blob: 645b2943af55a0618fa8e88ca23ff1302dfcd168 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- - Boxed Swift value class --------------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This implements the Objective-C class that is used to carry Swift values
// that have been bridged to Objective-C objects without special handling.
// The class is opaque to user code, but is `NSObject`- and `NSCopying`-
// conforming and is understood by the Swift runtime for dynamic casting
// back to the contained type.
#include "swift/Runtime/Config.h"
#include "SwiftObject.h"
#include "SwiftValue.h"
#include "swift/Basic/Lazy.h"
#include "swift/Runtime/Casting.h"
#include "swift/Runtime/HeapObject.h"
#include "swift/Runtime/Metadata.h"
#include "swift/Runtime/ObjCBridge.h"
#include "swift/Runtime/Debug.h"
#include "Private.h"
#include "SwiftHashableSupport.h"
#include <objc/runtime.h>
#include <Foundation/Foundation.h>
using namespace swift;
using namespace swift::hashable_support;
// TODO: Making this a SwiftObject subclass would let us use Swift refcounting,
// but we would need to be able to emit _SwiftValue's Objective-C class object
// with the Swift destructor pointer prefixed before it.
// The layout of `_SwiftValue` is:
// - object header,
// - `SwiftValueHeader` instance,
// - the payload, tail-allocated (the Swift value contained in this box).
@interface _SwiftValue : NSObject <NSCopying>
- (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone;
/// The fixed-size ivars of `_SwiftValue`. The actual boxed value is
/// tail-allocated.
struct SwiftValueHeader {
/// The type of the value contained in the `_SwiftValue` box.
const Metadata *type;
/// The base type that introduces the `Hashable` conformance.
/// This member is only available for native Swift errors.
/// This member is lazily-initialized.
/// Instead of using it directly, call `getHashableBaseType()`.
mutable std::atomic<const Metadata *> hashableBaseType;
/// The witness table for `Hashable` conformance.
/// This member is only available for native Swift errors.
/// This member is lazily-initialized.
/// Instead of using it directly, call `getHashableConformance()`.
mutable std::atomic<const hashable_support::HashableWitnessTable *>
/// Get the base type that conforms to `Hashable`.
/// Returns NULL if the type does not conform.
const Metadata *getHashableBaseType() const;
/// Get the `Hashable` protocol witness table for the contained type.
/// Returns NULL if the type does not conform.
const hashable_support::HashableWitnessTable *getHashableConformance() const;
: hashableBaseType(nullptr), hashableConformance(nullptr) {}
const Metadata *SwiftValueHeader::getHashableBaseType() const {
if (auto type = hashableBaseType.load(std::memory_order_acquire)) {
if (reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(type) == 1) {
return nullptr;
return type;
const Metadata *expectedType = nullptr;
const Metadata *hashableBaseType = findHashableBaseType(type);
expectedType, hashableBaseType ? hashableBaseType
: reinterpret_cast<const Metadata *>(1),
return type;
const hashable_support::HashableWitnessTable *
SwiftValueHeader::getHashableConformance() const {
if (auto wt = hashableConformance.load(std::memory_order_acquire)) {
if (reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(wt) == 1) {
return nullptr;
return wt;
const HashableWitnessTable *expectedWT = nullptr;
const HashableWitnessTable *wt =
reinterpret_cast<const HashableWitnessTable *>(
swift_conformsToProtocol(type, &HashableProtocolDescriptor));
expectedWT, wt ? wt : reinterpret_cast<const HashableWitnessTable *>(1),
return wt;
static constexpr const size_t SwiftValueHeaderOffset
= sizeof(Class); // isa pointer
static constexpr const size_t SwiftValueMinAlignMask
= alignof(Class) - 1;
/* TODO: If we're able to become a SwiftObject subclass in the future,
* change to this:
static constexpr const size_t SwiftValueHeaderOffset
= sizeof(HeapObject);
static constexpr const size_t SwiftValueMinAlignMask
= alignof(HeapObject) - 1;
static Class _getSwiftValueClass() {
auto theClass = [_SwiftValue class];
// Fixed instance size of _SwiftValue should be same as object header.
assert(class_getInstanceSize(theClass) == SwiftValueHeaderOffset
&& "unexpected size of _SwiftValue?!");
return theClass;
static Class getSwiftValueClass() {
return SWIFT_LAZY_CONSTANT(_getSwiftValueClass());
static constexpr size_t getSwiftValuePayloadOffset(size_t alignMask) {
return (SwiftValueHeaderOffset + sizeof(SwiftValueHeader) + alignMask) &
static SwiftValueHeader *getSwiftValueHeader(_SwiftValue *v) {
auto instanceBytes = reinterpret_cast<char *>(v);
return reinterpret_cast<SwiftValueHeader *>(instanceBytes +
static OpaqueValue *getSwiftValuePayload(_SwiftValue *v, size_t alignMask) {
auto instanceBytes = reinterpret_cast<char *>(v);
return reinterpret_cast<OpaqueValue *>(instanceBytes +
static size_t getSwiftValuePayloadAlignMask(const Metadata *type) {
return type->getValueWitnesses()->getAlignmentMask() | SwiftValueMinAlignMask;
const Metadata *swift::getSwiftValueTypeMetadata(_SwiftValue *v) {
return getSwiftValueHeader(v)->type;
std::pair<const Metadata *, const OpaqueValue *>
swift::getValueFromSwiftValue(_SwiftValue *v) {
auto instanceType = getSwiftValueTypeMetadata(v);
size_t alignMask = getSwiftValuePayloadAlignMask(instanceType);
return {instanceType, getSwiftValuePayload(v, alignMask)};
_SwiftValue *swift::bridgeAnythingToSwiftValueObject(OpaqueValue *src,
const Metadata *srcType,
bool consume) {
size_t alignMask = getSwiftValuePayloadAlignMask(srcType);
size_t totalSize =
getSwiftValuePayloadOffset(alignMask) + srcType->getValueWitnesses()->size;
void *instanceMemory = swift_slowAlloc(totalSize, alignMask);
_SwiftValue *instance
= objc_constructInstance(getSwiftValueClass(), instanceMemory);
/* TODO: If we're able to become a SwiftObject subclass in the future,
* change to this:
auto instance = swift_allocObject(getSwiftValueClass(), totalSize,
auto header = getSwiftValueHeader(instance);
new (header) SwiftValueHeader();
header->type = srcType;
auto payload = getSwiftValuePayload(instance, alignMask);
if (consume)
srcType->vw_initializeWithTake(payload, src);
srcType->vw_initializeWithCopy(payload, src);
return instance;
_SwiftValue *swift::getAsSwiftValue(id object) {
// _SwiftValue should have no subclasses or proxies. We can do an exact
// class check.
