blob: 0931800ce430ef490ab9ed641f6f6c247574ec6e [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-parse-verify-swift
// Types in expression contexts must be followed by a member access or
// constructor call.
struct Foo {
struct Bar {
init() {}
static var prop: Int = 0
static func meth() {}
func instMeth() {}
init() {}
static var prop: Int = 0
static func meth() {}
func instMeth() {}
protocol Zim {
typealias Zang
// TODO class var prop: Int { get }
static func meth() {} // expected-error{{protocol methods may not have bodies}}
func instMeth() {} // expected-error{{protocol methods may not have bodies}}
protocol Bad {
init() {} // expected-error{{protocol initializers may not have bodies}}
struct Gen<T> {
struct Bar { // expected-error{{nested in generic type}}
init() {}
static var prop: Int { return 0 }
static func meth() {}
func instMeth() {}
init() {}
static var prop: Int { return 0 }
static func meth() {}
func instMeth() {}
func unqualifiedType() {
_ = Foo.self
_ = Foo.self
_ = Foo()
_ = Foo.prop
_ = Foo.meth
let _ : () = Foo.meth()
_ = Foo.instMeth
_ = Foo // expected-error{{expected member name or constructor call after type name}} expected-note{{add arguments}} {{10-10=()}} expected-note{{use '.self'}} {{10-10=.self}}
_ = Foo.dynamicType // expected-error{{'.dynamicType' is not allowed after a type name}} {{11-22=self}}
_ = Bad // expected-error{{expected member name or constructor call after type name}}
// expected-note@-1{{use '.self' to reference the type object}}{{10-10=.self}}
func qualifiedType() {
_ = Foo.Bar.self
let _ : Foo.Bar.Type = Foo.Bar.self
let _ : Foo.Protocol = Foo.self // expected-error{{cannot use 'Protocol' with non-protocol type 'Foo'}}
_ = Foo.Bar()
_ = Foo.Bar.prop
_ = Foo.Bar.meth
let _ : () = Foo.Bar.meth()
_ = Foo.Bar.instMeth
_ = Foo.Bar // expected-error{{expected member name or constructor call after type name}} expected-note{{add arguments}} {{14-14=()}} expected-note{{use '.self'}} {{14-14=.self}}
_ = Foo.Bar.dynamicType // expected-error{{'.dynamicType' is not allowed after a type name}} {{15-26=self}}
/* TODO allow '.Type' in expr context
func metaType() {
let ty = Foo.Type.self
let metaTy = Foo.Type.self
let badTy = Foo.Type
let badMetaTy = Foo.Type.dynamicType
func genType() {
_ = Gen<Foo>.self
_ = Gen<Foo>()
_ = Gen<Foo>.prop
_ = Gen<Foo>.meth
let _ : () = Gen<Foo>.meth()
_ = Gen<Foo>.instMeth
// Misparses because generic parameter disambiguation rejects '>' not
// followed by '.' or '('
_ = Gen<Foo> // expected-error{{not a postfix unary operator}}
_ = Gen<Foo>.dynamicType // expected-error{{'.dynamicType' is not allowed after a type name}} {{16-27=self}}
func genQualifiedType() {
_ = Gen<Foo>.Bar.self
_ = Gen<Foo>.Bar()
_ = Gen<Foo>.Bar.prop
_ = Gen<Foo>.Bar.meth
let _ : () = Gen<Foo>.Bar.meth()
_ = Gen<Foo>.Bar.instMeth
_ = Gen<Foo>.Bar // expected-error{{expected member name or constructor call after type name}} expected-note{{add arguments}} {{19-19=()}} expected-note{{use '.self'}} {{19-19=.self}}
_ = Gen<Foo>.Bar.dynamicType // expected-error{{'.dynamicType' is not allowed after a type name}} {{20-31=self}}
func archetype<T: Zim>(_: T) {
_ = T.self
_ = T()
// TODO let prop = T.prop
_ = T.meth
let _ : () = T.meth()
_ = T // expected-error{{expected member name or constructor call after type name}} expected-note{{add arguments}} {{8-8=()}} expected-note{{use '.self'}} {{8-8=.self}}
_ = T.dynamicType // expected-error{{'.dynamicType' is not allowed after a type name}} {{9-20=self}}
func assocType<T: Zim where T.Zang: Zim>(_: T) {
_ = T.Zang.self
_ = T.Zang()
// TODO _ = T.Zang.prop
_ = T.Zang.meth
let _ : () = T.Zang.meth()
_ = T.Zang // expected-error{{expected member name or constructor call after type name}} expected-note{{add arguments}} {{13-13=()}} expected-note{{use '.self'}} {{13-13=.self}}
_ = T.Zang.dynamicType // expected-error{{'.dynamicType' is not allowed after a type name}} {{14-25=self}}
class B {
class func baseMethod() {}
class D: B {
class func derivedMethod() {}
func derivedType() {
let _: B.Type = D.self
_ = D.baseMethod
let _ : () = D.baseMethod()
let _: D.Type = D.self
_ = D.derivedMethod
let _ : () = D.derivedMethod()
let _: B.Type = D // expected-error{{expected member name or constructor call after type name}} expected-note{{add arguments}} {{20-20=()}} expected-note{{use '.self'}} {{20-20=.self}}
let _: D.Type = D // expected-error{{expected member name or constructor call after type name}} expected-note{{add arguments}} {{20-20=()}} expected-note{{use '.self'}} {{20-20=.self}}
let _: D.Type.Type = D.dynamicType // expected-error{{'.dynamicType' is not allowed after a type name}} {{26-37=self}}
// Referencing a nonexistent member or constructor should not trigger errors
// about the type expression.
func nonexistentMember() {
let cons = Foo("this constructor does not exist") // expected-error{{argument passed to call that takes no arguments}}
let prop = Foo.nonexistent // expected-error{{type 'Foo' has no member 'nonexistent'}}
let meth = Foo.nonexistent() // expected-error{{type 'Foo' has no member 'nonexistent'}}
protocol P {}
func meta_metatypes() {
let _: P.Protocol = P.self
_ = P.Type.self
_ = P.Protocol.self
_ = P.Protocol.Protocol.self // expected-error{{cannot use 'Protocol' with non-protocol type 'P.Protocol'}}
_ = P.Protocol.Type.self
_ = B.Type.self