blob: bb8d6bdb5006a7dfa41c956dcfac3e0bbeb3937c [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- Metadata.h - Swift Language ABI Metadata Support -------*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// Swift ABI describing metadata.
#include <atomic>
#include <cassert>
#include <climits>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <iterator>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <string.h>
#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
#include "swift/Runtime/Config.h"
#include "swift/ABI/MetadataValues.h"
#include "swift/ABI/System.h"
#include "swift/ABI/TrailingObjects.h"
#include "swift/Basic/Malloc.h"
#include "swift/Basic/FlaggedPointer.h"
#include "swift/Basic/RelativePointer.h"
#include "swift/Demangling/Demangle.h"
#include "swift/Demangling/ManglingMacros.h"
#include "swift/Runtime/Unreachable.h"
#include "../../../stdlib/public/SwiftShims/HeapObject.h"
#include <objc/runtime.h>
#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Casting.h"
namespace swift {
template <unsigned PointerSize>
struct RuntimeTarget;
template <>
struct RuntimeTarget<4> {
using StoredPointer = uint32_t;
using StoredSize = uint32_t;
using StoredPointerDifference = int32_t;
static constexpr size_t PointerSize = 4;
template <>
struct RuntimeTarget<8> {
using StoredPointer = uint64_t;
using StoredSize = uint64_t;
using StoredPointerDifference = int64_t;
static constexpr size_t PointerSize = 8;
/// In-process native runtime target.
/// For interactions in the runtime, this should be the equivalent of working
/// with a plain old pointer type.
struct InProcess {
static constexpr size_t PointerSize = sizeof(uintptr_t);
using StoredPointer = uintptr_t;
using StoredSize = size_t;
using StoredPointerDifference = ptrdiff_t;
static_assert(sizeof(StoredSize) == sizeof(StoredPointerDifference),
"target uses differently-sized size_t and ptrdiff_t");
template <typename T>
using Pointer = T*;
template <typename T, bool Nullable = false>
using FarRelativeDirectPointer = FarRelativeDirectPointer<T, Nullable>;
template <typename T, bool Nullable = false>
using RelativeIndirectablePointer =
RelativeIndirectablePointer<T, Nullable>;
template <typename T, bool Nullable = true>
using RelativeDirectPointer = RelativeDirectPointer<T, Nullable>;
/// Represents a pointer in another address space.
/// This type should not have * or -> operators -- you must as a memory reader
/// to read the data at the stored address on your behalf.
template <typename Runtime, typename Pointee>
struct ExternalPointer {
using StoredPointer = typename Runtime::StoredPointer;
StoredPointer PointerValue;
/// An external process's runtime target, which may be a different architecture.
template <typename Runtime>
struct External {
using StoredPointer = typename Runtime::StoredPointer;
using StoredSize = typename Runtime::StoredSize;
using StoredPointerDifference = typename Runtime::StoredPointerDifference;
static constexpr size_t PointerSize = Runtime::PointerSize;
const StoredPointer PointerValue;
template <typename T>
using Pointer = StoredPointer;
template <typename T, bool Nullable = false>
using FarRelativeDirectPointer = StoredPointer;
template <typename T, bool Nullable = false>
using RelativeIndirectablePointer = int32_t;
template <typename T, bool Nullable = true>
using RelativeDirectPointer = int32_t;
/// Template for branching on native pointer types versus external ones
template <typename Runtime, template <typename> class Pointee>
using TargetMetadataPointer
= typename Runtime::template Pointer<Pointee<Runtime>>;
template <typename Runtime, template <typename> class Pointee>
using ConstTargetMetadataPointer
= typename Runtime::template Pointer<const Pointee<Runtime>>;
template <typename Runtime, typename T>
using TargetPointer = typename Runtime::template Pointer<T>;
template <typename Runtime, template <typename> class Pointee,
bool Nullable = true>
using ConstTargetFarRelativeDirectPointer
= typename Runtime::template FarRelativeDirectPointer<const Pointee<Runtime>,
template <typename Runtime, typename Pointee, bool Nullable = true>
using TargetRelativeDirectPointer
= typename Runtime::template RelativeDirectPointer<Pointee, Nullable>;
template <typename Runtime, typename Pointee, bool Nullable = true>
using TargetRelativeIndirectablePointer
= typename Runtime::template RelativeIndirectablePointer<Pointee,Nullable>;
struct HeapObject;
class WeakReference;
template <typename Runtime> struct TargetMetadata;
using Metadata = TargetMetadata<InProcess>;
/// The result of requesting type metadata. Generally the return value of
/// a function.
