blob: 4d0706ff6fa6e3fda136ded5cdd388b20f9b3cc3 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- IndexRecord.cpp --------------------------------------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
#include "swift/Index/IndexRecord.h"
#include "swift/AST/ASTContext.h"
#include "swift/AST/Decl.h"
#include "swift/AST/DiagnosticsFrontend.h"
#include "swift/AST/Expr.h"
#include "swift/AST/Module.h"
#include "swift/AST/ModuleLoader.h"
#include "swift/AST/ParameterList.h"
#include "swift/AST/Pattern.h"
#include "swift/AST/SourceFile.h"
#include "swift/AST/Stmt.h"
#include "swift/AST/Types.h"
#include "swift/ClangImporter/ClangModule.h"
#include "swift/Index/Index.h"
#include "clang/Basic/FileManager.h"
#include "clang/Frontend/CompilerInstance.h"
#include "clang/Index/IndexingAction.h"
#include "clang/Index/IndexRecordWriter.h"
#include "clang/Index/IndexUnitWriter.h"
#include "clang/Lex/Preprocessor.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Path.h"
using namespace swift;
using namespace swift::index;
using clang::index::IndexUnitWriter;
using clang::index::IndexRecordWriter;
using clang::index::SymbolRole;
using clang::index::SymbolRoleSet;
// Index data collection and record writing
namespace {
class SymbolTracker {
struct SymbolRelation {
size_t symbolIndex;
SymbolRoleSet roles;
llvm::hash_code hash() const { return llvm::hash_combine(symbolIndex, roles); }
struct SymbolOccurrence {
size_t symbolIndex;
SymbolRoleSet roles;
unsigned line;
unsigned column;
SmallVector<SymbolRelation, 3> related;
llvm::hash_code hash() const {
auto hash = llvm::hash_combine(symbolIndex, roles, line, column);
for (auto &relation : related) {
hash = llvm::hash_combine(hash, relation.hash());
return hash;
struct Symbol {
StringRef name;
StringRef USR;
StringRef group;
SymbolInfo symInfo;
unsigned isTestCandidate : 1;
llvm::hash_code hash() const {
return llvm::hash_combine(
name, USR, group,
symInfo.Properties, isTestCandidate);
Symbol *getSymbol(size_t index) {
assert(index < symbols.size());
return &symbols[index];
ArrayRef<SymbolOccurrence> getOccurrences() {
if (!sorted) {
std::stable_sort(occurrences.begin(), occurrences.end(),
[](const SymbolOccurrence &a, const SymbolOccurrence& b) {
if (a.line < b.line)
return true;
if (b.line < a.line)
return false;
return a.column < b.column;
sorted = true;
return occurrences;
size_t addSymbol(const IndexRelation &indexSym) {
auto pair = USRToSymbol.insert(std::make_pair(,
if (pair.second) {
Symbol symbol{,
recordHash = llvm::hash_combine(recordHash, symbol.hash());
return pair.first->second;
void addOccurrence(const IndexSymbol &indexOccur) {
sorted = false;
SmallVector<SymbolRelation, 3> relations;
for(IndexRelation indexRel: indexOccur.Relations) {
relations.push_back({addSymbol(indexRel), indexRel.roles});
recordHash = llvm::hash_combine(recordHash, occurrences.back().hash());
llvm::hash_code hashRecord() const { return recordHash; }
llvm::DenseMap<const char *, size_t> USRToSymbol;
std::vector<Symbol> symbols;
std::vector<SymbolOccurrence> occurrences;
bool sorted = false;
llvm::hash_code recordHash = 0;
class IndexRecordingConsumer : public IndexDataConsumer {
SymbolTracker record;
// Keep a USR map to uniquely identify Decls.
