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//===--- UnsafeRawBufferPointer.swift.gyb ---------------------*- swift -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
%import gyb
% for mutable in (True, False):
% Self = 'UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer' if mutable else 'UnsafeRawBufferPointer'
% Mutable = 'Mutable' if mutable else ''
/// A ${Mutable.lower()} nonowning collection interface to the bytes in a
/// region of memory.
/// You can use an `${Self}` instance in low-level operations to eliminate
/// uniqueness checks and release mode bounds checks. Bounds checks are always
/// performed in debug mode.
% if mutable:
/// An `${Self}` instance is a view of the raw bytes in a region of memory.
/// Each byte in memory is viewed as a `UInt8` value independent of the type
/// of values held in that memory. Reading from and writing to memory through
/// a raw buffer are untyped operations. Accessing this collection's bytes
/// does not bind the underlying memory to `UInt8`.
/// In addition to its collection interface, an `${Self}` instance also supports
/// the following methods provided by `UnsafeMutableRawPointer`, including
/// bounds checks in debug mode:
/// - `load(fromByteOffset:as:)`
/// - `storeBytes(of:toByteOffset:as:)`
/// - `copyMemory(from:)`
% else:
/// An `${Self}` instance is a view of the raw bytes in a region of memory.
/// Each byte in memory is viewed as a `UInt8` value independent of the type
/// of values held in that memory. Reading from memory through a raw buffer is
/// an untyped operation.
/// In addition to its collection interface, an `${Self}` instance also supports
/// the `load(fromByteOffset:as:)` method provided by `UnsafeRawPointer`,
/// including bounds checks in debug mode.
% end
/// To access the underlying memory through typed operations, the memory must
/// be bound to a trivial type.
/// - Note: A *trivial type* can be copied bit for bit with no indirection
/// or reference-counting operations. Generally, native Swift types that do
/// not contain strong or weak references or other forms of indirection are
/// trivial, as are imported C structs and enums. Copying memory that
/// contains values of nontrivial types can only be done safely with a typed
/// pointer. Copying bytes directly from nontrivial, in-memory values does
/// not produce valid copies and can only be done by calling a C API, such as
/// `memmove()`.
/// ${Self} Semantics
/// =================
/// An `${Self}` instance is a view into memory and does not own the memory
/// that it references. Copying a variable or constant of type `${Self}` does
/// not copy the underlying memory. However, initializing another collection
/// with an `${Self}` instance copies bytes out of the referenced memory and
/// into the new collection.
/// The following example uses `someBytes`, an `${Self}` instance, to
/// demonstrate the difference between assigning a buffer pointer and using a
/// buffer pointer as the source for another collection's elements. Here, the
/// assignment to `destBytes` creates a new, nonowning buffer pointer
/// covering the first `n` bytes of the memory that `someBytes`
/// references---nothing is copied:
/// var destBytes = someBytes[0..<n]
/// Next, the bytes referenced by `destBytes` are copied into `byteArray`, a
/// new `[UInt]` array, and then the remainder of `someBytes` is appended to
/// `byteArray`:
/// var byteArray: [UInt8] = Array(destBytes)
/// byteArray += someBytes[n..<someBytes.count]
% if mutable:
/// Assigning into a ranged subscript of an `${Self}` instance copies bytes
/// into the memory. The next `n` bytes of the memory that `someBytes`
/// references are copied in this code:
/// destBytes[0..<n] = someBytes[n..<(n + n)]
% end
public struct Unsafe${Mutable}RawBufferPointer {
internal let _position, _end: Unsafe${Mutable}RawPointer?
%if not mutable:
extension UnsafeRawBufferPointer {
/// An iterator over the bytes viewed by a raw buffer pointer.
public struct Iterator {
internal var _position, _end: UnsafeRawPointer?
internal init(_position: UnsafeRawPointer?, _end: UnsafeRawPointer?) {
self._position = _position
self._end = _end
extension UnsafeRawBufferPointer.Iterator: IteratorProtocol, Sequence {
/// Advances to the next byte and returns it, or `nil` if no next byte
/// exists.
/// Once `nil` has been returned, all subsequent calls return `nil`.
