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//===--- DynamicCasts.cpp - Utilities for dynamic casts -------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
#include "swift/SIL/DynamicCasts.h"
#include "swift/AST/Module.h"
#include "swift/AST/ProtocolConformance.h"
#include "swift/AST/Types.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILArgument.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILBuilder.h"
#include "swift/SIL/TypeLowering.h"
using namespace swift;
using namespace Lowering;
static unsigned getAnyMetatypeDepth(CanType type) {
unsigned depth = 0;
while (auto metatype = dyn_cast<AnyMetatypeType>(type)) {
type = metatype.getInstanceType();
return depth;
static bool
mayBridgeToObjectiveC(ModuleDecl *M, CanType T) {
// FIXME: Disable when we don't support Objective-C interoperability?
return true;
static bool
mustBridgeToSwiftValueBox(ModuleDecl *M, CanType T) {
// If the target type is either an unknown dynamic type, or statically
// known to bridge, the cast may succeed.
if (T->hasArchetype())
return false;
if (T->isAnyExistentialType())
return false;
// getBridgedToObjC() might return a null-type for some types
// whose bridging implementation is allowed to live elsewhere. Exclude this
// case here.
if (auto N = T->getAnyNominal())
if (M->getASTContext().isTypeBridgedInExternalModule(N))
return false;
return !M->getASTContext().getBridgedToObjC(M, T);
static bool canClassOrSuperclassesHaveUnknownSubclasses(ClassDecl *CD,
bool isWholeModuleOpts) {
while (CD) {
// Open classes can always have unknown subclasses.
if (CD->getEffectiveAccess() == AccessLevel::Open)
return true;
// Internal and public classes may have unknown subclasses if we are not in
// whole-module-optimization mode.
if (CD->getEffectiveAccess() >= AccessLevel::Internal &&
return true;
if (!CD->hasSuperclass())
CD = CD->getSuperclassDecl();
return false;
/// Try to classify a conversion from non-existential type
/// into an existential type by performing a static check
/// of protocol conformances if it is possible.
static DynamicCastFeasibility
classifyDynamicCastToProtocol(ModuleDecl *M, CanType source, CanType target,
bool isWholeModuleOpts) {
assert(target.isExistentialType() &&
"target should be an existential type");
if (source == target)
return DynamicCastFeasibility::WillSucceed;
auto *TargetProtocol = cast_or_null<ProtocolDecl>(target.getAnyNominal());
if (!TargetProtocol)
return DynamicCastFeasibility::MaySucceed;
// If conformsToProtocol returns a valid conformance, then all requirements
// were proven by the type checker.
if (M->conformsToProtocol(source, TargetProtocol))
return DynamicCastFeasibility::WillSucceed;
auto *SourceNominalTy = source.getAnyNominal();
if (!SourceNominalTy)
return DynamicCastFeasibility::MaySucceed;
// Protocol types may conform to their own protocols (or other protocols)
// in the future.
if (source->isAnyExistentialType()) {
return DynamicCastFeasibility::MaySucceed;
// If it is a class and it can be proven that this class and its
// superclasses cannot have unknown subclasses, then it is safe to proceed.
if (auto *CD = source.getClassOrBoundGenericClass()) {
if (canClassOrSuperclassesHaveUnknownSubclasses(CD, isWholeModuleOpts))
return DynamicCastFeasibility::MaySucceed;
// Derived types may conform to the protocol.
if (!CD->isFinal()) {
// TODO: If it is a private type or internal type and we
// can prove that there are no derived types conforming to a
// protocol, then we can still return WillFail.
return DynamicCastFeasibility::MaySucceed;
// The WillFail conditions below assume any possible conformance on the
// nominal source type has been ruled out. The prior conformsToProtocol query
// identified any definite conformance. Now check if there is already a known
// conditional conformance on the nominal type with requirements that were
// not proven.
// TODO: The TypeChecker can easily prove that some requirements cannot be
// met. Returning WillFail in those cases would be more optimal. To do that,
// the conformsToProtocol interface needs to be reformulated as a query, and
// the implementation, including checkGenericArguments, needs to be taught to
// recognize that types with archetypes may potentially succeed.
if (auto conformance = M->lookupConformance(source, TargetProtocol)) {
return DynamicCastFeasibility::MaySucceed;
// If the source type is file-private or target protocol is file-private,
// then conformances cannot be changed at run-time, because only this
// file could have implemented them, but no conformances were found.
// Therefore it is safe to make a negative decision at compile-time.
if (SourceNominalTy->getEffectiveAccess() <= AccessLevel::FilePrivate ||
TargetProtocol->getEffectiveAccess() <= AccessLevel::FilePrivate) {
// This cast is always false. Replace it with a branch to the
// failure block.
return DynamicCastFeasibility::WillFail;
// AnyHashable is a special case: although it's a struct, there maybe another
// type conforming to it and to the TargetProtocol at the same time.
if (SourceNominalTy == SourceNominalTy->getASTContext().getAnyHashableDecl())
return DynamicCastFeasibility::MaySucceed;
// If we are in a whole-module compilation and
// if the source type is internal or target protocol is internal,
// then conformances cannot be changed at run-time, because only this
// module could have implemented them, but no conformances were found.
