blob: 4c5443762478b4b0c19003b2e403ef64f30fd405 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- ScanDependencies.cpp -- Scans the dependencies of a module -------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2020 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
#include "ScanDependencies.h"
#include "swift/AST/ASTContext.h"
#include "swift/AST/Decl.h"
#include "swift/AST/DiagnosticEngine.h"
#include "swift/AST/DiagnosticsFrontend.h"
#include "swift/AST/Module.h"
#include "swift/AST/ModuleDependencies.h"
#include "swift/AST/ModuleLoader.h"
#include "swift/AST/SourceFile.h"
#include "swift/ClangImporter/ClangImporter.h"
#include "swift/Basic/Defer.h"
#include "swift/Basic/LLVM.h"
#include "swift/Basic/STLExtras.h"
#include "swift/Frontend/Frontend.h"
#include "swift/Frontend/FrontendOptions.h"
#include "swift/Frontend/ModuleInterfaceLoader.h"
#include "swift/Strings.h"
#include "clang/Basic/Module.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SetVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringSet.h"
#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
#include "llvm/Support/FileSystem.h"
#include "llvm/Support/StringSaver.h"
#include "llvm/Support/YAMLTraits.h"
#include "llvm/Support/YAMLParser.h"
#include <set>
using namespace swift;
using namespace llvm::yaml;
namespace {
struct BatchScanInput {
StringRef moduleName;
StringRef arguments;
StringRef outputPath;
bool isSwift;
static std::string getScalaNodeText(Node *N) {
SmallString<32> Buffer;
return cast<ScalarNode>(N)->getValue(Buffer).str();
/// Parse an entry like this, where the "platforms" key-value pair is optional:
/// {
/// "swiftModuleName": "Foo",
/// "arguments": "-target 10.15",
/// "output": "../Foo.json"
/// },
static bool parseBatchInputEntries(ASTContext &Ctx, llvm::StringSaver &saver,
Node *Node, std::vector<BatchScanInput> &result) {
auto *SN = cast<SequenceNode>(Node);
if (!SN)
return true;
for (auto It = SN->begin(); It != SN->end(); ++It) {
auto *MN = cast<MappingNode>(&*It);
BatchScanInput entry;
Optional<std::set<int8_t>> Platforms;
for (auto &Pair: *MN) {
auto Key = getScalaNodeText(Pair.getKey());
auto* Value = Pair.getValue();
if (Key == "clangModuleName") {
entry.moduleName =;
entry.isSwift = false;
} else if (Key == "swiftModuleName") {
entry.moduleName =;
entry.isSwift = true;
} else if (Key == "arguments") {
entry.arguments =;
} else if (Key == "output") {
entry.outputPath =;
} else {
// Future proof.
if (entry.moduleName.empty())
return true;
if (entry.outputPath.empty())
return true;
return false;
static Optional<std::vector<BatchScanInput>>
parseBatchScanInputFile(ASTContext &ctx, StringRef batchInputPath,
llvm::StringSaver &saver) {
namespace yaml = llvm::yaml;
std::vector<BatchScanInput> result;
// Load the input file.
llvm::ErrorOr<std::unique_ptr<llvm::MemoryBuffer>> FileBufOrErr =
if (!FileBufOrErr) {
ctx.Diags.diagnose(SourceLoc(), diag::batch_scan_input_file_missing,
return None;
StringRef Buffer = FileBufOrErr->get()->getBuffer();
// Use a new source manager instead of the one from ASTContext because we
// don't want the Json file to be persistent.
