blob: e8e32a1f85e174d39fa9455d2481ac39361b69ce [file] [log] [blame]
%import inspect,os.path,sys
%sys.path = [os.path.split(inspect.getframeinfo(inspect.currentframe()).filename)[0] or '.'] + sys.path
% for Kind in Kinds:
%Minimal = 'Minimal' + Kind
${Test}.test("flatMap/${Kind}/Lazy") {
for test in flatMapTests {
let s = ${Minimal}<OpaqueValue<Int>>(
let closureLifetimeTracker = LifetimeTracked(0)
var timesClosureWasCalled = 0
var result = s.lazy.flatMap {
(element: OpaqueValue<Int>) -> ${Minimal}<OpaqueValue<Int32>> in
return ${Minimal}<OpaqueValue<Int32>>(
elements: test.transform(element.value).map { OpaqueValue(Int32($0)) })
expectEqual(0, timesClosureWasCalled, "Unexpected eagerness")
% if Kind == 'Sequence':
check${Kind}(, result,
stackTrace: SourceLocStack().with(test.loc),
resiliencyChecks: .none
) { $0.value == $1.value }
test.sequence.count, timesClosureWasCalled,
"iterating forward the result of the lazy flatMap() should call "
+ "the closure only once for element")
% else:
_ = Array(result)
FIXME: this check is failing.
This is a fundamental problem with lazy flatMap().
<rdar://problem/21989896> Investigate other CollectionType schemes: indices
are compositions of offsets
test.sequence.count, timesClosureWasCalled,
"iterating forward the result of the lazy flatMap() should call "
+ "the closure only once for element")
// FIXME: we are not calling check${Kind} because of the same issue again.
// <rdar://problem/21989896>
expectEqualSequence(, result,
stackTrace: SourceLocStack().with(test.loc)
) { $0.value == $1.value }
% end
% if Kind == 'Sequence':
expectTrue(Array(s).isEmpty, "sequence should be consumed")
test.sequence.count, timesClosureWasCalled,
"iterating a lazy flatMap() should call the predicate"
+ "once per element")
% end
% end