blob: 425d6527b94a3255417d46cf6787a06bdb561af3 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-parse-verify-swift
@objc enum Foo: Int {
case Zim, Zang, Zung
@objc enum Generic<T>: Int { // expected-error{{'@objc' enum cannot be generic}} {{1-7=}}
case Zim, Zang, Zung
@objc(EnumRuntimeName) enum RuntimeNamed: Int { // expected-error{{'@objc' enum cannot have a name}}
case Zim, Zang, Zung
@objc enum NoRawType { // expected-error{{'@objc' enum must declare an integer raw type}}
case Zim, Zang, Zung
@objc enum NonIntegerRawType: Float { // expected-error{{'@objc' enum raw type 'Float' is not an integer type}}
// expected-error@-1{{type 'NonIntegerRawType' does not conform to protocol 'RawRepresentable'}}
case Zim = 1.0, Zang = 1.5, Zung = 2.0
enum NonObjCEnum: Int {
case Zim, Zang, Zung
class Bar {
@objc func foo(x: Foo) {}
@objc func nonObjC(x: NonObjCEnum) {} //expected-error{{type of the parameter cannot be represented in Objective-C}} //expected-note{{non-'@objc' enums cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
// <rdar://problem/23681566> @objc enums with payloads rejected with no source location info
@objc enum r23681566 : Int { // expected-note {{declared raw type 'Int' here}}
case Foo(progress: Int) // expected-error {{enum with raw type cannot have cases with arguments}}