blob: f86fc9e80213cdedc6ea042d8cbe34dbe9c163d1 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-parse-verify-swift
/* block comments */
/* /* nested too */ */
func markUsed<T>(t: T) {}
func f1(a: Int, _ y: Int) {}
func f2() {}
func f3() -> Int {}
func invalid_semi() {
; // expected-error {{';' statements are not allowed}} {{3-5=}}
func nested1(x: Int) {
var y : Int
func nested2(z: Int) -> Int {
return x+y+z
func funcdecl5(a: Int, y: Int) {
var x : Int
// a few statements
if (x != 0) {
if (x != 0 || f3() != 0) {
// while with and without a space after it.
while(true) { 4; 2; 1 }
while (true) { 4; 2; 1 }
// Assignment statement.
x = y
(x) = y
1 = x // expected-error {{cannot assign to a literal value}}
(1) = x // expected-error {{cannot assign to a literal value}}
(x:1).x = 1 // expected-error {{cannot assign to immutable expression of type 'Int'}}
var tup : (x:Int, y:Int)
tup.x = 1
_ = tup
let B : Bool
// if/then/else.
if (B) {
} else if (y == 2) {
// FIXME: This diagnostic is terrible - rdar://12939553
if x {} // expected-error {{type 'Int' does not conform to protocol 'BooleanType'}}
if true {
if (B) {
} else {
if (B) {
} else {
if (B) {
if (B) {
} else {
} else {
// while statement.
while (B) {
// It's okay to leave out the spaces in these.
while(B) {}
if(B) {}
struct infloopbool {
var boolValue: infloopbool {
return self
func infloopbooltest() {
if (infloopbool()) {} // expected-error {{type 'infloopbool' does not conform to protocol 'BooleanType'}}
// test "builder" API style
extension Int {
static func builder() -> Int { }
var builderProp: Int { return 0 }
func builder2() {}
struct SomeGeneric<T> {
static func builder() -> SomeGeneric<T> { }
var builderProp: SomeGeneric<T> { return .builder() }
func builder2() {}
func for_loop() {
var x = 0
for ;; { } // expected-warning {{C-style for statement is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Swift}}
for x = 1; x != 42; ++x { } // expected-warning {{C-style for statement is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Swift}}
for infloopbooltest(); x != 12; infloopbooltest() {} // expected-warning {{C-style for statement is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Swift}}
for ; { } // expected-error {{expected ';' in 'for' statement}}
for var y = 1; y != 42; ++y {} // expected-warning {{C-style for statement is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Swift}}
for (var y = 1; y != 42; ++y) {} // expected-warning {{C-style for statement is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Swift}}
var z = 10
for (; z != 0; --z) {} // expected-warning {{C-style for statement is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Swift}}
for (z = 10; z != 0; --z) {} // expected-warning {{C-style for statement is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Swift}}
for var (a,b) = (0,12); a != b; --b {++a} // expected-warning {{C-style for statement is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Swift}}
for (var (a,b) = (0,12); a != b; --b) {++a} // expected-warning {{C-style for statement is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Swift}}
var j, k : Int
for ((j,k) = (0,10); j != k; --k) {} // expected-warning {{C-style for statement is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Swift}}
for var i = 0, j = 0; i * j < 10; i++, j++ {} // expected-warning {{C-style for statement is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Swift}}
for j = 0, k = 52; j < k; ++j, --k { } // expected-warning {{C-style for statement is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Swift}}
// rdar://19540536
// expected-error@+4{{expected var declaration in a 'for' statement}}
// expected-error@+3{{expression resolves to an unused function}}
// expected-error@+2{{expected an attribute name}}
// expected-error@+1{{braced block of statements is an unused closure}}
for @ {}
// <rdar://problem/17462274> Is increment in for loop optional?
for (let i = 0; i < 10; ) {} // expected-warning {{C-style for statement is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Swift}}
break // expected-error {{'break' is only allowed inside a loop, if, do, or switch}}
continue // expected-error {{'continue' is only allowed inside a loop}}
while true {
func f() {
break // expected-error {{'break' is only allowed inside a loop}}
continue // expected-error {{'continue' is only allowed inside a loop}}
// Labeled if
MyIf: if 1 != 2 {
break MyIf
continue MyIf // expected-error {{'continue' cannot be used with if statements}}
break // break the while
continue // continue the while.
