blob: 8c6b783c842cbd90be1b466660a5ebbc83b7e1e4 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- Projection.cpp ---------------------------------------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
#define DEBUG_TYPE "sil-projection"
#include "swift/SIL/Projection.h"
#include "swift/Basic/IndexTrie.h"
#include "swift/Basic/NullablePtr.h"
#include "swift/SIL/DebugUtils.h"
#include "swift/SIL/InstructionUtils.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILBuilder.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILUndef.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/None.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
using namespace swift;
// Projection Static Asserts
/// These are just for performance and verification. If one needs to make
/// changes that cause the asserts the fire, please update them. The purpose is
/// to prevent these predicates from changing values by mistake.
"Expected projection to be a standard layout type");
// Utility
/// Extract an integer index from a SILValue.
/// Return true if IndexVal is a constant index representable as unsigned
/// int. We do not support symbolic projections yet, only 32-bit unsigned
/// integers.
bool swift::getIntegerIndex(SILValue IndexVal, int &IndexConst) {
auto *IndexLiteral = dyn_cast<IntegerLiteralInst>(IndexVal);
if (!IndexLiteral)
return false;
APInt ConstInt = IndexLiteral->getValue();
// Reserve 1 bit for encoding. See AccessPath::Index.
if (!ConstInt.isSignedIntN(31))
return false;
IndexConst = ConstInt.getSExtValue();
assert(((IndexConst << 1) >> 1) == IndexConst);
return true;
// Projection
constexpr int ProjectionIndex::TailIndex;
Projection::Projection(SingleValueInstruction *I) : Value() {
if (!I)
/// Initialize given the specific instruction type and verify with asserts
/// that we constructed it correctly.
switch (I->getKind()) {
// If we do not support this instruction kind, then just bail. Index will
// be None so the Projection will be invalid.
case SILInstructionKind::StructElementAddrInst: {
auto *SEAI = cast<StructElementAddrInst>(I);
Value = ValueTy(ProjectionKind::Struct, SEAI->getFieldIndex());
assert(getKind() == ProjectionKind::Struct);
assert(getIndex() == int(SEAI->getFieldIndex()));
case SILInstructionKind::StructExtractInst: {
auto *SEI = cast<StructExtractInst>(I);
Value = ValueTy(ProjectionKind::Struct, SEI->getFieldIndex());
assert(getKind() == ProjectionKind::Struct);
assert(getIndex() == int(SEI->getFieldIndex()));
case SILInstructionKind::RefElementAddrInst: {
auto *REAI = cast<RefElementAddrInst>(I);
Value = ValueTy(ProjectionKind::Class, REAI->getFieldIndex());
assert(getKind() == ProjectionKind::Class);
assert(getIndex() == int(REAI->getFieldIndex()));
case SILInstructionKind::RefTailAddrInst: {
auto *RTAI = cast<RefTailAddrInst>(I);
auto *Ty = RTAI->getTailType().getASTType().getPointer();
Value = ValueTy(ProjectionKind::TailElems, Ty);
assert(getKind() == ProjectionKind::TailElems);
case SILInstructionKind::ProjectBoxInst: {
auto *PBI = cast<ProjectBoxInst>(I);
Value = ValueTy(ProjectionKind::Box, static_cast<uintptr_t>(0));
assert(getKind() == ProjectionKind::Box);
assert(getIndex() == 0);
(void) PBI;
case SILInstructionKind::TupleExtractInst: {
auto *TEI = cast<TupleExtractInst>(I);
Value = ValueTy(ProjectionKind::Tuple, TEI->getFieldIndex());
assert(getKind() == ProjectionKind::Tuple);
assert(getIndex() == int(TEI->getFieldIndex()));
case SILInstructionKind::TupleElementAddrInst: {
auto *TEAI = cast<TupleElementAddrInst>(I);
Value = ValueTy(ProjectionKind::Tuple, TEAI->getFieldIndex());
assert(getKind() == ProjectionKind::Tuple);
assert(getIndex() == int(TEAI->getFieldIndex()));
case SILInstructionKind::UncheckedEnumDataInst: {
auto *UEDI = cast<UncheckedEnumDataInst>(I);
Value = ValueTy(ProjectionKind::Enum, UEDI->getElementNo());
assert(getKind() == ProjectionKind::Enum);
assert(getIndex() == int(UEDI->getElementNo()));
case SILInstructionKind::UncheckedTakeEnumDataAddrInst: {
auto *UTEDAI = cast<UncheckedTakeEnumDataAddrInst>(I);
Value = ValueTy(ProjectionKind::Enum, UTEDAI->getElementNo());
assert(getKind() == ProjectionKind::Enum);
assert(getIndex() == int(UTEDAI->getElementNo()));
case SILInstructionKind::IndexAddrInst: {
// We can represent all integers provided here since getIntegerIndex only
// returns 32 bit values. When that changes, this code will need to be
// updated and a MaxLargeIndex will need to be used here. Currently we
// represent large Indexes using a 64 bit integer, so we don't need to mess
// with anything.
int NewIndex = 0;
auto *IAI = cast<IndexAddrInst>(I);
// TODO: handle negative indices
if (getIntegerIndex(IAI->getIndex(), NewIndex) && NewIndex >= 0) {
Value = ValueTy(ProjectionKind::Index, NewIndex);
assert(getKind() == ProjectionKind::Index);
assert(getIndex() == NewIndex);
case SILInstructionKind::UpcastInst: {
auto *Ty = I->getType().getASTType().getPointer();
Value = ValueTy(ProjectionKind::Upcast, Ty);
assert(getKind() == ProjectionKind::Upcast);
case SILInstructionKind::UncheckedRefCastInst: {
auto *Ty = I->getType().getASTType().getPointer();
Value = ValueTy(ProjectionKind::RefCast, Ty);
assert(getKind() == ProjectionKind::RefCast);
case SILInstructionKind::UncheckedBitwiseCastInst:
case SILInstructionKind::UncheckedAddrCastInst: {
auto *Ty = I->getType().getASTType().getPointer();
Value = ValueTy(ProjectionKind::BitwiseCast, Ty);
assert(getKind() == ProjectionKind::BitwiseCast);
/// Apply this projection to \p BaseType and return the relevant subfield's
/// SILType if BaseField has less subtypes than projection's offset.
