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//===--- Task.h - ABI structures for asynchronous tasks ---------*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2020 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// Swift ABI describing tasks.
#include "swift/Basic/RelativePointer.h"
#include "swift/ABI/Executor.h"
#include "swift/ABI/HeapObject.h"
#include "swift/ABI/Metadata.h"
#include "swift/ABI/MetadataValues.h"
#include "swift/Runtime/Config.h"
#include "swift/Basic/STLExtras.h"
#include "bitset"
#include "string"
#include "queue"
namespace swift {
class AsyncTask;
class AsyncContext;
class Job;
struct OpaqueValue;
struct SwiftError;
class TaskStatusRecord;
/// A schedulable job.
class alignas(2 * alignof(void*)) Job {
// Indices into SchedulerPrivate, for use by the runtime.
enum {
/// The next waiting task link, an AsyncTask that is waiting on a future.
NextWaitingTaskIndex = 0,
// Reserved for the use of the scheduler.
void *SchedulerPrivate[2];
JobFlags Flags;
// We use this union to avoid having to do a second indirect branch
// when resuming an asynchronous task, which we expect will be the
// common case.
union {
// A function to run a job that isn't an AsyncTask.
JobInvokeFunction * __ptrauth_swift_job_invoke_function RunJob;
// A function to resume an AsyncTask.
TaskContinuationFunction * __ptrauth_swift_task_resume_function ResumeTask;
Job(JobFlags flags, JobInvokeFunction *invoke)
: Flags(flags), RunJob(invoke) {
assert(!isAsyncTask() && "wrong constructor for a task");
Job(JobFlags flags, TaskContinuationFunction *invoke)
: Flags(flags), ResumeTask(invoke) {
assert(isAsyncTask() && "wrong constructor for a non-task job");
bool isAsyncTask() const {
return Flags.isAsyncTask();
JobPriority getPriority() const {
return Flags.getPriority();
/// Run this job.
void run(ExecutorRef currentExecutor);
// The compiler will eventually assume these.
static_assert(sizeof(Job) == 4 * sizeof(void*),
"Job size is wrong");
static_assert(alignof(Job) == 2 * alignof(void*),
"Job alignment is wrong");
/// The current state of a task's status records.
class ActiveTaskStatus {
enum : uintptr_t {
IsCancelled = 0x1,
IsLocked = 0x2,
RecordMask = ~uintptr_t(IsCancelled | IsLocked)
uintptr_t Value;
constexpr ActiveTaskStatus() : Value(0) {}
ActiveTaskStatus(TaskStatusRecord *innermostRecord,
bool cancelled, bool locked)
: Value(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(innermostRecord)
+ (locked ? IsLocked : 0)
+ (cancelled ? IsCancelled : 0)) {}
/// Is the task currently cancelled?
bool isCancelled() const { return Value & IsCancelled; }
/// Is there an active lock on the cancellation information?
bool isLocked() const { return Value & IsLocked; }
/// Return the innermost cancellation record. Code running
/// asynchronously with this task should not access this record
/// without having first locked it; see swift_taskCancel.
TaskStatusRecord *getInnermostRecord() const {
return reinterpret_cast<TaskStatusRecord*>(Value & RecordMask);
static TaskStatusRecord *getStatusRecordParent(TaskStatusRecord *ptr);
using record_iterator =
LinkedListIterator<TaskStatusRecord, getStatusRecordParent>;
llvm::iterator_range<record_iterator> records() const {
return record_iterator::rangeBeginning(getInnermostRecord());
/// An asynchronous task. Tasks are the analogue of threads for
/// asynchronous functions: that is, they are a persistent identity
/// for the overall async computation.
/// ### Fragments
/// An AsyncTask may have the following fragments:
/// +------------------+
/// | childFragment? |
/// | groupFragment? |
/// | futureFragment? |*
/// +------------------+
/// The future fragment is dynamic in size, based on the future result type
/// it can hold, and thus must be the *last* fragment.
class AsyncTask : public HeapObject, public Job {
/// The context for resuming the job. When a task is scheduled
/// as a job, the next continuation should be installed as the
/// ResumeTask pointer in the job header, with this serving as
/// the context pointer.
/// We can't protect the data in the context from being overwritten
/// by attackers, but we can at least sign the context pointer to
/// prevent it from being corrupted in flight.
