blob: f4a2c14eb3a11e132bf5313a36330313a1a2e86b [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- FrontendInputs.h ---------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
#include "swift/Basic/PrimarySpecificPaths.h"
#include "swift/Basic/SupplementaryOutputPaths.h"
#include "swift/Frontend/InputFile.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Hashing.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringMap.h"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace llvm {
class MemoryBuffer;
namespace swift {
class DiagnosticEngine;
/// Information about all the inputs and outputs to the frontend.
class FrontendInputsAndOutputs {
friend class ArgsToFrontendInputsConverter;
std::vector<InputFile> AllInputs;
llvm::StringMap<unsigned> PrimaryInputsByName;
std::vector<unsigned> PrimaryInputsInOrder;
/// In Single-threaded WMO mode, all inputs are used
/// both for importing and compiling.
bool IsSingleThreadedWMO = false;
/// Punt where needed to enable batch mode experiments.
bool AreBatchModeChecksBypassed = false;
/// Recover missing inputs. Note that recovery itself is users responsibility.
bool ShouldRecoverMissingInputs = false;
bool areBatchModeChecksBypassed() const { return AreBatchModeChecksBypassed; }
void setBypassBatchModeChecks(bool bbc) { AreBatchModeChecksBypassed = bbc; }
FrontendInputsAndOutputs() = default;
FrontendInputsAndOutputs(const FrontendInputsAndOutputs &other);
FrontendInputsAndOutputs &operator=(const FrontendInputsAndOutputs &other);
// Whole-module-optimization (WMO) routines:
// SingleThreadedWMO produces only main output file. In contrast,
// multi-threaded WMO produces one main output per input, as single-file and
// batch-mode do for each primary. Both WMO modes produce only one set of
// supplementary outputs.
bool isSingleThreadedWMO() const { return IsSingleThreadedWMO; }
void setIsSingleThreadedWMO(bool istw) { IsSingleThreadedWMO = istw; }
bool isWholeModule() const { return !hasPrimaryInputs(); }
bool shouldRecoverMissingInputs() { return ShouldRecoverMissingInputs; }
void setShouldRecoverMissingInputs() { ShouldRecoverMissingInputs = true; }
// Readers:
// All inputs:
ArrayRef<InputFile> getAllInputs() const { return AllInputs; }
std::vector<std::string> getInputFilenames() const;
/// \return nullptr if not a primary input file.
const InputFile *primaryInputNamed(StringRef name) const;
unsigned inputCount() const { return AllInputs.size(); }
bool hasInputs() const { return !AllInputs.empty(); }
bool hasSingleInput() const { return inputCount() == 1; }
const InputFile &firstInput() const { return AllInputs[0]; }
InputFile &firstInput() { return AllInputs[0]; }
const InputFile &lastInput() const { return AllInputs.back(); }
const std::string &getFilenameOfFirstInput() const;
bool isReadingFromStdin() const;
/// If \p fn returns true, exits early and returns true.
bool forEachInput(llvm::function_ref<bool(const InputFile &)> fn) const;
// Primaries:
const InputFile &firstPrimaryInput() const;
const InputFile &lastPrimaryInput() const;
/// If \p fn returns true, exit early and return true.
forEachPrimaryInput(llvm::function_ref<bool(const InputFile &)> fn) const;
/// Iterates over primary inputs, exposing their unique ordered index
/// If \p fn returns true, exit early and return true.
bool forEachPrimaryInputWithIndex(
llvm::function_ref<bool(const InputFile &, unsigned index)> fn) const;
/// If \p fn returns true, exit early and return true.
forEachNonPrimaryInput(llvm::function_ref<bool(const InputFile &)> fn) const;
unsigned primaryInputCount() const { return PrimaryInputsInOrder.size(); }
// Primary count readers:
bool hasUniquePrimaryInput() const { return primaryInputCount() == 1; }
bool hasPrimaryInputs() const { return primaryInputCount() > 0; }
bool hasMultiplePrimaryInputs() const { return primaryInputCount() > 1; }
/// Fails an assertion if there is more than one primary input.
