blob: 0da086e3351061f2099aee53a5fc79a2e504a991 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- MetadataValues.h - Compiler/runtime ABI Metadata -------*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This header is shared between the runtime and the compiler and
// includes target-independent information which can be usefully shared
// between them.
#include "swift/ABI/KeyPath.h"
#include "swift/ABI/ProtocolDispatchStrategy.h"
#include "swift/AST/Ownership.h"
#include "swift/Basic/LLVM.h"
#include "swift/Basic/FlagSet.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
namespace swift {
enum {
/// The number of words (pointers) in a value buffer.
NumWords_ValueBuffer = 3,
/// The number of words in a metadata completion context.
NumWords_MetadataCompletionContext = 4,
/// The number of words in a yield-once coroutine buffer.
NumWords_YieldOnceBuffer = 4,
/// The number of words in a yield-many coroutine buffer.
NumWords_YieldManyBuffer = 8,
/// The number of words (in addition to the heap-object header)
/// in a default actor.
NumWords_DefaultActor = 10,
struct InProcess;
template <typename Runtime> struct TargetMetadata;
using Metadata = TargetMetadata<InProcess>;
/// Non-type metadata kinds have this bit set.
const unsigned MetadataKindIsNonType = 0x400;
/// Non-heap metadata kinds have this bit set.
const unsigned MetadataKindIsNonHeap = 0x200;
// The above two flags are negative because the "class" kind has to be zero,
// and class metadata is both type and heap metadata.
/// Runtime-private metadata has this bit set. The compiler must not statically
/// generate metadata objects with these kinds, and external tools should not
/// rely on the stability of these values or the precise binary layout of
/// their associated data structures.
const unsigned MetadataKindIsRuntimePrivate = 0x100;
/// Kinds of Swift metadata records. Some of these are types, some
/// aren't.
enum class MetadataKind : uint32_t {
#define METADATAKIND(name, value) name = value,
#define ABSTRACTMETADATAKIND(name, start, end) \
name##_Start = start, name##_End = end,
#include "MetadataKind.def"
/// The largest possible non-isa-pointer metadata kind value.
/// This is included in the enumeration to prevent against attempts to
/// exhaustively match metadata kinds. Future Swift runtimes or compilers
/// may introduce new metadata kinds, so for forward compatibility, the
/// runtime must tolerate metadata with unknown kinds.
/// This specific value is not mapped to a valid metadata kind at this time,
/// however.
LastEnumerated = 0x7FF,
const unsigned LastEnumeratedMetadataKind =
inline bool isHeapMetadataKind(MetadataKind k) {
return !((uint32_t)k & MetadataKindIsNonHeap);
inline bool isTypeMetadataKind(MetadataKind k) {
return !((uint32_t)k & MetadataKindIsNonType);
inline bool isRuntimePrivateMetadataKind(MetadataKind k) {
return (uint32_t)k & MetadataKindIsRuntimePrivate;
/// Try to translate the 'isa' value of a type/heap metadata into a value
/// of the MetadataKind enum.
inline MetadataKind getEnumeratedMetadataKind(uint64_t kind) {
if (kind > LastEnumeratedMetadataKind)
return MetadataKind::Class;
return MetadataKind(kind);
StringRef getStringForMetadataKind(MetadataKind kind);
/// Kinds of Swift nominal type descriptor records.
enum class NominalTypeKind : uint32_t {
#define NOMINALTYPEMETADATAKIND(name, value) name = value,
#include "MetadataKind.def"
/// The maximum supported type alignment.
const size_t MaximumAlignment = 16;
/// The alignment of a DefaultActor.
const size_t Alignment_DefaultActor = MaximumAlignment;
/// Flags stored in the value-witness table.
template <typename int_type>
class TargetValueWitnessFlags {
// The polarity of these bits is chosen so that, when doing struct layout, the
// flags of the field types can be mostly bitwise-or'ed together to derive the
// flags for the struct. (The "non-inline" and "has-extra-inhabitants" bits
// still require additional fixup.)
enum : uint32_t {
AlignmentMask = 0x000000FF,
// unused 0x0000FF00,
IsNonPOD = 0x00010000,
IsNonInline = 0x00020000,
// unused 0x00040000,
HasSpareBits = 0x00080000,
IsNonBitwiseTakable = 0x00100000,
HasEnumWitnesses = 0x00200000,
Incomplete = 0x00400000,
// unused 0xFF800000,
static constexpr const uint32_t MaxNumExtraInhabitants = 0x7FFFFFFF;
uint32_t Data;
explicit constexpr TargetValueWitnessFlags(uint32_t data) : Data(data) {}
constexpr TargetValueWitnessFlags() : Data(0) {}
/// The required alignment of the first byte of an object of this
/// type, expressed as a mask of the low bits that must not be set
/// in the pointer.
/// This representation can be easily converted to the 'alignof'
/// result by merely adding 1, but it is more directly useful for
/// performing dynamic structure layouts, and it grants an
/// additional bit of precision in a compact field without needing
/// to switch to an exponent representation.
/// For example, if the type needs to be 8-byte aligned, the
/// appropriate alignment mask should be 0x7.
size_t getAlignmentMask() const {
return (Data & AlignmentMask);
constexpr TargetValueWitnessFlags withAlignmentMask(size_t alignMask) const {
return TargetValueWitnessFlags((Data & ~AlignmentMask) | alignMask);
size_t getAlignment() const { return getAlignmentMask() + 1; }
constexpr TargetValueWitnessFlags withAlignment(size_t alignment) const {
return withAlignmentMask(alignment - 1);
/// True if the type requires out-of-line allocation of its storage.
/// This can be the case because the value requires more storage or if it is
/// not bitwise takable.
bool isInlineStorage() const { return !(Data & IsNonInline); }
constexpr TargetValueWitnessFlags withInlineStorage(bool isInline) const {
return TargetValueWitnessFlags((Data & ~IsNonInline) |
(isInline ? 0 : IsNonInline));
/// True if values of this type can be copied with memcpy and
/// destroyed with a no-op.
bool isPOD() const { return !(Data & IsNonPOD); }
constexpr TargetValueWitnessFlags withPOD(bool isPOD) const {
return TargetValueWitnessFlags((Data & ~IsNonPOD) |
(isPOD ? 0 : IsNonPOD));
/// True if values of this type can be taken with memcpy. Unlike C++ 'move',
/// 'take' is a destructive operation that invalidates the source object, so
/// most types can be taken with a simple bitwise copy. Only types with side
/// table references, like @weak references, or types with opaque value
/// semantics, like imported C++ types, are not bitwise-takable.
bool isBitwiseTakable() const { return !(Data & IsNonBitwiseTakable); }
constexpr TargetValueWitnessFlags withBitwiseTakable(bool isBT) const {
return TargetValueWitnessFlags((Data & ~IsNonBitwiseTakable) |
(isBT ? 0 : IsNonBitwiseTakable));
/// True if this type's binary representation is that of an enum, and the
/// enum value witness table entries are available in this type's value
/// witness table.
bool hasEnumWitnesses() const { return Data & HasEnumWitnesses; }
constexpr TargetValueWitnessFlags
withEnumWitnesses(bool hasEnumWitnesses) const {
return TargetValueWitnessFlags((Data & ~HasEnumWitnesses) |
(hasEnumWitnesses ? HasEnumWitnesses : 0));
/// True if the type with this value-witness table is incomplete,
/// meaning that its external layout (size, etc.) is meaningless
/// pending completion of the metadata layout.
bool isIncomplete() const { return Data & Incomplete; }
constexpr TargetValueWitnessFlags
withIncomplete(bool isIncomplete) const {
return TargetValueWitnessFlags((Data & ~Incomplete) |
(isIncomplete ? Incomplete : 0));
constexpr uint32_t getOpaqueValue() const {
return Data;
using ValueWitnessFlags = TargetValueWitnessFlags<size_t>;
/// Flags for dynamic-cast operations.
enum class DynamicCastFlags : size_t {
/// All flags clear.