/// - Returns: The next sequential byte in the raw buffer if another byte
/// exists; otherwise, `nil`.
public mutating func next() -> UInt8? {
if _position == _end { return nil }
let result = _position!.load(as: UInt8.self)
_position! += 1
return result
extension UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer {
public typealias Iterator = UnsafeRawBufferPointer.Iterator
extension Unsafe${Mutable}RawBufferPointer: Sequence {
public typealias SubSequence = Slice<${Self}>
/// Returns an iterator over the bytes of this sequence.
public func makeIterator() -> Iterator {
return Iterator(_position: _position, _end: _end)
extension Unsafe${Mutable}RawBufferPointer: ${Mutable}Collection {
// TODO: Specialize `index` and `formIndex` and
// `_failEarlyRangeCheck` as in `UnsafeBufferPointer`.
public typealias Element = UInt8
public typealias Index = Int
public typealias Indices = Range<Int>
/// Always zero, which is the index of the first byte in a nonempty buffer.
public var startIndex: Index {
return 0
/// The "past the end" position---that is, the position one greater than the
/// last valid subscript argument.
/// The `endIndex` property of an `Unsafe${Mutable}RawBufferPointer`
/// instance is always identical to `count`.
public var endIndex: Index {
return count
public var indices: Indices {
return startIndex..<endIndex
/// Accesses the byte at the given offset in the memory region as a `UInt8`
/// value.
/// - Parameter i: The offset of the byte to access. `i` must be in the range
/// `0..<count`.
public subscript(i: Int) -> Element {
get {
_debugPrecondition(i >= 0)
_debugPrecondition(i < endIndex)
return _position!.load(fromByteOffset: i, as: UInt8.self)
% if mutable:
nonmutating set {
_debugPrecondition(i >= 0)
_debugPrecondition(i < endIndex)
_position!.storeBytes(of: newValue, toByteOffset: i, as: UInt8.self)
% end # mutable
/// Accesses the bytes in the specified memory region.
/// - Parameter bounds: The range of byte offsets to access. The upper and
/// lower bounds of the range must be in the range `0...count`.
public subscript(bounds: Range<Int>) -> SubSequence {
get {
_debugPrecondition(bounds.lowerBound >= startIndex)
_debugPrecondition(bounds.upperBound <= endIndex)
return Slice(base: self, bounds: bounds)
% if mutable:
nonmutating set {
_debugPrecondition(bounds.lowerBound >= startIndex)
_debugPrecondition(bounds.upperBound <= endIndex)
_debugPrecondition(bounds.count == newValue.count)
if !newValue.isEmpty {
(baseAddress! + bounds.lowerBound).copyMemory(
from: newValue.base.baseAddress! + newValue.startIndex,
byteCount: newValue.count)
% end # mutable
% if mutable:
/// Exchanges the byte values at the specified indices
/// in this buffer's memory.
/// Both parameters must be valid indices of the buffer, and not
/// equal to `endIndex`. Passing the same index as both `i` and `j` has no
/// effect.
/// - Parameters:
/// - i: The index of the first byte to swap.
/// - j: The index of the second byte to swap.
public func swapAt(_ i: Int, _ j: Int) {
guard i != j else { return }
_debugPrecondition(i >= 0 && j >= 0)
_debugPrecondition(i < endIndex && j < endIndex)
let pi = (_position! + i)
let pj = (_position! + j)
let tmp = pi.load(fromByteOffset: 0, as: UInt8.self)
pi.copyMemory(from: pj, byteCount: MemoryLayout<UInt8>.size)
pj.storeBytes(of: tmp, toByteOffset: 0, as: UInt8.self)
% end # mutable
/// The number of bytes in the buffer.
/// If the `baseAddress` of this buffer is `nil`, the count is zero. However,
/// a buffer can have a `count` of zero even with a non-`nil` base address.
public var count: Int {
if let pos = _position {
return _end! - pos
return 0
extension Unsafe${Mutable}RawBufferPointer: RandomAccessCollection { }
extension Unsafe${Mutable}RawBufferPointer {
% if mutable:
@available(swift, deprecated: 4.1, obsoleted: 5.0.0, renamed: "allocate(byteCount:alignment:)")
public static func allocate(count: Int) -> UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer {
return UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.allocate(
byteCount: count, alignment: MemoryLayout<UInt>.alignment)
/// Returns a newly allocated buffer with the given size, in bytes.
