blob: 30533b61ae3db9d5be147d1ad8e283960043041a [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-emit-silgen %s -o /dev/null -verify
// RUN: %target-swift-emit-silgen -enforce-exclusivity=checked %s -o /dev/null -verify
func takeInOut<T>(_: inout T) {}
struct MutatorStruct {
mutating func f(_ x : inout MutatorStruct) {}
var global_property : MutatorStruct { get {} set {} }
var global_int_property : Int {
get { return 42 }
set {}
struct StructWithProperty {
var computed_int : Int {
get { return 42 }
set {}
var stored_int = 0
var computed_struct : MutatorStruct { get {} set {} }
var global_struct_property : StructWithProperty
var c_global_struct_property : StructWithProperty { get {} set {} }
func testInOutAlias() {
var x = 42
swap(&x, // expected-note {{previous aliasing argument}}
&x) // expected-error {{inout arguments are not allowed to alias each other}}
swap(&global_struct_property, // expected-note {{previous aliasing argument}}
&global_struct_property) // expected-error {{inout arguments are not allowed to alias each other}}
func testWriteback() {
var a = StructWithProperty()
a.computed_struct . // expected-note {{concurrent writeback occurred here}}
f(&a.computed_struct) // expected-error {{inout writeback to computed property 'computed_struct' occurs in multiple arguments to call, introducing invalid aliasing}}
&global_struct_property.stored_int) // ok
swap(&global_struct_property.computed_int, // expected-note {{concurrent writeback occurred here}}
&global_struct_property.computed_int) // expected-error {{inout writeback to computed property 'computed_int' occurs in multiple arguments to call, introducing invalid aliasing}}
swap(&a.computed_int, // expected-note {{concurrent writeback occurred here}}
&a.computed_int) // expected-error {{inout writeback to computed property 'computed_int' occurs in multiple arguments to call, introducing invalid aliasing}}
global_property.f(&global_property) // expected-error {{inout writeback to computed property 'global_property' occurs in multiple arguments to call, introducing invalid aliasing}} expected-note {{concurrent writeback occurred here}}
a.computed_struct.f(&a.computed_struct) // expected-error {{inout writeback to computed property 'computed_struct' occurs in multiple arguments to call, introducing invalid aliasing}} expected-note {{concurrent writeback occurred here}}
func testComputedStructWithProperty() {
swap(&c_global_struct_property.stored_int, &c_global_struct_property.stored_int) // expected-error {{inout writeback to computed property 'c_global_struct_property' occurs in multiple arguments to call, introducing invalid aliasing}} expected-note {{concurrent writeback occurred here}}
var c_local_struct_property : StructWithProperty { get {} set {} }
swap(&c_local_struct_property.stored_int, &c_local_struct_property.stored_int) // expected-error {{inout writeback to computed property 'c_local_struct_property' occurs in multiple arguments to call, introducing invalid aliasing}} expected-note {{concurrent writeback occurred here}}
swap(&c_local_struct_property.stored_int, &c_global_struct_property.stored_int) // ok
var global_array : [[Int]]
func testMultiArray(_ i : Int, j : Int, array : [[Int]]) {
var array = array
swap(&array[i][j], // expected-note {{concurrent writeback occurred here}}
&array[i][i]) // expected-error {{inout writeback through subscript occurs in multiple arguments to call, introducing invalid aliasing}}
swap(&array[0][j], // expected-note {{concurrent writeback occurred here}}
&array[0][i]) // expected-error {{inout writeback through subscript occurs in multiple arguments to call, introducing invalid aliasing}}
swap(&global_array[0][j], // expected-note {{concurrent writeback occurred here}}
&global_array[0][i]) // expected-error {{inout writeback through subscript occurs in multiple arguments to call, introducing invalid aliasing}}
// TODO: This is obviously the same writeback problem, but isn't detectable
// with the current level of sophistication in SILGen.
swap(&array[1+0][j], &array[1+0][i])
swap(&global_array[0][j], &array[j][i]) // ok
struct ArrayWithoutAddressors<T> {
subscript(i: Int) -> T {
get { return value }
set {}
var value: T
var global_array_without_addressors: ArrayWithoutAddressors<ArrayWithoutAddressors<Int>>
func testMultiArrayWithoutAddressors(
_ i: Int, j: Int, array: ArrayWithoutAddressors<ArrayWithoutAddressors<Int>>
) {
var array = array
swap(&array[i][j], // expected-note {{concurrent writeback occurred here}}
&array[i][i]) // expected-error {{inout writeback through subscript occurs in multiple arguments to call, introducing invalid aliasing}}
swap(&array[0][j], // expected-note {{concurrent writeback occurred here}}
&array[0][i]) // expected-error {{inout writeback through subscript occurs in multiple arguments to call, introducing invalid aliasing}}
swap(&global_array_without_addressors[0][j], // expected-note {{concurrent writeback occurred here}}
&global_array_without_addressors[0][i]) // expected-error {{inout writeback through subscript occurs in multiple arguments to call, introducing invalid aliasing}}
// TODO: This is obviously the same writeback problem, but isn't detectable
// with the current level of sophistication in SILGen.
swap(&array[1+0][j], &array[1+0][i])
swap(&global_array_without_addressors[0][j], &array[j][i]) // ok
// rdar://43802132
struct ArrayWithReadModify<T> {
init(value: T) { = value }
var property: T
subscript(i: Int) -> T {
_read { yield property }
_modify { yield &property }
func testArrayWithReadModify<T>(array: ArrayWithReadModify<T>) {
var copy = array
swap(&copy[0], &copy[1])
swap(&copy[0], // expected-note {{concurrent writeback occurred here}}
&copy[0]) // expected-error {{inout writeback through subscript occurs in multiple arguments to call}}
// rdar://44147745
func testNestedArrayWithReadModify<T>(array: ArrayWithReadModify<ArrayWithReadModify<T>>) {
var copy = array