blob: d9e1cee676464a7b249797f5f230ac4cca61a20a [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- ApplySite.h -------------------------------------*- mode: c++ -*--===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
/// \file
/// This file defines utilities for working with "call-site like" SIL
/// instructions. We use the term "call-site" like since we handle partial
/// applications in our utilities.
#include "swift/Basic/STLExtras.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILArgument.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILBasicBlock.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILFunction.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILInstruction.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
namespace swift {
class FullApplySite;
// ApplySite
struct ApplySiteKind {
enum innerty : std::underlying_type<SILInstructionKind>::type {
#define APPLYSITE_INST(ID, PARENT) ID = unsigned(SILInstructionKind::ID),
#include "swift/SIL/SILNodes.def"
} value;
explicit ApplySiteKind(SILInstructionKind kind) {
auto newValue = ApplySiteKind::fromNodeKindHelper(kind);
assert(newValue && "Non apply site passed into ApplySiteKind");
value = newValue.getValue();
ApplySiteKind(innerty value) : value(value) {}
operator innerty() const { return value; }
static Optional<ApplySiteKind> fromNodeKind(SILInstructionKind kind) {
if (auto innerTyOpt = ApplySiteKind::fromNodeKindHelper(kind))
return ApplySiteKind(*innerTyOpt);
return None;
static Optional<innerty> fromNodeKindHelper(SILInstructionKind kind) {
switch (kind) {
case SILInstructionKind::ID: \
return ApplySiteKind::ID;
#include "swift/SIL/SILNodes.def"
return None;
/// An apply instruction.
class ApplySite {
SILInstruction *Inst;
explicit ApplySite(void *p) : Inst(static_cast<SILInstruction *>(p)) {}
ApplySite() : Inst(nullptr) {}
explicit ApplySite(SILInstruction *inst)
: Inst(static_cast<SILInstruction *>(inst)) {
assert(classof(inst) && "not an apply instruction?");
ApplySite(ApplyInst *inst) : Inst(inst) {}
ApplySite(PartialApplyInst *inst) : Inst(inst) {}
ApplySite(TryApplyInst *inst) : Inst(inst) {}
ApplySite(BeginApplyInst *inst) : Inst(inst) {}
SILModule &getModule() const { return Inst->getModule(); }
static ApplySite isa(SILNode *node) {
auto *i = dyn_cast<SILInstruction>(node);
if (!i)
return ApplySite();
auto kind = ApplySiteKind::fromNodeKind(i->getKind());
if (!kind)
return ApplySite();
switch (kind.getValue()) {
case ApplySiteKind::ApplyInst:
return ApplySite(cast<ApplyInst>(node));
case ApplySiteKind::BeginApplyInst:
return ApplySite(cast<BeginApplyInst>(node));
case ApplySiteKind::TryApplyInst:
return ApplySite(cast<TryApplyInst>(node));
case ApplySiteKind::PartialApplyInst:
return ApplySite(cast<PartialApplyInst>(node));
llvm_unreachable("covered switch");
ApplySiteKind getKind() const { return ApplySiteKind(Inst->getKind()); }
explicit operator bool() const { return Inst != nullptr; }
SILInstruction *getInstruction() const { return Inst; }
SILLocation getLoc() const { return Inst->getLoc(); }
const SILDebugScope *getDebugScope() const { return Inst->getDebugScope(); }
SILFunction *getFunction() const { return Inst->getFunction(); }
SILBasicBlock *getParent() const { return Inst->getParent(); }
do { \
switch (ApplySiteKind(Inst->getKind())) { \
case ApplySiteKind::ApplyInst: \
return cast<ApplyInst>(Inst)->OPERATION; \
case ApplySiteKind::BeginApplyInst: \
return cast<BeginApplyInst>(Inst)->OPERATION; \
case ApplySiteKind::PartialApplyInst: \
return cast<PartialApplyInst>(Inst)->OPERATION; \
case ApplySiteKind::TryApplyInst: \
return cast<TryApplyInst>(Inst)->OPERATION; \
} \
llvm_unreachable("covered switch"); \
} while (0)
/// Return the callee operand as a value.