// Therefore it is safe to make a negative decision at compile-time.
if (isWholeModuleOpts &&
(SourceNominalTy->getEffectiveAccess() <= AccessLevel::Internal ||
TargetProtocol->getEffectiveAccess() <= AccessLevel::Internal)) {
return DynamicCastFeasibility::WillFail;
return DynamicCastFeasibility::MaySucceed;
static DynamicCastFeasibility
classifyDynamicCastFromProtocol(ModuleDecl *M, CanType source, CanType target,
bool isWholeModuleOpts) {
assert(source.isExistentialType() &&
"source should be an existential type");
if (source == target)
return DynamicCastFeasibility::WillSucceed;
// Casts from class existential into a non-class can never succeed.
if (source->isClassExistentialType() &&
!target.isAnyExistentialType() &&
!target.getClassOrBoundGenericClass() &&
!isa<ArchetypeType>(target) &&
!mayBridgeToObjectiveC(M, target)) {
assert((target.getEnumOrBoundGenericEnum() ||
target.getStructOrBoundGenericStruct() ||
isa<TupleType>(target) ||
isa<SILFunctionType>(target) ||
isa<FunctionType>(target) ||
isa<MetatypeType>(target)) &&
"Target should be an enum, struct, tuple, metatype or function type");
return DynamicCastFeasibility::WillFail;
// TODO: maybe prove that certain conformances are impossible?
return DynamicCastFeasibility::MaySucceed;
/// Returns the existential type associated with the Hashable
/// protocol, if it can be found.
static CanType getHashableExistentialType(ModuleDecl *M) {
auto hashable =
if (!hashable) return CanType();
return hashable->getDeclaredInterfaceType()->getCanonicalType();
static bool canBeExistential(CanType ty) {
// If ty is an archetype, conservatively assume it's an existential.
return ty.isAnyExistentialType() || ty->is<ArchetypeType>();
static bool canBeClass(CanType ty) {
// If ty is an archetype, conservatively assume it's an existential.
return ty.getClassOrBoundGenericClass() || ty->is<ArchetypeType>();
bool SILDynamicCastInst::isRCIdentityPreserving() const {
// Casts which cast from a trivial type, like a metatype, to something which
// is retainable (or vice versa), like an AnyObject, are not RC identity
// preserving.
// On some platforms such casts dynamically allocate a ref-counted box for the
// metatype. Naturally that is the place where a new rc-identity begins.
// Therefore such a cast is introducing a new rc identical object.
// If RCIdentityAnalysis would look through such a cast, ARC optimizations
// would get confused and might eliminate a retain of such an object
// completely.
SILFunction &f = *getFunction();
if (getSourceLoweredType().isTrivial(f) != getTargetLoweredType().isTrivial(f))
return false;
CanType source = getSourceFormalType();
CanType target = getTargetFormalType();
// An existential may be holding a reference to a bridgeable struct.
// In this case, ARC on the existential affects the refcount of the container
// holding the struct, not the class to which the struct is bridged.
// Therefore, don't assume RC identity when casting between existentials and
// classes (and also between two existentials).
if (canBeExistential(source) &&
(canBeClass(target) || canBeExistential(target)))
return false;
// And vice versa.
if (canBeClass(source) && canBeExistential(target))
return false;
return true;
/// Check if a given type conforms to _BridgedToObjectiveC protocol.
bool swift::isObjectiveCBridgeable(ModuleDecl *M, CanType Ty) {
// Retrieve the _BridgedToObjectiveC protocol.
auto bridgedProto =
if (bridgedProto) {
// Find the conformance of the value type to _BridgedToObjectiveC.
// Check whether the type conforms to _BridgedToObjectiveC.
return (bool)M->lookupConformance(Ty, bridgedProto);
return false;
/// Check if a given type conforms to _Error protocol.
bool swift::isError(ModuleDecl *M, CanType Ty) {
// Retrieve the Error protocol.
auto errorTypeProto =
if (errorTypeProto) {
// Find the conformance of the value type to Error.
// Check whether the type conforms to Error.
return (bool)M->lookupConformance(Ty, errorTypeProto);
return false;
/// Given that a type is not statically known to be an optional type, check
/// whether it might dynamically be able to store an optional.
static bool canDynamicallyStoreOptional(CanType type) {
return type->canDynamicallyBeOptionalType(/* includeExistential */ true);
/// Given two class types, check whether there's a hierarchy relationship
/// between them.
static DynamicCastFeasibility
classifyClassHierarchyCast(CanType source, CanType target) {
// Upcast: if the target type statically matches a type in the
// source type's hierarchy, this is a static upcast and the cast
// will always succeed.
if (target->isExactSuperclassOf(source))
return DynamicCastFeasibility::WillSucceed;
// Upcast: if the target type might dynamically match a type in the
// source type's hierarchy, this might be an upcast, in which
// case the cast might succeed.
if (target->isBindableToSuperclassOf(source))
return DynamicCastFeasibility::MaySucceed;
// Downcast: if the source type might dynamically match a type in the
// target type's hierarchy, this might be a downcast, in which case
// the cast might succeed. Note that this also covers the case where
// the source type statically matches a type in the target type's
// hierarchy; since it's a downcast, the cast still at best might succeed.
if (source->isBindableToSuperclassOf(target))
return DynamicCastFeasibility::MaySucceed;
// Otherwise, the classes are unrelated and the cast will fail (at least
// on these grounds).
return DynamicCastFeasibility::WillFail;
CanType swift::getNSBridgedClassOfCFClass(ModuleDecl *M, CanType type) {
if (auto classDecl = type->getClassOrBoundGenericClass()) {
if (classDecl->getForeignClassKind() == ClassDecl::ForeignKind::CFType) {
if (auto bridgedAttr =
classDecl->getAttrs().getAttribute<ObjCBridgedAttr>()) {
auto bridgedClass = bridgedAttr->getObjCClass();
// TODO: this should handle generic classes properly.