/// WARNING: This is not a constant time operation because it is implemented
/// in terms of getVarDecl, which requests all BaseType's stored properties.
SILType Projection::getType(SILType BaseType, SILModule &M,
TypeExpansionContext context) const {
switch (getKind()) {
case ProjectionKind::Struct:
case ProjectionKind::Class:
return BaseType.getFieldType(getVarDecl(BaseType), M, context);
case ProjectionKind::Enum:
return BaseType.getEnumElementType(getEnumElementDecl(BaseType), M, context);
case ProjectionKind::Box:
return getSILBoxFieldType(context, BaseType.castTo<SILBoxType>(), M.Types,
case ProjectionKind::Tuple:
return BaseType.getTupleElementType(getIndex());
case ProjectionKind::Upcast:
case ProjectionKind::RefCast:
case ProjectionKind::BitwiseCast:
case ProjectionKind::TailElems:
return getCastType(BaseType);
case ProjectionKind::Index:
// Index types do not change the underlying type.
return BaseType;
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled ProjectionKind in switch.");
Projection::createObjectProjection(SILBuilder &B, SILLocation Loc,
SILValue Base) const {
SILType BaseTy = Base->getType();
// We can only create a value projection from an object.
if (!BaseTy.isObject())
return nullptr;
// Ok, we now know that the type of Base and the type represented by the base
// of this projection match and that this projection can be represented as
// value. Create the instruction if we can. Otherwise, return nullptr.
switch (getKind()) {
case ProjectionKind::Struct:
return B.createStructExtract(Loc, Base, getVarDecl(BaseTy));
case ProjectionKind::Tuple:
return B.createTupleExtract(Loc, Base, getIndex());
case ProjectionKind::Index:
return nullptr;
case ProjectionKind::Enum:
return B.createUncheckedEnumData(Loc, Base, getEnumElementDecl(BaseTy));
case ProjectionKind::Class:
return nullptr;
case ProjectionKind::TailElems:
return nullptr;
case ProjectionKind::Box:
return nullptr;
case ProjectionKind::Upcast:
return B.createUpcast(Loc, Base, getCastType(BaseTy));
case ProjectionKind::RefCast:
return B.createUncheckedRefCast(Loc, Base, getCastType(BaseTy));
case ProjectionKind::BitwiseCast:
return B.createUncheckedBitwiseCast(Loc, Base, getCastType(BaseTy));
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled ProjectionKind in switch.");
Projection::createAddressProjection(SILBuilder &B, SILLocation Loc,
SILValue Base) const {
SILType BaseTy = Base->getType();
// We can only create an address projection from an object, unless we have a
// class.
if (BaseTy.getClassOrBoundGenericClass() || !BaseTy.isAddress())
return nullptr;
// Ok, we now know that the type of Base and the type represented by the base
// of this projection match and that this projection can be represented as
// value. Create the instruction if we can. Otherwise, return nullptr.
switch (getKind()) {
case ProjectionKind::Struct:
return B.createStructElementAddr(Loc, Base, getVarDecl(BaseTy));
case ProjectionKind::Tuple:
return B.createTupleElementAddr(Loc, Base, getIndex());
case ProjectionKind::Index: {
auto IntLiteralTy =
SILType::getBuiltinIntegerType(64, B.getModule().getASTContext());
auto IntLiteralIndex =
B.createIntegerLiteral(Loc, IntLiteralTy, getIndex());
return B.createIndexAddr(Loc, Base, IntLiteralIndex);
case ProjectionKind::Enum:
return B.createUncheckedTakeEnumDataAddr(Loc, Base,
case ProjectionKind::Class:
return B.createRefElementAddr(Loc, Base, getVarDecl(BaseTy));
case ProjectionKind::TailElems:
return B.createRefTailAddr(Loc, Base, getCastType(BaseTy));
case ProjectionKind::Box:
return B.createProjectBox(Loc, Base, getIndex());
case ProjectionKind::Upcast:
return B.createUpcast(Loc, Base, getCastType(BaseTy));
case ProjectionKind::RefCast:
case ProjectionKind::BitwiseCast:
return B.createUncheckedAddrCast(Loc, Base, getCastType(BaseTy));
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled ProjectionKind in switch.");
void Projection::getFirstLevelProjections(
SILType Ty, SILModule &Mod, TypeExpansionContext context,
llvm::SmallVectorImpl<Projection> &Out) {
if (auto *S = Ty.getStructOrBoundGenericStruct()) {
unsigned Count = 0;
for (auto *VDecl : S->getStoredProperties()) {
(void) VDecl;
Projection P(ProjectionKind::Struct, Count++);
LLVM_DEBUG(ProjectionPath X(Ty);
assert(X.getMostDerivedType(Mod, context) == Ty);
assert(X.getMostDerivedType(Mod, context) ==
Ty.getFieldType(VDecl, Mod, context));
X.verify(Mod, context););
if (auto TT = Ty.getAs<TupleType>()) {
for (unsigned i = 0, e = TT->getNumElements(); i != e; ++i) {
Projection P(ProjectionKind::Tuple, i);
LLVM_DEBUG(ProjectionPath X(Ty);
assert(X.getMostDerivedType(Mod, context) == Ty);
assert(X.getMostDerivedType(Mod, context) ==
X.verify(Mod, context););
if (auto *C = Ty.getClassOrBoundGenericClass()) {
unsigned Count = 0;
for (auto *VDecl : C->getStoredProperties()) {
(void) VDecl;
Projection P(ProjectionKind::Class, Count++);
LLVM_DEBUG(ProjectionPath X(Ty);
assert(X.getMostDerivedType(Mod, context) == Ty);
assert(X.getMostDerivedType(Mod, context) ==
Ty.getFieldType(VDecl, Mod, context));
X.verify(Mod, context););
if (auto Box = Ty.getAs<SILBoxType>()) {
for (unsigned field : indices(Box->getLayout()->getFields())) {
Projection P(ProjectionKind::Box, field);
LLVM_DEBUG(ProjectionPath X(Ty);
assert(X.getMostDerivedType(Mod, context) == Ty); X.append(P);
assert(X.getMostDerivedType(Mod, context) ==
getSILBoxFieldType(context, Box, Mod.Types, field));
X.verify(Mod, context););
// Projection Path
Optional<ProjectionPath> ProjectionPath::getProjectionPath(SILValue Start,
SILValue End) {
ProjectionPath P(Start->getType(), End->getType());
// If Start == End, there is a "trivial" projection path in between the
// two. This is represented by returning an empty ProjectionPath.