SourceManager SM;
yaml::Stream Stream(llvm::MemoryBufferRef(Buffer, batchInputPath),
for (auto DI = Stream.begin(); DI != Stream.end(); ++ DI) {
assert(DI != Stream.end() && "Failed to read a document");
yaml::Node *N = DI->getRoot();
assert(N && "Failed to find a root");
if (parseBatchInputEntries(ctx, saver, N, result)) {
ctx.Diags.diagnose(SourceLoc(), diag::batch_scan_input_file_corrupted,
return None;
return result;
/// Find all of the imported Clang modules starting with the given module name.
static void findAllImportedClangModules(ASTContext &ctx, StringRef moduleName,
ModuleDependenciesCache &cache,
std::vector<std::string> &allModules,
llvm::StringSet<> &knownModules) {
if (!knownModules.insert(moduleName).second)
auto dependencies = cache.findDependencies(
moduleName, ModuleDependenciesKind::Clang);
if (!dependencies)
for (const auto &dep : dependencies->getModuleDependencies()) {
findAllImportedClangModules(ctx, dep, cache, allModules, knownModules);
/// Resolve the direct dependencies of the given module.
static std::vector<ModuleDependencyID> resolveDirectDependencies(
CompilerInstance &instance, ModuleDependencyID module,
ModuleDependenciesCache &cache,
InterfaceSubContextDelegate &ASTDelegate) {
auto &ctx = instance.getASTContext();
auto knownDependencies = *cache.findDependencies(module.first, module.second);
auto isSwift = knownDependencies.isSwiftTextualModule();
// Find the dependencies of every module this module directly depends on.
std::set<ModuleDependencyID> result;
for (auto dependsOn : knownDependencies.getModuleDependencies()) {
// Figure out what kind of module we need.
bool onlyClangModule = !isSwift || module.first == dependsOn;
// Retrieve the dependencies for this module.
if (auto found = ctx.getModuleDependencies(
dependsOn, onlyClangModule, cache, ASTDelegate)) {
result.insert({dependsOn, found->getKind()});
if (isSwift) {
// A record of all of the Clang modules referenced from this Swift module.
std::vector<std::string> allClangModules;
llvm::StringSet<> knownModules;
// If the Swift module has a bridging header, add those dependencies.
if (knownDependencies.getBridgingHeader()) {
auto clangImporter =
static_cast<ClangImporter *>(ctx.getClangModuleLoader());
if (!clangImporter->addBridgingHeaderDependencies(module.first, cache)) {
// Grab the updated module dependencies.
// FIXME: This is such a hack.
knownDependencies = *cache.findDependencies(module.first, module.second);
// Add the Clang modules referenced from the bridging header to the
// set of Clang modules we know about.
auto swiftDeps = knownDependencies.getAsSwiftTextualModule();
for (const auto &clangDep : swiftDeps->bridgingModuleDependencies) {
findAllImportedClangModules(ctx, clangDep, cache, allClangModules,
// Find all of the Clang modules this Swift module depends on.
for (const auto &dep : result) {
if (dep.second != ModuleDependenciesKind::Clang)
findAllImportedClangModules(ctx, dep.first, cache, allClangModules,
// Look for overlays for each of the Clang modules. The Swift module
// directly depends on these.
for (const auto &clangDep : allClangModules) {
if (auto found = ctx.getModuleDependencies(
clangDep, /*onlyClangModule=*/false, cache, ASTDelegate)) {
// ASTContext::getModuleDependencies returns dependencies for a module with a given name.
// This Clang module may have the same name as the Swift module we are resolving, so we
// need to make sure we don't add a dependency from a Swift module to itself.
if ((found->getKind() == ModuleDependenciesKind::SwiftTextual ||
found->getKind() == ModuleDependenciesKind::SwiftBinary ||
found->getKind() == ModuleDependenciesKind::SwiftPlaceholder) &&
clangDep != module.first) {
result.insert({clangDep, found->getKind()});
return std::vector<ModuleDependencyID>(result.begin(), result.end());
static void discoverCrosssImportOverlayDependencies(
CompilerInstance &instance, StringRef mainModuleName,
ArrayRef<ModuleDependencyID> allDependencies,
ModuleDependenciesCache &cache, InterfaceSubContextDelegate &ASTDelegate,
llvm::function_ref<void(ModuleDependencyID)> action) {
// Modules explicitly imported. Only these can be secondary module.