if (!bridgedClass->isGenericContext()) {
return bridgedClass->getDeclaredInterfaceType()->getCanonicalType();
return CanType();
static bool isCFBridgingConversion(ModuleDecl *M,
CanType sourceFormalType,
CanType targetFormalType) {
if (auto bridgedTarget =
getNSBridgedClassOfCFClass(M, targetFormalType)) {
return bridgedTarget->isExactSuperclassOf(sourceFormalType);
if (auto bridgedSource =
getNSBridgedClassOfCFClass(M, sourceFormalType)) {
return targetFormalType->isExactSuperclassOf(bridgedSource);
return false;
/// Try to classify the dynamic-cast relationship between two types.
swift::classifyDynamicCast(ModuleDecl *M,
CanType source,
CanType target,
bool isSourceTypeExact,
bool isWholeModuleOpts) {
if (source == target) return DynamicCastFeasibility::WillSucceed;
// Return a conservative answer for opaque archetypes for now.
if (source->hasOpaqueArchetype() || target->hasOpaqueArchetype())
return DynamicCastFeasibility::MaySucceed;
auto sourceObject = source.getOptionalObjectType();
auto targetObject = target.getOptionalObjectType();
// A common level of optionality doesn't affect the feasibility,
// except that we can't fold things to failure because nil inhabits
// both types.
if (sourceObject && targetObject) {
return atWorst(classifyDynamicCast(M, sourceObject, targetObject),
// Casting to a more optional type follows the same rule unless we
// know that the source cannot dynamically be an optional value,
// in which case we'll always just cast and inject into an optional.
} else if (targetObject) {
auto result = classifyDynamicCast(M, source, targetObject,
/* isSourceTypeExact */ false,
if (canDynamicallyStoreOptional(source))
result = atWorst(result, DynamicCastFeasibility::MaySucceed);
return result;
// Casting to a less-optional type can always fail.
} else if (sourceObject) {
auto result = atBest(classifyDynamicCast(M, sourceObject, target,
/* isSourceTypeExact */ false,
if (target.isExistentialType()) {
result = atWorst(result, classifyDynamicCastToProtocol(
M, source, target, isWholeModuleOpts));
return result;
assert(!sourceObject && !targetObject);
// Assume that casts to or from existential types or involving
// dependent types can always succeed. This is over-conservative.
if (source->hasArchetype() || source.isExistentialType() ||
target->hasArchetype() || target.isExistentialType()) {
// Check conversions from non-protocol types into protocol types.
if (!source.isExistentialType() &&
return classifyDynamicCastToProtocol(M, source, target,
// Check conversions from protocol types to non-protocol types.
if (source.isExistentialType() &&
return classifyDynamicCastFromProtocol(M, source, target,
return DynamicCastFeasibility::MaySucceed;
// Casts from AnyHashable.
if (auto sourceStruct = dyn_cast<StructType>(source)) {
if (sourceStruct->getDecl() == M->getASTContext().getAnyHashableDecl()) {
if (auto hashable = getHashableExistentialType(M)) {
// Succeeds if Hashable can be cast to the target type.
return classifyDynamicCastFromProtocol(M, hashable, target,
// Casts to AnyHashable.
if (auto targetStruct = dyn_cast<StructType>(target)) {
if (targetStruct->getDecl() == M->getASTContext().getAnyHashableDecl()) {
// Succeeds if the source type can be dynamically cast to Hashable.
// Hashable is not actually a legal existential type right now, but
// the check doesn't care about that.
if (auto hashable = getHashableExistentialType(M)) {
return classifyDynamicCastToProtocol(M, source, hashable,
// Metatype casts.
if (auto sourceMetatype = dyn_cast<AnyMetatypeType>(source)) {
auto targetMetatype = dyn_cast<AnyMetatypeType>(target);
if (!targetMetatype) return DynamicCastFeasibility::WillFail;
source = sourceMetatype.getInstanceType();
target = targetMetatype.getInstanceType();
if (source == target &&
targetMetatype.isAnyExistentialType() ==
return DynamicCastFeasibility::WillSucceed;
// If the source and target are the same existential type, but the source is
// P.Protocol and the dest is P.Type, then we need to consider whether the
// protocol is self-conforming.
// The only cases where a protocol self-conforms are objc protocols, but
// we're going to expect P.Type to hold a class object. And this case
// doesn't matter since for a self-conforming protocol type there can't be
// any type-level methods.
// Thus we consider this kind of cast to always fail. The only exception
// from this rule is when the target is Any.Type, because *.Protocol
// can always be casted to Any.Type.
if (source->isAnyExistentialType() && isa<MetatypeType>(sourceMetatype) &&
isa<ExistentialMetatypeType>(targetMetatype)) {
return target->isAny() ? DynamicCastFeasibility::WillSucceed
: DynamicCastFeasibility::WillFail;
if (targetMetatype.isAnyExistentialType() &&
(isa<ProtocolType>(target) || isa<ProtocolCompositionType>(target))) {
auto Feasibility =
classifyDynamicCastToProtocol(M, source, target, isWholeModuleOpts);
// Cast from existential metatype to existential metatype may still
// succeed, even if we cannot prove anything statically.
if (Feasibility != DynamicCastFeasibility::WillFail ||
return Feasibility;
// If isSourceTypeExact is true, we know we are casting the result of a
// MetatypeInst instruction.
if (isSourceTypeExact) {
// If source or target are existentials, then it can be cast
// successfully only into itself.
if ((target.isAnyExistentialType() || source.isAnyExistentialType()) &&
target != source)
return DynamicCastFeasibility::WillFail;
// Casts from class existential metatype into a concrete non-class metatype
// can never succeed.
if (source->isClassExistentialType() &&
!target.isAnyExistentialType() &&
return DynamicCastFeasibility::WillFail;
// TODO: prove that some conversions to existential metatype will
// obviously succeed/fail.
