blob: 9c278fa7ac3ac0cb7fa10ae95dd8f00230ca0a31 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- TypeLowering.h - Swift Type Lowering for Reflection ----*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// Implements logic for computing in-memory layouts from TypeRefs loaded from
// reflection metadata.
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseSet.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Casting.h"
#include "swift/Remote/MetadataReader.h"
#include "swift/Remote/TypeInfoProvider.h"
#include <memory>
namespace swift {
namespace reflection {
using llvm::cast;
using llvm::dyn_cast;
using remote::RemoteRef;
class TypeRef;
class TypeRefBuilder;
class BuiltinTypeDescriptor;
// Defined in TypeLowering.cpp, not public -- they're friends below
class LowerType;
class EnumTypeInfoBuilder;
class RecordTypeInfoBuilder;
class ExistentialTypeInfoBuilder;
enum class EnumKind : unsigned {
// An enum with no payload cases. The record will have no fields, but
// will have the correct size.
// An enum with a single payload case and zero or more no-payload
// cases. The no-payload cases may be encoded with an extra tag
// byte or as invalid payload values ("extra inhabitants").
// An enum with multiple payload cases and zero or more non-payload
// cases. The selector that indicates what case is currently active
// may be encoded in unused "spare bits" common to all payloads and/or
// may use a separate tag byte.
enum class RecordKind : unsigned {
// A Swift tuple type.
// A Swift struct type.
// A Swift-native function is always a function pointer followed by a
// retainable, nullable context pointer.
// An existential is a three-word buffer followed by value metadata and
// witness tables.
// A class existential is a retainable pointer followed by witness
// tables.
// An existential metatype.
// An error existential is a special kind of heap object, so is a retainable
// pointer, with no witness tables.
// A class instance layout, consisting of the stored properties of
// one class, excluding superclasses.
// A closure context instance layout, consisting of the captured values.
// For now, captured values do not retain their names.
enum class ReferenceCounting : unsigned {
enum class ReferenceKind : unsigned {
#define REF_STORAGE(Name, ...) Name,
#include "swift/AST/ReferenceStorage.def"
enum class TypeInfoKind : unsigned {
class TypeInfo {
TypeInfoKind Kind;
unsigned Size, Alignment, Stride, NumExtraInhabitants;
bool BitwiseTakable;
TypeInfo(TypeInfoKind Kind,
unsigned Size, unsigned Alignment,
unsigned Stride, unsigned NumExtraInhabitants,
bool BitwiseTakable)
: Kind(Kind), Size(Size), Alignment(Alignment), Stride(Stride),
BitwiseTakable(BitwiseTakable) {
assert(Alignment > 0);
TypeInfo(): Kind(TypeInfoKind::Invalid), Size(0), Alignment(0), Stride(0),
NumExtraInhabitants(0), BitwiseTakable(true) {
TypeInfoKind getKind() const { return Kind; }
unsigned getSize() const { return Size; }
unsigned getAlignment() const { return Alignment; }
unsigned getStride() const { return Stride; }
unsigned getNumExtraInhabitants() const { return NumExtraInhabitants; }
bool isBitwiseTakable() const { return BitwiseTakable; }
void dump() const;
void dump(FILE *file, unsigned Indent = 0) const;
// Using the provided reader, inspect our value.
// Return false if we can't inspect value.