llvm::SetVector<Identifier> newOverlays;
for (auto dep: allDependencies) {
auto moduleName = dep.first;
auto dependencies = *cache.findDependencies(moduleName, dep.second);
// Collect a map from secondary module name to cross-import overlay names.
auto overlayMap = dependencies.collectCrossImportOverlayNames(
instance.getASTContext(), moduleName);
if (overlayMap.empty())
std::for_each(allDependencies.begin(), allDependencies.end(),
[&](ModuleDependencyID Id) {
// check if any explicitly imported modules can serve as a secondary
// module, and add the overlay names to the dependencies list.
for (auto overlayName: overlayMap[Id.first]) {
if (std::find_if(allDependencies.begin(), allDependencies.end(),
[&](ModuleDependencyID Id) { return Id.first == overlayName.str(); })
== allDependencies.end()) {
// No new cross-import overlays are found, return.
if (newOverlays.empty())
// Construct a dummy main to resolve the newly discovered cross import overlays.
StringRef dummyMainName = "DummyMainModuleForResolvingCrossImportOverlays";
auto dummyMainDependencies = ModuleDependencies::forMainSwiftModule({});
// Update main module's dependencies to include these new overlays.
auto mainDep = *cache.findDependencies(mainModuleName,
std::for_each(newOverlays.begin(), newOverlays.end(), [&](Identifier modName) {
ModuleDependenciesKind::SwiftTextual}, mainDep);
// Record the dummy main module's direct dependencies. The dummy main module
// only directly depend on these newly discovered overlay modules.
cache.recordDependencies(dummyMainName, dummyMainDependencies);
llvm::SetVector<ModuleDependencyID, std::vector<ModuleDependencyID>,
std::set<ModuleDependencyID>> allModules;
// Seed the all module list from the dummpy main module.
allModules.insert({dummyMainName.str(), dummyMainDependencies.getKind()});
// Explore the dependencies of every module.
for (unsigned currentModuleIdx = 0;
currentModuleIdx < allModules.size();
++currentModuleIdx) {
auto module = allModules[currentModuleIdx];
auto discoveredModules = resolveDirectDependencies(instance, module,
cache, ASTDelegate);
allModules.insert(discoveredModules.begin(), discoveredModules.end());
// Report any discovered modules to the clients, which include all overlays
// and their dependencies.
std::for_each(/* +1 to exclude dummy main*/allModules.begin() + 1,
allModules.end(), action);
/// Write a single JSON field.
namespace {
template<typename T>
void writeJSONSingleField(llvm::raw_ostream &out,
StringRef fieldName,
const T &value,
unsigned indentLevel,
bool trailingComma);
/// Write a string value as JSON.
void writeJSONValue(llvm::raw_ostream &out,
StringRef value,
unsigned indentLevel) {
out << "\"";
out << value;
out << "\"";
/// Write a boolean value as JSON.
void writeJSONValue(llvm::raw_ostream &out,
bool value,
unsigned indentLevel) {
out.write_escaped(value ? "true" : "false");
/// Write a module identifier.
void writeJSONValue(llvm::raw_ostream &out,
const ModuleDependencyID &module,
unsigned indentLevel) {
out << "{\n";
std::string moduleKind;
if (module.second == ModuleDependenciesKind::SwiftTextual)
moduleKind = "swift";
else if (module.second == ModuleDependenciesKind::SwiftBinary)
// FIXME: rename to be consistent in the clients (swift-driver)
moduleKind = "swiftPrebuiltExternal";
else if (module.second == ModuleDependenciesKind::SwiftPlaceholder)
moduleKind = "swiftPlaceholder";
moduleKind = "clang";
indentLevel + 1,
out.indent(indentLevel * 2);
out << "}";
/// Write a JSON array.