Default = 0x0,
/// True if the cast is not permitted to fail.
Unconditional = 0x1,
/// True if the cast should 'take' the source value on success;
/// false if the value should be copied.
TakeOnSuccess = 0x2,
/// True if the cast should destroy the source value on failure;
/// false if the value should be left in place.
DestroyOnFailure = 0x4,
inline bool operator&(DynamicCastFlags a, DynamicCastFlags b) {
return (size_t(a) & size_t(b)) != 0;
inline DynamicCastFlags operator|(DynamicCastFlags a, DynamicCastFlags b) {
return DynamicCastFlags(size_t(a) | size_t(b));
inline DynamicCastFlags operator-(DynamicCastFlags a, DynamicCastFlags b) {
return DynamicCastFlags(size_t(a) & ~size_t(b));
inline DynamicCastFlags &operator|=(DynamicCastFlags &a, DynamicCastFlags b) {
return a = (a | b);
/// Swift class flags.
/// These flags are valid only when isTypeMetadata().
/// When !isTypeMetadata() these flags will collide with other Swift ABIs.
enum class ClassFlags : uint32_t {
/// Is this a Swift class from the Darwin pre-stable ABI?
/// This bit is clear in stable ABI Swift classes.
/// The Objective-C runtime also reads this bit.
IsSwiftPreStableABI = 0x1,
/// Does this class use Swift refcounting?
UsesSwiftRefcounting = 0x2,
/// Has this class a custom name, specified with the @objc attribute?
HasCustomObjCName = 0x4,
/// Whether this metadata is a specialization of a generic metadata pattern
/// which was created during compilation.
IsStaticSpecialization = 0x8,
/// Whether this metadata is a specialization of a generic metadata pattern
/// which was created during compilation and made to be canonical by
/// modifying the metadata accessor.
IsCanonicalStaticSpecialization = 0x10,
inline bool operator&(ClassFlags a, ClassFlags b) {
return (uint32_t(a) & uint32_t(b)) != 0;
inline ClassFlags operator|(ClassFlags a, ClassFlags b) {
return ClassFlags(uint32_t(a) | uint32_t(b));
inline ClassFlags &operator|=(ClassFlags &a, ClassFlags b) {
return a = (a | b);
/// Flags that go in a MethodDescriptor structure.
class MethodDescriptorFlags {
typedef uint32_t int_type;
enum class Kind {
enum : int_type {
KindMask = 0x0F, // 16 kinds should be enough for anybody
IsInstanceMask = 0x10,
IsDynamicMask = 0x20,
ExtraDiscriminatorShift = 16,
ExtraDiscriminatorMask = 0xFFFF0000,
int_type Value;
MethodDescriptorFlags(Kind kind) : Value(unsigned(kind)) {}
MethodDescriptorFlags withIsInstance(bool isInstance) const {
auto copy = *this;
if (isInstance) {
copy.Value |= IsInstanceMask;
} else {
copy.Value &= ~IsInstanceMask;
return copy;
MethodDescriptorFlags withIsDynamic(bool isDynamic) const {
auto copy = *this;
if (isDynamic)
copy.Value |= IsDynamicMask;
copy.Value &= ~IsDynamicMask;
return copy;
MethodDescriptorFlags withExtraDiscriminator(uint16_t value) const {
auto copy = *this;
copy.Value = (copy.Value & ~ExtraDiscriminatorMask)
| (int_type(value) << ExtraDiscriminatorShift);
return copy;
Kind getKind() const { return Kind(Value & KindMask); }
/// Is the method marked 'dynamic'?
bool isDynamic() const { return Value & IsDynamicMask; }
/// Is the method an instance member?
/// Note that 'init' is not considered an instance member.
bool isInstance() const { return Value & IsInstanceMask; }
uint16_t getExtraDiscriminator() const {
return (Value >> ExtraDiscriminatorShift);
int_type getIntValue() const { return Value; }
enum : unsigned {
/// Number of words reserved in generic metadata patterns.
NumGenericMetadataPrivateDataWords = 16,
/// Kinds of type metadata/protocol conformance records.
enum class TypeReferenceKind : unsigned {
/// The conformance is for a nominal type referenced directly;
/// getTypeDescriptor() points to the type context descriptor.
DirectTypeDescriptor = 0x00,
/// The conformance is for a nominal type referenced indirectly;
/// getTypeDescriptor() points to the type context descriptor.
IndirectTypeDescriptor = 0x01,
/// The conformance is for an Objective-C class that should be looked up
/// by class name.
DirectObjCClassName = 0x02,
/// The conformance is for an Objective-C class that has no nominal type
/// descriptor.
/// getIndirectObjCClass() points to a variable that contains the pointer to
/// the class object, which then requires a runtime call to get metadata.
/// On platforms without Objective-C interoperability, this case is
/// unused.
IndirectObjCClass = 0x03,
// We only reserve three bits for this in the various places we store it.
First_Kind = DirectTypeDescriptor,
Last_Kind = IndirectObjCClass,
/// Flag that indicates whether an existential type is class-constrained or not.
enum class ProtocolClassConstraint : bool {
/// The protocol is class-constrained, so only class types can conform to it.
/// This must be 0 for ABI compatibility with Objective-C protocol_t records.
Class = false,
/// Any type can conform to the protocol.
Any = true,
/// Identifiers for protocols with special meaning to the Swift runtime.
enum class SpecialProtocol: uint8_t {
/// Not a special protocol.
/// This must be 0 for ABI compatibility with Objective-C protocol_t records.
None = 0,
/// The Error protocol.
Error = 1,
/// Flags for protocol descriptors.
class ProtocolDescriptorFlags {
typedef uint32_t int_type;
enum : int_type {
IsSwift = 1U << 0U,
ClassConstraint = 1U << 1U,
DispatchStrategyMask = 0xFU << 2U,
DispatchStrategyShift = 2,
SpecialProtocolMask = 0x000003C0U,
SpecialProtocolShift = 6,
IsResilient = 1U << 10U,
/// Reserved by the ObjC runtime.
_ObjCReserved = 0xFFFF0000U,
int_type Data;
constexpr ProtocolDescriptorFlags(int_type Data) : Data(Data) {}
constexpr ProtocolDescriptorFlags() : Data(0) {}
constexpr ProtocolDescriptorFlags withSwift(bool s) const {
return ProtocolDescriptorFlags((Data & ~IsSwift) | (s ? IsSwift : 0));
constexpr ProtocolDescriptorFlags withClassConstraint(
ProtocolClassConstraint c) const {
return ProtocolDescriptorFlags((Data & ~ClassConstraint)
| (bool(c) ? ClassConstraint : 0));
constexpr ProtocolDescriptorFlags withDispatchStrategy(
ProtocolDispatchStrategy s) const {
return ProtocolDescriptorFlags((Data & ~DispatchStrategyMask)
| (int_type(s) << DispatchStrategyShift));
constexpr ProtocolDescriptorFlags
withSpecialProtocol(SpecialProtocol sp) const {
return ProtocolDescriptorFlags((Data & ~SpecialProtocolMask)
| (int_type(sp) << SpecialProtocolShift));
constexpr ProtocolDescriptorFlags withResilient(bool s) const {
return ProtocolDescriptorFlags((Data & ~IsResilient) | (s ? IsResilient : 0));
/// Was the protocol defined in Swift 1 or 2?
bool isSwift() const { return Data & IsSwift; }
/// Is the protocol class-constrained?
ProtocolClassConstraint getClassConstraint() const {
return ProtocolClassConstraint(bool(Data & ClassConstraint));
/// What dispatch strategy does this protocol use?
ProtocolDispatchStrategy getDispatchStrategy() const {
return ProtocolDispatchStrategy((Data & DispatchStrategyMask)
>> DispatchStrategyShift);
/// Does the protocol require a witness table for method dispatch?
bool needsWitnessTable() const {
return swift::protocolRequiresWitnessTable(getDispatchStrategy());
/// Return the identifier if this is a special runtime-known protocol.
