blob: 6cf0e9ce30e78c0eb82c9ea58fd62ed27778accc [file] [log] [blame]
//===- MetadataSource.h - Swift Metadata Sources for Reflection -*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// Implements a description of a "metadata source": at runtime, emission of
// metadata pointers that you can directly follow may be omitted as an
// optimization, because the compiler knows you can get to metadata by some
// other means. For example, all heap objects have a pointer to some metadata
// describing it, so pointers to class instances can eventually lead to their
// metadata. These nodes describe those kinds of paths to metadata at runtime.
#include "llvm/ADT/Optional.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Casting.h"
using llvm::cast;
#include <climits>
#include <iostream>
namespace swift {
namespace reflection {
enum class MetadataSourceKind {
#define METADATA_SOURCE(Id, Parent) Id,
#include "swift/Reflection/MetadataSources.def"
class MetadataSource {
MetadataSourceKind Kind;
static bool decodeNatural(std::string::const_iterator &it,
const std::string::const_iterator &end,
unsigned &result) {
auto begin = it;
for (; it < end && *it >= '0' && *it <= '9'; ++it)
if (std::distance(begin, it) == 0)
return false;
long int decoded = std::strtol(&*begin, nullptr, 10);
if ((decoded == LONG_MAX || decoded == LONG_MIN) && errno == ERANGE)
return false;
result = static_cast<unsigned>(decoded);
return true;
template <typename Allocator>
static const MetadataSource *
decodeClosureBinding(Allocator &A,
std::string::const_iterator &it,
const std::string::const_iterator &end) {
if (it == end)
return nullptr;
if (*it == 'B')
return nullptr;
unsigned Index;
if (!decodeNatural(it, end, Index))
return nullptr;
return A.createClosureBinding(Index);
template <typename Allocator>
static const MetadataSource *
decodeReferenceCapture(Allocator &A,
std::string::const_iterator &it,
const std::string::const_iterator &end) {
if (it == end)
return nullptr;
if (*it == 'R')
return nullptr;
unsigned Index;
if (!decodeNatural(it, end, Index))
return nullptr;
return A.createReferenceCapture(Index);
template <typename Allocator>
static const MetadataSource *
decodeMetadataCapture(Allocator &A,
std::string::const_iterator &it,
const std::string::const_iterator &end) {
if (it == end)
return nullptr;
if (*it == 'M')
return nullptr;
unsigned Index;
if (!decodeNatural(it, end, Index))
return nullptr;
return A.createMetadataCapture(Index);
template <typename Allocator>
static const MetadataSource *
decodeGenericArgument(Allocator &A,
std::string::const_iterator &it,
const std::string::const_iterator &end) {
if (it == end)
return nullptr;
if (*it == 'G')
return nullptr;
unsigned Index;
if (!decodeNatural(it, end, Index))
return nullptr;
auto Source = decode(A, it, end);
if (!Source)
return nullptr;
if (it == end || *it != '_')
return nullptr;
return A.createGenericArgument(Index, Source);
template <typename Allocator>
static const MetadataSource *decode(Allocator &A,
std::string::const_iterator &it,
const std::string::const_iterator &end) {
if (it == end) return nullptr;
switch (*it) {
case 'B':
return decodeClosureBinding(A, it, end);
case 'R':
return decodeReferenceCapture(A, it, end);
case 'M':
return decodeMetadataCapture(A, it, end);
case 'G':
return decodeGenericArgument(A, it, end);
case 'S':
return A.createSelf();
return nullptr;
MetadataSource(MetadataSourceKind Kind) : Kind(Kind) {}
MetadataSourceKind getKind() const {
return Kind;
void dump() const;
void dump(FILE *file, unsigned Indent = 0) const;
template <typename Allocator>
static const MetadataSource *decode(Allocator &A, const std::string &str) {
auto begin = str.begin();
return MetadataSource::decode<Allocator>(A, begin, str.end());
virtual ~MetadataSource() = default;
/// Represents a metadata pointer stashed in the "necessary bindings"
/// structure at the head of a heap closure. These can be followed
/// directly to some instantiated metadata.