template<typename T>
void writeJSONValue(llvm::raw_ostream &out,
ArrayRef<T> values,
unsigned indentLevel) {
out << "[\n";
for (const auto &value: values) {
out.indent((indentLevel + 1) * 2);
writeJSONValue(out, value, indentLevel + 1);
if (&value != &values.back()) {
out << ",";
out << "\n";
out.indent(indentLevel * 2);
out << "]";
/// Write a JSON array.
template<typename T>
void writeJSONValue(llvm::raw_ostream &out,
const std::vector<T> &values,
unsigned indentLevel) {
writeJSONValue(out, llvm::makeArrayRef(values), indentLevel);
/// Write a single JSON field.
template<typename T>
void writeJSONSingleField(llvm::raw_ostream &out,
StringRef fieldName,
const T &value,
unsigned indentLevel,
bool trailingComma) {
out.indent(indentLevel * 2);
writeJSONValue(out, fieldName, indentLevel);
out << ": ";
writeJSONValue(out, value, indentLevel);
if (trailingComma)
out << ",";
out << "\n";
static void writePrescanJSON(llvm::raw_ostream &out,
const ModuleDependencies &mainModuleDependencies) {
// Write out a JSON containing all main module imports.
out << "{\n";
out << "}\n";
writeJSONSingleField(out, "imports", mainModuleDependencies.getModuleDependencies(), 0, false);
static void writeJSON(llvm::raw_ostream &out,
CompilerInstance &instance,
ModuleDependenciesCache &cache,
InterfaceSubContextDelegate &ASTDelegate,
ArrayRef<ModuleDependencyID> allModules) {
// Write out a JSON description of all of the dependencies.
out << "{\n";
out << "}\n";
// Name of the main module.
writeJSONSingleField(out, "mainModuleName", allModules.front().first,
/*indentLevel=*/1, /*trailingComma=*/true);
// Write out all of the modules.
out << " \"modules\": [\n";
out << " ]\n";
for (const auto &module : allModules) {
auto directDependencies = resolveDirectDependencies(
instance, ModuleDependencyID(module.first, module.second), cache,
// Grab the completed module dependencies.
auto moduleDeps = *cache.findDependencies(module.first, module.second);
// The module we are describing.
out.indent(2 * 2);
writeJSONValue(out, module, 2);
out << ",\n";
out.indent(2 * 2);
out << "{\n";
auto swiftPlaceholderDeps = moduleDeps.getAsPlaceholderDependencyModule();
auto swiftTextualDeps = moduleDeps.getAsSwiftTextualModule();
auto swiftBinaryDeps = moduleDeps.getAsSwiftBinaryModule();
auto clangDeps = moduleDeps.getAsClangModule();
// Module path.
const char *modulePathSuffix =
moduleDeps.isSwiftModule() ? ".swiftmodule" : ".pcm";
std::string modulePath;
if (swiftPlaceholderDeps)
modulePath = swiftPlaceholderDeps->compiledModulePath;
else if (swiftBinaryDeps)
modulePath = swiftBinaryDeps->compiledModulePath;
modulePath = module.first + modulePathSuffix;
writeJSONSingleField(out, "modulePath", modulePath, /*indentLevel=*/3,
// Source files.
if (swiftTextualDeps) {
writeJSONSingleField(out, "sourceFiles", swiftTextualDeps->sourceFiles, 3,
} else if (clangDeps) {
writeJSONSingleField(out, "sourceFiles", clangDeps->fileDependencies, 3,
// Direct dependencies.
if (swiftTextualDeps || swiftBinaryDeps || clangDeps)
writeJSONSingleField(out, "directDependencies", directDependencies, 3,
// Swift and Clang-specific details.
out.indent(3 * 2);
out << "\"details\": {\n";
out.indent(4 * 2);
if (swiftTextualDeps) {
out << "\"swift\": {\n";
/// Swift interface file, if there is one. The main module, for example, will not have
/// an interface file.