SpecialProtocol getSpecialProtocol() const {
return SpecialProtocol(uint8_t((Data & SpecialProtocolMask)
>> SpecialProtocolShift));
/// Can new requirements with default witnesses be added resiliently?
bool isResilient() const { return Data & IsResilient; }
int_type getIntValue() const {
return Data;
#ifndef NDEBUG
"Only for use in the debugger");
/// Flags that go in a ProtocolRequirement structure.
class ProtocolRequirementFlags {
typedef uint32_t int_type;
enum class Kind {
enum : int_type {
KindMask = 0x0F, // 16 kinds should be enough for anybody
IsInstanceMask = 0x10,
ExtraDiscriminatorShift = 16,
ExtraDiscriminatorMask = 0xFFFF0000,
int_type Value;
ProtocolRequirementFlags(Kind kind) : Value(unsigned(kind)) {}
ProtocolRequirementFlags withIsInstance(bool isInstance) const {
auto copy = *this;
if (isInstance) {
copy.Value |= IsInstanceMask;
} else {
copy.Value &= ~IsInstanceMask;
return copy;
ProtocolRequirementFlags withExtraDiscriminator(uint16_t value) const {
auto copy = *this;
copy.Value = (copy.Value & ~ExtraDiscriminatorMask)
| (int_type(value) << ExtraDiscriminatorShift);
return copy;
Kind getKind() const { return Kind(Value & KindMask); }
/// Is the method an instance member?
/// Note that 'init' is not considered an instance member.
bool isInstance() const { return Value & IsInstanceMask; }
bool isSignedWithAddress() const {
return getKind() != Kind::BaseProtocol;
uint16_t getExtraDiscriminator() const {
return (Value >> ExtraDiscriminatorShift);
int_type getIntValue() const { return Value; }
enum : uintptr_t {
/// Bit used to indicate that an associated type witness is a pointer to
/// a mangled name (vs. a pointer to metadata).
AssociatedTypeMangledNameBit = 0x01,
enum : uint8_t {
/// Prefix byte used to identify an associated type whose mangled name
/// is relative to the protocol's context rather than the conforming
/// type's context.
AssociatedTypeInProtocolContextByte = 0xFF
/// Flags that go in a TargetConformanceDescriptor structure.
class ConformanceFlags {
typedef uint32_t int_type;
enum : int_type {
UnusedLowBits = 0x07, // historical conformance kind
TypeMetadataKindMask = 0x7 << 3, // 8 type reference kinds
TypeMetadataKindShift = 3,
IsRetroactiveMask = 0x01 << 6,
IsSynthesizedNonUniqueMask = 0x01 << 7,
NumConditionalRequirementsMask = 0xFF << 8,
NumConditionalRequirementsShift = 8,
HasResilientWitnessesMask = 0x01 << 16,
HasGenericWitnessTableMask = 0x01 << 17,
int_type Value;
ConformanceFlags(int_type value = 0) : Value(value) {}
ConformanceFlags withTypeReferenceKind(TypeReferenceKind kind) const {
return ConformanceFlags((Value & ~TypeMetadataKindMask)
| (int_type(kind) << TypeMetadataKindShift));
ConformanceFlags withIsRetroactive(bool isRetroactive) const {
return ConformanceFlags((Value & ~IsRetroactiveMask)
| (isRetroactive? IsRetroactiveMask : 0));
ConformanceFlags withIsSynthesizedNonUnique(
bool isSynthesizedNonUnique) const {
return ConformanceFlags(
(Value & ~IsSynthesizedNonUniqueMask)
| (isSynthesizedNonUnique ? IsSynthesizedNonUniqueMask : 0));
ConformanceFlags withNumConditionalRequirements(unsigned n) const {
return ConformanceFlags((Value & ~NumConditionalRequirementsMask)
| (n << NumConditionalRequirementsShift));
ConformanceFlags withHasResilientWitnesses(bool hasResilientWitnesses) const {
return ConformanceFlags((Value & ~HasResilientWitnessesMask)
| (hasResilientWitnesses? HasResilientWitnessesMask
: 0));
ConformanceFlags withHasGenericWitnessTable(
bool hasGenericWitnessTable) const {
return ConformanceFlags((Value & ~HasGenericWitnessTableMask)
| (hasGenericWitnessTable
? HasGenericWitnessTableMask
: 0));
/// Retrieve the type reference kind kind.
TypeReferenceKind getTypeReferenceKind() const {
return TypeReferenceKind(
(Value & TypeMetadataKindMask) >> TypeMetadataKindShift);
/// Is the conformance "retroactive"?
/// A conformance is retroactive when it occurs in a module that is
/// neither the module in which the protocol is defined nor the module
/// in which the conforming type is defined. With retroactive conformance,
/// it is possible to detect a conflict at run time.
bool isRetroactive() const { return Value & IsRetroactiveMask; }
/// Is the conformance synthesized in a non-unique manner?
/// The Swift compiler will synthesize conformances on behalf of some
/// imported entities (e.g., C typedefs with the swift_wrapper attribute).
/// Such conformances are retroactive by nature, but the presence of multiple
/// such conformances is not a conflict because all synthesized conformances
/// will be equivalent.
bool isSynthesizedNonUnique() const {
return Value & IsSynthesizedNonUniqueMask;
/// Retrieve the # of conditional requirements.
unsigned getNumConditionalRequirements() const {
return (Value & NumConditionalRequirementsMask)
>> NumConditionalRequirementsShift;
/// Whether this conformance has any resilient witnesses.
bool hasResilientWitnesses() const {
return Value & HasResilientWitnessesMask;
/// Whether this conformance has a generic witness table that may need to
/// be instantiated.
bool hasGenericWitnessTable() const {
return Value & HasGenericWitnessTableMask;
int_type getIntValue() const { return Value; }
/// Flags in an existential type metadata record.
class ExistentialTypeFlags {
typedef uint32_t int_type;
enum : int_type {
NumWitnessTablesMask = 0x00FFFFFFU,
ClassConstraintMask = 0x80000000U, // Warning: Set if NOT class-constrained!
HasSuperclassMask = 0x40000000U,
SpecialProtocolMask = 0x3F000000U,
SpecialProtocolShift = 24U,
int_type Data;
constexpr ExistentialTypeFlags(int_type Data) : Data(Data) {}
constexpr ExistentialTypeFlags() : Data(0) {}
constexpr ExistentialTypeFlags withNumWitnessTables(unsigned numTables) const {
return ExistentialTypeFlags((Data & ~NumWitnessTablesMask) | numTables);
constexpr ExistentialTypeFlags
withClassConstraint(ProtocolClassConstraint c) const {
return ExistentialTypeFlags((Data & ~ClassConstraintMask)
| (bool(c) ? ClassConstraintMask : 0));
constexpr ExistentialTypeFlags
withHasSuperclass(bool hasSuperclass) const {
return ExistentialTypeFlags((Data & ~HasSuperclassMask)
| (hasSuperclass ? HasSuperclassMask : 0));
constexpr ExistentialTypeFlags
withSpecialProtocol(SpecialProtocol sp) const {
return ExistentialTypeFlags((Data & ~SpecialProtocolMask)
| (int_type(sp) << SpecialProtocolShift));
unsigned getNumWitnessTables() const {
return Data & NumWitnessTablesMask;
ProtocolClassConstraint getClassConstraint() const {
return ProtocolClassConstraint(bool(Data & ClassConstraintMask));
bool hasSuperclassConstraint() const {
return bool(Data & HasSuperclassMask);
/// Return whether this existential type represents an uncomposed special
/// protocol.
SpecialProtocol getSpecialProtocol() const {
return SpecialProtocol(uint8_t((Data & SpecialProtocolMask)
>> SpecialProtocolShift));
int_type getIntValue() const {
return Data;
/// Convention values for function type metadata.
enum class FunctionMetadataConvention: uint8_t {
Swift = 0,
Block = 1,
Thin = 2,
CFunctionPointer = 3,
/// Differentiability kind for function type metadata.