AsyncContext * __ptrauth_swift_task_resume_context ResumeContext;
/// The currently-active information about cancellation.
std::atomic<ActiveTaskStatus> Status;
/// Reserved for the use of the task-local stack allocator.
void *AllocatorPrivate[4];
AsyncTask(const HeapMetadata *metadata, JobFlags flags,
TaskContinuationFunction *run,
AsyncContext *initialContext)
: HeapObject(metadata), Job(flags, run),
Status(ActiveTaskStatus()) {
void run(ExecutorRef currentExecutor) {
ResumeTask(this, currentExecutor, ResumeContext);
/// Check whether this task has been cancelled.
/// Checking this is, of course, inherently race-prone on its own.
bool isCancelled() const {
return Status.load(std::memory_order_relaxed).isCancelled();
/// A fragment of an async task structure that happens to be a child task.
class ChildFragment {
/// The parent task of this task.
AsyncTask *Parent;
/// The next task in the singly-linked list of child tasks.
/// The list must start in a `ChildTaskStatusRecord` registered
/// with the parent task.
/// Note that the parent task may have multiple such records.
AsyncTask *NextChild = nullptr;
ChildFragment(AsyncTask *parent) : Parent(parent) {}
AsyncTask *getParent() const {
return Parent;
AsyncTask *getNextChild() const {
return NextChild;
// TODO: rename? all other functions are `is...` rather than `has...Fragment`
bool hasChildFragment() const { return Flags.task_isChildTask(); }
ChildFragment *childFragment() {
return reinterpret_cast<ChildFragment*>(this + 1);
// ==== TaskGroup ------------------------------------------------------------
class GroupFragment {
/// Describes the status of the channel.
enum class ReadyStatus : uintptr_t {
/// The channel is empty, no tasks are pending.
/// Return immediately, there is no point in suspending.
/// The storage is not accessible.
Empty = 0b00,
/// The future has completed with result (of type \c resultType).
Success = 0b10,
/// The future has completed by throwing an error (an \c Error
/// existential).
Error = 0b11,
/// Describes the status of the waiting task that is suspended on `next()`.
enum class WaitStatus : uintptr_t {
Waiting = 0,
enum class GroupPollStatus : uintptr_t {
/// The channel is known to be empty and we can immediately return nil.
Empty = 0,
/// The task has been enqueued to the channels wait queue.
Waiting = 1,
/// The task has completed with result (of type \c resultType).
Success = 2,
/// The task has completed by throwing an error (an \c Error
/// existential).
Error = 3,
/// The result of waiting on a Channel (TaskGroup).
struct GroupPollResult {
GroupPollStatus status; // TODO: pack it into storage pointer or not worth it?
/// Storage for the result of the future.
/// When the future completed normally, this is a pointer to the storage
/// of the result value, which lives inside the future task itself.
/// When the future completed by throwing an error, this is the error
/// object itself.
OpaqueValue *storage;
/// Optional, the completed task that was polled out of the ready queue.
/// # Important: swift_release
/// If if a task is returned here, the task MUST be swift_release'd
/// once we are done with it, to balance out the retain made before
/// when the task was enqueued into the ready queue to keep it alive
/// until a next() call eventually picks it up.
AsyncTask *retainedTask;
bool isStorageAccessible() {
return status == GroupPollStatus::Success ||
status == GroupPollStatus::Error ||
status == GroupPollStatus::Empty;
static GroupPollResult get(AsyncTask *asyncTask, bool hadErrorResult,
bool needsSwiftRelease) {
auto fragment = asyncTask->futureFragment();
return GroupPollResult{
/*status*/ hadErrorResult ?
GroupFragment::GroupPollStatus::Error :
/*storage*/ hadErrorResult ?
reinterpret_cast<OpaqueValue *>(fragment->getError()) :
/*task*/ needsSwiftRelease ?
asyncTask :
/// An item within the message queue of a channel.
struct ReadyQueueItem {
/// Mask used for the low status bits in a message queue item.
static const uintptr_t statusMask = 0x03;
uintptr_t storage;
ReadyStatus getStatus() const {
return static_cast<ReadyStatus>(storage & statusMask);
AsyncTask *getTask() const {
return reinterpret_cast<AsyncTask *>(storage & ~statusMask);
static ReadyQueueItem get(ReadyStatus status, AsyncTask *task) {
assert(task == nullptr || task->isFuture());
return ReadyQueueItem{
reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(task) | static_cast<uintptr_t>(status)};
/// An item within the wait queue, which includes the status and the
/// head of the list of tasks.
struct WaitQueueItem { // TODO: reuse the future's wait queue instead?