SILValue getCallee() const { return getCalleeOperand()->get(); }
/// Return the callee operand.
Operand *getCalleeOperand() { FOREACH_IMPL_RETURN(getCalleeOperand()); }
/// Return the callee operand.
const Operand *getCalleeOperand() const {
/// Return the callee value by looking through function conversions until we
/// find a function_ref, partial_apply, or unrecognized callee value.
SILValue getCalleeOrigin() const { FOREACH_IMPL_RETURN(getCalleeOrigin()); }
/// Gets the referenced function by looking through partial apply,
/// convert_function, and thin to thick function until we find a function_ref.
SILFunction *getCalleeFunction() const {
/// Return the referenced function if the callee is a function_ref
/// instruction.
SILFunction *getReferencedFunctionOrNull() const {
/// Return the referenced function if the callee is a function_ref like
/// instruction.
/// WARNING: This not necessarily the function that will be called at runtime.
/// If the callee is a (prev_)dynamic_function_ref the actual function called
/// might be different because it could be dynamically replaced at runtime.
/// If the client of this API wants to look at the content of the returned SIL
/// function it should call getReferencedFunctionOrNull() instead.
SILFunction *getInitiallyReferencedFunction() const {
/// Should we optimize this call.
/// Calls to (previous_)dynamic_function_ref have a dynamic target function so
/// we should not optimize them.
bool canOptimize() const {
return !DynamicFunctionRefInst::classof(getCallee()) &&
/// Return the type.
SILType getType() const {
return getSubstCalleeConv().getSILResultType(
/// Get the type of the callee without the applied substitutions.
CanSILFunctionType getOrigCalleeType() const {
return getCallee()->getType().castTo<SILFunctionType>();
/// Get the conventions of the callee without the applied substitutions.
SILFunctionConventions getOrigCalleeConv() const {
return SILFunctionConventions(getOrigCalleeType(), getModule());
/// Get the type of the callee with the applied substitutions.
CanSILFunctionType getSubstCalleeType() const {
return getSubstCalleeSILType().castTo<SILFunctionType>();
SILType getSubstCalleeSILType() const {
void setSubstCalleeType(CanSILFunctionType t) {
/// Get the conventions of the callee with the applied substitutions.
SILFunctionConventions getSubstCalleeConv() const {
return SILFunctionConventions(getSubstCalleeType(), getModule());
bool isAsync() const {
return getOrigCalleeType()->isAsync();
/// Returns true if the callee function is annotated with
/// @_semantics("programtermination_point")
bool isCalleeKnownProgramTerminationPoint() const {
/// Check if this is a call of a never-returning function.
bool isCalleeNoReturn() const { FOREACH_IMPL_RETURN(isCalleeNoReturn()); }
bool isCalleeThin() const {
switch (getSubstCalleeType()->getRepresentation()) {
case SILFunctionTypeRepresentation::CFunctionPointer:
case SILFunctionTypeRepresentation::Thin:
case SILFunctionTypeRepresentation::Method:
case SILFunctionTypeRepresentation::ObjCMethod:
case SILFunctionTypeRepresentation::WitnessMethod:
case SILFunctionTypeRepresentation::Closure:
return true;
case SILFunctionTypeRepresentation::Block:
case SILFunctionTypeRepresentation::Thick:
return false;
/// True if this application has generic substitutions.
bool hasSubstitutions() const { FOREACH_IMPL_RETURN(hasSubstitutions()); }
/// The substitutions used to bind the generic arguments of this function.
SubstitutionMap getSubstitutionMap() const {
/// Return the associated specialization information.
const GenericSpecializationInformation *getSpecializationInfo() const {
/// Return an operand list corresponding to the applied arguments.
MutableArrayRef<Operand> getArgumentOperands() const {
/// Return a list of applied argument values.
OperandValueArrayRef getArguments() const {
/// Return the number of applied arguments.
unsigned getNumArguments() const { FOREACH_IMPL_RETURN(getNumArguments()); }
/// Return the apply operand for the given applied argument index.
Operand &getArgumentRef(unsigned i) const { return getArgumentOperands()[i]; }
/// Return the ith applied argument.
