blob: 6e2dd13cacc532a8c5add5b1edb099e1ad8969e0 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-parse-verify-swift
@override // expected-error {{'override' can only be specified on class members}} {{1-11=}} expected-error {{'override' is a declaration modifier, not an attribute}} {{1-2=}}
func virtualAttributeCanNotBeUsedInSource() {}
class MixedKeywordsAndAttributes {
// expected-error@+1 {{expected declaration}} expected-error@+1 {{consecutive declarations on a line must be separated by ';'}} {{11-11=;}}
override @inline(never) func f1() {}
class DuplicateOverrideBase {
func f1() {}
class func cf1() {}
class func cf2() {}
class func cf3() {}
class func cf4() {}
class DuplicateOverrideDerived : DuplicateOverrideBase {
override override func f1() {} // expected-error {{duplicate modifier}} expected-note {{modifier already specified here}}
override override class func cf1() {} // expected-error {{duplicate modifier}} expected-note {{modifier already specified here}}
override class override func cf2() {} // expected-error {{duplicate modifier}} expected-note {{modifier already specified here}}
class override override func cf3() {} // expected-error {{duplicate modifier}} expected-note {{modifier already specified here}}
override class override func cf4() {} // expected-error {{duplicate modifier}} expected-note {{modifier already specified here}}
class A {
func f0() { }
func f1() { } // expected-note{{overridden declaration is here}}
var v1: Int { return 5 }
var v2: Int { return 5 } // expected-note{{overridden declaration is here}}
var v4: String { return "hello" }// expected-note{{attempt to override property here}}
var v5: A { return self }
var v6: A { return self }
var v7: A { // expected-note{{attempt to override property here}}
get { return self }
set { }
var v8: Int = 0 // expected-note {{attempt to override property here}}
var v9: Int { return 5 } // expected-note{{attempt to override property here}}
subscript (i: Int) -> String {
get {
return "hello"
set {
subscript (d: Double) -> String { // expected-note{{overridden declaration is here}}
get {
return "hello"
set {
subscript (i: Int8) -> A {
get { return self }
subscript (i: Int16) -> A { // expected-note{{attempt to override subscript here}}
get { return self }
set { }
func overriddenInExtension() {} // expected-note {{overridden declaration is here}}
class B : A {
override func f0() { }
func f1() { } // expected-error{{overriding declaration requires an 'override' keyword}}{{3-3=override }}
override func f2() { } // expected-error{{method does not override any method from its superclass}}
override var v1: Int { return 5 }
var v2: Int { return 5 } // expected-error{{overriding declaration requires an 'override' keyword}}
override var v3: Int { return 5 } // expected-error{{property does not override any property from its superclass}}
override var v4: Int { return 5 } // expected-error{{property 'v4' with type 'Int' cannot override a property with type 'String'}}
// Covariance
override var v5: B { return self }
override var v6: B {
get { return self }
set { }
override var v7: B { // expected-error{{cannot override mutable property 'v7' of type 'A' with covariant type 'B'}}
get { return self }
set { }
// Stored properties
override var v8: Int { return 5 } // expected-error {{cannot override mutable property with read-only property 'v8'}}
override var v9: Int // expected-error{{cannot override with a stored property 'v9'}}
override subscript (i: Int) -> String {
get {
return "hello"
set {
subscript (d: Double) -> String { // expected-error{{overriding declaration requires an 'override' keyword}} {{3-3=override }}
get {
return "hello"
set {
override subscript (f: Float) -> String { // expected-error{{subscript does not override any subscript from its superclass}}
get {
return "hello"
set {
// Covariant
override subscript (i: Int8) -> B {
get { return self }
override subscript (i: Int16) -> B { // expected-error{{cannot override mutable subscript of type '(Int16) -> B' with covariant type '(Int16) -> A'}}
get { return self }
set { }
override init() { }
override deinit { } // expected-error{{'override' modifier cannot be applied to this declaration}} {{3-12=}}
override typealias Inner = Int // expected-error{{'override' modifier cannot be applied to this declaration}} {{3-12=}}
extension B {
override func overriddenInExtension() {} // expected-error{{declarations in extensions cannot override yet}}
struct S {
override func f() { } // expected-error{{'override' can only be specified on class members}} {{3-12=}}
extension S {
override func ef() {} // expected-error{{method does not override any method from its superclass}}
enum E {
override func f() { } // expected-error{{'override' can only be specified on class members}} {{3-12=}}
protocol P {
override func f() // expected-error{{'override' can only be specified on class members}} {{3-12=}}
override func f() { } // expected-error{{'override' can only be specified on class members}} {{1-10=}}
// Invalid 'override' on declarations inside closures.
var rdar16654075a = {
override func foo() {} // expected-error{{'override' can only be specified on class members}} {{3-12=}}
var rdar16654075b = {
class A {
override func foo() {} // expected-error{{method does not override any method from its superclass}}
var rdar16654075c = { () -> () in
override func foo() {} // expected-error {{'override' can only be specified on class members}} {{3-12=}}
var rdar16654075d = { () -> () in
class A {
override func foo() {} // expected-error {{method does not override any method from its superclass}}
var rdar16654075e = { () -> () in
class A {
func foo() {}
class B : A {
override func foo() {}
class C {
init(string: String) { } // expected-note{{overridden declaration is here}}
required init(double: Double) { } // expected-note 3{{overridden required initializer is here}}
convenience init() { self.init(string: "hello") } // expected-note{{attempt to override convenience initializer here}}
class D1 : C {
override init(string: String) { super.init(string: string) }
required init(double: Double) { }
convenience init() { self.init(string: "hello") }
class D2 : C {
init(string: String) { super.init(string: string) } // expected-error{{overriding declaration requires an 'override' keyword}}{{3-3=override }}
// FIXME: Would like to remove the space after 'override' as well.
required override init(double: Double) { } // expected-warning{{'override' is implied when overriding a required initializer}} {{12-21=}}
override convenience init() { self.init(string: "hello") } // expected-error{{initializer does not override a designated initializer from its superclass}}
class D3 : C {
override init(string: String) { super.init(string: string) }
override init(double: Double) { } // expected-error{{use the 'required' modifier to override a required initializer}}{{3-11=required}}
class D4 : C {
// "required override" only when we're overriding a non-required
// designated initializer with a required initializer.
required override init(string: String) { super.init(string: string) }
required init(double: Double) { }
class D5 : C {
// "required override" only when we're overriding a non-required
// designated initializer with a required initializer.
required convenience override init(string: String) { self.init(double: 5.0) }
required init(double: Double) { }
class D6 : C {
init(double: Double) { } // expected-error{{'required' modifier must be present on all overrides of a required initializer}} {{3-3=required }}
// rdar://problem/18232867
class C_empty_tuple {
init() { }
class D_empty_tuple : C_empty_tuple {
override init(foo:()) { } // expected-error{{initializer does not override a designated initializer from its superclass}}
class C_with_let {
let x = 42 // expected-note {{attempt to override property here}}
class D_with_let : C_with_let {
override var x : Int { get { return 4 } set {} } // expected-error {{cannot override immutable 'let' property 'x' with the getter of a 'var'}}