/// For performance, functions returning this type should use SWIFT_CC so
/// that the components are returned as separate values.
struct MetadataResponse {
/// The requested metadata.
const Metadata *Value;
/// The current state of the metadata returned. Always use this
/// instead of trying to inspect the metadata directly to see if it
/// satisfies the request. An incomplete metadata may be getting
/// initialized concurrently. But this can generally be ignored if
/// the metadata request was for abstract metadata or if the request
/// is blocking.
MetadataState State;
/// A dependency on the metadata progress of other type, indicating that
/// initialization of a metadata cannot progress until another metadata
/// reaches a particular state.
/// For performance, functions returning this type should use SWIFT_CC so
/// that the components are returned as separate values.
struct MetadataDependency {
/// Either null, indicating that initialization was successful, or
/// a metadata on which initialization depends for further progress.
const Metadata *Value;
/// The state that Metadata needs to be in before initialization
/// can continue.
MetadataState Requirement;
MetadataDependency() : Value(nullptr) {}
MetadataDependency(const Metadata *metadata, MetadataState requirement)
: Value(metadata), Requirement(requirement) {}
explicit operator bool() const { return Value != nullptr; }
bool operator==(MetadataDependency other) const {
assert(Value && other.Value);
return Value == other.Value &&
Requirement == other.Requirement;
template <typename Runtime> struct TargetProtocolConformanceDescriptor;
/// Storage for an arbitrary value. In C/C++ terms, this is an
/// 'object', because it is rooted in memory.
/// The context dictates what type is actually stored in this object,
/// and so this type is intentionally incomplete.
/// An object can be in one of two states:
/// - An uninitialized object has a completely unspecified state.
/// - An initialized object holds a valid value of the type.
struct OpaqueValue;
/// A fixed-size buffer for local values. It is capable of owning
/// (possibly in side-allocated memory) the storage necessary
/// to hold a value of an arbitrary type. Because it is fixed-size,
/// it can be allocated in places that must be agnostic to the
/// actual type: for example, within objects of existential type,
/// or for local variables in generic functions.
/// The context dictates its type, which ultimately means providing
/// access to a value witness table by which the value can be
/// accessed and manipulated.
/// A buffer can directly store three pointers and is pointer-aligned.
/// Three pointers is a sweet spot for Swift, because it means we can
/// store a structure containing a pointer, a size, and an owning
/// object, which is a common pattern in code due to ARC. In a GC
/// environment, this could be reduced to two pointers without much loss.
/// A buffer can be in one of three states:
/// - An unallocated buffer has a completely unspecified state.
/// - An allocated buffer has been initialized so that it
/// owns uninitialized value storage for the stored type.
/// - An initialized buffer is an allocated buffer whose value
/// storage has been initialized.
template <typename Runtime>
struct TargetValueBuffer {
TargetPointer<Runtime, void> PrivateData[NumWords_ValueBuffer];
using ValueBuffer = TargetValueBuffer<InProcess>;
/// Can a value with the given size and alignment be allocated inline?
constexpr inline bool canBeInline(bool isBitwiseTakable, size_t size,
size_t alignment) {
return isBitwiseTakable && size <= sizeof(ValueBuffer) &&
alignment <= alignof(ValueBuffer);
template <class T>
constexpr inline bool canBeInline(bool isBitwiseTakable) {
return canBeInline(isBitwiseTakable, sizeof(T), alignof(T));
struct ValueWitnessTable;
namespace value_witness_types {
// Note that, for now, we aren't strict about 'const'.
