blob: a9f6fc0413341a7512b2748024bb5d835cd85d5b [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- IRGenSIL.cpp - Swift Per-Function IR Generation ------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file implements basic setup and teardown for the class which
// performs IR generation for function bodies.
#define DEBUG_TYPE "irgensil"
#include "llvm/IR/DIBuilder.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Function.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Module.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Instructions.h"
#include "llvm/IR/IntrinsicInst.h"
#include "llvm/IR/InlineAsm.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Intrinsics.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/MapVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallBitVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/TinyPtrVector.h"
#include "llvm/Support/SaveAndRestore.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
#include "llvm/Transforms/Utils/Local.h"
#include "clang/AST/ASTContext.h"
#include "clang/Basic/TargetInfo.h"
#include "swift/Basic/ExternalUnion.h"
#include "swift/Basic/Range.h"
#include "swift/Basic/STLExtras.h"
#include "swift/AST/ASTContext.h"
#include "swift/AST/IRGenOptions.h"
#include "swift/AST/Pattern.h"
#include "swift/AST/ParameterList.h"
#include "swift/AST/SubstitutionMap.h"
#include "swift/AST/Types.h"
#include "swift/SIL/Dominance.h"
#include "swift/SIL/PrettyStackTrace.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILDebugScope.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILDeclRef.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILLinkage.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILModule.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILType.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILVisitor.h"
#include "swift/SIL/InstructionUtils.h"
#include "clang/CodeGen/CodeGenABITypes.h"
#include "CallEmission.h"
#include "Explosion.h"
#include "GenArchetype.h"
#include "GenBuiltin.h"
#include "GenCall.h"
#include "GenCast.h"
#include "GenClass.h"
#include "GenConstant.h"
#include "GenEnum.h"
#include "GenExistential.h"
#include "GenFunc.h"
#include "GenHeap.h"
#include "GenObjC.h"
#include "GenOpaque.h"
#include "GenPoly.h"
#include "GenProto.h"
#include "GenStruct.h"
#include "GenTuple.h"
#include "GenType.h"
#include "IRGenDebugInfo.h"
#include "IRGenModule.h"
#include "MetadataRequest.h"
#include "NativeConventionSchema.h"
#include "ReferenceTypeInfo.h"
#include "WeakTypeInfo.h"
using namespace swift;
using namespace irgen;
namespace {
class LoweredValue;
struct DynamicallyEnforcedAddress {
Address Addr;
llvm::Value *ScratchBuffer;
struct CoroutineState {
Address Buffer;
llvm::Value *Continuation;
TemporarySet Temporaries;
/// Represents a SIL value lowered to IR, in one of these forms:
/// - an Address, corresponding to a SIL address value;
/// - an Explosion of (unmanaged) Values, corresponding to a SIL "register"; or
/// - a CallEmission for a partially-applied curried function or method.
class LoweredValue {
enum class Kind {
/// The first two LoweredValue kinds correspond to a SIL address value.
/// The LoweredValue of an existential alloc_stack keeps an owning container
/// in addition to the address of the allocated buffer.
/// Depending on the allocated type, the container may be equal to the
/// buffer itself (for types with known sizes) or it may be the address
/// of a fixed-size container which points to the heap-allocated buffer.
/// In this case the address-part may be null, which means that the buffer
/// is not allocated yet.
/// The LoweredValue of a resilient, generic, or loadable typed alloc_stack
/// keeps an optional stackrestore point in addition to the address of the
/// allocated buffer. For all other address values the stackrestore point is
/// just null.
/// If the stackrestore point is set (currently, this might happen for
/// opaque types: generic and resilient) the deallocation of the stack must
/// reset the stack pointer to this point.
/// A @box together with the address of the box value.
/// The lowered value of a begin_access instruction using dynamic
/// enforcement.
/// A normal value, represented as an exploded array of llvm Values.
/// The special case of a single explosion.
/// A value that represents a function pointer.
/// A value that represents an Objective-C method that must be called with
/// a form of objc_msgSend.
/// The special case of an empty explosion.
/// A coroutine state.
Kind kind;
using ExplosionVector = SmallVector<llvm::Value *, 4>;
using SingletonExplosion = llvm::Value*;
using Members = ExternalUnionMembers<ContainedAddress,
static Members::Index getMemberIndexForKind(Kind kind) {
switch (kind) {
case Kind::ContainedAddress: return Members::indexOf<ContainedAddress>();
case Kind::StackAddress: return Members::indexOf<StackAddress>();
case Kind::OwnedAddress: return Members::indexOf<OwnedAddress>();
case Kind::DynamicallyEnforcedAddress: return Members::indexOf<DynamicallyEnforcedAddress>();
case Kind::ExplosionVector: return Members::indexOf<ExplosionVector>();
case Kind::SingletonExplosion: return Members::indexOf<SingletonExplosion>();
case Kind::FunctionPointer: return Members::indexOf<FunctionPointer>();
case Kind::ObjCMethod: return Members::indexOf<ObjCMethod>();
case Kind::CoroutineState: return Members::indexOf<CoroutineState>();
case Kind::EmptyExplosion: return Members::indexOf<void>();
llvm_unreachable("bad kind");
ExternalUnion<Kind, Members, getMemberIndexForKind> Storage;
/// Create an address value without a stack restore point.
LoweredValue(const Address &address)
: kind(Kind::StackAddress) {
Storage.emplace<StackAddress>(kind, address);
/// Create an address value with an optional stack restore point.
LoweredValue(const StackAddress &address)
: kind(Kind::StackAddress) {
Storage.emplace<StackAddress>(kind, address);
/// Create an address value using dynamic enforcement.
LoweredValue(const DynamicallyEnforcedAddress &address)
: kind(Kind::DynamicallyEnforcedAddress) {
Storage.emplace<DynamicallyEnforcedAddress>(kind, address);
enum ContainerForUnallocatedAddress_t { ContainerForUnallocatedAddress };
/// Create an address value for an alloc_stack, consisting of a container and
/// a not yet allocated buffer.
LoweredValue(const Address &container, ContainerForUnallocatedAddress_t)
: kind(Kind::ContainedAddress) {
Storage.emplace<ContainedAddress>(kind, container, Address());
/// Create an address value for an alloc_stack, consisting of a container and
/// the address of the allocated buffer.
LoweredValue(const ContainedAddress &address)
: kind(Kind::ContainedAddress) {
Storage.emplace<ContainedAddress>(kind, address);
LoweredValue(const FunctionPointer &fn)
: kind(Kind::FunctionPointer) {
Storage.emplace<FunctionPointer>(kind, fn);
LoweredValue(ObjCMethod &&objcMethod)
: kind(Kind::ObjCMethod) {
Storage.emplace<ObjCMethod>(kind, std::move(objcMethod));
LoweredValue(Explosion &e) {
auto elts = e.claimAll();
if (elts.empty()) {
kind = Kind::EmptyExplosion;
} else if (elts.size() == 1) {
kind = Kind::SingletonExplosion;
Storage.emplace<SingletonExplosion>(kind, elts.front());
} else {
kind = Kind::ExplosionVector;
auto &explosion = Storage.emplace<ExplosionVector>(kind);
explosion.append(elts.begin(), elts.end());
LoweredValue(const OwnedAddress &boxWithAddress)
: kind(Kind::OwnedAddress) {
Storage.emplace<OwnedAddress>(kind, boxWithAddress);
LoweredValue(CoroutineState &&state)
: kind(Kind::CoroutineState) {
Storage.emplace<CoroutineState>(kind, std::move(state));
LoweredValue(LoweredValue &&lv)
: kind(lv.kind) {
Storage.moveConstruct(kind, std::move(lv.Storage));
LoweredValue &operator=(LoweredValue &&lv) {
Storage.moveAssign(kind, lv.kind, std::move(lv.Storage));
kind = lv.kind;
return *this;
~LoweredValue() {
bool isAddress() const {
return (kind == Kind::StackAddress ||
kind == Kind::DynamicallyEnforcedAddress);
bool isUnallocatedAddressInBuffer() const {
return kind == Kind::ContainedAddress &&
bool isBoxWithAddress() const {
return kind == Kind::OwnedAddress;
const StackAddress &getStackAddress() const {
return Storage.get<StackAddress>(kind);
Address getContainerOfAddress() const {
const auto &containedAddress = Storage.get<ContainedAddress>(kind);
assert(containedAddress.getContainer().isValid() && "address has no container");
return containedAddress.getContainer();
Address getAddressInContainer() const {
const auto &containedAddress = Storage.get<ContainedAddress>(kind);
assert(containedAddress.getContainer().isValid() &&
"address has no container");
return containedAddress.getAddress();
const DynamicallyEnforcedAddress &getDynamicallyEnforcedAddress() const {
return Storage.get<DynamicallyEnforcedAddress>(kind);
Address getAnyAddress() const {
if (kind == LoweredValue::Kind::StackAddress) {
return Storage.get<StackAddress>(kind).getAddress();
} else if (kind == LoweredValue::Kind::ContainedAddress) {
return getAddressInContainer();
} else {
return getDynamicallyEnforcedAddress().Addr;
Address getAddressOfBox() const {
return Storage.get<OwnedAddress>(kind).getAddress();
ArrayRef<llvm::Value *> getKnownExplosionVector() const {
return Storage.get<ExplosionVector>(kind);
llvm::Value *getKnownSingletonExplosion() const {
return Storage.get<SingletonExplosion>(kind);
const FunctionPointer &getFunctionPointer() const {
return Storage.get<FunctionPointer>(kind);
const ObjCMethod &getObjCMethod() const {
return Storage.get<ObjCMethod>(kind);
const CoroutineState &getCoroutineState() const {
return Storage.get<CoroutineState>(kind);
/// Produce an explosion for this lowered value. Note that many
/// different storage kinds can be turned into an explosion.
Explosion getExplosion(IRGenFunction &IGF, SILType type) const {
Explosion e;
getExplosion(IGF, type, e);
return e;
void getExplosion(IRGenFunction &IGF, SILType type, Explosion &ex) const;
/// Produce an explosion which is known to be a single value.
llvm::Value *getSingletonExplosion(IRGenFunction &IGF, SILType type) const;
/// Produce a callee from this value.
Callee getCallee(IRGenFunction &IGF, llvm::Value *selfValue,
CalleeInfo &&calleeInfo) const;
using PHINodeVector = llvm::TinyPtrVector<llvm::PHINode*>;
/// Represents a lowered SIL basic block. This keeps track
/// of SIL branch arguments so that they can be lowered to LLVM phi nodes.
struct LoweredBB {
llvm::BasicBlock *bb;
PHINodeVector phis;
LoweredBB() = default;
explicit LoweredBB(llvm::BasicBlock *bb, PHINodeVector &&phis)
: bb(bb), phis(std::move(phis))
/// Visits a SIL Function and generates LLVM IR.
class IRGenSILFunction :
public IRGenFunction, public SILInstructionVisitor<IRGenSILFunction>
llvm::DenseMap<SILValue, LoweredValue> LoweredValues;
llvm::DenseMap<SILType, LoweredValue> LoweredUndefs;
/// All alloc_ref instructions which allocate the object on the stack.
llvm::SmallPtrSet<SILInstruction *, 8> StackAllocs;
/// With closure captures it is actually possible to have two function
/// arguments that both have the same name. Until this is fixed, we need to
/// also hash the ArgNo here.
using StackSlotKey =
std::pair<unsigned, std::pair<const SILDebugScope *, StringRef>>;
/// Keeps track of the mapping of source variables to -O0 shadow copy allocas.
llvm::SmallDenseMap<StackSlotKey, Address, 8> ShadowStackSlots;
llvm::SmallDenseMap<Decl *, SmallString<4>, 8> AnonymousVariables;
/// To avoid inserting elements into ValueDomPoints twice.
llvm::SmallDenseSet<llvm::Instruction *, 8> ValueVariables;
/// Holds the DominancePoint of values that are storage for a source variable.
SmallVector<std::pair<llvm::Instruction *, DominancePoint>, 8> ValueDomPoints;
unsigned NumAnonVars = 0;
/// Accumulative amount of allocated bytes on the stack. Used to limit the
/// size for stack promoted objects.
/// We calculate it on demand, so that we don't have to do it if the
/// function does not have any stack promoted allocations.
int EstimatedStackSize = -1;
llvm::MapVector<SILBasicBlock *, LoweredBB> LoweredBBs;
// Destination basic blocks for condfail traps.
llvm::SmallVector<llvm::BasicBlock *, 8> FailBBs;
SILFunction *CurSILFn;
Address IndirectReturn;
/// The unique block that calls @llvm.coro.end.
llvm::BasicBlock *CoroutineExitBlock = nullptr;
// A cached dominance analysis.
std::unique_ptr<DominanceInfo> Dominance;
IRGenSILFunction(IRGenModule &IGM, SILFunction *f);
/// Generate IR for the SIL Function.
void emitSILFunction();
/// Calculates EstimatedStackSize.
void estimateStackSize();
void setLoweredValue(SILValue v, LoweredValue &&lv) {
auto inserted = LoweredValues.insert({v, std::move(lv)});
assert(inserted.second && "already had lowered value for sil value?!");
/// Create a new Address corresponding to the given SIL address value.
void setLoweredAddress(SILValue v, const Address &address) {
assert(v->getType().isAddress() && "address for non-address value?!");
setLoweredValue(v, address);
void setLoweredStackAddress(SILValue v, const StackAddress &address) {
assert(v->getType().isAddress() && "address for non-address value?!");
setLoweredValue(v, address);
void setLoweredDynamicallyEnforcedAddress(SILValue v,
const Address &address,
llvm::Value *scratch) {
assert(v->getType().isAddress() && "address for non-address value?!");
setLoweredValue(v, DynamicallyEnforcedAddress{address, scratch});
void setContainerOfUnallocatedAddress(SILValue v,
const Address &buffer) {
assert(v->getType().isAddress() && "address for non-address value?!");
LoweredValue(buffer, LoweredValue::ContainerForUnallocatedAddress));
void overwriteAllocatedAddress(SILValue v, const Address &address) {
assert(v->getType().isAddress() && "address for non-address value?!");
auto it = LoweredValues.find(v);
assert(it != LoweredValues.end() && "no existing entry for overwrite?");
assert(it->second.isUnallocatedAddressInBuffer() &&
"not an unallocated address");
it->second = ContainedAddress(it->second.getContainerOfAddress(), address);
void setAllocatedAddressForBuffer(SILValue v, const Address &allocedAddress);
/// Create a new Explosion corresponding to the given SIL value.
void setLoweredExplosion(SILValue v, Explosion &e) {
assert(v->getType().isObject() && "explosion for address value?!");
setLoweredValue(v, LoweredValue(e));
void setCorrespondingLoweredValues(SILInstructionResultArray results,
Explosion &allValues) {
for (SILValue result : results) {
auto resultType = result->getType();
auto &resultTI = getTypeInfo(resultType);
// If the value is indirect, the next explosion value should just be
// a pointer.
if (resultType.isAddress()) {
auto pointer = allValues.claimNext();
setLoweredAddress(result, resultTI.getAddressForPointer(pointer));
// Otherwise, claim out the right number of values.
Explosion resultValue;
cast<LoadableTypeInfo>(resultTI).reexplode(*this, allValues, resultValue);
setLoweredExplosion(result, resultValue);
void setLoweredBox(SILValue v, const OwnedAddress &box) {
assert(v->getType().isObject() && "box for address value?!");
setLoweredValue(v, LoweredValue(box));
/// Map the given SIL value to a FunctionPointer value.
void setLoweredFunctionPointer(SILValue v, const FunctionPointer &fnPtr) {
assert(v->getType().isObject() && "function for address value?!");
assert(v->getType().is<SILFunctionType>() &&
"function for non-function value?!");
setLoweredValue(v, fnPtr);
/// Create a new Objective-C method corresponding to the given SIL value.
void setLoweredObjCMethod(SILValue v, SILDeclRef method) {
assert(v->getType().isObject() && "function for address value?!");
assert(v->getType().is<SILFunctionType>() &&
"function for non-function value?!");
setLoweredValue(v, ObjCMethod{method, SILType(), false});
/// Create a new Objective-C method corresponding to the given SIL value that
/// starts its search from the given search type.
/// Unlike \c setLoweredObjCMethod, which finds the method in the actual
/// runtime type of the object, this routine starts at the static type of the
/// object and searches up the class hierarchy (toward superclasses).
/// \param searchType The class from which the Objective-C runtime will start
/// its search for a method.
/// \param startAtSuper Whether we want to start at the superclass of the
/// static type (vs. the static type itself).
void setLoweredObjCMethodBounded(SILValue v, SILDeclRef method,
SILType searchType, bool startAtSuper) {
assert(v->getType().isObject() && "function for address value?!");
assert(v->getType().is<SILFunctionType>() &&
"function for non-function value?!");
setLoweredValue(v, ObjCMethod{method, searchType, startAtSuper});
void setLoweredCoroutine(SILValue tokenResult, CoroutineState &&state) {
setLoweredValue(tokenResult, std::move(state));
LoweredValue &getUndefLoweredValue(SILType t) {
auto found = LoweredUndefs.find(t);
if (found != LoweredUndefs.end())
return found->second;
auto &ti = getTypeInfo(t);
switch (t.getCategory()) {
case SILValueCategory::Address: {
Address undefAddr = ti.getAddressForPointer(
LoweredUndefs.insert({t, LoweredValue(undefAddr)});
case SILValueCategory::Object: {
auto schema = ti.getSchema();
Explosion e;
for (auto &elt : schema) {
&& "non-scalar element in loadable type schema?!");
LoweredUndefs.insert({t, LoweredValue(e)});
found = LoweredUndefs.find(t);
assert(found != LoweredUndefs.end());
return found->second;
/// Get the LoweredValue corresponding to the given SIL value, which must
/// have been lowered.
LoweredValue &getLoweredValue(SILValue v) {
if (isa<SILUndef>(v))
return getUndefLoweredValue(v->getType());
auto foundValue = LoweredValues.find(v);
assert(foundValue != LoweredValues.end() &&
"no lowered explosion for sil value!");
return foundValue->second;
/// Get the Address of a SIL value of address type, which must have been
/// lowered.
Address getLoweredAddress(SILValue v) {
return getLoweredValue(v).getAnyAddress();
StackAddress getLoweredStackAddress(SILValue v) {
return getLoweredValue(v).getStackAddress();
llvm::Value *getLoweredDynamicEnforcementScratchBuffer(BeginAccessInst *v) {
return getLoweredValue(v).getDynamicallyEnforcedAddress().ScratchBuffer;
const CoroutineState &getLoweredCoroutine(SILValue v) {
return getLoweredValue(v).getCoroutineState();
/// Add the unmanaged LLVM values lowered from a SIL value to an explosion.
void getLoweredExplosion(SILValue v, Explosion &e) {
getLoweredValue(v).getExplosion(*this, v->getType(), e);
/// Create an Explosion containing the unmanaged LLVM values lowered from a
/// SIL value.
Explosion getLoweredExplosion(SILValue v) {
return getLoweredValue(v).getExplosion(*this, v->getType());
/// Return the single member of the lowered explosion for the
/// given SIL value.
llvm::Value *getLoweredSingletonExplosion(SILValue v) {
return getLoweredValue(v).getSingletonExplosion(*this, v->getType());
LoweredBB &getLoweredBB(SILBasicBlock *bb) {
auto foundBB = LoweredBBs.find(bb);
assert(foundBB != LoweredBBs.end() && "no llvm bb for sil bb?!");
return foundBB->second;
StringRef getOrCreateAnonymousVarName(VarDecl *Decl) {
llvm::SmallString<4> &Name = AnonymousVariables[Decl];
if (Name.empty()) {
llvm::raw_svector_ostream S(Name);
S << '_' << NumAnonVars++;
AnonymousVariables.insert({Decl, Name});
return Name;
template <class DebugVarCarryingInst>
StringRef getVarName(DebugVarCarryingInst *i, bool &IsAnonymous) {
auto VarInfo = i->getVarInfo();
if (!VarInfo)
return StringRef();
StringRef Name = i->getVarInfo()->Name;
// The $match variables generated by the type checker are not
// guaranteed to be unique within their scope, but they have
// unique VarDecls.
if ((Name.empty() || Name == "$match") && i->getDecl()) {
IsAnonymous = true;
return getOrCreateAnonymousVarName(i->getDecl());
return Name;
/// Try to emit an inline assembly gadget which extends the lifetime of
/// \p Var. Returns whether or not this was successful.
bool emitLifetimeExtendingUse(llvm::Value *Var) {
llvm::Type *ArgTys;
auto *Ty = Var->getType();
// Vectors, Pointers and Floats are expected to fit into a register.
if (Ty->isPointerTy() || Ty->isFloatingPointTy() || Ty->isVectorTy())
ArgTys = {Ty};
else {
// If this is not a scalar or vector type, we can't handle it.
if (isa<llvm::CompositeType>(Ty))
return false;
// The storage is guaranteed to be no larger than the register width.
// Extend the storage so it would fit into a register.
llvm::Type *IntTy;
switch (IGM.getClangASTContext().getTargetInfo().getRegisterWidth()) {
case 64:
IntTy = IGM.Int64Ty;
case 32:
IntTy = IGM.Int32Ty;
llvm_unreachable("unsupported register width");
ArgTys = {IntTy};
Var = Builder.CreateZExtOrBitCast(Var, IntTy);
// Emit an empty inline assembler expression depending on the register.
auto *AsmFnTy = llvm::FunctionType::get(IGM.VoidTy, ArgTys, false);
auto *InlineAsm = llvm::InlineAsm::get(AsmFnTy, "", "r", true);
Builder.CreateAsmCall(InlineAsm, Var);
return true;
/// At -Onone, forcibly keep all LLVM values that are tracked by
/// debug variables alive by inserting an empty inline assembler
/// expression depending on the value in the blocks dominated by the
/// value.
void emitDebugVariableRangeExtension(const SILBasicBlock *CurBB) {
if (IGM.IRGen.Opts.shouldOptimize())
for (auto &Variable : ValueDomPoints) {
llvm::Instruction *Var = Variable.first;
DominancePoint VarDominancePoint = Variable.second;
if (getActiveDominancePoint() == VarDominancePoint ||
isActiveDominancePointDominatedBy(VarDominancePoint)) {
bool ExtendedLifetime = emitLifetimeExtendingUse(Var);
if (!ExtendedLifetime)
// Propagate dbg.values for Var into the current basic block. Note
// that this shouldn't be necessary. LiveDebugValues should be doing
// this but can't in general because it currently only tracks register
// locations.
llvm::BasicBlock *BB = Var->getParent();
llvm::BasicBlock *CurBB = Builder.GetInsertBlock();
if (BB == CurBB)
// The current basic block must be a successor of the dbg.value().
llvm::SmallVector<llvm::DbgValueInst *, 4> DbgValues;
llvm::findDbgValues(DbgValues, Var);
for (auto *DVI : DbgValues)
if (DVI->getParent() == BB)
DVI->getValue(), DVI->getVariable(), DVI->getExpression(),
DVI->getDebugLoc(), &*CurBB->getFirstInsertionPt());
/// To make it unambiguous whether a `var` binding has been initialized,
/// zero-initialize the first pointer-sized field. LLDB uses this to
/// recognize to detect uninitizialized variables. This can be removed once
/// swiftc switches to @llvm.dbg.addr() intrinsics.
void zeroInit(llvm::AllocaInst *AI) {
if (!AI)
// Only do this at -Onone.
if (IGM.IRGen.Opts.shouldOptimize())
auto &DL = IGM.DataLayout;
if (DL.getTypeSizeInBits(AI->getAllocatedType()) <
llvm::IRBuilder<> ZeroInitBuilder(AI->getNextNode());
// No debug location is how LLVM marks prologue instructions.
auto *BC =
ZeroInitBuilder.CreateBitCast(AI, IGM.OpaquePtrTy->getPointerTo());
llvm::ConstantPointerNull::get(IGM.OpaquePtrTy), BC,
/// Account for bugs in LLVM.
