blob: 2962bc08fcc177f8ded612c1b910c32940e873a8 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift -parse-as-library
func refCoercion(_: inout CustomStringConvertible) {}
// Make sure we don't add the fix-it for globals in non-script files
var fp_2 = ""
let x = refCoercion(&fp_2) // expected-error{{inout argument could be set to a value with a type other than 'String'; use a value declared as type 'CustomStringConvertible' instead}}
func y() {
refCoercion(&fp_2) // expected-error{{inout argument could be set to a value with a type other than 'String'; use a value declared as type 'CustomStringConvertible' instead}}