blob: 6e7cac2ccaabbe7239d88e46251fc2ced312c33d [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift -swift-version 4 -module-name main
public protocol P {
associatedtype Element
func f() -> Element
struct S<T> : P {
func f() -> T { while true {} }
public struct G<T> {
typealias A = S<T> // expected-note {{type declared here}}
public func foo<U : P>(u: U) where U.Element == A.Element {}
// expected-error@-1 {{instance method cannot be declared public because its generic requirement uses an internal type}}
public final class ReplayableGenerator<S: Sequence> : IteratorProtocol {
typealias Sequence = S // expected-note {{type declared here}}
public typealias Element = Sequence.Iterator.Element // expected-error {{type alias cannot be declared public because its underlying type uses an internal type}}
public func next() -> Element? {
return nil
struct Generic<T> {
fileprivate typealias Dependent = T
var x: Generic<Int>.Dependent = 3 // expected-error {{variable must be declared private or fileprivate because its type uses a fileprivate type}}
func internalFuncWithFileprivateAlias() -> Generic<Int>.Dependent { // expected-error {{function must be declared private or fileprivate because its result uses a fileprivate type}}
return 3
private func privateFuncWithFileprivateAlias() -> Generic<Int>.Dependent {
return 3
var y = privateFuncWithFileprivateAlias() // expected-error{{variable must be declared private or fileprivate because its type 'Generic<Int>.Dependent' (aka 'Int') uses a fileprivate type}}
private typealias FnType = (_ x: Int) -> Void // expected-note * {{type declared here}}
public var fn1: (FnType) -> Void = { _ in } // expected-error {{cannot be declared public}}
public var fn2: (_ x: FnType) -> Void = { _ in } // expected-error {{cannot be declared public}}
public var fn3: (main.FnType) -> Void = { _ in } // expected-error {{cannot be declared public}}
public var fn4: (_ x: main.FnType) -> Void = { _ in } // expected-error {{cannot be declared public}}
public var nested1: (_ x: (FnType) -> Void) -> Void = { _ in } // expected-error {{cannot be declared public}}
public var nested2: (_ x: (main.FnType) -> Void) -> Void = { _ in } // expected-error {{cannot be declared public}}
public func test1(x: FnType) {} // expected-error {{cannot be declared public}}
public func test2(x: main.FnType) {} // expected-error {{cannot be declared public}}
public func reject1(x: FnType?) {} // expected-error {{cannot be declared public}}
public func reject2(x: main.FnType?) {} // expected-error {{cannot be declared public}}
public func reject3() -> FnType { fatalError() } // expected-error {{cannot be declared public}}
public func reject4() -> main.FnType { fatalError() } // expected-error {{cannot be declared public}}
public var rejectVar1: FnType = {_ in } // expected-error {{cannot be declared public}}
public var rejectVar2: main.FnType = {_ in } // expected-error {{cannot be declared public}}
public var rejectVar3: FnType? // expected-error {{cannot be declared public}}
public var rejectVar4: main.FnType? // expected-error {{cannot be declared public}}
public var escaping1: (@escaping FnType) -> Void = { _ in } // expected-error {{cannot be declared public}}
public var escaping2: (_ x: @escaping FnType) -> Void = { _ in } // expected-error {{cannot be declared public}}
public var escaping3: (@escaping main.FnType) -> Void = { _ in } // expected-error {{cannot be declared public}}
public var escaping4: (_ x: @escaping main.FnType) -> Void = { _ in } // expected-error {{cannot be declared public}}
public struct SubscriptTest {
public subscript(test1 x: FnType) -> () { return } // expected-error {{cannot be declared public}}
public subscript(test2 x: main.FnType) -> () { return } // expected-error {{cannot be declared public}}
public subscript(reject1 x: FnType?) -> () { return } // expected-error {{cannot be declared public}}
public subscript(reject2 x: main.FnType?) -> () { return } // expected-error {{cannot be declared public}}
public subscript(reject3 x: Int) -> FnType { fatalError() } // expected-error {{cannot be declared public}}
public subscript(reject4 x: Int) -> main.FnType { fatalError() } // expected-error {{cannot be declared public}}
private struct ActuallyPrivate {} // expected-note * {{declared here}}
private typealias ActuallyPrivateAlias = ActuallyPrivate
public var failFn: (ActuallyPrivate) -> Void = { _ in } // expected-error {{cannot be declared public}}
public var failFn2: (_ x: ActuallyPrivate) -> Void = { _ in } // expected-error {{cannot be declared public}}
public var failFn3: (main.ActuallyPrivate) -> Void = { _ in } // expected-error {{cannot be declared public}}
public var failFn4: (_ x: main.ActuallyPrivate) -> Void = { _ in } // expected-error {{cannot be declared public}}
public var failNested1: (_ x: (ActuallyPrivate) -> Void) -> Void = { _ in } // expected-error {{cannot be declared public}}
public var failNested2: (_ x: (main.ActuallyPrivate) -> Void) -> Void = { _ in } // expected-error {{cannot be declared public}}
public func failTest(x: ActuallyPrivate) {} // expected-error {{cannot be declared public}}
public func failTest2(x: main.ActuallyPrivate) {} // expected-error {{cannot be declared public}}
// Property has an inferred type, public alias with
// private generic parameter bound.
public struct PublicGeneric<T> {}
public typealias GenericAlias<T> = PublicGeneric<T>
fileprivate func makeAValue() -> GenericAlias<ActuallyPrivate> { }
public var cannotBePublic = makeAValue()
// expected-error@-1 {{variable cannot be declared public because its type 'GenericAlias<ActuallyPrivate>' (aka 'PublicGeneric<ActuallyPrivate>') uses a private type}}