blob: 09461414696e3715ccc88e81f361530dc3ee0d6e [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift
// Inheritable: method with 'Self' in its signature
protocol P1 {
func f1(_ x: Self?) -> Bool
// Never inheritable: property with 'Self' in its signature.
protocol P2 {
var prop2: Self { get set }
protocol P2a {
var prop2a: Self { get set }
// Never inheritable: subscript with 'Self' in its result type.
protocol P3 {
subscript (i: Int) -> Self { get }
// Inheritable: subscript with 'Self' in its index type.
protocol P4 {
subscript (s: Self) -> Int { get }
// Potentially inheritable: method returning Self
protocol P5 {
func f5() -> Self
protocol P5a {
func f5a() -> Self
// Inheritable: method returning Self
protocol P6 {
func f6() -> Self
// Inheritable: method involving associated type.
protocol P7 {
associatedtype Assoc
func f7() -> Assoc
// Inheritable: initializer requirement.
protocol P8 {
init(int: Int)
// Inheritable: operator requirement.
protocol P9 {
static func ==(x: Self, y: Self) -> Bool
// Never inheritable: method with 'Self' in a non-contravariant position.
protocol P10 {
func f10(_ arr: [Self])
protocol P10a {
func f10a(_ arr: [Self])
// Never inheritable: method with 'Self' in curried position.
protocol P11 {
func f11() -> (_ x: Self) -> Int
// Inheritable: parameter is a function returning 'Self'.
protocol P12 {
func f12(_ s: () -> (Self, Self))
// Never inheritable: parameter is a function accepting 'Self'.
protocol P13 {
func f13(_ s: (Self) -> ())
// Inheritable: parameter is a function accepting a function
// accepting 'Self'.
protocol P14 {
func f14(_ s: ((Self) -> ()) -> ())
// Never inheritable: parameter is a function accepting a function
// returning 'Self'.
protocol P15 {
func f15(_ s: (() -> Self) -> ())
// Class A conforms to everything that can be conformed to by a
// non-final class.
class A : P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10 {
// P1
func f1(_ x: A?) -> Bool { return true }
// P2
var prop2: A { // expected-error{{protocol 'P2' requirement 'prop2' cannot be satisfied by a non-final class ('A') because it uses 'Self' in a non-parameter, non-result type position}}
get { return self }
set {}
// P2a
var prop2a: A { // expected-note {{'prop2a' declared here}}
get { return self }
set {}
// P3
subscript (i: Int) -> A { // expected-error{{protocol 'P3' requirement 'subscript(_:)' cannot be satisfied by a non-final class ('A') because it uses 'Self' in a non-parameter, non-result type position}}
get {
return self
// P4
subscript (a: A) -> Int {
get {
return 5
// P5
func f5() -> A { return self } // expected-error{{method 'f5()' in non-final class 'A' must return 'Self' to conform to protocol 'P5'}}
// P5a
func f5a() -> A { return self } // expected-note {{'f5a()' declared here}}
// P6
func f6() -> Self { return self }
// P7
func f7() -> Int { return 5 }
// P8
required init(int: Int) { }
// P10
func f10(_ arr: [A]) { } // expected-error{{protocol 'P10' requirement 'f10' cannot be satisfied by a non-final class ('A') because it uses 'Self' in a non-parameter, non-result type position}}
// P10a
func f10a(_ arr: [A]) { } // expected-note {{'f10a' declared here}}
// P11
func f11() -> (_ x: A) -> Int { return { x in 5 } }
extension A: P2a, P5a, P10a {}
// expected-error@-1 {{protocol 'P2a' requirement 'prop2a' cannot be satisfied by a non-final class ('A') because it uses 'Self' in a non-parameter, non-result type position}}
// expected-error@-2 {{method 'f5a()' in non-final class 'A' must return 'Self' to conform to protocol 'P5a'}}
// expected-error@-3 {{protocol 'P10a' requirement 'f10a' cannot be satisfied by a non-final class ('A') because it uses 'Self' in a non-parameter, non-result type position}}
// P9
func ==(x: A, y: A) -> Bool { return true }
// Class B inherits A; gets all of its conformances.
class B : A {
required init(int: Int) { }
func testB(_ b: B) {
var _: P1 = b // expected-error{{has Self or associated type requirements}}
var _: P4 = b // expected-error{{has Self or associated type requirements}}
var _: P5 = b
var _: P6 = b
var _: P7 = b // expected-error{{has Self or associated type requirements}}
var _: P8 = b // okay
var _: P9 = b // expected-error{{has Self or associated type requirements}}
// Class A5 conforms to P5 in an inheritable manner.
class A5 : P5 {
// P5
func f5() -> Self { return self }
// Class B5 inherits A5; gets all of its conformances.
class B5 : A5 { }
func testB5(_ b5: B5) {
var _: P5 = b5 // okay
// Class A8 conforms to P8 in an inheritable manner.
class A8 : P8 {
required init(int: Int) { }
class B8 : A8 {
required init(int: Int) { }
func testB8(_ b8: B8) {
var _: P8 = b8 // okay
// Class A9 conforms to everything.
final class A9 : P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10 {
// P1
func f1(_ x: A9?) -> Bool { return true }
// P2
var prop2: A9 {
get { return self }
set {}
// P3
subscript (i: Int) -> A9 {
get {
return self
// P4
subscript (a: A9) -> Int {
get {
return 5
// P5
func f5() -> A9 { return self }
// P6
func f6() -> Self { return self }
// P7
func f7() -> Int { return 5 }
// P8
required init(int: Int) { }
// P10
func f10(_ arr: [A9]) { }
// P11
func f11() -> (_ x: A9) -> Int { return { x in 5 } }
// P9
func ==(x: A9, y: A9) -> Bool { return true }
class A12 : P12 {
func f12(_ s: () -> (A12, A12)) {}
class A13 : P13 {
func f13(_ s: (A13) -> ()) {} // expected-error{{protocol 'P13' requirement 'f13' cannot be satisfied by a non-final class ('A13') because it uses 'Self' in a non-parameter, non-result type position}}
class A14 : P14 {
func f14(_ s: ((A14) -> ()) -> ()) {}
class A15 : P15 {
func f15(_ s: (() -> A15) -> ()) {} // expected-error{{protocol 'P15' requirement 'f15' cannot be satisfied by a non-final class ('A15') because it uses 'Self' in a non-parameter, non-result type position}}