo()
static var someOptVar: Foo? = Foo()
static func someFunc() -> Foo {}
static func someOptFunc() -> Foo? {}
func nonOptContext() -> Foo {
switch () {
case ():
return .someVar
case (): // expected-warning {{case is already handled by previous patterns; consider removing it}}
return .someOptVar
// expected-error@-1 {{value of optional type 'Foo?' must be unwrapped to a value of type 'Foo'}}
// expected-note@-2 {{coalesce}}
// expected-note@-3 {{force-unwrap}}
//case ():
// return .someOptVar!
case (): // expected-warning {{case is already handled by previous patterns; consider removing it}}
return .someFunc()
case (): // expected-warning {{case is already handled by previous patterns; consider removing it}}
return .someOptFunc()
// expected-error@-1 {{value of optional type 'Foo?' must be unwrapped to a value of type 'Foo'}}
// expected-note@-2 {{coalesce}}
// expected-note@-3 {{force-unwrap}}
//case ():
// return .someOptFunc()!
func optContext() -> Foo? {
switch () {
case ():
return .someVar
case (): // expected-warning {{case is already handled by previous patterns; consider removing it}}
return .someOptVar
case (): // expected-warning {{case is already handled by previous patterns; consider removing it}}
return .someFunc()
case (): // expected-warning {{case is already handled by previous patterns; consider removing it}}
return .someOptFunc()
case (): // expected-warning {{case is already handled by previous patterns; consider removing it}}
return .some(.someVar)
case (): // expected-warning {{case is already handled by previous patterns; consider removing it}}
return .none
func iuoContext() -> Foo! {
switch () {
case ():
return .someVar
case (): // expected-warning {{case is already handled by previous patterns; consider removing it}}
return .someOptVar
case (): // expected-warning {{case is already handled by previous patterns; consider removing it}}
return .someFunc()
case (): // expected-warning {{case is already handled by previous patterns; consider removing it}}
return .someOptFunc()
case (): // expected-warning {{case is already handled by previous patterns; consider removing it}}
return .some(.someVar)
case (): // expected-warning {{case is already handled by previous patterns; consider removing it}}
return .none
// Favor the outermost type if the member appears at multiple levels of
// unwrapping.
func nestedOptContext() -> Foo?? {
return .none
// <rdar://problem/35945827>
// This should diagnose instead of crashing in SILGen
protocol Horse {
static var palomino: Horse { get }
func rideAHorse(_ horse: Horse?) {}
// expected-error@-1 {{static member 'palomino' cannot be used on protocol metatype 'Horse.Protocol'}}
// FIXME: This should work if the static member is part of a class though
class Donkey {
static var mule: Donkey & Horse { while true {} }
func rideAMule(_ mule: (Horse & Donkey)?) {}
// expected-error@-1 {{static member 'mule' cannot be used on protocol metatype '(Donkey & Horse).Protocol'}}