blob: fb4f1bb899870fe194ea14f0c629380bfad497a1 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -emit-sil -verify %s | %FileCheck %s
struct Point {
let x: Int
var y: Int
struct Rectangle {
var topLeft, bottomRight: Point
struct Lens<T> {
var obj: T
init(_ obj: T) {
self.obj = obj
subscript<U>(dynamicMember member: KeyPath<T, U>) -> Lens<U> {
get { return Lens<U>(obj[keyPath: member]) }
subscript<U>(dynamicMember member: WritableKeyPath<T, U>) -> Lens<U> {
get { return Lens<U>(obj[keyPath: member]) }
set { obj[keyPath: member] = newValue.obj }
// Used to make sure that keypath and string based lookup are
// property disambiguated.
subscript(dynamicMember member: String) -> Lens<Int> {
return Lens<Int>(42)
var topLeft = Point(x: 0, y: 0)
var bottomRight = Point(x: 10, y: 10)
var lens = Lens(Rectangle(topLeft: topLeft,
bottomRight: bottomRight))
// CHECK: function_ref @$s29keypath_dynamic_member_lookup4LensV0B6MemberACyqd__Gs15WritableKeyPathCyxqd__G_tcluig
// CHECK-NEXT: apply %45<Rectangle, Point>({{.*}})
// CHECK: function_ref @$s29keypath_dynamic_member_lookup4LensV0B6MemberACyqd__Gs7KeyPathCyxqd__G_tcluig
// CHECK-NEXT: apply %54<Point, Int>({{.*}})
_ = lens.topLeft.x
// CHECK: function_ref @$s29keypath_dynamic_member_lookup4LensV0B6MemberACyqd__Gs15WritableKeyPathCyxqd__G_tcluig
// CHECK-NEXT: apply %69<Rectangle, Point>({{.*}})
// CHECK: function_ref @$s29keypath_dynamic_member_lookup4LensV0B6MemberACyqd__Gs15WritableKeyPathCyxqd__G_tcluig
// CHECK-NEXT: apply %76<Point, Int>({{.*}})
_ = lens.topLeft.y
lens.topLeft = Lens(Point(x: 1, y: 2)) // Ok
lens.bottomRight.y = Lens(12) // Ok
class A<T> {
var value: T
init(_ v: T) {
self.value = v
subscript<U>(dynamicMember member: KeyPath<T, U>) -> U {
get { return value[keyPath: member] }
// Let's make sure that keypath dynamic member lookup
// works with inheritance
class B<T> : A<T> {}
func bar(_ b: B<Point>) {
let _: Int = b.x
let _ = b.y
struct Point3D {
var x, y, z: Int
// Make sure that explicitly declared members take precedence
class C<T> : A<T> {
var x: Float = 42
func baz(_ c: C<Point3D>) {
// CHECK: ref_element_addr {{.*}} : $C<Point3D>, #C.x
let _ = c.x
// CHECK: [[Y:%.*]] = keypath $KeyPath<Point3D, Int>, (root $Point3D; stored_property #Point3D.z : $Int)
// CHECK: [[KEYPATH:%.*]] = function_ref @$s29keypath_dynamic_member_lookup1AC0B6Memberqd__s7KeyPathCyxqd__G_tcluig
// CHECK-NEXT: apply [[KEYPATH]]<Point3D, Int>({{.*}}, [[Y]], {{.*}})
let _ = c.z
struct SubscriptLens<T> {
var value: T
subscript(foo: String) -> Int {
get { return 42 }
subscript<U>(dynamicMember member: KeyPath<T, U>) -> U {
get { return value[keyPath: member] }
subscript<U>(dynamicMember member: WritableKeyPath<T, U>) -> U {
get { return value[keyPath: member] }
set { value[keyPath: member] = newValue }
func keypath_with_subscripts(_ arr: SubscriptLens<[Int]>,
_ dict: inout SubscriptLens<[String: Int]>) {
// CHECK: keypath $WritableKeyPath<Array<Int>, ArraySlice<Int>>, (root $Array<Int>; settable_property $ArraySlice<Int>, id @$sSays10ArraySliceVyxGSnySiGcig : {{.*}})
_ = arr[0..<3]
// CHECK: keypath $KeyPath<Array<Int>, Int>, (root $Array<Int>; gettable_property $Int, id @$sSa5countSivg : {{.*}})
for idx in 0..<arr.count {
// CHECK: keypath $WritableKeyPath<Array<Int>, Int>, (root $Array<Int>; settable_property $Int, id @$sSayxSicig : {{.*}})
let _ = arr[idx]
// CHECK: keypath $WritableKeyPath<Array<Int>, Int>, (root $Array<Int>; settable_property $Int, id @$sSayxSicig : {{.*}})
// CHECK: function_ref @$s29keypath_dynamic_member_lookup13SubscriptLensVySiSScig
_ = arr["hello"]