// FIXME: if we just passed the original Decl * through we could use that,
// which would also let us avoid producing the USR/Name/etc. for decls unless
// we actually need it (once per Decl instead of once per occurrence).
std::vector<IndexSymbol> symbolStack;
std::function<void(SymbolTracker &)> onFinish;
IndexRecordingConsumer(std::function<void(SymbolTracker &)> onFinish)
: onFinish(std::move(onFinish)) {}
void failed(StringRef error) override {
// FIXME: expose errors?
bool startDependency(StringRef name, StringRef path, bool isClangModule, bool isSystem) override {
return true;
bool finishDependency(bool isClangModule) override { return true; }
Action startSourceEntity(const IndexSymbol &symbol) override {
return Action::Continue;
bool finishSourceEntity(SymbolInfo sym, SymbolRoleSet roles) override {
IndexSymbol symbol = std::move(symbolStack.back());
return true;
void finish() override { onFinish(record); }
class StdlibGroupsIndexRecordingConsumer : public IndexDataConsumer {
llvm::StringMap<std::unique_ptr<SymbolTracker>> TrackerByGroup;
// Keep a USR map to uniquely identify Decls.
// FIXME: if we just passed the original Decl * through we could use that,
// which would also let us avoid producing the USR/Name/etc. for decls unless
// we actually need it (once per Decl instead of once per occurrence).
std::vector<IndexSymbol> symbolStack;
std::function<bool(StringRef groupName, SymbolTracker &)> onFinish;
StdlibGroupsIndexRecordingConsumer(std::function<bool(StringRef groupName, SymbolTracker &)> onFinish)
: onFinish(std::move(onFinish)) {}
void failed(StringRef error) override {
// FIXME: expose errors?
bool startDependency(StringRef name, StringRef path, bool isClangModule, bool isSystem) override {
return true;
bool finishDependency(bool isClangModule) override { return true; }
Action startSourceEntity(const IndexSymbol &symbol) override {
return Action::Continue;
bool finishSourceEntity(SymbolInfo sym, SymbolRoleSet roles) override {
IndexSymbol symbol = std::move(symbolStack.back());
StringRef groupName = findGroupForSymbol(symbol);
auto &tracker = TrackerByGroup[groupName];
if (!tracker) {
tracker = std::make_unique<SymbolTracker>();
return true;
void finish() override {
for (auto &pair : TrackerByGroup) {
StringRef groupName = pair.first();
SymbolTracker &tracker = *pair.second;
bool cont = onFinish(groupName, tracker);
if (!cont)
StringRef findGroupForSymbol(const IndexSymbol &sym);
} // end anonymous namespace
static StringRef findGroupNameForDecl(const Decl *D) {
if (!D || isa<ModuleDecl>(D) || isa<TopLevelCodeDecl>(D))
return StringRef();
auto groupNameOpt = D->getGroupName();
if (groupNameOpt)
return *groupNameOpt;
return findGroupNameForDecl(D->getDeclContext()->getInnermostDeclarationDeclContext());
StringRef StdlibGroupsIndexRecordingConsumer::findGroupForSymbol(const IndexSymbol &sym) {
bool isDeclOrDef = sym.roles & ((SymbolRoleSet)SymbolRole::Declaration | (SymbolRoleSet)SymbolRole::Definition);
if (isDeclOrDef) {
if (!
return findGroupNameForDecl(sym.decl);
for (auto &rel : sym.Relations) {
if (!
