blob: 7d4f0fcf9527a143055222cd1aea6582f70d4f30 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- SupplementaryOutputPaths.h ----------------------------*- C++ -*-===*//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
#include "swift/Basic/LLVM.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Function.h"
#include <string>
namespace swift {
struct SupplementaryOutputPaths {
/// The path to which we should emit an Objective-C header for the module.
/// Currently only makes sense when the compiler has whole module knowledge.
/// The modes for which it makes sense incuide both WMO and the "merge
/// modules" job that happens after the normal compilation jobs. That's where
/// the header is emitted in single-file mode, since it needs whole-module
/// information.
/// \sa swift::printAsObjC
std::string ObjCHeaderOutputPath;
/// The path to which we should emit a serialized module.
/// It is valid whenever there are any inputs.
/// This binary format is used to describe the interface of a module when
/// imported by client source code. The swiftmodule format is described in
/// docs/
/// \sa swift::serialize
std::string ModuleOutputPath;
/// The path to which we should emit a module source information file.
/// It is valid whenever there are any inputs.
/// This binary format stores source locations and other information about the
/// declarations in a module.
/// \sa swift::serialize
std::string ModuleSourceInfoOutputPath;
/// The path to which we should emit a module documentation file.
/// It is valid whenever there are any inputs.
/// This binary format stores doc comments and other information about the
/// declarations in a module.
/// \sa swift::serialize
std::string ModuleDocOutputPath;
/// The path to which we should output a Make-style dependencies file.
/// It is valid whenever there are any inputs.
/// Swift's compilation model means that Make-style dependencies aren't
/// well-suited to model fine-grained dependencies. See docs/ for
/// more information.
/// \sa ReferenceDependenciesFilePath
std::string DependenciesFilePath;
/// The path to which we should output a Swift "reference dependencies" file.
/// It is valid whenever there are any inputs.
/// "Reference dependencies" track dependencies on a more fine-grained level
/// than just "this file depends on that file". With Swift's "implicit
/// visibility" within a module, that becomes very important for any sort of
/// incremental build. These files are consumed by the Swift driver to decide
/// whether a source file needs to be recompiled during a build. See
/// docs/ for more information.
/// \sa swift::emitReferenceDependencies
/// \sa DependencyGraph
std::string ReferenceDependenciesFilePath;
/// The path to which we should output a Swift "unparsed ranges" file.
/// It is valid whenever there are any inputs.
/// "Unparsed ranges" track source ranges in non-primary files whose parsing
/// was skipped
/// (a.k.a. "delayed).\
/// These files are consumed by the Swift driver (or will be someday) to
/// decide whether a source file needs to be recompiled during a build.
/// \sa swift::emitSwiftRanges
std::string SwiftRangesFilePath;
/// The path to which we should save the source code of a primary source file
/// to be compiled. Used to diff sources of primary inputs.
std::string CompiledSourceFilePath;
/// Path to a file which should contain serialized diagnostics for this
/// frontend invocation.
/// This uses the same serialized diagnostics format as Clang, for tools that
/// want machine-parseable diagnostics. There's a bit more information on
/// how clients might use this in docs/
/// \sa swift::serialized_diagnostics::createConsumer
std::string SerializedDiagnosticsPath;
/// The path to which we should output fix-its as source edits.
/// This is a JSON-based format that is used by the migrator, but is not
/// really vetted for anything else.
/// \sa swift::writeEditsInJson
std::string FixItsOutputPath;
/// The path to which we should output a loaded module trace file.
/// It is valid whenever there are any inputs.
/// The file is appended to, and consists of line-delimited JSON objects,
/// where each line is of the form `{ "name": NAME, "target": TARGET,
/// "swiftmodules": [PATH, PATH, ...] }`, representing the (real-path) PATHs
/// to each .swiftmodule that was loaded while building module NAME for target
/// TARGET. This format is subject to arbitrary change, however.
std::string LoadedModuleTracePath;
/// The path to which we should output a TBD file.
/// "TBD" stands for "text-based dylib". It's a YAML-based format that
/// describes the public ABI of a library, which clients can link against
/// without having an actual dynamic library binary.
/// Only makes sense when the compiler has whole-module knowledge.
/// \sa swift::writeTBDFile
std::string TBDPath;
/// The path to which we should emit a module interface, which can
/// be used by a client source file to import this module.
/// This format is similar to the binary format used for #ModuleOutputPath,
/// but is intended to be stable across compiler versions.
/// Currently only makes sense when the compiler has whole-module knowledge.
/// \sa swift::emitSwiftInterface
std::string ModuleInterfaceOutputPath;
/// The path to which we should emit a private module interface.
/// The private module interface contains all SPI decls and attributes.
/// \sa ModuleInterfaceOutputPath
std::string PrivateModuleInterfaceOutputPath;
/// The path to a .c file where we should declare $ld$add symbols for those
/// symbols moved to the current module.
/// When symbols are moved to this module, this module declares them as HIDE
/// for the OS versions prior to when the move happened. On the other hand, the
/// original module should ADD them for these OS versions. An executable
/// can choose the right library to link against depending on the deployment target.
/// This is a walk-around that linker directives cannot specify other install
/// name per symbol, we should eventually remove this.
std::string LdAddCFilePath;
/// The path to which we should emit module summary file.
std::string ModuleSummaryOutputPath;
SupplementaryOutputPaths() = default;
SupplementaryOutputPaths(const SupplementaryOutputPaths &) = default;
/// Apply a given function for each existing (non-empty string) supplementary output
void forEachSetOutput(llvm::function_ref<void(const std::string&)> fn) const {
if (!ObjCHeaderOutputPath.empty())
if (!ModuleOutputPath.empty())
if (!ModuleSourceInfoOutputPath.empty())
if (!ModuleDocOutputPath.empty())
if (!DependenciesFilePath.empty())
if (!ReferenceDependenciesFilePath.empty())
if (!SwiftRangesFilePath.empty())
if (!CompiledSourceFilePath.empty())
if (!SerializedDiagnosticsPath.empty())
if (!FixItsOutputPath.empty())
if (!LoadedModuleTracePath.empty())
if (!TBDPath.empty())
if (!ModuleInterfaceOutputPath.empty())
if (!PrivateModuleInterfaceOutputPath.empty())
if (!LdAddCFilePath.empty())
if (!ModuleSummaryOutputPath.empty())
bool empty() const {
return ObjCHeaderOutputPath.empty() && ModuleOutputPath.empty() &&
ModuleDocOutputPath.empty() && DependenciesFilePath.empty() &&
ReferenceDependenciesFilePath.empty() &&
SerializedDiagnosticsPath.empty() && LoadedModuleTracePath.empty() &&
TBDPath.empty() && ModuleInterfaceOutputPath.empty() &&
ModuleSourceInfoOutputPath.empty() && LdAddCFilePath.empty();
} // namespace swift