if (swiftTextualDeps->swiftInterfaceFile) {
writeJSONSingleField(out, "moduleInterfacePath",
*swiftTextualDeps->swiftInterfaceFile, 5,
writeJSONSingleField(out, "contextHash",
swiftTextualDeps->contextHash, 5,
out.indent(5 * 2);
out << "\"commandLine\": [\n";
for (auto &arg :swiftTextualDeps->buildCommandLine) {
out.indent(6 * 2);
out << "\"" << arg << "\"";
if (&arg != &swiftTextualDeps->buildCommandLine.back())
out << ",";
out << "\n";
out.indent(5 * 2);
out << "],\n";
out.indent(5 * 2);
out << "\"compiledModuleCandidates\": [\n";
for (auto &candidate: swiftTextualDeps->compiledModuleCandidates) {
out.indent(6 * 2);
out << "\"" << candidate << "\"";
if (&candidate != &swiftTextualDeps->compiledModuleCandidates.back())
out << ",";
out << "\n";
out.indent(5 * 2);
out << "],\n";
out, "isFramework",
swiftTextualDeps->isFramework, 5,
/*trailingComma=*/!swiftTextualDeps->extraPCMArgs.empty() ||
if (!swiftTextualDeps->extraPCMArgs.empty()) {
out.indent(5 * 2);
out << "\"extraPcmArgs\": [\n";
for (auto &arg : swiftTextualDeps->extraPCMArgs) {
out.indent(6 * 2);
out << "\"" << arg << "\"";
if (&arg != &swiftTextualDeps->extraPCMArgs.back())
out << ",";
out << "\n";
out.indent(5 * 2);
out << (swiftTextualDeps->bridgingHeaderFile.hasValue() ? "],\n" : "]\n");
/// Bridging header and its source file dependencies, if any.
if (swiftTextualDeps->bridgingHeaderFile) {
out.indent(5 * 2);
out << "\"bridgingHeader\": {\n";
writeJSONSingleField(out, "path", *swiftTextualDeps->bridgingHeaderFile, 6,
writeJSONSingleField(out, "sourceFiles", swiftTextualDeps->bridgingSourceFiles,
writeJSONSingleField(out, "moduleDependencies",
swiftTextualDeps->bridgingModuleDependencies, 6,
out.indent(5 * 2);
out << "}\n";
} else if (swiftPlaceholderDeps) {
out << "\"swiftPlaceholder\": {\n";
// Module doc file
if (swiftPlaceholderDeps->moduleDocPath != "")
writeJSONSingleField(out, "moduleDocPath",
// Module Source Info file
if (swiftPlaceholderDeps->moduleDocPath != "")
writeJSONSingleField(out, "moduleSourceInfoPath",
} else if (swiftBinaryDeps) {
out << "\"swiftPrebuiltExternal\": {\n";
assert(swiftBinaryDeps->compiledModulePath != "" &&
"Expected .swiftmodule for a Binary Swift Module Dependency.");
writeJSONSingleField(out, "compiledModulePath",
// Module doc file
if (swiftBinaryDeps->moduleDocPath != "")
writeJSONSingleField(out, "moduleDocPath",
// Module Source Info file
if (swiftBinaryDeps->moduleDocPath != "")
writeJSONSingleField(out, "moduleSourceInfoPath",
} else {
out << "\"clang\": {\n";
// Module map file.
writeJSONSingleField(out, "moduleMapPath", clangDeps->moduleMapFile, 5,
// Context hash.
writeJSONSingleField(out, "contextHash", clangDeps->contextHash, 5,
// Command line.
writeJSONSingleField(out, "commandLine", clangDeps->nonPathCommandLine, 5,
out.indent(4 * 2);
out << "}\n";
out.indent(3 * 2);
out << "}\n";
out.indent(2 * 2);
out << "}";
if (&module != &allModules.back())
out << ",";
out << "\n";
static bool diagnoseCycle(CompilerInstance &instance,
ModuleDependenciesCache &cache,
ModuleDependencyID mainId,
InterfaceSubContextDelegate &astDelegate) {
llvm::SetVector<ModuleDependencyID, std::vector<ModuleDependencyID>,
std::set<ModuleDependencyID>> openSet;
llvm::SetVector<ModuleDependencyID, std::vector<ModuleDependencyID>,
std::set<ModuleDependencyID>> closeSet;
// Start from the main module.
