blob: b698c60766fc79191d52c0bc6941891f50094f9c [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: rm -rf %t && mkdir %t
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -emit-module-path %t/Other1.swiftmodule -module-name Other1 %S/Inputs/warn_unqualified_access_other.swift
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -emit-module-path %t/Other2.swiftmodule -module-name Other2 %S/Inputs/warn_unqualified_access_other.swift
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -I %t -parse %s -verify
import Other1
import Other2
@warn_unqualified_access // expected-error {{@warn_unqualified_access may only be used on 'func' declarations}} {{1-26=}}
var x: Int { return 0 }
@warn_unqualified_access // expected-error {{@warn_unqualified_access may only be used on 'func' declarations}} {{1-26=}}
struct X {}
@warn_unqualified_access // expected-error {{only methods can be declared @warn_unqualified_access}} {{1-26=}}
func topLevel() {
class Base {
func a() {} // expected-note * {{declared here}}
func toBeOverridden() {} // no-warning
extension Base {
func b() {} // expected-note * {{declared here}}
class Sub : Base {
func c() {} // expected-note * {{declared here}}
override func toBeOverridden() {}
func test() {
a() // expected-warning {{use of 'a' treated as a reference to instance method in class 'Base'}} expected-note{{use 'self.' to silence this warning}} {{5-5=self.}}
b() // expected-warning {{use of 'b' treated as a reference to instance method in class 'Base'}} expected-note{{use 'self.' to silence this warning}} {{5-5=self.}}
c() // expected-warning {{use of 'c' treated as a reference to instance method in class 'Sub'}} expected-note{{use 'self.' to silence this warning}} {{5-5=self.}}
toBeOverridden() // no-warning
func testWithoutCalling() {
_ = a // expected-warning {{use of 'a' treated as a reference to instance method in class 'Base'}} expected-note{{use 'self.' to silence this warning}} {{9-9=self.}}
_ = b // expected-warning {{use of 'b' treated as a reference to instance method in class 'Base'}} expected-note{{use 'self.' to silence this warning}} {{9-9=self.}}
_ = c // expected-warning {{use of 'c' treated as a reference to instance method in class 'Sub'}} expected-note{{use 'self.' to silence this warning}} {{9-9=self.}}
func test(sub: Sub) {
@warn_unqualified_access // expected-error {{only methods can be declared @warn_unqualified_access}} {{3-28=}}
func inner() {
class Recovery {
func topLevel() {} // expected-note * {{declared here}}
func overloaded(x: Float) {} // expected-note * {{declared here}}
func test() {
topLevel() // expected-warning {{use of 'topLevel' treated as a reference to instance method in class 'Recovery'}}
// expected-note@-1 {{use 'self.' to silence this warning}} {{5-5=self.}}
// expected-note@-2 {{use 'warn_unqualified_access.' to reference the global function}} {{5-5=warn_unqualified_access.}}
overloaded(5) // expected-warning {{use of 'overloaded' treated as a reference to instance method in class 'Recovery'}}
// expected-note@-1 {{use 'self.' to silence this warning}} {{5-5=self.}}
// expected-note@-2 {{use 'Other1.' to reference the global function in module 'Other1'}} {{5-5=Other1.}}
// expected-note@-3 {{use 'Other2.' to reference the global function in module 'Other2'}} {{5-5=Other2.}}