/// - The LLVM type legalizer currently doesn't update debug
/// intrinsics when a large value is split up into smaller
/// pieces. Note that this heuristic as a bit too conservative
/// on 32-bit targets as it will also fire for doubles.
/// - CodeGen Prepare may drop dbg.values pointing to PHI instruction.
bool needsShadowCopy(llvm::Value *Storage) {
return (IGM.DataLayout.getTypeSizeInBits(Storage->getType()) >
IGM.getClangASTContext().getTargetInfo().getRegisterWidth()) ||
/// Unconditionally emit a stack shadow copy of an \c llvm::Value.
llvm::Value *emitShadowCopy(llvm::Value *Storage, const SILDebugScope *Scope,
StringRef Name, unsigned ArgNo, Alignment Align) {
if (Align.isZero())
Align = IGM.getPointerAlignment();
auto &Alloca = ShadowStackSlots[{ArgNo, {Scope, Name}}];
if (!Alloca.isValid())
Alloca = createAlloca(Storage->getType(), Align, Name+".addr");
ArtificialLocation AutoRestore(Scope, IGM.DebugInfo, Builder);
Builder.CreateStore(Storage, Alloca.getAddress(), Align);
return Alloca.getAddress();
/// At -Onone, emit a shadow copy of an Address in an alloca, so the
/// register allocator doesn't elide the dbg.value intrinsic when
/// register pressure is high. There is a trade-off to this: With
/// shadow copies, we lose the precise lifetime.
llvm::Value *emitShadowCopyIfNeeded(llvm::Value *Storage,
const SILDebugScope *Scope,
StringRef Name, unsigned ArgNo,
bool IsAnonymous,
Alignment Align = Alignment(0)) {
// Never emit shadow copies when optimizing, or if already on the stack.
// No debug info is emitted for refcounts either.
if (IGM.IRGen.Opts.shouldOptimize() || IsAnonymous ||
isa<llvm::AllocaInst>(Storage) || isa<llvm::UndefValue>(Storage) ||
Storage->getType() == IGM.RefCountedPtrTy)
return Storage;
// Always emit shadow copies for function arguments.
if (ArgNo == 0)
// Otherwise only if debug value range extension is not feasible.
if (!needsShadowCopy(Storage)) {
// Mark for debug value range extension unless this is a constant, or
// unless it's not possible to emit lifetime-extending uses for this.
if (auto *Value = dyn_cast<llvm::Instruction>(Storage)) {
// Emit a use at the start of the storage lifetime to force early
// materialization. This makes variables available for inspection as
// soon as they are defined.
bool ExtendedLifetime = emitLifetimeExtendingUse(Value);
if (ExtendedLifetime)
if (ValueVariables.insert(Value).second)
ValueDomPoints.push_back({Value, getActiveDominancePoint()});
return Storage;
return emitShadowCopy(Storage, Scope, Name, ArgNo, Align);
/// Like \c emitShadowCopyIfNeeded() but takes an \c Address instead of an
/// \c llvm::Value.
llvm::Value *emitShadowCopyIfNeeded(Address Storage,
const SILDebugScope *Scope,
StringRef Name, unsigned ArgNo,
bool IsAnonymous) {
return emitShadowCopyIfNeeded(Storage.getAddress(), Scope, Name, ArgNo,
IsAnonymous, Storage.getAlignment());
/// Like \c emitShadowCopyIfNeeded() but takes an exploded value.
void emitShadowCopyIfNeeded(SILValue &SILVal, const SILDebugScope *Scope,
StringRef Name, unsigned ArgNo, bool IsAnonymous,
llvm::SmallVectorImpl<llvm::Value *> &copy) {
Explosion e = getLoweredExplosion(SILVal);
// Only do this at -O0.
if (IGM.IRGen.Opts.shouldOptimize() || IsAnonymous) {
auto vals = e.claimAll();
copy.append(vals.begin(), vals.end());
// Single or empty values.
if (e.size() <= 1) {
auto vals = e.claimAll();
for (auto val : vals)
emitShadowCopyIfNeeded(val, Scope, Name, ArgNo, IsAnonymous));
SILType Type = SILVal->getType();
auto &LTI = cast<LoadableTypeInfo>(IGM.getTypeInfo(Type));
auto Alloca = LTI.allocateStack(*this, Type, "debug.copy");
LTI.initialize(*this, e, Alloca.getAddress(), false /* isOutlined */);
/// Determine whether a generic variable has been inlined.
static bool isInlinedGeneric(VarDecl *VarDecl, const SILDebugScope *DS) {
if (!DS->InlinedCallSite)
return false;
if (VarDecl->hasType())
return VarDecl->getType()->hasArchetype();
return VarDecl->getInterfaceType()->hasTypeParameter();
/// Force all archetypes referenced by the type to be bound by this point.
/// TODO: just make sure that we have a path to them that the debug info
/// can follow.
void bindArchetypes(swift::Type Ty) {
auto runtimeTy = getRuntimeReifiedType(IGM, Ty->getCanonicalType());
if (!IGM.IRGen.Opts.shouldOptimize() && runtimeTy->hasArchetype())
runtimeTy.visit([&](CanType t) {
if (auto archetype = dyn_cast<ArchetypeType>(t))
/// Emit debug info for a function argument or a local variable.
template <typename StorageType>
void emitDebugVariableDeclaration(StorageType Storage,
DebugTypeInfo Ty,
const SILDebugScope *DS,
VarDecl *VarDecl,
StringRef Name,
unsigned ArgNo = 0,
IndirectionKind Indirection = DirectValue) {
// FIXME: The debug info type of all inlined instances of a variable must be
// the same as the type of the abstract variable.
if (isInlinedGeneric(VarDecl, DS))
assert(IGM.DebugInfo && "debug info not enabled");
if (ArgNo) {
PrologueLocation AutoRestore(IGM.DebugInfo, Builder);
IGM.DebugInfo->emitVariableDeclaration(Builder, Storage, Ty, DS, VarDecl,
Name, ArgNo, Indirection);
} else
IGM.DebugInfo->emitVariableDeclaration(Builder, Storage, Ty, DS, VarDecl,
Name, 0, Indirection);
void emitFailBB() {
if (!FailBBs.empty()) {
// Move the trap basic blocks to the end of the function.
for (auto *FailBB : FailBBs) {
auto &BlockList = CurFn->getBasicBlockList();
BlockList.splice(BlockList.end(), BlockList, FailBB);
// SIL instruction lowering
void visitSILBasicBlock(SILBasicBlock *BB);
void emitErrorResultVar(SILResultInfo ErrorInfo, DebugValueInst *DbgValue);
void emitDebugInfoForAllocStack(AllocStackInst *i, const TypeInfo &type,
llvm::Value *addr);
void visitAllocStackInst(AllocStackInst *i);
void visitAllocRefInst(AllocRefInst *i);
void visitAllocRefDynamicInst(AllocRefDynamicInst *i);
void visitAllocBoxInst(AllocBoxInst *i);
void visitProjectBoxInst(ProjectBoxInst *i);
void visitApplyInst(ApplyInst *i);
void visitTryApplyInst(TryApplyInst *i);
void visitFullApplySite(FullApplySite i);
void visitPartialApplyInst(PartialApplyInst *i);
void visitBuiltinInst(BuiltinInst *i);
void visitFunctionRefInst(FunctionRefInst *i);
void visitAllocGlobalInst(AllocGlobalInst *i);
void visitGlobalAddrInst(GlobalAddrInst *i);
void visitGlobalValueInst(GlobalValueInst *i);
void visitIntegerLiteralInst(IntegerLiteralInst *i);
void visitFloatLiteralInst(FloatLiteralInst *i);
void visitStringLiteralInst(StringLiteralInst *i);
void visitConstStringLiteralInst(ConstStringLiteralInst *i);
void visitLoadInst(LoadInst *i);
void visitStoreInst(StoreInst *i);
void visitAssignInst(AssignInst *i) {
llvm_unreachable("assign is not valid in canonical SIL");
void visitMarkUninitializedInst(MarkUninitializedInst *i) {
llvm_unreachable("mark_uninitialized is not valid in canonical SIL");
void visitMarkUninitializedBehaviorInst(MarkUninitializedBehaviorInst *i) {
llvm_unreachable("mark_uninitialized_behavior is not valid in canonical SIL");
void visitMarkFunctionEscapeInst(MarkFunctionEscapeInst *i) {
llvm_unreachable("mark_function_escape is not valid in canonical SIL");
void visitLoadBorrowInst(LoadBorrowInst *i) {
void visitDebugValueInst(DebugValueInst *i);
void visitDebugValueAddrInst(DebugValueAddrInst *i);
void visitLoadWeakInst(LoadWeakInst *i);
void visitStoreWeakInst(StoreWeakInst *i);
void visitRetainValueInst(RetainValueInst *i);
void visitRetainValueAddrInst(RetainValueAddrInst *i);
void visitCopyValueInst(CopyValueInst *i);
void visitCopyUnownedValueInst(CopyUnownedValueInst *i);
void visitReleaseValueInst(ReleaseValueInst *i);
void visitReleaseValueAddrInst(ReleaseValueAddrInst *i);
void visitDestroyValueInst(DestroyValueInst *i);
void visitAutoreleaseValueInst(AutoreleaseValueInst *i);
void visitSetDeallocatingInst(SetDeallocatingInst *i);
void visitObjectInst(ObjectInst *i) {
llvm_unreachable("object instruction cannot appear in a function");
void visitStructInst(StructInst *i);
void visitTupleInst(TupleInst *i);
void visitEnumInst(EnumInst *i);
void visitInitEnumDataAddrInst(InitEnumDataAddrInst *i);
void visitSelectEnumInst(SelectEnumInst *i);
void visitSelectEnumAddrInst(SelectEnumAddrInst *i);
void visitSelectValueInst(SelectValueInst *i);
void visitUncheckedEnumDataInst(UncheckedEnumDataInst *i);
void visitUncheckedTakeEnumDataAddrInst(UncheckedTakeEnumDataAddrInst *i);
void visitInjectEnumAddrInst(InjectEnumAddrInst *i);
void visitObjCProtocolInst(ObjCProtocolInst *i);
void visitMetatypeInst(MetatypeInst *i);
void visitValueMetatypeInst(ValueMetatypeInst *i);
void visitExistentialMetatypeInst(ExistentialMetatypeInst *i);
void visitTupleExtractInst(TupleExtractInst *i);
void visitDestructureTupleInst(DestructureTupleInst *i) {
void visitDestructureStructInst(DestructureStructInst *i) {
void visitTupleElementAddrInst(TupleElementAddrInst *i);
void visitStructExtractInst(StructExtractInst *i);
void visitStructElementAddrInst(StructElementAddrInst *i);
void visitRefElementAddrInst(RefElementAddrInst *i);
void visitRefTailAddrInst(RefTailAddrInst *i);
void visitClassMethodInst(ClassMethodInst *i);
void visitSuperMethodInst(SuperMethodInst *i);
void visitObjCMethodInst(ObjCMethodInst *i);
void visitObjCSuperMethodInst(ObjCSuperMethodInst *i);
void visitWitnessMethodInst(WitnessMethodInst *i);
void visitAllocValueBufferInst(AllocValueBufferInst *i);
void visitProjectValueBufferInst(ProjectValueBufferInst *i);
void visitDeallocValueBufferInst(DeallocValueBufferInst *i);
void visitOpenExistentialAddrInst(OpenExistentialAddrInst *i);
void visitOpenExistentialMetatypeInst(OpenExistentialMetatypeInst *i);
void visitOpenExistentialRefInst(OpenExistentialRefInst *i);
void visitOpenExistentialValueInst(OpenExistentialValueInst *i);
void visitInitExistentialAddrInst(InitExistentialAddrInst *i);
void visitInitExistentialValueInst(InitExistentialValueInst *i);
void visitInitExistentialMetatypeInst(InitExistentialMetatypeInst *i);
void visitInitExistentialRefInst(InitExistentialRefInst *i);
void visitDeinitExistentialAddrInst(DeinitExistentialAddrInst *i);
void visitDeinitExistentialValueInst(DeinitExistentialValueInst *i);
void visitAllocExistentialBoxInst(AllocExistentialBoxInst *i);
void visitOpenExistentialBoxInst(OpenExistentialBoxInst *i);
void visitOpenExistentialBoxValueInst(OpenExistentialBoxValueInst *i);
void visitProjectExistentialBoxInst(ProjectExistentialBoxInst *i);
void visitDeallocExistentialBoxInst(DeallocExistentialBoxInst *i);
void visitProjectBlockStorageInst(ProjectBlockStorageInst *i);
void visitInitBlockStorageHeaderInst(InitBlockStorageHeaderInst *i);
void visitFixLifetimeInst(FixLifetimeInst *i);
void visitEndLifetimeInst(EndLifetimeInst *i) {
visitUncheckedOwnershipConversionInst(UncheckedOwnershipConversionInst *i) {
void visitBeginBorrowInst(BeginBorrowInst *i) {
void visitEndBorrowInst(EndBorrowInst *i) {
void visitEndBorrowArgumentInst(EndBorrowArgumentInst *i) {
void visitStoreBorrowInst(StoreBorrowInst *i) {
void visitBeginAccessInst(BeginAccessInst *i);
void visitEndAccessInst(EndAccessInst *i);
void visitBeginUnpairedAccessInst(BeginUnpairedAccessInst *i);
void visitEndUnpairedAccessInst(EndUnpairedAccessInst *i);
void visitUnmanagedRetainValueInst(UnmanagedRetainValueInst *i) {
void visitUnmanagedReleaseValueInst(UnmanagedReleaseValueInst *i) {
void visitUnmanagedAutoreleaseValueInst(UnmanagedAutoreleaseValueInst *i) {
void visitMarkDependenceInst(MarkDependenceInst *i);
void visitCopyBlockInst(CopyBlockInst *i);
void visitCopyBlockWithoutEscapingInst(CopyBlockWithoutEscapingInst *i) {
llvm_unreachable("not valid in canonical SIL");
void visitStrongPinInst(StrongPinInst *i);
void visitStrongUnpinInst(StrongUnpinInst *i);
void visitStrongRetainInst(StrongRetainInst *i);
void visitStrongReleaseInst(StrongReleaseInst *i);
void visitStrongRetainUnownedInst(StrongRetainUnownedInst *i);
void visitUnownedRetainInst(UnownedRetainInst *i);
void visitUnownedReleaseInst(UnownedReleaseInst *i);
void visitLoadUnownedInst(LoadUnownedInst *i);
void visitStoreUnownedInst(StoreUnownedInst *i);
void visitIsUniqueInst(IsUniqueInst *i);
void visitIsUniqueOrPinnedInst(IsUniqueOrPinnedInst *i);
void visitIsEscapingClosureInst(IsEscapingClosureInst *i);
void visitDeallocStackInst(DeallocStackInst *i);
void visitDeallocBoxInst(DeallocBoxInst *i);
void visitDeallocRefInst(DeallocRefInst *i);
void visitDeallocPartialRefInst(DeallocPartialRefInst *i);
void visitCopyAddrInst(CopyAddrInst *i);
void visitDestroyAddrInst(DestroyAddrInst *i);
void visitBindMemoryInst(BindMemoryInst *i);
void visitCondFailInst(CondFailInst *i);
void visitConvertFunctionInst(ConvertFunctionInst *i);
void visitConvertEscapeToNoEscapeInst(ConvertEscapeToNoEscapeInst *i);
void visitThinFunctionToPointerInst(ThinFunctionToPointerInst *i);
void visitPointerToThinFunctionInst(PointerToThinFunctionInst *i);
void visitUpcastInst(UpcastInst *i);
void visitAddressToPointerInst(AddressToPointerInst *i);
void visitPointerToAddressInst(PointerToAddressInst *i);
void visitUncheckedRefCastInst(UncheckedRefCastInst *i);
void visitUncheckedRefCastAddrInst(UncheckedRefCastAddrInst *i);
void visitUncheckedAddrCastInst(UncheckedAddrCastInst *i);
void visitUncheckedTrivialBitCastInst(UncheckedTrivialBitCastInst *i);
void visitUncheckedBitwiseCastInst(UncheckedBitwiseCastInst *i);
void visitRefToRawPointerInst(RefToRawPointerInst *i);
void visitRawPointerToRefInst(RawPointerToRefInst *i);
void visitRefToUnownedInst(RefToUnownedInst *i);
void visitUnownedToRefInst(UnownedToRefInst *i);
void visitRefToUnmanagedInst(RefToUnmanagedInst *i);
void visitUnmanagedToRefInst(UnmanagedToRefInst *i);
void visitThinToThickFunctionInst(ThinToThickFunctionInst *i);
void visitThickToObjCMetatypeInst(ThickToObjCMetatypeInst *i);
void visitObjCToThickMetatypeInst(ObjCToThickMetatypeInst *i);
void visitUnconditionalCheckedCastInst(UnconditionalCheckedCastInst *i);
void visitUnconditionalCheckedCastAddrInst(UnconditionalCheckedCastAddrInst *i);
visitUnconditionalCheckedCastValueInst(UnconditionalCheckedCastValueInst *i);
void visitObjCMetatypeToObjectInst(ObjCMetatypeToObjectInst *i);
void visitObjCExistentialMetatypeToObjectInst(
ObjCExistentialMetatypeToObjectInst *i);
void visitRefToBridgeObjectInst(RefToBridgeObjectInst *i);
void visitClassifyBridgeObjectInst(ClassifyBridgeObjectInst *i);
void visitBridgeObjectToRefInst(BridgeObjectToRefInst *i);
void visitBridgeObjectToWordInst(BridgeObjectToWordInst *i);
void visitValueToBridgeObjectInst(ValueToBridgeObjectInst *i);
void visitIndexAddrInst(IndexAddrInst *i);
void visitTailAddrInst(TailAddrInst *i);
void visitIndexRawPointerInst(IndexRawPointerInst *i);
void visitBeginApplyInst(BeginApplyInst *i);
void visitEndApplyInst(EndApplyInst *i);
void visitAbortApplyInst(AbortApplyInst *i);
void visitEndApply(BeginApplyInst *i, bool isAbort);
void visitUnreachableInst(UnreachableInst *i);
void visitBranchInst(BranchInst *i);
void visitCondBranchInst(CondBranchInst *i);
void visitReturnInst(ReturnInst *i);
void visitThrowInst(ThrowInst *i);
void visitUnwindInst(UnwindInst *i);
void visitYieldInst(YieldInst *i);
void visitSwitchValueInst(SwitchValueInst *i);
void visitSwitchEnumInst(SwitchEnumInst *i);
void visitSwitchEnumAddrInst(SwitchEnumAddrInst *i);
void visitDynamicMethodBranchInst(DynamicMethodBranchInst *i);
void visitCheckedCastBranchInst(CheckedCastBranchInst *i);
void visitCheckedCastValueBranchInst(CheckedCastValueBranchInst *i);
void visitCheckedCastAddrBranchInst(CheckedCastAddrBranchInst *i);
void visitKeyPathInst(KeyPathInst *I);
} // end anonymous namespace
void LoweredValue::getExplosion(IRGenFunction &IGF, SILType type,
Explosion &ex) const {
switch (kind) {
case Kind::StackAddress:
case Kind::ContainedAddress:
case Kind::DynamicallyEnforcedAddress:
case Kind::CoroutineState:
llvm_unreachable("not a value");
case Kind::ExplosionVector:
case Kind::SingletonExplosion:
case Kind::EmptyExplosion:
case Kind::OwnedAddress:
case Kind::FunctionPointer:
.getExplosionValue(IGF, type.castTo<SILFunctionType>()));
case Kind::ObjCMethod:
llvm_unreachable("bad kind");
llvm::Value *LoweredValue::getSingletonExplosion(IRGenFunction &IGF,
SILType type) const {
switch (kind) {
case Kind::StackAddress:
case Kind::ContainedAddress:
case Kind::DynamicallyEnforcedAddress:
case Kind::CoroutineState:
llvm_unreachable("not a value");
case Kind::EmptyExplosion:
case Kind::ExplosionVector:
llvm_unreachable("not a singleton explosion");
case Kind::SingletonExplosion:
return Storage.get<SingletonExplosion>(kind);
case Kind::OwnedAddress:
return Storage.get<OwnedAddress>(kind).getOwner();
case Kind::FunctionPointer:
return Storage.get<FunctionPointer>(kind)
.getExplosionValue(IGF, type.castTo<SILFunctionType>());
case Kind::ObjCMethod:
return Storage.get<ObjCMethod>(kind).getExplosionValue(IGF);
llvm_unreachable("bad kind");
IRGenSILFunction::IRGenSILFunction(IRGenModule &IGM,
SILFunction *f)
: IRGenFunction(IGM, IGM.getAddrOfSILFunction(f, ForDefinition),
f->getDebugScope(), f->getLocation()),
CurSILFn(f) {
// Apply sanitizer attributes to the function.
// TODO: Check if the function is supposed to be excluded from ASan either by
// being in the external file or via annotations.
if (IGM.IRGen.Opts.Sanitizers & SanitizerKind::Address)
if (IGM.IRGen.Opts.Sanitizers & SanitizerKind::Thread) {
auto declContext = f->getDeclContext();
if (declContext && isa<DestructorDecl>(declContext))
// Do not report races in deinit and anything called from it
// because TSan does not observe synchronization between retain
// count dropping to '0' and the object deinitialization.
IRGenSILFunction::~IRGenSILFunction() {
assert(Builder.hasPostTerminatorIP() && "did not terminate BB?!");
// Emit the fail BB if we have one.
if (!FailBBs.empty())
template<typename ValueVector>
static void emitPHINodesForType(IRGenSILFunction &IGF, SILType type,
const TypeInfo &ti, unsigned predecessors,
ValueVector &phis) {
if (type.isAddress()) {
} else {
// PHIs are always emitted with maximal explosion.
ExplosionSchema schema = ti.getSchema();
for (auto &elt : schema) {
if (elt.isScalar())
IGF.Builder.CreatePHI(elt.getScalarType(), predecessors));
static PHINodeVector
emitPHINodesForBBArgs(IRGenSILFunction &IGF,
SILBasicBlock *silBB,
llvm::BasicBlock *llBB) {
PHINodeVector phis;
unsigned predecessors = std::distance(silBB->pred_begin(), silBB->pred_end());
if (IGF.IGM.DebugInfo) {
// Use the location of the first instruction in the basic block
// for the φ-nodes.
if (!silBB->empty()) {
SILInstruction &I = *silBB->begin();
auto DS = I.getDebugScope();
IGF.IGM.DebugInfo->setCurrentLoc(IGF.Builder, DS, I.getLoc());
for (SILArgument *arg : make_range(silBB->args_begin(), silBB->args_end())) {
size_t first = phis.size();
const TypeInfo &ti = IGF.getTypeInfo(arg->getType());
emitPHINodesForType(IGF, arg->getType(), ti, predecessors, phis);
if (arg->getType().isAddress()) {
} else {
Explosion argValue;
for (llvm::PHINode *phi :
swift::make_range(phis.begin()+first, phis.end()))
IGF.setLoweredExplosion(arg, argValue);
// Since we return to the entry of the function, reset the location.
if (IGF.IGM.DebugInfo)
return phis;
static void addIncomingExplosionToPHINodes(IRGenSILFunction &IGF,
LoweredBB &lbb,
unsigned &phiIndex,
Explosion &argValue);
// TODO: Handle this during SIL AddressLowering.
static ArrayRef<SILArgument*> emitEntryPointIndirectReturn(
IRGenSILFunction &IGF,
SILBasicBlock *entry,
Explosion &params,
CanSILFunctionType funcTy,
llvm::function_ref<bool(SILType)> requiresIndirectResult) {
// Map an indirect return for a type SIL considers loadable but still
// requires an indirect return at the IR level.