// TODO: prove that some conversions from class existential metatype
// to a concrete non-class metatype will obviously fail.
// TODO: class metatype to/from AnyObject
// TODO: protocol concrete metatype to/from ObjCProtocol
if (isa<ExistentialMetatypeType>(sourceMetatype) ||
return (getAnyMetatypeDepth(source) == getAnyMetatypeDepth(target)
? DynamicCastFeasibility::MaySucceed
: DynamicCastFeasibility::WillFail);
// If both metatypes are class metatypes, check if classes can be
// cast.
if (source.getClassOrBoundGenericClass() &&
return classifyClassHierarchyCast(source, target);
// Different structs cannot be cast to each other.
if (source.getStructOrBoundGenericStruct() &&
target.getStructOrBoundGenericStruct() &&
source != target)
return DynamicCastFeasibility::WillFail;
// Different enums cannot be cast to each other.
if (source.getEnumOrBoundGenericEnum() &&
target.getEnumOrBoundGenericEnum() &&
source != target)
return DynamicCastFeasibility::WillFail;
// If we don't know any better, assume that the cast may succeed.
return DynamicCastFeasibility::MaySucceed;
// Function casts.
if (auto sourceFunction = dyn_cast<FunctionType>(source)) {
if (auto targetFunction = dyn_cast<FunctionType>(target)) {
// A function cast can succeed if the function types can be identical,
// or if the target type is throwier than the original.
// An async function cannot be cast to a non-async function and
// vice-versa.
if (sourceFunction->isAsync() != targetFunction->isAsync())
return DynamicCastFeasibility::WillFail;
// A non-throwing source function can be cast to a throwing target type,
// but not vice versa.
if (sourceFunction->isThrowing() && !targetFunction->isThrowing())
return DynamicCastFeasibility::WillFail;
// The cast can't change the representation at runtime.
if (targetFunction->getRepresentation()
!= sourceFunction->getRepresentation())
return DynamicCastFeasibility::WillFail;
if (AnyFunctionType::equalParams(sourceFunction.getParams(),
targetFunction.getParams()) &&
sourceFunction.getResult() == targetFunction.getResult())
return DynamicCastFeasibility::WillSucceed;
// Be conservative about function type relationships we may add in
// the future.
return DynamicCastFeasibility::MaySucceed;
// Tuple casts.
if (auto sourceTuple = dyn_cast<TupleType>(source)) {
if (auto targetTuple = dyn_cast<TupleType>(target)) {
// # of elements must coincide.
if (sourceTuple->getNumElements() != targetTuple->getNumElements())
return DynamicCastFeasibility::WillFail;
DynamicCastFeasibility result = DynamicCastFeasibility::WillSucceed;
for (unsigned i : range(sourceTuple->getNumElements())) {
const auto &sourceElt = sourceTuple->getElement(i);
const auto &targetElt = targetTuple->getElement(i);
// If both have names and the names mismatch, the cast will fail.
if (sourceElt.hasName() && targetElt.hasName() &&
sourceElt.getName() != targetElt.getName())
return DynamicCastFeasibility::WillFail;
// Combine the result of prior elements with this element type.
result = std::max(result,
// If this element failed, we're done.
if (result == DynamicCastFeasibility::WillFail)
return result;
// Class casts.
auto sourceClass = source.getClassOrBoundGenericClass();
auto targetClass = target.getClassOrBoundGenericClass();
if (sourceClass) {
if (targetClass) {
// Imported Objective-C generics don't check the generic parameters, which
// are lost at runtime.
if (sourceClass->usesObjCGenericsModel()) {
if (sourceClass == targetClass)
return DynamicCastFeasibility::WillSucceed;
if (targetClass->usesObjCGenericsModel()) {
// If both classes are ObjC generics, the cast may succeed if the
// classes are related, irrespective of their generic parameters.
if (sourceClass->isSuperclassOf(targetClass))
return DynamicCastFeasibility::MaySucceed;
if (targetClass->isSuperclassOf(sourceClass))
return DynamicCastFeasibility::WillSucceed;
return DynamicCastFeasibility::WillFail;
// Try a hierarchy cast. If that isn't failure, we can report it.
auto hierarchyResult = classifyClassHierarchyCast(source, target);
if (hierarchyResult != DynamicCastFeasibility::WillFail)
return hierarchyResult;
// As a backup, consider whether either type is a CF class type
// with an NS bridged equivalent.
CanType bridgedSource = getNSBridgedClassOfCFClass(M, source);
CanType bridgedTarget = getNSBridgedClassOfCFClass(M, target);
// If neither type qualifies, we're done.
if (!bridgedSource && !bridgedTarget)
return DynamicCastFeasibility::WillFail;
// Otherwise, map over to the bridged types and try to answer the
// question there.
if (bridgedSource) source = bridgedSource;
if (bridgedTarget) target = bridgedTarget;
return classifyDynamicCast(M, source, target, false, isWholeModuleOpts);
// Casts from a class into a non-class can never succeed if the target must
// be bridged to a SwiftValueBox. You would need an AnyObject source for
// that.
if (!target.isAnyExistentialType() &&
!target.getClassOrBoundGenericClass() &&
!isa<ArchetypeType>(target) &&
mustBridgeToSwiftValueBox(M, target)) {
assert((target.getEnumOrBoundGenericEnum() ||
target.getStructOrBoundGenericStruct() ||
isa<TupleType>(target) ||
isa<SILFunctionType>(target) ||
isa<FunctionType>(target) ||
isa<MetatypeType>(target)) &&
"Target should be an enum, struct, tuple, metatype or function type");
return DynamicCastFeasibility::WillFail;
// In the Objective-C runtime, class metatypes are also class instances.