/// Mask used for the low status bits in a wait queue item.
static const uintptr_t statusMask = 0x03;
uintptr_t storage;
WaitStatus getStatus() const {
return static_cast<WaitStatus>(storage & statusMask);
AsyncTask *getTask() const {
return reinterpret_cast<AsyncTask *>(storage & ~statusMask);
static WaitQueueItem get(WaitStatus status, AsyncTask *task) {
return WaitQueueItem{
reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(task) | static_cast<uintptr_t>(status)};
struct GroupStatus {
static const unsigned long maskReady = 0x00FFFFF0000000000l;
static const unsigned long oneReadyTask = 0x00000010000000000l;
static const unsigned long maskPending = 0x0000000FFFFF00000l;
static const unsigned long onePendingTask = 0x00000000000100000l;
static const unsigned long maskWaiting = 0x000000000000FFFFFl;
static const unsigned long oneWaitingTask = 0x00000000000000001l;
unsigned long status;
unsigned int readyTasks() {
return (status & maskReady) >> 40;
unsigned int pendingTasks() {
return (status & maskPending) >> 20;
unsigned int waitingTasks() {
return status & maskWaiting;
bool isEmpty() {
return pendingTasks() == 0;
/// Status value decrementing the Ready, Pending and Waiting counters by one.
GroupStatus completingReadyPendingWaitingTask() {
assert(pendingTasks() > 0 && "can only complete waiting tasks when pending tasks available");
assert(readyTasks() > 0 && "can only complete waiting tasks when ready tasks available");
assert(waitingTasks() > 0 && "can only complete waiting tasks when waiting tasks available");
return GroupStatus { status - oneReadyTask - oneWaitingTask - onePendingTask };
/// Pretty prints the status, as follows:
/// GroupStatus{ P:{pending tasks} W:{waiting tasks} {binary repr} }
std::string to_string() {
std::string str;
str.append("GroupStatus{ ");
str.append(" P:");
str.append(" W:");
str.append(" " + std::bitset<64>(status).to_string());
str.append(" }");
return str;
/// Initially there are no waiting and no pending tasks.
static const GroupStatus initial() {
return GroupStatus { 0 };
template<typename T>
class NaiveQueue {
std::queue<T> queue;
NaiveQueue() = default;
NaiveQueue(const NaiveQueue<T> &) = delete ;
NaiveQueue& operator=(const NaiveQueue<T> &) = delete ;
NaiveQueue(NaiveQueue<T>&& other) {
queue = std::move(other.queue);
virtual ~NaiveQueue() { }
bool dequeue(T &output) {
if (queue.empty()) {
return false;
output = queue.front();
return true;
void enqueue(const T item) {
// TODO: move to lockless via the status atomic
mutable std::mutex mutex;
/// Used for queue management, counting number of waiting and ready tasks
std::atomic<unsigned long> status;
/// Queue containing completed tasks offered into this channel.
/// The low bits contain the status, the rest of the pointer is the
/// AsyncTask.
NaiveQueue<ReadyQueueItem> readyQueue;
// mpsc_queue_t<ReadyQueueItem> readyQueue; // TODO: can we get away with an MPSC queue here once actor executors land?
/// Queue containing all of the tasks that are waiting in `get()`.
/// A task group is also a future, and awaits on the group's result *itself*
/// are enqueued on its future fragment.
/// The low bits contain the status, the rest of the pointer is the
/// AsyncTask.
std::atomic<WaitQueueItem> waitQueue;
friend class AsyncTask;
explicit GroupFragment()
: status(GroupStatus::initial().status),
// readyQueue(ReadyQueueItem::get(ReadyStatus::Empty, nullptr)),
waitQueue(WaitQueueItem::get(WaitStatus::Waiting, nullptr)) {}
/// Destroy the storage associated with the channel.
void destroy();
bool isEmpty() {
auto oldStatus = GroupStatus { status.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) };
return oldStatus.pendingTasks() == 0;
/// Returns *assumed* new status, including the just performed +1.
GroupStatus statusAddReadyTaskAcquire() {
auto old = status.fetch_add(GroupStatus::oneReadyTask, std::memory_order_acquire);
auto s = GroupStatus {old + GroupStatus::oneReadyTask };
assert(s.readyTasks() <= s.pendingTasks());
return s;
/// Returns *assumed* new status, including the just performed +1.
GroupStatus statusAddPendingTaskRelaxed() {
auto old = status.fetch_add(GroupStatus::onePendingTask, std::memory_order_relaxed);
return GroupStatus {old + GroupStatus::onePendingTask };
/// Returns *assumed* new status, including the just performed +1.
GroupStatus statusAddWaitingTaskAcquire() {
auto old = status.fetch_add(GroupStatus::oneWaitingTask, std::memory_order_acquire);
return GroupStatus { old + GroupStatus::oneWaitingTask };
/// Remove waiting task, without taking any pending task.
