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//===--- OwnershipUtils.h ------------------------------------*- C++ -*----===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
#include "swift/Basic/Debug.h"
#include "swift/Basic/LLVM.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILArgument.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILInstruction.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILValue.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallPtrSet.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
namespace swift {
class SILBasicBlock;
class SILInstruction;
class SILModule;
class SILValue;
class DeadEndBlocks;
/// Returns true if v is an address or trivial.
bool isValueAddressOrTrivial(SILValue v);
/// Is the opcode that produces \p value capable of forwarding guaranteed
/// values?
/// This may be true even if the current instance of the instruction is not a
/// ForwardingBorrow. If true, then the operation may be trivially rewritten
/// with Guaranteed ownership.
bool canOpcodeForwardGuaranteedValues(SILValue value);
/// Is the opcode that consumes \p use capable of forwarding guaranteed values?
/// This may be true even if \p use is not a ForwardingBorrow. If true, then the
/// operation may be trivially rewritten with Guaranteed ownership.
bool canOpcodeForwardGuaranteedValues(Operand *use);
// This is the use-def equivalent of use->getOperandOwnership() ==
// OperandOwnership::ForwardingBorrow.
inline bool isForwardingBorrow(SILValue value) {
assert(value.getOwnershipKind() == OwnershipKind::Guaranteed);
return canOpcodeForwardGuaranteedValues(value);
/// Is the opcode that produces \p value capable of forwarding owned values?
/// This may be true even if the current instance of the instruction is not a
/// ForwardingConsume. If true, then the operation may be trivially rewritten
/// with Owned ownership.
bool canOpcodeForwardOwnedValues(SILValue value);
/// Is this opcode that consumes \p use capable of forwarding owned values?
/// This may be true even if the current instance of the instruction is not a
/// ForwardingConsume. If true, then the operation may be trivially rewritten
/// with Owned ownership.
bool canOpcodeForwardOwnedValues(Operand *use);
// This is the use-def equivalent of use->getOperandOwnership() ==
// OperandOwnership::ForwardingConsume.
inline bool isForwardingConsume(SILValue value) {
assert(value.getOwnershipKind() == OwnershipKind::Owned);
return canOpcodeForwardOwnedValues(value);
class ForwardingOperand {
Operand *use;
ForwardingOperand(Operand *use) : use(use) {}
static Optional<ForwardingOperand> get(Operand *use);
Operand *getUse() const { return use; }
OwnershipConstraint getOwnershipConstraint() const {
// We use a force unwrap since a ForwardingOperand should always have an
// ownership constraint.
return use->getOwnershipConstraint();
ValueOwnershipKind getOwnershipKind() const;
void setOwnershipKind(ValueOwnershipKind newKind) const;
void replaceOwnershipKind(ValueOwnershipKind oldKind,
ValueOwnershipKind newKind) const;
const OwnershipForwardingInst *operator->() const {
return cast<OwnershipForwardingInst>(use->getUser());
OwnershipForwardingInst *operator->() {
return cast<OwnershipForwardingInst>(use->getUser());
const OwnershipForwardingInst &operator*() const {
return *cast<OwnershipForwardingInst>(use->getUser());
OwnershipForwardingInst &operator*() {
return *cast<OwnershipForwardingInst>(use->getUser());
/// Call \p visitor with each value that contains the final forwarded
/// ownership of. E.x.: result of a unchecked_ref_cast, phi arguments of a
/// switch_enum.
bool visitForwardedValues(function_ref<bool(SILValue)> visitor);
/// If statically this forwarded operand has a single forwarded value that the
/// operand forwards ownership into, return that value. Return false
/// otherwise.
