blob: 88990d7fd5f9179ed260f7d017688c08bcc7dacd [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- SILGenThunk.cpp - SILGen for thunks ------------------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file contains code for emitting various types of thunks that can be
// referenced from code, such as dynamic thunks, curry thunks, native to foreign
// thunks and foreign to native thunks.
// VTable thunks and witness thunks can be found in SILGenType.cpp, and the
// meat of the bridging thunk implementation is in SILGenBridging.cpp, and
// re-abstraction thunks are in SILGenPoly.cpp.
#include "SILGenFunction.h"
#include "Scope.h"
#include "ManagedValue.h"
#include "swift/AST/ASTMangler.h"
#include "swift/AST/DiagnosticsSIL.h"
#include "swift/AST/GenericEnvironment.h"
#include "swift/SIL/PrettyStackTrace.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILArgument.h"
#include "swift/SIL/TypeLowering.h"
using namespace swift;
using namespace Lowering;
SILValue SILGenFunction::emitClassMethodRef(SILLocation loc,
SILValue selfPtr,
SILDeclRef constant,
CanSILFunctionType constantTy) {
return B.createClassMethod(loc, selfPtr, constant,
SILFunction *SILGenModule::getDynamicThunk(SILDeclRef constant,
CanSILFunctionType constantTy) {
assert(constant.kind != SILDeclRef::Kind::Allocator &&
"allocating entry point for constructor is never dynamic");
// Mangle the constant with a TD suffix.
auto name = constant.mangle(SILDeclRef::ManglingKind::DynamicThunk);
auto F = M.getOrCreateFunction(constant.getDecl(), name, SILLinkage::Shared,
constantTy, IsBare, IsTransparent,
IsSerializable, ProfileCounter(), IsThunk);
if (F->empty()) {
// Emit the thunk if we haven't yet.
// Currently a dynamic thunk looks just like a foreign-to-native thunk around
// an ObjC method. This would change if we introduced a native
// runtime-hookable mechanism.
SILGenFunction SGF(*this, *F);
return F;
SILGenFunction::emitDynamicMethodRef(SILLocation loc, SILDeclRef constant,
CanSILFunctionType constantTy) {
// If the method is foreign, its foreign thunk will handle the dynamic
// dispatch for us.
if (constant.isForeignToNativeThunk()) {
if (!SGM.hasFunction(constant))
return ManagedValue::forUnmanaged(
B.createFunctionRef(loc, SGM.getFunction(constant, NotForDefinition)));
// Otherwise, we need a dynamic dispatch thunk.
SILFunction *F = SGM.getDynamicThunk(constant, constantTy);
return ManagedValue::forUnmanaged(B.createFunctionRef(loc, F));
static ManagedValue getNextUncurryLevelRef(SILGenFunction &SGF, SILLocation loc,
SILDeclRef thunk,
ManagedValue selfArg,
SubstitutionMap curriedSubs) {
auto *vd = thunk.getDecl();
// Reference the next uncurrying level of the function.
SILDeclRef next = SILDeclRef(vd, thunk.kind);
// If the function is natively foreign, reference its foreign entry point.
if (requiresForeignToNativeThunk(vd))
return ManagedValue::forUnmanaged(SGF.emitGlobalFunctionRef(loc, next));
// If the thunk is a curry thunk for a direct method reference, we are
// doing a direct dispatch (eg, a fragile '' call).
if (thunk.isDirectReference)
return ManagedValue::forUnmanaged(SGF.emitGlobalFunctionRef(loc, next));
auto constantInfo = SGF.SGM.Types.getConstantInfo(next);
if (auto *func = dyn_cast<AbstractFunctionDecl>(vd)) {
if (getMethodDispatch(func) == MethodDispatch::Class) {
// Use the dynamic thunk if dynamic.
if (vd->isDynamic())
return SGF.emitDynamicMethodRef(loc, next, constantInfo.SILFnType);
auto methodTy = SGF.SGM.Types.getConstantOverrideType(next);
SILValue result =
SGF.emitClassMethodRef(loc, selfArg.getValue(), next, methodTy);
return ManagedValue::forUnmanaged(result);
// If the fully-uncurried reference is to a generic method, look up the
// witness.
if (constantInfo.SILFnType->getRepresentation()
== SILFunctionTypeRepresentation::WitnessMethod) {
auto protocol =
auto origSelfType = protocol->getSelfInterfaceType()->getCanonicalType();
auto substSelfType = origSelfType.subst(curriedSubs)->getCanonicalType();
auto conformance = curriedSubs.lookupConformance(origSelfType, protocol);
auto result = SGF.B.createWitnessMethod(loc, substSelfType, *conformance,
next, constantInfo.getSILType());
return ManagedValue::forUnmanaged(result);
// Otherwise, emit a direct call.
return ManagedValue::forUnmanaged(SGF.emitGlobalFunctionRef(loc, next));
void SILGenFunction::emitCurryThunk(SILDeclRef thunk) {
auto *vd = thunk.getDecl();
if (auto *fd = dyn_cast<AbstractFunctionDecl>(vd)) {
assert(!SGM.M.Types.hasLoweredLocalCaptures(fd) &&
"methods cannot have captures");
(void) fd;
SILLocation loc(vd);
Scope S(*this, vd);
auto thunkFnTy = SGM.Types.getConstantInfo(thunk).SILFnType;
SILFunctionConventions fromConv(thunkFnTy, SGM.M);
auto selfTy = fromConv.getSILType(thunkFnTy->getSelfParameter());
selfTy = F.mapTypeIntoContext(selfTy);
ManagedValue selfArg = B.createInputFunctionArgument(selfTy, loc);
// Forward substitutions.
auto subs = F.getForwardingSubstitutionMap();
ManagedValue toFn = getNextUncurryLevelRef(*this, loc, thunk, selfArg, subs);
// FIXME: Using the type from the ConstantInfo instead of looking at
// getConstantOverrideInfo() for methods looks suspect in the presence
// of covariant overrides and multiple vtable entries.