SILFunctionConventions fnConv(funcTy, IGF.getSILModule());
SILType directResultType =
if (requiresIndirectResult(directResultType)) {
auto &retTI = IGF.IGM.getTypeInfo(directResultType);
IGF.IndirectReturn = retTI.getAddressForPointer(params.claimNext());
auto bbargs = entry->getArguments();
// Map the indirect returns if present.
unsigned numIndirectResults = fnConv.getNumIndirectSILResults();
for (unsigned i = 0; i != numIndirectResults; ++i) {
SILArgument *ret = bbargs[i];
auto &retTI = IGF.IGM.getTypeInfo(ret->getType());
IGF.setLoweredAddress(ret, retTI.getAddressForPointer(params.claimNext()));
return bbargs.slice(numIndirectResults);
static void bindParameter(IRGenSILFunction &IGF,
SILArgument *param,
Explosion &allParamValues) {
// Pull out the parameter value and its formal type.
auto &paramTI = IGF.getTypeInfo(param->getType());
// If the SIL parameter isn't passed indirectly, we need to map it
// to an explosion.
if (param->getType().isObject()) {
Explosion paramValues;
auto &loadableTI = cast<LoadableTypeInfo>(paramTI);
// If the explosion must be passed indirectly, load the value from the
// indirect address.
auto &nativeSchema = paramTI.nativeParameterValueSchema(IGF.IGM);
if (nativeSchema.requiresIndirect()) {
Address paramAddr
= loadableTI.getAddressForPointer(allParamValues.claimNext());
loadableTI.loadAsTake(IGF, paramAddr, paramValues);
} else {
if (!nativeSchema.empty()) {
// Otherwise, we map from the native convention to the type's explosion
// schema.
Explosion nativeParam;
allParamValues.transferInto(nativeParam, nativeSchema.size());
paramValues = nativeSchema.mapFromNative(IGF.IGM, IGF, nativeParam,
} else {
IGF.setLoweredExplosion(param, paramValues);
// Okay, the type is passed indirectly in SIL, so we need to map
// it to an address.
// FIXME: that doesn't mean we should physically pass it
// indirectly at this resilience expansion. An @in or @in_guaranteed parameter
// could be passed by value in the right resilience domain.
Address paramAddr
= paramTI.getAddressForPointer(allParamValues.claimNext());
IGF.setLoweredAddress(param, paramAddr);
/// Emit entry point arguments for a SILFunction with the Swift calling
/// convention.
static void emitEntryPointArgumentsNativeCC(IRGenSILFunction &IGF,
SILBasicBlock *entry,
Explosion &allParamValues) {
auto funcTy = IGF.CurSILFn->getLoweredFunctionType();
// Map the indirect return if present.
ArrayRef<SILArgument *> params = emitEntryPointIndirectReturn(
IGF, entry, allParamValues, funcTy, [&](SILType retType) -> bool {
auto &schema =
return schema.requiresIndirect();
// The witness method CC passes Self as a final argument.
WitnessMetadata witnessMetadata;
if (funcTy->getRepresentation() == SILFunctionTypeRepresentation::WitnessMethod) {
collectTrailingWitnessMetadata(IGF, *IGF.CurSILFn, allParamValues,
// Bind the error result by popping it off the parameter list.
if (funcTy->hasErrorResult()) {
// The coroutine context should be the first parameter.
switch (funcTy->getCoroutineKind()) {
case SILCoroutineKind::None:
case SILCoroutineKind::YieldOnce:
emitYieldOnceCoroutineEntry(IGF, funcTy, allParamValues);
case SILCoroutineKind::YieldMany:
emitYieldManyCoroutineEntry(IGF, funcTy, allParamValues);
// The 'self' argument might be in the context position, which is
// now the end of the parameter list. Bind it now.
if (hasSelfContextParameter(funcTy)) {
SILArgument *selfParam = params.back();
params = params.drop_back();
Explosion selfTemp;
bindParameter(IGF, selfParam, selfTemp);
// Even if we don't have a 'self', if we have an error result, we
// should have a placeholder argument here.
} else if (funcTy->hasErrorResult() ||
funcTy->getRepresentation() == SILFunctionTypeRepresentation::Thick)
llvm::Value *contextPtr = allParamValues.takeLast(); (void) contextPtr;
assert(contextPtr->getType() == IGF.IGM.RefCountedPtrTy);
// Map the remaining SIL parameters to LLVM parameters.
for (SILArgument *param : params) {
bindParameter(IGF, param, allParamValues);
// Bind polymorphic arguments. This can only be done after binding
// all the value parameters.
if (hasPolymorphicParameters(funcTy)) {
emitPolymorphicParameters(IGF, *IGF.CurSILFn, allParamValues,
[&](unsigned paramIndex) -> llvm::Value* {
SILValue parameter =
return IGF.getLoweredSingletonExplosion(parameter);
assert(allParamValues.empty() && "didn't claim all parameters!");
/// Emit entry point arguments for the parameters of a C function, or the
/// method parameters of an ObjC method.
static void emitEntryPointArgumentsCOrObjC(IRGenSILFunction &IGF,
SILBasicBlock *entry,
Explosion &params,
CanSILFunctionType funcTy) {
// First, lower the method type.
ForeignFunctionInfo foreignInfo = IGF.IGM.getForeignFunctionInfo(funcTy);
auto &FI = *foreignInfo.ClangInfo;
// Okay, start processing the parameters explosion.
// First, claim all the indirect results.
ArrayRef<SILArgument*> args
= emitEntryPointIndirectReturn(IGF, entry, params, funcTy,
[&](SILType directResultType) -> bool {
return FI.getReturnInfo().isIndirect();
unsigned nextArgTyIdx = 0;
// Handle the arguments of an ObjC method.
if (IGF.CurSILFn->getRepresentation() ==
SILFunctionTypeRepresentation::ObjCMethod) {
// Claim the self argument from the end of the formal arguments.
SILArgument *selfArg = args.back();
args = args.slice(0, args.size() - 1);
// Set the lowered explosion for the self argument.
auto &selfTI = cast<LoadableTypeInfo>(IGF.getTypeInfo(selfArg->getType()));
auto selfSchema = selfTI.getSchema();
assert(selfSchema.size() == 1 && "Expected self to be a single element!");
auto *selfValue = params.claimNext();
auto *bodyType = selfSchema.begin()->getScalarType();
if (selfValue->getType() != bodyType)
selfValue = IGF.coerceValue(selfValue, bodyType, IGF.IGM.DataLayout);
Explosion self;
IGF.setLoweredExplosion(selfArg, self);
// Discard the implicit _cmd argument.
// We've handled the self and _cmd arguments, so when we deal with
// generating explosions for the remaining arguments we can skip
// these.
nextArgTyIdx = 2;
assert(args.size() == (FI.arg_size() - nextArgTyIdx) &&
"Number of arguments not equal to number of argument types!");
// Generate lowered explosions for each explicit argument.
for (auto i : indices(args)) {
SILArgument *arg = args[i];
auto argTyIdx = i + nextArgTyIdx;
auto &argTI = IGF.getTypeInfo(arg->getType());
// Bitcast indirect argument pointers to the right storage type.
if (arg->getType().isAddress()) {
llvm::Value *ptr = params.claimNext();
ptr = IGF.Builder.CreateBitCast(ptr,
IGF.setLoweredAddress(arg, Address(ptr, argTI.getBestKnownAlignment()));
auto &loadableArgTI = cast<LoadableTypeInfo>(argTI);
Explosion argExplosion;
emitForeignParameter(IGF, params, foreignInfo, argTyIdx, arg->getType(),
loadableArgTI, argExplosion, false);
IGF.setLoweredExplosion(arg, argExplosion);
assert(params.empty() && "didn't claim all parameters!");
// emitPolymorphicParameters() may create function calls, so we need
// to initialize the debug location here.
ArtificialLocation Loc(IGF.getDebugScope(), IGF.IGM.DebugInfo, IGF.Builder);
// Bind polymorphic arguments. This can only be done after binding
// all the value parameters, and must be done even for non-polymorphic
// functions because of imported Objective-C generics.
IGF, *IGF.CurSILFn, params, nullptr,
[&](unsigned paramIndex) -> llvm::Value * {
SILValue parameter = entry->getArguments()[paramIndex];
return IGF.getLoweredSingletonExplosion(parameter);
/// Get metadata for the dynamic Self type if we have it.
static void emitLocalSelfMetadata(IRGenSILFunction &IGF) {
if (!IGF.CurSILFn->hasSelfMetadataParam())
const SILArgument *selfArg = IGF.CurSILFn->getSelfMetadataArgument();
CanMetatypeType metaTy =
IRGenFunction::LocalSelfKind selfKind;
if (!metaTy)
selfKind = IRGenFunction::ObjectReference;
else switch (metaTy->getRepresentation()) {
case MetatypeRepresentation::Thin:
llvm_unreachable("class metatypes are never thin");
case MetatypeRepresentation::Thick:
selfKind = IRGenFunction::SwiftMetatype;
case MetatypeRepresentation::ObjC:
selfKind = IRGenFunction::ObjCMetatype;
llvm::Value *value = IGF.getLoweredExplosion(selfArg).claimNext();
IGF.setLocalSelfMetadata(value, selfKind);
/// Emit the definition for the given SIL constant.
void IRGenModule::emitSILFunction(SILFunction *f) {
if (f->isExternalDeclaration())
// Do not emit bodies of public_external functions.
if (hasPublicVisibility(f->getLinkage()) && f->isAvailableExternally())
PrettyStackTraceSILFunction stackTrace("emitting IR", f);
llvm::SaveAndRestore<SourceFile *> SetCurSourceFile(CurSourceFile);
if (auto dc = f->getModule().getAssociatedContext()) {
if (auto sf = dc->getParentSourceFile()) {
CurSourceFile = sf;
IRGenSILFunction(*this, f).emitSILFunction();
void IRGenSILFunction::emitSILFunction() {
DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "emitting SIL function: ";
llvm::dbgs() << '\n';
assert(!CurSILFn->empty() && "function has no basic blocks?!");
// Configure the dominance resolver.
// TODO: consider re-using a dom analysis from the PassManager
// TODO: consider using a cheaper analysis at -O0
setDominanceResolver([](IRGenFunction &IGF_,
DominancePoint activePoint,
DominancePoint dominatingPoint) -> bool {
IRGenSILFunction &IGF = static_cast<IRGenSILFunction&>(IGF_);
if (!IGF.Dominance) {
IGF.Dominance.reset(new DominanceInfo(IGF.CurSILFn));
return IGF.Dominance->dominates(<SILBasicBlock>(),<SILBasicBlock>());
if (IGM.DebugInfo)
IGM.DebugInfo->emitFunction(*CurSILFn, CurFn);
// Map the entry bb.
LoweredBBs[&*CurSILFn->begin()] = LoweredBB(&*CurFn->begin(), {});
// Create LLVM basic blocks for the other bbs.
for (auto bi = std::next(CurSILFn->begin()), be = CurSILFn->end(); bi != be;
++bi) {
// FIXME: Use the SIL basic block's name.
llvm::BasicBlock *llBB = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(IGM.getLLVMContext());
auto phis = emitPHINodesForBBArgs(*this, &*bi, llBB);
LoweredBBs[&*bi] = LoweredBB(llBB, std::move(phis));
auto entry = LoweredBBs.begin();
// Map the LLVM arguments to arguments on the entry point BB.
Explosion params = collectParameters();
auto funcTy = CurSILFn->getLoweredFunctionType();
switch (funcTy->getLanguage()) {
case SILFunctionLanguage::Swift:
emitEntryPointArgumentsNativeCC(*this, entry->first, params);
case SILFunctionLanguage::C:
emitEntryPointArgumentsCOrObjC(*this, entry->first, params, funcTy);
assert(params.empty() && "did not map all llvm params to SIL params?!");
// It's really nice to be able to assume that we've already emitted
// all the values from dominating blocks --- it makes simple
// peepholing more powerful and allows us to avoid the need for
// nasty "forward-declared" values. We can do this by emitting
// blocks using a simple walk through the successor graph.
// We do want to preserve the original source order, but that's done
// by having previously added all the primary blocks to the LLVM
// function in their original order. As long as any secondary
// blocks are inserted after the current IP instead of at the end
// of the function, we're fine.
// Invariant: for every block in the work queue, we have visited all
// of its dominators.
llvm::SmallPtrSet<SILBasicBlock*, 8> visitedBlocks;
SmallVector<SILBasicBlock*, 8> workQueue; // really a stack
// Queue up the entry block, for which the invariant trivially holds.
while (!workQueue.empty()) {
auto bb = workQueue.pop_back_val();
// Emit the block.
#ifndef NDEBUG
// Assert that the current IR IP (if valid) is immediately prior
// to the initial IR block for the next primary SIL block.
// It's not semantically necessary to preserve SIL block order,
// but we really should.
if (auto curBB = Builder.GetInsertBlock()) {
auto next = std::next(SILFunction::iterator(bb));
if (next != CurSILFn->end()) {
auto nextBB = LoweredBBs[&*next].bb;
assert(&*std::next(curBB->getIterator()) == nextBB &&
"lost source SIL order?");
// The immediate dominator of a successor of this block needn't be
// this block, but it has to be something which dominates this
// block. In either case, we've visited it.
// Therefore the invariant holds of all the successors, and we can
// queue them up if we haven't already visited them.
for (auto *succBB : bb->getSuccessorBlocks()) {
if (visitedBlocks.insert(succBB).second)
// If there are dead blocks in the SIL function, we might have left
// invalid blocks in the IR. Do another pass and kill them off.
for (SILBasicBlock &bb : *CurSILFn)
if (!visitedBlocks.count(&bb))
void IRGenSILFunction::estimateStackSize() {
if (EstimatedStackSize >= 0)
// TODO: as soon as we generate alloca instructions with accurate lifetimes
// we should also do a better stack size calculation here. Currently we
// add all stack sizes even if life ranges do not overlap.
for (SILBasicBlock &BB : *CurSILFn) {
for (SILInstruction &I : BB) {
if (auto *ASI = dyn_cast<AllocStackInst>(&I)) {
const TypeInfo &type = getTypeInfo(ASI->getElementType());
if (llvm::Constant *SizeConst = type.getStaticSize(IGM)) {
auto *SizeInt = cast<llvm::ConstantInt>(SizeConst);
EstimatedStackSize += (int)SizeInt->getSExtValue();
void IRGenSILFunction::visitSILBasicBlock(SILBasicBlock *BB) {
// Insert into the lowered basic block.
llvm::BasicBlock *llBB = getLoweredBB(BB).bb;
bool InEntryBlock = BB->pred_empty();
// Set this block as the dominance point. This implicitly communicates
// with the dominance resolver configured in emitSILFunction.
DominanceScope dominance(*this, InEntryBlock ? DominancePoint::universal()
: DominancePoint(BB));
// Generate the body.
bool InCleanupBlock = false;
bool KeepCurrentLocation = false;
for (auto &I : *BB) {
if (IGM.DebugInfo) {
// Set the debug info location for I, if applicable.
auto DS = I.getDebugScope();
SILLocation ILoc = I.getLoc();
// Handle cleanup locations.
if (<CleanupLocation>()) {
// Cleanup locations point to the decl of the value that is
// being destroyed (for diagnostic generation). As far as
// the linetable is concerned, cleanups at the end of a
// lexical scope should point to the cleanup location, which
// is the location of the last instruction in the basic block.
if (!InCleanupBlock) {
InCleanupBlock = true;
// Scan ahead to see if this is the final cleanup block in
// this basic block.
auto It = I.getIterator();
do ++It; while (It != BB->end() &&
// We are still in the middle of a basic block?
if (It != BB->end() && !isa<TermInst>(It))
KeepCurrentLocation = true;
// Assign the cleanup location to this instruction.
if (!KeepCurrentLocation) {
ILoc = BB->getTerminator()->getLoc();
DS = BB->getTerminator()->getDebugScope();
} else if (InCleanupBlock) {
KeepCurrentLocation = false;
InCleanupBlock = false;
// Until SILDebugScopes are properly serialized, bare functions
// are allowed to not have a scope.
if (!DS) {
if (CurSILFn->isBare())
DS = CurSILFn->getDebugScope();
assert(maybeScopeless(I) && "instruction has location, but no scope");
// Set the builder's debug location.
if (DS && !KeepCurrentLocation)
IGM.DebugInfo->setCurrentLoc(Builder, DS, ILoc);
else {
// Reuse the last scope for an easier-to-read line table.
auto Prev = --I.getIterator();
if (Prev != BB->end())
DS = Prev->getDebugScope();
// Use an artificial (line 0) location, to indicate we'd like to
// reuse the last debug loc.
Builder, DS, RegularLocation::getAutoGeneratedLocation());
if (isa<TermInst>(&I))
assert(Builder.hasPostTerminatorIP() && "SIL bb did not terminate block?!");
void IRGenSILFunction::visitFunctionRefInst(FunctionRefInst *i) {
auto fn = i->getReferencedFunction();
llvm::Constant *fnPtr = IGM.getAddrOfSILFunction(fn, NotForDefinition);
auto sig = IGM.getSignature(fn->getLoweredFunctionType());
// Note that the pointer value returned by getAddrOfSILFunction doesn't
// necessarily have element type sig.getType(), e.g. if it's imported.
FunctionPointer fp = FunctionPointer::forDirect(fnPtr, sig);
// Store the function as a FunctionPointer so we can avoid bitcasting
// or thunking if we don't need to.
setLoweredFunctionPointer(i, fp);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitAllocGlobalInst(AllocGlobalInst *i) {
SILGlobalVariable *var = i->getReferencedGlobal();
SILType loweredTy = var->getLoweredType();
auto &ti = getTypeInfo(loweredTy);
auto expansion = IGM.getResilienceExpansionForLayout(var);
// If the global is fixed-size in all resilience domains that can see it,
// we allocated storage for it statically, and there's nothing to do.
if (ti.isFixedSize(expansion))
// Otherwise, the static storage for the global consists of a fixed-size
// buffer.
Address addr = IGM.getAddrOfSILGlobalVariable(var, ti,
emitAllocateValueInBuffer(*this, loweredTy, addr);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitGlobalAddrInst(GlobalAddrInst *i) {
SILGlobalVariable *var = i->getReferencedGlobal();
SILType loweredTy = var->getLoweredType();
assert(loweredTy == i->getType().getObjectType());
auto &ti = getTypeInfo(loweredTy);
auto expansion = IGM.getResilienceExpansionForLayout(var);
// If the variable is empty in all resilience domains that can see it,
// don't actually emit a symbol for the global at all, just return undef.
if (ti.isKnownEmpty(expansion)) {
setLoweredAddress(i, ti.getUndefAddress());
Address addr = IGM.getAddrOfSILGlobalVariable(var, ti,
// If the global is fixed-size in all resilience domains that can see it,
// we allocated storage for it statically, and there's nothing to do.
if (ti.isFixedSize(expansion)) {
setLoweredAddress(i, addr);
// Otherwise, the static storage for the global consists of a fixed-size
// buffer; project it.
addr = emitProjectValueInBuffer(*this, loweredTy, addr);
setLoweredAddress(i, addr);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitGlobalValueInst(GlobalValueInst *i) {
SILGlobalVariable *var = i->getReferencedGlobal();
assert(var->isInitializedObject() &&
"global_value only supported for statically initialized objects");
SILType loweredTy = var->getLoweredType();
assert(loweredTy == i->getType());
auto &ti = getTypeInfo(loweredTy);
llvm::Value *Ref = IGM.getAddrOfSILGlobalVariable(var, ti,
auto ClassType = loweredTy.getASTType();
llvm::Value *Metadata =
emitClassHeapMetadataRef(*this, ClassType, MetadataValueType::TypeMetadata,
llvm::Value *CastAddr = Builder.CreateBitCast(Ref, IGM.RefCountedPtrTy);
llvm::Value *InitRef = emitInitStaticObjectCall(Metadata, CastAddr, "staticref");
InitRef = Builder.CreateBitCast(InitRef, Ref->getType());
Explosion e;
setLoweredExplosion(i, e);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitMetatypeInst(swift::MetatypeInst *i) {
auto metaTy = i->getType().castTo<MetatypeType>();
Explosion e;
emitMetatypeRef(*this, metaTy, e);
setLoweredExplosion(i, e);
static llvm::Value *getClassBaseValue(IRGenSILFunction &IGF,
SILValue v) {
if (v->getType().isAddress()) {
auto addr = IGF.getLoweredAddress(v);
return IGF.Builder.CreateLoad(addr);
Explosion e = IGF.getLoweredExplosion(v);
return e.claimNext();
void IRGenSILFunction::visitValueMetatypeInst(swift::ValueMetatypeInst *i) {
SILType instanceTy = i->getOperand()->getType();
auto metaTy = i->getType().castTo<MetatypeType>();
if (metaTy->getRepresentation() == MetatypeRepresentation::Thin) {
Explosion empty;
setLoweredExplosion(i, empty);
Explosion e;
if (instanceTy.getClassOrBoundGenericClass()) {
getClassBaseValue(*this, i->getOperand()),
metaTy->getRepresentation(), instanceTy));
} else if (auto arch = instanceTy.getAs<ArchetypeType>()) {
if (arch->requiresClass()) {
getClassBaseValue(*this, i->getOperand()),
metaTy->getRepresentation(), instanceTy));
} else {
Address base = getLoweredAddress(i->getOperand());
e.add(emitDynamicTypeOfOpaqueArchetype(*this, base,
// FIXME: We need to convert this back to an ObjC class for an
// ObjC metatype representation.
if (metaTy->getRepresentation() == MetatypeRepresentation::ObjC)
"objc metatype of non-class-bounded archetype");
} else {
emitMetatypeRef(*this, metaTy, e);
setLoweredExplosion(i, e);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitExistentialMetatypeInst(
swift::ExistentialMetatypeInst *i) {
Explosion result;
SILValue op = i->getOperand();
SILType opType = op->getType();
switch (opType.getPreferredExistentialRepresentation(IGM.getSILModule())) {
case ExistentialRepresentation::Metatype: {
Explosion existential = getLoweredExplosion(op);
emitMetatypeOfMetatype(*this, existential, opType, result);
case ExistentialRepresentation::Class: {
Explosion existential = getLoweredExplosion(op);
emitMetatypeOfClassExistential(*this, existential, i->getType(),
opType, result);
case ExistentialRepresentation::Boxed: {
Explosion existential = getLoweredExplosion(op);
emitMetatypeOfBoxedExistential(*this, existential, opType, result);
case ExistentialRepresentation::Opaque: {
Address existential = getLoweredAddress(op);
emitMetatypeOfOpaqueExistential(*this, existential, opType, result);
case ExistentialRepresentation::None:
llvm_unreachable("Bad existential representation");
setLoweredExplosion(i, result);
static void emitApplyArgument(IRGenSILFunction &IGF,
SILValue arg,
SILType paramType,
Explosion &out) {
bool isSubstituted = (arg->getType() != paramType);
// For indirect arguments, we just need to pass a pointer.
if (paramType.isAddress()) {
// This address is of the substituted type.
auto addr = IGF.getLoweredAddress(arg);
// If a substitution is in play, just bitcast the address.
if (isSubstituted) {
auto origType = IGF.IGM.getStoragePointerType(paramType);
addr = IGF.Builder.CreateBitCast(addr, origType);
// Otherwise, it's an explosion, which we may need to translate,
// both in terms of explosion level and substitution levels.