if (Start == End)
return std::move(P);
// Do not inspect the body of types with unreferenced types such as bitfields
// and unions. This is currently only associated with structs.
if (Start->getType().aggregateHasUnreferenceableStorage() ||
return llvm::NoneType::None;
auto Iter = End;
while (Start != Iter) {
// end_cow_mutation and begin_access are not projections, but we need to be
// able to form valid ProjectionPaths across them, otherwise optimization
// passes like RLE/DSE cannot recognize their locations.
// TODO: migrate users to getProjectionPath to the AccessPath utility to
// avoid this hack.
if (!isa<EndCOWMutationInst>(Iter) && !isa<BeginAccessInst>(Iter)) {
Projection AP(Iter);
if (!AP.isValid())
Iter = cast<SingleValueInstruction>(*Iter).getOperand(0);
// Return None if we have an empty projection list or if Start == Iter.
// We do not worry about th implicit #0 in case of index_addr, as the
// ProjectionPath never allow paths to be compared as a list of indices.
// Only the encoded type+index pair will be compared.
if (P.empty() || Start != Iter)
return llvm::NoneType::None;
// Reverse to get a path from base to most-derived.
std::reverse(P.Path.begin(), P.Path.end());
// Otherwise, return P.
return std::move(P);
/// Returns true if the two paths have a non-empty symmetric difference.
/// This means that the two objects have the same base but access different
/// fields of the base object.
ProjectionPath::hasNonEmptySymmetricDifference(const ProjectionPath &RHS) const{
// First make sure that both of our base types are the same.
if (BaseType != RHS.BaseType)
return false;
// Otherwise, we have a common base and perhaps some common subpath.
auto LHSIter = Path.begin();
auto RHSIter = RHS.Path.begin();
bool FoundDifferingProjections = false;
// For each index i until min path size...
unsigned i = 0;
for (unsigned e = std::min(size(), RHS.size()); i != e; ++i) {
// Grab the current projections.
const Projection &LHSProj = *LHSIter;
const Projection &RHSProj = *RHSIter;
// If we are accessing different fields of a common object, the two
// projection paths may have a non-empty symmetric difference. We check if
if (LHSProj != RHSProj) {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " Path different at index: "
<< i << '\n');
FoundDifferingProjections = true;
// Continue if we are accessing the same field.
// All path elements are the same. The symmetric difference is empty.
if (!FoundDifferingProjections)
return false;
// We found differing projections, but we need to make sure that there are no
// casts in the symmetric difference. To be conservative, we only wish to
// allow for casts to appear in the common parts of projections.
for (unsigned li = i, e = size(); li != e; ++li) {
if (LHSIter->isAliasingCast())
return false;
for (unsigned ri = i, e = RHS.size(); ri != e; ++ri) {
if (RHSIter->isAliasingCast())
return false;
// If we don't have any casts in our symmetric difference (i.e. only typed
// GEPs), then we can say that these actually have a symmetric difference we
// can understand. The fundamental issue here is that since we do not have any
// notion of size, we cannot know the effect of a cast + gep on the final
// location that we are reaching.
return true;
/// TODO: Integrate has empty non-symmetric difference into here.
ProjectionPath::computeSubSeqRelation(const ProjectionPath &RHS) const {
// Make sure that both base types are the same. Otherwise, we can not compare
// the projections as sequences.
if (BaseType != RHS.BaseType)
return SubSeqRelation_t::Unknown;
// If both paths are empty, return Equal.
if (empty() && RHS.empty())
return SubSeqRelation_t::Equal;
auto LHSIter = begin();
auto RHSIter = RHS.begin();
unsigned MinPathSize = std::min(size(), RHS.size());
// For each index i until min path size...
for (unsigned i = 0; i != MinPathSize; ++i) {
// Grab the current projections.
const Projection &LHSProj = *LHSIter;
const Projection &RHSProj = *RHSIter;
// If the two projections do not equal exactly, return Unrelated.
// TODO: If Index equals zero, then we know that the two lists have nothing
// in common and should return unrelated. If Index is greater than zero,
// then we know that the two projection paths have a common base but a
// non-empty symmetric difference. For now we just return Unrelated since I
// can not remember why I had the special check in the
// hasNonEmptySymmetricDifference code.
if (LHSProj != RHSProj)
return SubSeqRelation_t::Unknown;
// Otherwise increment reverse iterators.