while(!openSet.empty()) {
auto &lastOpen = openSet.back();
auto beforeSize = openSet.size();
for (auto dep: resolveDirectDependencies(instance, lastOpen, cache,
astDelegate)) {
if (closeSet.count(dep))
if (openSet.insert(dep)) {
} else {
// Find a cycle, diagnose.
auto startIt = std::find(openSet.begin(), openSet.end(), dep);
assert(startIt != openSet.end());
llvm::SmallString<64> buffer;
for (auto it = startIt; it != openSet.end(); ++ it) {
buffer.append((it->second == ModuleDependenciesKind::SwiftTextual ||
it->second == ModuleDependenciesKind::SwiftBinary)?
".swiftmodule": ".pcm");
buffer.append(" -> ");
buffer.append((startIt->second == ModuleDependenciesKind::SwiftTextual ||
startIt->second == ModuleDependenciesKind::SwiftBinary)?
".swiftmodule": ".pcm");
return true;
// No new node added. We can close this node
if (openSet.size() == beforeSize) {
} else {
assert(openSet.size() == beforeSize + 1);
return false;
static bool scanModuleDependencies(CompilerInstance &instance,
StringRef moduleName,
bool isClang,
StringRef outputPath) {
ASTContext &ctx = instance.getASTContext();
auto &FEOpts = instance.getInvocation().getFrontendOptions();
ModuleInterfaceLoaderOptions LoaderOpts(FEOpts);
auto ModuleCachePath = getModuleCachePathFromClang(ctx
llvm::SetVector<ModuleDependencyID, std::vector<ModuleDependencyID>,
std::set<ModuleDependencyID>> allModules;
// Retrieve the instance's module dependency cache.
ModuleDependenciesCache *cache = instance.getModuleDependencyCache();
assert(cache &&
"Dependency Scanner expected a ModuleDependenciesCache on a compiler instance.");
InterfaceSubContextDelegateImpl ASTDelegate(ctx.SourceMgr, ctx.Diags,
ctx.SearchPathOpts, ctx.LangOpts,
std::error_code EC;
llvm::raw_fd_ostream out(outputPath, EC, llvm::sys::fs::F_None);
Optional<ModuleDependencies> rootDeps;
if (isClang) {
// Loading the clang module using Clang importer.
// This action will populate the cache with the main module's dependencies.
rootDeps = ctx.getModuleDependencies(moduleName, /*IsClang*/true, *cache,
} else {
// Loading the swift module's dependencies.
rootDeps = ctx.getSwiftModuleDependencies(moduleName, *cache, ASTDelegate);
if (!rootDeps.hasValue()) {
// We cannot find the clang module, abort.
return true;
// Add the main module.
allModules.insert({moduleName.str(), isClang ? ModuleDependenciesKind::Clang:
// Output module prescan.
if (FEOpts.ImportPrescan) {
writePrescanJSON(out, rootDeps.getValue());
return false;
// Explore the dependencies of every module.
for (unsigned currentModuleIdx = 0;
currentModuleIdx < allModules.size();
++currentModuleIdx) {
auto module = allModules[currentModuleIdx];
auto discoveredModules =
resolveDirectDependencies(instance, module, *cache, ASTDelegate);
allModules.insert(discoveredModules.begin(), discoveredModules.end());
// Write out the JSON description.