// Fast path: avoid an unnecessary temporary explosion.
if (!isSubstituted) {
IGF.getLoweredExplosion(arg, out);
Explosion temp = IGF.getLoweredExplosion(arg);
reemitAsUnsubstituted(IGF, paramType, arg->getType(),
temp, out);
static llvm::Value *getObjCClassForValue(IRGenFunction &IGF,
llvm::Value *selfValue,
CanAnyMetatypeType selfType) {
// If we have a Swift metatype, map it to the heap metadata, which
// will be the Class for an ObjC type.
switch (selfType->getRepresentation()) {
case swift::MetatypeRepresentation::ObjC:
return selfValue;
case swift::MetatypeRepresentation::Thick:
// Convert thick metatype to Objective-C metatype.
return emitClassHeapMetadataRefForMetatype(IGF, selfValue,
case swift::MetatypeRepresentation::Thin:
llvm_unreachable("Cannot convert Thin metatype to ObjC metatype");
llvm_unreachable("bad metatype representation");
static llvm::Value *emitWitnessTableForLoweredCallee(IRGenSILFunction &IGF,
CanSILFunctionType origCalleeType,
SubstitutionMap subs) {
llvm::Value *wtable;
if (auto *proto = origCalleeType->getDefaultWitnessMethodProtocol()) {
// The generic signature for a witness method with abstract Self must
// have exactly one protocol requirement.
// We recover the witness table from the substitution that was used to
// produce the substituted callee type.
auto origSelfType = proto->getSelfInterfaceType()->getCanonicalType();
auto substSelfType = origSelfType.subst(subs)->getCanonicalType();
auto conformance = *subs.lookupConformance(origSelfType, proto);
llvm::Value *argMetadata = IGF.emitTypeMetadataRef(substSelfType);
wtable = emitWitnessTableRef(IGF, substSelfType, &argMetadata,
} else {
// Otherwise, we have no way of knowing the original protocol or
// conformance, since the witness has a concrete self type.
// Protocol witnesses for concrete types are thus not allowed to touch
// the witness table; they already know all the witnesses, and we can't
// say who they are.
wtable = llvm::ConstantPointerNull::get(IGF.IGM.WitnessTablePtrTy);
assert(wtable->getType() == IGF.IGM.WitnessTablePtrTy);
return wtable;
Callee LoweredValue::getCallee(IRGenFunction &IGF,
llvm::Value *selfValue,
CalleeInfo &&calleeInfo) const {
switch (kind) {
case Kind::FunctionPointer: {
auto &fn = getFunctionPointer();
return Callee(std::move(calleeInfo), fn, selfValue);
case Kind::ObjCMethod: {
const auto &objcMethod = getObjCMethod();
// Convert a metatype 'self' argument to the ObjC class pointer.
// FIXME: why on earth is this not correctly represented in SIL?
if (auto metatype = dyn_cast<AnyMetatypeType>(
calleeInfo.OrigFnType->getSelfParameter().getType())) {
selfValue = getObjCClassForValue(IGF, selfValue, metatype);
return getObjCMethodCallee(IGF, objcMethod, selfValue,
case Kind::SingletonExplosion: {
auto functionValue = getKnownSingletonExplosion();
switch (calleeInfo.OrigFnType->getRepresentation()) {
case SILFunctionType::Representation::Block:
assert(!selfValue && "block function with self?");
return getBlockPointerCallee(IGF, functionValue, std::move(calleeInfo));
case SILFunctionType::Representation::ObjCMethod:
case SILFunctionType::Representation::Thick:
llvm_unreachable("unexpected function with singleton representation");
case SILFunctionType::Representation::WitnessMethod:
case SILFunctionType::Representation::Thin:
case SILFunctionType::Representation::Closure:
case SILFunctionType::Representation::Method:
return getSwiftFunctionPointerCallee(IGF, functionValue, selfValue,
std::move(calleeInfo), false);
case SILFunctionType::Representation::CFunctionPointer:
assert(!selfValue && "C function pointer has self?");
return getCFunctionPointerCallee(IGF, functionValue,
llvm_unreachable("bad kind");
case Kind::ExplosionVector: {
auto vector = getKnownExplosionVector();
== SILFunctionType::Representation::Thick);
assert(!selfValue && "thick function pointer with self?");
assert(vector.size() == 2 && "thick function pointer with size != 2");
llvm::Value *functionValue = vector[0];
llvm::Value *contextValue = vector[1];
bool castToRefcountedContext = calleeInfo.OrigFnType->isNoEscape();
return getSwiftFunctionPointerCallee(IGF, functionValue, contextValue,
case LoweredValue::Kind::EmptyExplosion:
case LoweredValue::Kind::OwnedAddress:
case LoweredValue::Kind::ContainedAddress:
case LoweredValue::Kind::StackAddress:
case LoweredValue::Kind::DynamicallyEnforcedAddress:
case LoweredValue::Kind::CoroutineState:
llvm_unreachable("not a valid callee");
llvm_unreachable("bad kind");
static CallEmission getCallEmissionForLoweredValue(IRGenSILFunction &IGF,
CanSILFunctionType origCalleeType,
CanSILFunctionType substCalleeType,
const LoweredValue &lv,
llvm::Value *selfValue,
SubstitutionMap substitutions,
WitnessMetadata *witnessMetadata,
Explosion &args) {
Callee callee = lv.getCallee(IGF, selfValue,
CalleeInfo(origCalleeType, substCalleeType,
switch (origCalleeType->getRepresentation()) {
case SILFunctionType::Representation::WitnessMethod: {
llvm::Value *wtable = emitWitnessTableForLoweredCallee(
IGF, origCalleeType, substitutions);
witnessMetadata->SelfWitnessTable = wtable;
case SILFunctionType::Representation::ObjCMethod:
case SILFunctionType::Representation::Thick:
case SILFunctionType::Representation::Block:
case SILFunctionType::Representation::Thin:
case SILFunctionType::Representation::CFunctionPointer:
case SILFunctionType::Representation::Method:
case SILFunctionType::Representation::Closure:
CallEmission callEmission(IGF, std::move(callee));
if (IGF.CurSILFn->isThunk())
return callEmission;
void IRGenSILFunction::visitBuiltinInst(swift::BuiltinInst *i) {
const BuiltinInfo &builtin = getSILModule().getBuiltinInfo(i->getName());
auto argValues = i->getArguments();
Explosion args;
for (auto idx : indices(argValues)) {
auto argValue = argValues[idx];
// Builtin arguments should never be substituted, so use the value's type
// as the parameter type.
emitApplyArgument(*this, argValue, argValue->getType(), args);
Explosion result;
emitBuiltinCall(*this, builtin, i->getName(), i->getType(),
args, result, i->getSubstitutions());
setLoweredExplosion(i, result);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitApplyInst(swift::ApplyInst *i) {
void IRGenSILFunction::visitTryApplyInst(swift::TryApplyInst *i) {
void IRGenSILFunction::visitFullApplySite(FullApplySite site) {
const LoweredValue &calleeLV = getLoweredValue(site.getCallee());
auto origCalleeType = site.getOrigCalleeType();
auto substCalleeType = site.getSubstCalleeType();
auto args = site.getArguments();
SILFunctionConventions origConv(origCalleeType, getSILModule());
assert(origConv.getNumSILArguments() == args.size());
// Extract 'self' if it needs to be passed as the context parameter.
llvm::Value *selfValue = nullptr;
if (hasSelfContextParameter(origCalleeType)) {
SILValue selfArg = args.back();
args = args.drop_back();
if (selfArg->getType().isObject()) {
selfValue = getLoweredSingletonExplosion(selfArg);
} else {
selfValue = getLoweredAddress(selfArg).getAddress();
Explosion llArgs;
WitnessMetadata witnessMetadata;
CallEmission emission =
getCallEmissionForLoweredValue(*this, origCalleeType, substCalleeType,
calleeLV, selfValue,
&witnessMetadata, llArgs);
// Lower the arguments and return value in the callee's generic context.
GenericContextScope scope(IGM, origCalleeType->getGenericSignature());
// Allocate space for the coroutine buffer.
Optional<Address> coroutineBuffer;
switch (origCalleeType->getCoroutineKind()) {
case SILCoroutineKind::None:
case SILCoroutineKind::YieldOnce:
coroutineBuffer = emitAllocYieldOnceCoroutineBuffer(*this);
case SILCoroutineKind::YieldMany:
coroutineBuffer = emitAllocYieldManyCoroutineBuffer(*this);
if (coroutineBuffer) {
// Lower the SIL arguments to IR arguments.
// Turn the formal SIL parameters into IR-gen things.
for (auto index : indices(args)) {
emitApplyArgument(*this, args[index], origConv.getSILArgumentType(index),
// Pass the generic arguments.
if (hasPolymorphicParameters(origCalleeType)) {
SubstitutionMap subMap = site.getSubstitutionMap();
emitPolymorphicArguments(*this, origCalleeType,
subMap, &witnessMetadata, llArgs);
// Add all those arguments.
emission.setArgs(llArgs, false, &witnessMetadata);
SILInstruction *i = site.getInstruction();
Explosion result;
emission.emitToExplosion(result, false);
// For a simple apply, just bind the apply result to the result of the call.
if (auto apply = dyn_cast<ApplyInst>(i)) {
setLoweredExplosion(apply, result);
// For begin_apply, we have to destructure the call.
} else if (auto beginApply = dyn_cast<BeginApplyInst>(i)) {
// Grab the continuation pointer. This will still be an i8*.
auto continuation = result.claimNext();
{ *coroutineBuffer,
emission.claimTemporaries() });
setCorrespondingLoweredValues(beginApply->getYieldedValues(), result);
} else {
auto tryApplyInst = cast<TryApplyInst>(i);
// Load the error value.
SILFunctionConventions substConv(substCalleeType, getSILModule());
SILType errorType = substConv.getSILErrorType();
Address errorSlot = getErrorResultSlot(errorType);
auto errorValue = Builder.CreateLoad(errorSlot);
auto &normalDest = getLoweredBB(tryApplyInst->getNormalBB());
auto &errorDest = getLoweredBB(tryApplyInst->getErrorBB());
// Zero the error slot to maintain the invariant that it always
// contains null. This will frequently become a dead store.
auto nullError = llvm::Constant::getNullValue(errorValue->getType());
if (!tryApplyInst->getErrorBB()->getSinglePredecessorBlock()) {
// Only do that here if we can't move the store to the error block.
// See below.
Builder.CreateStore(nullError, errorSlot);
// If the error value is non-null, branch to the error destination.
auto hasError = Builder.CreateICmpNE(errorValue, nullError);
// Set up the PHI nodes on the normal edge.
unsigned firstIndex = 0;
addIncomingExplosionToPHINodes(*this, normalDest, firstIndex, result);
assert(firstIndex == normalDest.phis.size());
// Set up the PHI nodes on the error edge.
assert(errorDest.phis.size() == 1);
errorDest.phis[0]->addIncoming(errorValue, Builder.GetInsertBlock());
if (tryApplyInst->getErrorBB()->getSinglePredecessorBlock()) {
// Zeroing out the error slot only in the error block increases the chance
// that it will become a dead store.
auto origBB = Builder.GetInsertBlock();
Builder.CreateStore(nullError, errorSlot);
/// If the value is a @convention(witness_method) function, the context
/// is the witness table that must be passed to the call.
/// \param v A value of possibly-polymorphic SILFunctionType.
/// \param subs This is the set of substitutions that we are going to be
/// applying to 'v'.
static std::tuple<FunctionPointer, llvm::Value*, CanSILFunctionType>
getPartialApplicationFunction(IRGenSILFunction &IGF, SILValue v,
SubstitutionMap subs) {
LoweredValue &lv = IGF.getLoweredValue(v);
auto fnType = v->getType().castTo<SILFunctionType>();
switch (lv.kind) {
case LoweredValue::Kind::ContainedAddress:
case LoweredValue::Kind::StackAddress:
case LoweredValue::Kind::DynamicallyEnforcedAddress:
case LoweredValue::Kind::OwnedAddress:
case LoweredValue::Kind::EmptyExplosion:
case LoweredValue::Kind::CoroutineState:
llvm_unreachable("not a valid function");
case LoweredValue::Kind::ObjCMethod:
llvm_unreachable("objc method partial application shouldn't get here");
case LoweredValue::Kind::FunctionPointer: {
llvm::Value *context = nullptr;
switch (fnType->getRepresentation()) {
case SILFunctionTypeRepresentation::CFunctionPointer:
case SILFunctionTypeRepresentation::Block:
case SILFunctionTypeRepresentation::ObjCMethod:
llvm_unreachable("partial_apply of foreign functions not implemented");
case SILFunctionTypeRepresentation::WitnessMethod:
context = emitWitnessTableForLoweredCallee(IGF, fnType, subs);
case SILFunctionTypeRepresentation::Thick:
case SILFunctionTypeRepresentation::Thin:
case SILFunctionTypeRepresentation::Method:
case SILFunctionTypeRepresentation::Closure:
auto fn = lv.getFunctionPointer();
return std::make_tuple(fn, context, fnType);
case LoweredValue::Kind::SingletonExplosion: {
llvm::Value *fnPtr = lv.getKnownSingletonExplosion();
auto fn = FunctionPointer::forExplosionValue(IGF, fnPtr, fnType);
llvm::Value *context = nullptr;
auto repr = fnType->getRepresentation();
assert(repr != SILFunctionType::Representation::Block &&
"partial apply of block not implemented");
if (repr == SILFunctionType::Representation::WitnessMethod) {
context = emitWitnessTableForLoweredCallee(IGF, fnType, subs);
return std::make_tuple(fn, context, fnType);
case LoweredValue::Kind::ExplosionVector: {
== SILFunctionType::Representation::Thick);
Explosion ex = lv.getExplosion(IGF, v->getType());
llvm::Value *fnPtr = ex.claimNext();
auto fn = FunctionPointer::forExplosionValue(IGF, fnPtr, fnType);
llvm::Value *context = ex.claimNext();
return std::make_tuple(fn, context, fnType);
llvm_unreachable("bad kind");
void IRGenSILFunction::visitPartialApplyInst(swift::PartialApplyInst *i) {
SILValue v(i);
// NB: We collect the arguments under the substituted type.
auto args = i->getArguments();
auto params = i->getSubstCalleeType()->getParameters();
params = params.slice(params.size() - args.size(), args.size());
Explosion llArgs;
// Lower the parameters in the callee's generic context.
GenericContextScope scope(IGM, i->getOrigCalleeType()->getGenericSignature());
for (auto index : indices(args)) {
assert(args[index]->getType() == IGM.silConv.getSILType(params[index]));
emitApplyArgument(*this, args[index],
IGM.silConv.getSILType(params[index]), llArgs);
auto &lv = getLoweredValue(i->getCallee());
if (lv.kind == LoweredValue::Kind::ObjCMethod) {
// Objective-C partial applications require a different path. There's no
// actual function pointer to capture, and we semantically can't cache
// dispatch, so we need to perform the message send in the partial
// application thunk.
auto &objcMethod = lv.getObjCMethod();
assert(i->getArguments().size() == 1 &&
"only partial application of objc method to self implemented");
assert(llArgs.size() == 1 &&
"objc partial_apply argument is not a single retainable pointer?!");
llvm::Value *selfVal = llArgs.claimNext();
Explosion function;
setLoweredExplosion(i, function);
// Get the function value.
auto result = getPartialApplicationFunction(*this, i->getCallee(),
FunctionPointer calleeFn = std::get<0>(result);
llvm::Value *innerContext = std::get<1>(result);
CanSILFunctionType origCalleeTy = std::get<2>(result);
// Create the thunk and function value.
Explosion function;
*this, *CurSILFn, calleeFn, innerContext, llArgs, params,
i->getSubstitutionMap(), origCalleeTy, i->getSubstCalleeType(),
i->getType().castTo<SILFunctionType>(), function, false);
setLoweredExplosion(v, function);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitIntegerLiteralInst(swift::IntegerLiteralInst *i) {
llvm::Value *constant = emitConstantInt(IGM, i);
Explosion e;
setLoweredExplosion(i, e);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitFloatLiteralInst(swift::FloatLiteralInst *i) {
llvm::Value *constant = emitConstantFP(IGM, i);
Explosion e;
setLoweredExplosion(i, e);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitStringLiteralInst(swift::StringLiteralInst *i) {
llvm::Value *addr;
// Emit a load of a selector.
if (i->getEncoding() == swift::StringLiteralInst::Encoding::ObjCSelector)
addr = emitObjCSelectorRefLoad(i->getValue());
addr = emitAddrOfConstantString(IGM, i);
Explosion e;
setLoweredExplosion(i, e);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitConstStringLiteralInst(
swift::ConstStringLiteralInst *i) {
llvm::Constant *addr;
if (i->getEncoding() == ConstStringLiteralInst::Encoding::UTF8)
addr = IGM.getAddrOfGlobalConstantString(i->getValue());
addr = IGM.getAddrOfGlobalUTF16ConstantString(i->getValue());
addr = llvm::ConstantExpr::getBitCast(addr, IGM.Int8PtrTy);
Explosion e;
setLoweredExplosion(i, e);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitUnreachableInst(swift::UnreachableInst *i) {
static void emitCoroutineExit(IRGenSILFunction &IGF) {
// The LLVM coroutine representation demands that there be a
// unique call to llvm.coro.end.
// If the coroutine exit block already exists, just branch to it.
if (auto coroEndBB = IGF.CoroutineExitBlock) {
// Otherwise, create it and branch to it.
auto coroEndBB = IGF.createBasicBlock("coro.end");
IGF.CoroutineExitBlock = coroEndBB;
// Emit the block.
auto handle = IGF.getCoroutineHandle();
IGF.Builder.CreateIntrinsicCall(llvm::Intrinsic::ID::coro_end, {
/*is unwind*/ IGF.Builder.getFalse()
static void emitReturnInst(IRGenSILFunction &IGF,
SILType resultTy,
Explosion &result) {
// If we're generating a coroutine, just call coro.end.
if (IGF.isCoroutine()) {
assert(result.empty() &&
"coroutines do not currently support non-void returns");
// The invariant on the out-parameter is that it's always zeroed, so
// there's nothing to do here.
// Even if SIL has a direct return, the IR-level calling convention may
// require an indirect return.
if (IGF.IndirectReturn.isValid()) {
auto &retTI = cast<LoadableTypeInfo>(IGF.getTypeInfo(resultTy));
retTI.initialize(IGF, result, IGF.IndirectReturn, false);
} else {
auto funcLang = IGF.CurSILFn->getLoweredFunctionType()->getLanguage();
auto swiftCCReturn = funcLang == SILFunctionLanguage::Swift;
assert(swiftCCReturn ||
funcLang == SILFunctionLanguage::C && "Need to handle all cases");
IGF.emitScalarReturn(resultTy, result, swiftCCReturn, false);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitReturnInst(swift::ReturnInst *i) {
Explosion result = getLoweredExplosion(i->getOperand());
// Implicitly autorelease the return value if the function's result
// convention is autoreleased.
auto fnConv = CurSILFn->getConventions();
if (fnConv.getNumDirectSILResults() == 1
&& (fnConv.getDirectSILResults().begin()->getConvention()
== ResultConvention::Autoreleased)) {
Explosion temp;
temp.add(emitObjCAutoreleaseReturnValue(*this, result.claimNext()));
result = std::move(temp);
emitReturnInst(*this, i->getOperand()->getType(), result);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitThrowInst(swift::ThrowInst *i) {
// Store the exception to the error slot.
llvm::Value *exn = getLoweredSingletonExplosion(i->getOperand());
Builder.CreateStore(exn, getCallerErrorResultSlot());
// Create a normal return, but leaving the return value undefined.
auto fnTy = CurFn->getType()->getPointerElementType();
auto retTy = cast<llvm::FunctionType>(fnTy)->getReturnType();
if (retTy->isVoidTy()) {
} else {
void IRGenSILFunction::visitUnwindInst(swift::UnwindInst *i) {
// Just call coro.end; there's no need to distinguish 'unwind'
// and 'return' at the LLVM level.
void IRGenSILFunction::visitYieldInst(swift::YieldInst *i) {
auto coroutineType = CurSILFn->getLoweredFunctionType();
SILFunctionConventions coroConv(coroutineType, getSILModule());
GenericContextScope scope(IGM, coroutineType->getGenericSignature());
// Collect all the yielded values.
Explosion values;
auto yieldedValues = i->getYieldedValues();
auto yields = coroutineType->getYields();
assert(yieldedValues.size() == yields.size());
for (auto idx : indices(yieldedValues)) {
SILValue value = yieldedValues[idx];
SILParameterInfo yield = yields[idx];
emitApplyArgument(*this, value, coroConv.getSILType(yield), values);
// Emit the yield intrinsic.
auto isUnwind = emitYield(*this, coroutineType, values);
// Branch to the appropriate destination.
auto unwindBB = getLoweredBB(i->getUnwindBB()).bb;
auto resumeBB = getLoweredBB(i->getResumeBB()).bb;
Builder.CreateCondBr(isUnwind, unwindBB, resumeBB);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitBeginApplyInst(BeginApplyInst *i) {
void IRGenSILFunction::visitEndApplyInst(EndApplyInst *i) {
visitEndApply(i->getBeginApply(), false);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitAbortApplyInst(AbortApplyInst *i) {
visitEndApply(i->getBeginApply(), true);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitEndApply(BeginApplyInst *i, bool isAbort) {
const auto &coroutine = getLoweredCoroutine(i->getTokenResult());
auto sig = Signature::forCoroutineContinuation(IGM, i->getOrigCalleeType());
// Cast the continuation pointer to the right function pointer type.
auto continuation = coroutine.Continuation;
continuation = Builder.CreateBitCast(continuation,
FunctionPointer callee(continuation, sig);
Builder.CreateCall(callee, {
llvm::ConstantInt::get(IGM.Int1Ty, isAbort)
emitDeallocYieldOnceCoroutineBuffer(*this, coroutine.Buffer);
static llvm::BasicBlock *emitBBMapForSwitchValue(
IRGenSILFunction &IGF,
SmallVectorImpl<std::pair<SILValue, llvm::BasicBlock*>> &dests,
SwitchValueInst *inst) {
for (unsigned i = 0, e = inst->getNumCases(); i < e; ++i) {
auto casePair = inst->getCase(i);
dests.push_back({casePair.first, IGF.getLoweredBB(casePair.second).bb});
llvm::BasicBlock *defaultDest = nullptr;
if (inst->hasDefault())
defaultDest = IGF.getLoweredBB(inst->getDefaultBB()).bb;
return defaultDest;
static llvm::ConstantInt *
getSwitchCaseValue(IRGenFunction &IGF, SILValue val) {
if (auto *IL = dyn_cast<IntegerLiteralInst>(val)) {
return dyn_cast<llvm::ConstantInt>(emitConstantInt(IGF.IGM, IL));
else {
llvm_unreachable("Switch value cases should be integers");
static void
emitSwitchValueDispatch(IRGenSILFunction &IGF,
SILType ty,
Explosion &value,
ArrayRef<std::pair<SILValue, llvm::BasicBlock*>> dests,
llvm::BasicBlock *defaultDest) {
// Create an unreachable block for the default if the original SIL
// instruction had none.
bool unreachableDefault = false;
if (!defaultDest) {
unreachableDefault = true;
defaultDest = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(IGF.IGM.getLLVMContext());
if (<BuiltinIntegerType>()) {
auto *discriminator = value.claimNext();
auto *i = IGF.Builder.CreateSwitch(discriminator, defaultDest,
for (auto &dest : dests)
i->addCase(getSwitchCaseValue(IGF, dest.first), dest.second);
} else {
// Get the value we're testing, which is a function.
llvm::Value *val;
llvm::BasicBlock *nextTest = nullptr;
if (<SILFunctionType>()) {
val = value.claimNext(); // Function pointer.
//values.claimNext(); // Ignore the data pointer.