// Labeled if
MyOtherIf: if 1 != 2 {
break MyOtherIf
continue MyOtherIf // expected-error {{'continue' cannot be used with if statements}}
break // expected-error {{unlabeled 'break' is only allowed inside a loop or switch, a labeled break is required to exit an if}}
continue // expected-error {{'continue' is only allowed inside a loop}}
do {
break // expected-error {{unlabeled 'break' is only allowed inside a loop or switch, a labeled break is required to exit an if or do}}
func tuple_assign() {
var a,b,c,d : Int
(a,b) = (1,2)
func f() -> (Int,Int) { return (1,2) }
((a,b), (c,d)) = (f(), f())
func missing_semicolons() {
var w = 321
func g() {}
g() ++w // expected-error{{consecutive statements}} {{6-6=;}}
var z = w"hello" // expected-error{{consecutive statements}} {{12-12=;}}
class C {}class C2 {} // expected-error{{consecutive statements}} {{14-14=;}}
struct S {}struct S2 {} // expected-error{{consecutive statements}} {{14-14=;}}
func j() {}func k() {} // expected-error{{consecutive statements}} {{14-14=;}}
//===--- Return statement.
return 42 // expected-error {{return invalid outside of a func}}
return // expected-error {{return invalid outside of a func}}
func NonVoidReturn1() -> Int {
return // expected-error {{non-void function should return a value}}
func NonVoidReturn2() -> Int {
return + // expected-error {{unary operator cannot be separated from its operand}} {{11-1=}} expected-error {{expected expression in 'return' statement}}
func VoidReturn1() {
if true { return }
// Semicolon should be accepted -- rdar://11344875
return; // no-error
func VoidReturn2() {
return () // no-error
func VoidReturn3() {
return VoidReturn2() // no-error
//===--- If statement.
func IfStmt1() {
if 1 > 0 // expected-error {{expected '{' after 'if' condition}}
_ = 42
func IfStmt2() {
if 1 > 0 {
} else // expected-error {{expected '{' after 'else'}}
_ = 42
//===--- While statement.
func WhileStmt1() {
while 1 > 0 // expected-error {{expected '{' after 'while' condition}}
_ = 42
//===-- Do statement.
func DoStmt() {
// This is just a 'do' statement now.
do {
func DoWhileStmt() {
do { // expected-error {{'do-while' statement is not allowed; use 'repeat-while' instead}} {{3-5=repeat}}
} while true
//===--- Repeat-while statement.
func RepeatWhileStmt1() {
repeat {} while true
repeat {} while false
repeat { break } while true
repeat { continue } while true
func RepeatWhileStmt2() {
repeat // expected-error {{expected '{' after 'repeat'}}
func RepeatWhileStmt4() {
repeat {
} while + // expected-error {{unary operator cannot be separated from its operand}} {{12-1=}} expected-error {{expected expression in 'repeat-while' condition}}
func brokenSwitch(x: Int) -> Int {
switch x {
case .Blah(let rep): // expected-error{{enum case 'Blah' not found in type 'Int'}}
return rep
func breakContinue(x : Int) -> Int {
for _ in 0...1000 {
switch x {
case 42: break Outer
case 97: continue Outer
case 102: break Switch
case 13: continue
case 139: break // <rdar://problem/16563853> 'break' should be able to break out of switch statements
// <rdar://problem/16692437> shadowing loop labels should be an error
Loop: // expected-note {{previously declared here}}
for _ in 0...2 {
Loop: // expected-error {{label 'Loop' cannot be reused on an inner statement}}
for _ in 0...2 {
// <rdar://problem/16798323> Following a 'break' statement by another statement on a new line result in an error/fit-it
switch 5 {
case 5:
markUsed("before the break")
markUsed("after the break") // 'markUsed' is not a label for the break.