#define DATA_VALUE_WITNESS(lowerId, upperId, type)
#define FUNCTION_VALUE_WITNESS(lowerId, upperId, returnType, paramTypes) \
typedef returnType (*lowerId) paramTypes;
#define MUTABLE_VALUE_TYPE OpaqueValue *
#define IMMUTABLE_VALUE_TYPE const OpaqueValue *
#define MUTABLE_BUFFER_TYPE ValueBuffer *
#define IMMUTABLE_BUFFER_TYPE const ValueBuffer *
#define TYPE_TYPE const Metadata *
#define SIZE_TYPE size_t
#define INT_TYPE int
#define UINT_TYPE unsigned
#define VOID_TYPE void
#include "swift/ABI/ValueWitness.def"
// Handle the data witnesses explicitly so we can use more specific
// types for the flags enums.
typedef size_t size;
typedef ValueWitnessFlags flags;
typedef size_t stride;
typedef ExtraInhabitantFlags extraInhabitantFlags;
} // end namespace value_witness_types
struct TypeLayout;
/// A value-witness table. A value witness table is built around
/// the requirements of some specific type. The information in
/// a value-witness table is intended to be sufficient to lay out
/// and manipulate values of an arbitrary type.
struct ValueWitnessTable {
// For the meaning of all of these witnesses, consult the comments
// on their associated typedefs, above.
value_witness_types::LOWER_ID LOWER_ID;
#include "swift/ABI/ValueWitness.def"
/// Is the external type layout of this type incomplete?
bool isIncomplete() const {
return flags.isIncomplete();
/// Would values of a type with the given layout requirements be
/// allocated inline?
static bool isValueInline(bool isBitwiseTakable, size_t size, size_t alignment) {
return (isBitwiseTakable && size <= sizeof(ValueBuffer) &&
alignment <= alignof(ValueBuffer));
/// Are values of this type allocated inline?
bool isValueInline() const {
return flags.isInlineStorage();
/// Is this type POD?
bool isPOD() const {
return flags.isPOD();
/// Is this type bitwise-takable?
bool isBitwiseTakable() const {
return flags.isBitwiseTakable();
/// Return the size of this type. Unlike in C, this has not been
/// padded up to the alignment; that value is maintained as
/// 'stride'.
size_t getSize() const {
return size;
/// Return the stride of this type. This is the size rounded up to
/// be a multiple of the alignment.
size_t getStride() const {
return stride;
/// Return the alignment required by this type, in bytes.
size_t getAlignment() const {
return flags.getAlignment();
/// The alignment mask of this type. An offset may be rounded up to
/// the required alignment by adding this mask and masking by its
/// bit-negation.
/// For example, if the type needs to be 8-byte aligned, the value
/// of this witness is 0x7.
size_t getAlignmentMask() const {
return flags.getAlignmentMask();
/// The number of extra inhabitants, that is, bit patterns that do not form
/// valid values of the type, in this type's binary representation.
unsigned getNumExtraInhabitants() const;
/// Assert that this value witness table is an extra-inhabitants
/// value witness table and return it as such.
/// This has an awful name because it's supposed to be internal to
/// this file. Code outside this file should use LLVM's cast/dyn_cast.
/// We don't want to use those here because we need to avoid accidentally
/// introducing ABI dependencies on LLVM structures.
const struct ExtraInhabitantsValueWitnessTable *_asXIVWT() const;
/// Assert that this value witness table is an enum value witness table
/// and return it as such.
/// This has an awful name because it's supposed to be internal to
/// this file. Code outside this file should use LLVM's cast/dyn_cast.