class ClosureBindingMetadataSource final : public MetadataSource {
unsigned Index;
ClosureBindingMetadataSource(unsigned Index)
: MetadataSource(MetadataSourceKind::ClosureBinding), Index(Index) {}
template <typename Allocator>
static const ClosureBindingMetadataSource *
create(Allocator &A, unsigned Index) {
return A.template make_source<ClosureBindingMetadataSource>(Index);
unsigned getIndex() const {
return Index;
static bool classof(const MetadataSource *MS) {
return MS->getKind() == MetadataSourceKind::ClosureBinding;
/// Represents a capture of a reference to heap object. These can
/// be followed to the heap instance's data, then its metadata pointer.
class ReferenceCaptureMetadataSource final : public MetadataSource {
unsigned Index;
ReferenceCaptureMetadataSource(unsigned Index)
: MetadataSource(MetadataSourceKind::ReferenceCapture), Index(Index) {}
template <typename Allocator>
static const ReferenceCaptureMetadataSource *
create(Allocator &A, unsigned Index) {
return A.template make_source<ReferenceCaptureMetadataSource>(Index);
unsigned getIndex() const {
return Index;
static bool classof(const MetadataSource *MS) {
return MS->getKind() == MetadataSourceKind::ReferenceCapture;
/// Represents a capture of a metadata pointer as an argument to a polymorphic function. These are direct sources of metadata.
class MetadataCaptureMetadataSource final : public MetadataSource {
unsigned Index;
MetadataCaptureMetadataSource(unsigned Index)
: MetadataSource(MetadataSourceKind::MetadataCapture), Index(Index) {}
template <typename Allocator>
static const MetadataCaptureMetadataSource *
create(Allocator &A, unsigned Index) {
return A.template make_source<MetadataCaptureMetadataSource>(Index);
unsigned getIndex() const {
return Index;
static bool classof(const MetadataSource *MS) {
return MS->getKind() == MetadataSourceKind::MetadataCapture;
/// Represents the nth generic argument in some other source of instantiated
/// metadata.
/// If you have a pointer to a class MyClass<T, U>, and you need the metadata
/// for its `T`, you can follow the pointer to the instance data, then its
/// metadata pointer at the start of the instance, and fetch its first
/// generic argument.
class GenericArgumentMetadataSource final : public MetadataSource {
unsigned Index;
const MetadataSource *Source;
GenericArgumentMetadataSource(unsigned Index,
const MetadataSource *Source)
: MetadataSource(MetadataSourceKind::GenericArgument),
Source(Source) {}
template <typename Allocator>
static const GenericArgumentMetadataSource *
create(Allocator &A, unsigned Index, const MetadataSource *Source) {
return A.template make_source<GenericArgumentMetadataSource>(Index, Source);
unsigned getIndex() const {
return Index;
const MetadataSource *getSource() const {
return Source;
static bool classof(const MetadataSource *MS) {
return MS->getKind() == MetadataSourceKind::GenericArgument;
/// A source of metadata from the Self metadata parameter passed via
/// a witness_method convention function.
class SelfMetadataSource final : public MetadataSource {
SelfMetadataSource() : MetadataSource(MetadataSourceKind::Self) {}
template <typename Allocator>
static const SelfMetadataSource*
create(Allocator &A) {
return A.template make_source<SelfMetadataSource>();
static bool classof(const MetadataSource *MS) {
return MS->getKind() == MetadataSourceKind::Self;
/// A source of metadata from the Self witness table parameter passed via
/// a witness_method convention function.
class SelfWitnessTableMetadataSource final : public MetadataSource {
: MetadataSource(MetadataSourceKind::SelfWitnessTable) {}
template <typename Allocator>
static const SelfWitnessTableMetadataSource*
create(Allocator &A) {
return A.template make_source<SelfWitnessTableMetadataSource>();
static bool classof(const MetadataSource *MS) {
return MS->getKind() == MetadataSourceKind::SelfWitnessTable;
template <typename ImplClass, typename RetTy = void, typename... Args>
class MetadataSourceVisitor {
RetTy visit(const MetadataSource *MS, Args... args) {
switch (MS->getKind()) {
#define METADATA_SOURCE(Id, Parent) \
case MetadataSourceKind::Id: \
return static_cast<ImplClass*>(this) \
->visit##Id##MetadataSource(cast<Id##MetadataSource>(MS), \
#include "swift/Reflection/MetadataSources.def"
} // end namespace reflection
} // end namespace swift