} else {
llvm_unreachable("switch_value operand has an unknown type");
for (int i = 0, e = dests.size(); i < e; ++i) {
auto casePair = dests[i];
llvm::Value *caseval;
auto casevalue = IGF.getLoweredExplosion(casePair.first);
if (casePair.first->getType().is<SILFunctionType>()) {
caseval = casevalue.claimNext(); // Function pointer.
//values.claimNext(); // Ignore the data pointer.
} else {
llvm_unreachable("switch_value operand has an unknown type");
// Compare operand with a case tag value.
llvm::Value *cond = IGF.Builder.CreateICmp(llvm::CmpInst::ICMP_EQ,
val, caseval);
if (i == e -1 && !unreachableDefault) {
nextTest = nullptr;
IGF.Builder.CreateCondBr(cond, casePair.second, defaultDest);
} else {
nextTest = IGF.createBasicBlock("next-test");
IGF.Builder.CreateCondBr(cond, casePair.second, nextTest);
if (nextTest) {
if (unreachableDefault) {
void IRGenSILFunction::visitSwitchValueInst(SwitchValueInst *inst) {
Explosion value = getLoweredExplosion(inst->getOperand());
// Map the SIL dest bbs to their LLVM bbs.
SmallVector<std::pair<SILValue, llvm::BasicBlock*>, 4> dests;
auto *defaultDest = emitBBMapForSwitchValue(*this, dests, inst);
emitSwitchValueDispatch(*this, inst->getOperand()->getType(),
value, dests, defaultDest);
// Bind an incoming explosion value to an explosion of LLVM phi node(s).
static void addIncomingExplosionToPHINodes(IRGenSILFunction &IGF,
ArrayRef<llvm::Value*> phis,
Explosion &argValue) {
llvm::BasicBlock *curBB = IGF.Builder.GetInsertBlock();
unsigned phiIndex = 0;
while (!argValue.empty())
->addIncoming(argValue.claimNext(), curBB);
assert(phiIndex == phis.size() && "explosion doesn't match number of phis");
// Bind an incoming explosion value to a SILArgument's LLVM phi node(s).
static void addIncomingExplosionToPHINodes(IRGenSILFunction &IGF,
LoweredBB &lbb,
unsigned &phiIndex,
Explosion &argValue) {
llvm::BasicBlock *curBB = IGF.Builder.GetInsertBlock();
while (!argValue.empty())
lbb.phis[phiIndex++]->addIncoming(argValue.claimNext(), curBB);
// Bind an incoming address value to a SILArgument's LLVM phi node(s).
static void addIncomingAddressToPHINodes(IRGenSILFunction &IGF,
ArrayRef<llvm::Value*> phis,
Address argValue) {
llvm::BasicBlock *curBB = IGF.Builder.GetInsertBlock();
assert(phis.size() == 1 && "more than one phi for address?!");
cast<llvm::PHINode>(phis[0])->addIncoming(argValue.getAddress(), curBB);
// Bind an incoming address value to a SILArgument's LLVM phi node(s).
static void addIncomingAddressToPHINodes(IRGenSILFunction &IGF,
LoweredBB &lbb,
unsigned &phiIndex,
Address argValue) {
llvm::BasicBlock *curBB = IGF.Builder.GetInsertBlock();
lbb.phis[phiIndex++]->addIncoming(argValue.getAddress(), curBB);
// Add branch arguments to destination phi nodes.
static void addIncomingSILArgumentsToPHINodes(IRGenSILFunction &IGF,
LoweredBB &lbb,
OperandValueArrayRef args) {
unsigned phiIndex = 0;
for (SILValue arg : args) {
if (arg->getType().isAddress()) {
addIncomingAddressToPHINodes(IGF, lbb, phiIndex,
Explosion argValue = IGF.getLoweredExplosion(arg);
addIncomingExplosionToPHINodes(IGF, lbb, phiIndex, argValue);
static llvm::BasicBlock *emitBBMapForSwitchEnum(
IRGenSILFunction &IGF,
SmallVectorImpl<std::pair<EnumElementDecl*, llvm::BasicBlock*>> &dests,
SwitchEnumInstBase *inst) {
for (unsigned i = 0, e = inst->getNumCases(); i < e; ++i) {
auto casePair = inst->getCase(i);
// If the destination BB accepts the case argument, set up a waypoint BB so
// we can feed the values into the argument's PHI node(s).
// FIXME: This is cheesy when the destination BB has only the switch
// as a predecessor.
if (!casePair.second->args_empty())
dests.push_back({casePair.first, IGF.getLoweredBB(casePair.second).bb});
llvm::BasicBlock *defaultDest = nullptr;
if (inst->hasDefault())
defaultDest = IGF.getLoweredBB(inst->getDefaultBB()).bb;
return defaultDest;
void IRGenSILFunction::visitSwitchEnumInst(SwitchEnumInst *inst) {
Explosion value = getLoweredExplosion(inst->getOperand());
// Map the SIL dest bbs to their LLVM bbs.
SmallVector<std::pair<EnumElementDecl*, llvm::BasicBlock*>, 4> dests;
llvm::BasicBlock *defaultDest
= emitBBMapForSwitchEnum(*this, dests, inst);
// Emit the dispatch.
auto &EIS = getEnumImplStrategy(IGM, inst->getOperand()->getType());
EIS.emitValueSwitch(*this, value, dests, defaultDest);
// Bind arguments for cases that want them.
for (unsigned i = 0, e = inst->getNumCases(); i < e; ++i) {
auto casePair = inst->getCase(i);
if (!casePair.second->args_empty()) {
auto waypointBB = dests[i].second;
auto &destLBB = getLoweredBB(casePair.second);
Explosion inValue = getLoweredExplosion(inst->getOperand());
Explosion projected;
emitProjectLoadableEnum(*this, inst->getOperand()->getType(),
inValue, casePair.first, projected);
unsigned phiIndex = 0;
addIncomingExplosionToPHINodes(*this, destLBB, phiIndex, projected);
IRGenSILFunction::visitSwitchEnumAddrInst(SwitchEnumAddrInst *inst) {
Address value = getLoweredAddress(inst->getOperand());
// Map the SIL dest bbs to their LLVM bbs.
SmallVector<std::pair<EnumElementDecl*, llvm::BasicBlock*>, 4> dests;
llvm::BasicBlock *defaultDest
= emitBBMapForSwitchEnum(*this, dests, inst);
// Emit the dispatch.
emitSwitchAddressOnlyEnumDispatch(*this, inst->getOperand()->getType(),
value, dests, defaultDest);
// FIXME: We could lower select_enum directly to LLVM select in a lot of cases.
// For now, just emit a switch and phi nodes, like a chump.
template<class C, class T>
static llvm::BasicBlock *
emitBBMapForSelect(IRGenSILFunction &IGF,
Explosion &resultPHI,
SmallVectorImpl<std::pair<T, llvm::BasicBlock*>> &BBs,
llvm::BasicBlock *&defaultBB,
SelectInstBase<C, T> *inst) {
auto origBB = IGF.Builder.GetInsertBlock();
// Set up a continuation BB and phi nodes to receive the result value.
llvm::BasicBlock *contBB = IGF.createBasicBlock("select_enum");
// Emit an explosion of phi node(s) to receive the value.
SmallVector<llvm::Value*, 4> phis;
auto &ti = IGF.getTypeInfo(inst->getType());
emitPHINodesForType(IGF, inst->getType(), ti,
inst->getNumCases() + inst->hasDefault(),
auto addIncoming = [&](SILValue value) {
if (value->getType().isAddress()) {
addIncomingAddressToPHINodes(IGF, resultPHI.getAll(),
} else {
Explosion ex = IGF.getLoweredExplosion(value);
addIncomingExplosionToPHINodes(IGF, resultPHI.getAll(), ex);
for (unsigned i = 0, e = inst->getNumCases(); i < e; ++i) {
auto casePair = inst->getCase(i);
// Create a basic block destination for this case.
llvm::BasicBlock *destBB = IGF.createBasicBlock("");
// Feed the corresponding result into the phi nodes.
// Jump immediately to the continuation.
BBs.push_back(std::make_pair(casePair.first, destBB));
if (inst->hasDefault()) {
defaultBB = IGF.createBasicBlock("");
} else {
defaultBB = nullptr;
return contBB;
// Try to map the value of a select_enum directly to an int type with a simple
// cast from the tag value to the result type. Optionally also by adding a
// constant offset.
// This is useful, e.g. for rawValue or hashValue of C-like enums.
static llvm::Value *
mapTriviallyToInt(IRGenSILFunction &IGF, const EnumImplStrategy &EIS, SelectEnumInst *inst) {
// All cases must be covered
if (inst->hasDefault())
return nullptr;
auto &ti = IGF.getTypeInfo(inst->getType());
ExplosionSchema schema = ti.getSchema();
// Check if the select_enum's result is a single integer scalar.
if (schema.size() != 1)
return nullptr;
if (!schema[0].isScalar())
return nullptr;
llvm::Type *type = schema[0].getScalarType();
auto *resultType = dyn_cast<llvm::IntegerType>(type);
if (!resultType)
return nullptr;
// Check if the case values directly map to the tag values, maybe with a
// constant offset.
APInt commonOffset;
bool offsetValid = false;
for (unsigned i = 0, e = inst->getNumCases(); i < e; ++i) {
auto casePair = inst->getCase(i);
int64_t index = EIS.getDiscriminatorIndex(casePair.first);
if (index < 0)
return nullptr;
auto *intLit = dyn_cast<IntegerLiteralInst>(casePair.second);
if (!intLit)
return nullptr;
APInt caseValue = intLit->getValue();
APInt offset = caseValue - index;
if (offsetValid) {
if (offset != commonOffset)
return nullptr;
} else {
commonOffset = offset;
offsetValid = true;
// Ask the enum implementation strategy to extract the enum tag as an integer
// value.
Explosion enumValue = IGF.getLoweredExplosion(inst->getEnumOperand());
llvm::Value *result = EIS.emitExtractDiscriminator(IGF, enumValue);
if (!result) {
return nullptr;
// Cast to the result type.
result = IGF.Builder.CreateIntCast(result, resultType, false);
if (commonOffset != 0) {
// The offset, if any.
auto *offsetConst = llvm::ConstantInt::get(resultType, commonOffset);
result = IGF.Builder.CreateAdd(result, offsetConst);
return result;
template <class C, class T>
static LoweredValue
getLoweredValueForSelect(IRGenSILFunction &IGF,
Explosion &result, SelectInstBase<C, T> *inst) {
if (inst->getType().isAddress())
// FIXME: Loses potentially better alignment info we might have.
return LoweredValue(Address(result.claimNext(),
return LoweredValue(result);
static void emitSingleEnumMemberSelectResult(IRGenSILFunction &IGF,
SelectEnumInstBase *inst,
llvm::Value *isTrue,
Explosion &result) {
assert((inst->getNumCases() == 1 && inst->hasDefault()) ||
(inst->getNumCases() == 2 && !inst->hasDefault()));
// Extract the true values.
auto trueValue = inst->getCase(0).second;
SmallVector<llvm::Value*, 4> TrueValues;
if (trueValue->getType().isAddress()) {
} else {
Explosion ex = IGF.getLoweredExplosion(trueValue);
while (!ex.empty())
// Extract the false values.
auto falseValue =
inst->hasDefault() ? inst->getDefaultResult() : inst->getCase(1).second;
SmallVector<llvm::Value*, 4> FalseValues;
if (falseValue->getType().isAddress()) {
} else {
Explosion ex = IGF.getLoweredExplosion(falseValue);
while (!ex.empty())
assert(TrueValues.size() == FalseValues.size() &&
"explosions didn't produce same element count?");
for (unsigned i = 0, e = FalseValues.size(); i != e; ++i) {
auto *TV = TrueValues[i], *FV = FalseValues[i];
// It is pretty common to select between zero and 1 as the result of the
// select. Instead of emitting an obviously dumb select, emit nothing or
// a zext.
if (auto *TC = dyn_cast<llvm::ConstantInt>(TV))
if (auto *FC = dyn_cast<llvm::ConstantInt>(FV))
if (TC->isOne() && FC->isZero()) {
result.add(IGF.Builder.CreateZExtOrBitCast(isTrue, TV->getType()));
result.add(IGF.Builder.CreateSelect(isTrue, TV, FalseValues[i]));
void IRGenSILFunction::visitSelectEnumInst(SelectEnumInst *inst) {
auto &EIS = getEnumImplStrategy(IGM, inst->getEnumOperand()->getType());
Explosion result;
if (llvm::Value *R = mapTriviallyToInt(*this, EIS, inst)) {
} else if ((inst->getNumCases() == 1 && inst->hasDefault()) ||
(inst->getNumCases() == 2 && !inst->hasDefault())) {
// If this is testing for one case, do simpler codegen. This is
// particularly common when testing optionals.
Explosion value = getLoweredExplosion(inst->getEnumOperand());
auto isTrue = EIS.emitValueCaseTest(*this, value, inst->getCase(0).first);
emitSingleEnumMemberSelectResult(*this, inst, isTrue, result);
} else {
Explosion value = getLoweredExplosion(inst->getEnumOperand());
// Map the SIL dest bbs to their LLVM bbs.
SmallVector<std::pair<EnumElementDecl*, llvm::BasicBlock*>, 4> dests;
llvm::BasicBlock *defaultDest;
llvm::BasicBlock *contBB
= emitBBMapForSelect(*this, result, dests, defaultDest, inst);
// Emit the dispatch.
EIS.emitValueSwitch(*this, value, dests, defaultDest);
// emitBBMapForSelectEnum set up a continuation block and phi nodes to
// receive the result.
getLoweredValueForSelect(*this, result, inst));
void IRGenSILFunction::visitSelectEnumAddrInst(SelectEnumAddrInst *inst) {
Address value = getLoweredAddress(inst->getEnumOperand());
Explosion result;
if ((inst->getNumCases() == 1 && inst->hasDefault()) ||
(inst->getNumCases() == 2 && !inst->hasDefault())) {
auto &EIS = getEnumImplStrategy(IGM, inst->getEnumOperand()->getType());
// If this is testing for one case, do simpler codegen. This is
// particularly common when testing optionals.
auto isTrue = EIS.emitIndirectCaseTest(*this,
value, inst->getCase(0).first);
emitSingleEnumMemberSelectResult(*this, inst, isTrue, result);
} else {
// Map the SIL dest bbs to their LLVM bbs.
SmallVector<std::pair<EnumElementDecl*, llvm::BasicBlock*>, 4> dests;
llvm::BasicBlock *defaultDest;
llvm::BasicBlock *contBB
= emitBBMapForSelect(*this, result, dests, defaultDest, inst);
// Emit the dispatch.
emitSwitchAddressOnlyEnumDispatch(*this, inst->getEnumOperand()->getType(),
value, dests, defaultDest);
// emitBBMapForSelectEnum set up a phi node to receive the result.
getLoweredValueForSelect(*this, result, inst));
void IRGenSILFunction::visitSelectValueInst(SelectValueInst *inst) {
Explosion value = getLoweredExplosion(inst->getOperand());
// Map the SIL dest bbs to their LLVM bbs.
SmallVector<std::pair<SILValue, llvm::BasicBlock*>, 4> dests;
llvm::BasicBlock *defaultDest;
Explosion result;
auto *contBB = emitBBMapForSelect(*this, result, dests, defaultDest, inst);
// Emit the dispatch.
emitSwitchValueDispatch(*this, inst->getOperand()->getType(), value, dests,
// emitBBMapForSelectEnum set up a continuation block and phi nodes to
// receive the result.
getLoweredValueForSelect(*this, result, inst));
void IRGenSILFunction::visitDynamicMethodBranchInst(DynamicMethodBranchInst *i){
LoweredBB &hasMethodBB = getLoweredBB(i->getHasMethodBB());
LoweredBB &noMethodBB = getLoweredBB(i->getNoMethodBB());
// Emit the respondsToSelector: call.
StringRef selector;
llvm::SmallString<64> selectorBuffer;
if (auto fnDecl = dyn_cast<FuncDecl>(i->getMember().getDecl()))
selector = fnDecl->getObjCSelector().getString(selectorBuffer);
else if (auto var = dyn_cast<AbstractStorageDecl>(i->getMember().getDecl()))
selector = var->getObjCGetterSelector().getString(selectorBuffer);
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled dynamic method branch query");
llvm::Value *object = getLoweredExplosion(i->getOperand()).claimNext();
if (object->getType() != IGM.ObjCPtrTy)
object = Builder.CreateBitCast(object, IGM.ObjCPtrTy);
llvm::Value *loadSel = emitObjCSelectorRefLoad(selector);
llvm::Value *respondsToSelector
= emitObjCSelectorRefLoad("respondsToSelector:");
llvm::Constant *messenger = IGM.getObjCMsgSendFn();
llvm::Type *argTys[] = {
auto respondsToSelectorTy = llvm::FunctionType::get(IGM.Int1Ty,
/*isVarArg*/ false)
messenger = llvm::ConstantExpr::getBitCast(messenger,
llvm::CallInst *call = Builder.CreateCall(messenger,
{object, respondsToSelector, loadSel});
// FIXME: Assume (probably safely) that the hasMethodBB has only us as a
// predecessor, and cannibalize its bb argument so we can represent is as an
// ObjCMethod lowered value. This is hella gross but saves us having to
// implement ObjCMethod-to-Explosion lowering and creating a thunk we don't
// want.
== i->getHasMethodBB()->pred_end()
&& "lowering dynamic_method_br with multiple preds for destination "
"not implemented");
// Kill the existing lowered value for the bb arg and its phi nodes.
SILValue methodArg = i->getHasMethodBB()->args_begin()[0];
Explosion formerLLArg = getLoweredExplosion(methodArg);
for (llvm::Value *val : formerLLArg.claimAll()) {
auto phi = cast<llvm::PHINode>(val);
assert(phi->getNumIncomingValues() == 0 && "phi already used");
delete phi;
// Replace the lowered value with an ObjCMethod lowering.
setLoweredObjCMethod(methodArg, i->getMember());
// Create the branch.
void IRGenSILFunction::visitBranchInst(swift::BranchInst *i) {
LoweredBB &lbb = getLoweredBB(i->getDestBB());
addIncomingSILArgumentsToPHINodes(*this, lbb, i->getArgs());
void IRGenSILFunction::visitCondBranchInst(swift::CondBranchInst *i) {
LoweredBB &trueBB = getLoweredBB(i->getTrueBB());
LoweredBB &falseBB = getLoweredBB(i->getFalseBB());
llvm::Value *condValue =
addIncomingSILArgumentsToPHINodes(*this, trueBB, i->getTrueArgs());
addIncomingSILArgumentsToPHINodes(*this, falseBB, i->getFalseArgs());
llvm::MDNode *Weights = nullptr;
auto TrueBBCount = i->getTrueBBCount();
auto FalseBBCount = i->getFalseBBCount();
if (TrueBBCount || FalseBBCount)
Weights = IGM.createProfileWeights(TrueBBCount ? TrueBBCount.getValue() : 0,
FalseBBCount ? FalseBBCount.getValue() : 0);
Builder.CreateCondBr(condValue,,, Weights);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitRetainValueInst(swift::RetainValueInst *i) {
Explosion in = getLoweredExplosion(i->getOperand());
Explosion out;
.copy(*this, in, out, i->isAtomic() ? irgen::Atomicity::Atomic
: irgen::Atomicity::NonAtomic);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitRetainValueAddrInst(swift::RetainValueAddrInst *i) {
assert(i->getAtomicity() == RefCountingInst::Atomicity::Atomic &&
"Non atomic retains are not supported");
SILValue operandValue = i->getOperand();
Address addr = getLoweredAddress(operandValue);
SILType addrTy = operandValue->getType();
SILType objectT = addrTy.getObjectType();
llvm::Type *llvmType = addr.getAddress()->getType();
const TypeInfo &addrTI = getTypeInfo(addrTy);
auto *outlinedF = IGM.getOrCreateRetainFunction(addrTI, objectT, llvmType);
llvm::Value *args[] = {addr.getAddress()};
llvm::CallInst *call = Builder.CreateCall(outlinedF, args);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitCopyValueInst(swift::CopyValueInst *i) {
Explosion in = getLoweredExplosion(i->getOperand());
Explosion out;
.copy(*this, in, out, getDefaultAtomicity());
setLoweredExplosion(i, out);
// TODO: Implement this more generally for arbitrary values. Currently the
// SIL verifier restricts it to single-refcounted-pointer types.
void IRGenSILFunction::visitAutoreleaseValueInst(swift::AutoreleaseValueInst *i)
Explosion in = getLoweredExplosion(i->getOperand());
auto val = in.claimNext();
void IRGenSILFunction::visitSetDeallocatingInst(SetDeallocatingInst *i) {
auto *ARI = dyn_cast<AllocRefInst>(i->getOperand());
if (ARI && StackAllocs.count(ARI)) {
// A small peep-hole optimization: If the operand is allocated on stack and
// there is no "significant" code between the set_deallocating and the final
// dealloc_ref, the set_deallocating is not required.
// %0 = alloc_ref [stack]
// ...
// set_deallocating %0 // not needed
// // code which does not depend on the RC_DEALLOCATING_FLAG flag.
// dealloc_ref %0 // not needed (stems from the inlined deallocator)
// ...
// dealloc_ref [stack] %0
SILBasicBlock::iterator Iter(i);
SILBasicBlock::iterator End = i->getParent()->end();
for (++Iter; Iter != End; ++Iter) {
SILInstruction *I = &*Iter;
if (auto *DRI = dyn_cast<DeallocRefInst>(I)) {
if (DRI->getOperand() == ARI) {
// The set_deallocating is followed by a dealloc_ref -> we can ignore
// it.