if (rel.decl)
return findGroupNameForDecl(rel.decl);
llvm_unreachable("did not find group name for reference");
static bool writeRecord(SymbolTracker &record, std::string Filename,
std::string indexStorePath, DiagnosticEngine *diags,
std::string &outRecordFile) {
if (record.getOccurrences().empty()) {
outRecordFile = std::string();
return false;
IndexRecordWriter recordWriter(indexStorePath);
std::string error;
auto result = recordWriter.beginRecord(
Filename, record.hashRecord(), error, &outRecordFile);
switch (result) {
case IndexRecordWriter::Result::Failure:
diags->diagnose(SourceLoc(), diag::error_write_index_record, error);
return true;
case IndexRecordWriter::Result::AlreadyExists:
return false;
case IndexRecordWriter::Result::Success:
for (auto &occurrence : record.getOccurrences()) {
SmallVector<clang::index::writer::SymbolRelation, 3> relations;
for(SymbolTracker::SymbolRelation symbolRelation: occurrence.related) {
relations.push_back({record.getSymbol(symbolRelation.symbolIndex), symbolRelation.roles});
record.getSymbol(occurrence.symbolIndex), occurrence.roles,
occurrence.line, occurrence.column, relations);
result = recordWriter.endRecord(error,
[&](clang::index::writer::OpaqueDecl opaqueSymbol,
SmallVectorImpl<char> &scratch) {
auto *symbol = static_cast<const SymbolTracker::Symbol *>(opaqueSymbol);
clang::index::writer::Symbol result;
result.SymInfo = symbol->symInfo;
result.Name = symbol->name;
result.USR = symbol->USR;
result.CodeGenName = ""; // FIXME
return result;
if (result == IndexRecordWriter::Result::Failure) {
diags->diagnose(SourceLoc(), diag::error_write_index_record, error);
return true;
return false;
static std::unique_ptr<IndexRecordingConsumer>
makeRecordingConsumer(std::string Filename, std::string indexStorePath,
DiagnosticEngine *diags,
std::string *outRecordFile,
bool *outFailed) {
return std::make_unique<IndexRecordingConsumer>([=](SymbolTracker &record) {
*outFailed = writeRecord(record, Filename, indexStorePath, diags,
static bool
recordSourceFile(SourceFile *SF, StringRef indexStorePath,
DiagnosticEngine &diags,
llvm::function_ref<void(StringRef, StringRef)> callback) {
std::string recordFile;
bool failed = false;
auto consumer =
makeRecordingConsumer(SF->getFilename().str(), indexStorePath.str(),
&diags, &recordFile, &failed);
indexSourceFile(SF, *consumer);
if (!failed && !recordFile.empty())
callback(recordFile, SF->getFilename());
return failed;
// Index unit file writing
// Used to get std::string pointers to pass as writer::OpaqueModule.
namespace {
class StringScratchSpace {
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<std::string>> StrsCreated;
const std::string *createString(StringRef str) {
return StrsCreated.back().get();
static clang::index::writer::ModuleInfo
getModuleInfoFromOpaqueModule(clang::index::writer::OpaqueModule mod,
SmallVectorImpl<char> &Scratch) {
clang::index::writer::ModuleInfo info;
info.Name = *static_cast<const std::string*>(mod);
return info;
static bool
emitDataForSwiftSerializedModule(ModuleDecl *module,
StringRef indexStorePath,
bool indexSystemModules,
bool skipStdlib,
StringRef targetTriple,
const clang::CompilerInstance &clangCI,
DiagnosticEngine &diags,
IndexUnitWriter &parentUnitWriter,
SourceFile *initialFile);
static void addModuleDependencies(ArrayRef<ImportedModule> imports,
StringRef indexStorePath,
bool indexSystemModules,
bool skipStdlib,
StringRef targetTriple,
const clang::CompilerInstance &clangCI,
DiagnosticEngine &diags,
IndexUnitWriter &unitWriter,
StringScratchSpace &moduleNameScratch,
SourceFile *initialFile = nullptr) {
auto &fileMgr = clangCI.getFileManager();
for (auto &import : imports) {
ModuleDecl *mod = import.importedModule;
if (mod->isOnoneSupportModule())
continue; // ignore the Onone support library.