GroupStatus statusRemoveWaitingTask() {
return GroupStatus {
status.fetch_sub(GroupStatus::oneWaitingTask, std::memory_order_relaxed)
/// Compare-and-set old status to a status derived from the old one,
/// by simultaneously decrementing one Pending and one Waiting tasks.
/// This is used to atomically perform a waiting task completion.
bool statusCompleteReadyPendingWaitingTasks(GroupStatus& old) {
return status.compare_exchange_weak(
old.status, old.completingReadyPendingWaitingTask().status,
/*success*/ std::memory_order_relaxed,
/*failure*/ std::memory_order_relaxed);
bool isTaskGroup() const { return Flags.task_isTaskGroup(); }
GroupFragment *groupFragment() {
if (hasChildFragment()) {
return reinterpret_cast<GroupFragment *>(
reinterpret_cast<ChildFragment*>(this + 1) + 1);
return reinterpret_cast<GroupFragment *>(this + 1);
/// Offer result of a task into this channel.
/// The value is enqueued at the end of the channel.
void groupOffer(AsyncTask *completed, AsyncContext *context, ExecutorRef executor);
/// Attempt to dequeue ready tasks and complete the waitingTask.
/// If unable to complete the waiting task immediately (with an readily
/// available completed task), either returns an `GroupPollStatus::Empty`
/// result if it is known that no pending tasks in the group,
/// or a `GroupPollStatus::Waiting` result if there are tasks in flight
/// and the waitingTask eventually be woken up by a completion.
GroupFragment::GroupPollResult groupPoll(AsyncTask *waitingTask);
// ==== TaskGroup Child ------------------------------------------------------
// Checks if task is a child of a TaskGroup task.
// A child task that is a group child knows that it's parent is a group
// and therefore may `groupOffer` to it upon completion.
bool isTaskGroupChild() {
return hasChildFragment() && childFragment()->getParent()->isTaskGroup();
// ==== Future ---------------------------------------------------------------
class FutureFragment {
/// Describes the status of the future.
/// Futures always begin in the "Executing" state, and will always
/// make a single state change to either Success or Error.
enum class Status : uintptr_t {
/// The future is executing or ready to execute. The storage
/// is not accessible.
Executing = 0,
/// The future has completed with result (of type \c resultType).
/// The future has completed by throwing an error (an \c Error
/// existential).
/// An item within the wait queue, which includes the status and the
/// head of the list of tasks.
struct WaitQueueItem {
/// Mask used for the low status bits in a wait queue item.
static const uintptr_t statusMask = 0x03;
uintptr_t storage;
Status getStatus() const {
return static_cast<Status>(storage & statusMask);
AsyncTask *getTask() const {
return reinterpret_cast<AsyncTask *>(storage & ~statusMask);
static WaitQueueItem get(Status status, AsyncTask *task) {
return WaitQueueItem{
reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(task) | static_cast<uintptr_t>(status)};
/// Queue containing all of the tasks that are waiting in `get()`.
/// The low bits contain the status, the rest of the pointer is the
/// AsyncTask.
std::atomic<WaitQueueItem> waitQueue;
/// The type of the result that will be produced by the future.
const Metadata *resultType;
// Trailing storage for the result itself. The storage will be uninitialized,
// contain an instance of \c resultType, or contain an an \c Error.
friend class AsyncTask;
explicit FutureFragment(const Metadata *resultType)
: waitQueue(WaitQueueItem::get(Status::Executing, nullptr)),
resultType(resultType) { }
/// Destroy the storage associated with the future.
void destroy();
/// Retrieve a pointer to the storage of result.
OpaqueValue *getStoragePtr() {
return reinterpret_cast<OpaqueValue *>(
reinterpret_cast<char *>(this) + storageOffset(resultType));
/// Retrieve the error.
SwiftError *&getError() {
return *reinterpret_cast<SwiftError **>(
reinterpret_cast<char *>(this) + storageOffset(resultType));
/// Compute the offset of the storage from the base of the future
/// fragment.
static size_t storageOffset(const Metadata *resultType) {
size_t offset = sizeof(FutureFragment);
size_t alignment =
std::max(resultType->vw_alignment(), alignof(SwiftError *));
return (offset + alignment - 1) & ~(alignment - 1);
/// Determine the size of the future fragment given a particular future
/// result type.
static size_t fragmentSize(const Metadata *resultType) {
return storageOffset(resultType) +
std::max(resultType->vw_size(), sizeof(SwiftError *));
bool isFuture() const { return Flags.task_isFuture(); }
FutureFragment *futureFragment() {
auto offset = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(this); // TODO: char* instead?
offset += sizeof(AsyncTask);
if (hasChildFragment()) {
offset += sizeof(ChildFragment);
if (isTaskGroup()) {
offset += sizeof(GroupFragment);
return reinterpret_cast<FutureFragment *>(offset);
/// Wait for this future to complete.