// Assume that any instruction with side-effects may depend on the
if (I->mayHaveSideEffects())
Explosion lowered = getLoweredExplosion(i->getOperand());
void IRGenSILFunction::visitReleaseValueInst(swift::ReleaseValueInst *i) {
Explosion in = getLoweredExplosion(i->getOperand());
.consume(*this, in, i->isAtomic() ? irgen::Atomicity::Atomic
: irgen::Atomicity::NonAtomic);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitReleaseValueAddrInst(
swift::ReleaseValueAddrInst *i) {
assert(i->getAtomicity() == RefCountingInst::Atomicity::Atomic &&
"Non atomic retains are not supported");
SILValue operandValue = i->getOperand();
Address addr = getLoweredAddress(operandValue);
SILType addrTy = operandValue->getType();
SILType objectT = addrTy.getObjectType();
llvm::Type *llvmType = addr.getAddress()->getType();
const TypeInfo &addrTI = getTypeInfo(addrTy);
auto *outlinedF = IGM.getOrCreateReleaseFunction(
addrTI, objectT, llvmType);
llvm::Value *args[] = {addr.getAddress()};
llvm::CallInst *call = Builder.CreateCall(outlinedF, args);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitDestroyValueInst(swift::DestroyValueInst *i) {
Explosion in = getLoweredExplosion(i->getOperand());
.consume(*this, in, getDefaultAtomicity());
void IRGenSILFunction::visitStructInst(swift::StructInst *i) {
Explosion out;
for (SILValue elt : i->getElements())
setLoweredExplosion(i, out);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitTupleInst(swift::TupleInst *i) {
Explosion out;
for (SILValue elt : i->getElements())
setLoweredExplosion(i, out);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitEnumInst(swift::EnumInst *i) {
Explosion data = (i->hasOperand())
? getLoweredExplosion(i->getOperand())
: Explosion();
Explosion out;
emitInjectLoadableEnum(*this, i->getType(), i->getElement(), data, out);
setLoweredExplosion(i, out);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitInitEnumDataAddrInst(swift::InitEnumDataAddrInst *i) {
Address enumAddr = getLoweredAddress(i->getOperand());
Address dataAddr = emitProjectEnumAddressForStore(*this,
setLoweredAddress(i, dataAddr);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitUncheckedEnumDataInst(swift::UncheckedEnumDataInst *i) {
Explosion enumVal = getLoweredExplosion(i->getOperand());
Explosion data;
emitProjectLoadableEnum(*this, i->getOperand()->getType(),
enumVal, i->getElement(), data);
setLoweredExplosion(i, data);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitUncheckedTakeEnumDataAddrInst(swift::UncheckedTakeEnumDataAddrInst *i) {
Address enumAddr = getLoweredAddress(i->getOperand());
Address dataAddr = emitDestructiveProjectEnumAddressForLoad(*this,
setLoweredAddress(i, dataAddr);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitInjectEnumAddrInst(swift::InjectEnumAddrInst *i) {
Address enumAddr = getLoweredAddress(i->getOperand());
emitStoreEnumTagToAddress(*this, i->getOperand()->getType(),
enumAddr, i->getElement());
void IRGenSILFunction::visitTupleExtractInst(swift::TupleExtractInst *i) {
Explosion fullTuple = getLoweredExplosion(i->getOperand());
Explosion output;
SILType baseType = i->getOperand()->getType();
setLoweredExplosion(i, output);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitTupleElementAddrInst(swift::TupleElementAddrInst *i)
Address base = getLoweredAddress(i->getOperand());
SILType baseType = i->getOperand()->getType();
Address field = projectTupleElementAddress(*this, base, baseType,
setLoweredAddress(i, field);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitStructExtractInst(swift::StructExtractInst *i) {
Explosion operand = getLoweredExplosion(i->getOperand());
Explosion lowered;
SILType baseType = i->getOperand()->getType();
setLoweredExplosion(i, lowered);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitStructElementAddrInst(
swift::StructElementAddrInst *i) {
Address base = getLoweredAddress(i->getOperand());
SILType baseType = i->getOperand()->getType();
Address field = projectPhysicalStructMemberAddress(*this, base, baseType,
setLoweredAddress(i, field);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitRefElementAddrInst(swift::RefElementAddrInst *i) {
Explosion base = getLoweredExplosion(i->getOperand());
llvm::Value *value = base.claimNext();
SILType baseTy = i->getOperand()->getType();
Address field = projectPhysicalClassMemberAddress(*this,
setLoweredAddress(i, field);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitRefTailAddrInst(RefTailAddrInst *i) {
SILValue Ref = i->getOperand();
llvm::Value *RefValue = getLoweredExplosion(Ref).claimNext();
Address TailAddr = emitTailProjection(*this, RefValue, Ref->getType(),
setLoweredAddress(i, TailAddr);
static bool isInvariantAddress(SILValue v) {
auto root = getUnderlyingAddressRoot(v);
if (auto ptrRoot = dyn_cast<PointerToAddressInst>(root)) {
return ptrRoot->isInvariant();
// TODO: We could be more aggressive about considering addresses based on
// `let` variables as invariant when the type of the address is known not to
// have any sharably-mutable interior storage (in other words, no weak refs,
// atomics, etc.)
return false;
void IRGenSILFunction::visitLoadInst(swift::LoadInst *i) {
Explosion lowered;
Address source = getLoweredAddress(i->getOperand());
SILType objType = i->getType().getObjectType();
const auto &typeInfo = cast<LoadableTypeInfo>(getTypeInfo(objType));
switch (i->getOwnershipQualifier()) {
case LoadOwnershipQualifier::Unqualified:
case LoadOwnershipQualifier::Trivial:
case LoadOwnershipQualifier::Take:
typeInfo.loadAsTake(*this, source, lowered);
case LoadOwnershipQualifier::Copy:
typeInfo.loadAsCopy(*this, source, lowered);
if (isInvariantAddress(i->getOperand())) {
// It'd be better to push this down into `loadAs` methods, perhaps...
for (auto value : lowered.getAll())
if (auto load = dyn_cast<llvm::LoadInst>(value))
setLoweredExplosion(i, lowered);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitStoreInst(swift::StoreInst *i) {
Explosion source = getLoweredExplosion(i->getSrc());
Address dest = getLoweredAddress(i->getDest());
SILType objType = i->getSrc()->getType().getObjectType();
const auto &typeInfo = cast<LoadableTypeInfo>(getTypeInfo(objType));
switch (i->getOwnershipQualifier()) {
case StoreOwnershipQualifier::Unqualified:
case StoreOwnershipQualifier::Init:
case StoreOwnershipQualifier::Trivial:
typeInfo.initialize(*this, source, dest, false);
case StoreOwnershipQualifier::Assign:
typeInfo.assign(*this, source, dest, false);
/// Emit the artificial error result argument.
void IRGenSILFunction::emitErrorResultVar(SILResultInfo ErrorInfo,
DebugValueInst *DbgValue) {
// We don't need a shadow error variable for debugging on ABI's that return
// swifterror in a register.
if (IGM.IsSwiftErrorInRegister)
auto ErrorResultSlot = getErrorResultSlot(IGM.silConv.getSILType(ErrorInfo));
auto Var = DbgValue->getVarInfo();
assert(Var && "error result without debug info");
auto Storage =
emitShadowCopyIfNeeded(ErrorResultSlot.getAddress(), getDebugScope(),
Var->Name, Var->ArgNo, false);
if (!IGM.DebugInfo)
DebugTypeInfo DTI(nullptr, nullptr, ErrorInfo.getType(),
ErrorResultSlot->getType(), IGM.getPointerSize(),
IGM.getPointerAlignment(), true);
IGM.DebugInfo->emitVariableDeclaration(Builder, Storage, DTI, getDebugScope(),
nullptr, Var->Name, Var->ArgNo,
IndirectValue, ArtificialValue);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitDebugValueInst(DebugValueInst *i) {
if (i->getDebugScope()->getInlinedFunction()->isTransparent())
auto VarInfo = i->getVarInfo();
assert(VarInfo && "debug_value without debug info");
auto SILVal = i->getOperand();
if (isa<SILUndef>(SILVal)) {
// We cannot track the location of inlined error arguments because it has no
// representation in SIL.
if (!i->getDebugScope()->InlinedCallSite && VarInfo->Name == "$error") {
auto funcTy = CurSILFn->getLoweredFunctionType();
emitErrorResultVar(funcTy->getErrorResult(), i);
bool IsAnonymous = false;
StringRef Name = getVarName(i, IsAnonymous);
DebugTypeInfo DbgTy;
SILType SILTy = SILVal->getType();
auto RealTy = SILVal->getType().getASTType();
if (VarDecl *Decl = i->getDecl()) {
DbgTy = DebugTypeInfo::getLocalVariable(
CurSILFn->getDeclContext(), CurSILFn->getGenericEnvironment(), Decl,
RealTy, getTypeInfo(SILVal->getType()));
} else if (i->getFunction()->isBare() &&
!SILTy.hasArchetype() && !Name.empty()) {
// Preliminary support for .sil debug information.
DbgTy = DebugTypeInfo::getFromTypeInfo(CurSILFn->getDeclContext(),
RealTy, getTypeInfo(SILTy));
} else
// Put the value into a stack slot at -Onone.
llvm::SmallVector<llvm::Value *, 8> Copy;
emitShadowCopyIfNeeded(SILVal, i->getDebugScope(), Name, VarInfo->ArgNo,
IsAnonymous, Copy);
if (!IGM.DebugInfo)
emitDebugVariableDeclaration(Copy, DbgTy, SILTy, i->getDebugScope(),
i->getDecl(), Name, VarInfo->ArgNo);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitDebugValueAddrInst(DebugValueAddrInst *i) {
if (i->getDebugScope()->getInlinedFunction()->isTransparent())
VarDecl *Decl = i->getDecl();
if (!Decl)
auto SILVal = i->getOperand();
if (isa<SILUndef>(SILVal))
auto VarInfo = i->getVarInfo();
assert(VarInfo && "debug_value_addr without debug info");
bool IsAnonymous = false;
bool IsLoadablyByAddress = isa<AllocStackInst>(SILVal);
StringRef Name = getVarName(i, IsAnonymous);
auto Addr = getLoweredAddress(SILVal).getAddress();
SILType SILTy = SILVal->getType();
auto RealType = SILTy.getASTType();
auto DbgTy = DebugTypeInfo::getLocalVariable(
CurSILFn->getDeclContext(), CurSILFn->getGenericEnvironment(), Decl,
RealType, getTypeInfo(SILVal->getType()));
if (!IGM.DebugInfo)
// Put the value's address into a stack slot at -Onone and emit a debug
// intrinsic.
emitShadowCopyIfNeeded(Addr, i->getDebugScope(), Name, VarInfo->ArgNo,
DbgTy, SILType(), i->getDebugScope(), Decl, Name, VarInfo->ArgNo,
(IsLoadablyByAddress || DbgTy.isImplicitlyIndirect()) ? DirectValue
: IndirectValue);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitLoadWeakInst(swift::LoadWeakInst *i) {
Address source = getLoweredAddress(i->getOperand());
auto &weakTI = cast<WeakTypeInfo>(getTypeInfo(i->getOperand()->getType()));
Explosion result;
if (i->isTake()) {
weakTI.weakTakeStrong(*this, source, result);
} else {
weakTI.weakLoadStrong(*this, source, result);
setLoweredExplosion(i, result);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitStoreWeakInst(swift::StoreWeakInst *i) {
Explosion source = getLoweredExplosion(i->getSrc());
Address dest = getLoweredAddress(i->getDest());
auto &weakTI = cast<WeakTypeInfo>(getTypeInfo(i->getDest()->getType()));
if (i->isInitializationOfDest()) {
weakTI.weakInit(*this, source, dest);
} else {
weakTI.weakAssign(*this, source, dest);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitFixLifetimeInst(swift::FixLifetimeInst *i) {
if (i->getOperand()->getType().isAddress()) {
// Just pass in the address to fix lifetime if we have one. We will not do
// anything to it so nothing bad should happen.
// Handle objects.
Explosion in = getLoweredExplosion(i->getOperand());
.fixLifetime(*this, in);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitMarkDependenceInst(swift::MarkDependenceInst *i) {
// Dependency-marking is purely for SIL. Just forward the input as
// the result.
SILValue value = i->getValue();
if (value->getType().isAddress()) {
setLoweredAddress(i, getLoweredAddress(value));
} else {
Explosion temp = getLoweredExplosion(value);
setLoweredExplosion(i, temp);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitCopyBlockInst(CopyBlockInst *i) {
Explosion lowered = getLoweredExplosion(i->getOperand());
llvm::Value *copied = emitBlockCopyCall(lowered.claimNext());
Explosion result;
setLoweredExplosion(i, result);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitStrongPinInst(swift::StrongPinInst *i) {
Explosion lowered = getLoweredExplosion(i->getOperand());
llvm::Value *object = lowered.claimNext();
llvm::Value *pinHandle =
emitNativeTryPin(object, i->isAtomic() ? irgen::Atomicity::Atomic
: irgen::Atomicity::NonAtomic);
Explosion result;
setLoweredExplosion(i, result);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitStrongUnpinInst(swift::StrongUnpinInst *i) {
Explosion lowered = getLoweredExplosion(i->getOperand());
llvm::Value *pinHandle = lowered.claimNext();
emitNativeUnpin(pinHandle, i->isAtomic() ? irgen::Atomicity::Atomic
: irgen::Atomicity::NonAtomic);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitStrongRetainInst(swift::StrongRetainInst *i) {
Explosion lowered = getLoweredExplosion(i->getOperand());
auto &ti = cast<ReferenceTypeInfo>(getTypeInfo(i->getOperand()->getType()));
ti.strongRetain(*this, lowered, i->isAtomic() ? irgen::Atomicity::Atomic
: irgen::Atomicity::NonAtomic);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitStrongReleaseInst(swift::StrongReleaseInst *i) {
Explosion lowered = getLoweredExplosion(i->getOperand());
auto &ti = cast<ReferenceTypeInfo>(getTypeInfo(i->getOperand()->getType()));
ti.strongRelease(*this, lowered, i->isAtomic() ? irgen::Atomicity::Atomic
: irgen::Atomicity::NonAtomic);
/// Given a SILType which is a ReferenceStorageType, return the type
/// info for the underlying reference type.
static const ReferenceTypeInfo &getReferentTypeInfo(IRGenFunction &IGF,
SILType silType) {
auto type = silType.castTo<ReferenceStorageType>().getReferentType();
return cast<ReferenceTypeInfo>(IGF.getTypeInfoForLowered(type));
void IRGenSILFunction::
visitStrongRetainUnownedInst(swift::StrongRetainUnownedInst *i) {
Explosion lowered = getLoweredExplosion(i->getOperand());
auto &ti = getReferentTypeInfo(*this, i->getOperand()->getType());
ti.strongRetainUnowned(*this, lowered, i->isAtomic() ? irgen::Atomicity::Atomic
: irgen::Atomicity::NonAtomic);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitCopyUnownedValueInst(
swift::CopyUnownedValueInst *i) {
Explosion in = getLoweredExplosion(i->getOperand());
auto &ti = getReferentTypeInfo(*this, i->getOperand()->getType());
ti.strongRetainUnowned(*this, in, irgen::Atomicity::Atomic);
// Semantically we are just passing through the input parameter but as a
// strong reference... at LLVM IR level these type differences don't
// matter. So just set the lowered explosion appropriately.
Explosion output = getLoweredExplosion(i->getOperand());
setLoweredExplosion(i, output);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitUnownedRetainInst(swift::UnownedRetainInst *i) {
Explosion lowered = getLoweredExplosion(i->getOperand());
auto &ti = getReferentTypeInfo(*this, i->getOperand()->getType());
ti.unownedRetain(*this, lowered, i->isAtomic() ? irgen::Atomicity::Atomic
: irgen::Atomicity::NonAtomic);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitUnownedReleaseInst(swift::UnownedReleaseInst *i) {
Explosion lowered = getLoweredExplosion(i->getOperand());
auto &ti = getReferentTypeInfo(*this, i->getOperand()->getType());
ti.unownedRelease(*this, lowered, i->isAtomic() ? irgen::Atomicity::Atomic
: irgen::Atomicity::NonAtomic);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitLoadUnownedInst(swift::LoadUnownedInst *i) {
Address source = getLoweredAddress(i->getOperand());
auto &ti = getReferentTypeInfo(*this, i->getOperand()->getType());
Explosion result;
if (i->isTake()) {
ti.unownedTakeStrong(*this, source, result);
} else {
ti.unownedLoadStrong(*this, source, result);
setLoweredExplosion(i, result);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitStoreUnownedInst(swift::StoreUnownedInst *i) {
Explosion source = getLoweredExplosion(i->getSrc());
Address dest = getLoweredAddress(i->getDest());
auto &ti = getReferentTypeInfo(*this, i->getDest()->getType());
if (i->isInitializationOfDest()) {
ti.unownedInit(*this, source, dest);
} else {
ti.unownedAssign(*this, source, dest);
static bool hasReferenceSemantics(IRGenSILFunction &IGF,
SILType silType) {
auto operType = silType.getASTType();
auto valueType = operType->getOptionalObjectType();
auto objType = valueType ? valueType : operType;
return (objType->mayHaveSuperclass()
|| objType->isClassExistentialType()
|| objType->is<BuiltinNativeObjectType>()
|| objType->is<BuiltinBridgeObjectType>()
|| objType->is<BuiltinUnknownObjectType>());
static llvm::Value *emitIsUnique(IRGenSILFunction &IGF, SILValue operand,
SourceLoc loc, bool checkPinned) {
if (!hasReferenceSemantics(IGF, operand->getType())) {
return llvm::UndefValue::get(IGF.IGM.Int1Ty);
auto &operTI = cast<LoadableTypeInfo>(IGF.getTypeInfo(operand->getType()));
LoadedRef ref =
operTI.loadRefcountedPtr(IGF, loc, IGF.getLoweredAddress(operand));
IGF.emitIsUniqueCall(ref.getValue(), loc, ref.isNonNull(), checkPinned);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitIsUniqueInst(swift::IsUniqueInst *i) {
llvm::Value *result = emitIsUnique(*this, i->getOperand(),
i->getLoc().getSourceLoc(), false);
Explosion out;
setLoweredExplosion(i, out);
void IRGenSILFunction::
visitIsUniqueOrPinnedInst(swift::IsUniqueOrPinnedInst *i) {
llvm::Value *result = emitIsUnique(*this, i->getOperand(),
i->getLoc().getSourceLoc(), true);
Explosion out;
setLoweredExplosion(i, out);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitIsEscapingClosureInst(
swift::IsEscapingClosureInst *i) {
// The closure operand is allowed to be an optional closure.
auto operandType = i->getOperand()->getType();
if (operandType.getOptionalObjectType())
operandType = operandType.getOptionalObjectType();
auto fnType = operandType.getAs<SILFunctionType>();
assert(fnType->getExtInfo().hasContext() && "Must have a closure operand");
// This code relies on that an optional<()->()>'s tag fits in the function
// pointer.
auto &TI = cast<LoadableTypeInfo>(getTypeInfo(operandType));
assert(TI.mayHaveExtraInhabitants(IGM) &&
"Must have extra inhabitants to be able to handle the optional "
"closure case");
Explosion closure = getLoweredExplosion(i->getOperand());
auto func = closure.claimNext();
auto context = closure.claimNext();
if (context->getType()->isIntegerTy())
context = Builder.CreateIntToPtr(context, IGM.RefCountedPtrTy);
auto result = emitIsEscapingClosureCall(context, i->getLoc().getSourceLoc(),
Explosion out;
setLoweredExplosion(i, out);
void IRGenSILFunction::emitDebugInfoForAllocStack(AllocStackInst *i,
const TypeInfo &type,
llvm::Value *addr) {
auto VarInfo = i->getVarInfo();
if (!VarInfo)
VarDecl *Decl = i->getDecl();
// Describe the underlying alloca. This way an llvm.dbg.declare instrinsic
// is used, which is valid for the entire lifetime of the alloca.
if (auto *BitCast = dyn_cast<llvm::BitCastInst>(addr))
if (auto *Alloca = dyn_cast<llvm::AllocaInst>(BitCast->getOperand(0)))
addr = Alloca;
auto DS = i->getDebugScope();
if (!DS)
if (i->getDebugScope()->getInlinedFunction()->isTransparent())
bool IsAnonymous = false;
StringRef Name = getVarName(i, IsAnonymous);
// At this point addr must be an alloca or an undef.
assert(isa<llvm::AllocaInst>(addr) || isa<llvm::UndefValue>(addr));
auto Indirection = DirectValue;
if (!IGM.IRGen.Opts.shouldOptimize())
if (auto *Alloca = dyn_cast<llvm::AllocaInst>(addr))
if (!Alloca->isStaticAlloca()) {
// Store the address of the dynamic alloca on the stack.
addr = emitShadowCopy(addr, DS, Name, VarInfo->ArgNo,
Indirection = IndirectValue;
if (!Decl)
// Ignore compiler-generated patterns but not optional bindings.
if (auto *Pattern = Decl->getParentPattern())
if (Pattern->isImplicit() &&
Pattern->getKind() != PatternKind::OptionalSome)
SILType SILTy = i->getType();
auto RealType = SILTy.getASTType();
auto DbgTy = DebugTypeInfo::getLocalVariable(
CurSILFn->getDeclContext(), CurSILFn->getGenericEnvironment(), Decl,
RealType, type);
// FIXME: This is working around the inverse special case in LLDB.
if (DbgTy.isImplicitlyIndirect())
Indirection = DirectValue;
if (IGM.DebugInfo)
emitDebugVariableDeclaration(addr, DbgTy, SILTy, DS, Decl, Name,
VarInfo->ArgNo, Indirection);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitAllocStackInst(swift::AllocStackInst *i) {
const TypeInfo &type = getTypeInfo(i->getElementType());
// Derive name from SIL location.
StringRef dbgname;
VarDecl *Decl = i->getDecl();
# ifndef NDEBUG
// If this is a DEBUG build, use pretty names for the LLVM IR.
bool IsAnonymous = false;
dbgname = getVarName(i, IsAnonymous);
# endif
auto addr = type.allocateStack(*this, i->getElementType(), dbgname);
setLoweredStackAddress(i, addr);
// Generate Debug Info.
if (!Decl)
Type Desugared = Decl->getType()->getDesugaredType();
if (Desugared->getClassOrBoundGenericClass() ||
emitDebugInfoForAllocStack(i, type, addr.getAddress().getAddress());
static void
buildTailArrays(IRGenSILFunction &IGF,
SmallVectorImpl<std::pair<SILType, llvm::Value *>> &TailArrays,
AllocRefInstBase *ARI) {
auto Types = ARI->getTailAllocatedTypes();
auto Counts = ARI->getTailAllocatedCounts();
for (unsigned Idx = 0, NumTypes = Types.size(); Idx < NumTypes; ++Idx) {
Explosion ElemCount = IGF.getLoweredExplosion(Counts[Idx].get());
TailArrays.push_back({Types[Idx], ElemCount.claimNext()});
void IRGenSILFunction::visitAllocRefInst(swift::AllocRefInst *i) {
int StackAllocSize = -1;
if (i->canAllocOnStack()) {
// Is there enough space for stack allocation?
StackAllocSize = IGM.IRGen.Opts.StackPromotionSizeLimit - EstimatedStackSize;
SmallVector<std::pair<SILType, llvm::Value *>, 4> TailArrays;
buildTailArrays(*this, TailArrays, i);
llvm::Value *alloced = emitClassAllocation(*this, i->getType(), i->isObjC(),
StackAllocSize, TailArrays);
if (StackAllocSize >= 0) {
// Remember that this alloc_ref allocates the object on the stack.
EstimatedStackSize += StackAllocSize;
Explosion e;
setLoweredExplosion(i, e);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitAllocRefDynamicInst(swift::AllocRefDynamicInst *i) {
SmallVector<std::pair<SILType, llvm::Value *>, 4> TailArrays;
buildTailArrays(*this, TailArrays, i);
Explosion metadata = getLoweredExplosion(i->getMetatypeOperand());
auto metadataValue = metadata.claimNext();
llvm::Value *alloced = emitClassAllocationDynamic(*this, metadataValue,
i->getType(), i->isObjC(),
Explosion e;
setLoweredExplosion(i, e);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitDeallocStackInst(swift::DeallocStackInst *i) {
auto allocatedType = i->getOperand()->getType();
const TypeInfo &allocatedTI = getTypeInfo(allocatedType);
StackAddress stackAddr = getLoweredStackAddress(i->getOperand());
allocatedTI.deallocateStack(*this, stackAddr, allocatedType);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitDeallocRefInst(swift::DeallocRefInst *i) {
// Lower the operand.
Explosion self = getLoweredExplosion(i->getOperand());
auto selfValue = self.claimNext();
auto *ARI = dyn_cast<AllocRefInst>(i->getOperand());
if (!i->canAllocOnStack()) {
if (ARI && StackAllocs.count(ARI)) {
// We can ignore dealloc_refs (without [stack]) for stack allocated
// objects.
// %0 = alloc_ref [stack]
// ...
// dealloc_ref %0 // not needed (stems from the inlined deallocator)
// ...
// dealloc_ref [stack] %0
auto classType = i->getOperand()->getType();
emitClassDeallocation(*this, classType, selfValue);
// It's a dealloc_ref [stack]. Even if the alloc_ref did not allocate the
// object on the stack, we don't have to deallocate it, because it is
// deallocated in the final release.
if (StackAllocs.count(ARI)) {
if (IGM.IRGen.Opts.EmitStackPromotionChecks) {
selfValue = Builder.CreateBitCast(selfValue, IGM.RefCountedPtrTy);
} else {
// This has two purposes:
// 1. Tell LLVM the lifetime of the allocated stack memory.
