blob: 31e3b305a7271ac7f1ff8b463c871fd366758d6c [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-parse-verify-swift
// FIXME: this test only passes on platforms which have Float80.
// <rdar://problem/19508460> Floating point enum raw values are not portable
// REQUIRES: CPU=i386_or_x86_64
enum Empty {}
enum Boolish {
case falsy
case truthy
init() { self = .falsy }
var b = Boolish.falsy
b = .truthy
enum Optionable<T> {
case Nought
case Mere(T)
var o = Optionable<Int>.Nought
o = .Mere(0)
enum Color { case Red, Green, Grayscale(Int), Blue }
var c = Color.Red
c = .Green
c = .Grayscale(255)
c = .Blue
let partialApplication = Color.Grayscale
// Cases are excluded from non-enums.
case FloatingCase // expected-error{{enum 'case' is not allowed outside of an enum}}
struct SomeStruct {
case StructCase // expected-error{{enum 'case' is not allowed outside of an enum}}
class SomeClass {
case ClassCase // expected-error{{enum 'case' is not allowed outside of an enum}}
enum EnumWithExtension1 {
case A1
extension EnumWithExtension1 {
case A2 // expected-error{{enum 'case' is not allowed outside of an enum}}
// Attributes for enum cases.
enum EnumCaseAttributes {
@xyz case EmptyAttributes // expected-error {{unknown attribute 'xyz'}}
// Recover when a switch 'case' label is spelled inside an enum (or outside).
enum SwitchEnvy {
case X: // expected-error{{'case' label can only appear inside a 'switch' statement}}
case X(Y): // expected-error{{'case' label can only appear inside a 'switch' statement}}
case X, Y: // expected-error{{'case' label can only appear inside a 'switch' statement}}
case X where true: // expected-error{{'case' label can only appear inside a 'switch' statement}}
case X(Y), Z(W): // expected-error{{'case' label can only appear inside a 'switch' statement}}
case X(Y) where true: // expected-error{{'case' label can only appear inside a 'switch' statement}}
case 0: // expected-error{{'case' label can only appear inside a 'switch' statement}}
case _: // expected-error{{'case' label can only appear inside a 'switch' statement}}
case (_, let x, 0): // expected-error{{'case' label can only appear inside a 'switch' statement}}
enum HasMethodsPropertiesAndCtors {
case TweedleDee
case TweedleDum
func method() {}
func staticMethod() {}
init() {}
subscript(x:Int) -> Int {
return 0
var property : Int {
return 0
enum ImproperlyHasIVars {
case Flopsy
case Mopsy
var ivar : Int // expected-error{{enums may not contain stored properties}}
// We used to crash on this. rdar://14678675
enum rdar14678675 {
case U1,
case U2 // expected-error{{expected identifier after comma in enum 'case' declaration}}
case U3
enum Recovery1 {
case: // expected-error {{'case' label can only appear inside a 'switch' statement}} expected-error {{expected pattern}}
enum Recovery2 {
case UE1: // expected-error {{'case' label can only appear inside a 'switch' statement}}
enum Recovery3 {
case UE2(): // expected-error {{'case' label can only appear inside a 'switch' statement}}
enum Recovery4 {
case Self Self // expected-error {{expected identifier in enum 'case' declaration}} expected-error {{consecutive declarations on a line must be separated by ';'}} {{12-12=;}} expected-error {{expected declaration}}
enum Recovery5 {
case .UE3 // expected-error {{extraneous '.' in enum 'case' declaration}} {{8-9=}}
case .UE4, .UE5
// expected-error@-1{{extraneous '.' in enum 'case' declaration}} {{8-9=}}
// expected-error@-2{{extraneous '.' in enum 'case' declaration}} {{14-15=}}
enum Recovery6 {
case Snout, _; // expected-error {{expected identifier after comma in enum 'case' declaration}}
case _; // expected-error {{expected identifier in enum 'case' declaration}}
case Tusk, // expected-error {{expected pattern}}
} // expected-error {{expected identifier after comma in enum 'case' declaration}}
enum RawTypeEmpty : Int {} // expected-error {{an enum with no cases cannot declare a raw type}}
// expected-error@-1{{type 'RawTypeEmpty' does not conform to protocol 'RawRepresentable'}}
enum Raw : Int {
case Ankeny, Burnside
enum MultiRawType : Int64, Int32 { // expected-error {{multiple enum raw types 'Int64' and 'Int32'}}
