blob: 8b3e459215a1873daf5e056096fc93a05ff43cb3 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -sdk %S/../Inputs/clang-importer-sdk -I %S/../Inputs/clang-importer-sdk/swift-modules -enable-source-import -parse -parse-as-library -verify %s
// REQUIRES: objc_interop
import Foundation
func testNSArrayBridging(hive: Hive) {
_ = hive.bees as [Bee]
func testNSDictionaryBridging(hive: Hive) {
_ = hive.beesByName as [String : Bee] // expected-error{{value of optional type '[String : Bee]?' not unwrapped; did you mean to use '!' or '?'?}}
var dict1 = hive.anythingToBees
let dict2: [NSObject : Bee] = dict1
dict1 = dict2
func testNSSetBridging(hive: Hive) {
_ = hive.allBees as Set<Bee>
public func expectType<T>(_: T.Type, inout _ x: T) {}
func testNSMutableDictionarySubscript(
dict: NSMutableDictionary, key: NSCopying, value: AnyObject) {
var oldValue = dict[key]
expectType(Optional<AnyObject>.self, &oldValue)
dict[key] = value