// 2. Avoid tail-call optimization which may convert the call to the final
// release to a jump, which is done after the stack frame is
// destructed.
void IRGenSILFunction::visitDeallocPartialRefInst(swift::DeallocPartialRefInst *i) {
Explosion self = getLoweredExplosion(i->getInstance());
auto selfValue = self.claimNext();
Explosion metadata = getLoweredExplosion(i->getMetatype());
auto metadataValue = metadata.claimNext();
auto classType = i->getInstance()->getType();
emitPartialClassDeallocation(*this, classType, selfValue, metadataValue);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitDeallocBoxInst(swift::DeallocBoxInst *i) {
Explosion owner = getLoweredExplosion(i->getOperand());
llvm::Value *ownerPtr = owner.claimNext();
auto boxTy = i->getOperand()->getType().castTo<SILBoxType>();
emitDeallocateBox(*this, ownerPtr, boxTy);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitAllocBoxInst(swift::AllocBoxInst *i) {
assert(i->getBoxType()->getLayout()->getFields().size() == 1
&& "multi field boxes not implemented yet");
const TypeInfo &type = getTypeInfo(i->getBoxType()
->getFieldType(IGM.getSILModule(), 0));
// Derive name from SIL location.
bool IsAnonymous = false;
VarDecl *Decl = i->getDecl();
StringRef Name = getVarName(i, IsAnonymous);
StringRef DbgName =
# ifndef NDEBUG
// If this is a DEBUG build, use pretty names for the LLVM IR.
# else
# endif
auto boxTy = i->getType().castTo<SILBoxType>();
OwnedAddress boxWithAddr = emitAllocateBox(*this, boxTy,
setLoweredBox(i, boxWithAddr);
if (i->getDebugScope()->getInlinedFunction()->isTransparent())
if (!Decl)
// FIXME: This is a workaround to not produce local variables for
// capture list arguments like "[weak self]". The better solution
// would be to require all variables to be described with a
// SILDebugValue(Addr) and then not describe capture list
// arguments.
if (Name == IGM.Context.Id_self.str())
assert(i->getBoxType()->getLayout()->getFields().size() == 1 &&
"box for a local variable should only have one field");
auto SILTy = i->getBoxType()->getFieldType(IGM.getSILModule(), 0);
auto RealType = SILTy.getASTType();
auto DbgTy = DebugTypeInfo::getLocalVariable(
CurSILFn->getDeclContext(), CurSILFn->getGenericEnvironment(), Decl,
RealType, type);
if (isInlinedGeneric(Decl, i->getDebugScope()))
auto Storage = emitShadowCopyIfNeeded(
boxWithAddr.getAddress(), i->getDebugScope(), Name, 0, IsAnonymous);
if (!IGM.DebugInfo)
DbgTy, i->getDebugScope(), Decl, Name, 0,
DbgTy.isImplicitlyIndirect() ? DirectValue : IndirectValue);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitProjectBoxInst(swift::ProjectBoxInst *i) {
auto boxTy = i->getOperand()->getType().castTo<SILBoxType>();
const LoweredValue &val = getLoweredValue(i->getOperand());
if (val.isBoxWithAddress()) {
// The operand is an alloc_box. We can directly reuse the address.
setLoweredAddress(i, val.getAddressOfBox());
} else {
// The slow-path: we have to emit code to get from the box to it's
// value address.
Explosion box = val.getExplosion(*this, i->getOperand()->getType());
auto addr = emitProjectBox(*this, box.claimNext(), boxTy);
setLoweredAddress(i, addr);
static ExclusivityFlags getExclusivityAction(SILAccessKind kind) {
switch (kind) {
case SILAccessKind::Read:
return ExclusivityFlags::Read;
case SILAccessKind::Modify:
return ExclusivityFlags::Modify;
case SILAccessKind::Init:
case SILAccessKind::Deinit:
llvm_unreachable("init/deinit access should not use dynamic enforcement");
llvm_unreachable("bad access kind");
static ExclusivityFlags getExclusivityFlags(SILModule &M,
SILAccessKind kind,
bool noNestedConflict,
bool fromBuiltin) {
auto flags = getExclusivityAction(kind);
// In old Swift compatibility modes, downgrade this to a warning.
if (!fromBuiltin && M.getASTContext().LangOpts.isSwiftVersion3())
flags |= ExclusivityFlags::WarningOnly;
if (!noNestedConflict)
flags |= ExclusivityFlags::Tracking;
return flags;
static SILAccessEnforcement getEffectiveEnforcement(IRGenFunction &IGF,
BeginAccessInst *access) {
auto enforcement = access->getEnforcement();
// Don't use dynamic enforcement for known-empty types; there's no
// actual memory there, and the address may not be valid and unique.
// This is really a hack; we don't necessarily know that all clients
// will agree whether a type is empty. On the other hand, the situations
// where IRGen generates a meaningless address should always be a subset
// of cases where this triggers, because of the restrictions on abstracting
// over addresses and the fact that we use static enforcement on inouts.
if (enforcement == SILAccessEnforcement::Dynamic &&
ResilienceExpansion::Maximal)) {
enforcement = SILAccessEnforcement::Unsafe;
return enforcement;
template <class BeginAccessInst>
static ExclusivityFlags getExclusivityFlags(BeginAccessInst *i) {
return getExclusivityFlags(i->getModule(), i->getAccessKind(),
i->hasNoNestedConflict(), i->isFromBuiltin());
void IRGenSILFunction::visitBeginAccessInst(BeginAccessInst *access) {
Address addr = getLoweredAddress(access->getOperand());
switch (getEffectiveEnforcement(*this, access)) {
case SILAccessEnforcement::Unknown:
llvm_unreachable("unknown access enforcement in IRGen!");
case SILAccessEnforcement::Static:
case SILAccessEnforcement::Unsafe:
// nothing to do
setLoweredAddress(access, addr);
case SILAccessEnforcement::Dynamic: {
llvm::Value *scratch = createAlloca(IGM.getFixedBufferTy(),
llvm::Value *pointer =
Builder.CreateBitCast(addr.getAddress(), IGM.Int8PtrTy);
llvm::Value *flags =
llvm::ConstantInt::get(IGM.SizeTy, uint64_t(getExclusivityFlags(access)));
llvm::Value *pc = llvm::ConstantPointerNull::get(IGM.Int8PtrTy);
auto call = Builder.CreateCall(IGM.getBeginAccessFn(),
{ pointer, scratch, flags, pc });
setLoweredDynamicallyEnforcedAddress(access, addr, scratch);
llvm_unreachable("bad access enforcement");
static bool hasBeenInlined(BeginUnpairedAccessInst *access) {
// Check to see if the buffer is defined locally.
return isa<AllocStackInst>(access->getBuffer());
void IRGenSILFunction::visitBeginUnpairedAccessInst(
BeginUnpairedAccessInst *access) {
Address addr = getLoweredAddress(access->getSource());
switch (access->getEnforcement()) {
case SILAccessEnforcement::Unknown:
llvm_unreachable("unknown access enforcement in IRGen!");
case SILAccessEnforcement::Static:
case SILAccessEnforcement::Unsafe:
// nothing to do
case SILAccessEnforcement::Dynamic: {
llvm::Value *scratch = getLoweredAddress(access->getBuffer()).getAddress();
llvm::Value *pointer =
Builder.CreateBitCast(addr.getAddress(), IGM.Int8PtrTy);
llvm::Value *flags =
llvm::ConstantInt::get(IGM.SizeTy, uint64_t(getExclusivityFlags(access)));
// Compute the effective PC of the access.
// Since begin_unpaired_access is designed for materializeForSet, our
// heuristic here is as well: we've either been inlined, in which case
// we should use the current PC (i.e. pass null), or we haven't,
// in which case we should use the caller, which is generally ok because
// materializeForSet can't usually be thunked.
llvm::Value *pc;
if (hasBeenInlined(access)) {
pc = llvm::ConstantPointerNull::get(IGM.Int8PtrTy);
} else {
auto retAddrFn =
pc = Builder.CreateCall(retAddrFn,
{ llvm::ConstantInt::get(IGM.Int32Ty, 0) });
auto call = Builder.CreateCall(IGM.getBeginAccessFn(),
{ pointer, scratch, flags, pc });
llvm_unreachable("bad access enforcement");
void IRGenSILFunction::visitEndAccessInst(EndAccessInst *i) {
auto access = i->getBeginAccess();
switch (getEffectiveEnforcement(*this, access)) {
case SILAccessEnforcement::Unknown:
llvm_unreachable("unknown access enforcement in IRGen!");
case SILAccessEnforcement::Static:
case SILAccessEnforcement::Unsafe:
// nothing to do
case SILAccessEnforcement::Dynamic: {
if (access->hasNoNestedConflict())
auto scratch = getLoweredDynamicEnforcementScratchBuffer(access);
auto call = Builder.CreateCall(IGM.getEndAccessFn(), { scratch });
llvm_unreachable("bad access enforcement");
void IRGenSILFunction::visitEndUnpairedAccessInst(EndUnpairedAccessInst *i) {
switch (i->getEnforcement()) {
case SILAccessEnforcement::Unknown:
llvm_unreachable("unknown access enforcement in IRGen!");
case SILAccessEnforcement::Static:
case SILAccessEnforcement::Unsafe:
// nothing to do
case SILAccessEnforcement::Dynamic: {
auto scratch = getLoweredAddress(i->getBuffer()).getAddress();
auto call = Builder.CreateCall(IGM.getEndAccessFn(), { scratch });
llvm_unreachable("bad access enforcement");
void IRGenSILFunction::visitConvertFunctionInst(swift::ConvertFunctionInst *i) {
// This instruction is specified to be a no-op.
Explosion temp = getLoweredExplosion(i->getOperand());
setLoweredExplosion(i, temp);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitConvertEscapeToNoEscapeInst(
swift::ConvertEscapeToNoEscapeInst *i) {
// This instruction makes the context trivial.
Explosion in = getLoweredExplosion(i->getOperand());
llvm::Value *fn = in.claimNext();
llvm::Value *ctx = in.claimNext();
Explosion out;
out.add(Builder.CreateBitCast(ctx, IGM.OpaquePtrTy));
setLoweredExplosion(i, out);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitThinFunctionToPointerInst(
swift::ThinFunctionToPointerInst *i) {
Explosion in = getLoweredExplosion(i->getOperand());
llvm::Value *fn = in.claimNext();
fn = Builder.CreateBitCast(fn, IGM.Int8PtrTy);
Explosion out;
setLoweredExplosion(i, out);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitPointerToThinFunctionInst(
swift::PointerToThinFunctionInst *i) {
Explosion in = getLoweredExplosion(i->getOperand());
llvm::Value *fn = in.claimNext();
fn = Builder.CreateBitCast(fn, IGM.FunctionPtrTy);
Explosion out;
setLoweredExplosion(i, out);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitAddressToPointerInst(swift::AddressToPointerInst *i)
Explosion to;
llvm::Value *addrValue = getLoweredAddress(i->getOperand()).getAddress();
if (addrValue->getType() != IGM.Int8PtrTy)
addrValue = Builder.CreateBitCast(addrValue, IGM.Int8PtrTy);
setLoweredExplosion(i, to);
// Ignores the isStrict flag because Swift TBAA is not lowered into LLVM IR.
void IRGenSILFunction::visitPointerToAddressInst(swift::PointerToAddressInst *i)
Explosion from = getLoweredExplosion(i->getOperand());
llvm::Value *ptrValue = from.claimNext();
auto &ti = getTypeInfo(i->getType());
llvm::Type *destType = ti.getStorageType()->getPointerTo();
ptrValue = Builder.CreateBitCast(ptrValue, destType);
static void emitPointerCastInst(IRGenSILFunction &IGF,
SILValue src,
SILValue dest,
const TypeInfo &ti) {
Explosion from = IGF.getLoweredExplosion(src);
llvm::Value *ptrValue = from.claimNext();
// The input may have witness tables or other additional data, but the class
// reference is always first.
auto schema = ti.getSchema();
assert(schema.size() == 1
&& schema[0].isScalar()
&& "pointer schema is not a single scalar?!");
auto castToType = schema[0].getScalarType();
// A retainable pointer representation may be wrapped in an optional, so we
// need to provide inttoptr/ptrtoint in addition to bitcast.
ptrValue = IGF.Builder.CreateBitOrPointerCast(ptrValue, castToType);
Explosion to;
IGF.setLoweredExplosion(dest, to);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitUncheckedRefCastInst(
swift::UncheckedRefCastInst *i) {
auto &ti = getTypeInfo(i->getType());
emitPointerCastInst(*this, i->getOperand(), i, ti);
// TODO: Although runtime checks are not required, we get them anyway when
// asking the runtime to perform this cast. If this is a performance impact, we
// can add a CheckedCastMode::Unchecked.
void IRGenSILFunction::
visitUncheckedRefCastAddrInst(swift::UncheckedRefCastAddrInst *i) {
Address dest = getLoweredAddress(i->getDest());
Address src = getLoweredAddress(i->getSrc());
emitCheckedCast(*this, src, i->getSourceType(), dest, i->getTargetType(),
void IRGenSILFunction::visitUncheckedAddrCastInst(
swift::UncheckedAddrCastInst *i) {
auto addr = getLoweredAddress(i->getOperand());
auto &ti = getTypeInfo(i->getType());
auto result = Builder.CreateBitCast(addr,ti.getStorageType()->getPointerTo());
setLoweredAddress(i, result);
static bool isStructurallySame(const llvm::Type *T1, const llvm::Type *T2) {
if (T1 == T2) return true;
if (auto *S1 = dyn_cast<llvm::StructType>(T1))
if (auto *S2 = dyn_cast<llvm::StructType>(T2))
return S1->isLayoutIdentical(const_cast<llvm::StructType*>(S2));
return false;
// Emit a trap in the event a type does not match expected layout constraints.
// We can hit this case in specialized functions even for correct user code.
// If the user dynamically checks for correct type sizes in the generic
// function, a specialized function can contain the (not executed) bitcast
// with mismatching fixed sizes.
// Usually llvm can eliminate this code again because the user's safety
// check should be constant foldable on llvm level.
static void emitTrapAndUndefValue(IRGenSILFunction &IGF,
Explosion &in,
Explosion &out,
const LoadableTypeInfo &outTI) {
llvm::BasicBlock *failBB =
llvm::BasicBlock *contBB = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(IGF.IGM.getLLVMContext());
for (auto schema : outTI.getSchema())
static void emitUncheckedValueBitCast(IRGenSILFunction &IGF,
SourceLoc loc,
Explosion &in,
const LoadableTypeInfo &inTI,
Explosion &out,
const LoadableTypeInfo &outTI) {
// If the transfer is doable bitwise, and if the elements of the explosion are
// the same type, then just transfer the elements.
if (inTI.isBitwiseTakable(ResilienceExpansion::Maximal) &&
outTI.isBitwiseTakable(ResilienceExpansion::Maximal) &&
isStructurallySame(inTI.getStorageType(), outTI.getStorageType())) {
in.transferInto(out, in.size());
// TODO: We could do bitcasts entirely in the value domain in some cases, but
// for simplicity, let's just always go through the stack for now.
// Create the allocation.
auto inStorage = IGF.createAlloca(inTI.getStorageType(),
auto maxSize = std::max(inTI.getFixedSize(), outTI.getFixedSize());
IGF.Builder.CreateLifetimeStart(inStorage, maxSize);
// Store the 'in' value.
inTI.initialize(IGF, in, inStorage, false);
// Load the 'out' value as the destination type.
auto outStorage = IGF.Builder.CreateBitCast(inStorage,
outTI.loadAsTake(IGF, outStorage, out);
IGF.Builder.CreateLifetimeEnd(inStorage, maxSize);
static void emitValueBitwiseCast(IRGenSILFunction &IGF,
SourceLoc loc,
Explosion &in,
const LoadableTypeInfo &inTI,
Explosion &out,
const LoadableTypeInfo &outTI) {
// Unfortunately, we can't check this invariant until we get to IRGen, since
// the AST and SIL don't know anything about type layout.
if (inTI.getFixedSize() < outTI.getFixedSize()) {
emitTrapAndUndefValue(IGF, in, out, outTI);
emitUncheckedValueBitCast(IGF, loc, in, inTI, out, outTI);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitUncheckedTrivialBitCastInst(
swift::UncheckedTrivialBitCastInst *i) {
Explosion in = getLoweredExplosion(i->getOperand());
Explosion out;
emitValueBitwiseCast(*this, i->getLoc().getSourceLoc(),
in, cast<LoadableTypeInfo>(getTypeInfo(i->getOperand()->getType())),
out, cast<LoadableTypeInfo>(getTypeInfo(i->getType())));
setLoweredExplosion(i, out);
void IRGenSILFunction::
visitUncheckedBitwiseCastInst(swift::UncheckedBitwiseCastInst *i) {
Explosion in = getLoweredExplosion(i->getOperand());
Explosion out;
emitValueBitwiseCast(*this, i->getLoc().getSourceLoc(),
in, cast<LoadableTypeInfo>(getTypeInfo(i->getOperand()->getType())),
out, cast<LoadableTypeInfo>(getTypeInfo(i->getType())));
setLoweredExplosion(i, out);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitRefToRawPointerInst(
swift::RefToRawPointerInst *i) {
auto &ti = getTypeInfo(i->getType());
emitPointerCastInst(*this, i->getOperand(), i, ti);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitRawPointerToRefInst(swift::RawPointerToRefInst *i) {
auto &ti = getTypeInfo(i->getType());
emitPointerCastInst(*this, i->getOperand(), i, ti);
// SIL scalar conversions which never change the IR type.
// FIXME: Except for optionals, which get bit-packed into an integer.
static void trivialRefConversion(IRGenSILFunction &IGF,
SILValue input,
SILValue result) {
Explosion temp = IGF.getLoweredExplosion(input);
auto &inputTI = IGF.getTypeInfo(input->getType());
auto &resultTI = IGF.getTypeInfo(result->getType());
// If the types are the same, forward the existing value.
if (inputTI.getStorageType() == resultTI.getStorageType()) {
IGF.setLoweredExplosion(result, temp);
auto schema = resultTI.getSchema();
Explosion out;
for (auto schemaElt : schema) {
auto resultTy = schemaElt.getScalarType();
llvm::Value *value = temp.claimNext();
if (value->getType() == resultTy) {
// Nothing to do. This happens with the unowned conversions.
} else if (resultTy->isPointerTy()) {
value = IGF.Builder.CreateIntToPtr(value, resultTy);
} else {
value = IGF.Builder.CreatePtrToInt(value, resultTy);
IGF.setLoweredExplosion(result, out);
// SIL scalar conversions which never change the IR type.
// FIXME: Except for optionals, which get bit-packed into an integer.
void IRGenSILFunction::visit##KIND##Inst(swift::KIND##Inst *i) { \
::trivialRefConversion(*this, i->getOperand(), i); \
void IRGenSILFunction::visitThinToThickFunctionInst(
swift::ThinToThickFunctionInst *i) {
// Take the incoming function pointer and add a null context pointer to it.
Explosion from = getLoweredExplosion(i->getOperand());
Explosion to;
if (i->getType().castTo<SILFunctionType>()->isNoEscape())
setLoweredExplosion(i, to);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitThickToObjCMetatypeInst(ThickToObjCMetatypeInst *i){
Explosion from = getLoweredExplosion(i->getOperand());
llvm::Value *swiftMeta = from.claimNext();
CanType instanceType(i->getType().castTo<AnyMetatypeType>().getInstanceType());
Explosion to;
llvm::Value *classPtr =
emitClassHeapMetadataRefForMetatype(*this, swiftMeta, instanceType);
to.add(Builder.CreateBitCast(classPtr, IGM.ObjCClassPtrTy));
setLoweredExplosion(i, to);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitObjCToThickMetatypeInst(
ObjCToThickMetatypeInst *i) {
Explosion from = getLoweredExplosion(i->getOperand());
llvm::Value *classPtr = from.claimNext();
// Fetch the metadata for that class.
Explosion to;
auto metadata = emitObjCMetadataRefForMetadata(*this, classPtr);
setLoweredExplosion(i, to);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitUnconditionalCheckedCastInst(
swift::UnconditionalCheckedCastInst *i) {
Explosion value = getLoweredExplosion(i->getOperand());
Explosion ex;
emitScalarCheckedCast(*this, value, i->getOperand()->getType(), i->getType(),
CheckedCastMode::Unconditional, ex);
setLoweredExplosion(i, ex);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitObjCMetatypeToObjectInst(
ObjCMetatypeToObjectInst *i){
// Bitcast the @objc metatype reference, which is already an ObjC object, to
// the destination type.
Explosion from = getLoweredExplosion(i->getOperand());
llvm::Value *value = from.claimNext();
value = Builder.CreateBitCast(value, IGM.UnknownRefCountedPtrTy);
Explosion to;
setLoweredExplosion(i, to);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitObjCExistentialMetatypeToObjectInst(
ObjCExistentialMetatypeToObjectInst *i){
// Bitcast the @objc metatype reference, which is already an ObjC object, to
// the destination type. The metatype may carry additional witness tables we
// can drop.
Explosion from = getLoweredExplosion(i->getOperand());
llvm::Value *value = from.claimNext();
value = Builder.CreateBitCast(value, IGM.UnknownRefCountedPtrTy);
Explosion to;
setLoweredExplosion(i, to);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitObjCProtocolInst(ObjCProtocolInst *i) {
// Get the protocol reference.
llvm::Value *protoRef = emitReferenceToObjCProtocol(*this, i->getProtocol());
// Bitcast it to the class reference type.
protoRef = Builder.CreateBitCast(protoRef,
Explosion ex;
setLoweredExplosion(i, ex);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitRefToBridgeObjectInst(
swift::RefToBridgeObjectInst *i) {
Explosion refEx = getLoweredExplosion(i->getConverted());
llvm::Value *ref = refEx.claimNext();
Explosion bitsEx = getLoweredExplosion(i->getBitsOperand());
llvm::Value *bits = bitsEx.claimNext();
// Mask the bits into the pointer representation.
llvm::Value *val = Builder.CreatePtrToInt(ref, IGM.SizeTy);
val = Builder.CreateOr(val, bits);
val = Builder.CreateIntToPtr(val, IGM.BridgeObjectPtrTy);
Explosion resultEx;
setLoweredExplosion(i, resultEx);
void IRGenSILFunction::
visitClassifyBridgeObjectInst(ClassifyBridgeObjectInst *i) {
Explosion boEx = getLoweredExplosion(i->getOperand());
llvm::Value *bridgeVal = boEx.claimNext();
bridgeVal = Builder.CreatePtrToInt(bridgeVal, IGM.SizeTy);
// This returns two bits, the first of which is "is Objective-C object", the
// second is "is Objective-C Tagged Pointer". Each of these bits is computed
// by checking to see if some other bits are non-zero in the BridgeObject.
auto bitsNonZero = [&](const SpareBitVector &bits) -> llvm::Value* {
// If this target doesn't have the specified field, just produce false.
if (!bits.any())
return Builder.getInt1(0);
llvm::Value *bitsValue =
Builder.CreateAnd(bridgeVal, Builder.getInt(bits.asAPInt()));
Builder.CreateICmpNE(bitsValue, llvm::ConstantInt::get(IGM.SizeTy, 0));
Explosion wordEx;
setLoweredExplosion(i, wordEx);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitValueToBridgeObjectInst(
ValueToBridgeObjectInst *i) {
Explosion in = getLoweredExplosion(i->getOperand());
Explosion out;
*this, i->getLoc().getSourceLoc(), in,
cast<LoadableTypeInfo>(getTypeInfo(i->getOperand()->getType())), out,
setLoweredExplosion(i, out);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitBridgeObjectToRefInst(
swift::BridgeObjectToRefInst *i) {
Explosion boEx = getLoweredExplosion(i->getConverted());
llvm::Value *bo = boEx.claimNext();
Explosion resultEx;
auto &refTI = getTypeInfo(i->getType());
llvm::Type *refType = refTI.getSchema()[0].getScalarType();
// If the value is an ObjC tagged pointer, pass it through verbatim.
llvm::BasicBlock *taggedCont = nullptr,
*tagged = nullptr,
*notTagged = nullptr;
llvm::Value *taggedRef = nullptr;
llvm::Value *boBits = nullptr;
ClassDecl *Cl = i->getType().getClassOrBoundGenericClass();
if (IGM.TargetInfo.hasObjCTaggedPointers() &&
(!Cl || !isKnownNotTaggedPointer(IGM, Cl))) {
boBits = Builder.CreatePtrToInt(bo, IGM.SizeTy);
APInt maskValue = IGM.TargetInfo.ObjCPointerReservedBits.asAPInt();
llvm::Value *mask = Builder.getInt(maskValue);
llvm::Value *reserved = Builder.CreateAnd(boBits, mask);
llvm::Value *cond = Builder.CreateICmpEQ(reserved,
llvm::ConstantInt::get(IGM.SizeTy, 0));
tagged = createBasicBlock("tagged-pointer"),
notTagged = createBasicBlock("not-tagged-pointer");
taggedCont = createBasicBlock("tagged-cont");
Builder.CreateCondBr(cond, notTagged, tagged);
taggedRef = Builder.CreateBitCast(bo, refType);
// If it's not a tagged pointer, mask off the spare bits.