// Ok, we now know that one of the paths is a subsequence of the other. If
// both size() and RHS.size() equal then we know that the entire sequences
// equal.
if (size() == RHS.size())
return SubSeqRelation_t::Equal;
// If MinPathSize == size(), then we know that LHS is a strict subsequence of
// RHS.
if (MinPathSize == size())
return SubSeqRelation_t::LHSStrictSubSeqOfRHS;
// Otherwise, we know that MinPathSize must be RHS.size() and RHS must be a
// strict subsequence of LHS. Assert to check this and return.
assert(MinPathSize == RHS.size() &&
"Since LHS and RHS don't equal and size() != MinPathSize, RHS.size() "
"must equal MinPathSize");
return SubSeqRelation_t::RHSStrictSubSeqOfLHS;
ProjectionPath::removePrefix(const ProjectionPath &Path,
const ProjectionPath &Prefix) {
// We can only subtract paths that have the same base.
if (Path.BaseType != Prefix.BaseType)
return llvm::NoneType::None;
// If Prefix is greater than or equal to Path in size, Prefix can not be a
// prefix of Path. Return None.
unsigned PrefixSize = Prefix.size();
unsigned PathSize = Path.size();
if (PrefixSize >= PathSize)
return llvm::NoneType::None;
// First make sure that the prefix matches.
Optional<ProjectionPath> P = ProjectionPath(Path.BaseType);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < PrefixSize; ++i) {
if (Path.Path[i] != Prefix.Path[i]) {
return P;
// Add the rest of Path to P and return P.
for (unsigned i = PrefixSize, e = PathSize; i != e; ++i) {
return P;
void Projection::print(raw_ostream &os, SILType baseType) const {
switch (getKind()) {
case ProjectionKind::Struct:
case ProjectionKind::Class: {
auto *Decl = getVarDecl(baseType);
os << "Field: ";
case ProjectionKind::Enum: {
auto *Decl = getEnumElementDecl(baseType);
os << "Enum: ";
case ProjectionKind::Index:
case ProjectionKind::Tuple: {
os << "Index: " << getIndex();
case ProjectionKind::Box: {
os << " Box over";
case ProjectionKind::Upcast: {
os << "UpCast";
case ProjectionKind::RefCast: {
os << "RefCast";
case ProjectionKind::BitwiseCast: {
os << "BitwiseCast";
case ProjectionKind::TailElems: {
os << " TailElems";
raw_ostream &ProjectionPath::print(raw_ostream &os, SILModule &M,
TypeExpansionContext context) const {
os << "Projection Path [";
SILType IterType = getBaseType();
for (const Projection &IterProj : Path) {
SILType BaseType = IterType;
IterType = IterProj.getType(IterType, M, context);
os << BaseType.getAddressType() << "\n ";
IterProj.print(os, BaseType);
os << " in: ";
os << IterType.getAddressType() << "]\n";
return os;
void ProjectionPath::dump(SILModule &M, TypeExpansionContext context) const {
print(llvm::dbgs(), M, context);
void ProjectionPath::verify(SILModule &M, TypeExpansionContext context) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
SILType IterTy = getBaseType();
for (auto &Proj : Path) {
IterTy = Proj.getType(IterTy, M, context);
ProjectionPath::expandTypeIntoLeafProjectionPaths(SILType B, SILModule *Mod,
TypeExpansionContext context,
ProjectionPathList &Paths) {
// Perform a BFS to expand the given type into projectionpath each of
// which contains 1 field from the type.
llvm::SmallVector<ProjectionPath, 8> Worklist;
llvm::SmallVector<Projection, 8> Projections;
// Push an empty projection path to get started.
ProjectionPath P(B);
do {
// Get the next level projections based on current projection's type.
ProjectionPath PP = Worklist.pop_back_val();
// Get the current type to process.
SILType Ty = PP.getMostDerivedType(*Mod, context);
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "Visiting type: " << Ty << "\n");
// If this is a class type, we have reached the end of the type
// tree for this type.
// We do not push its next level projection into the worklist,
// if we do that, we could run into an infinite loop, e.g.
// class SelfLoop {
// var p : SelfLoop
// }
// struct XYZ {
// var x : Int
// var y : SelfLoop
// }
// The worklist would never be empty in this case !.
if (Ty.getClassOrBoundGenericClass()) {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " Found class. Finished projection list\n");
// Get the first level projection of the current type.
Projection::getFirstLevelProjections(Ty, *Mod, context, Projections);
// Reached the end of the projection tree, this field can not be expanded
// anymore.
if (Projections.empty()) {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " No projections. "
"Finished projection list\n");
// Keep expanding the location.
for (auto &P : Projections) {
ProjectionPath X(B);
///assert(PP.getMostDerivedType(*Mod) == X.getMostDerivedType(*Mod));
// Keep iterating if the worklist is not empty.
} while (!Worklist.empty());
bool ProjectionPath::hasUncoveredNonTrivials(SILType B, const SILFunction &F,
ProjectionPathSet &CPaths) {
auto &Mod = F.getModule();
llvm::SmallVector<ProjectionPath, 4> Worklist, Paths;
// Push an empty projection path to get started.
ProjectionPath P(B);
do {
// Get the next level projections based on current projection's type.
ProjectionPath PP = Worklist.pop_back_val();
// If this path is part of the covered path, then continue.
if (CPaths.find(PP) != CPaths.end())
// Get the current type to process.
SILType Ty = PP.getMostDerivedType(Mod, F.getTypeExpansionContext());
// Get the first level projection of the current type.
llvm::SmallVector<Projection, 4> Projections;
Projection::getFirstLevelProjections(Ty, Mod, F.getTypeExpansionContext(),
// Reached the end of the projection tree, this field can not be expanded
// anymore.
if (Projections.empty()) {
// There is at least one projection path that leads to a type with
// reference semantics.
if (Ty.getClassOrBoundGenericClass()) {
// Keep expanding the location.
for (auto &P : Projections) {
ProjectionPath X(B);
assert(PP.getMostDerivedType(Mod, F.getTypeExpansionContext()) ==
X.getMostDerivedType(Mod, F.getTypeExpansionContext()));
// Keep iterating if the worklist is not empty.
