blob: 6ebfa25932ec58465a95b7d7ccdd99b3be47eb0b [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift
protocol MyPrintable {
func print()
protocol Titled {
var title : String { get set }
struct IsPrintable1 : FormattedPrintable, Titled, Document {
var title = ""
func print() {}
func print(_: TestFormat) {}
// Printability is below
struct IsPrintable2 { }
struct IsNotPrintable1 { }
struct IsNotPrintable2 {
func print(_: Int) -> Int {}
struct Book : Titled {
var title : String
struct Lackey : Titled {
var title : String {
get {}
set {}
struct Number {
var title : Int
func testPrintableCoercion(_ ip1: IsPrintable1,
ip2: IsPrintable2,
inp1: IsNotPrintable1,
inp2: IsNotPrintable2,
op: OtherPrintable) {
var p : MyPrintable = ip1 // okay
p = ip1 // okay
p = ip2 // okay
p = inp1 // expected-error{{value of type 'IsNotPrintable1' does not conform to 'MyPrintable' in assignment}}
p = inp2 // expected-error{{value of type 'IsNotPrintable2' does not conform to 'MyPrintable' in assignment}}
p = op // expected-error{{value of type 'OtherPrintable' does not conform to 'MyPrintable' in assignment}}
_ = p
func testTitledCoercion(_ ip1: IsPrintable1, book: Book, lackey: Lackey,
number: Number, ip2: IsPrintable2) {
var t : Titled = ip1 // okay
t = ip1
t = book
t = lackey
t = number // expected-error{{value of type 'Number' does not conform to 'Titled' in assignment}}
t = ip2 // expected-error{{value of type 'IsPrintable2' does not conform to 'Titled' in assignment}}
_ = t
extension IsPrintable2 : MyPrintable {
func print() {}
protocol OtherPrintable {
func print()
struct TestFormat {}
protocol FormattedPrintable : MyPrintable {
func print(_: TestFormat)
struct NotFormattedPrintable1 {
func print(_: TestFormat) { }
func testFormattedPrintableCoercion(_ ip1: IsPrintable1,
ip2: IsPrintable2,
fp: inout FormattedPrintable,
p: inout MyPrintable,
op: inout OtherPrintable,
nfp1: NotFormattedPrintable1) {
fp = ip1
fp = ip2 // expected-error{{value of type 'IsPrintable2' does not conform to 'FormattedPrintable' in assignment}}
fp = nfp1 // expected-error{{value of type 'NotFormattedPrintable1' does not conform to 'FormattedPrintable' in assignment}}
p = fp
op = fp // expected-error{{value of type 'FormattedPrintable' does not conform to 'OtherPrintable' in assignment}}
fp = op // expected-error{{value of type 'OtherPrintable' does not conform to 'FormattedPrintable' in assignment}}
protocol Document : Titled, MyPrintable {
func testMethodsAndVars(_ fp: FormattedPrintable, f: TestFormat, doc: inout Document) {
doc.title = "Gone with the Wind"
func testDocumentCoercion(_ doc: inout Document, ip1: IsPrintable1, l: Lackey) {
doc = ip1
doc = l // expected-error{{value of type 'Lackey' does not conform to 'Document' in assignment}}
// Check coercion of references.