SILValue getArgument(unsigned i) const { return getArguments()[i]; }
/// Set the ith applied argument.
void setArgument(unsigned i, SILValue V) const {
/// Return the operand index of the first applied argument.
unsigned getOperandIndexOfFirstArgument() const {
/// Returns true if \p oper is an argument operand and not the callee
/// operand.
bool isArgumentOperand(const Operand &oper) const {
return oper.getOperandNumber() >= getOperandIndexOfFirstArgument() &&
oper.getOperandNumber() < getOperandIndexOfFirstArgument() + getNumArguments();
/// Return the applied argument index for the given operand.
unsigned getAppliedArgIndex(const Operand &oper) const {
assert(oper.getUser() == Inst);
return oper.getOperandNumber() - getOperandIndexOfFirstArgument();
/// Return the callee's function argument index corresponding to the first
/// applied argument: 0 for full applies; >= 0 for partial applies.
unsigned getCalleeArgIndexOfFirstAppliedArg() const {
switch (ApplySiteKind(Inst->getKind())) {
case ApplySiteKind::ApplyInst:
case ApplySiteKind::BeginApplyInst:
case ApplySiteKind::TryApplyInst:
return 0;
case ApplySiteKind::PartialApplyInst:
// The arguments to partial_apply are a suffix of the partial_apply's
// callee. Note that getSubstCalleeConv is function type of the callee
// argument passed to this apply, not necessarilly the function type of
// the underlying callee function (i.e. it is based on the `getCallee`
// type, not the `getCalleeOrigin` type).
// pa1 = partial_apply f(c) : $(a, b, c)
// pa2 = partial_apply pa1(b) : $(a, b)
// apply pa2(a)
return getSubstCalleeConv().getNumSILArguments() - getNumArguments();
llvm_unreachable("covered switch");
/// Return the callee's function argument index corresponding to the given
/// apply operand. Each function argument index identifies a
/// SILFunctionArgument in the callee and can be used as a
/// SILFunctionConvention argument index.
/// Note: Passing an applied argument index into SILFunctionConvention, as
/// opposed to a function argument index, is incorrect.
unsigned getCalleeArgIndex(const Operand &oper) const {
return getCalleeArgIndexOfFirstAppliedArg() + getAppliedArgIndex(oper);
/// Return the SILArgumentConvention for the given applied argument operand.
SILArgumentConvention getArgumentConvention(const Operand &oper) const {
unsigned calleeArgIdx =
getCalleeArgIndexOfFirstAppliedArg() + getAppliedArgIndex(oper);
return getSubstCalleeConv().getSILArgumentConvention(calleeArgIdx);
/// Return true if 'self' is an applied argument.
bool hasSelfArgument() const {
switch (ApplySiteKind(Inst->getKind())) {
case ApplySiteKind::ApplyInst:
return cast<ApplyInst>(Inst)->hasSelfArgument();
case ApplySiteKind::BeginApplyInst:
return cast<BeginApplyInst>(Inst)->hasSelfArgument();
case ApplySiteKind::TryApplyInst:
return cast<TryApplyInst>(Inst)->hasSelfArgument();
case ApplySiteKind::PartialApplyInst:
llvm_unreachable("unhandled case");
llvm_unreachable("covered switch");
/// Return the applied 'self' argument value.
SILValue getSelfArgument() const {
switch (ApplySiteKind(Inst->getKind())) {
case ApplySiteKind::ApplyInst:
return cast<ApplyInst>(Inst)->getSelfArgument();
case ApplySiteKind::BeginApplyInst:
return cast<BeginApplyInst>(Inst)->getSelfArgument();
case ApplySiteKind::TryApplyInst:
return cast<TryApplyInst>(Inst)->getSelfArgument();
case ApplySiteKind::PartialApplyInst:
llvm_unreachable("unhandled case");
llvm_unreachable("covered switch");
/// Return the 'self' apply operand.