case Couch, Davis
protocol RawTypeNotFirstProtocol {}
enum RawTypeNotFirst : RawTypeNotFirstProtocol, Int { // expected-error {{raw type 'Int' must appear first in the enum inheritance clause}} {{24-24=Int, }} {{47-52=}}
case E
enum RawTypeNotLiteralConvertible : Array<Int> { // expected-error {{raw type 'Array<Int>' is not convertible from any literal}}
// expected-error@-1{{type 'RawTypeNotLiteralConvertible' does not conform to protocol 'RawRepresentable'}}
case Ladd, Elliott, Sixteenth, Harrison
enum RawTypeCircularityA : RawTypeCircularityB, IntegerLiteralConvertible { // expected-error {{circular enum raw types 'RawTypeCircularityA' -> 'RawTypeCircularityB' -> 'RawTypeCircularityA'}} FIXME: expected-error{{RawRepresentable}}
case Morrison, Belmont, Madison, Hawthorne
init(integerLiteral value: Int) {
self = .Morrison
enum RawTypeCircularityB : RawTypeCircularityA, IntegerLiteralConvertible { // expected-note {{enum 'RawTypeCircularityB' declared here}}
case Willamette, Columbia, Sandy, Multnomah
init(integerLiteral value: Int) {
self = .Willamette
struct FloatLiteralConvertibleOnly : FloatLiteralConvertible {
init(floatLiteral: Double) {}
enum RawTypeNotIntegerLiteralConvertible : FloatLiteralConvertibleOnly { // expected-error {{RawRepresentable 'init' cannot be synthesized because raw type 'FloatLiteralConvertibleOnly' is not Equatable}}
case Everett // expected-error {{enum cases require explicit raw values when the raw type is not integer or string literal convertible}}
case Flanders
enum RawTypeWithIntValues : Int {
case Glisan = 17, Hoyt = 219, Irving, Johnson = 97209
enum RawTypeWithNegativeValues : Int {
case Glisan = -17, Hoyt = -219, Irving, Johnson = -97209
case AutoIncAcrossZero = -1, Zero, One
enum RawTypeWithUnicodeScalarValues : UnicodeScalar {
case Kearney = "K"
case Lovejoy // expected-error {{enum cases require explicit raw values when the raw type is not integer or string literal convertible}}
case Marshall = "M"
enum RawTypeWithCharacterValues : Character {
case First = "い"
case Second // expected-error {{enum cases require explicit raw values when the raw type is not integer or string literal convertible}}
case Third = "は"
enum RawTypeWithCharacterValues_Error1 : Character {
case First = "abc" // expected-error {{cannot convert value of type 'String' to raw type 'Character'}}
enum RawTypeWithFloatValues : Float {
case Northrup = 1.5
case Overton // expected-error {{enum case must declare a raw value when the preceding raw value is not an integer}}
case Pettygrove = 2.25
enum RawTypeWithStringValues : String {
case Primrose // okay
case Quimby = "Lucky Lab"
case Raleigh // okay
case Savier = "McMenamin's", Thurman = "Kenny and Zuke's"
enum RawValuesWithoutRawType {
case Upshur = 22 // expected-error {{enum case cannot have a raw value if the enum does not have a raw type}}
enum RawTypeWithRepeatValues : Int {
case Vaughn = 22 // expected-note {{raw value previously used here}}
case Wilson = 22 // expected-error {{raw value for enum case is not unique}}
enum RawTypeWithRepeatValues2 : Double {
case Vaughn = 22 // expected-note {{raw value previously used here}}
case Wilson = 22.0 // expected-error {{raw value for enum case is not unique}}
enum RawTypeWithRepeatValues3 : Double {
// 2^63-1
case Vaughn = 9223372036854775807 // expected-note {{raw value previously used here}}
case Wilson = 9223372036854775807.0 // expected-error {{raw value for enum case is not unique}}
enum RawTypeWithRepeatValues4 : Double {
// 2^64-1
case Vaughn = 18446744073709551615 // expected-note {{raw value previously used here}}
case Wilson = 18446744073709551615.0 // expected-error {{raw value for enum case is not unique}}
enum RawTypeWithRepeatValues5 : Double {
// FIXME: should reject.
// 2^65-1
case Vaughn = 36893488147419103231
case Wilson = 36893488147419103231.0
enum RawTypeWithRepeatValues6 : Double {
// FIXME: should reject.
// 2^127-1
case Vaughn = 170141183460469231731687303715884105727
case Wilson = 170141183460469231731687303715884105727.0
enum RawTypeWithRepeatValues7 : Double {
// FIXME: should reject.