/// Duplicates `DifferentiabilityKind` in AutoDiff.h.
enum class FunctionMetadataDifferentiabilityKind: uint8_t {
NonDifferentiable = 0b00,
Normal = 0b01,
Linear = 0b11
/// Flags in a function type metadata record.
template <typename int_type>
class TargetFunctionTypeFlags {
// If we were ever to run out of space for function flags (8 bits)
// one of the flag bits could be used to identify that the rest of
// the flags is going to be stored somewhere else in the metadata.
enum : int_type {
NumParametersMask = 0x0000FFFFU,
ConventionMask = 0x00FF0000U,
ConventionShift = 16U,
ThrowsMask = 0x01000000U,
ParamFlagsMask = 0x02000000U,
EscapingMask = 0x04000000U,
DifferentiableMask = 0x08000000U,
LinearMask = 0x10000000U,
AsyncMask = 0x20000000U,
int_type Data;
constexpr TargetFunctionTypeFlags(int_type Data) : Data(Data) {}
constexpr TargetFunctionTypeFlags() : Data(0) {}
constexpr TargetFunctionTypeFlags
withNumParameters(unsigned numParams) const {
return TargetFunctionTypeFlags((Data & ~NumParametersMask) | numParams);
constexpr TargetFunctionTypeFlags<int_type>
withConvention(FunctionMetadataConvention c) const {
return TargetFunctionTypeFlags((Data & ~ConventionMask)
| (int_type(c) << ConventionShift));
constexpr TargetFunctionTypeFlags<int_type>
withAsync(bool async) const {
return TargetFunctionTypeFlags<int_type>((Data & ~AsyncMask) |
(async ? AsyncMask : 0));
constexpr TargetFunctionTypeFlags<int_type>
withThrows(bool throws) const {
return TargetFunctionTypeFlags<int_type>((Data & ~ThrowsMask) |
(throws ? ThrowsMask : 0));
constexpr TargetFunctionTypeFlags<int_type> withDifferentiabilityKind(
FunctionMetadataDifferentiabilityKind differentiability) const {
return TargetFunctionTypeFlags<int_type>(
(Data & ~DifferentiableMask & ~LinearMask) |
(differentiability == FunctionMetadataDifferentiabilityKind::Normal
? DifferentiableMask : 0) |
(differentiability == FunctionMetadataDifferentiabilityKind::Linear
? LinearMask : 0));
constexpr TargetFunctionTypeFlags<int_type>
withParameterFlags(bool hasFlags) const {
return TargetFunctionTypeFlags<int_type>((Data & ~ParamFlagsMask) |
(hasFlags ? ParamFlagsMask : 0));
constexpr TargetFunctionTypeFlags<int_type>
withEscaping(bool isEscaping) const {
return TargetFunctionTypeFlags<int_type>((Data & ~EscapingMask) |
(isEscaping ? EscapingMask : 0));
unsigned getNumParameters() const { return Data & NumParametersMask; }
FunctionMetadataConvention getConvention() const {
return FunctionMetadataConvention((Data&ConventionMask) >> ConventionShift);
bool isAsync() const { return bool(Data & AsyncMask); }
bool isThrowing() const { return bool(Data & ThrowsMask); }
bool isEscaping() const {
return bool (Data & EscapingMask);
bool hasParameterFlags() const { return bool(Data & ParamFlagsMask); }
bool isDifferentiable() const {
return getDifferentiabilityKind() >=
FunctionMetadataDifferentiabilityKind getDifferentiabilityKind() const {
if (bool(Data & DifferentiableMask))
return FunctionMetadataDifferentiabilityKind::Normal;
if (bool(Data & LinearMask))
return FunctionMetadataDifferentiabilityKind::Linear;
return FunctionMetadataDifferentiabilityKind::NonDifferentiable;
int_type getIntValue() const {
return Data;
static TargetFunctionTypeFlags<int_type> fromIntValue(int_type Data) {
return TargetFunctionTypeFlags(Data);
bool operator==(TargetFunctionTypeFlags<int_type> other) const {
return Data == other.Data;
bool operator!=(TargetFunctionTypeFlags<int_type> other) const {
return Data != other.Data;
using FunctionTypeFlags = TargetFunctionTypeFlags<size_t>;
template <typename int_type>
class TargetParameterTypeFlags {
enum : int_type {
ValueOwnershipMask = 0x7F,
VariadicMask = 0x80,
AutoClosureMask = 0x100,
NoDerivativeMask = 0x200
int_type Data;
constexpr TargetParameterTypeFlags(int_type Data) : Data(Data) {}
constexpr TargetParameterTypeFlags() : Data(0) {}
constexpr TargetParameterTypeFlags<int_type>
withValueOwnership(ValueOwnership ownership) const {
return TargetParameterTypeFlags<int_type>((Data & ~ValueOwnershipMask) |
constexpr TargetParameterTypeFlags<int_type>
withVariadic(bool isVariadic) const {
return TargetParameterTypeFlags<int_type>((Data & ~VariadicMask) |
(isVariadic ? VariadicMask : 0));
constexpr TargetParameterTypeFlags<int_type>
withAutoClosure(bool isAutoClosure) const {
return TargetParameterTypeFlags<int_type>(
(Data & ~AutoClosureMask) | (isAutoClosure ? AutoClosureMask : 0));
bool isNone() const { return Data == 0; }
bool isVariadic() const { return Data & VariadicMask; }
bool isAutoClosure() const { return Data & AutoClosureMask; }
bool isNoDerivative() const { return Data & NoDerivativeMask; }
ValueOwnership getValueOwnership() const {
return (ValueOwnership)(Data & ValueOwnershipMask);
int_type getIntValue() const { return Data; }
static TargetParameterTypeFlags<int_type> fromIntValue(int_type Data) {
return TargetParameterTypeFlags(Data);
bool operator==(TargetParameterTypeFlags<int_type> other) const {
return Data == other.Data;
bool operator!=(TargetParameterTypeFlags<int_type> other) const {
return Data != other.Data;
using ParameterFlags = TargetParameterTypeFlags<uint32_t>;
template <typename int_type>
class TargetTupleTypeFlags {
enum : int_type {
NumElementsMask = 0x0000FFFFU,
NonConstantLabelsMask = 0x00010000U,
int_type Data;
constexpr TargetTupleTypeFlags() : Data(0) {}
constexpr TargetTupleTypeFlags(int_type Data) : Data(Data) {}
constexpr TargetTupleTypeFlags
withNumElements(unsigned numElements) const {
return TargetTupleTypeFlags((Data & ~NumElementsMask) | numElements);
constexpr TargetTupleTypeFlags<int_type> withNonConstantLabels(
bool hasNonConstantLabels) const {
return TargetTupleTypeFlags<int_type>(
(Data & ~NonConstantLabelsMask) |
(hasNonConstantLabels ? NonConstantLabelsMask : 0));
unsigned getNumElements() const { return Data & NumElementsMask; }
bool hasNonConstantLabels() const { return Data & NonConstantLabelsMask; }
int_type getIntValue() const { return Data; }
static TargetTupleTypeFlags<int_type> fromIntValue(int_type Data) {
return TargetTupleTypeFlags(Data);
bool operator==(TargetTupleTypeFlags<int_type> other) const {
return Data == other.Data;
bool operator!=(TargetTupleTypeFlags<int_type> other) const {
return Data != other.Data;
using TupleTypeFlags = TargetTupleTypeFlags<size_t>;
/// Flags for exclusivity-checking operations.
enum class ExclusivityFlags : uintptr_t {
Read = 0x0,
Modify = 0x1,
// ActionMask can grow without breaking the ABI because the runtime controls
// how these flags are encoded in the "value buffer". However, any additional
// actions must be compatible with the original behavior for the old, smaller
// ActionMask (older runtimes will continue to treat them as either a simple
// Read or Modify).
ActionMask = 0x1,
// The runtime should track this access to check against subsequent accesses.