Operand &getSelfArgumentOperand() {
switch (ApplySiteKind(Inst->getKind())) {
case ApplySiteKind::ApplyInst:
return cast<ApplyInst>(Inst)->getSelfArgumentOperand();
case ApplySiteKind::BeginApplyInst:
return cast<BeginApplyInst>(Inst)->getSelfArgumentOperand();
case ApplySiteKind::TryApplyInst:
return cast<TryApplyInst>(Inst)->getSelfArgumentOperand();
case ApplySiteKind::PartialApplyInst:
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled cast");
llvm_unreachable("covered switch");
/// Return a list of applied arguments without self.
OperandValueArrayRef getArgumentsWithoutSelf() const {
switch (ApplySiteKind(Inst->getKind())) {
case ApplySiteKind::ApplyInst:
return cast<ApplyInst>(Inst)->getArgumentsWithoutSelf();
case ApplySiteKind::BeginApplyInst:
return cast<BeginApplyInst>(Inst)->getArgumentsWithoutSelf();
case ApplySiteKind::TryApplyInst:
return cast<TryApplyInst>(Inst)->getArgumentsWithoutSelf();
case ApplySiteKind::PartialApplyInst:
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled case");
llvm_unreachable("covered switch");
/// Returns true if \p op is an operand that passes an indirect
/// result argument to the apply site.
bool isIndirectResultOperand(const Operand &op) const;
/// Return whether the given apply is of a formally-throwing function
/// which is statically known not to throw.
bool isNonThrowing() const {
switch (ApplySiteKind(getInstruction()->getKind())) {
case ApplySiteKind::ApplyInst:
return cast<ApplyInst>(Inst)->isNonThrowing();
case ApplySiteKind::BeginApplyInst:
return cast<BeginApplyInst>(Inst)->isNonThrowing();
case ApplySiteKind::TryApplyInst:
return false;
case ApplySiteKind::PartialApplyInst:
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled case");
static ApplySite getFromOpaqueValue(void *p) { return ApplySite(p); }
friend bool operator==(ApplySite lhs, ApplySite rhs) {
return lhs.getInstruction() == rhs.getInstruction();
friend bool operator!=(ApplySite lhs, ApplySite rhs) {
return lhs.getInstruction() != rhs.getInstruction();
static bool classof(const SILInstruction *inst) {
return bool(ApplySiteKind::fromNodeKind(inst->getKind()));
void dump() const LLVM_ATTRIBUTE_USED { getInstruction()->dump(); }
/// Attempt to cast this apply site to a full apply site, returning None on
/// failure.
Optional<FullApplySite> asFullApplySite() const;
// FullApplySite
struct FullApplySiteKind {
enum innerty : std::underlying_type<SILInstructionKind>::type {
#define FULLAPPLYSITE_INST(ID, PARENT) ID = unsigned(SILInstructionKind::ID),
#include "swift/SIL/SILNodes.def"
} value;
explicit FullApplySiteKind(SILInstructionKind kind) {
auto fullApplySiteKind = FullApplySiteKind::fromNodeKindHelper(kind);
assert(fullApplySiteKind && "SILNodeKind is not a FullApplySiteKind?!");
value = fullApplySiteKind.getValue();
FullApplySiteKind(innerty value) : value(value) {}
operator innerty() const { return value; }
static Optional<FullApplySiteKind> fromNodeKind(SILInstructionKind kind) {
if (auto innerOpt = FullApplySiteKind::fromNodeKindHelper(kind))
return FullApplySiteKind(*innerOpt);
return None;
static Optional<innerty> fromNodeKindHelper(SILInstructionKind kind) {
switch (kind) {
case SILInstructionKind::ID: \
return FullApplySiteKind::ID;
#include "swift/SIL/SILNodes.def"
return None;
/// A full function application.