let x : Int? = 42
// <rdar://problem/16879701> Should be able to pattern match 'nil' against optionals
switch x {
case .Some(42): break
case nil: break
enum MyEnumWithCaseLabels {
case Case(one: String, two: Int)
func testMyEnumWithCaseLabels(a : MyEnumWithCaseLabels) {
// <rdar://problem/20135489> Enum case labels are ignored in "case let" statements
switch a {
case let .Case(one: _, two: x): break // ok
case let .Case(xxx: _, two: x): break // expected-error {{tuple pattern element label 'xxx' must be 'one'}}
// TODO: In principle, reordering like this could be supported.
case let .Case(two: _, one: x): break // expected-error {{tuple pattern element label}}
// "defer"
func test_defer(a : Int) {
defer { VoidReturn1() }
defer { breakContinue(1)+42 }
// Ok:
defer { while false { break } }
// Not ok.
while false { defer { break } } // expected-error {{'break' cannot transfer control out of a defer statement}}
defer { return } // expected-error {{'return' cannot transfer control out of a defer statement}}
class SomeTestClass {
var x = 42
func method() {
defer { x = 97 } // self. not required here!
func test_require(x : Int, y : Int??, cond : Bool) {
// These are all ok.
guard let a = y else {}
guard let b = y where cond else {}
guard case let c = x where cond else {}
guard case let Optional.Some(d) = y else {}
guard x != 4, case _ = x else { }
guard let e where cond else {} // expected-error {{variable binding in a condition requires an initializer}}
guard case let f? : Int? where cond else {} // expected-error {{variable binding in a condition requires an initializer}}
guard let g = y else {
markUsed(g) // expected-error {{variable declared in 'guard' condition is not usable in its body}}
guard let h = y where cond {} // expected-error {{expected 'else' after 'guard' condition}}
guard case _ = x else {} // expected-warning {{'guard' condition is always true, body is unreachable}}
func test_is_as_patterns() {
switch 4 {
case is Int: break // expected-warning {{'is' test is always true}}
case _ as Int: break // expected-warning {{'as' test is always true}}
case _: break
// <rdar://problem/21387308> Fuzzing SourceKit: crash in Parser::parseStmtForEach(...)
func matching_pattern_recursion() {
switch 42 {
case { // expected-error {{expression pattern of type '() -> ()' cannot match values of type 'Int'}}
for i in zs {
}: break
// <rdar://problem/18776073> Swift's break operator in switch should be indicated in errors
func r18776073(a : Int?) {
switch a {
case nil: // expected-error {{'case' label in a 'switch' should have at least one executable statement}} {{14-14= break}}
case _?: break
// <rdar://problem/22491782> unhelpful error message from "throw nil"
func testThrowNil() throws {
throw nil // expected-error {{cannot infer concrete ErrorType for thrown 'nil' value}}
// <rdar://problem/16650625>
func for_ignored_lvalue_init() {
var i = 0
for i; // expected-error {{expression resolves to an unused l-value}} expected-warning {{C-style for statement is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Swift}}
i < 10; ++i {}
// rdar://problem/18643692
func for_loop_multi_iter() {
for (var i = 0, x = 0; i < 10; i++, // expected-warning {{C-style for statement is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Swift}}
x) { // expected-error {{expression resolves to an unused l-value}}
x -= 1
// rdar://problem/23684220
// Even if the condition fails to typecheck, save it in the AST anyway; the old
// condition may have contained a SequenceExpr.
func r23684220(b: Any) {
if let _ = b ?? b {} // expected-error {{initializer for conditional binding must have Optional type, not 'Any' (aka 'protocol<>')}}
// Errors in case syntax
case, // expected-error {{expected identifier in enum 'case' declaration}} expected-error {{expected pattern}}
case // expected-error {{expected identifier after comma in enum 'case' declaration}} expected-error {{expected identifier in enum 'case' declaration}} expected-error {{enum 'case' is not allowed outside of an enum}} expected-error {{expected pattern}}
// NOTE: EOF is important here to properly test a code path that used to crash the parser