// The cast may succeed if the target type can be inhabited by a class
// metatype.
// TODO: Narrow this to the sourceClass being exactly NSObject.
if (M->getASTContext().LangOpts.EnableObjCInterop) {
if (auto targetMeta = dyn_cast<MetatypeType>(target)) {
if (isa<ArchetypeType>(targetMeta.getInstanceType())
|| targetMeta.getInstanceType()->mayHaveSuperclass())
return DynamicCastFeasibility::MaySucceed;
} else if (isa<ExistentialMetatypeType>(target)) {
return DynamicCastFeasibility::MaySucceed;
// If the source is not existential, an archetype, or (under the ObjC runtime)
// a class, and the destination is a metatype, there is no way the cast can
// succeed.
if (target->is<AnyMetatypeType>()) return DynamicCastFeasibility::WillFail;
// FIXME: Be more careful with bridging conversions from
// NSArray, NSDictionary and NSSet as they may fail?
// We know that a cast from Int -> class foobar will fail.
if (targetClass &&
!source.isAnyExistentialType() &&
!source.getClassOrBoundGenericClass() &&
!isa<ArchetypeType>(source) &&
mustBridgeToSwiftValueBox(M, source)) {
assert((source.getEnumOrBoundGenericEnum() ||
source.getStructOrBoundGenericStruct() ||
isa<TupleType>(source) ||
isa<SILFunctionType>(source) ||
isa<FunctionType>(source) ||
isa<MetatypeType>(source)) &&
"Source should be an enum, struct, tuple, metatype or function type");
return DynamicCastFeasibility::WillFail;
// Check if there might be a bridging conversion.
if (source->isBridgeableObjectType() && mayBridgeToObjectiveC(M, target)) {
// Try to get the ObjC type which is bridged to target type.
// ObjC-to-Swift casts may fail. And in most cases it is impossible to
// statically predict the outcome. So, let's be conservative here.
return DynamicCastFeasibility::MaySucceed;
if (target->isBridgeableObjectType() && mayBridgeToObjectiveC(M, source)) {
// Try to get the ObjC type which is bridged to source type.
if (Type ObjCTy = M->getASTContext().getBridgedToObjC(M, source)) {
// If the bridged ObjC type is known, check if
// this type can be cast into target type.
return classifyDynamicCast(M,
/* isSourceTypeExact */ false, isWholeModuleOpts);
return DynamicCastFeasibility::MaySucceed;
// Check if it is a cast between bridged error types.
if (isError(M, source) && isError(M, target)) {
// TODO: Cast to NSError succeeds always.
return DynamicCastFeasibility::MaySucceed;
// Check for a viable collection cast.
if (auto sourceStruct = dyn_cast<BoundGenericStructType>(source)) {
if (auto targetStruct = dyn_cast<BoundGenericStructType>(target)) {
// Both types have to be the same kind of collection.
auto typeDecl = sourceStruct->getDecl();
if (typeDecl == targetStruct->getDecl()) {
auto sourceArgs = sourceStruct.getGenericArgs();
auto targetArgs = targetStruct.getGenericArgs();
// Note that we can never say that a collection cast is impossible:
// a cast can always succeed on an empty collection.
// Arrays and sets.
if (typeDecl == M->getASTContext().getArrayDecl() ||
typeDecl == M->getASTContext().getSetDecl()) {
auto valueFeasibility =
classifyDynamicCast(M, sourceArgs[0], targetArgs[0]);
return atWorst(valueFeasibility,
// Dictionaries.
} else if (typeDecl == M->getASTContext().getDictionaryDecl()) {
auto keyFeasibility =
classifyDynamicCast(M, sourceArgs[0], targetArgs[0]);
auto valueFeasibility =
classifyDynamicCast(M, sourceArgs[1], targetArgs[1]);
return atWorst(atBest(keyFeasibility, valueFeasibility),
return DynamicCastFeasibility::WillFail;
static unsigned getOptionalDepth(CanType type) {
unsigned depth = 0;
while (CanType objectType = type.getOptionalObjectType()) {
type = objectType;
return depth;
namespace {
struct Source {
SILValue Value;
CanType FormalType;
bool isAddress() const { return Value->getType().isAddress(); }
SILType getSILType() const { return Value->getType(); }
Source() = default;
Source(SILValue value, CanType formalType)
: Value(value), FormalType(formalType) {}
struct Target {
SILValue Address;
SILType LoweredType;
CanType FormalType;
bool isAddress() const { return (bool) Address; }
Source asAddressSource() const {
return { Address, FormalType };
Source asScalarSource(SILValue value) const {
return { value, FormalType };
SILType getSILType() const {
if (isAddress())
return Address->getType();
return LoweredType;
Target() = default;
Target(SILValue address, CanType formalType)
: Address(address), LoweredType(address->getType()),
FormalType(formalType) {
Target(SILType loweredType, CanType formalType)
: Address(), LoweredType(loweredType), FormalType(formalType) {
class CastEmitter {
SILBuilder &B;
SILModule &M;
ASTContext &Ctx;
SILLocation Loc;
ModuleDecl *SwiftModule;
CastEmitter(SILBuilder &B, ModuleDecl *swiftModule, SILLocation loc)
: B(B), M(B.getModule()), Ctx(M.getASTContext()), Loc(loc),
SwiftModule(swiftModule) {}
Source emitTopLevel(Source source, Target target) {
unsigned sourceOptDepth = getOptionalDepth(source.FormalType);
unsigned targetOptDepth = getOptionalDepth(target.FormalType);
assert(sourceOptDepth <= targetOptDepth);
return emitAndInjectIntoOptionals(source, target,
targetOptDepth - sourceOptDepth);
const TypeLowering &getTypeLowering(SILType type) {
return B.getFunction().getTypeLowering(type);
SILValue getOwnedScalar(Source source, const TypeLowering &srcTL) {
return source.Value;
Source putOwnedScalar(SILValue scalar, Target target) {
assert(scalar->getType() == target.LoweredType.getObjectType());
if (!target.isAddress())
return target.asScalarSource(scalar);
auto &targetTL = getTypeLowering(target.LoweredType);
targetTL.emitStoreOfCopy(B, Loc, scalar, target.Address,
return target.asAddressSource();
Source emitSameType(Source source, Target target) {
assert(source.FormalType == target.FormalType ||
source.getSILType() == target.getSILType());
auto &srcTL = getTypeLowering(source.Value->getType());
// The destination always wants a +1 value, so make the source
// +1 if it's a scalar.