/// The memory referenced by the new buffer is allocated, but not
/// initialized.
/// - Parameters:
/// - byteCount: The number of bytes to allocate.
/// - alignment: The alignment of the new region of allocated memory, in
/// bytes.
/// - Returns: A buffer pointer to a newly allocated region of memory aligned
/// to `alignment`.
public static func allocate(
byteCount: Int, alignment: Int
) -> UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer {
let base = UnsafeMutableRawPointer.allocate(
byteCount: byteCount, alignment: alignment)
return UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer(start: base, count: byteCount)
% end # mutable
/// Deallocates the memory block previously allocated at this buffer pointer’s
/// base address.
/// This buffer pointer's `baseAddress` must be `nil` or a pointer to a memory
/// block previously returned by a Swift allocation method. If `baseAddress` is
/// `nil`, this function does nothing. Otherwise, the memory must not be initialized
/// or `Pointee` must be a trivial type. This buffer pointer's byte `count` must
/// be equal to the originally allocated size of the memory block.
public func deallocate() {
/// Returns a new instance of the given type, read from the buffer pointer's
/// raw memory at the specified byte offset.
/// You can use this method to create new values from the buffer pointer's
/// underlying bytes. The following example creates two new `Int32`
/// instances from the memory referenced by the buffer pointer `someBytes`.
/// The bytes for `a` are copied from the first four bytes of `someBytes`,
/// and the bytes for `b` are copied from the next four bytes.
/// let a = someBytes.load(as: Int32.self)
/// let b = someBytes.load(fromByteOffset: 4, as: Int32.self)
/// The memory to read for the new instance must not extend beyond the buffer
/// pointer's memory region---that is, `offset + MemoryLayout<T>.size` must
/// be less than or equal to the buffer pointer's `count`.
/// - Parameters:
/// - offset: The offset, in bytes, into the buffer pointer's memory at
/// which to begin reading data for the new instance. The buffer pointer
/// plus `offset` must be properly aligned for accessing an instance of
/// type `T`. The default is zero.
/// - type: The type to use for the newly constructed instance. The memory
/// must be initialized to a value of a type that is layout compatible
/// with `type`.
/// - Returns: A new instance of type `T`, copied from the buffer pointer's
/// memory.
public func load<T>(fromByteOffset offset: Int = 0, as type: T.Type) -> T {
_debugPrecondition(offset >= 0, "${Self}.load with negative offset")
_debugPrecondition(offset + MemoryLayout<T>.size <= self.count,
"${Self}.load out of bounds")
return baseAddress!.load(fromByteOffset: offset, as: T.self)
% if mutable:
/// Stores a value's bytes into the buffer pointer's raw memory at the
/// specified byte offset.
/// The type `T` to be stored must be a trivial type. The memory must also be
/// uninitialized, initialized to `T`, or initialized to another trivial
/// type that is layout compatible with `T`.
/// The memory written to must not extend beyond the buffer pointer's memory
/// region---that is, `offset + MemoryLayout<T>.size` must be less than or
/// equal to the buffer pointer's `count`.
/// After calling `storeBytes(of:toByteOffset:as:)`, the memory is
/// initialized to the raw bytes of `value`. If the memory is bound to a
/// type `U` that is layout compatible with `T`, then it contains a value of
/// type `U`. Calling `storeBytes(of:toByteOffset:as:)` does not change the
/// bound type of the memory.
/// - Parameters:
/// - offset: The offset in bytes into the buffer pointer's memory to begin
/// reading data for the new instance. The buffer pointer plus `offset`
/// must be properly aligned for accessing an instance of type `T`. The
/// default is zero.
/// - type: The type to use for the newly constructed instance. The memory
/// must be initialized to a value of a type that is layout compatible
/// with `type`.
public func storeBytes<T>(
of value: T, toByteOffset offset: Int = 0, as: T.Type
) {
_debugPrecondition(offset >= 0, "${Self}.storeBytes with negative offset")
_debugPrecondition(offset + MemoryLayout<T>.size <= self.count,
"${Self}.storeBytes out of bounds")
baseAddress!.storeBytes(of: value, toByteOffset: offset, as: T.self)
@available(swift, deprecated: 4.1, obsoleted: 5.0.0, renamed: "copyMemory(from:)")
public func copyBytes(from source: UnsafeRawBufferPointer) {
copyMemory(from: source)
/// Copies the bytes from the given buffer to this buffer's memory.