writeJSON(out, instance, *cache, ASTDelegate, allModules.getArrayRef());
return false;
bool swift::scanClangDependencies(CompilerInstance &instance) {
return scanModuleDependencies(instance,
bool swift::batchScanModuleDependencies(CompilerInstance &instance,
llvm::StringRef batchInputFile) {
const CompilerInvocation &invok = instance.getInvocation();
llvm::BumpPtrAllocator alloc;
llvm::StringSaver saver(alloc);
auto results = parseBatchScanInputFile(instance.getASTContext(),
batchInputFile, saver);
if (!results.hasValue())
return true;
auto &diags = instance.getDiags();
ForwardingDiagnosticConsumer FDC(diags);
// Keep track of all compiler instances we have created.
llvm::StringMap<std::unique_ptr<CompilerInstance>> subInstanceMap;
for (auto &entry: *results) {
CompilerInstance *pInstance = nullptr;
if (entry.arguments.empty()) {
// Use the compiler's instance if no arguments are specified.
pInstance = &instance;
} else if (subInstanceMap.count(entry.arguments)) {
// Use the previously created instance if we've seen the arguments before.
pInstance = subInstanceMap[entry.arguments].get();
} else {
// Create a new instance by the arguments and save it in the map.
pInstance = subInstanceMap.insert({entry.arguments,
SmallVector<const char*, 4> args;
llvm::cl::TokenizeGNUCommandLine(entry.arguments, saver, args);
CompilerInvocation subInvok = invok;
if (subInvok.parseArgs(args, diags)) {
instance.getDiags().diagnose(SourceLoc(), diag::scanner_arguments_invalid,
return true;
if (pInstance->setup(subInvok)) {
instance.getDiags().diagnose(SourceLoc(), diag::scanner_arguments_invalid,
return true;
// Scan using the chosen compiler instance.
if (scanModuleDependencies(*pInstance, entry.moduleName, !entry.isSwift,
entry.outputPath)) {
return true;
return false;
bool swift::scanDependencies(CompilerInstance &instance) {
ASTContext &Context = instance.getASTContext();
ModuleDecl *mainModule = instance.getMainModule();
const CompilerInvocation &invocation = instance.getInvocation();
const FrontendOptions &opts = invocation.getFrontendOptions();
std::string path = opts.InputsAndOutputs.getSingleOutputFilename();
std::error_code EC;
llvm::raw_fd_ostream out(path, EC, llvm::sys::fs::F_None);
if (out.has_error() || EC) {
Context.Diags.diagnose(SourceLoc(), diag::error_opening_output, path,
return true;
// Main module file name.
auto newExt = file_types::getExtension(file_types::TY_SwiftModuleFile);
llvm::SmallString<32> mainModulePath = mainModule->getName().str();
llvm::sys::path::replace_extension(mainModulePath, newExt);
std::string apinotesVer = (llvm::Twine("-fapinotes-swift-version=")
+ instance.getASTContext().LangOpts.EffectiveLanguageVersion
// Compute the dependencies of the main module.
auto mainDependencies =
// ExtraPCMArgs
"-Xcc", "-target", "-Xcc", instance.getASTContext().LangOpts.Target.str(),
"-Xcc", apinotesVer
// Compute Implicit dependencies of the main module
llvm::StringSet<> alreadyAddedModules;
for (auto fileUnit : mainModule->getFiles()) {
auto sf = dyn_cast<SourceFile>(fileUnit);
if (!sf)
mainDependencies.addModuleDependencies(*sf, alreadyAddedModules);
const auto &importInfo = mainModule->getImplicitImportInfo();
// Swift standard library.
switch (importInfo.StdlibKind) {
case ImplicitStdlibKind::None:
case ImplicitStdlibKind::Builtin:
case ImplicitStdlibKind::Stdlib:
mainDependencies.addModuleDependency("Swift", &alreadyAddedModules);
// Add any implicit module names.
for (const auto &import : importInfo.AdditionalUnloadedImports) {
mainDependencies.addModuleDependency(import.module.getModulePath(), &alreadyAddedModules);
// Already-loaded, implicitly imported module names.
for (const auto &import : importInfo.AdditionalImports) {
mainDependencies.addModuleDependency(import.module.importedModule->getNameStr(), &alreadyAddedModules);
// Add the bridging header.
if (!importInfo.BridgingHeaderPath.empty()) {
// If we are to import the underlying Clang module of the same name,
// add a dependency with the same name to trigger the search.
if (importInfo.ShouldImportUnderlyingModule) {
// If import-prescan is specified, discover and serialize main module dependencies only and exit.
if (opts.ImportPrescan) {
writePrescanJSON(out, mainDependencies);
// This process succeeds regardless of whether any errors occurred.
