blob: 978527366bb05d858faacd1ed0cd60a9a7c32029 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- OptimizationRemark.cpp - Optimization diagnostics ------*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
/// \file
/// This file defines the remark type and the emitter class that passes can use
/// to emit optimization diagnostics.
#include "swift/SIL/OptimizationRemark.h"
#include "swift/AST/DiagnosticEngine.h"
#include "swift/AST/DiagnosticsSIL.h"
#include "swift/AST/SemanticAttrs.h"
#include "swift/Demangling/Demangler.h"
#include "swift/SIL/DebugUtils.h"
#include "swift/SIL/InstructionUtils.h"
#include "swift/SIL/MemAccessUtils.h"
#include "swift/SIL/Projection.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILArgument.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILInstruction.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILRemarkStreamer.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
using namespace swift;
using namespace OptRemark;
Argument::Argument(StringRef key, int n)
: key(ArgumentKeyKind::Default, key), val(llvm::itostr(n)) {}
Argument::Argument(StringRef key, long n)
: key(ArgumentKeyKind::Default, key), val(llvm::itostr(n)) {}
Argument::Argument(StringRef key, long long n)
: key(ArgumentKeyKind::Default, key), val(llvm::itostr(n)) {}
Argument::Argument(StringRef key, unsigned n)
: key(ArgumentKeyKind::Default, key), val(llvm::utostr(n)) {}
Argument::Argument(StringRef key, unsigned long n)
: key(ArgumentKeyKind::Default, key), val(llvm::utostr(n)) {}
Argument::Argument(StringRef key, unsigned long long n)
: key(ArgumentKeyKind::Default, key), val(llvm::utostr(n)) {}
Argument::Argument(ArgumentKey key, SILFunction *f) : key(key) {
auto options = Demangle::DemangleOptions::SimplifiedUIDemangleOptions();
// Enable module names so that we have a way of filtering out
// stdlib-related remarks.
options.DisplayModuleNames = true;
val = (Twine("\"") + Demangle::demangleSymbolAsString(f->getName(), options) +
if (f->hasLocation())
loc = f->getLocation().getSourceLoc();
Argument::Argument(StringRef key, SILType ty)
: key(ArgumentKeyKind::Default, key) {
llvm::raw_string_ostream stream(val);
PrintOptions subPrinter = PrintOptions::printSIL();
ty.getASTType().print(stream, subPrinter);
Argument::Argument(StringRef key, CanType ty)
: key(ArgumentKeyKind::Default, key) {
llvm::raw_string_ostream stream(val);
template <typename DerivedT>
std::string Remark<DerivedT>::getMsg() const {
std::string str;
llvm::raw_string_ostream stream(str);
// Go through our args and if we are not emitting for diagnostics *OR* we are
// emitting for diagnostics and this argument is not intended to be emitted as
// a diagnostic separate from our main remark, emit the arg value here.
for (const Argument &arg : args) {
if (arg.key.kind.isSeparateDiagnostic())
stream << arg.val;
return stream.str();
template <typename DerivedT>
std::string Remark<DerivedT>::getDebugMsg() const {
std::string str;
llvm::raw_string_ostream stream(str);
if (indentDebugWidth)
stream << std::string(" ", indentDebugWidth);
for (const Argument &arg : args)
stream << arg.val;
stream << "\n";
return stream.str();
static bool hasForceEmitSemanticAttr(SILFunction &fn, StringRef passName) {
return llvm::any_of(fn.getSemanticsAttrs(), [&](const std::string &str) {
auto ref = StringRef(str);
// First try to chomp the prefix.
if (!ref.consume_front(semantics::FORCE_EMIT_OPT_REMARK_PREFIX))
return false;
// Then see if we only have the prefix. Then always return true the user
// wants /all/ remarks.
if (ref.empty())
return true;
// Otherwise, lets try to chomp the '.' and then the passName.
if (!ref.consume_front(".") || !ref.consume_front(passName))
return false;
return ref.empty();
Emitter::Emitter(StringRef passName, SILFunction &fn)
: fn(fn), passName(passName),
hasForceEmitSemanticAttr(fn, passName) ||
(fn.getASTContext().LangOpts.OptimizationRemarkPassedPattern &&
hasForceEmitSemanticAttr(fn, passName) ||
(fn.getASTContext().LangOpts.OptimizationRemarkMissedPattern &&
passName))) {}
/// The user has passed us an instruction that for some reason has a source loc
/// that can not be used. Search down the current block for an instruction with
/// a valid source loc and use that instead.
