blob: 206e317fa2069608e76cafc19086e4aabf635784 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %empty-directory(%t)
// RUN: touch %t/file-01.swift
// RUN: echo 'public func main() { help_an_error_happened() }' >%t/main.swift
// RUN: not %swiftc_driver -enable-batch-mode -parseable-output -serialize-diagnostics -c -emit-module -module-name main -j 1 %t/file-01.swift %t/main.swift 2>&1 | %FileCheck %s -check-prefix CHECK -check-prefix CHECK-%target-os
// CHECK: "kind": "signalled",
// CHECK-NEXT: "name": "compile",
// CHECK-NEXT: "pid": -{{[1-9][0-9]*}},
// CHECK-NEXT: "process": {
// CHECK-NEXT: "real_pid": {{[1-9][0-9]*}}
// This information is not available on POSIX systems where the child is
// signalled, but it is available on Windows. We simply report it there since
// we already have the information.
// CHECK-windows-msvc-NEXT: "usage": {
// CHECK-windows-msvc-NEXT: "utime":
// CHECK-windows-msvc-NEXT: "stime":
// CHECK-windows-msvc-NEXT: "maxrss":
// CHECK-windows-msvc-NEXT: }
// CHECK-NEXT: "error-message": "{{.*}}",
// CHECK-NEXT: "signal": 2