} while (!Worklist.empty());
// Check whether any path leads to a non-trivial type.
for (auto &X : Paths) {
if (!X.getMostDerivedType(Mod, F.getTypeExpansionContext()).isTrivial(F))
return true;
return false;
createExtract(SILValue Base, SILInstruction *Inst, bool IsVal) const {
// If we found a projection path, but there are no projections, then the two
// loads must be the same, return PrevLI.
if (Path.empty())
return Base;
// Ok, at this point we know that we can construct our aggregate projections
// from our list of address projections.
SILValue LastExtract = Base;
SILBuilder Builder(Inst);
// We use an auto-generated SILLocation for now.
// TODO: make the sil location more precise.
SILLocation Loc = RegularLocation::getAutoGeneratedLocation();
// Construct the path!
for (auto PI = Path.begin(), PE = Path.end(); PI != PE; ++PI) {
if (IsVal) {
LastExtract =
PI->createObjectProjection(Builder, Loc, LastExtract).get();
LastExtract =
PI->createAddressProjection(Builder, Loc, LastExtract).get();
// Return the last extract we created.
return LastExtract;
Projection::operator<(const Projection &Other) const {
// If we have a nominal kind...
if (isNominalKind()) {
// And Other is also nominal...
if (Other.isNominalKind()) {
// Just compare the value decl pointers.
return getIndex() < Other.getIndex();
// Otherwise if Other is not nominal, return true since we always sort
// decls before indices.
return true;
} else {
// If this is not a nominal kind and Other is nominal, return
// false. Nominal kinds are always sorted before non-nominal kinds.
if (Other.isNominalKind())
return false;
// Otherwise, we are both index projections. Compare the indices.
return getIndex() < Other.getIndex();
SILBuilder &B, SILLocation Loc, SILType BaseType,
ArrayRef<SILValue> Values) {
if (BaseType.getStructOrBoundGenericStruct()) {
return B.createStruct(Loc, BaseType, Values);
if (<TupleType>()) {
return B.createTuple(Loc, BaseType, Values);
return nullptr;
SILValue Projection::getOperandForAggregate(SILInstruction *I) const {
switch (getKind()) {
case ProjectionKind::Struct:
if (isa<StructInst>(I))
return I->getOperand(getIndex());
case ProjectionKind::Tuple:
if (isa<TupleInst>(I))
return I->getOperand(getIndex());
case ProjectionKind::Index:
case ProjectionKind::Enum:
if (auto *EI = dyn_cast<EnumInst>(I)) {
if (EI->getElement() == getEnumElementDecl(EI->getType())) {
assert(EI->hasOperand() && "expected data operand");
return EI->getOperand();
case ProjectionKind::Class:
case ProjectionKind::TailElems:
case ProjectionKind::Box:
case ProjectionKind::Upcast:
case ProjectionKind::RefCast:
case ProjectionKind::BitwiseCast:
// There is no SIL instruction to create a class or box by aggregating
// values.
return SILValue();
// ProjectionTreeNode
ProjectionTreeNode *
ProjectionTreeNode::getChildForProjection(ProjectionTree &Tree,
const Projection &P) {
for (unsigned Index : ChildProjections) {
ProjectionTreeNode *N = Tree.getNode(Index);
if (N->Proj && N->Proj.getValue() == P) {
return N;
return nullptr;
ProjectionTreeNode *
ProjectionTreeNode::getParent(ProjectionTree &Tree) {
if (!Parent)
return nullptr;
return Tree.getNode(Parent.getValue());
const ProjectionTreeNode *
ProjectionTreeNode::getParent(const ProjectionTree &Tree) const {
if (!Parent)
return nullptr;
return Tree.getNode(Parent.getValue());
createProjection(SILBuilder &B, SILLocation Loc, SILValue Arg) const {
if (!Proj)
return nullptr;
return Proj->createProjection(B, Loc, Arg);
// Projection tree only supports structs and tuples today.
static bool isSupportedProjection(const Projection &p) {
switch (p.getKind()) {
case ProjectionKind::Struct:
case ProjectionKind::Tuple:
return true;
case ProjectionKind::Class:
case ProjectionKind::Enum:
case ProjectionKind::Box:
case ProjectionKind::Upcast:
case ProjectionKind::RefCast:
case ProjectionKind::BitwiseCast:
case ProjectionKind::TailElems:
case ProjectionKind::Index:
return false;
llvm_unreachable("unhandled kind");
processUsersOfValue(ProjectionTree &Tree,
llvm::SmallVectorImpl<ValueNodePair> &Worklist,
SILValue Value) {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " Looking at Users:\n");
// For all uses of V...
for (Operand *Op : getNonDebugUses(Value)) {
// Grab the User of V.
SILInstruction *User = Op->getUser();
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " " << *User);
// The projections we can handle are always single-value instructions.
auto projectionInst = dyn_cast<SingleValueInstruction>(User);
if (!projectionInst) {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " Failed to create projection. "
"Adding to non projection user!\n");
auto P = Projection(projectionInst);
// If we fail to create a projection or this is a type of projection that we
// do not support, add User as a user to this node and continue.
if (!P.isValid() || !isSupportedProjection(P)) {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " Failed to create projection. "
"Adding to non projection user!\n");
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " Created projection.\n");
// we have a projection to the next level children, create the next
// level children nodes lazily.
if (!Initialized)
Tree, TypeExpansionContext(*projectionInst->getFunction()));
// Look up the Node for this projection add {User, ChildNode} to the
// worklist.
// *NOTE* This means that we will process ChildNode multiple times
// potentially with different projection users.
if (auto *ChildNode = getChildForProjection(Tree, P)) {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " Found child for projection: "
<< ChildNode->getType() << "\n");
SILValue V = SILValue(projectionInst);
Worklist.push_back({V, ChildNode});
} else {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " Did not find a child for "
"projection!. Adding to non projection user!\n");
// The only projection which we do not currently handle are enums since we
// may not know the correct case. This can be extended in the future.