/// We don't want to use those here because we need to avoid accidentally
/// introducing ABI dependencies on LLVM structures.
const struct EnumValueWitnessTable *_asEVWT() const;
/// Get the type layout record within this value witness table.
const TypeLayout *getTypeLayout() const {
return reinterpret_cast<const TypeLayout *>(&size);
/// Check whether this metadata is complete.
bool checkIsComplete() const;
/// "Publish" the layout of this type to other threads. All other stores
/// to the value witness table (including its extended header) should have
/// happened before this is called.
void publishLayout(const TypeLayout &layout);
/// The header before a metadata object which appears on all type
/// metadata. Note that heap metadata are not necessarily type
/// metadata, even for objects of a heap type: for example, objects of
/// Objective-C type possess a form of heap metadata (an Objective-C
/// Class pointer), but this metadata lacks the type metadata header.
/// This case can be distinguished using the isTypeMetadata() flag
/// on ClassMetadata.
template <typename Runtime>
struct TargetTypeMetadataHeader {
/// A pointer to the value-witnesses for this type. This is only
/// present for type metadata.
TargetPointer<Runtime, const ValueWitnessTable> ValueWitnesses;
using TypeMetadataHeader = TargetTypeMetadataHeader<InProcess>;
/// A "full" metadata pointer is simply an adjusted address point on a
/// metadata object; it points to the beginning of the metadata's
/// allocation, rather than to the canonical address point of the
/// metadata object.
template <class T> struct FullMetadata : T::HeaderType, T {
typedef typename T::HeaderType HeaderType;
FullMetadata() = default;
constexpr FullMetadata(const HeaderType &header, const T &metadata)
: HeaderType(header), T(metadata) {}
/// Given a canonical metadata pointer, produce the adjusted metadata pointer.
template <class T>
static inline FullMetadata<T> *asFullMetadata(T *metadata) {
return (FullMetadata<T>*) (((typename T::HeaderType*) metadata) - 1);
template <class T>
static inline const FullMetadata<T> *asFullMetadata(const T *metadata) {
return asFullMetadata(const_cast<T*>(metadata));
// std::result_of is busted in Xcode 5. This is a simplified reimplementation
// that isn't SFINAE-safe.
namespace {
template<typename T> struct _ResultOf;
template<typename R, typename...A>
struct _ResultOf<R(*)(A...)> {
using type = R;
template <typename Runtime> struct TargetGenericMetadataInstantiationCache;
template <typename Runtime> struct TargetAnyClassMetadata;
template <typename Runtime> struct TargetClassMetadata;
template <typename Runtime> struct TargetStructMetadata;
template <typename Runtime> struct TargetOpaqueMetadata;
template <typename Runtime> struct TargetValueMetadata;
template <typename Runtime> struct TargetForeignClassMetadata;
template <typename Runtime> class TargetTypeContextDescriptor;
template <typename Runtime> class TargetClassDescriptor;
template <typename Runtime> class TargetValueTypeDescriptor;
template <typename Runtime> class TargetEnumDescriptor;
template <typename Runtime> class TargetStructDescriptor;
template <typename Runtime> struct TargetGenericMetadataPattern;
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Winvalid-offsetof"
/// Bounds for metadata objects.
template <typename Runtime>
struct TargetMetadataBounds {
using StoredSize = typename Runtime::StoredSize;
/// The negative extent of the metadata, in words.
uint32_t NegativeSizeInWords;
/// The positive extent of the metadata, in words.
uint32_t PositiveSizeInWords;
/// Return the total size of the metadata in bytes, including both
/// negatively- and positively-offset members.
StoredSize getTotalSizeInBytes() const {
return (StoredSize(NegativeSizeInWords) + StoredSize(PositiveSizeInWords))
* sizeof(void*);
/// Return the offset of the address point of the metadata from its
/// start, in bytes.
