blob: 78f377eefc46edcea5a081bce6e1d8ebd4da020f [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -emit-sil -verify %s
// Make sure neither rdar://problem/37031037 (default arguments on protocol extension methods
// depend on Self and normally get evaluated before an existential self value
// gets opened) nor rdar://problem/39524104 (if you open the existential self
// earlier in an attempt to fix this, then you get undesirable exclusivity
// conflicts on constructs like `existential.x = existential.y`) regress.
protocol MethodWithDefaultArgGenerator {
var a: Int { get set }
var b: Int { get nonmutating set }
mutating func mutate(_ x: inout Int)
protocol P { static var value: Self { get } }
extension Int: P { static var value: Int { return 0 } }
extension MethodWithDefaultArgGenerator {
mutating func foo(_ x: Int = 0) {}
mutating func reabstracted<T>(_ x: T.Type = T.self) -> T { fatalError() }
mutating func indirected<T: P>(_ x: T = T.value) -> T { fatalError() }
mutating func exploded(x y: (Int, String) = (0, "foo")) {}
func invokeMethodsWithDefaultArgs(x: inout MethodWithDefaultArgGenerator) {
_ = x.reabstracted() as Int
_ = x.indirected() as Int
func checkAgainstExclusivityViolations(x: inout MethodWithDefaultArgGenerator) {
x.a = x.a