Tracking = 0x20
static inline ExclusivityFlags operator|(ExclusivityFlags lhs,
ExclusivityFlags rhs) {
return ExclusivityFlags(uintptr_t(lhs) | uintptr_t(rhs));
static inline ExclusivityFlags &operator|=(ExclusivityFlags &lhs,
ExclusivityFlags rhs) {
return (lhs = (lhs | rhs));
static inline ExclusivityFlags getAccessAction(ExclusivityFlags flags) {
return ExclusivityFlags(uintptr_t(flags)
& uintptr_t(ExclusivityFlags::ActionMask));
static inline bool isTracking(ExclusivityFlags flags) {
return uintptr_t(flags) & uintptr_t(ExclusivityFlags::Tracking);
/// Flags for struct layout.
enum class StructLayoutFlags : uintptr_t {
/// Reserve space for 256 layout algorithms.
AlgorithmMask = 0xff,
/// The ABI baseline algorithm, i.e. the algorithm implemented in Swift 5.
Swift5Algorithm = 0x00,
/// Is the value-witness table mutable in place, or does layout need to
/// clone it?
IsVWTMutable = 0x100,
static inline StructLayoutFlags operator|(StructLayoutFlags lhs,
StructLayoutFlags rhs) {
return StructLayoutFlags(uintptr_t(lhs) | uintptr_t(rhs));
static inline StructLayoutFlags &operator|=(StructLayoutFlags &lhs,
StructLayoutFlags rhs) {
return (lhs = (lhs | rhs));
static inline StructLayoutFlags getLayoutAlgorithm(StructLayoutFlags flags) {
return StructLayoutFlags(uintptr_t(flags)
& uintptr_t(StructLayoutFlags::AlgorithmMask));
static inline bool isValueWitnessTableMutable(StructLayoutFlags flags) {
return uintptr_t(flags) & uintptr_t(StructLayoutFlags::IsVWTMutable);
/// Flags for class layout.
enum class ClassLayoutFlags : uintptr_t {
/// Reserve space for 256 layout algorithms.
AlgorithmMask = 0xff,
/// The ABI baseline algorithm, i.e. the algorithm implemented in Swift 5.
Swift5Algorithm = 0x00,
/// If true, the vtable for this class and all of its superclasses was emitted
/// statically in the class metadata. If false, the superclass vtable is
/// copied from superclass metadata, and the immediate class vtable is
/// initialized from the type context descriptor.
HasStaticVTable = 0x100,
static inline ClassLayoutFlags operator|(ClassLayoutFlags lhs,
ClassLayoutFlags rhs) {
return ClassLayoutFlags(uintptr_t(lhs) | uintptr_t(rhs));
static inline ClassLayoutFlags &operator|=(ClassLayoutFlags &lhs,
ClassLayoutFlags rhs) {
return (lhs = (lhs | rhs));
static inline ClassLayoutFlags getLayoutAlgorithm(ClassLayoutFlags flags) {
return ClassLayoutFlags(uintptr_t(flags)
& uintptr_t(ClassLayoutFlags::AlgorithmMask));
static inline bool hasStaticVTable(ClassLayoutFlags flags) {
return uintptr_t(flags) & uintptr_t(ClassLayoutFlags::HasStaticVTable);
/// Flags for enum layout.
enum class EnumLayoutFlags : uintptr_t {
/// Reserve space for 256 layout algorithms.
AlgorithmMask = 0xff,
/// The ABI baseline algorithm, i.e. the algorithm implemented in Swift 5.
Swift5Algorithm = 0x00,
/// Is the value-witness table mutable in place, or does layout need to
/// clone it?
IsVWTMutable = 0x100,
static inline EnumLayoutFlags operator|(EnumLayoutFlags lhs,
EnumLayoutFlags rhs) {
return EnumLayoutFlags(uintptr_t(lhs) | uintptr_t(rhs));
static inline EnumLayoutFlags &operator|=(EnumLayoutFlags &lhs,
EnumLayoutFlags rhs) {
return (lhs = (lhs | rhs));
static inline EnumLayoutFlags getLayoutAlgorithm(EnumLayoutFlags flags) {
return EnumLayoutFlags(uintptr_t(flags)
& uintptr_t(EnumLayoutFlags::AlgorithmMask));
static inline bool isValueWitnessTableMutable(EnumLayoutFlags flags) {
return uintptr_t(flags) & uintptr_t(EnumLayoutFlags::IsVWTMutable);
namespace SpecialPointerAuthDiscriminators {
// All of these values are the stable string hash of the corresponding
// variable name:
// (computeStableStringHash % 65535 + 1)
/// HeapMetadataHeader::destroy
const uint16_t HeapDestructor = 0xbbbf;
/// Type descriptor data pointers.
const uint16_t TypeDescriptor = 0xae86;
/// Runtime function variables exported by the runtime.
const uint16_t RuntimeFunctionEntry = 0x625b;
/// Protocol conformance descriptors.
const uint16_t ProtocolConformanceDescriptor = 0xc6eb;
/// Value witness functions.
const uint16_t InitializeBufferWithCopyOfBuffer = 0xda4a;
const uint16_t Destroy = 0x04f8;
const uint16_t InitializeWithCopy = 0xe3ba;
const uint16_t AssignWithCopy = 0x8751;
const uint16_t InitializeWithTake = 0x48d8;
const uint16_t AssignWithTake = 0xefda;
const uint16_t DestroyArray = 0x2398;
const uint16_t InitializeArrayWithCopy = 0xa05c;
const uint16_t InitializeArrayWithTakeFrontToBack = 0x1c3e;
const uint16_t InitializeArrayWithTakeBackToFront = 0x8dd3;
const uint16_t StoreExtraInhabitant = 0x79c5;
const uint16_t GetExtraInhabitantIndex = 0x2ca8;
const uint16_t GetEnumTag = 0xa3b5;
const uint16_t DestructiveProjectEnumData = 0x041d;
const uint16_t DestructiveInjectEnumTag = 0xb2e4;
const uint16_t GetEnumTagSinglePayload = 0x60f0;
const uint16_t StoreEnumTagSinglePayload = 0xa0d1;
/// KeyPath metadata functions.
const uint16_t KeyPathDestroy = _SwiftKeyPath_ptrauth_ArgumentDestroy;
const uint16_t KeyPathCopy = _SwiftKeyPath_ptrauth_ArgumentCopy;
const uint16_t KeyPathEquals = _SwiftKeyPath_ptrauth_ArgumentEquals;
const uint16_t KeyPathHash = _SwiftKeyPath_ptrauth_ArgumentHash;
const uint16_t KeyPathGetter = _SwiftKeyPath_ptrauth_Getter;
const uint16_t KeyPathNonmutatingSetter = _SwiftKeyPath_ptrauth_NonmutatingSetter;
const uint16_t KeyPathMutatingSetter = _SwiftKeyPath_ptrauth_MutatingSetter;
const uint16_t KeyPathGetLayout = _SwiftKeyPath_ptrauth_ArgumentLayout;
const uint16_t KeyPathInitializer = _SwiftKeyPath_ptrauth_ArgumentInit;
const uint16_t KeyPathMetadataAccessor = _SwiftKeyPath_ptrauth_MetadataAccessor;
/// ObjC bridging entry points.
const uint16_t ObjectiveCTypeDiscriminator = 0x31c3; // = 12739
const uint16_t bridgeToObjectiveCDiscriminator = 0xbca0; // = 48288
const uint16_t forceBridgeFromObjectiveCDiscriminator = 0x22fb; // = 8955
const uint16_t conditionallyBridgeFromObjectiveCDiscriminator = 0x9a9b; // = 39579
/// Dynamic replacement pointers.
const uint16_t DynamicReplacementScope = 0x48F0; // = 18672
const uint16_t DynamicReplacementKey = 0x2C7D; // = 11389
/// Resume functions for yield-once coroutines that yield a single
/// opaque borrowed/inout value. These aren't actually hard-coded, but
/// they're important enough to be worth writing in one place.