SILValue getSingleForwardedValue() const;
/// Returns true if the instruction is a 'reborrow'.
bool isReborrowInstruction(const SILInstruction *inst);
class BorrowingOperandKind {
enum Kind : uint8_t {
Kind value;
BorrowingOperandKind(Kind newValue) : value(newValue) {}
operator Kind() const { return value; }
static Optional<BorrowingOperandKind> get(SILInstructionKind kind) {
switch (kind) {
return None;
case SILInstructionKind::BeginBorrowInst:
return BorrowingOperandKind(BeginBorrow);
case SILInstructionKind::BeginApplyInst:
return BorrowingOperandKind(BeginApply);
case SILInstructionKind::BranchInst:
return BorrowingOperandKind(Branch);
case SILInstructionKind::ApplyInst:
return BorrowingOperandKind(Apply);
case SILInstructionKind::TryApplyInst:
return BorrowingOperandKind(TryApply);
case SILInstructionKind::YieldInst:
return BorrowingOperandKind(Yield);
void print(llvm::raw_ostream &os) const;
SWIFT_DEBUG_DUMP { print(llvm::dbgs()); }
llvm::raw_ostream &operator<<(llvm::raw_ostream &os, BorrowingOperandKind kind);
struct BorrowedValue;
/// An operand whose user instruction introduces a new borrow scope for the
/// operand's value. By executing the given user, the operand's value becomes
/// borrowed and thus the incoming value must implicitly be borrowed until the
/// user's corresponding end scope instruction.
/// NOTE: We do not require that the guaranteed scope be represented by a
/// guaranteed value in the same function: see begin_apply. In such cases, we
/// require instead an end_* instruction to mark the end of the scope's region.
struct BorrowingOperand {
BorrowingOperandKind kind;
Operand *op;
BorrowingOperand(Operand *op)
: kind(*BorrowingOperandKind::get(op->getUser()->getKind())), op(op) {}
BorrowingOperand(const BorrowingOperand &other)
: kind(other.kind), op(other.op) {}
BorrowingOperand &operator=(const BorrowingOperand &other) {
kind = other.kind;
op = other.op;
return *this;
// A set of operators so that a BorrowingOperand can be used like a normal
// operand in a light weight way.
operator const Operand *() const { return op; }
operator Operand *() { return op; }
const Operand *operator*() const { return op; }
Operand *operator*() { return op; }
const Operand *operator->() const { return op; }
Operand *operator->() { return op; }
/// If \p op is a borrow introducing operand return it after doing some
/// checks.
static Optional<BorrowingOperand> get(Operand *op) {
auto *user = op->getUser();
auto kind = BorrowingOperandKind::get(user->getKind());
if (!kind)
return None;
return BorrowingOperand(*kind, op);
/// If \p op is a borrow introducing operand return it after doing some
/// checks.
static Optional<BorrowingOperand> get(const Operand *op) {
return get(const_cast<Operand *>(op));
/// If this borrowing operand results in the underlying value being borrowed
/// over a region of code instead of just for a single instruction, visit
/// those uses.
/// Example: An apply performs an instantaneous recursive borrow of a
/// guaranteed value but a begin_apply borrows the value over the entire
/// region of code corresponding to the coroutine.
/// NOTE: Return false from func to stop iterating. Returns false if the
/// closure requested to stop early.
bool visitLocalEndScopeUses(function_ref<bool(Operand *)> func) const;
/// Returns true if this borrow scope operand consumes guaranteed
/// values and produces a new scope afterwards.
/// TODO: tuple, struct, destructure_tuple, destructure_struct.
bool isReborrow() const {
switch (kind) {
case BorrowingOperandKind::BeginBorrow:
case BorrowingOperandKind::BeginApply:
case BorrowingOperandKind::Apply:
case BorrowingOperandKind::TryApply:
case BorrowingOperandKind::Yield:
return false;
case BorrowingOperandKind::Branch:
return true;
llvm_unreachable("Covered switch isn't covered?!");
/// Is the result of this instruction also a borrow introducer?