// Set *inhabitant to <0 if the value is valid (not an XI)
// Else set *inhabitant to the XI value (counting from 0)
virtual bool readExtraInhabitantIndex(remote::MemoryReader &reader,
remote::RemoteAddress address,
int *index) const {
return false;
virtual ~TypeInfo() { }
struct FieldInfo {
std::string Name;
unsigned Offset;
int Value;
const TypeRef *TR;
const TypeInfo &TI;
/// Builtins and (opaque) imported value types
class BuiltinTypeInfo : public TypeInfo {
std::string Name;
explicit BuiltinTypeInfo(TypeRefBuilder &builder,
RemoteRef<BuiltinTypeDescriptor> descriptor);
const std::string &getMangledTypeName() const {
return Name;
bool readExtraInhabitantIndex(remote::MemoryReader &reader,
remote::RemoteAddress address,
int *extraInhabitantIndex) const override;
static bool classof(const TypeInfo *TI) {
return TI->getKind() == TypeInfoKind::Builtin;
/// Class instances, structs, tuples
class RecordTypeInfo : public TypeInfo {
RecordKind SubKind;
std::vector<FieldInfo> Fields;
RecordTypeInfo(unsigned Size, unsigned Alignment,
unsigned Stride, unsigned NumExtraInhabitants,
bool BitwiseTakable,
RecordKind SubKind, const std::vector<FieldInfo> &Fields)
: TypeInfo(TypeInfoKind::Record, Size, Alignment, Stride,
NumExtraInhabitants, BitwiseTakable),
SubKind(SubKind), Fields(Fields) {}
RecordKind getRecordKind() const { return SubKind; }
unsigned getNumFields() const { return Fields.size(); }
const std::vector<FieldInfo> &getFields() const { return Fields; }
bool readExtraInhabitantIndex(remote::MemoryReader &reader,
remote::RemoteAddress address,
int *index) const override;
static bool classof(const TypeInfo *TI) {
return TI->getKind() == TypeInfoKind::Record;
/// Enums
class EnumTypeInfo : public TypeInfo {
EnumKind SubKind;
std::vector<FieldInfo> Cases;
EnumTypeInfo(unsigned Size, unsigned Alignment,
unsigned Stride, unsigned NumExtraInhabitants,
bool BitwiseTakable,
EnumKind SubKind, const std::vector<FieldInfo> &Cases)
: TypeInfo(TypeInfoKind::Enum, Size, Alignment, Stride,
NumExtraInhabitants, BitwiseTakable),
SubKind(SubKind), Cases(Cases) {}
EnumKind getEnumKind() const { return SubKind; }
const std::vector<FieldInfo> &getCases() const { return Cases; }
unsigned getNumCases() const { return Cases.size(); }
unsigned getNumPayloadCases() const {
auto Cases = getCases();
return std::count_if(Cases.begin(), Cases.end(),
[](const FieldInfo &Case){return Case.TR != 0;});
// Size of the payload area.
unsigned getPayloadSize() const {
return EnumTypeInfo::getPayloadSizeForCases(Cases);
static unsigned getPayloadSizeForCases(const std::vector<FieldInfo> &Cases) {
unsigned size = 0;
for (auto Case : Cases) {
if (Case.TR != 0 && Case.TI.getSize() > size) {
size = Case.TI.getSize();
return size;
// Returns true if this enum is `Optional`
// (This was factored out of a piece of code that was just
// checking the EnumKind. This is vastly better than that,
// but could probably be improved further.)
bool isOptional() const {
SubKind == EnumKind::SinglePayloadEnum
&& Cases.size() == 2
&& Cases[0].Name == "some"
&& Cases[1].Name == "none";
virtual bool projectEnumValue(remote::MemoryReader &reader,
remote::RemoteAddress address,
int *CaseIndex) const = 0;
static bool classof(const TypeInfo *TI) {
return TI->getKind() == TypeInfoKind::Enum;
/// References to classes, closure contexts and anything else with an
/// 'isa' pointer
class ReferenceTypeInfo : public TypeInfo {
ReferenceKind SubKind;
ReferenceCounting Refcounting;
ReferenceTypeInfo(unsigned Size, unsigned Alignment,
unsigned Stride, unsigned NumExtraInhabitants,
bool BitwiseTakable, ReferenceKind SubKind,
ReferenceCounting Refcounting)
: TypeInfo(TypeInfoKind::Reference, Size, Alignment, Stride,
NumExtraInhabitants, BitwiseTakable),
SubKind(SubKind), Refcounting(Refcounting) {}
ReferenceKind getReferenceKind() const {
return SubKind;
ReferenceCounting getReferenceCounting() const {
return Refcounting;
bool readExtraInhabitantIndex(remote::MemoryReader &reader,
remote::RemoteAddress address,
int *extraInhabitantIndex) const override {
if (getNumExtraInhabitants() == 0) {
*extraInhabitantIndex = -1;
return true;
return reader.readHeapObjectExtraInhabitantIndex(address, extraInhabitantIndex);
static bool classof(const TypeInfo *TI) {
return TI->getKind() == TypeInfoKind::Reference;
/// This class owns the memory for all TypeInfo instances that it vends.