if (mod->isSwiftShimsModule())
for (auto *FU : mod->getFiles()) {
switch (FU->getKind()) {
case FileUnitKind::Source:
case FileUnitKind::Builtin:
case FileUnitKind::Synthesized:
case FileUnitKind::SerializedAST:
case FileUnitKind::DWARFModule:
case FileUnitKind::ClangModule: {
auto *LFU = cast<LoadedFile>(FU);
if (auto F = fileMgr.getFile(LFU->getFilename())) {
StringRef moduleName = mod->getNameStr();
bool withoutUnitName = true;
if (FU->getKind() == FileUnitKind::ClangModule) {
auto clangModUnit = cast<ClangModuleUnit>(LFU);
if (!clangModUnit->isSystemModule() || indexSystemModules) {
withoutUnitName = false;
if (auto clangMod = clangModUnit->getUnderlyingClangModule()) {
moduleName = clangMod->getTopLevelModuleName();
// FIXME: clang's -Rremarks do not seem to go through Swift's
// diagnostic emitter.
clangCI, unitWriter);
} else {
// Serialized AST file.
// Only index system modules (essentially stdlib and overlays).
// We don't officially support binary swift modules, so normally
// the index data for user modules would get generated while
// building them.
if (mod->isSystemModule() && indexSystemModules &&
(!skipStdlib || !mod->isStdlibModule())) {
emitDataForSwiftSerializedModule(mod, indexStorePath,
indexSystemModules, skipStdlib,
targetTriple, clangCI, diags,
unitWriter, initialFile);
withoutUnitName = false;
// If this is a cross-import overlay, make sure we use the name of
// the underlying module instead.
if (auto *declaring = mod->getDeclaringModuleIfCrossImportOverlay())
moduleName = declaring->getNameStr();
clang::index::writer::OpaqueModule opaqMod =
unitWriter.addASTFileDependency(*F, mod->isSystemModule(), opaqMod,
/// \returns true if an error occurred.
static bool
emitDataForSwiftSerializedModule(ModuleDecl *module,
StringRef indexStorePath,
bool indexSystemModules,
bool skipStdlib,
StringRef targetTriple,
const clang::CompilerInstance &clangCI,
DiagnosticEngine &diags,
IndexUnitWriter &parentUnitWriter,
SourceFile *initialFile) {
StringRef filename = module->getModuleFilename();
std::string moduleName = module->getNameStr().str();
// If this is a cross-import overlay, make sure we use the name of the
// underlying module instead.
if (ModuleDecl *declaring = module->getDeclaringModuleIfCrossImportOverlay())
moduleName = declaring->getNameStr().str();
std::string error;
auto isUptodateOpt = parentUnitWriter.isUnitUpToDateForOutputFile(/*FilePath=*/filename,
/*TimeCompareFilePath=*/filename, error);
if (!isUptodateOpt.hasValue()) {
diags.diagnose(SourceLoc(), diag::error_index_failed_status_check, error);
return true;
if (*isUptodateOpt)
return false;
// FIXME: Would be useful for testing if swift had clang's -Rremark system so
// we could output a remark here that we are going to create index data for
// a module file.
// Pairs of (recordFile, groupName).
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> records;
if (!module->isStdlibModule()) {
std::string recordFile;
bool failed = false;
auto consumer = makeRecordingConsumer(filename.str(), indexStorePath.str(),
&diags, &recordFile, &failed);
indexModule(module, *consumer);
if (failed)
return true;
records.emplace_back(recordFile, moduleName);
} else {
// Record stdlib groups as if they were submodules.
auto makeSubmoduleNameFromGroupName = [](StringRef groupName, SmallString<128> &buf) {
buf += "Swift";
if (groupName.empty())
buf += '.';
for (char ch : groupName) {
if (ch == '/')
buf += '.';
buf += ch;
auto appendGroupNameForFilename = [](StringRef groupName, SmallString<256> &buf) {
if (groupName.empty())
buf += '_';
for (char ch : groupName) {
if (ch == '/' || ch ==' ')
buf += '_';
buf += ch;
bool failed = false;
StdlibGroupsIndexRecordingConsumer groupIndexConsumer([&](StringRef groupName, SymbolTracker &tracker) -> bool {
SmallString<128> moduleName;
makeSubmoduleNameFromGroupName(groupName, moduleName);
SmallString<256> fileNameWithGroup = filename;
appendGroupNameForFilename(groupName, fileNameWithGroup);
std::string outRecordFile;
failed =
failed || writeRecord(tracker, std::string(fileNameWithGroup.str()),
indexStorePath.str(), &diags, outRecordFile);
if (failed)
return false;
records.emplace_back(outRecordFile, moduleName.str().str());
return true;
indexModule(module, groupIndexConsumer);
if (failed)
return true;
auto &fileMgr = clangCI.getFileManager();
bool isSystem = module->isSystemModule();
// FIXME: Get real values for the following.
