blob: 3b4a9633aade157d4e140aa3fecf08dc12fc5f5d [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- SILOpenedArchetypesTracker.cpp - Track opened archetypes ---------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
#include "swift/SIL/SILBuilder.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILOpenedArchetypesTracker.h"
using namespace swift;
void SILOpenedArchetypesTracker::addOpenedArchetypeDef(CanArchetypeType archetype,
SingleValueInstruction *Def) {
auto OldDef = getOpenedArchetypeDef(archetype);
if (OldDef) {
if (auto *OldI = dyn_cast<GlobalAddrInst>(OldDef)) {
// It is a forward definition created during deserialization.
// Replace it with the real definition now.
// Remove the placeholder instruction.
OldDef = nullptr;
assert((!OldDef || OldDef == Def) &&
"There can be only one definition of an opened archetype");
OpenedArchetypeDefs[archetype] = Def;
/// Check if there are any unresolved forward definitions of opened
/// archetypes.
bool SILOpenedArchetypesTracker::hasUnresolvedOpenedArchetypeDefinitions() {
for (auto &KV : getOpenedArchetypeDefs()) {
assert(KV.getFirst()->is<ArchetypeType>() && "The type should be an archetype");
if (!KV.getSecond() || isa<GlobalAddrInst>(KV.getSecond()))
return true;
return false;
bool SILOpenedArchetypesTracker::registerUsedOpenedArchetypes(CanType Ty) {
bool Registered = false;
// Nothing else to be done if the type does not contain an opened archetype.
if (!Ty || !Ty->hasOpenedExistential())
return Registered;
// Find all opened existentials used by this type and check if their
// definitions are known.
Ty.visit([&](CanType ty) {
if (!ty->isOpenedExistential())
auto archetypeTy = cast<ArchetypeType>(ty);
// Nothing to do if a definition was seen already.
if (getOpenedArchetypeDef(archetypeTy))
auto *CurF = const_cast<SILFunction *>(this->getFunction());
// Create a placeholder representing a forward definition.
// Add the placeholder at the beginning of the entry block.
SingleValueInstruction *Placeholder;
if (!CurF->getEntryBlock()->empty()) {
SILBuilder B(CurF->getEntryBlock()->begin());
Placeholder =
} else {
SILBuilder B(CurF->getEntryBlock());
Placeholder =
// Make it available to SILBuilder, so that instructions using this
// archetype can be constructed.
addOpenedArchetypeDef(archetypeTy, Placeholder);
return Registered;
// Register archetypes opened by a given instruction.
// Can be used to incrementally populate the mapping, e.g.
// if it is done when performing a scan of all instructions
// inside a function.
bool SILOpenedArchetypesTracker::registerOpenedArchetypes(
const SILInstruction *I) {
assert((!I->getParent() || I->getFunction() == getFunction()) &&
"Instruction does not belong to a proper SILFunction");
auto Archetype = getOpenedArchetypeOf(I);
if (!Archetype)
return false;
auto SVI =
addOpenedArchetypeDef(Archetype, SVI);
return true;
// Register opened archetypes whose definitions are referenced by
// the typedef operands of this instruction.
bool SILOpenedArchetypesTracker::registerUsedOpenedArchetypes(
const SILInstruction *I) {
assert((!I->getParent() || I->getFunction() == getFunction()) &&
"Instruction does not belong to a proper SILFunction");
bool Registered = false;
for (auto &Op : I->getTypeDependentOperands()) {
auto OpenedArchetypeDef = Op.get();
if (auto *DefInst = dyn_cast<SingleValueInstruction>(OpenedArchetypeDef)) {
addOpenedArchetypeDef(getOpenedArchetypeOf(DefInst), DefInst);
Registered = true;
return Registered;
// Unregister archetypes opened by a given instruction.
// Should be only called when this instruction is to be removed.
void SILOpenedArchetypesTracker::unregisterOpenedArchetypes(
const SILInstruction *I) {
assert(I->getFunction() == getFunction() &&
"Instruction does not belong to a proper SILFunction");
auto archetype = getOpenedArchetypeOf(I);
// Remove the archetype definition if it was registered before.