// Mask off the spare bits (if they exist).
auto &spareBits = IGM.getHeapObjectSpareBits();
llvm::Value *result;
if (spareBits.any()) {
APInt maskValue = ~spareBits.asAPInt();
if (!boBits)
boBits = Builder.CreatePtrToInt(bo, IGM.SizeTy);
llvm::Value *mask = llvm::ConstantInt::get(IGM.getLLVMContext(), maskValue);
llvm::Value *masked = Builder.CreateAnd(boBits, mask);
result = Builder.CreateIntToPtr(masked, refType);
} else {
result = Builder.CreateBitCast(bo, refType);
if (taggedCont) {
auto phi = Builder.CreatePHI(refType, 2);
phi->addIncoming(taggedRef, tagged);
phi->addIncoming(result, notTagged);
result = phi;
setLoweredExplosion(i, resultEx);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitBridgeObjectToWordInst(
swift::BridgeObjectToWordInst *i) {
Explosion boEx = getLoweredExplosion(i->getConverted());
llvm::Value *val = boEx.claimNext();
val = Builder.CreatePtrToInt(val, IGM.SizeTy);
Explosion wordEx;
setLoweredExplosion(i, wordEx);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitUnconditionalCheckedCastAddrInst(
swift::UnconditionalCheckedCastAddrInst *i) {
Address dest = getLoweredAddress(i->getDest());
Address src = getLoweredAddress(i->getSrc());
emitCheckedCast(*this, src, i->getSourceType(), dest, i->getTargetType(),
void IRGenSILFunction::visitUnconditionalCheckedCastValueInst(
swift::UnconditionalCheckedCastValueInst *i) {
llvm_unreachable("unsupported instruction during IRGen");
void IRGenSILFunction::visitCheckedCastValueBranchInst(
swift::CheckedCastValueBranchInst *i) {
llvm_unreachable("unsupported instruction during IRGen");
void IRGenSILFunction::visitCheckedCastBranchInst(
swift::CheckedCastBranchInst *i) {
SILType destTy = i->getCastType();
FailableCastResult castResult;
Explosion ex;
if (i->isExact()) {
auto operand = i->getOperand();
Explosion source = getLoweredExplosion(operand);
castResult = emitClassIdenticalCast(*this, source.claimNext(),
operand->getType(), destTy);
} else {
Explosion value = getLoweredExplosion(i->getOperand());
emitScalarCheckedCast(*this, value, i->getOperand()->getType(),
i->getCastType(), CheckedCastMode::Conditional, ex);
auto val = ex.claimNext();
castResult.casted = val;
llvm::Value *nil =
castResult.succeeded = Builder.CreateICmpNE(val, nil);
// Branch on the success of the cast.
// All cast operations currently return null on failure.
auto &successBB = getLoweredBB(i->getSuccessBB());
llvm::Type *toTy = IGM.getTypeInfo(destTy).getStorageType();
if (toTy->isPointerTy())
castResult.casted = Builder.CreateBitCast(castResult.casted, toTy);
// Feed the cast result into the nonnull branch.
unsigned phiIndex = 0;
Explosion ex2;
addIncomingExplosionToPHINodes(*this, successBB, phiIndex, ex2);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitCheckedCastAddrBranchInst(
swift::CheckedCastAddrBranchInst *i) {
Address dest = getLoweredAddress(i->getDest());
Address src = getLoweredAddress(i->getSrc());
llvm::Value *castSucceeded =
emitCheckedCast(*this, src, i->getSourceType(), dest, i->getTargetType(),
i->getConsumptionKind(), CheckedCastMode::Conditional);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitKeyPathInst(swift::KeyPathInst *I) {
auto pattern = IGM.getAddrOfKeyPathPattern(I->getPattern(), I->getLoc());
// Build up the argument vector to instantiate the pattern here.
Optional<StackAddress> dynamicArgsBuf;
llvm::Value *args;
if (!I->getSubstitutions().empty() || !I->getAllOperands().empty()) {
auto sig = I->getPattern()->getGenericSignature();
SubstitutionMap subs = I->getSubstitutions();
SmallVector<GenericRequirement, 4> requirements;
[&](GenericRequirement reqt) { requirements.push_back(reqt); });
llvm::Value *argsBufSize;
llvm::Value *argsBufAlign;
if (!I->getSubstitutions().empty()) {
argsBufSize = llvm::ConstantInt::get(IGM.SizeTy,
IGM.getPointerSize().getValue() * requirements.size());
argsBufAlign = llvm::ConstantInt::get(IGM.SizeTy,
} else {
argsBufSize = llvm::ConstantInt::get(IGM.SizeTy, 0);
argsBufAlign = llvm::ConstantInt::get(IGM.SizeTy, 0);
SmallVector<llvm::Value *, 4> operandOffsets;
for (unsigned i : indices(I->getAllOperands())) {
auto operand = I->getAllOperands()[i].get();
auto &ti = getTypeInfo(operand->getType());
auto ty = operand->getType();
auto alignMask = ti.getAlignmentMask(*this, ty);
if (i != 0) {
auto notAlignMask = Builder.CreateNot(alignMask);
argsBufSize = Builder.CreateAdd(argsBufSize, alignMask);
argsBufSize = Builder.CreateAnd(argsBufSize, notAlignMask);
auto size = ti.getSize(*this, ty);
argsBufSize = Builder.CreateAdd(argsBufSize, size);
argsBufAlign = Builder.CreateOr(argsBufAlign, alignMask);
dynamicArgsBuf = emitDynamicAlloca(IGM.Int8Ty, argsBufSize, Alignment(16));
Address argsBuf = dynamicArgsBuf->getAddress();
if (!I->getSubstitutions().empty()) {
emitInitOfGenericRequirementsBuffer(*this, requirements, argsBuf,
[&](GenericRequirement reqt) -> llvm::Value * {
return emitGenericRequirementFromSubstitutions(*this, sig,
reqt, subs);
for (unsigned i : indices(I->getAllOperands())) {
auto operand = I->getAllOperands()[i].get();
auto &ti = getTypeInfo(operand->getType());
auto ptr = Builder.CreateInBoundsGEP(argsBuf.getAddress(),
auto addr = ti.getAddressForPointer(
Builder.CreateBitCast(ptr, ti.getStorageType()->getPointerTo()));
if (operand->getType().isAddress()) {
ti.initializeWithTake(*this, addr, getLoweredAddress(operand),
operand->getType(), false);
} else {
Explosion operandValue = getLoweredExplosion(operand);
cast<LoadableTypeInfo>(ti).initialize(*this, operandValue, addr, false);
args = argsBuf.getAddress();
} else {
// No arguments necessary, so the argument ought to be ignored by any
// callbacks in the pattern.
assert(I->getAllOperands().empty() && "indices not implemented");
args = llvm::UndefValue::get(IGM.Int8PtrTy);
auto patternPtr = llvm::ConstantExpr::getBitCast(pattern, IGM.Int8PtrTy);
auto call = Builder.CreateCall(IGM.getGetKeyPathFn(), {patternPtr, args});
if (dynamicArgsBuf) {
auto resultStorageTy = IGM.getTypeInfo(I->getType()).getStorageType();
Explosion e;
e.add(Builder.CreateBitCast(call, resultStorageTy));
setLoweredExplosion(I, e);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitUpcastInst(swift::UpcastInst *i) {
auto toTy = getTypeInfo(i->getType()).getSchema()[0].getScalarType();
// If we have an address, just bitcast, don't explode.
if (i->getOperand()->getType().isAddress()) {
Address fromAddr = getLoweredAddress(i->getOperand());
llvm::Value *toValue = Builder.CreateBitCast(
fromAddr.getAddress(), toTy->getPointerTo());
Address Addr(toValue, fromAddr.getAlignment());
setLoweredAddress(i, Addr);
Explosion from = getLoweredExplosion(i->getOperand());
Explosion to;
assert(from.size() == 1 && "class should explode to single value");
llvm::Value *fromValue = from.claimNext();
to.add(Builder.CreateBitCast(fromValue, toTy));
setLoweredExplosion(i, to);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitIndexAddrInst(swift::IndexAddrInst *i) {
Address base = getLoweredAddress(i->getBase());
Explosion indexValues = getLoweredExplosion(i->getIndex());
llvm::Value *index = indexValues.claimNext();
auto baseTy = i->getBase()->getType();
auto &ti = getTypeInfo(baseTy);
Address dest = ti.indexArray(*this, base, index, baseTy);
setLoweredAddress(i, dest);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitTailAddrInst(swift::TailAddrInst *i) {
Address base = getLoweredAddress(i->getBase());
Explosion indexValues = getLoweredExplosion(i->getIndex());
llvm::Value *index = indexValues.claimNext();
SILType baseTy = i->getBase()->getType();
const TypeInfo &baseTI = getTypeInfo(baseTy);
Address dest = baseTI.indexArray(*this, base, index, baseTy);
const TypeInfo &TailTI = getTypeInfo(i->getTailType());
dest = TailTI.roundUpToTypeAlignment(*this, dest, i->getTailType());
llvm::Type *destType = TailTI.getStorageType()->getPointerTo();
dest = Builder.CreateBitCast(dest, destType);
setLoweredAddress(i, dest);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitIndexRawPointerInst(swift::IndexRawPointerInst *i) {
Explosion baseValues = getLoweredExplosion(i->getBase());
llvm::Value *base = baseValues.claimNext();
Explosion indexValues = getLoweredExplosion(i->getIndex());
llvm::Value *index = indexValues.claimNext();
// We don't expose a non-inbounds GEP operation.
llvm::Value *destValue = Builder.CreateInBoundsGEP(base, index);
Explosion result;
setLoweredExplosion(i, result);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitAllocValueBufferInst(
swift::AllocValueBufferInst *i) {
Address buffer = getLoweredAddress(i->getOperand());
auto valueType = i->getValueType();
Address value = emitAllocateValueInBuffer(*this, valueType, buffer);
setLoweredAddress(i, value);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitProjectValueBufferInst(
swift::ProjectValueBufferInst *i) {
Address buffer = getLoweredAddress(i->getOperand());
auto valueType = i->getValueType();
Address value = emitProjectValueInBuffer(*this, valueType, buffer);
setLoweredAddress(i, value);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitDeallocValueBufferInst(
swift::DeallocValueBufferInst *i) {
Address buffer = getLoweredAddress(i->getOperand());
auto valueType = i->getValueType();
emitDeallocateValueInBuffer(*this, valueType, buffer);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitInitExistentialAddrInst(swift::InitExistentialAddrInst *i) {
Address container = getLoweredAddress(i->getOperand());
SILType destType = i->getOperand()->getType();
*this, container, destType, i->getFormalConcreteType(),
i->getLoweredConcreteType(), i->getConformances());
auto srcType = i->getLoweredConcreteType();
// Allocate a COW box for the value if necessary.
auto *genericEnv = CurSILFn->getGenericEnvironment();
i, emitAllocateBoxedOpaqueExistentialBuffer(
*this, destType, srcType, container, genericEnv, false));
void IRGenSILFunction::visitInitExistentialValueInst(
swift::InitExistentialValueInst *i) {
llvm_unreachable("unsupported instruction during IRGen");
void IRGenSILFunction::visitInitExistentialMetatypeInst(
InitExistentialMetatypeInst *i) {
Explosion metatype = getLoweredExplosion(i->getOperand());
Explosion result;
result, i->getType(),
setLoweredExplosion(i, result);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitInitExistentialRefInst(InitExistentialRefInst *i) {
Explosion instance = getLoweredExplosion(i->getOperand());
Explosion result;
result, i->getType(),
setLoweredExplosion(i, result);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitDeinitExistentialAddrInst(
swift::DeinitExistentialAddrInst *i) {
Address container = getLoweredAddress(i->getOperand());
// Deallocate the COW box for the value if necessary.
emitDeallocateBoxedOpaqueExistentialBuffer(*this, i->getOperand()->getType(),
void IRGenSILFunction::visitDeinitExistentialValueInst(
swift::DeinitExistentialValueInst *i) {
llvm_unreachable("unsupported instruction during IRGen");
void IRGenSILFunction::visitOpenExistentialAddrInst(OpenExistentialAddrInst *i) {
SILType baseTy = i->getOperand()->getType();
Address base = getLoweredAddress(i->getOperand());
auto openedArchetype = i->getType().castTo<ArchetypeType>();
// Insert a copy of the boxed value for COW semantics if necessary.
auto accessKind = i->getAccessKind();
Address object = emitOpaqueBoxedExistentialProjection(
*this, accessKind, base, baseTy, openedArchetype);
setLoweredAddress(i, object);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitOpenExistentialRefInst(OpenExistentialRefInst *i) {
SILType baseTy = i->getOperand()->getType();
Explosion base = getLoweredExplosion(i->getOperand());
auto openedArchetype = i->getType().castTo<ArchetypeType>();
Explosion result;
llvm::Value *instance
= emitClassExistentialProjection(*this, base, baseTy,
setLoweredExplosion(i, result);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitOpenExistentialMetatypeInst(
OpenExistentialMetatypeInst *i) {
SILType baseTy = i->getOperand()->getType();
Explosion base = getLoweredExplosion(i->getOperand());
auto openedTy = i->getType().getASTType();
llvm::Value *metatype =
emitExistentialMetatypeProjection(*this, base, baseTy, openedTy);
Explosion result;
setLoweredExplosion(i, result);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitOpenExistentialValueInst(
OpenExistentialValueInst *i) {
llvm_unreachable("unsupported instruction during IRGen");
void IRGenSILFunction::visitProjectBlockStorageInst(ProjectBlockStorageInst *i){
Address block = getLoweredAddress(i->getOperand());
Address capture = projectBlockStorageCapture(*this, block,
setLoweredAddress(i, capture);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitInitBlockStorageHeaderInst(
InitBlockStorageHeaderInst *i) {
auto addr = getLoweredAddress(i->getBlockStorage());
// We currently only support static invoke functions.
auto &invokeVal = getLoweredValue(i->getInvokeFunction());
llvm::Constant *invokeFn = nullptr;
ForeignFunctionInfo foreignInfo;
if (invokeVal.kind != LoweredValue::Kind::FunctionPointer) {
"non-static block invoke function");
} else {
auto &fn = invokeVal.getFunctionPointer();
invokeFn = fn.getDirectPointer();
foreignInfo = fn.getForeignInfo();
assert(foreignInfo.ClangInfo && "no clang info for block function?");
// Initialize the header.
emitBlockHeader(*this, addr,
invokeFn, i->getInvokeFunction()->getType().castTo<SILFunctionType>(),
// Cast the storage to the block type to produce the result value.
llvm::Value *asBlock = Builder.CreateBitCast(addr.getAddress(),
Explosion e;
setLoweredExplosion(i, e);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitAllocExistentialBoxInst(AllocExistentialBoxInst *i){
OwnedAddress boxWithAddr =
emitBoxedExistentialContainerAllocation(*this, i->getExistentialType(),
setLoweredBox(i, boxWithAddr);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitDeallocExistentialBoxInst(
DeallocExistentialBoxInst *i) {
Explosion box = getLoweredExplosion(i->getOperand());
emitBoxedExistentialContainerDeallocation(*this, box,
void IRGenSILFunction::visitOpenExistentialBoxInst(OpenExistentialBoxInst *i) {
Explosion box = getLoweredExplosion(i->getOperand());
auto openedArchetype = i->getType().castTo<ArchetypeType>();
auto addr = emitOpenExistentialBox(*this, box, i->getOperand()->getType(),
setLoweredAddress(i, addr);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitOpenExistentialBoxValueInst(
OpenExistentialBoxValueInst *i) {
llvm_unreachable("unsupported instruction during IRGen");
IRGenSILFunction::visitProjectExistentialBoxInst(ProjectExistentialBoxInst *i) {
const LoweredValue &val = getLoweredValue(i->getOperand());
if (val.isBoxWithAddress()) {
// The operand is an alloc_existential_box.
// We can directly reuse the address.
setLoweredAddress(i, val.getAddressOfBox());
} else {
Explosion box = getLoweredExplosion(i->getOperand());
auto caddr = emitBoxedExistentialProjection(*this, box,
setLoweredAddress(i, caddr.getAddress());
void IRGenSILFunction::visitWitnessMethodInst(swift::WitnessMethodInst *i) {
CanType baseTy = i->getLookupType();
ProtocolConformanceRef conformance = i->getConformance();
SILDeclRef member = i->getMember();
if (IGM.isResilient(conformance.getRequirement(),
ResilienceExpansion::Maximal)) {
auto *fnPtr = IGM.getAddrOfDispatchThunk(member, NotForDefinition);
auto fnType = IGM.getSILTypes().getConstantFunctionType(member);
auto sig = IGM.getSignature(fnType);
auto fn = FunctionPointer::forDirect(fnPtr, sig);
setLoweredFunctionPointer(i, fn);
// It would be nice if this weren't discarded.
llvm::Value *baseMetadataCache = nullptr;
auto fn = emitWitnessMethodValue(*this, baseTy, &baseMetadataCache,
member, conformance);
setLoweredFunctionPointer(i, fn);
void IRGenSILFunction::setAllocatedAddressForBuffer(SILValue v,
const Address &allocedAddress) {
overwriteAllocatedAddress(v, allocedAddress);
// Emit the debug info for the variable if any.
if (auto allocStack = dyn_cast<AllocStackInst>(v)) {
emitDebugInfoForAllocStack(allocStack, getTypeInfo(v->getType()),
void IRGenSILFunction::visitCopyAddrInst(swift::CopyAddrInst *i) {
SILType addrTy = i->getSrc()->getType();
const TypeInfo &addrTI = getTypeInfo(addrTy);
Address src = getLoweredAddress(i->getSrc());
// See whether we have a deferred fixed-size buffer initialization.
auto &loweredDest = getLoweredValue(i->getDest());
Address dest = loweredDest.getAnyAddress();
if (i->isInitializationOfDest()) {
if (i->isTakeOfSrc()) {
addrTI.initializeWithTake(*this, dest, src, addrTy, false);
} else {
addrTI.initializeWithCopy(*this, dest, src, addrTy, false);
} else {
if (i->isTakeOfSrc()) {
addrTI.assignWithTake(*this, dest, src, addrTy, false);
} else {
addrTI.assignWithCopy(*this, dest, src, addrTy, false);
// This is a no-op because we do not lower Swift TBAA info to LLVM IR, and it
// does not produce any values.
void IRGenSILFunction::visitBindMemoryInst(swift::BindMemoryInst *) {}
void IRGenSILFunction::visitDestroyAddrInst(swift::DestroyAddrInst *i) {
SILType addrTy = i->getOperand()->getType();
const TypeInfo &addrTI = getTypeInfo(addrTy);
Address base = getLoweredAddress(i->getOperand());
addrTI.destroy(*this, base, addrTy, false /*isOutlined*/);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitCondFailInst(swift::CondFailInst *i) {
Explosion e = getLoweredExplosion(i->getOperand());
llvm::Value *cond = e.claimNext();
// Emit individual fail blocks so that we can map the failure back to a source
// line.
llvm::BasicBlock *failBB = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(IGM.getLLVMContext());
llvm::BasicBlock *contBB = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(IGM.getLLVMContext());
Builder.CreateCondBr(cond, failBB, contBB);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitSuperMethodInst(swift::SuperMethodInst *i) {
auto base = getLoweredExplosion(i->getOperand());
auto baseType = i->getOperand()->getType();
llvm::Value *baseValue = base.claimNext();
auto method = i->getMember();
auto methodType = i->getType().castTo<SILFunctionType>();
auto fn = emitVirtualMethodValue(*this, baseValue, baseType,
method, methodType,
/*useSuperVTable*/ true);
setLoweredFunctionPointer(i, fn);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitObjCSuperMethodInst(swift::ObjCSuperMethodInst *i) {
setLoweredObjCMethodBounded(i, i->getMember(),
void IRGenSILFunction::visitClassMethodInst(swift::ClassMethodInst *i) {
Explosion base = getLoweredExplosion(i->getOperand());
llvm::Value *baseValue = base.claimNext();
SILDeclRef method = i->getMember();
auto methodType = i->getType().castTo<SILFunctionType>();
auto *classDecl = cast<ClassDecl>(method.getDecl()->getDeclContext());
if (IGM.isResilient(classDecl,
ResilienceExpansion::Maximal)) {
method = method.getOverriddenVTableEntry();
auto *fnPtr = IGM.getAddrOfDispatchThunk(method, NotForDefinition);
auto sig = IGM.getSignature(methodType);
FunctionPointer fn(fnPtr, sig);
setLoweredFunctionPointer(i, fn);
// For Swift classes, get the method implementation from the vtable.
// FIXME: better explosion kind, map as static.
FunctionPointer fn = emitVirtualMethodValue(*this, baseValue,
method, methodType,
/*useSuperVTable*/ false);
setLoweredFunctionPointer(i, fn);
void IRGenSILFunction::visitObjCMethodInst(swift::ObjCMethodInst *i) {
// For Objective-C classes we need to arrange for a msgSend
// to happen when the method is called.
setLoweredObjCMethod(i, i->getMember());
void IRGenModule::emitSILStaticInitializers() {
SmallVector<SILFunction *, 8> StaticInitializers;
for (SILGlobalVariable &Global : getSILModule().getSILGlobals()) {
SILInstruction *InitValue = Global.getStaticInitializerValue();
if (!InitValue)
auto *IRGlobal =
Module.getGlobalVariable(Global.getName(), true /* = AllowLocal */);
// A check for multi-threaded compilation: Is this the llvm module where the
// global is defined and not only referenced (or not referenced at all).
if (!IRGlobal || !IRGlobal->hasInitializer())
if (auto *OI = dyn_cast<ObjectInst>(InitValue)) {
StructLayout *Layout = StaticObjectLayouts[&Global].get();
llvm::Constant *InitVal = emitConstantObject(*this, OI, Layout);
auto *ContainerTy = cast<llvm::StructType>(IRGlobal->getValueType());
auto *zero = llvm::ConstantAggregateZero::get(ContainerTy->getElementType(0));
{zero , InitVal}));
// Set the IR global's initializer to the constant for this SIL
// struct.
if (auto *SI = dyn_cast<StructInst>(InitValue)) {
IRGlobal->setInitializer(emitConstantStruct(*this, SI));
// Set the IR global's initializer to the constant for this SIL
// tuple.
auto *TI = cast<TupleInst>(InitValue);
IRGlobal->setInitializer(emitConstantTuple(*this, TI));