// CHECK: function_ref @$s29keypath_dynamic_member_lookup13SubscriptLensVySiSScig
_ = dict["hello"]
if let index = dict.value.firstIndex(where: { $0.value == 42 }) {
// CHECK: keypath $KeyPath<Dictionary<String, Int>, (key: String, value: Int)>, (root $Dictionary<String, Int>; gettable_property $(key: String, value: Int), id @$sSDyx3key_q_5valuetSD5IndexVyxq__Gcig : {{.*}})
let _ = dict[index]
// CHECK: keypath $WritableKeyPath<Dictionary<String, Int>, Optional<Int>>, (root $Dictionary<String, Int>; settable_property $Optional<Int>, id @$sSDyq_Sgxcig : {{.*}})
dict["ultimate question"] = 42
struct DotStruct {
var x, y: Int
class DotClass {
var x, y: Int
init(x: Int, y: Int) {
self.x = x
self.y = y
struct DotLens<T> {
var value: T
subscript<U>(dynamicMember member: WritableKeyPath<T, U>) -> U {
get { return value[keyPath: member] }
set { value[keyPath: member] = newValue }
subscript<U>(dynamicMember member: ReferenceWritableKeyPath<T, U>) -> U {
get { return value[keyPath: member] }
set { value[keyPath: member] = newValue }
func dot_struct_test(_ lens: inout DotLens<DotStruct>) {
// CHECK: keypath $WritableKeyPath<DotStruct, Int>, (root $DotStruct; stored_property #DotStruct.x : $Int)
lens.x = 1
// CHECK: keypath $WritableKeyPath<DotStruct, Int>, (root $DotStruct; stored_property #DotStruct.y : $Int)
let _ = lens.y
func dot_class_test(_ lens: inout DotLens<DotClass>) {
// CHECK: keypath $ReferenceWritableKeyPath<DotClass, Int>, (root $DotClass; settable_property $Int, id #DotClass.x!getter.1 : (DotClass) -> () -> Int, getter @$s29keypath_dynamic_member_lookup8DotClassC1xSivpACTK : {{.*}})
lens.x = 1
// CHECK: keypath $ReferenceWritableKeyPath<DotClass, Int>, (root $DotClass; settable_property $Int, id #DotClass.y!getter.1 : (DotClass) -> () -> Int, getter @$s29keypath_dynamic_member_lookup8DotClassC1ySivpACTK : {{.*}})
let _ = lens.y
struct OverloadedLens<T> {
var value: T
subscript<U>(keyPath: KeyPath<T, U>) -> U {
get { return value[keyPath: keyPath] }
subscript<U>(dynamicMember keyPath: KeyPath<T, U>) -> U {
get { return value[keyPath: keyPath] }
// Make sure if there is a subscript which accepts key path,
// existing dynamic member overloads wouldn't interfere.
func test_direct_subscript_ref(_ lens: OverloadedLens<Point>) {
// CHECK: function_ref @$s29keypath_dynamic_member_lookup14OverloadedLensVyqd__s7KeyPathCyxqd__Gcluig
_ = lens[\.x]
// CHECK: function_ref @$s29keypath_dynamic_member_lookup14OverloadedLensVyqd__s7KeyPathCyxqd__Gcluig
_ = lens[\.y]
// CHECK: function_ref @$s29keypath_dynamic_member_lookup14OverloadedLensV0B6Memberqd__s7KeyPathCyxqd__G_tcluig
_ = lens.x
// CHECK: function_ref @$s29keypath_dynamic_member_lookup14OverloadedLensV0B6Memberqd__s7KeyPathCyxqd__G_tcluig
_ = lens.y
func test_keypath_dynamic_lookup_inside_keypath() {
// CHECK: keypath $KeyPath<Point, Int>, (root $Point; stored_property #Point.x : $Int)
// CHECK-NEXT: keypath $KeyPath<Lens<Point>, Lens<Int>>, (root $Lens<Point>; gettable_property $Lens<Int>, id @$s29keypath_dynamic_member_lookup4LensV0B6MemberACyqd__Gs7KeyPathCyxqd__G_tcluig : {{.*}})
_ = \Lens<Point>.x
// CHECK: keypath $WritableKeyPath<Rectangle, Point>, (root $Rectangle; stored_property #Rectangle.topLeft : $Point)
// CHECK-NEXT: keypath $WritableKeyPath<Point, Int>, (root $Point; stored_property #Point.y : $Int)
// CHECK-NEXT: keypath $WritableKeyPath<Lens<Rectangle>, Lens<Int>>, (root $Lens<Rectangle>; settable_property $Lens<Point>, id @$s29keypath_dynamic_member_lookup4LensV0B6MemberACyqd__Gs15WritableKeyPathCyxqd__G_tcluig : {{.*}})
_ = \Lens<Rectangle>.topLeft.y