/// If the `source.count` bytes of memory referenced by this buffer are bound
/// to a type `T`, then `T` must be a trivial type, the underlying pointer
/// must be properly aligned for accessing `T`, and `source.count` must be a
/// multiple of `MemoryLayout<T>.stride`.
/// After calling `copyMemory(from:)`, the first `source.count` bytes of
/// memory referenced by this buffer are initialized to raw bytes. If the
/// memory is bound to type `T`, then it contains values of type `T`.
/// - Parameter source: A buffer of raw bytes from which to copy.
/// `source.count` must be less than or equal to this buffer's `count`.
public func copyMemory(from source: UnsafeRawBufferPointer) {
_debugPrecondition(source.count <= self.count,
"${Self}.copyMemory source has too many elements")
baseAddress?.copyMemory(from: source.baseAddress!, byteCount: source.count)
/// Copies from a collection of `UInt8` into this buffer's memory.
/// If the `source.count` bytes of memory referenced by this buffer are bound
/// to a type `T`, then `T` must be a trivial type, the underlying pointer
/// must be properly aligned for accessing `T`, and `source.count` must be a
/// multiple of `MemoryLayout<T>.stride`.
/// After calling `copyBytes(from:)`, the `source.count` bytes of memory
/// referenced by this buffer are initialized to raw bytes. If the memory is
/// bound to type `T`, then it contains values of type `T`.
/// - Parameter source: A collection of `UInt8` elements. `source.count` must
/// be less than or equal to this buffer's `count`.
public func copyBytes<C : Collection>(from source: C
) where C.Element == UInt8 {
_debugPrecondition(source.count <= self.count,
"${Self}.copyBytes source has too many elements")
guard let position = _position else {
for (index, byteValue) in source.enumerated() {
of: byteValue, toByteOffset: index, as: UInt8.self)
% end # mutable
/// Creates a buffer over the specified number of contiguous bytes starting
/// at the given pointer.
/// - Parameters:
/// - start: The address of the memory that starts the buffer. If `starts`
/// is `nil`, `count` must be zero. However, `count` may be zero even
/// for a non-`nil` `start`.
/// - count: The number of bytes to include in the buffer. `count` must not
/// be negative.
public init(start: Unsafe${Mutable}RawPointer?, count: Int) {
_precondition(count >= 0, "${Self} with negative count")
_precondition(count == 0 || start != nil,
"${Self} has a nil start and nonzero count")
_position = start
_end = { $0 + count }
/// Creates a new buffer over the same memory as the given buffer.
/// - Parameter bytes: The buffer to convert.
public init(_ bytes: UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer) {
self.init(start: bytes.baseAddress, count: bytes.count)
% if mutable:
/// Creates a new mutable buffer over the same memory as the given buffer.
/// - Parameter bytes: The buffer to convert.
public init(mutating bytes: UnsafeRawBufferPointer) {
self.init(start: UnsafeMutableRawPointer(mutating: bytes.baseAddress),
count: bytes.count)
% else:
/// Creates a new buffer over the same memory as the given buffer.
/// - Parameter bytes: The buffer to convert.
public init(_ bytes: UnsafeRawBufferPointer) {
self.init(start: bytes.baseAddress, count: bytes.count)
% end # !mutable
/// Creates a raw buffer over the contiguous bytes in the given typed buffer.
/// - Parameter buffer: The typed buffer to convert to a raw buffer. The
/// buffer's type `T` must be a trivial type.
public init<T>(_ buffer: UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<T>) {
self.init(start: buffer.baseAddress!,
count: buffer.count * MemoryLayout<T>.stride)
% if not mutable:
/// Creates a raw buffer over the contiguous bytes in the given typed buffer.
/// - Parameter buffer: The typed buffer to convert to a raw buffer. The
/// buffer's type `T` must be a trivial type.
public init<T>(_ buffer: UnsafeBufferPointer<T>) {
self.init(start: buffer.baseAddress!,
count: buffer.count * MemoryLayout<T>.stride)
% end # !mutable
% if not mutable:
/// Creates a raw buffer over the same memory as the given raw buffer slice,
/// with the indices rebased to zero.