const uint16_t OpaqueReadResumeFunction = 56769;
const uint16_t OpaqueModifyResumeFunction = 3909;
/// Resilient class stub initializer callback
const uint16_t ResilientClassStubInitCallback = 0xC671;
/// Actor enqueue(partialTask:).
const uint16_t ActorEnqueuePartialTask = 0x8f3d;
/// Jobs, tasks, and continuations.
const uint16_t JobInvokeFunction = 0xcc64; // = 52324
const uint16_t TaskResumeFunction = 0x2c42; // = 11330
const uint16_t TaskResumeContext = 0x753a; // = 30010
const uint16_t AsyncContextParent = 0xbda2; // = 48546
const uint16_t AsyncContextResume = 0xd707; // = 55047
const uint16_t AsyncContextYield = 0xe207; // = 57863
const uint16_t CancellationNotificationFunction = 0x1933; // = 6451
const uint16_t EscalationNotificationFunction = 0x5be4; // = 23524
/// The number of arguments that will be passed directly to a generic
/// nominal type access function. The remaining arguments (if any) will be
/// passed as an array. That array has enough storage for all of the arguments,
/// but only fills in the elements not passed directly. The callee may
/// mutate the array to fill in the direct arguments.
constexpr unsigned NumDirectGenericTypeMetadataAccessFunctionArgs = 3;
/// The offset (in pointers) to the first requirement in a witness table.
constexpr unsigned WitnessTableFirstRequirementOffset = 1;
/// Kinds of context descriptor.
enum class ContextDescriptorKind : uint8_t {
/// This context descriptor represents a module.
Module = 0,
/// This context descriptor represents an extension.
Extension = 1,
/// This context descriptor represents an anonymous possibly-generic context
/// such as a function body.
Anonymous = 2,
/// This context descriptor represents a protocol context.
Protocol = 3,
/// This context descriptor represents an opaque type alias.
OpaqueType = 4,
/// First kind that represents a type of any sort.
Type_First = 16,
/// This context descriptor represents a class.
Class = Type_First,
/// This context descriptor represents a struct.
Struct = Type_First + 1,
/// This context descriptor represents an enum.
Enum = Type_First + 2,
/// Last kind that represents a type of any sort.
Type_Last = 31,
/// Common flags stored in the first 32-bit word of any context descriptor.
struct ContextDescriptorFlags {
uint32_t Value;
explicit constexpr ContextDescriptorFlags(uint32_t Value)
: Value(Value) {}
constexpr ContextDescriptorFlags() : Value(0) {}
constexpr ContextDescriptorFlags(ContextDescriptorKind kind,
bool isGeneric,
bool isUnique,
uint8_t version,
uint16_t kindSpecificFlags)
: ContextDescriptorFlags(ContextDescriptorFlags()
/// The kind of context this descriptor describes.
constexpr ContextDescriptorKind getKind() const {
return ContextDescriptorKind(Value & 0x1Fu);
/// Whether the context being described is generic.
constexpr bool isGeneric() const {
return (Value & 0x80u) != 0;
/// Whether this is a unique record describing the referenced context.
constexpr bool isUnique() const {
return (Value & 0x40u) != 0;
/// The format version of the descriptor. Higher version numbers may have
/// additional fields that aren't present in older versions.
constexpr uint8_t getVersion() const {
return (Value >> 8u) & 0xFFu;
/// The most significant two bytes of the flags word, which can have
/// kind-specific meaning.
constexpr uint16_t getKindSpecificFlags() const {
return (Value >> 16u) & 0xFFFFu;
constexpr ContextDescriptorFlags withKind(ContextDescriptorKind kind) const {
return assert((uint8_t(kind) & 0x1F) == uint8_t(kind)),
ContextDescriptorFlags((Value & 0xFFFFFFE0u) | uint8_t(kind));
constexpr ContextDescriptorFlags withGeneric(bool isGeneric) const {
return ContextDescriptorFlags((Value & 0xFFFFFF7Fu)
| (isGeneric ? 0x80u : 0));
constexpr ContextDescriptorFlags withUnique(bool isUnique) const {
return ContextDescriptorFlags((Value & 0xFFFFFFBFu)
| (isUnique ? 0x40u : 0));
constexpr ContextDescriptorFlags withVersion(uint8_t version) const {
return ContextDescriptorFlags((Value & 0xFFFF00FFu) | (version << 8u));
constexpr ContextDescriptorFlags
withKindSpecificFlags(uint16_t flags) const {
return ContextDescriptorFlags((Value & 0xFFFFu) | (flags << 16u));
constexpr uint32_t getIntValue() const {
return Value;
/// Flags for nominal type context descriptors. These values are used as the
/// kindSpecificFlags of the ContextDescriptorFlags for the type.
class TypeContextDescriptorFlags : public FlagSet<uint16_t> {
enum {
// All of these values are bit offsets or widths.
// Generic flags build upwards from 0.
// Type-specific flags build downwards from 15.
/// Whether there's something unusual about how the metadata is
/// initialized.
/// Meaningful for all type-descriptor kinds.
MetadataInitialization = 0,
MetadataInitialization_width = 2,
/// Set if the type has extended import information.
/// If true, a sequence of strings follow the null terminator in the
/// descriptor, terminated by an empty string (i.e. by two null
/// terminators in a row). See TypeImportInfo for the details of
/// these strings and the order in which they appear.
/// Meaningful for all type-descriptor kinds.
HasImportInfo = 2,
/// Set if the type descriptor has a pointer to a list of canonical
/// prespecializations.
HasCanonicalMetadataPrespecializations = 3,
// Type-specific flags:
/// The kind of reference that this class makes to its resilient superclass
/// descriptor. A TypeReferenceKind.
/// Only meaningful for class descriptors.
Class_ResilientSuperclassReferenceKind = 9,
Class_ResilientSuperclassReferenceKind_width = 3,
/// Whether the immediate class members in this metadata are allocated
/// at negative offsets. For now, we don't use this.
Class_AreImmediateMembersNegative = 12,
/// Set if the context descriptor is for a class with resilient ancestry.
/// Only meaningful for class descriptors.
Class_HasResilientSuperclass = 13,
/// Set if the context descriptor includes metadata for dynamically
/// installing method overrides at metadata instantiation time.
Class_HasOverrideTable = 14,
/// Set if the context descriptor includes metadata for dynamically
/// constructing a class's vtables at metadata instantiation time.
/// Only meaningful for class descriptors.
Class_HasVTable = 15,
explicit TypeContextDescriptorFlags(uint16_t bits) : FlagSet(bits) {}
constexpr TypeContextDescriptorFlags() {}
enum MetadataInitializationKind {
/// There are either no special rules for initializing the metadata
/// or the metadata is generic. (Genericity is set in the
/// non-kind-specific descriptor flags.)
NoMetadataInitialization = 0,
/// The type requires non-trivial singleton initialization using the
/// "in-place" code pattern.
SingletonMetadataInitialization = 1,
/// The type requires non-trivial singleton initialization using the
/// "foreign" code pattern.
ForeignMetadataInitialization = 2,
// We only have two bits here, so if you add a third special kind,
// include more flag bits in its out-of-line storage.
bool hasSingletonMetadataInitialization() const {
return getMetadataInitialization() == SingletonMetadataInitialization;
bool hasForeignMetadataInitialization() const {
return getMetadataInitialization() == ForeignMetadataInitialization;
FLAGSET_DEFINE_FLAG_ACCESSORS(HasImportInfo, hasImportInfo, setHasImportInfo)
FLAGSET_DEFINE_FLAG_ACCESSORS(HasCanonicalMetadataPrespecializations, hasCanonicalMetadataPrespecializations, setHasCanonicalMetadataPrespecializations)
/// Extra flags for resilient classes, since we need more than 16 bits of
/// flags there.
class ExtraClassDescriptorFlags : public FlagSet<uint32_t> {
enum {
/// Set if the context descriptor includes a pointer to an Objective-C
/// resilient class stub structure. See the description of
/// TargetObjCResilientClassStubInfo in Metadata.h for details.
/// Only meaningful for class descriptors when Objective-C interop is
/// enabled.