if (!source.isAddress()) {
source.Value = getOwnedScalar(source, srcTL);
// If we've got a scalar and want a scalar, the source is
// exactly right.
if (!target.isAddress() && !source.isAddress())
return source;
// If the destination wants a non-address value, load
if (!target.isAddress()) {
SILValue value = srcTL.emitLoadOfCopy(B, Loc, source.Value, IsTake);
return target.asScalarSource(value);
if (source.isAddress()) {
srcTL.emitCopyInto(B, Loc, source.Value, target.Address,
IsTake, IsInitialization);
} else {
srcTL.emitStoreOfCopy(B, Loc, source.Value, target.Address,
return target.asAddressSource();
Source emit(Source source, Target target) {
if (source.FormalType == target.FormalType ||
source.getSILType() == target.getSILType())
return emitSameType(source, target);
// Handle subtype conversions involving optionals.
if (auto sourceObjectType = source.FormalType.getOptionalObjectType()) {
return emitOptionalToOptional(source, sourceObjectType, target);
// The only other things we return WillSucceed for currently is
// an upcast or CF/NS toll-free-bridging conversion.
// FIXME: Upcasts between existential metatypes are not handled yet.
// We should generate for it:
// %openedSrcMetatype = open_existential srcMetatype
// init_existential dstMetatype, %openedSrcMetatype
auto &srcTL = getTypeLowering(source.Value->getType());
SILValue value;
if (source.isAddress()) {
value = srcTL.emitLoadOfCopy(B, Loc, source.Value, IsTake);
} else {
value = getOwnedScalar(source, srcTL);
auto targetFormalTy = target.FormalType;
auto targetLoweredTy =
if (isCFBridgingConversion(SwiftModule,
targetFormalTy)) {
value = B.createUncheckedRefCast(Loc, value, targetLoweredTy);
} else {
value = B.createUpcast(Loc, value, targetLoweredTy);
return putOwnedScalar(value, target);
Source emitAndInjectIntoOptionals(Source source, Target target,
unsigned depth) {
if (depth == 0)
return emit(source, target);
// Recurse.
EmitSomeState state;
Target objectTarget = prepareForEmitSome(target, state);
Source objectSource =
emitAndInjectIntoOptionals(source, objectTarget, depth - 1);
return emitSome(objectSource, target, state);
Source emitOptionalToOptional(Source source,
CanType sourceObjectType,
Target target) {
// Switch on the incoming value.
SILBasicBlock *contBB = B.splitBlockForFallthrough();
SILBasicBlock *noneBB = B.splitBlockForFallthrough();
SILBasicBlock *someBB = B.splitBlockForFallthrough();
// Emit the switch.
std::pair<EnumElementDecl*, SILBasicBlock*> cases[] = {
{ Ctx.getOptionalSomeDecl(), someBB },
{ Ctx.getOptionalNoneDecl(), noneBB },
if (source.isAddress()) {
B.createSwitchEnumAddr(Loc, source.Value, /*default*/ nullptr, cases);
} else {
B.createSwitchEnum(Loc, source.Value, /*default*/ nullptr, cases);
// Create the Some block, which recurses.
auto sourceSomeDecl = Ctx.getOptionalSomeDecl();
SILType loweredSourceObjectType =
sourceSomeDecl, M, B.getTypeExpansionContext());
// Form the target for the optional object.
EmitSomeState state;
Target objectTarget = prepareForEmitSome(target, state);
// Form the source value.
AllocStackInst *sourceTemp = nullptr;
Source objectSource;
if (source.isAddress()) {
// TODO: add an instruction for non-destructively getting a
// specific element's data.
SILValue sourceAddr = source.Value;
sourceAddr = B.createUncheckedTakeEnumDataAddr(Loc, sourceAddr,
sourceSomeDecl, loweredSourceObjectType);
objectSource = Source(sourceAddr, sourceObjectType);
} else {
// switch enum always start as @owned.
SILValue sourceObjectValue = someBB->createPhiArgument(
loweredSourceObjectType, OwnershipKind::Owned);
objectSource = Source(sourceObjectValue, sourceObjectType);
Source resultObject = emit(objectSource, objectTarget);
// Deallocate the source temporary if we needed one.
if (sourceTemp) {
B.createDeallocStack(Loc, sourceTemp);
Source result = emitSome(resultObject, target, state);
assert(result.isAddress() == target.isAddress());
if (target.isAddress()) {
B.createBranch(Loc, contBB);
} else {
B.createBranch(Loc, contBB, { result.Value });
// Create the None block.