/// The new buffer represents the same region of memory as the slice, but its
/// indices start at zero instead of at the beginning of the slice in the
/// original buffer. The following code creates `slice`, a slice covering
/// part of an existing buffer instance, then rebases it into a new `rebased`
/// buffer.
/// let slice = buffer[n...]
/// let rebased = UnsafeRawBufferPointer(rebasing: slice)
/// After this code has executed, the following are true:
/// - `rebased.startIndex == 0`
/// - `rebased[0] == slice[n]`
/// - `rebased[0] == buffer[n]`
/// - `rebased.count == slice.count`
/// - Parameter slice: The raw buffer slice to rebase.
public init(rebasing slice: Slice<UnsafeRawBufferPointer>) {
self.init(start: slice.base.baseAddress! + slice.startIndex,
count: slice.count)
% end # !mutable
/// Creates a raw buffer over the same memory as the given raw buffer slice,
/// with the indices rebased to zero.
/// The new buffer represents the same region of memory as the slice, but its
/// indices start at zero instead of at the beginning of the slice in the
/// original buffer. The following code creates `slice`, a slice covering
/// part of an existing buffer instance, then rebases it into a new `rebased`
/// buffer.
/// let slice = buffer[n...]
/// let rebased = UnsafeRawBufferPointer(rebasing: slice)
/// After this code has executed, the following are true:
/// - `rebased.startIndex == 0`
/// - `rebased[0] == slice[n]`
/// - `rebased[0] == buffer[n]`
/// - `rebased.count == slice.count`
/// - Parameter slice: The raw buffer slice to rebase.
public init(rebasing slice: Slice<UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer>) {
self.init(start: slice.base.baseAddress! + slice.startIndex,
count: slice.count)
/// A pointer to the first byte of the buffer.
/// If the `baseAddress` of this buffer is `nil`, the count is zero. However,
/// a buffer can have a `count` of zero even with a non-`nil` base address.
public var baseAddress: Unsafe${Mutable}RawPointer? {
return _position
% if mutable:
/// Initializes the memory referenced by this buffer with the given value,
/// binds the memory to the value's type, and returns a typed buffer of the
/// initialized memory.
/// The memory referenced by this buffer must be uninitialized or
/// initialized to a trivial type, and must be properly aligned for
/// accessing `T`.
/// After calling this method on a raw buffer with non-nil `baseAddress` `b`,
/// the region starting at `b` and continuing up to
/// `b + self.count - self.count % MemoryLayout<T>.stride` is bound to type `T` and
/// initialized. If `T` is a nontrivial type, you must eventually deinitialize
/// or move the values in this region to avoid leaks. If `baseAddress` is
/// `nil`, this function does nothing and returns an empty buffer pointer.
/// - Parameters:
/// - type: The type to bind this buffer’s memory to.
/// - repeatedValue: The instance to copy into memory.
/// - Returns: A typed buffer of the memory referenced by this raw buffer.
/// The typed buffer contains `self.count / MemoryLayout<T>.stride`
/// instances of `T`.
public func initializeMemory<T>(as type: T.Type, repeating repeatedValue: T)
-> UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<T> {
guard let base = _position else {
return UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<T>(start: nil, count: 0)
let count = (_end! - base) / MemoryLayout<T>.stride
let typed = base.initializeMemory(
as: type, repeating: repeatedValue, count: count)
return UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<T>(start: typed, count: count)
/// Initializes the buffer's memory with the given elements, binding the
/// initialized memory to the elements' type.
/// When calling the `initializeMemory(as:from:)` method on a buffer `b`,
/// the memory referenced by `b` must be uninitialized or initialized to a
/// trivial type, and must be properly aligned for accessing `S.Element`.
/// The buffer must contain sufficient memory to accommodate
/// `source.underestimatedCount`.
/// This method initializes the buffer with elements from `source` until
/// `source` is exhausted or, if `source` is a sequence but not a
/// collection, the buffer has no more room for its elements. After calling
/// `initializeMemory(as:from:)`, the memory referenced by the returned
/// `UnsafeMutableBufferPointer` instance is bound and initialized to type
/// `S.Element`.