HasObjCResilientClassStub = 0,
explicit ExtraClassDescriptorFlags(uint32_t bits) : FlagSet(bits) {}
constexpr ExtraClassDescriptorFlags() {}
/// Flags for protocol context descriptors. These values are used as the
/// kindSpecificFlags of the ContextDescriptorFlags for the protocol.
class ProtocolContextDescriptorFlags : public FlagSet<uint16_t> {
enum {
/// Whether this protocol is class-constrained.
HasClassConstraint = 0,
HasClassConstraint_width = 1,
/// Whether this protocol is resilient.
IsResilient = 1,
/// Special protocol value.
SpecialProtocolKind = 2,
SpecialProtocolKind_width = 6,
explicit ProtocolContextDescriptorFlags(uint16_t bits) : FlagSet(bits) {}
constexpr ProtocolContextDescriptorFlags() {}
FLAGSET_DEFINE_FLAG_ACCESSORS(IsResilient, isResilient, setIsResilient)
/// Flags for anonymous type context descriptors. These values are used as the
/// kindSpecificFlags of the ContextDescriptorFlags for the anonymous context.
class AnonymousContextDescriptorFlags : public FlagSet<uint16_t> {
enum {
/// Whether this anonymous context descriptor is followed by its
/// mangled name, which can be used to match the descriptor at runtime.
HasMangledName = 0,
explicit AnonymousContextDescriptorFlags(uint16_t bits) : FlagSet(bits) {}
constexpr AnonymousContextDescriptorFlags() {}
enum class GenericParamKind : uint8_t {
/// A type parameter.
Type = 0,
Max = 0x3F,
class GenericParamDescriptor {
uint8_t Value;
explicit constexpr GenericParamDescriptor(uint8_t Value)
: Value(Value) {}
constexpr GenericParamDescriptor(GenericParamKind kind,
bool hasKeyArgument,
bool hasExtraArgument)
: GenericParamDescriptor(GenericParamDescriptor(0)
constexpr bool hasKeyArgument() const {
return (Value & 0x80u) != 0;
constexpr bool hasExtraArgument() const {
return (Value & 0x40u) != 0;
constexpr GenericParamKind getKind() const {
return GenericParamKind(Value & 0x3Fu);
constexpr GenericParamDescriptor
withKeyArgument(bool hasKeyArgument) const {
return GenericParamDescriptor((Value & 0x7Fu)
| (hasKeyArgument ? 0x80u : 0));
constexpr GenericParamDescriptor
withExtraArgument(bool hasExtraArgument) const {
return GenericParamDescriptor((Value & 0xBFu)
| (hasExtraArgument ? 0x40u : 0));
constexpr GenericParamDescriptor withKind(GenericParamKind kind) const {
return assert((uint8_t(kind) & 0x3Fu) == uint8_t(kind)),
GenericParamDescriptor((Value & 0xC0u) | uint8_t(kind));
constexpr uint8_t getIntValue() const {
return Value;
enum class GenericRequirementKind : uint8_t {
/// A protocol requirement.
Protocol = 0,
/// A same-type requirement.
SameType = 1,
/// A base class requirement.
BaseClass = 2,
/// A "same-conformance" requirement, implied by a same-type or base-class
/// constraint that binds a parameter with protocol requirements.
SameConformance = 3,
/// A layout constraint.
Layout = 0x1F,
class GenericRequirementFlags {
uint32_t Value;
explicit constexpr GenericRequirementFlags(uint32_t Value)
: Value(Value) {}
constexpr GenericRequirementFlags(GenericRequirementKind kind,
bool hasKeyArgument,
bool hasExtraArgument)
: GenericRequirementFlags(GenericRequirementFlags(0)
constexpr bool hasKeyArgument() const {
return (Value & 0x80u) != 0;
constexpr bool hasExtraArgument() const {
return (Value & 0x40u) != 0;
constexpr GenericRequirementKind getKind() const {
return GenericRequirementKind(Value & 0x1Fu);
constexpr GenericRequirementFlags
withKeyArgument(bool hasKeyArgument) const {
return GenericRequirementFlags((Value & 0x7Fu)
| (hasKeyArgument ? 0x80u : 0));
constexpr GenericRequirementFlags
withExtraArgument(bool hasExtraArgument) const {
return GenericRequirementFlags((Value & 0xBFu)
| (hasExtraArgument ? 0x40u : 0));
constexpr GenericRequirementFlags
withKind(GenericRequirementKind kind) const {
return assert((uint8_t(kind) & 0x1Fu) == uint8_t(kind)),
GenericRequirementFlags((Value & 0xE0u) | uint8_t(kind));
constexpr uint32_t getIntValue() const {
return Value;
enum class GenericRequirementLayoutKind : uint32_t {
// A class constraint.
Class = 0,
class GenericEnvironmentFlags {
uint32_t Value;
enum : uint32_t {
NumGenericParameterLevelsMask = 0xFFF,
NumGenericRequirementsShift = 12,
NumGenericRequirementsMask = 0xFFFF << NumGenericRequirementsShift,
constexpr explicit GenericEnvironmentFlags(uint32_t value) : Value(value) { }
constexpr GenericEnvironmentFlags() : Value(0) { }
constexpr GenericEnvironmentFlags
withNumGenericParameterLevels(uint16_t numGenericParameterLevels) const {
return GenericEnvironmentFlags((Value &~ NumGenericParameterLevelsMask)
| numGenericParameterLevels);
constexpr GenericEnvironmentFlags
withNumGenericRequirements(uint16_t numGenericRequirements) const {
return GenericEnvironmentFlags((Value &~ NumGenericRequirementsMask)
| (numGenericRequirements << NumGenericRequirementsShift));
constexpr unsigned getNumGenericParameterLevels() const {
return Value & NumGenericParameterLevelsMask;
constexpr unsigned getNumGenericRequirements() const {
return (Value & NumGenericRequirementsMask) >> NumGenericRequirementsShift;
constexpr uint32_t getIntValue() const {
return Value;
/// Flags used by generic metadata patterns.
class GenericMetadataPatternFlags : public FlagSet<uint32_t> {
enum {
// All of these values are bit offsets or widths.
// General flags build up from 0.
// Kind-specific flags build down from 31.
/// Does this pattern have an extra-data pattern?
HasExtraDataPattern = 0,
/// Do instances of this pattern have a bitset of flags that occur at the
/// end of the metadata, after the extra data if there is any?
HasTrailingFlags = 1,
// Class-specific flags.
/// Does this pattern have an immediate-members pattern?
Class_HasImmediateMembersPattern = 31,
// Value-specific flags.
/// For value metadata: the metadata kind of the type.
Value_MetadataKind = 21,
Value_MetadataKind_width = 11,
explicit GenericMetadataPatternFlags(uint32_t bits) : FlagSet(bits) {}
constexpr GenericMetadataPatternFlags() {}
/// The public state of a metadata.
enum class MetadataState : size_t {
// The values of this enum are set up to give us some future flexibility
// in adding states. The compiler emits unsigned comparisons against
// these values, so adding states that aren't totally ordered with at
// least the existing values will pose a problem; but we also use a
// gradually-shrinking bitset in case it's useful to track states as
// separate capabilities. Specific values have been chosen so that a
// MetadataRequest of 0 represents a blocking complete request, which
// is the most likely request from ordinary code. The total size of a
// state is kept to 8 bits so that a full request, even with additional
// flags, can be materialized as a single immediate on common ISAs, and
// so that the state can be extracted with a byte truncation.
// The spacing between states reflects guesswork about where new
// states/capabilities are most likely to be added.
/// The metadata is fully complete. By definition, this is the
/// end-state of all metadata. Generally, metadata is expected to be
/// complete before it can be passed to arbitrary code, e.g. as
/// a generic argument to a function or as a metatype value.
/// In addition to the requirements of NonTransitiveComplete, certain
/// transitive completeness guarantees must hold. Most importantly,
/// complete nominal type metadata transitively guarantee the completion
/// of their stored generic type arguments and superclass metadata.