/// Used in situations where only one primary input can be handled
/// and where batch mode has not been implemented yet.
void assertMustNotBeMoreThanOnePrimaryInput() const;
/// Fails an assertion when there is more than one primary input unless
/// the experimental -bypass-batch-mode-checks argument was passed to
/// the front end.
/// FIXME: When batch mode is complete, this function should be obsolete.
// Count-dependend readers:
/// \return the unique primary input, if one exists.
const InputFile *getUniquePrimaryInput() const;
const InputFile &getRequiredUniquePrimaryInput() const;
/// FIXME: Should combine all primaries for the result
/// instead of just answering "batch" if there is more than one primary.
std::string getStatsFileMangledInputName() const;
bool isInputPrimary(StringRef file) const;
unsigned numberOfPrimaryInputsEndingWith(StringRef extension) const;
// Multi-facet readers
// If we have exactly one input filename, and its extension is "bc" or "ll",
// treat the input as LLVM_IR.
bool shouldTreatAsLLVM() const;
bool shouldTreatAsSIL() const;
bool shouldTreatAsModuleInterface() const;
bool shouldTreatAsObjCHeader() const;
bool areAllNonPrimariesSIB() const;
/// \return true for error
bool verifyInputs(DiagnosticEngine &diags, bool treatAsSIL,
bool isREPLRequested, bool isNoneRequested) const;
// Changing inputs
void clearInputs();
void addInput(const InputFile &input);
void addInputFile(StringRef file, llvm::MemoryBuffer *buffer = nullptr);
void addPrimaryInputFile(StringRef file,
llvm::MemoryBuffer *buffer = nullptr);
// Outputs
friend class ArgsToFrontendOptionsConverter;
friend struct InterfaceSubContextDelegateImpl;
void setMainAndSupplementaryOutputs(
ArrayRef<std::string> outputFiles,
ArrayRef<SupplementaryOutputPaths> supplementaryOutputs);
unsigned countOfInputsProducingMainOutputs() const;
bool hasInputsProducingMainOutputs() const {
return countOfInputsProducingMainOutputs() != 0;
const InputFile &firstInputProducingOutput() const;
const InputFile &lastInputProducingOutput() const;
/// Under single-threaded WMO, we pretend that the first input
/// generates the main output, even though it will include code
/// generated from all of them.
/// If \p fn returns true, return early and return true.
bool forEachInputProducingAMainOutputFile(
llvm::function_ref<bool(const InputFile &)> fn) const;
std::vector<std::string> copyOutputFilenames() const;
void forEachOutputFilename(llvm::function_ref<void(StringRef)> fn) const;
/// Gets the name of the specified output filename.
/// If multiple files are specified, the last one is returned.
std::string getSingleOutputFilename() const;
bool isOutputFilenameStdout() const;
bool isOutputFileDirectory() const;
bool hasNamedOutputFile() const;
// Supplementary outputs
unsigned countOfFilesProducingSupplementaryOutput() const;
/// If \p fn returns true, exit early and return true.
bool forEachInputProducingSupplementaryOutput(
llvm::function_ref<bool(const InputFile &)> fn) const;
/// Assumes there is not more than one primary input file, if any.
/// Otherwise, you would need to call getPrimarySpecificPathsForPrimary
/// to tell it which primary input you wanted the outputs for.
const PrimarySpecificPaths &
getPrimarySpecificPathsForAtMostOnePrimary() const;
const PrimarySpecificPaths &
getPrimarySpecificPathsForPrimary(StringRef) const;
bool hasSupplementaryOutputPath(
llvm::function_ref<const std::string &(const SupplementaryOutputPaths &)>
extractorFn) const;
bool hasDependenciesPath() const;
bool hasReferenceDependenciesPath() const;
bool hasSwiftRangesPath() const;
bool hasCompiledSourcePath() const;
bool hasObjCHeaderOutputPath() const;
bool hasLoadedModuleTracePath() const;
bool hasModuleOutputPath() const;
bool hasModuleDocOutputPath() const;
bool hasModuleSourceInfoOutputPath() const;
bool hasModuleInterfaceOutputPath() const;
bool hasPrivateModuleInterfaceOutputPath() const;
bool hasModuleSummaryOutputPath() const;
bool hasTBDPath() const;
bool hasDependencyTrackerPath() const;
} // namespace swift