/// \returns the status of the future. If this result is
/// \c Executing, then \c waitingTask has been added to the
/// wait queue and will be scheduled when the future completes. Otherwise,
/// the future has completed and can be queried.
FutureFragment::Status waitFuture(AsyncTask *waitingTask);
/// Complete this future.
/// Upon completion, any waiting tasks will be scheduled on the given
/// executor.
void completeFuture(AsyncContext *context, ExecutorRef executor);
// ==== ----------------------------------------------------------------------
static bool classof(const Job *job) {
return job->isAsyncTask();
/// Access the next waiting task, which establishes a singly linked list of
/// tasks that are waiting on a future.
AsyncTask *&getNextWaitingTask() {
return reinterpret_cast<AsyncTask *&>(
// The compiler will eventually assume these.
static_assert(sizeof(AsyncTask) == 12 * sizeof(void*),
"AsyncTask size is wrong");
static_assert(alignof(AsyncTask) == 2 * alignof(void*),
"AsyncTask alignment is wrong");
inline void Job::run(ExecutorRef currentExecutor) {
if (auto task = dyn_cast<AsyncTask>(this))
RunJob(this, currentExecutor);
/// An asynchronous context within a task. Generally contexts are
/// allocated using the task-local stack alloc/dealloc operations, but
/// there's no guarantee of that, and the ABI is designed to permit
/// contexts to be allocated within their caller's frame.
class alignas(MaximumAlignment) AsyncContext {
/// The parent context.
AsyncContext * __ptrauth_swift_async_context_parent Parent;
/// The function to call to resume running in the parent context.
/// Generally this means a semantic return, but for some temporary
/// translation contexts it might mean initiating a call.
/// Eventually, the actual type here will depend on the types
/// which need to be passed to the parent. For now, arguments
/// are always written into the context, and so the type is
/// always the same.
TaskContinuationFunction * __ptrauth_swift_async_context_resume
/// The executor that the parent needs to be resumed on.
ExecutorRef ResumeParentExecutor;
/// Flags describing this context.
/// Note that this field is only 32 bits; any alignment padding
/// following this on 64-bit platforms can be freely used by the
/// function. If the function is a yielding function, that padding
/// is of course interrupted by the YieldToParent field.
AsyncContextFlags Flags;
AsyncContext(AsyncContextFlags flags,
TaskContinuationFunction *resumeParent,
ExecutorRef resumeParentExecutor,
AsyncContext *parent)
: Parent(parent), ResumeParent(resumeParent),
Flags(flags) {}
AsyncContext(const AsyncContext &) = delete;
AsyncContext &operator=(const AsyncContext &) = delete;
/// Perform a return from this context.
/// Generally this should be tail-called.
void resumeParent(AsyncTask *task, ExecutorRef executor) {
// TODO: destroy context before returning?
// FIXME: force tail call
return ResumeParent(task, executor, Parent);
/// An async context that supports yielding.
class YieldingAsyncContext : public AsyncContext {
/// The function to call to temporarily resume running in the
/// parent context. Generally this means a semantic yield.
TaskContinuationFunction * __ptrauth_swift_async_context_yield
/// The executor that the parent context needs to be yielded to on.
ExecutorRef YieldToParentExecutor;
YieldingAsyncContext(AsyncContextFlags flags,
TaskContinuationFunction *resumeParent,
ExecutorRef resumeParentExecutor,
TaskContinuationFunction *yieldToParent,
ExecutorRef yieldToParentExecutor,
AsyncContext *parent)
: AsyncContext(flags, resumeParent, resumeParentExecutor, parent),
YieldToParentExecutor(yieldToParentExecutor) {}
static bool classof(const AsyncContext *context) {
return context->Flags.getKind() == AsyncContextKind::Yielding;
/// An asynchronous context within a task that describes a general "Future".
/// task.
/// This type matches the ABI of a function `<T> () async throws -> T`, which
/// is the type used by `Task.runDetached` and `` to create
/// futures.
class FutureAsyncContext : public AsyncContext {
SwiftError *errorResult = nullptr;
OpaqueValue *indirectResult;
using AsyncContext::AsyncContext;
} // end namespace swift