blob: 70f3f51516d429613e9002cf265aefde76df448f [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend(mock-sdk: %clang-importer-sdk) -typecheck %s -verify
// REQUIRES: objc_interop
import AppKit
class X {
init(withInt: Int) { }
init(withFloat float: Float) { }
init(withDouble d: Double) { }
func doSomething(withDouble d: Double) { }
init(_ withString: String) { } // not corrected
func doSomething(_ withString: String) { } // not corrected
func testInitWith(_ url: String) {
_ = NSInterestingDesignated(url: url)
func testInstanceTypeFactoryMethod(_ queen: Bee) {
_ = Hive(queen: queen)
_ = NSObjectFactory() // okay, prefers init method
_ = NSObjectFactory(integer: 1)
_ = NSObjectFactory(double: 314159)
_ = NSObjectFactory(float: 314159)
func testInstanceTypeFactoryMethodInherited() {
_ = NSObjectFactorySub() // okay, prefers init method
_ = NSObjectFactorySub(integer: 1)
_ = NSObjectFactorySub(double: 314159)
_ = NSObjectFactorySub(float: 314159) // expected-error{{incorrect argument label in call (have 'float:', expected 'integer:')}}
let a = NSObjectFactorySub(buildingWidgets: ()) // expected-error{{argument labels '(buildingWidgets:)' do not match any available overloads}}
// expected-note @-1 {{overloads for 'NSObjectFactorySub' exist with these partially matching parameter lists: (double: Double), (integer: Int)}}
_ = a
func testNSErrorFactoryMethod(_ path: String) throws {
_ = try NSString(contentsOfFile: path)
func testNonInstanceTypeFactoryMethod(_ s: String) {
_ = NSObjectFactory(string: s) // expected-error{{argument labels '(string:)' do not match any available overloads}}
// expected-note @-1 {{overloads for 'NSObjectFactory' exist with these partially matching parameter lists: (double: Double), (float: Float), (integer: Int)}}
func testUseOfFactoryMethod(_ queen: Bee) {
_ = Hive.hiveWithQueen(queen) // expected-error{{'hiveWithQueen' has been replaced by 'init(queen:)'}} {{11-25=}} {{26-26=queen: }}
func testNonsplittableFactoryMethod() {
_ = NSObjectFactory.factoryBuildingWidgets()
// rdar://problem/18797808
func testFactoryMethodWithKeywordArgument() {
let prot = NSCoding.self
_ = NSXPCInterface(with: prot) // not "protocol:"