// Is the user an epilogue release ?
void ProjectionTreeNode::createNextLevelChildrenForStruct(
ProjectionTree &Tree, TypeExpansionContext context, StructDecl *SD) {
SILModule &Mod = Tree.getModule();
unsigned ChildIndex = 0;
SILType Ty = getType();
for (VarDecl *VD : SD->getStoredProperties()) {
assert(Tree.getNode(Index) == this && "Node is not mapped to itself?");
SILType NodeTy = Ty.getFieldType(VD, Mod, context);
auto *Node = Tree.createChildForStruct(this, NodeTy, VD, ChildIndex++);
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " Creating child for: " <<NodeTy << "\n");
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " Projection: "
<< Node->getProjection().getValue().getIndex() << "\n");
assert(getChildForProjection(Tree, Node->getProjection().getValue()) == Node &&
"Child not matched to its projection in parent!");
assert(Node->getParent(Tree) == this && "Parent of Child is not Parent?!");
createNextLevelChildrenForTuple(ProjectionTree &Tree, TupleType *TT) {
SILType Ty = getType();
for (unsigned i = 0, e = TT->getNumElements(); i != e; ++i) {
assert(Tree.getNode(Index) == this && "Node is not mapped to itself?");
SILType NodeTy = Ty.getTupleElementType(i);
auto *Node = Tree.createChildForTuple(this, NodeTy, i);
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " Creating child for: " << NodeTy <<"\n");
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " Projection: "
<< Node->getProjection().getValue().getIndex() << "\n");
assert(getChildForProjection(Tree, Node->getProjection().getValue()) == Node &&
"Child not matched to its projection in parent!");
assert(Node->getParent(Tree) == this && "Parent of Child is not Parent?!");
void ProjectionTreeNode::createNextLevelChildren(ProjectionTree &Tree,
TypeExpansionContext context) {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " Creating children for: " << getType() <<"\n");
if (Initialized) {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " Already initialized! bailing!\n");
Initialized = true;
SILType Ty = getType();
if (Ty.aggregateHasUnreferenceableStorage()) {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " Has unreferenced storage bailing!\n");
if (auto *SD = Ty.getStructOrBoundGenericStruct()) {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " Found a struct!\n");
createNextLevelChildrenForStruct(Tree, context, SD);
auto TT = Ty.getAs<TupleType>();
if (!TT) {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " Did not find a tuple or struct, "
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " Found a tuple.");
createNextLevelChildrenForTuple(Tree, TT);
SingleValueInstruction *
createAggregate(SILBuilder &B, SILLocation Loc, ArrayRef<SILValue> Args) const {
assert(Initialized && "Node must be initialized to create aggregates");
SILType Ty = getType();
if (Ty.getStructOrBoundGenericStruct()) {
return B.createStruct(Loc, Ty, Args);
if (<TupleType>()) {
return B.createTuple(Loc, Ty, Args);
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled type");
class ProjectionTreeNode::NewAggregateBuilder {
ProjectionTreeNode *Node;
SILBuilder &Builder;
SILLocation Loc;
llvm::SmallVector<SILValue, 8> Values;
// Did this aggregate already create an aggregate and thus is "invalidated".
bool Invalidated;
NewAggregateBuilder(ProjectionTreeNode *N, SILBuilder &B, SILLocation L)
: Node(N), Builder(B), Loc(L), Values(), Invalidated(false) {
assert(N->Initialized && "N must be initialized since we are mapping Node "
"Children -> SILValues");
// Initialize the Values array with empty SILValues.
for (unsigned Child : N->ChildProjections) {
bool isInvalidated() const { return Invalidated; }
/// If all SILValues have been set, we are complete.
bool isComplete() const {
return std::all_of(Values.begin(), Values.end(), [](SILValue V) -> bool {
return V;
SingleValueInstruction *createInstruction() const {
assert(isComplete() && "Cannot create instruction until the aggregate is "
assert(!Invalidated && "Must not be invalidated to create an instruction");
const_cast<NewAggregateBuilder *>(this)->Invalidated = true;
return Node->createAggregate(Builder, Loc, Values);
void setValueForChild(ProjectionTreeNode *Child, SILValue V) {
assert(!Invalidated && "Must not be invalidated to set value for child");
Values[Child->Proj.getValue().getIndex()] = V;
namespace {
using NewAggregateBuilder = ProjectionTreeNode::NewAggregateBuilder;
/// A wrapper around a MapVector with generalized operations on the map.
/// TODO: Replace this with a simple RPOT and use GraphUtils. Since we do not
/// look through enums or classes, in the current type system it should not be
/// possible to have a cycle implying that a RPOT should be fine.
class NewAggregateBuilderMap {
SILBuilder &Builder;
SILLocation Loc;
llvm::MapVector<ProjectionTreeNode *, NewAggregateBuilder> NodeBuilderMap;
NewAggregateBuilderMap(SILBuilder &B, SILLocation Loc)
: Builder(B), Loc(Loc), NodeBuilderMap() {}
/// Get the NewAggregateBuilder associated with Node or if none is created,
/// create one for Node.
NewAggregateBuilder &getBuilder(ProjectionTreeNode *Node) {
auto I = NodeBuilderMap.find(Node);
if (I != NodeBuilderMap.end()) {
return I->second;
} else {
auto AggIt = NodeBuilderMap.insert({Node, NewAggregateBuilder(Node, Builder,
return AggIt.first->second;
/// Get the NewAggregateBuilder associated with Node. Assert on failure.