StringRef swiftVersion;
StringRef sysrootPath = clangCI.getHeaderSearchOpts().Sysroot;
std::string indexUnitToken = module->getModuleFilename().str();
// For indexing serialized modules 'debug compilation' is irrelevant, so
// set it to true by default.
bool isDebugCompilation = true;
IndexUnitWriter unitWriter(fileMgr, indexStorePath,
"swift", swiftVersion, indexUnitToken, moduleName,
/*MainFile=*/nullptr, isSystem, /*IsModuleUnit=*/true,
isDebugCompilation, targetTriple, sysrootPath, getModuleInfoFromOpaqueModule);
auto FE = fileMgr.getFile(filename);
bool isSystemModule = module->isSystemModule();
for (auto &pair : records) {
std::string &recordFile = pair.first;
std::string &groupName = pair.second;
if (recordFile.empty())
clang::index::writer::OpaqueModule mod = &groupName;
unitWriter.addRecordFile(recordFile, *FE, isSystemModule, mod);
SmallVector<ImportedModule, 8> imports;
module->getImportedModules(imports, {ModuleDecl::ImportFilterKind::Exported,
StringScratchSpace moduleNameScratch;
addModuleDependencies(imports, indexStorePath, indexSystemModules, skipStdlib,
targetTriple, clangCI, diags, unitWriter,
moduleNameScratch, initialFile);
if (unitWriter.write(error)) {
diags.diagnose(SourceLoc(), diag::error_write_index_unit, error);
return true;
return false;
static bool
recordSourceFileUnit(SourceFile *primarySourceFile, StringRef indexUnitToken,
StringRef indexStorePath, bool indexSystemModules,
bool skipStdlib, bool isDebugCompilation,
StringRef targetTriple,
ArrayRef<const clang::FileEntry *> fileDependencies,
const clang::CompilerInstance &clangCI,
DiagnosticEngine &diags) {
auto &fileMgr = clangCI.getFileManager();
auto *module = primarySourceFile->getParentModule();
bool isSystem = module->isSystemModule();
auto mainFile = fileMgr.getFile(primarySourceFile->getFilename());
// FIXME: Get real values for the following.
StringRef swiftVersion;
StringRef sysrootPath = clangCI.getHeaderSearchOpts().Sysroot;
IndexUnitWriter unitWriter(
fileMgr, indexStorePath, "swift", swiftVersion, indexUnitToken,
module->getNameStr(), mainFile ? *mainFile : nullptr, isSystem,
/*isModuleUnit=*/false, isDebugCompilation, targetTriple, sysrootPath,
// Module dependencies.
SmallVector<ImportedModule, 8> imports;
imports, {ModuleDecl::ImportFilterKind::Exported,
StringScratchSpace moduleNameScratch;
addModuleDependencies(imports, indexStorePath, indexSystemModules, skipStdlib,
targetTriple, clangCI, diags, unitWriter,
moduleNameScratch, primarySourceFile);
// File dependencies.
for (auto *F : fileDependencies)
unitWriter.addFileDependency(F, /*FIXME:isSystem=*/false, /*Module=*/nullptr);
recordSourceFile(primarySourceFile, indexStorePath, diags,
[&](StringRef recordFile, StringRef filename) {
auto file = fileMgr.getFile(filename);
recordFile, file ? *file : nullptr,
module->isSystemModule(), /*Module=*/nullptr);
std::string error;
if (unitWriter.write(error)) {
diags.diagnose(SourceLoc(), diag::error_write_index_unit, error);
return true;
return false;
// Not currently used, see related comments in the call sites.