Source result = emitNone(target);
assert(result.isAddress() == target.isAddress());
if (target.isAddress()) {
B.createBranch(Loc, contBB);
} else {
B.createBranch(Loc, contBB, { result.Value });
// Continuation block.
if (target.isAddress()) {
return target.asAddressSource();
} else {
SILValue result =
contBB->createPhiArgument(target.LoweredType, OwnershipKind::Owned);
return target.asScalarSource(result);
struct EmitSomeState {
EnumElementDecl *SomeDecl;
Target prepareForEmitSome(Target target, EmitSomeState &state) {
auto objectType = target.FormalType.getOptionalObjectType();
assert(objectType && "emitting Some into non-optional type");
auto someDecl = Ctx.getOptionalSomeDecl();
state.SomeDecl = someDecl;
SILType loweredObjectType = target.LoweredType.getEnumElementType(
someDecl, M, B.getTypeExpansionContext());
if (target.isAddress()) {
SILValue objectAddr =
B.createInitEnumDataAddr(Loc, target.Address, someDecl,
return { objectAddr, objectType };
} else {
return { loweredObjectType, objectType };
Source emitSome(Source source, Target target, EmitSomeState &state) {
// If our target is an address, prepareForEmitSome should have set this
// up so that we emitted directly into
if (target.isAddress()) {
B.createInjectEnumAddr(Loc, target.Address, state.SomeDecl);
return target.asAddressSource();
} else {
auto &srcTL = getTypeLowering(source.Value->getType());
auto sourceObject = getOwnedScalar(source, srcTL);
auto source = B.createEnum(Loc, sourceObject, state.SomeDecl,
return target.asScalarSource(source);
Source emitNone(Target target) {
auto noneDecl = Ctx.getOptionalNoneDecl();
if (target.isAddress()) {
B.createInjectEnumAddr(Loc, target.Address, noneDecl);
return target.asAddressSource();
} else {
SILValue res = B.createEnum(Loc, nullptr, noneDecl, target.LoweredType);
return target.asScalarSource(res);
} // end anonymous namespace
swift::emitSuccessfulScalarUnconditionalCast(SILBuilder &B, SILLocation loc,
SILDynamicCastInst dynamicCast) {
return emitSuccessfulScalarUnconditionalCast(
B, B.getModule().getSwiftModule(), loc, dynamicCast.getSource(),
dynamicCast.getTargetLoweredType(), dynamicCast.getSourceFormalType(),
dynamicCast.getTargetFormalType(), dynamicCast.getInstruction());
/// Emit an unconditional scalar cast that's known to succeed.
swift::emitSuccessfulScalarUnconditionalCast(SILBuilder &B, ModuleDecl *M,
SILLocation loc, SILValue value,
SILType targetLoweredType,
CanType sourceFormalType,
CanType targetFormalType,
SILInstruction *existingCast) {
assert(classifyDynamicCast(M, sourceFormalType, targetFormalType)
== DynamicCastFeasibility::WillSucceed);
// Casts to/from existential types cannot be further improved.
if (sourceFormalType.isAnyExistentialType() ||
targetFormalType.isAnyExistentialType()) {
if (existingCast)
// Indicate that the existing cast cannot be further improved.
return SILValue();
llvm_unreachable("Casts to/from existentials are not supported yet");
// Fast path changes that don't change the type.
if (sourceFormalType == targetFormalType)
return value;
Source source(value, sourceFormalType);
Target target(targetLoweredType, targetFormalType);
Source result = CastEmitter(B, M, loc).emitTopLevel(source, target);
assert(result.Value->getType() == targetLoweredType);
return result.Value;
bool swift::emitSuccessfulIndirectUnconditionalCast(
SILBuilder &B, SILLocation loc, SILDynamicCastInst dynamicCast) {
return emitSuccessfulIndirectUnconditionalCast(
B, B.getModule().getSwiftModule(), loc, dynamicCast.getSource(),
dynamicCast.getSourceFormalType(), dynamicCast.getDest(),
dynamicCast.getTargetFormalType(), dynamicCast.getInstruction());
bool swift::emitSuccessfulIndirectUnconditionalCast(
SILBuilder &B, ModuleDecl *M, SILLocation loc, SILValue src,
CanType sourceFormalType, SILValue dest, CanType targetFormalType,
SILInstruction *existingCast) {
assert(classifyDynamicCast(M, sourceFormalType, targetFormalType)
== DynamicCastFeasibility::WillSucceed);
// Casts between the same types can be always handled here.
// Casts from non-existentials into existentials and
// vice-versa cannot be improved yet.
// Casts between a value type and a class cannot be optimized.
// Therefore generate a simple unconditional_checked_cast_aadr.
if (src->getType() != dest->getType())
if (src->getType().isAnyExistentialType() !=
dest->getType().isAnyExistentialType() ||
!(src->getType().getClassOrBoundGenericClass() &&
dest->getType().getClassOrBoundGenericClass())) {
// If there is an existing cast with the same arguments,
// indicate we cannot improve it.
if (existingCast) {
auto *UCCAI = dyn_cast<UnconditionalCheckedCastAddrInst>(existingCast);
if (UCCAI && UCCAI->getSrc() == src && UCCAI->getDest() == dest
&& UCCAI->getSourceFormalType() == sourceFormalType
&& UCCAI->getTargetFormalType() == targetFormalType) {
// Indicate that the existing cast cannot be further improved.
return false;
src, sourceFormalType,
dest, targetFormalType);
return true;
Source source(src, sourceFormalType);
Target target(dest, targetFormalType);
Source result = CastEmitter(B, M, loc).emitTopLevel(source, target);
assert(result.Value == dest);
(void) result;
return true;
/// Can the given cast be performed by the scalar checked-cast
/// instructions?
bool swift::canUseScalarCheckedCastInstructions(SILModule &M,
CanType sourceFormalType,
CanType targetFormalType) {
// Look through one level of optionality on the source.
auto objectType = sourceFormalType;
if (auto type = objectType.getOptionalObjectType())
objectType = type;
// Casting to NSError needs to go through the indirect-cast case,
// since it may conform to Error and require Error-to-NSError
// bridging, unless we can statically see that the source type inherits
// NSError.