/// - Parameters:
/// - type: The type of the elements to bind the buffer's memory to.
/// - source: A sequence of elements with which to initialize the buffer.
/// - Returns: An iterator to any elements of `source` that didn't fit in the
/// buffer, and a typed buffer of the written elements. The returned
/// buffer references memory starting at the same base address as this
/// buffer.
public func initializeMemory<S: Sequence>(
as type: S.Element.Type, from source: S
) -> (unwritten: S.Iterator, initialized: UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<S.Element>) {
// TODO: Optimize where `C` is a `ContiguousArrayBuffer`.
var it = source.makeIterator()
var idx = startIndex
let elementStride = MemoryLayout<S.Element>.stride
// This has to be a debug precondition due to the cost of walking over some collections.
_debugPrecondition(source.underestimatedCount <= (count / elementStride),
"insufficient space to accommodate source.underestimatedCount elements")
guard let base = baseAddress else {
// this can be a precondition since only an invalid argument should be costly
_precondition(source.underestimatedCount == 0,
"no memory available to initialize from source")
return (it, UnsafeMutableBufferPointer(start: nil, count: 0))
for p in stride(from: base,
// only advance to as far as the last element that will fit
to: base + count - elementStride + 1,
by: elementStride
) {
// underflow is permitted -- e.g. a sequence into
// the spare capacity of an Array buffer
guard let x = else { break }
p.initializeMemory(as: S.Element.self, repeating: x, count: 1)
formIndex(&idx, offsetBy: elementStride)
return (it, UnsafeMutableBufferPointer(
start: base.assumingMemoryBound(to: S.Element.self),
count: idx / elementStride))
% end # mutable
/// Binds this buffer’s memory to the specified type and returns a typed buffer
/// of the bound memory.
/// Use the `bindMemory(to:)` method to bind the memory referenced
/// by this buffer to the type `T`. The memory must be uninitialized or
/// initialized to a type that is layout compatible with `T`. If the memory
/// is uninitialized, it is still uninitialized after being bound to `T`.
/// - Warning: A memory location may only be bound to one type at a time. The
/// behavior of accessing memory as a type unrelated to its bound type is
/// undefined.
/// - Parameters:
/// - type: The type `T` to bind the memory to.
/// - Returns: A typed buffer of the newly bound memory. The memory in this
/// region is bound to `T`, but has not been modified in any other way.
/// The typed buffer references `self.count / MemoryLayout<T>.stride` instances of `T`.
@inlinable // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
public func bindMemory<T>(
to type: T.Type
) -> Unsafe${Mutable}BufferPointer<T> {
guard let base = _position else {
return Unsafe${Mutable}BufferPointer<T>(start: nil, count: 0)
let capacity = count / MemoryLayout<T>.stride
Builtin.bindMemory(base._rawValue, capacity._builtinWordValue, type)
return Unsafe${Mutable}BufferPointer<T>(
start: Unsafe${Mutable}Pointer<T>(base._rawValue), count: capacity)
extension Unsafe${Mutable}RawBufferPointer : CustomDebugStringConvertible {
/// A textual representation of the buffer, suitable for debugging.
public var debugDescription: String {
return "${Self}"
+ "(start: \( ?? "nil"), count: \(count))"
extension ${Self} {
@inlinable // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
@available(*, unavailable,
message: "use 'Unsafe${Mutable}RawBufferPointer(rebasing:)' to convert a slice into a zero-based raw buffer.")
public subscript(bounds: Range<Int>) -> ${Self} {
get { return ${Self}(start: nil, count: 0) }
% if mutable:
nonmutating set {}
% end # mutable
% if mutable:
@available(*, unavailable,
message: "use 'UnsafeRawBufferPointer(rebasing:)' to convert a slice into a zero-based raw buffer.")
public subscript(bounds: Range<Int>) -> UnsafeRawBufferPointer {
get { return UnsafeRawBufferPointer(start: nil, count: 0) }
nonmutating set {}
% end # mutable
% end # for mutable
/// Invokes the given closure with a mutable buffer pointer covering the raw
/// bytes of the given argument.
/// The buffer pointer argument to the `body` closure provides a collection
/// interface to the raw bytes of `value`. The buffer is the size of the
/// instance passed as `value` and does not include any remote storage.