#if 0
static void
collectFileDependencies(llvm::SetVector<const clang::FileEntry *> &result,
const DependencyTracker &dependencyTracker,
ModuleDecl *module, clang::FileManager &fileMgr) {
for (auto *F : module->getFiles()) {
if (auto *SF = dyn_cast<SourceFile>(F)) {
if (auto *dep = fileMgr.getFile(SF->getFilename())) {
for (StringRef filename : dependencyTracker.getDependencies()) {
if (auto *F = fileMgr.getFile(filename))
// Indexing entry points
bool index::indexAndRecord(SourceFile *primarySourceFile,
StringRef indexUnitToken,
StringRef indexStorePath,
bool indexSystemModules,
bool skipStdlib,
bool isDebugCompilation,
StringRef targetTriple,
const DependencyTracker &dependencyTracker) {
auto &astContext = primarySourceFile->getASTContext();
auto &clangCI = astContext.getClangModuleLoader()->getClangInstance();
auto &diags = astContext.Diags;
std::string error;
if (IndexUnitWriter::initIndexDirectory(indexStorePath, error)) {
diags.diagnose(SourceLoc(), diag::error_create_index_dir, error);
return true;
llvm::SetVector<const clang::FileEntry *> fileDependencies;
// FIXME: This is not desirable because:
// 1. It picks shim header files as file dependencies
// 2. Having all the other swift files of the module as file dependencies ends
// up making all of them associated with all the other files as main files.
// It's better to associate each swift file with the unit that recorded it
// as the main one.
// Keeping the code in case we want to revisit.
#if 0
auto *module = primarySourceFile->getParentModule();
collectFileDependencies(fileDependencies, dependencyTracker, module, fileMgr);
return recordSourceFileUnit(primarySourceFile, indexUnitToken,
indexStorePath, indexSystemModules, skipStdlib,
isDebugCompilation, targetTriple,
clangCI, diags);
bool index::indexAndRecord(ModuleDecl *module,
ArrayRef<std::string> indexUnitTokens,
StringRef moduleUnitToken,
StringRef indexStorePath,
bool indexSystemModules,
bool skipStdlib,
bool isDebugCompilation,
StringRef targetTriple,
const DependencyTracker &dependencyTracker) {
auto &astContext = module->getASTContext();
auto &clangCI = astContext.getClangModuleLoader()->getClangInstance();
auto &diags = astContext.Diags;
std::string error;
if (IndexUnitWriter::initIndexDirectory(indexStorePath, error)) {
diags.diagnose(SourceLoc(), diag::error_create_index_dir, error);
return true;
// Add the current module's source files to the dependencies.
llvm::SetVector<const clang::FileEntry *> fileDependencies;
// FIXME: This is not desirable because:
// 1. It picks shim header files as file dependencies
// 2. Having all the other swift files of the module as file dependencies ends
// up making all of them associated with all the other files as main files.
// It's better to associate each swift file with the unit that recorded it
// as the main one.
// Keeping the code in case we want to revisit.
#if 0
collectFileDependencies(fileDependencies, dependencyTracker, module, fileMgr);
// Write a unit for each source file.
unsigned unitIndex = 0;
for (auto *F : module->getFiles()) {
if (auto *SF = dyn_cast<SourceFile>(F)) {
if (unitIndex == indexUnitTokens.size()) {
diags.diagnose(SourceLoc(), diag::error_index_inputs_more_than_outputs);
return true;
if (recordSourceFileUnit(SF, indexUnitTokens[unitIndex],
indexStorePath, indexSystemModules, skipStdlib,
isDebugCompilation, targetTriple,
clangCI, diags))
return true;
unitIndex += 1;
// In the case where inputs are swift modules, like in the merge-module step,
// ignore the inputs; associated unit files for the modules' source inputs
// should have been generated at swift module creation time.
return false;