// CHECK: keypath $KeyPath<Array<Int>, Int>, (root $Array<Int>; gettable_property $Int, id @$sSa5countSivg : {{.*}})
// CHECK-NEXT: keypath $KeyPath<Lens<Array<Int>>, Lens<Int>>, (root $Lens<Array<Int>>; gettable_property $Lens<Int>, id @$s29keypath_dynamic_member_lookup4LensV0B6MemberACyqd__Gs7KeyPathCyxqd__G_tcluig : {{.*}})
_ = \Lens<[Int]>.count
// CHECK: keypath $WritableKeyPath<Array<Int>, Int>, (root $Array<Int>; settable_property $Int, id @$sSayxSicig : {{.*}})
// CHECK-NEXT: keypath $WritableKeyPath<Lens<Array<Int>>, Lens<Int>>, (root $Lens<Array<Int>>; settable_property $Lens<Int>, id @$s29keypath_dynamic_member_lookup4LensV0B6MemberACyqd__Gs15WritableKeyPathCyxqd__G_tcluig : {{.*}})
_ = \Lens<[Int]>.[0]
// CHECK: keypath $WritableKeyPath<Array<Array<Int>>, Array<Int>>, (root $Array<Array<Int>>; settable_property $Array<Int>, id @$sSayxSicig : {{.*}})
// CHECK-NEXT: keypath $KeyPath<Array<Int>, Int>, (root $Array<Int>; gettable_property $Int, id @$sSa5countSivg : {{.*}})
// CHECK-NEXT: keypath $KeyPath<Lens<Array<Array<Int>>>, Lens<Int>>, (root $Lens<Array<Array<Int>>>; settable_property $Lens<Array<Int>>, id @$s29keypath_dynamic_member_lookup4LensV0B6MemberACyqd__Gs15WritableKeyPathCyxqd__G_tcluig : {{.*}})
_ = \Lens<[[Int]]>.[0].count
func test_recursive_dynamic_lookup(_ lens: Lens<Lens<Point>>) {
// CHECK: keypath $KeyPath<Point, Int>, (root $Point; stored_property #Point.x : $Int)
// CHECK-NEXT: keypath $KeyPath<Lens<Point>, Lens<Int>>, (root $Lens<Point>; gettable_property $Lens<Int>, id @$s29keypath_dynamic_member_lookup4LensV0B6MemberACyqd__Gs7KeyPathCyxqd__G_tcluig : {{.*}})
// CHECK: function_ref @$s29keypath_dynamic_member_lookup4LensV0B6MemberACyqd__Gs7KeyPathCyxqd__G_tcluig
_ = lens.x
// CHECK: keypath $KeyPath<Point, Int>, (root $Point; stored_property #Point.x : $Int)
// CHECK: function_ref @$s29keypath_dynamic_member_lookup4LensV0B6MemberACyqd__Gs7KeyPathCyxqd__G_tcluig
_ = lens.obj.x
// CHECK: [[FIRST_OBJ:%.*]] = struct_extract {{.*}} : $Lens<Lens<Point>>, #Lens.obj
// CHECK-NEXT: [[SECOND_OBJ:%.*]] = struct_extract [[FIRST_OBJ]] : $Lens<Point>, #Lens.obj
// CHECK-NEXT: struct_extract [[SECOND_OBJ]] : $Point, #Point.y
_ = lens.obj.obj.y
// CHECK: keypath $KeyPath<Point, Int>, (root $Point; stored_property #Point.x : $Int)
// CHECK-NEXT: keypath $KeyPath<Lens<Point>, Lens<Int>>, (root $Lens<Point>; gettable_property $Lens<Int>, id @$s29keypath_dynamic_member_lookup4LensV0B6MemberACyqd__Gs7KeyPathCyxqd__G_tcluig : {{.*}})
// CHECK-NEXT: keypath $KeyPath<Lens<Lens<Point>>, Lens<Lens<Int>>>, (root $Lens<Lens<Point>>; gettable_property $Lens<Lens<Int>>, id @$s29keypath_dynamic_member_lookup4LensV0B6MemberACyqd__Gs7KeyPathCyxqd__G_tcluig : {{.*}})
_ = \Lens<Lens<Point>>.x
// CHECK: keypath $WritableKeyPath<Rectangle, Point>, (root $Rectangle; stored_property #Rectangle.topLeft : $Point)
// CHECK-NEXT: keypath $WritableKeyPath<Lens<Rectangle>, Lens<Point>>, (root $Lens<Rectangle>; settable_property $Lens<Point>, id @$s29keypath_dynamic_member_lookup4LensV0B6MemberACyqd__Gs15WritableKeyPathCyxqd__G_tcluig : {{.*}})
// CHECK-NEXT: keypath $KeyPath<Point, Int>, (root $Point; stored_property #Point.x : $Int)
// CHECK-NEXT: keypath $KeyPath<Lens<Point>, Lens<Int>>, (root $Lens<Point>; gettable_property $Lens<Int>, id @$s29keypath_dynamic_member_lookup4LensV0B6MemberACyqd__Gs7KeyPathCyxqd__G_tcluig : {{.*}})
// CHECK-NEXT: keypath $KeyPath<Lens<Lens<Rectangle>>, Lens<Lens<Int>>>, (root $Lens<Lens<Rectangle>>; settable_property $Lens<Lens<Point>>, id @$s29keypath_dynamic_member_lookup4LensV0B6MemberACyqd__Gs15WritableKeyPathCyxqd__G_tcluig : {{.*}})
_ = \Lens<Lens<Rectangle>>.topLeft.x