/// - Parameters:
/// - value: An instance to temporarily access through a mutable raw buffer
/// pointer.
/// Note that the `inout` exclusivity rules mean that, like any other
/// `inout` argument, `value` cannot be directly accessed by other code
/// for the duration of `body`. Access must only occur through the pointer
/// argument to `body` until `body` returns.
/// - body: A closure that takes a raw buffer pointer to the bytes of `value`
/// as its sole argument. If the closure has a return value, that value is
/// also used as the return value of the `withUnsafeMutableBytes(of:_:)`
/// function. The buffer pointer argument is valid only for the duration
/// of the closure's execution.
/// - Returns: The return value, if any, of the `body` closure.
public func withUnsafeMutableBytes<T, Result>(
of value: inout T,
_ body: (UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer) throws -> Result
) rethrows -> Result
return try withUnsafeMutablePointer(to: &value) {
return try body(UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer(
start: $0, count: MemoryLayout<T>.size))
/// Invokes the given closure with a buffer pointer covering the raw bytes of
/// the given argument.
/// The buffer pointer argument to the `body` closure provides a collection
/// interface to the raw bytes of `value`. The buffer is the size of the
/// instance passed as `value` and does not include any remote storage.
/// - Parameters:
/// - value: An instance to temporarily access through a raw buffer pointer.
/// Note that the `inout` exclusivity rules mean that, like any other
/// `inout` argument, `value` cannot be directly accessed by other code
/// for the duration of `body`. Access must only occur through the pointer
/// argument to `body` until `body` returns.
/// - body: A closure that takes a raw buffer pointer to the bytes of `value`
/// as its sole argument. If the closure has a return value, that value is
/// also used as the return value of the `withUnsafeBytes(of:_:)`
/// function. The buffer pointer argument is valid only for the duration
/// of the closure's execution. It is undefined behavior to attempt to
/// mutate through the pointer by conversion to
/// `UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer` or any other mutable pointer type.
/// If you want to mutate a value by writing through a pointer, use
/// `withUnsafeMutableBytes(of:_:)` instead.
/// - Returns: The return value, if any, of the `body` closure.
public func withUnsafeBytes<T, Result>(
of value: inout T,
_ body: (UnsafeRawBufferPointer) throws -> Result
) rethrows -> Result
return try withUnsafePointer(to: &value) {
try body(UnsafeRawBufferPointer(start: $0, count: MemoryLayout<T>.size))
/// Invokes the given closure with a buffer pointer covering the raw bytes of
/// the given argument.
/// The buffer pointer argument to the `body` closure provides a collection
/// interface to the raw bytes of `value`. The buffer is the size of the
/// instance passed as `value` and does not include any remote storage.
/// - Parameters:
/// - value: An instance to temporarily access through a raw buffer pointer.
/// - body: A closure that takes a raw buffer pointer to the bytes of `value`
/// as its sole argument. If the closure has a return value, that value is
/// also used as the return value of the `withUnsafeBytes(of:_:)`
/// function. The buffer pointer argument is valid only for the duration
/// of the closure's execution. It is undefined behavior to attempt to
/// mutate through the pointer by conversion to
/// `UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer` or any other mutable pointer type.
/// If you want to mutate a value by writing through a pointer, use
/// `withUnsafeMutableBytes(of:_:)` instead.
/// - Returns: The return value, if any, of the `body` closure.
public func withUnsafeBytes<T, Result>(
of value: T,
_ body: (UnsafeRawBufferPointer) throws -> Result
) rethrows -> Result {
let addr = UnsafeRawPointer(Builtin.addressOfBorrow(value))
let buffer = UnsafeRawBufferPointer(start: addr, count: MemoryLayout<T>.size)
return try body(buffer)
// @available(*, deprecated, renamed: "UnsafeRawBufferPointer.Iterator")
public typealias UnsafeRawBufferPointerIterator<T> = UnsafeBufferPointer<T>.Iterator
// @available(*, deprecated, renamed: "UnsafeRawBufferPointer.Iterator")
public typealias UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointerIterator<T> = UnsafeBufferPointer<T>.Iterator
// ${'Local Variables'}:
// eval: (read-only-mode 1)
// End: