blob: dcb138331fcc2e2f6996d2a8fb6b891c8dfbbee5 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift -debug-constraints 2>%t.err
// RUN: %FileCheck %s < %t.err
// This test ensures that we are filtering out overloads based on argument
// labels, arity, etc., before those terms are visited.
func foo(_: Int) { }
func foo(_: Int, _: Int) { }
func foo(_: Int, _: Int, _: Int) { }
func testModuleScope(i: Int) {
// CHECK: (disabled disjunction term {{.*}} (Int) -> ()
// CHECK-NEXT: (disabled disjunction term {{.*}} (Int, Int, Int) -> ()
// CHECK: (introducing single enabled disjunction term {{.*}} (Int, Int) -> ()
foo(i, i)
struct X {
subscript(_: Int) -> Int { return 0 }
subscript(_: Int, _: Int) -> Double { return 0 }
subscript(_: Int, _: Int, _: Int) -> String { return "" }
init(_: Int) { }
init(_: Int, _: Int) { }
init(_: Int, _: Int, _: Int) { }
func testSubscript(x: X, i: Int) {
// CHECK: disabled disjunction term {{.*}} bound to key path application
// CHECK-NEXT: disabled disjunction term {{.*}}X.subscript(_:)
// CHECK-NEXT: disabled disjunction term {{.*}}X.subscript(_:_:_:)
// CHECK-NEXT: introducing single enabled disjunction term {{.*}} bound to decl overload_filtering.(file).X.subscript(_:_:)
_ = x[i, i]
func testUnresolvedMember(i: Int) -> X {
// CHECK: disabled disjunction term {{.*}} bound to decl overload_filtering.(file).X.init(_:)
// CHECK-NEXT: disabled disjunction term {{.*}} bound to decl overload_filtering.(file).X.init(_:_:_:)
// CHECK-NEXT: introducing single enabled disjunction term {{.*}} bound to decl overload_filtering.(file).X.init(_:_:)
return .init(i, i)