blob: 83fe784fe23f3fcdc40329ab8fd8e7aa46a88a87 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift
struct Float4 {
var x, y, z, w: Float
struct AnyAlignment {}
enum AnyAlignmentEnum {}
@_alignment // expected-error{{expected '('}}
struct DidntSpecifyAlignment {}
@_alignment() // expected-error{{must be a positive integer literal}} expected-error{{expected declaration}}
struct DidntSpecifyAlignment2 {}
@_alignment("sixteen") // expected-error{{must be a positive integer literal}} expected-error{{expected declaration}}
struct SpecifiedJunkAlignment {}
@_alignment(-1) // expected-error{{must be a positive integer literal}} expected-error{{expected declaration}}
struct NegativeAlignment {}
@_alignment(0) // expected-error{{must be a power of two}}
struct ZeroAlignment {}
@_alignment(3) // expected-error{{must be a power of two}}
struct NonPowerOfTwoAlignment {}
@_alignment(3.5) // expected-error{{must be a positive integer literal}} expected-error{{expected declaration}}
struct FractionalAlignment {}
@_alignment(16) // expected-error{{cannot be applied to this declaration}} {{1-17=}}
class ClassWithAlignment {}
@_alignment(16) // expected-error{{cannot be applied to this declaration}} {{1-17=}}
protocol ProtocolWithAlignment {}
struct Foo {
@_alignment(16) var fieldWithAlignment: Int // expected-error{{cannot be applied to this declaration}} {{3-19=}}
@_alignment(16) func funcWithAlignment() {} // expected-error{{cannot be applied to this declaration}} {{3-19=}}