class FullApplySite : public ApplySite {
explicit FullApplySite(void *p) : ApplySite(p) {}
FullApplySite() : ApplySite() {}
explicit FullApplySite(SILInstruction *inst) : ApplySite(inst) {
assert(classof(inst) && "not an apply instruction?");
FullApplySite(ApplyInst *inst) : ApplySite(inst) {}
FullApplySite(BeginApplyInst *inst) : ApplySite(inst) {}
FullApplySite(TryApplyInst *inst) : ApplySite(inst) {}
static FullApplySite isa(SILNode *node) {
auto *i = dyn_cast<SILInstruction>(node);
if (!i)
return FullApplySite();
auto kind = FullApplySiteKind::fromNodeKind(i->getKind());
if (!kind)
return FullApplySite();
switch (kind.getValue()) {
case FullApplySiteKind::ApplyInst:
return FullApplySite(cast<ApplyInst>(node));
case FullApplySiteKind::BeginApplyInst:
return FullApplySite(cast<BeginApplyInst>(node));
case FullApplySiteKind::TryApplyInst:
return FullApplySite(cast<TryApplyInst>(node));
llvm_unreachable("covered switch");
FullApplySiteKind getKind() const {
return FullApplySiteKind(getInstruction()->getKind());
bool hasIndirectSILResults() const {
return getSubstCalleeConv().hasIndirectSILResults();
/// If our apply site has a single direct result SILValue, return that
/// SILValue. Return SILValue() otherwise.
/// This means that:
/// 1. If we have an ApplyInst, we just visit the apply.
/// 2. If we have a TryApplyInst, we visit the first argument of the normal
/// block.
/// 3. If we have a BeginApplyInst, we return SILValue() since the begin_apply
/// yields values instead of returning them. A returned value should only
/// be valid after a full apply site has completely finished executing.
SILValue getSingleDirectResult() const {
switch (getKind()) {
case FullApplySiteKind::ApplyInst:
return SILValue(cast<ApplyInst>(getInstruction()));
case FullApplySiteKind::BeginApplyInst: {
return SILValue();
case FullApplySiteKind::TryApplyInst: {
auto *normalBlock = cast<TryApplyInst>(getInstruction())->getNormalBB();
assert(normalBlock->getNumArguments() == 1 &&
"Expected try apply to have a single result");
return normalBlock->getArgument(0);
llvm_unreachable("Covered switch isn't covered?!");
unsigned getNumIndirectSILResults() const {
return getSubstCalleeConv().getNumIndirectSILResults();
OperandValueArrayRef getIndirectSILResults() const {
return getArguments().slice(0, getNumIndirectSILResults());
OperandValueArrayRef getArgumentsWithoutIndirectResults() const {
return getArguments().slice(getNumIndirectSILResults());
InoutArgumentRange getInoutArguments() const {
switch (getKind()) {
case FullApplySiteKind::ApplyInst:
return cast<ApplyInst>(getInstruction())->getInoutArguments();
case FullApplySiteKind::TryApplyInst:
return cast<TryApplyInst>(getInstruction())->getInoutArguments();
case FullApplySiteKind::BeginApplyInst:
return cast<BeginApplyInst>(getInstruction())->getInoutArguments();
llvm_unreachable("invalid apply kind");
/// Returns true if \p op is the callee operand of this apply site
/// and not an argument operand.
bool isCalleeOperand(const Operand &op) const {
return op.getOperandNumber() < getOperandIndexOfFirstArgument();
/// Is this an ApplySite that begins the evaluation of a coroutine.
bool beginsCoroutineEvaluation() const {
switch (getKind()) {
case FullApplySiteKind::ApplyInst:
case FullApplySiteKind::TryApplyInst:
return false;
case FullApplySiteKind::BeginApplyInst:
return true;
llvm_unreachable("Covered switch isn't covered?!");
/// If this is a terminator apply site, then pass a builder to insert at the
/// first instruction of each successor to \p func. Otherwise, pass a builder
/// to insert at std::next(Inst).
/// The intention is that this abstraction will enable the compiler writer to
/// ignore whether or not an apply site is a terminator when inserting
/// instructions after an apply site. This results in eliminating unnecessary
/// if-else code otherwise required to handle such situations.
/// NOTE: We pass std::next() for begin_apply. If one wishes to insert code
/// /after/ the end_apply/abort_apply, please use instead
/// insertAfterFullEvaluation.
void insertAfterInvocation(function_ref<void(SILBuilder &)> func) const;
/// Pass a builder with insertion points that are guaranteed to be immediately
/// after this full apply site has completely finished executing.
