blob: 8869f926e1a1b07df1bf3593f43a7d1ff8d1ae1c [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -typecheck %s -I %S/Inputs/custom-modules -verify -warnings-as-errors -enable-nonfrozen-enum-exhaustivity-diagnostics
// RUN: %target-swift-ide-test -source-filename %s -print-module -module-to-print EnumExhaustivity -I %S/Inputs/custom-modules | %FileCheck %s
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}}enum RegularEnum : {{.+}} {
// CHECK: case A
// CHECK-NEXT: case B
// CHECK-NEXT: {{^}$}}
// Note that we don't print '@_frozen' here yet.
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}}enum ExhaustiveEnum : {{.+}} {
// CHECK: case A
// CHECK-NEXT: case B
// CHECK-NEXT: {{^}$}}
import EnumExhaustivity
func test(_ value: RegularEnum, _ exhaustiveValue: ExhaustiveEnum) {
switch value { // expected-error {{switch covers known cases, but 'RegularEnum' may have additional unknown values}} expected-note {{handle unknown values using "@unknown default"}}
case .A: break
case .B: break
switch exhaustiveValue { // always okay
case .A: break
case .B: break
func testAttributes(
_ rete: RegularEnumTurnedExhaustive,
_ arete: AnotherRegularEnumTurnedExhaustive,
_ retetb: RegularEnumTurnedExhaustiveThenBackViaAPINotes,
_ fdte: ForwardDeclaredTurnedExhaustive,
_ fdo: ForwardDeclaredOnly
) {
switch rete {
case .A, .B: break
switch arete {
case .A, .B: break
switch retetb { // expected-error {{switch covers known cases, but 'RegularEnumTurnedExhaustiveThenBackViaAPINotes' may have additional unknown values}} expected-note {{handle unknown values using "@unknown default"}}
case .A, .B: break
switch fdte {
case .A, .B: break
switch fdo {
case .A, .B: break
func testUnavailableCases(_ value: UnavailableCases) {
switch value { // okay
case .A: break
case .B: break