NewAggregateBuilder &get(ProjectionTreeNode *Node) {
auto It = NodeBuilderMap.find(Node);
assert(It != NodeBuilderMap.end() && "Every item in the worklist should have "
"an NewAggregateBuilder associated with it");
return It->second;
bool isComplete(ProjectionTreeNode *Node) {
return get(Node).isComplete();
bool isInvalidated(ProjectionTreeNode *Node) {
return get(Node).isInvalidated();
ProjectionTreeNode *
getNextValidNode(llvm::SmallVectorImpl<ProjectionTreeNode *> &Worklist,
bool CheckForDeadLock=false);
} // end anonymous namespace
// ProjectionTree
SILModule &Mod, SILType BaseTy,
llvm::SpecificBumpPtrAllocator<ProjectionTreeNode> &Allocator)
: Mod(&Mod), Allocator(&Allocator) {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "Constructing Projection Tree For : " << BaseTy
<< "\n");
// Create the root node of the tree with our base type.
// Create the rest of the type tree lazily based on uses.
ProjectionTree::~ProjectionTree() {
// Do nothing !. Eventually the all the projection tree nodes will be freed
// when the BPA allocator is free.
ProjectionTree::computeExplodedArgumentValueInner(SILBuilder &Builder,
SILLocation Loc,
ProjectionTreeNode *Node,
LeafValueMapTy &LeafValues) {
// Use the child node value if the child is alive.
if (Node->ChildProjections.empty()) {
auto Iter = LeafValues.find(Node->getIndex());
if (Iter != LeafValues.end())
return Iter->second;
// Return undef for dead node.
return SILUndef::get(Node->getType(), Builder.getFunction());
// This is an aggregate node, construct its value from its children
// recursively.
// NOTE: We do not expect to have too many levels of nesting, so
// recursion should be fine.
llvm::SmallVector<SILValue, 8> ChildValues;
for (unsigned ChildIdx : Node->ChildProjections) {
ProjectionTreeNode *Child = getNode(ChildIdx);
ChildValues.push_back(computeExplodedArgumentValueInner(Builder, Loc, Child,
// Form and return the aggregate.
NullablePtr<SingleValueInstruction> AI =
Projection::createAggFromFirstLevelProjections(Builder, Loc,
assert(AI.get() && "Failed to get a part of value");
return SILValue(AI.get());
SILBuilder &Builder, SILLocation Loc,
llvm::SmallVector<SILValue, 8> &LeafValues) {
// Construct the leaf index to leaf value map.
llvm::DenseMap<unsigned, SILValue> LeafIndexToValue;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < LeafValues.size(); ++i) {
LeafIndexToValue[LiveLeafIndices[i]] = LeafValues[i];
// Compute the full root node debug node by walking down the projection tree.
return computeExplodedArgumentValueInner(Builder, Loc, getRoot(),
computeUsesAndLiveness(SILValue Base) {
// Propagate liveness and users through the tree.
llvm::SmallVector<ProjectionTreeNode::ValueNodePair, 32> UseWorklist;
UseWorklist.push_back({Base, getRoot()});
// Then until the worklist is empty...
while (!UseWorklist.empty()) {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "Current Worklist:\n");
LLVM_DEBUG(for (auto &T : UseWorklist) {
llvm::dbgs() << " Type: " << T.second->getType() << "; Value: ";
if (T.first) {
llvm::dbgs() << T.first;
} else {
llvm::dbgs() << "<null>\n";
SILValue Value;
ProjectionTreeNode *Node;
// Pop off the top type, value, and node.
std::tie(Value, Node) = UseWorklist.pop_back_val();
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "Visiting: " << Node->getType() << "\n");
// If Value is not null, collate all users of Value the appropriate child
// nodes and add such items to the worklist.
if (Value) {
Node->processUsersOfValue(*this, UseWorklist, Value);
// If this node is live due to a non projection user, propagate down its
// liveness to its children and its children with an empty value to the
// worklist so we propagate liveness down to any further descendants.
if (Node->IsLive) {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "Node Is Live. Marking Children Live!\n");
for (unsigned ChildIdx : Node->ChildProjections) {
ProjectionTreeNode *Child = getNode(ChildIdx);
Child->IsLive = true;
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " Marking child live: "
<< Child->getType() << "\n");
UseWorklist.push_back({SILValue(), Child});
// Then setup the leaf list by iterating through our Nodes looking for live
// leafs. We use a DFS order, always processing the left leafs first so that
// we match the order in which we will lay out arguments.
llvm::SmallVector<ProjectionTreeNode *, 8> Worklist;
while (!Worklist.empty()) {
ProjectionTreeNode *Node = Worklist.pop_back_val();
// If node is not a leaf, add its children to the worklist and continue.
if (!Node->ChildProjections.empty()) {
for (unsigned ChildIdx : llvm::reverse(Node->ChildProjections)) {
// If the node is a leaf and is not a live, continue.
if (!Node->IsLive)
// Otherwise we have a live leaf, add its index to our LiveLeafIndices list.
#ifndef NDEBUG
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "Final Leafs: \n");
llvm::SmallVector<SILType, 8> LeafTypes;
for (SILType Leafs : LeafTypes) {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " " << Leafs << "\n");
createTreeFromValue(SILBuilder &B, SILLocation Loc, SILValue NewBase,
llvm::SmallVectorImpl<SILValue> &Leafs) const {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "Recreating tree from value: " << NewBase);
using WorklistEntry =
std::tuple<const ProjectionTreeNode *, SILValue>;
llvm::SmallVector<WorklistEntry, 32> Worklist;
// Start our worklist with NewBase and Root.