/// This is just like insertAfterInvocation except that if the full apply site
/// is a begin_apply, we pass the insertion points after the end_apply,
/// abort_apply rather than an insertion point right after the
/// begin_apply. For such functionality, please invoke insertAfterInvocation.
void insertAfterFullEvaluation(function_ref<void(SILBuilder &)> func) const;
/// Returns true if \p op is an operand that passes an indirect
/// result argument to the apply site.
bool isIndirectResultOperand(const Operand &op) const {
return isArgumentOperand(op)
&& (getCalleeArgIndex(op) < getNumIndirectSILResults());
static FullApplySite getFromOpaqueValue(void *p) { return FullApplySite(p); }
static bool classof(const SILInstruction *inst) {
return bool(FullApplySiteKind::fromNodeKind(inst->getKind()));
} // namespace swift
namespace llvm {
struct PointerLikeTypeTraits<swift::ApplySite> {
static inline void *getAsVoidPointer(swift::ApplySite apply) {
return (void*)apply.getInstruction();
static inline swift::ApplySite getFromVoidPointer(void *pointer) {
return swift::ApplySite((swift::SILInstruction*)pointer);
enum { NumLowBitsAvailable =
PointerLikeTypeTraits<swift::SILNode *>::NumLowBitsAvailable };
struct PointerLikeTypeTraits<swift::FullApplySite> {
static inline void *getAsVoidPointer(swift::FullApplySite apply) {
return (void*)apply.getInstruction();
static inline swift::FullApplySite getFromVoidPointer(void *pointer) {
return swift::FullApplySite((swift::SILInstruction*)pointer);
enum { NumLowBitsAvailable =
PointerLikeTypeTraits<swift::SILNode *>::NumLowBitsAvailable };
// An ApplySite casts like a SILInstruction*.
template <> struct simplify_type<const ::swift::ApplySite> {
using SimpleType = ::swift::SILInstruction *;
static SimpleType getSimplifiedValue(const ::swift::ApplySite &Val) {
return Val.getInstruction();
template <>
struct simplify_type<::swift::ApplySite>
: public simplify_type<const ::swift::ApplySite> {};
template <>
struct simplify_type<::swift::FullApplySite>
: public simplify_type<const ::swift::ApplySite> {};
template <>
struct simplify_type<const ::swift::FullApplySite>
: public simplify_type<const ::swift::ApplySite> {};
template <> struct DenseMapInfo<::swift::ApplySite> {
static ::swift::ApplySite getEmptyKey() {
return ::swift::ApplySite::getFromOpaqueValue(
llvm::DenseMapInfo<void *>::getEmptyKey());
static ::swift::ApplySite getTombstoneKey() {
return ::swift::ApplySite::getFromOpaqueValue(
llvm::DenseMapInfo<void *>::getTombstoneKey());
static unsigned getHashValue(::swift::ApplySite AS) {
auto *I = AS.getInstruction();
return DenseMapInfo<::swift::SILInstruction *>::getHashValue(I);
static bool isEqual(::swift::ApplySite LHS, ::swift::ApplySite RHS) {
return LHS == RHS;
template <> struct DenseMapInfo<::swift::FullApplySite> {
static ::swift::FullApplySite getEmptyKey() {
return ::swift::FullApplySite::getFromOpaqueValue(
llvm::DenseMapInfo<void *>::getEmptyKey());
static ::swift::FullApplySite getTombstoneKey() {
return ::swift::FullApplySite::getFromOpaqueValue(
llvm::DenseMapInfo<void *>::getTombstoneKey());
static unsigned getHashValue(::swift::FullApplySite AS) {
auto *I = AS.getInstruction();
return DenseMapInfo<::swift::SILInstruction *>::getHashValue(I);
static bool isEqual(::swift::FullApplySite LHS, ::swift::FullApplySite RHS) {
return LHS == RHS;
} // namespace llvm
// Inline Definitions to work around Forward Declaration
namespace swift {
inline Optional<FullApplySite> ApplySite::asFullApplySite() const {
return FullApplySite::isa(getInstruction());
inline bool ApplySite::isIndirectResultOperand(const Operand &op) const {
auto fas = asFullApplySite();
if (!fas)
return false;
return fas->isIndirectResultOperand(op);
} // namespace swift