// It may happen that this archetype was not registered in the
// SILOpenedArchetypesTracker, because the tracker was created
// without scanning the whole function and thus may not aware
// of all opened archetypes of the function.
if (archetype) {
auto def = getOpenedArchetypeDef(archetype);
if (def == I) {
void SILOpenedArchetypesTracker::handleDeleteNotification(
swift::SILNode *node) {
if (auto I = dyn_cast<SILInstruction>(node))
if (I->getFunction() == getFunction())
/// Find an opened archetype defined by an instruction.
/// \returns The found archetype or empty type otherwise.
CanArchetypeType swift::getOpenedArchetypeOf(const SILInstruction *I) {
if (isa<OpenExistentialAddrInst>(I) || isa<OpenExistentialRefInst>(I) ||
isa<OpenExistentialBoxInst>(I) || isa<OpenExistentialBoxValueInst>(I) ||
isa<OpenExistentialMetatypeInst>(I) || isa<OpenExistentialValueInst>(I)) {
auto SVI = cast<SingleValueInstruction>(I);
auto Ty = getOpenedArchetypeOf(SVI->getType().getASTType());
assert(Ty && Ty->isOpenedExistential() &&
"Type should be an opened archetype");
return Ty;
return CanArchetypeType();
/// Find an opened archetype represented by this type.
/// It is assumed by this method that the type contains
/// at most one opened archetype.
/// Typically, it would be called from a type visitor.
/// It checks only the type itself, but does not try to
/// recursively check any children of this type, because
/// this is the task of the type visitor invoking it.
/// \returns The found archetype or empty type otherwise.
CanArchetypeType swift::getOpenedArchetypeOf(CanType Ty) {
if (!Ty)
return CanArchetypeType();
while (auto MetaTy = dyn_cast<AnyMetatypeType>(Ty))
Ty = MetaTy.getInstanceType();
if (Ty->isOpenedExistential())
return cast<ArchetypeType>(Ty);
return CanArchetypeType();
SILValue SILOpenedArchetypesState::getOpenedArchetypeDef(
CanArchetypeType archetypeTy) const {
if (!archetypeTy)
return SILValue();
// First perform a quick check.
for (auto &Op : OpenedArchetypeOperands) {
auto Def = Op.get();
if (auto *SVI = dyn_cast<SingleValueInstruction>(Def))
if (getOpenedArchetypeOf(SVI) == archetypeTy)
return Def;
if (auto *MVIR = dyn_cast<MultipleValueInstructionResult>(Def)) {
if (getOpenedArchetypeOf(MVIR->getParent()) == archetypeTy)
return Def;
// Then use a regular lookup.
if (OpenedArchetypesTracker)
return OpenedArchetypesTracker->getOpenedArchetypeDef(archetypeTy);
return SILValue();
void SILOpenedArchetypesTracker::dump() const {
llvm::dbgs() << "SILOpenedArchetypesTracker {\n";
llvm::dbgs() << "Tracks open archetypes for function: "
<< getFunction()->getName() << "\n";
llvm::dbgs() << "Open archetype operands and their definitions:\n";
for (auto &KV : OpenedArchetypeDefs) {
auto Archetype = KV.first;
auto Def = KV.second;
llvm::dbgs() << "open archetype:\n";
llvm::dbgs() << "defined at: " << *Def << "\n";
llvm::dbgs() << "}\n";
void SILOpenedArchetypesState::dump() const {
ArrayRef<Operand> OpenedArchetypeOperands;
// A non-modifiable mapping provided by the tracker.
llvm::dbgs() << "SILOpenedArchetypesState {\n";
llvm::dbgs() << "Open archetype operands:\n";
for (auto &Op : OpenedArchetypeOperands) {
if (OpenedArchetypesTracker)
llvm::dbgs() << "}\n";