func refCoercion(_ p: inout MyPrintable) { }
var p : MyPrintable = IsPrintable1()
var fp : FormattedPrintable = IsPrintable1()
// expected-note@-1{{change variable type to 'MyPrintable' if it doesn't need to be declared as 'FormattedPrintable'}} {{10-28=MyPrintable}}
var ip1 : IsPrintable1
// expected-note@-1{{change variable type to 'MyPrintable' if it doesn't need to be declared as 'IsPrintable1'}} {{11-23=MyPrintable}}
// expected-error@-1{{inout argument could be set to a value with a type other than 'FormattedPrintable'; use a value declared as type 'MyPrintable' instead}}
// expected-error@-1{{inout argument could be set to a value with a type other than 'IsPrintable1'; use a value declared as type 'MyPrintable' instead}}
do {
var fp_2 = fp
// expected-note@-1{{change variable type to 'MyPrintable' if it doesn't need to be declared as 'FormattedPrintable'}} {{11-11=: MyPrintable}}
var ip1_2 = ip1
// expected-note@-1{{change variable type to 'MyPrintable' if it doesn't need to be declared as 'IsPrintable1'}} {{12-12=: MyPrintable}}
// expected-error@-1{{inout argument could be set to a value with a type other than 'FormattedPrintable'; use a value declared as type 'MyPrintable' instead}}
// expected-error@-1{{inout argument could be set to a value with a type other than 'IsPrintable1'; use a value declared as type 'MyPrintable' instead}}
do {
var fp_2 : FormattedPrintable = fp, ip1_2 = ip1
// expected-note@-1{{change variable type to 'MyPrintable' if it doesn't need to be declared as 'FormattedPrintable'}} {{14-32=MyPrintable}}
// expected-note@-2{{change variable type to 'MyPrintable' if it doesn't need to be declared as 'IsPrintable1'}} {{44-44=: MyPrintable}}
// expected-error@-1{{inout argument could be set to a value with a type other than 'FormattedPrintable'; use a value declared as type 'MyPrintable' instead}}
// expected-error@-1{{inout argument could be set to a value with a type other than 'IsPrintable1'; use a value declared as type 'MyPrintable' instead}}
do {
var fp_2, fp_3 : FormattedPrintable
// expected-note@-1{{change variable type to 'MyPrintable' if it doesn't need to be declared as 'FormattedPrintable'}} {{20-38=MyPrintable}}
// expected-note@-2{{change variable type to 'MyPrintable' if it doesn't need to be declared as 'FormattedPrintable'}} {{20-38=MyPrintable}}
fp_2 = fp
fp_3 = fp
// expected-error@-1{{inout argument could be set to a value with a type other than 'FormattedPrintable'; use a value declared as type 'MyPrintable' instead}}
// expected-error@-1{{inout argument could be set to a value with a type other than 'FormattedPrintable'; use a value declared as type 'MyPrintable' instead}}
do {
func wrapRefCoercion1(fp_2: inout FormattedPrintable,
ip1_2: inout IsPrintable1) {
// expected-note@-2{{change variable type to 'MyPrintable' if it doesn't need to be declared as 'FormattedPrintable'}} {{31-55=MyPrintable}}
// expected-note@-2{{change variable type to 'MyPrintable' if it doesn't need to be declared as 'IsPrintable1'}} {{32-50=MyPrintable}}
// expected-error@-1{{inout argument could be set to a value with a type other than 'FormattedPrintable'; use a value declared as type 'MyPrintable' instead}}
// expected-error@-1{{inout argument could be set to a value with a type other than 'IsPrintable1'; use a value declared as type 'MyPrintable' instead}}
do {
// Make sure we don't add the fix-it for tuples:
var (fp_2, ip1_2) = (fp, ip1)
// expected-error@-1{{inout argument could be set to a value with a type other than 'FormattedPrintable'; use a value declared as type 'MyPrintable' instead}}
// expected-error@-1{{inout argument could be set to a value with a type other than 'IsPrintable1'; use a value declared as type 'MyPrintable' instead}}
do {
// Make sure we don't add the fix-it for vars in different scopes:
enum ParentScope { static var fp_2 = fp }
// expected-error@-1{{inout argument could be set to a value with a type other than 'FormattedPrintable'; use a value declared as type 'MyPrintable' instead}}
protocol IntSubscriptable {
subscript(i: Int) -> Int { get }
struct IsIntSubscriptable : IntSubscriptable {
subscript(i: Int) -> Int { get {} set {} }
struct IsDoubleSubscriptable {
subscript(d: Double) -> Int { get {} set {} }
struct IsIntToStringSubscriptable {
subscript(i: Int) -> String { get {} set {} }
func testIntSubscripting(i_s: inout IntSubscriptable,
iis: IsIntSubscriptable,
ids: IsDoubleSubscriptable,
iiss: IsIntToStringSubscriptable) {
var x = i_s[17]
i_s[5] = 7 // expected-error{{cannot assign through subscript: subscript is get-only}}
i_s = iis
i_s = ids // expected-error{{value of type 'IsDoubleSubscriptable' does not conform to 'IntSubscriptable' in assignment}}
i_s = iiss // expected-error{{value of type 'IsIntToStringSubscriptable' does not conform to 'IntSubscriptable' in assignment}}
protocol MyREPLPrintable {
func myReplPrint()
extension Int : MyREPLPrintable {
func myReplPrint() {}
extension String : MyREPLPrintable {
func myReplPrint() {}
func doREPLPrint(_ p: MyREPLPrintable) {
func testREPLPrintable() {
let i : Int = 1
_ = i as MyREPLPrintable
// Bool coercion
if true as Bool {}