// 2^128-1
case Vaughn = 340282366920938463463374607431768211455
case Wilson = 340282366920938463463374607431768211455.0
enum RawTypeWithRepeatValues8 : String {
case Vaughn = "XYZ" // expected-note {{raw value previously used here}}
case Wilson = "XYZ" // expected-error {{raw value for enum case is not unique}}
enum RawTypeWithNonRepeatValues : Double {
case SantaClara = 3.7
case SanFernando = 7.4
case SanAntonio = -3.7
case SanCarlos = -7.4
enum RawTypeWithRepeatValuesAutoInc : Double {
case Vaughn = 22 // expected-note {{raw value auto-incremented from here}}
case Wilson // expected-note {{raw value previously used here}}
case Yeon = 23 // expected-error {{raw value for enum case is not unique}}
enum RawTypeWithRepeatValuesAutoInc2 : Double {
case Vaughn = 23 // expected-note {{raw value previously used here}}
case Wilson = 22 // expected-note {{raw value auto-incremented from here}}
case Yeon // expected-error {{raw value for enum case is not unique}}
enum RawTypeWithRepeatValuesAutoInc3 : Double {
case Vaughn // expected-note {{raw value implicitly auto-incremented from zero}}
case Wilson // expected-note {{raw value previously used here}}
case Yeon = 1 // expected-error {{raw value for enum case is not unique}}
enum RawTypeWithRepeatValuesAutoInc4 : String {
case A = "B" // expected-note {{raw value previously used here}}
case B // expected-error {{raw value for enum case is not unique}}
enum RawTypeWithRepeatValuesAutoInc5 : String {
case A // expected-note {{raw value previously used here}}
case B = "A" // expected-error {{raw value for enum case is not unique}}
enum RawTypeWithRepeatValuesAutoInc6 : String {
case A
case B // expected-note {{raw value previously used here}}
case C = "B" // expected-error {{raw value for enum case is not unique}}
enum NonliteralRawValue : Int {
case Yeon = 100 + 20 + 3 // expected-error {{raw value for enum case must be a literal}}
enum RawTypeWithPayload : Int { // expected-note {{declared raw type 'Int' here}} expected-note {{declared raw type 'Int' here}}
case Powell(Int) // expected-error {{enum with raw type cannot have cases with arguments}}
case Terwilliger(Int) = 17 // expected-error {{enum with raw type cannot have cases with arguments}}
enum RawTypeMismatch : Int {
case Barbur = "foo" // expected-error {{}}
enum DuplicateMembers1 {
case Foo // expected-note {{previous definition of 'Foo' is here}}
case Foo // expected-error {{duplicate definition of enum element}}
enum DuplicateMembers2 {
case Foo, Bar // expected-note {{previous definition of 'Foo' is here}} expected-note {{previous definition of 'Bar' is here}}
case Foo // expected-error {{duplicate definition of enum element}}
case Bar // expected-error {{duplicate definition of enum element}}
enum DuplicateMembers3 {
case Foo // expected-note {{previous definition of 'Foo' is here}}
case Foo(Int) // expected-error {{duplicate definition of enum element}}
enum DuplicateMembers4 : Int {
case Foo = 1 // expected-note {{previous definition of 'Foo' is here}}
case Foo = 2 // expected-error {{duplicate definition of enum element}}
enum DuplicateMembers5 : Int {
case Foo = 1 // expected-note {{previous definition of 'Foo' is here}}
case Foo = 1 + 1 // expected-error {{duplicate definition of enum element}} expected-error {{raw value for enum case must be a literal}}
enum DuplicateMembers6 {
case Foo // expected-note 2{{previous definition of 'Foo' is here}}
case Foo // expected-error {{duplicate definition of enum element}}
case Foo // expected-error {{duplicate definition of enum element}}
enum DuplicateMembers7 : String {
case Foo // expected-note {{previous definition of 'Foo' is here}}
case Foo = "Bar" // expected-error {{duplicate definition of enum element}}
// Refs to duplicated enum cases shouldn't crash the compiler.
// rdar://problem/20922401
func check20922401() -> String {
let x: DuplicateMembers1 = .Foo
switch x {
case .Foo:
return "Foo"
enum PlaygroundRepresentation : UInt8 {
case Class = 1
case Struct = 2
case Tuple = 3
case Enum = 4
case Aggregate = 5
case Container = 6
case IDERepr = 7
case Gap = 8
case ScopeEntry = 9
case ScopeExit = 10
case Error = 11
case IndexContainer = 12
case KeyContainer = 13
case MembershipContainer = 14
case Unknown = 0xFF
static func fromByte(byte : UInt8) -> PlaygroundRepresentation {
let repr = PlaygroundRepresentation(rawValue: byte)
if repr == .None { return .Unknown } else { return repr! }
struct ManyLiteralable : IntegerLiteralConvertible, StringLiteralConvertible, Equatable {
init(stringLiteral: String) {}
init(integerLiteral: Int) {}
init(unicodeScalarLiteral: String) {}
init(extendedGraphemeClusterLiteral: String) {}
func ==(lhs: ManyLiteralable, rhs: ManyLiteralable) -> Bool { return true }
enum ManyLiteralA : ManyLiteralable {
case A // expected-note {{raw value previously used here}} expected-note {{raw value implicitly auto-incremented from zero}}
case B = 0 // expected-error {{raw value for enum case is not unique}}
enum ManyLiteralB : ManyLiteralable {
case A = "abc"
case B // expected-error {{enum case must declare a raw value when the preceding raw value is not an integer}}
enum ManyLiteralC : ManyLiteralable {
case A
case B = "0"
// rdar://problem/22476643
public protocol RawValueA: RawRepresentable
var rawValue: Double { get }
enum RawValueATest: Double, RawValueA {
case A, B
public protocol RawValueB
var rawValue: Double { get }
enum RawValueBTest: Double, RawValueB {
case A, B