Complete = 0x00,
/// The metadata is fully complete except for any transitive completeness
/// guarantees.
/// In addition to the requirements of LayoutComplete, metadata in this
/// state must be prepared for all basic type operations. This includes:
/// - any sort of internal layout necessary to allocate and work
/// with concrete values of the type, such as the instance layout
/// of a class;
/// - any sort of external dynamic registration that might be required
/// for the type, such as the realization of a class by the Objective-C
/// runtime; and
/// - the initialization of any other information kept in the metadata
/// object, such as a class's v-table.
NonTransitiveComplete = 0x01,
/// The metadata is ready for the layout of other types that store values
/// of this type.
/// In addition to the requirements of Abstract, metadata in this state
/// must have a valid value witness table, meaning that its size,
/// alignment, and basic type properties (such as POD-ness) have been
/// computed.
LayoutComplete = 0x3F,
/// The metadata has its basic identity established. It is possible to
/// determine what formal type it corresponds to. Among other things, it
/// is possible to use the runtime mangling facilities with the type.
/// For example, a metadata for a generic struct has a metadata kind,
/// a type descriptor, and all of its type arguments. However, it does not
/// necessarily have a meaningful value-witness table.
/// References to other types that are not part of the type's basic identity
/// may not yet have been established. Most crucially, this includes the
/// superclass pointer.
Abstract = 0xFF,
/// Something that can be static_asserted in all the places where we do
/// comparisons on metadata states.
constexpr const bool MetadataStateIsReverseOrdered = true;
/// Return true if the first metadata state is at least as advanced as the
/// second.
inline bool isAtLeast(MetadataState lhs, MetadataState rhs) {
"relying on the ordering of MetadataState here");
return size_t(lhs) <= size_t(rhs);
/// Kinds of requests for metadata.
class MetadataRequest : public FlagSet<size_t> {
using IntType = size_t;
using super = FlagSet<IntType>;
enum : IntType {
State_bit = 0,
State_width = 8,
/// A blocking request will not return until the runtime is able to produce
/// metadata with the given kind. A non-blocking request will return
/// "immediately", producing an abstract metadata and a flag saying that
/// the operation failed.
/// An abstract request will never be non-zero.
NonBlocking_bit = 8,
MetadataRequest(MetadataState state, bool isNonBlocking = false) {
explicit MetadataRequest(IntType bits) : super(bits) {}
constexpr MetadataRequest() {}
bool isBlocking() const { return !isNonBlocking(); }
/// Is this request satisfied by a metadata that's in the given state?
bool isSatisfiedBy(MetadataState state) const {
return isAtLeast(state, getState());
struct MetadataTrailingFlags : public FlagSet<uint64_t> {
enum {
/// Whether this metadata is a specialization of a generic metadata pattern
/// which was created during compilation.
IsStaticSpecialization = 0,
/// Whether this metadata is a specialization of a generic metadata pattern
/// which was created during compilation and made to be canonical by
/// modifying the metadata accessor.
IsCanonicalStaticSpecialization = 1,
explicit MetadataTrailingFlags(uint64_t bits) : FlagSet(bits) {}
constexpr MetadataTrailingFlags() {}
/// Flags for Builtin.IntegerLiteral values.
class IntegerLiteralFlags {
enum : size_t {
IsNegativeFlag = 0x1,
// Save some space for other flags.
BitWidthShift = 8,
size_t Data;
explicit IntegerLiteralFlags(size_t data) : Data(data) {}
constexpr IntegerLiteralFlags(size_t bitWidth, bool isNegative)
: Data((bitWidth << BitWidthShift)
| (isNegative ? IsNegativeFlag : 0)) {}
/// Return true if the value is negative.
bool isNegative() const { return Data & IsNegativeFlag; }
/// Return the minimum number of bits necessary to store the value in
/// two's complement, including a leading sign bit.
unsigned getBitWidth() const { return Data >> BitWidthShift; }
size_t getOpaqueValue() const { return Data; }
static IntegerLiteralFlags getFromOpaqueValue(size_t value) {
return IntegerLiteralFlags(value);
/// Kinds of schedulable job.s
enum class JobKind : size_t {
// There are 256 possible job kinds.
/// An AsyncTask.
Task = 0,
/// Job kinds >= 192 are private to the implementation.
First_Reserved = 192,
DefaultActorInline = First_Reserved,
/// The priority of a job. Higher priorities are larger values.
enum class JobPriority : size_t {
// This is modelled off of Dispatch.QoS, and the values are directly
// stolen from there.
UserInteractive = 0x21,
UserInitiated = 0x19,
Default = 0x15,
Utility = 0x11,
Background = 0x09,
Unspecified = 0x00,
/// Flags for schedulable jobs.
class JobFlags : public FlagSet<size_t> {
enum {
Kind = 0,
Kind_width = 8,
Priority = 8,
Priority_width = 8,
// 8 bits reserved for more generic job flags.
// Kind-specific flags.
Task_IsChildTask = 24,
Task_IsFuture = 25,
Task_IsTaskGroup = 26,
explicit JobFlags(size_t bits) : FlagSet(bits) {}
JobFlags(JobKind kind) { setKind(kind); }
JobFlags(JobKind kind, JobPriority priority) {
constexpr JobFlags() {}
getKind, setKind)
FLAGSET_DEFINE_FIELD_ACCESSORS(Priority, Priority_width, JobPriority,
getPriority, setPriority)
bool isAsyncTask() const {
return getKind() == JobKind::Task;
/// Kinds of task status record.
enum class TaskStatusRecordKind : uint8_t {
/// A DeadlineStatusRecord, which represents an active deadline.
Deadline = 0,
/// A ChildTaskStatusRecord, which represents the potential for
/// active child tasks.
ChildTask = 1,
/// A CancellationNotificationStatusRecord, which represents the
/// need to call a custom function when the task is cancelled.
CancellationNotification = 2,
/// An EscalationNotificationStatusRecord, which represents the
/// need to call a custom function when the task's priority is
/// escalated.
EscalationNotification = 3,
// Kinds >= 192 are private to the implementation.
First_Reserved = 192,
Private_RecordLock = 192
/// Flags for cancellation records.
class TaskStatusRecordFlags : public FlagSet<size_t> {
enum {
Kind = 0,
Kind_width = 8,
explicit TaskStatusRecordFlags(size_t bits) : FlagSet(bits) {}
constexpr TaskStatusRecordFlags() {}
TaskStatusRecordFlags(TaskStatusRecordKind kind) {
FLAGSET_DEFINE_FIELD_ACCESSORS(Kind, Kind_width, TaskStatusRecordKind,
getKind, setKind)
/// Kinds of async context.
enum class AsyncContextKind {
/// An ordinary asynchronous function.
Ordinary = 0,
/// A context which can yield to its caller.
Yielding = 1,
// Other kinds are reserved for interesting special
// intermediate contexts.
// Kinds >= 192 are private to the implementation.
First_Reserved = 192
/// Flags for async contexts.
class AsyncContextFlags : public FlagSet<uint32_t> {
enum {
Kind = 0,
Kind_width = 8,
CanThrow = 8,
ShouldNotDeallocate = 9
explicit AsyncContextFlags(uint32_t bits) : FlagSet(bits) {}
constexpr AsyncContextFlags() {}
AsyncContextFlags(AsyncContextKind kind) {
/// The kind of context this represents.
FLAGSET_DEFINE_FIELD_ACCESSORS(Kind, Kind_width, AsyncContextKind,
getKind, setKind)
/// Whether this context is permitted to throw.
FLAGSET_DEFINE_FLAG_ACCESSORS(CanThrow, canThrow, setCanThrow)
/// Whether a function should avoid deallocating its context before
/// returning. It should still pass its caller's context to its
/// return continuation.
/// This flag can be set in the caller to optimize context allocation,
/// e.g. if the callee's context size is known statically and simply
/// allocated as part of the caller's context, or if the callee will
/// be called multiple times.
} // end namespace swift