blob: 338c906a960ae65b95c4608492acd8cc9fd70648 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- IndexSymbol.h - Index symbol data types ----------------*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
#include "swift/Basic/LLVM.h"
#include "clang/Index/IndexSymbol.h"
namespace swift {
class Decl;
class ValueDecl;
class ModuleEntity;
enum class AccessorKind;
namespace index {
using clang::index::SymbolKind;
using clang::index::SymbolLanguage;
using clang::index::SymbolSubKind;
using clang::index::SymbolProperty;
using clang::index::SymbolPropertySet;
using clang::index::SymbolRole;
using clang::index::SymbolRoleSet;
using clang::index::SymbolRelation;
using clang::index::SymbolInfo;
inline SymbolPropertySet operator&(SymbolPropertySet SKSet, SymbolProperty SK) {
return SKSet & (SymbolPropertySet)SK;
inline SymbolPropertySet operator|(SymbolPropertySet SKSet, SymbolProperty SK) {
return SKSet | (SymbolPropertySet)SK;
inline SymbolPropertySet &operator|=(SymbolPropertySet &SKSet, SymbolProperty SK) {
return SKSet = SKSet | SK;
struct IndexRelation {
const Decl *decl;
SymbolInfo symInfo;
SymbolRoleSet roles = SymbolRoleSet(0);
// The following strings are guaranteed to live at least as long as the
// current indexing action.
StringRef name;
StringRef USR; // USR may be safely compared by pointer.
StringRef group;
IndexRelation(SymbolRoleSet Roles, const Decl *Sym, SymbolInfo SymInfo, StringRef Name, StringRef USR)
: decl(Sym), symInfo(SymInfo), roles(Roles), name(Name), USR(USR) {}
IndexRelation() = default;
struct IndexSymbol : IndexRelation {
SmallVector<IndexRelation, 3> Relations;
unsigned line = 0;
unsigned column = 0;
Optional<unsigned> offset;
IndexSymbol() = default;
StringRef getReceiverUSR() const {
for (auto Relation: Relations) {
if (Relation.roles & (SymbolRoleSet) SymbolRole::RelationReceivedBy)
return Relation.USR;
return StringRef();
SymbolInfo getSymbolInfoForModule(ModuleEntity Mod);
SymbolInfo getSymbolInfoForDecl(const Decl *D);
SymbolSubKind getSubKindForAccessor(AccessorKind AK);
bool isLocalSymbol(const Decl *D);
using clang::index::printSymbolProperties;
} // end namespace index
} // end namespace swift