// FIXME: We shouldn't need this, but it's masking bugs in our scanning
// logic where we don't create a fresh context when scanning Swift interfaces
// that includes their own command-line flags.
return false;
// Add the main module.
StringRef mainModuleName = mainModule->getNameStr();
llvm::SetVector<ModuleDependencyID, std::vector<ModuleDependencyID>,
std::set<ModuleDependencyID>> allModules;
allModules.insert({mainModuleName.str(), mainDependencies.getKind()});
// Retrieve the instance's module dependency cache.
ModuleDependenciesCache *cache = instance.getModuleDependencyCache();
assert(cache &&
"Dependency Scanner expected a ModuleDependenciesCache on a compiler instance.");
cache->recordDependencies(mainModuleName, std::move(mainDependencies));
auto &ctx = instance.getASTContext();
auto ModuleCachePath = getModuleCachePathFromClang(ctx
auto &FEOpts = instance.getInvocation().getFrontendOptions();
ModuleInterfaceLoaderOptions LoaderOpts(FEOpts);
InterfaceSubContextDelegateImpl ASTDelegate(ctx.SourceMgr, ctx.Diags,
ctx.SearchPathOpts, ctx.LangOpts,
// Explore the dependencies of every module.
for (unsigned currentModuleIdx = 0;
currentModuleIdx < allModules.size();
++currentModuleIdx) {
auto module = allModules[currentModuleIdx];
auto discoveredModules =
resolveDirectDependencies(instance, module, *cache, ASTDelegate);
allModules.insert(discoveredModules.begin(), discoveredModules.end());
// We have all explicit imports now, resolve cross import overlays.
discoverCrosssImportOverlayDependencies(instance, mainModuleName,
/*All transitive dependencies*/allModules.getArrayRef().slice(1), *cache,
ASTDelegate, [&](ModuleDependencyID id) {
// Dignose cycle in dependency graph.
if (diagnoseCycle(instance, *cache, /*MainModule*/allModules.front(), ASTDelegate))
return true;
// Write out the JSON description.
writeJSON(out, instance, *cache, ASTDelegate, allModules.getArrayRef());
// Update the dependency tracker.
if (auto depTracker = instance.getDependencyTracker()) {
for (auto module : allModules) {
auto deps = cache->findDependencies(module.first, module.second);
if (!deps)
if (auto swiftDeps = deps->getAsSwiftTextualModule()) {
if (auto swiftInterfaceFile = swiftDeps->swiftInterfaceFile)
depTracker->addDependency(*swiftInterfaceFile, /*IsSystem=*/false);
for (const auto &sourceFile : swiftDeps->sourceFiles)
depTracker->addDependency(sourceFile, /*IsSystem=*/false);
for (const auto &bridgingSourceFile : swiftDeps->bridgingSourceFiles)
depTracker->addDependency(bridgingSourceFile, /*IsSystem=*/false);
} else if (auto clangDeps = deps->getAsClangModule()) {
if (!clangDeps->moduleMapFile.empty())
depTracker->addDependency(clangDeps->moduleMapFile, /*IsSystem=*/false);
for (const auto &sourceFile : clangDeps->fileDependencies)
depTracker->addDependency(sourceFile, /*IsSystem=*/false);
// This process succeeds regardless of whether any errors occurred.
// FIXME: We shouldn't need this, but it's masking bugs in our scanning
// logic where we don't create a fresh context when scanning Swift interfaces
// that includes their own command-line flags.
return false;