blob: 4a07f7b875798e68dc3297157a15b00d536a4038 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-parse-verify-swift
struct IntRange<Int> : SequenceType, GeneratorType {
typealias Element = (Int, Int)
func next() -> (Int, Int)? {}
typealias Generator = IntRange<Int>
func generate() -> IntRange<Int> { return self }
func for_each(r: Range<Int>, iir: IntRange<Int>) {
var sum = 0
// Simple foreach loop, using the variable in the body
for i in r {
sum = sum + i
// Check scoping of variable introduced with foreach loop
i = 0 // expected-error{{use of unresolved identifier 'i'}}
// For-each loops with two variables and varying degrees of typedness
for (i, j) in iir {
sum = sum + i + j
for (i, j) in iir {
sum = sum + i + j
for (i, j) : (Int, Int) in iir {
sum = sum + i + j
// Parse errors
for i r { // expected-error 2{{expected ';' in 'for' statement}} expected-error {{use of unresolved identifier 'i'}} expected-error {{type 'Range<Int>' does not conform to protocol 'BooleanType'}}
for i in r sum = sum + i; // expected-error{{expected '{' to start the body of for-each loop}}
for let x in 0..<10 {} // expected-error {{'let' pattern is already in an immutable context}} {{7-11=}}
// FIXME: rdar://problem/23378003
// This will eventually become an error.
for var x in 0..<10 {} // expected-warning {{Use of 'var' binding here is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Swift}} {{7-11=}}