class TypeConverter {
TypeRefBuilder &Builder;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<const TypeInfo>> Pool;
llvm::DenseMap<std::pair<const TypeRef *, remote::TypeInfoProvider *>,
const TypeInfo *> Cache;
llvm::DenseSet<const TypeRef *> RecursionCheck;
llvm::DenseMap<std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>,
const ReferenceTypeInfo *> ReferenceCache;
const TypeRef *RawPointerTR = nullptr;
const TypeRef *NativeObjectTR = nullptr;
const TypeRef *UnknownObjectTR = nullptr;
const TypeRef *ThinFunctionTR = nullptr;
const TypeRef *AnyMetatypeTR = nullptr;
const TypeInfo *ThinFunctionTI = nullptr;
const TypeInfo *ThickFunctionTI = nullptr;
const TypeInfo *AnyMetatypeTI = nullptr;
const TypeInfo *EmptyTI = nullptr;
explicit TypeConverter(TypeRefBuilder &Builder) : Builder(Builder) {}
TypeRefBuilder &getBuilder() { return Builder; }
/// Tests if the type is concrete enough that its size is known.
/// For example, a bound generic class is fixed size even if some
/// of the generic argument types contain generic parameters.
bool hasFixedSize(const TypeRef *TR);
/// Returns layout information for a value of the given type.
/// For a class, this returns the lowering of the reference value.
/// The type must either be concrete, or at least fixed-size, as
/// determined by the isFixedSize() predicate.
const TypeInfo *getTypeInfo(const TypeRef *TR,
remote::TypeInfoProvider *externalInfo);
/// Returns layout information for an instance of the given
/// class.
/// Not cached.
const TypeInfo *
getClassInstanceTypeInfo(const TypeRef *TR, unsigned start,
remote::TypeInfoProvider *ExternalTypeInfo);
friend class swift::reflection::LowerType;
friend class swift::reflection::EnumTypeInfoBuilder;
friend class swift::reflection::RecordTypeInfoBuilder;
friend class swift::reflection::ExistentialTypeInfoBuilder;
const ReferenceTypeInfo *
getReferenceTypeInfo(ReferenceKind Kind,
ReferenceCounting Refcounting);
/// TypeRefs for special types for which we need to know the layout
/// intrinsically in order to layout anything else.
/// IRGen emits BuiltinTypeDescriptors for these when compiling the
/// standard library.
const TypeRef *getRawPointerTypeRef();
const TypeRef *getNativeObjectTypeRef();
const TypeRef *getUnknownObjectTypeRef();
const TypeRef *getThinFunctionTypeRef();
const TypeRef *getAnyMetatypeTypeRef();
const TypeInfo *getThinFunctionTypeInfo();
const TypeInfo *getThickFunctionTypeInfo();
const TypeInfo *getAnyMetatypeTypeInfo();
const TypeInfo *getEmptyTypeInfo();
template <typename TypeInfoTy, typename... Args>
const TypeInfoTy *makeTypeInfo(Args &&... args) {
auto TI = new TypeInfoTy(::std::forward<Args>(args)...);
Pool.push_back(std::unique_ptr<const TypeInfo>(TI));
return TI;
/// Utility class for performing universal layout for types such as
/// tuples, structs, thick functions, etc.
class RecordTypeInfoBuilder {
TypeConverter &TC;
unsigned Size, Alignment, NumExtraInhabitants;
bool BitwiseTakable;
RecordKind Kind;
std::vector<FieldInfo> Fields;
bool Empty;
bool Invalid;
RecordTypeInfoBuilder(TypeConverter &TC, RecordKind Kind)
: TC(TC), Size(0), Alignment(1), NumExtraInhabitants(0),
BitwiseTakable(true), Kind(Kind), Empty(true), Invalid(false) {}
bool isInvalid() const {
return Invalid;
unsigned addField(unsigned fieldSize, unsigned fieldAlignment,
unsigned numExtraInhabitants,
bool bitwiseTakable);
// Add a field of a record type, such as a struct.
void addField(const std::string &Name, const TypeRef *TR,
remote::TypeInfoProvider *ExternalTypeInfo);
const RecordTypeInfo *build();
unsigned getNumFields() const {
return Fields.size();
unsigned getFieldOffset(unsigned Index) const {
return Fields[Index].Offset;