/// TODO: This needs a better name.
bool areAnyUserResultsBorrowIntroducers() const {
// TODO: Can we derive this by running a borrow introducer check ourselves?
switch (kind) {
case BorrowingOperandKind::BeginBorrow:
case BorrowingOperandKind::Branch:
return true;
case BorrowingOperandKind::BeginApply:
case BorrowingOperandKind::Apply:
case BorrowingOperandKind::TryApply:
case BorrowingOperandKind::Yield:
return false;
llvm_unreachable("Covered switch isn't covered?!");
/// Visit all of the results of the operand's user instruction that are
/// consuming uses.
void visitUserResultConsumingUses(function_ref<void(Operand *)> visitor) const;
/// Visit all of the "results" of the user of this operand that are borrow
/// scope introducers for the specific scope that this borrow scope operand
/// summarizes.
visitBorrowIntroducingUserResults(function_ref<void(BorrowedValue)> visitor) const;
/// Passes to visitor all of the consuming uses of this use's using
/// instruction.
/// This enables one to walk the def-use chain of guaranteed phis for a single
/// guaranteed scope by using a worklist and checking if any of the operands
/// are BorrowScopeOperands.
void visitConsumingUsesOfBorrowIntroducingUserResults(
function_ref<void(Operand *)> visitor) const;
/// Compute the implicit uses that this borrowing operand "injects" into the
/// set of its operands uses.
/// E.x.: end_apply uses.
/// \p errorFunction a callback that if non-null is passed an operand that
/// triggers a mal-formed SIL error. This is just needed for the ownership
/// verifier to emit good output.
void getImplicitUses(
SmallVectorImpl<Operand *> &foundUses,
std::function<void(Operand *)> *errorFunction = nullptr) const;
void print(llvm::raw_ostream &os) const;
SWIFT_DEBUG_DUMP { print(llvm::dbgs()); }
/// Internal constructor for failable static constructor. Please do not expand
/// its usage since it assumes the code passed in is well formed.
BorrowingOperand(BorrowingOperandKind kind, Operand *op)
: kind(kind), op(op) {}
llvm::raw_ostream &operator<<(llvm::raw_ostream &os,
const BorrowingOperand &operand);
class BorrowedValueKind {
/// Enum we use for exhaustive pattern matching over borrow scope introducers.
enum Kind : uint8_t {
Kind value;
static Optional<BorrowedValueKind> get(SILValue value) {
if (value.getOwnershipKind() != OwnershipKind::Guaranteed)
return None;
switch (value->getKind()) {
return None;
case ValueKind::LoadBorrowInst:
return BorrowedValueKind(LoadBorrow);
case ValueKind::BeginBorrowInst:
return BorrowedValueKind(BeginBorrow);
case ValueKind::SILFunctionArgument:
return BorrowedValueKind(SILFunctionArgument);
case ValueKind::SILPhiArgument: {
if (llvm::any_of(value->getParentBlock()->getPredecessorBlocks(),
[](SILBasicBlock *block) {
return !isa<BranchInst>(block->getTerminator());
})) {
return None;
return BorrowedValueKind(Phi);
BorrowedValueKind(Kind newValue) : value(newValue) {}
operator Kind() const { return value; }
/// Is this a borrow scope that begins and ends within the same function and
/// thus is guaranteed to have an "end_scope" instruction.
/// In contrast, borrow scopes that are non-local (e.x. from
/// SILFunctionArguments) rely a construct like a SILFunction as the begin/end
/// of the scope.
bool isLocalScope() const {
switch (value) {
case BorrowedValueKind::BeginBorrow:
case BorrowedValueKind::LoadBorrow:
case BorrowedValueKind::Phi:
return true;
case BorrowedValueKind::SILFunctionArgument:
return false;
llvm_unreachable("Covered switch isnt covered?!");
void print(llvm::raw_ostream &os) const;
SWIFT_DEBUG_DUMP { print(llvm::dbgs()); }
llvm::raw_ostream &operator<<(llvm::raw_ostream &os, BorrowedValueKind kind);
struct InteriorPointerOperand;
/// A higher level construct for working with values that act as a "borrow
/// introducer" for a new borrow scope.