// A class-constrained archetype may be bound to NSError, unless it has a
// non-NSError superclass constraint. Casts to archetypes thus must always be
// indirect.
if (auto archetype = targetFormalType->getAs<ArchetypeType>()) {
// Only ever permit this if the source type is a reference type.
if (!objectType.isAnyClassReferenceType())
return false;
auto super = archetype->getSuperclass();
if (super.isNull())
return false;
// A base class constraint that isn't NSError rules out the archetype being
// bound to NSError.
if (M.getASTContext().LangOpts.EnableObjCInterop) {
if (auto nserror = M.Types.getNSErrorType())
return !super->isEqual(nserror);
// If NSError wasn't loaded, any base class constraint must not be NSError.
return true;
if (M.getASTContext().LangOpts.EnableObjCInterop
&& targetFormalType == M.Types.getNSErrorType()) {
// If we statically know the source is an NSError subclass, then the cast
// can go through the scalar path (and it's trivially true so can be
// killed).
return targetFormalType->isExactSuperclassOf(objectType);
// Three supported cases:
// - metatype to metatype
// - metatype to object
// - object to object
if ((objectType.isAnyClassReferenceType() || isa<AnyMetatypeType>(objectType))
&& targetFormalType.isAnyClassReferenceType())
return true;
if (isa<AnyMetatypeType>(objectType) && isa<AnyMetatypeType>(targetFormalType))
return true;
// Otherwise, we need to use the general indirect-cast functions.
return false;
/// Carry out the operations required for an indirect conditional cast
/// using a scalar cast operation.
void swift::emitIndirectConditionalCastWithScalar(
SILBuilder &B, ModuleDecl *M, SILLocation loc,
CastConsumptionKind consumption,
SILValue srcAddr, CanType sourceFormalType,
SILValue destAddr, CanType targetFormalType,
SILBasicBlock *indirectSuccBB, SILBasicBlock *indirectFailBB,
ProfileCounter TrueCount, ProfileCounter FalseCount) {
sourceFormalType, targetFormalType));
// Create our successor and fail blocks.
SILBasicBlock *scalarFailBB = B.splitBlockForFallthrough();
SILBasicBlock *scalarSuccBB = B.splitBlockForFallthrough();
// Always take; this works under an assumption that retaining the result is
// equivalent to retaining the source. That means that these casts would not
// be appropriate for bridging-like conversions.
// Our plan is:
// 1. If the original cast was a take_always cast, then we take from our
// memory location in the caller, store the value into dest in the success
// block, and perform a destroy of our default argument in the failure block.
// 2. If the original cast was copy_on_success, then with ownership we borrow,
// copy in the success path and store back into the source slot after copying.
// 3. If the original cast was take_on_success, then on success we place the
// casted value into dest and on failure, store the original value back into
// src.
SILType targetLoweredType = destAddr->getType().getObjectType();
// Inline constructor
auto srcValue = ([&]() -> SILValue {
if (consumption == CastConsumptionKind::CopyOnSuccess)
return B.emitLoadBorrowOperation(loc, srcAddr);
return B.emitLoadValueOperation(loc, srcAddr, LoadOwnershipQualifier::Take);
B.createCheckedCastBranch(loc, /*exact*/ false, srcValue, targetLoweredType,
targetFormalType, scalarSuccBB, scalarFailBB,
TrueCount, FalseCount);
// Emit the success block.
B.setInsertionPoint(scalarSuccBB); {
SILValue succValue = scalarSuccBB->createPhiArgument(
targetLoweredType, srcValue.getOwnershipKind());
switch (consumption) {
// On success, we take with both take_always and take_on_success.
case CastConsumptionKind::TakeAlways:
case CastConsumptionKind::TakeOnSuccess:
case CastConsumptionKind::CopyOnSuccess: {
succValue = B.emitCopyValueOperation(loc, succValue);
B.emitEndBorrowOperation(loc, srcValue);
case CastConsumptionKind::BorrowAlways:
llvm_unreachable("should never see a borrow_always here");
// And then store the succValue into dest.
B.emitStoreValueOperation(loc, succValue, destAddr,
B.createBranch(loc, indirectSuccBB);
// Emit the failure block.
SILValue failValue = srcValue;
// If we have ownership, we need to create something for the default
// argument. Otherwise, we just use the input argument to the
// checked_cast_br.
if (B.hasOwnership()) {
failValue = scalarFailBB->createPhiArgument(srcValue->getType(),
switch (consumption) {
case CastConsumptionKind::TakeAlways:
// We need to destroy the fail value if we have take_always.
B.emitDestroyValueOperation(loc, failValue);
case CastConsumptionKind::TakeOnSuccess:
// If we have take_on_success, since we failed, just store the value back
// into the src location that we originally took from.
B.emitStoreValueOperation(loc, failValue, srcAddr,
case CastConsumptionKind::CopyOnSuccess:
B.emitEndBorrowOperation(loc, srcValue);
case CastConsumptionKind::BorrowAlways:
llvm_unreachable("borrow_on_success should never appear here");
B.createBranch(loc, indirectFailBB);