SILType resultTy = fromConv.getSingleSILResultType();
resultTy = F.mapTypeIntoContext(resultTy);
auto substTy = toFn.getType().substGenericArgs(SGM.M, subs);
// Partially apply the next uncurry level and return the result closure.
selfArg = selfArg.ensurePlusOne(*this, loc);
auto calleeConvention = ParameterConvention::Direct_Guaranteed;
auto closureTy = SILGenBuilder::getPartialApplyResultType(
toFn.getType(), /*appliedParams=*/1, SGM.M, subs, calleeConvention);
ManagedValue toClosure =
B.createPartialApply(loc, toFn, substTy, subs, {selfArg}, closureTy);
if (resultTy != closureTy) {
CanSILFunctionType resultFnTy = resultTy.castTo<SILFunctionType>();
CanSILFunctionType closureFnTy = closureTy.castTo<SILFunctionType>();
if (resultFnTy->isABICompatibleWith(closureFnTy).isCompatible()) {
toClosure = B.createConvertFunction(loc, toClosure, resultTy);
} else {
toClosure =
emitCanonicalFunctionThunk(loc, toClosure, closureFnTy, resultFnTy);
toClosure = S.popPreservingValue(toClosure);
B.createReturn(ImplicitReturnLocation::getImplicitReturnLoc(loc), toClosure);
void SILGenModule::emitCurryThunk(SILDeclRef constant) {
// Thunks are always emitted by need, so don't need delayed emission.
SILFunction *f = getFunction(constant, ForDefinition);
auto *fd = constant.getDecl();
preEmitFunction(constant, fd, f, fd);
PrettyStackTraceSILFunction X("silgen emitCurryThunk", f);
SILGenFunction(*this, *f).emitCurryThunk(constant);
postEmitFunction(constant, f);
void SILGenModule::emitForeignToNativeThunk(SILDeclRef thunk) {
// Thunks are always emitted by need, so don't need delayed emission.
assert(!thunk.isForeign && "foreign-to-native thunks only");
SILFunction *f = getFunction(thunk, ForDefinition);
if (thunk.asForeign().isClangGenerated())
preEmitFunction(thunk, thunk.getDecl(), f, thunk.getDecl());
PrettyStackTraceSILFunction X("silgen emitForeignToNativeThunk", f);
SILGenFunction(*this, *f).emitForeignToNativeThunk(thunk);
postEmitFunction(thunk, f);
void SILGenModule::emitNativeToForeignThunk(SILDeclRef thunk) {
// Thunks are always emitted by need, so don't need delayed emission.
assert(thunk.isForeign && "native-to-foreign thunks only");
SILFunction *f = getFunction(thunk, ForDefinition);
if (thunk.hasDecl())
preEmitFunction(thunk, thunk.getDecl(), f, thunk.getDecl());
preEmitFunction(thunk, thunk.getAbstractClosureExpr(), f,
PrettyStackTraceSILFunction X("silgen emitNativeToForeignThunk", f);
SILGenFunction(*this, *f).emitNativeToForeignThunk(thunk);
postEmitFunction(thunk, f);
SILValue SILGenFunction::emitGlobalFunctionRef(SILLocation loc,
SILDeclRef constant,
SILConstantInfo constantInfo) {
assert(constantInfo == getConstantInfo(constant));
// Builtins must be fully applied at the point of reference.
if (constant.hasDecl() &&
isa<BuiltinUnit>(constant.getDecl()->getDeclContext())) {
SGM.diagnose(loc.getSourceLoc(), diag::not_implemented,
"delayed application of builtin");
return SILUndef::get(constantInfo.getSILType(), SGM.M);
// If the constant is a thunk we haven't emitted yet, emit it.
if (!SGM.hasFunction(constant)) {
if (constant.isCurried) {
} else if (constant.isForeignToNativeThunk()) {
} else if (constant.isNativeToForeignThunk()) {
} else if (constant.kind == SILDeclRef::Kind::EnumElement) {
auto f = SGM.getFunction(constant, NotForDefinition);
assert(f->getLoweredFunctionType() == constantInfo.SILFnType);
return B.createFunctionRef(loc, f);
SILFunction *SILGenModule::
getOrCreateReabstractionThunk(CanSILFunctionType thunkType,
CanSILFunctionType fromType,
CanSILFunctionType toType,
IsSerialized_t Serialized) {
// The reference to the thunk is likely @noescape, but declarations are always
// escaping.
auto thunkDeclType =
// Mangle the reabstraction thunk.
// Substitute context parameters out of the "from" and "to" types.
auto fromInterfaceType = fromType->mapTypeOutOfContext()
auto toInterfaceType = toType->mapTypeOutOfContext()
Mangle::ASTMangler NewMangler;
std::string name = NewMangler.mangleReabstractionThunkHelper(thunkType,
fromInterfaceType, toInterfaceType, M.getSwiftModule());
auto loc = RegularLocation::getAutoGeneratedLocation();
return M.getOrCreateSharedFunction(loc, name, thunkDeclType, IsBare,
IsTransparent, IsSerializable,
ProfileCounter(), IsReabstractionThunk);