/// DISCUSSION: A "borrow introducer" is a SILValue that represents the
/// beginning of a borrow scope that the ownership verifier validates. The idea
/// is this API allows one to work in a generic way with all of the various
/// introducers.
/// Some examples of borrow introducers: guaranteed SILFunctionArgument,
/// LoadBorrow, BeginBorrow, guaranteed BeginApply results.
/// NOTE: It is assumed that if a borrow introducer is a value of a
/// SILInstruction with multiple results, that the all of the SILInstruction's
/// guaranteed results are borrow introducers. In practice this means that
/// borrow introducers can not have guaranteed results that are not creating a
/// new borrow scope. No such instructions exist today.
struct BorrowedValue {
BorrowedValueKind kind;
SILValue value;
/// If value is a borrow introducer return it after doing some checks.
/// This is the only way to construct a BorrowScopeIntroducingValue. We make
/// the primary constructor private for this reason.
static Optional<BorrowedValue> get(SILValue value) {
auto kind = BorrowedValueKind::get(value);
if (!kind)
return None;
return BorrowedValue(*kind, value);
/// If this value is introducing a local scope, gather all local end scope
/// instructions and append them to \p scopeEndingInsts. Asserts if this is
/// called with a scope that is not local.
/// NOTE: To determine if a scope is a local scope, call
/// BorrowScopeIntoducingValue::isLocalScope().
void getLocalScopeEndingInstructions(
SmallVectorImpl<SILInstruction *> &scopeEndingInsts) const;
/// If this value is introducing a local scope, gather all local end scope
/// instructions and pass them individually to visitor. Asserts if this is
/// called with a scope that is not local.
/// The intention is that this method can be used instead of
/// BorrowScopeIntroducingValue::getLocalScopeEndingUses() to avoid
/// introducing an intermediate array when one needs to transform the
/// instructions before storing them.
/// NOTE: To determine if a scope is a local scope, call
/// BorrowScopeIntoducingValue::isLocalScope().
void visitLocalScopeEndingUses(function_ref<void(Operand *)> visitor) const;
bool isLocalScope() const { return kind.isLocalScope(); }
/// Returns true if the passed in set of uses is completely within
/// the lifetime of this borrow introducer.
/// NOTE: Scratch space is used internally to this method to store the end
/// borrow scopes if needed.
bool areUsesWithinScope(ArrayRef<Operand *> uses,
SmallVectorImpl<Operand *> &scratchSpace,
SmallPtrSetImpl<SILBasicBlock *> &visitedBlocks,
DeadEndBlocks &deadEndBlocks) const;
/// Given a local borrow scope introducer, visit all non-forwarding consuming
/// users. This means that this looks through guaranteed block arguments.
bool visitLocalScopeTransitiveEndingUses(
function_ref<void(Operand *)> visitor) const;
void print(llvm::raw_ostream &os) const;
SWIFT_DEBUG_DUMP { print(llvm::dbgs()); }
/// Visit each of the interior pointer uses of this underlying borrow
/// introduced value. These object -> address projections and any transitive
/// address uses must be treated as liveness requiring uses of the guaranteed
/// value and we can not shrink the scope beyond that point. Returns true if
/// we were able to understand all uses and thus guarantee we found all
/// interior pointer uses. Returns false otherwise.
bool visitInteriorPointerOperands(
function_ref<void(const InteriorPointerOperand &)> func) const;
/// Visit all immediate uses of this borrowed value and if any of them are
/// reborrows, place them in BorrowingOperand form into \p
/// foundReborrows. Returns true if we appended any such reborrows to
/// foundReborrows... false otherwise.
gatherReborrows(SmallVectorImpl<BorrowingOperand> &foundReborrows) const {
bool foundAnyReborrows = false;
for (auto *op : value->getUses()) {
if (auto borrowingOperand = BorrowingOperand::get(op)) {
if (borrowingOperand->isReborrow()) {
foundAnyReborrows = true;
return foundAnyReborrows;
/// Internal constructor for failable static constructor. Please do not expand
/// its usage since it assumes the code passed in is well formed.
BorrowedValue(BorrowedValueKind kind, SILValue value)
: kind(kind), value(value) {}
llvm::raw_ostream &operator<<(llvm::raw_ostream &os,
const BorrowedValue &value);
/// Look up the def-use graph starting at use \p inputOperand, recording any
/// "borrow" introducing values that we find into \p out. If at any point, we
/// find a point in the chain we do not understand, we bail and return false. If
/// we are able to understand all of the def-use graph, we know that we have
/// found all of the borrow introducing values, we return true.
/// NOTE: This may return multiple borrow introducing values in cases where
/// there are phi-like nodes in the IR like any true phi block arguments or
/// aggregate literal instructions (struct, tuple, enum, etc.).
bool getAllBorrowIntroducingValues(SILValue value,
SmallVectorImpl<BorrowedValue> &out);
/// Look up through the def-use chain of \p inputValue, looking for an initial
/// "borrow" introducing value. If at any point, we find two introducers or we
/// find a point in the chain we do not understand, we bail and return false. If
/// we are able to understand all of the def-use graph and only find a single
/// introducer, then we return a .some(BorrowScopeIntroducingValue).
Optional<BorrowedValue> getSingleBorrowIntroducingValue(SILValue inputValue);
class InteriorPointerOperandKind {
enum Kind : uint8_t {
Kind value;
InteriorPointerOperandKind(Kind newValue) : value(newValue) {}
operator Kind() const { return value; }
static Optional<InteriorPointerOperandKind> get(Operand *use) {
switch (use->getUser()->getKind()) {
return None;
case SILInstructionKind::RefElementAddrInst:
return InteriorPointerOperandKind(RefElementAddr);
case SILInstructionKind::RefTailAddrInst:
return InteriorPointerOperandKind(RefTailAddr);
case SILInstructionKind::OpenExistentialBoxInst:
return InteriorPointerOperandKind(OpenExistentialBox);
void print(llvm::raw_ostream &os) const;
/// A mixed object->address projection that projects a memory location out of an
/// object with guaranteed ownership. All transitive address uses of the
/// interior pointer must be within the lifetime of the guaranteed lifetime. As
/// such, these must be treated as implicit uses of the parent guaranteed value.
struct InteriorPointerOperand {
Operand *operand;
InteriorPointerOperandKind kind;
InteriorPointerOperand(Operand *op)
: operand(op), kind(*InteriorPointerOperandKind::get(op)) {}
/// If value is a borrow introducer return it after doing some checks.
static Optional<InteriorPointerOperand> get(Operand *op) {
auto kind = InteriorPointerOperandKind::get(op);
if (!kind)
return None;
return InteriorPointerOperand(op, *kind);
/// Return the end scope of all borrow introducers of the parent value of this
/// projection. Returns true if we were able to find all borrow introducing
/// values.
bool visitBaseValueScopeEndingUses(function_ref<void(Operand *)> func) const {
SmallVector<BorrowedValue, 4> introducers;
if (!getAllBorrowIntroducingValues(operand->get(), introducers))
return false;
for (const auto &introducer : introducers) {
if (!introducer.isLocalScope())
return true;
SILValue getProjectedAddress() const {
switch (kind) {
case InteriorPointerOperandKind::RefElementAddr:
return cast<RefElementAddrInst>(operand->getUser());
case InteriorPointerOperandKind::RefTailAddr:
return cast<RefTailAddrInst>(operand->getUser());
case InteriorPointerOperandKind::OpenExistentialBox:
return cast<OpenExistentialBoxInst>(operand->getUser());
llvm_unreachable("Covered switch isn't covered?!");
/// Compute the list of implicit uses that this interior pointer operand puts
/// on its parent guaranted value.
/// Example: Uses of a ref_element_addr can not occur outside of the lifetime
/// of the instruction's operand. The uses of that address act as liveness
/// requirements to ensure that the underlying class is alive at all use
/// points.
bool getImplicitUses(SmallVectorImpl<Operand *> &foundUses,
std::function<void(Operand *)> *onError = nullptr);
/// Internal constructor for failable static constructor. Please do not expand
/// its usage since it assumes the code passed in is well formed.
InteriorPointerOperand(Operand *op, InteriorPointerOperandKind kind)
: operand(op), kind(kind) {}
class OwnedValueIntroducerKind {
enum Kind : uint8_t {
/// An owned value that is a result of an Apply.
/// An owned value returned as a result of applying a begin_apply.
/// An owned value that is an argument that is in one of the successor
/// blocks of a try_apply. This represents in a sense the try applies
/// result.
/// An owned value produced as a result of performing a copy_value on some
/// other value.
/// An owned value produced as a result of performing a load [copy] on a
/// memory location.
/// An owned value produced as a result of performing a load [take] from a
/// memory location.
/// An owned value that is a result of a true phi argument.
/// A true phi argument here is defined as an SIL phi argument that only has
/// branch predecessors.
/// An owned value that is from a struct that has multiple operands that are
/// owned.
/// An owned value that is from a tuple that has multiple operands that are
/// owned.
/// An owned value that is a function argument.
/// An owned value that is a new partial_apply that has been formed.
/// An owned value from the formation of a new alloc_box.
/// An owned value from the formataion of a new alloc_ref.
Kind value;
static Optional<OwnedValueIntroducerKind> get(SILValue value) {
if (value.getOwnershipKind() != OwnershipKind::Owned)
return None;
switch (value->getKind()) {
return None;
case ValueKind::ApplyInst:
return OwnedValueIntroducerKind(Apply);
case ValueKind::BeginApplyResult:
return OwnedValueIntroducerKind(BeginApply);
case ValueKind::StructInst:
return OwnedValueIntroducerKind(Struct);
case ValueKind::TupleInst:
return OwnedValueIntroducerKind(Tuple);
case ValueKind::SILPhiArgument: {
auto *phiArg = cast<SILPhiArgument>(value);
if (dyn_cast_or_null<TryApplyInst>(phiArg->getSingleTerminator())) {
return OwnedValueIntroducerKind(TryApply);
if (llvm::all_of(phiArg->getParent()->getPredecessorBlocks(),
[](SILBasicBlock *block) {
return isa<BranchInst>(block->getTerminator());
})) {
return OwnedValueIntroducerKind(Phi);
return None;
case ValueKind::SILFunctionArgument:
return OwnedValueIntroducerKind(FunctionArgument);
case ValueKind::CopyValueInst:
return OwnedValueIntroducerKind(Copy);
case ValueKind::LoadInst: {
auto qual = cast<LoadInst>(value)->getOwnershipQualifier();
if (qual == LoadOwnershipQualifier::Take)
return OwnedValueIntroducerKind(LoadTake);
if (qual == LoadOwnershipQualifier::Copy)
return OwnedValueIntroducerKind(LoadCopy);
return None;
case ValueKind::PartialApplyInst:
return OwnedValueIntroducerKind(PartialApplyInit);
case ValueKind::AllocBoxInst:
return OwnedValueIntroducerKind(AllocBoxInit);
case ValueKind::AllocRefInst:
return OwnedValueIntroducerKind(AllocRefInit);
llvm_unreachable("Default should have caught this");
OwnedValueIntroducerKind(Kind newValue) : value(newValue) {}
operator Kind() const { return value; }
void print(llvm::raw_ostream &os) const;
SWIFT_DEBUG_DUMP { print(llvm::dbgs()); }
llvm::raw_ostream &operator<<(llvm::raw_ostream &os,
OwnedValueIntroducerKind kind);
/// A higher level construct for working with values that introduce a new
/// "owned" value.
/// An owned "introducer" is a value that signals in a SIL program the begin of
/// a new semantic @owned ownership construct that is live without respect to
/// any other values in the function. This introducer value is then either used
/// directly, forwarded then used, and then finally destroyed.
/// NOTE: Previous incarnations of this concept used terms like "RC-identity".
struct OwnedValueIntroducer {
/// The actual underlying value that introduces the new owned value.
SILValue value;
/// The kind of "introducer" that we use to classify any of various possible
/// underlying introducing values.
OwnedValueIntroducerKind kind;
/// If a value is an owned value introducer we can recognize, return
/// .some(OwnedValueIntroducer). Otherwise, return None.
static Optional<OwnedValueIntroducer> get(SILValue value) {
auto kind = OwnedValueIntroducerKind::get(value);
if (!kind)
return None;
return OwnedValueIntroducer(value, *kind);
/// Returns true if this owned introducer is able to be converted into a
/// guaranteed form if none of its direct uses are consuming uses (looking
/// through forwarding uses).
/// NOTE: Since the direct uses must be non-consuming, this means that any
/// "ownership phis" (e.x. branch, struct) must return false here since we can
/// not analyze them without analyzing their operands/incoming values.
bool isConvertableToGuaranteed() const {
switch (kind) {
case OwnedValueIntroducerKind::Copy:
case OwnedValueIntroducerKind::LoadCopy:
return true;
case OwnedValueIntroducerKind::Apply:
case OwnedValueIntroducerKind::BeginApply:
case OwnedValueIntroducerKind::TryApply:
case OwnedValueIntroducerKind::LoadTake:
case OwnedValueIntroducerKind::Phi:
case OwnedValueIntroducerKind::Struct:
case OwnedValueIntroducerKind::Tuple:
case OwnedValueIntroducerKind::FunctionArgument:
case OwnedValueIntroducerKind::PartialApplyInit:
case OwnedValueIntroducerKind::AllocBoxInit:
case OwnedValueIntroducerKind::AllocRefInit:
return false;
llvm_unreachable("Covered switch isn't covered?!");
/// Returns true if this introducer when converted to guaranteed is expected
/// to have guaranteed operands that are consumed by the instruction.
/// E.x.: phi, struct.
bool hasConsumingGuaranteedOperands() const {
switch (kind) {
case OwnedValueIntroducerKind::Phi:
return true;
case OwnedValueIntroducerKind::Struct:
case OwnedValueIntroducerKind::Tuple:
case OwnedValueIntroducerKind::Copy:
case OwnedValueIntroducerKind::LoadCopy:
case OwnedValueIntroducerKind::Apply:
case OwnedValueIntroducerKind::BeginApply:
case OwnedValueIntroducerKind::TryApply:
case OwnedValueIntroducerKind::LoadTake:
case OwnedValueIntroducerKind::FunctionArgument:
case OwnedValueIntroducerKind::PartialApplyInit:
case OwnedValueIntroducerKind::AllocBoxInit:
case OwnedValueIntroducerKind::AllocRefInit:
return false;
bool operator==(const OwnedValueIntroducer &other) const {
return value == other.value;
bool operator!=(const OwnedValueIntroducer &other) const {
return !(*this == other);
bool operator<(const OwnedValueIntroducer &other) const {
return value < other.value;
OwnedValueIntroducer(SILValue value, OwnedValueIntroducerKind kind)
: value(value), kind(kind) {}
/// Look up the def-use graph starting at use \p inputOperand, recording any
/// values that act as "owned" introducers.
/// NOTE: This may return multiple owned introducers in cases where there are
/// phi-like nodes in the IR like any true phi block arguments or aggregate
/// literal instructions (struct, tuple, enum, etc.).
bool getAllOwnedValueIntroducers(SILValue value,
SmallVectorImpl<OwnedValueIntroducer> &out);
Optional<OwnedValueIntroducer> getSingleOwnedValueIntroducer(SILValue value);
} // namespace swift