static SourceLoc inferOptRemarkSearchForwards(SILInstruction &i) {
for (auto &inst :
llvm::make_range(std::next(i.getIterator()), i.getParent()->end())) {
auto newLoc = inst.getLoc().getSourceLoc();
if (auto inlinedLoc = inst.getDebugScope()->getOutermostInlineLocation())
newLoc = inlinedLoc.getSourceLoc();
if (newLoc.isValid())
return newLoc;
return SourceLoc();
/// The user has passed us an instruction that for some reason has a source loc
/// that can not be used. Search up the current block for an instruction with
/// a valid SILLocation and use the end SourceLoc of the SourceRange for the
/// instruction.
static SourceLoc inferOptRemarkSearchBackwards(SILInstruction &i) {
for (auto &inst : llvm::make_range(std::next(i.getReverseIterator()),
i.getParent()->rend())) {
auto loc = inst.getLoc();
if (auto inlinedLoc = inst.getDebugScope()->getOutermostInlineLocation())
loc = inlinedLoc;
if (!loc.getSourceLoc().isValid())
auto range = loc.getSourceRange();
if (range.isValid())
return range.End;
return SourceLoc();
static llvm::cl::opt<bool> IgnoreAlwaysInferForTesting(
"sil-opt-remark-ignore-always-infer", llvm::cl::Hidden,
"Disables always infer source loc behavior for testing purposes"));
// Attempt to infer a SourceLoc for \p i using heuristics specified by \p
// inferBehavior.
// NOTE: We distinguish in between situations where we always must infer
// (retain, release) and other situations where we are ok with original source
// locs if we are not inlined (alloc_ref, alloc_stack).
SourceLoc swift::OptRemark::inferOptRemarkSourceLoc(
SILInstruction &i, SourceLocInferenceBehavior inferBehavior) {
// If we are only supposed to infer in inline contexts, see if we have a valid
// loc and if that loc is an inlined call site.
auto loc = i.getLoc();
if (loc.getSourceLoc().isValid() &&
!(bool(inferBehavior & SourceLocInferenceBehavior::AlwaysInfer) &&
!IgnoreAlwaysInferForTesting) &&
!(i.getDebugScope() && i.getDebugScope()->InlinedCallSite))
return loc.getSourceLoc();
if (bool(inferBehavior & SourceLocInferenceBehavior::ForwardScan)) {
SourceLoc newLoc = inferOptRemarkSearchForwards(i);
if (newLoc.isValid())
return newLoc;
if (bool(inferBehavior & SourceLocInferenceBehavior::BackwardScan)) {
SourceLoc newLoc = inferOptRemarkSearchBackwards(i);
if (newLoc.isValid())
return newLoc;
if (bool(inferBehavior & SourceLocInferenceBehavior::ForwardScan2nd)) {
SourceLoc newLoc = inferOptRemarkSearchForwards(i);
if (newLoc.isValid())
return newLoc;
return SourceLoc();
template <typename RemarkT, typename... ArgTypes>
static void emitRemark(SILFunction &fn, const Remark<RemarkT> &remark,
Diag<ArgTypes...> id, bool diagEnabled) {
if (remark.getLocation().isInvalid())
auto &module = fn.getModule();
if (auto *remarkStreamer = module.getSILRemarkStreamer())
// If diagnostics are enabled, first emit the main diagnostic and then loop
// through our arguments and allow the arguments to add additional diagnostics
// if they want.
if (!diagEnabled && !fn.hasSemanticsAttrThatStartsWith(
auto &de = module.getASTContext().Diags;
de.diagnose(remark.getLocation(), id, remark.getMsg()), [&]() {
for (auto &arg : remark.getArgs()) {
switch (arg.key.kind) {
case ArgumentKeyKind::Default:
case ArgumentKeyKind::Note:
de.diagnose(arg.loc, diag::opt_remark_note, arg.val);
case ArgumentKeyKind::ParentLocNote:
de.diagnose(remark.getLocation(), diag::opt_remark_note, arg.val);
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled case?!");
void Emitter::emit(const RemarkPassed &remark) {
emitRemark(fn, remark, diag::opt_remark_passed, isEnabled<RemarkPassed>());
void Emitter::emit(const RemarkMissed &remark) {
emitRemark(fn, remark, diag::opt_remark_missed, isEnabled<RemarkMissed>());
void Emitter::emitDebug(const RemarkPassed &remark) {
llvm::dbgs() << remark.getDebugMsg();
void Emitter::emitDebug(const RemarkMissed &remark) {
llvm::dbgs() << remark.getDebugMsg();