if (object_getClass(object) == getSwiftValueClass())
return object;
return nil;
swift::findSwiftValueConformances(const ExistentialTypeMetadata *existentialType,
const WitnessTable **tablesBuffer) {
// _SwiftValue never satisfies a superclass constraint.
if (existentialType->getSuperclassConstraint() != nullptr)
return false;
auto &protocols = existentialType->Protocols;
Class cls = nullptr;
// Note that currently we never modify tablesBuffer because
// _SwiftValue doesn't conform to any protocols that need witness tables.
for (size_t i = 0, e = protocols.NumProtocols; i != e; ++i) {
auto protocol = protocols[i];
// _SwiftValue only conforms to ObjC protocols. We specifically
// don't want to say that _SwiftValue conforms to the Swift protocols
// that NSObject conforms to because that would create a situation
// where arguably an arbitrary type would conform to those protocols
// by way of coercion through _SwiftValue. Eventually we want to
// change _SwiftValue to not be an NSObject subclass at all.
if (protocol->Flags.getDispatchStrategy() != ProtocolDispatchStrategy::ObjC)
return false;
if (!cls) cls = _getSwiftValueClass();
// Check whether the class conforms to the protocol.
if (![cls conformsToProtocol: protocol_const_cast(protocol)])
return false;
return true;
@implementation _SwiftValue
+ (instancetype)allocWithZone:(NSZone *)zone {
swift::crash("_SwiftValue cannot be instantiated");
- (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone {
// Instances are immutable, so we can just retain.
return objc_retain(self);
/* TODO: If we're able to become a SwiftObject subclass in the future,
* change to this:
return self;
// Since we allocate using Swift's allocator to properly handle alignment,
// we need to deallocate ourselves instead of delegating to
// -[NSObject dealloc].
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wobjc-missing-super-calls"
- (void)dealloc {
// TODO: If we're able to become a SwiftObject subclass in the future,
// this should move to the heap metadata destructor function.
// Destroy the contained value.
auto instanceType = getSwiftValueTypeMetadata(self);
size_t alignMask = getSwiftValuePayloadAlignMask(instanceType);
instanceType->vw_destroy(getSwiftValuePayload(self, alignMask));
// Deallocate ourselves.
auto totalSize = getSwiftValuePayloadOffset(alignMask) +
swift_slowDealloc(self, totalSize, alignMask);
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
- (BOOL)isEqual:(id)other {
if (self == other) {
return YES;
if (!other) {
return NO;
if (![other isKindOfClass:getSwiftValueClass()]) {
return NO;
auto selfHeader = getSwiftValueHeader(self);
auto otherHeader = getSwiftValueHeader(other);
auto hashableBaseType = selfHeader->getHashableBaseType();
if (!hashableBaseType ||
otherHeader->getHashableBaseType() != hashableBaseType) {
return NO;
auto hashableConformance = selfHeader->getHashableConformance();
if (!hashableConformance) {
return NO;
return _swift_stdlib_Hashable_isEqual_indirect(
hashableBaseType, hashableConformance);
- (NSUInteger)hash {
auto selfHeader = getSwiftValueHeader(self);
auto hashableConformance = selfHeader->getHashableConformance();
if (!hashableConformance) {
return (NSUInteger)self;
return _swift_stdlib_Hashable_hashValue_indirect(
selfHeader->type, hashableConformance);
static NSString *getValueDescription(_SwiftValue *self) {
String tmp;
const Metadata *type;
const OpaqueValue *value;
std::tie(type, value) = getValueFromSwiftValue(self);
// Copy the value, since it will be consumed by getSummary.
ValueBuffer copyBuf;
auto copy = type->allocateBufferIn(&copyBuf);
type->vw_initializeWithCopy(copy, const_cast<OpaqueValue *>(value));
swift_getSummary(&tmp, copy, type);
return convertStringToNSString(&tmp);
- (NSString *)description {
return getValueDescription(self);
- (NSString *)debugDescription {
return getValueDescription(self);
// Private methods for debugging purposes.
- (const Metadata *)_swiftTypeMetadata {
return getSwiftValueTypeMetadata(self);
- (NSString *)_swiftTypeName {
TwoWordPair<const char *, uintptr_t> typeName
= swift_getTypeName(getSwiftValueTypeMetadata(self), true);
return [NSString stringWithUTF8String: typeName.first];
- (const OpaqueValue *)_swiftValue {
return getValueFromSwiftValue(self).second;
// TODO: We could pick specialized _SwiftValue subclasses for trivial types
// or for types with known size and alignment characteristics. Probably
// not enough of a real perf bottleneck to be worth it...