Worklist.push_back(std::make_tuple(getRoot(), NewBase));
// Then until our worklist is clear...
while (Worklist.size()) {
// Pop off the top of the list.
const ProjectionTreeNode *Node = std::get<0>(Worklist.back());
SILValue V = std::get<1>(Worklist.back());
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "Visiting: " << V->getType() << ": " << V);
// If we have any children...
unsigned NumChildren = Node->ChildProjections.size();
if (NumChildren) {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " Not Leaf! Adding children to list.\n");
// Create projections for each one of them and the child node and
// projection to the worklist for processing.
for (unsigned ChildIdx : llvm::reverse(Node->ChildProjections)) {
const ProjectionTreeNode *ChildNode = getNode(ChildIdx);
auto I = ChildNode->createProjection(B, Loc, V).get();
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " Adding Child: " << I->getType() << ": "
<< *I);
Worklist.push_back(std::make_tuple(ChildNode, SILValue(I)));
} else {
// Otherwise, we have a leaf node. If the leaf node is not alive, do not
// add it to our leaf list.
if (!Node->IsLive)
// Otherwise add it to our leaf list.
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " Is a Leaf! Adding to leaf list\n");
ProjectionTreeNode *
getNextValidNode(llvm::SmallVectorImpl<ProjectionTreeNode *> &Worklist,
bool CheckForDeadLock) {
if (Worklist.empty())
return nullptr;
ProjectionTreeNode *Node = Worklist.back();
// If the Node is not complete, then we have reached a dead lock. This should
// never happen.
// TODO: Prove this and put the proof here.
if (CheckForDeadLock && !isComplete(Node)) {
llvm_unreachable("Algorithm Dead Locked!");
// This block of code, performs the pop back and also if the Node has been
// invalidated, skips until we find a non invalidated value.
while (isInvalidated(Node)) {
assert(isComplete(Node) && "Invalidated values must be complete");
// Pop Node off the back of the worklist.
if (Worklist.empty())
return nullptr;
Node = Worklist.back();
return Node;
replaceValueUsesWithLeafUses(SILBuilder &Builder, SILLocation Loc,
llvm::SmallVectorImpl<SILValue> &Leafs) {
assert(Leafs.size() == LiveLeafIndices.size() && "Leafs and leaf indices must "
"equal in size.");
NewAggregateBuilderMap AggBuilderMap(Builder, Loc);
llvm::SmallVector<ProjectionTreeNode *, 8> Worklist;
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "Replacing all uses in callee with leafs!\n");
// For each Leaf we have as input...
for (unsigned i = 0, e = Leafs.size(); i != e; ++i) {
SILValue Leaf = Leafs[i];
ProjectionTreeNode *Node = getNode(LiveLeafIndices[i]);
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " Visiting leaf: " << Leaf);
assert(Node->IsLive && "Unexpected dead node in LiveLeafIndices!");
// Otherwise replace all uses at this level of the tree with uses of the
// Leaf value.
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " Replacing operands with leaf!\n");
for (auto *Op : Node->NonProjUsers) {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " User: " << *Op->getUser());
// Grab the parent of this node.
ProjectionTreeNode *Parent = Node->getParent(*this);
// If the parent is dead, continue.
if (!Parent || !Parent->IsLive) {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " Parent is dead... continuing.\n");
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " Parent is alive! Adding to parent "
// Otherwise either create an aggregate builder for the parent or reuse one
// that has already been created for it.
AggBuilderMap.getBuilder(Parent).setValueForChild(Node, Leaf);
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " Is parent complete: "
<< (AggBuilderMap.isComplete(Parent)? "yes" : "no") << "\n");
// Finally add the parent to the worklist.
// A utility array to add new Nodes to the list so we maintain while
// processing the current worklist we maintain only completed items at the end
// of the list.
llvm::SmallVector<ProjectionTreeNode *, 8> NewNodes;
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "Processing worklist!\n");
// Then until we have no work left...
while (!Worklist.empty()) {
// Sort the worklist so that complete items are first.
// TODO: Just change this into a partition method. Should be significantly
// faster.
std::sort(Worklist.begin(), Worklist.end(),
[&AggBuilderMap](ProjectionTreeNode *N1,
ProjectionTreeNode *N2) -> bool {
bool IsComplete1 = AggBuilderMap.isComplete(N1);
bool IsComplete2 = AggBuilderMap.isComplete(N2);
// Sort N1 after N2 if N1 is complete and N2 is not. This puts
// complete items at the end of our list.
return unsigned(IsComplete1) < unsigned(IsComplete2);
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " Current Worklist:\n");
#ifndef NDEBUG
for (auto *_work : Worklist) {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " Type: " << _work->getType()
<< "; Complete: "
<< (AggBuilderMap.isComplete(_work)? "yes" : "no")
<< "; Invalidated: "
<< (AggBuilderMap.isInvalidated(_work)? "yes" : "no") << "\n");
// Find the first non invalidated node. If we have all invalidated nodes,
// this will return nullptr.
ProjectionTreeNode *Node = AggBuilderMap.getNextValidNode(Worklist, true);
// Then until we find a node that is not complete...
while (Node && AggBuilderMap.isComplete(Node)) {
// Create the aggregate for the current complete Node we are processing...
SILValue Agg = AggBuilderMap.get(Node).createInstruction();
// Replace all uses at this level of the tree with uses of the newly
// constructed aggregate.
for (auto *Op : Node->NonProjUsers) {
// If this node has a parent and that parent is alive...
ProjectionTreeNode *Parent = Node->getParentOrNull(*this);
if (Parent && Parent->IsLive) {
// Create or lookup the node builder for the parent and associate the
// newly created aggregate with this node.
AggBuilderMap.getBuilder(Parent).setValueForChild(Node, SILValue(Agg));
// Then add the parent to NewNodes to be added to our list.
// Grab the next non-invalidated node for the next iteration. If we had
// all invalidated nodes, this will return nullptr.
Node = AggBuilderMap.getNextValidNode(Worklist);
// Copy NewNodes onto the back of our Worklist now that we have finished
// this iteration.
std::copy(NewNodes.begin(), NewNodes.end(), std::back_inserter(Worklist));
void ProjectionTree::getUsers(SmallPtrSetImpl<SILInstruction *> &users) const {
for (auto *node : ProjectionTreeNodes) {
for (auto *op : node->getNonProjUsers()) {