StoredSize getAddressPointInBytes() const {
return StoredSize(NegativeSizeInWords) * sizeof(void*);
using MetadataBounds = TargetMetadataBounds<InProcess>;
/// The common structure of all type metadata.
template <typename Runtime>
struct TargetMetadata {
using StoredPointer = typename Runtime::StoredPointer;
/// The basic header type.
typedef TargetTypeMetadataHeader<Runtime> HeaderType;
constexpr TargetMetadata()
: Kind(static_cast<StoredPointer>(MetadataKind::Class)) {}
constexpr TargetMetadata(MetadataKind Kind)
: Kind(static_cast<StoredPointer>(Kind)) {}
constexpr TargetMetadata(TargetAnyClassMetadata<Runtime> *isa)
: Kind(reinterpret_cast<StoredPointer>(isa)) {}
/// The kind. Only valid for non-class metadata; getKind() must be used to get
/// the kind value.
StoredPointer Kind;
/// Get the metadata kind.
MetadataKind getKind() const {
return getEnumeratedMetadataKind(Kind);
/// Set the metadata kind.
void setKind(MetadataKind kind) {
Kind = static_cast<StoredPointer>(kind);
const TargetAnyClassMetadata<Runtime> *getClassISA() const {
return reinterpret_cast<const TargetAnyClassMetadata<Runtime> *>(Kind);
void setClassISA(const TargetAnyClassMetadata<Runtime> *isa) {
Kind = reinterpret_cast<StoredPointer>(isa);
/// Is this a class object--the metadata record for a Swift class (which also
/// serves as the class object), or the class object for an ObjC class (which
/// is not metadata)?
bool isClassObject() const {
return static_cast<MetadataKind>(getKind()) == MetadataKind::Class;
/// Does the given metadata kind represent metadata for some kind of class?
static bool isAnyKindOfClass(MetadataKind k) {
switch (k) {
case MetadataKind::Class:
case MetadataKind::ObjCClassWrapper:
case MetadataKind::ForeignClass:
return true;
return false;
/// Is this metadata for an existential type?
bool isAnyExistentialType() const {
switch (getKind()) {
case MetadataKind::ExistentialMetatype:
case MetadataKind::Existential:
return true;
return false;
/// Is this either type metadata or a class object for any kind of class?
bool isAnyClass() const {
return isAnyKindOfClass(getKind());
const ValueWitnessTable *getValueWitnesses() const {
return asFullMetadata(this)->ValueWitnesses;
const TypeLayout *getTypeLayout() const {
return getValueWitnesses()->getTypeLayout();
void setValueWitnesses(const ValueWitnessTable *table) {
asFullMetadata(this)->ValueWitnesses = table;
// Define forwarders for value witnesses. These invoke this metadata's value
// witness table with itself as the 'self' parameter.
template<typename...A> \
_ResultOf<value_witness_types::WITNESS>::type \
vw_##WITNESS(A &&...args) const { \
return getValueWitnesses()->WITNESS(std::forward<A>(args)..., this); \
#include "swift/ABI/ValueWitness.def"
int vw_getExtraInhabitantIndex(const OpaqueValue *value) const {
return getValueWitnesses()->_asXIVWT()->getExtraInhabitantIndex(value, this);
void vw_storeExtraInhabitant(OpaqueValue *value, int index) const {
getValueWitnesses()->_asXIVWT()->storeExtraInhabitant(value, index, this);
unsigned vw_getEnumTag(const OpaqueValue *value) const {
return getValueWitnesses()->_asEVWT()->getEnumTag(const_cast<OpaqueValue*>(value), this);
void vw_destructiveProjectEnumData(OpaqueValue *value) const {
getValueWitnesses()->_asEVWT()->destructiveProjectEnumData(value, this);
void vw_destructiveInjectEnumTag(OpaqueValue *value, unsigned tag) const {
getValueWitnesses()->_asEVWT()->destructiveInjectEnumTag(value, tag, this);
/// Allocate an out-of-line buffer if values of this type don't fit in the
/// ValueBuffer.
/// NOTE: This is not a box for copy-on-write existentials.
OpaqueValue *allocateBufferIn(ValueBuffer *buffer) const;
/// Deallocate an out-of-line buffer stored in 'buffer' if values of this type
/// are not stored inline in the ValueBuffer.
void deallocateBufferIn(ValueBuffer *buffer) const;
// Allocate an out-of-line buffer box (reference counted) if values of this
// type don't fit in the ValueBuffer.
// NOTE: This *is* a box for copy-on-write existentials.
OpaqueValue *allocateBoxForExistentialIn(ValueBuffer *Buffer) const;
/// Get the nominal type descriptor if this metadata describes a nominal type,
/// or return null if it does not.
ConstTargetMetadataPointer<Runtime, TargetTypeContextDescriptor>
getTypeContextDescriptor() const {
switch (getKind()) {
case MetadataKind::Class: {
const auto cls = static_cast<const TargetClassMetadata<Runtime> *>(this);
if (!cls->isTypeMetadata())
return nullptr;
if (cls->isArtificialSubclass())
return nullptr;
return cls->getDescription();
case MetadataKind::Struct:
case MetadataKind::Enum:
case MetadataKind::Optional:
return static_cast<const TargetValueMetadata<Runtime> *>(this)
case MetadataKind::ForeignClass:
return static_cast<const TargetForeignClassMetadata<Runtime> *>(this)
return nullptr;
/// Get the class object for this type if it has one, or return null if the
/// type is not a class (or not a class with a class object).
const TargetClassMetadata<Runtime> *getClassObject() const;
/// Retrieve the generic arguments of this type, if it has any.
ConstTargetMetadataPointer<Runtime, swift::TargetMetadata> const *
getGenericArgs() const {
auto description = getTypeContextDescriptor();
if (!description)
return nullptr;
auto generics = description->getGenericContext();
if (!generics)
return nullptr;
auto asWords = reinterpret_cast<
ConstTargetMetadataPointer<Runtime, swift::TargetMetadata> const *>(this);
return asWords + description->getGenericArgumentOffset();
bool satisfiesClassConstraint() const;
/// Get the ObjC class object for this type if it has one, or return null if
/// the type is not a class (or not a class with a class object).
/// This is allowed for InProcess values only.
template <typename R = Runtime>
typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<R, InProcess>::value, Class>::type
getObjCClassObject() const {
return reinterpret_cast<Class>(
#ifndef NDEBUG
"Only meant for use in the debugger");
friend struct TargetOpaqueMetadata<Runtime>;
/// Metadata should not be publicly copied or moved.
constexpr TargetMetadata(const TargetMetadata &) = default;
TargetMetadata &operator=(const TargetMetadata &) = default;
constexpr TargetMetadata(TargetMetadata &&) = default;
TargetMetadata &operator=(TargetMetadata &&) = default;
/// The common structure of opaque metadata. Adds nothing.
template <typename Runtime>
struct TargetOpaqueMetadata {
typedef TargetTypeMetadataHeader<Runtime> HeaderType;
// We have to represent this as a member so we can list-initialize it.
TargetMetadata<Runtime> base;
using HeapObjectDestroyer =
SWIFT_CC(swift) void(SWIFT_CONTEXT HeapObject *);
/// The prefix on a heap metadata.
template <typename Runtime>
struct TargetHeapMetadataHeaderPrefix {
/// Destroy the object, returning the allocated size of the object
/// or 0 if the object shouldn't be deallocated.
TargetPointer<Runtime, HeapObjectDestroyer> destroy;
using HeapMetadataHeaderPrefix =
/// The header present on all heap metadata.
template <typename Runtime>
struct TargetHeapMetadataHeader
: TargetHeapMetadataHeaderPrefix<Runtime>,
TargetTypeMetadataHeader<Runtime> {
constexpr TargetHeapMetadataHeader(
const TargetHeapMetadataHeaderPrefix<Runtime> &heapPrefix,
const TargetTypeMetadataHeader<Runtime> &typePrefix)
: TargetHeapMetadataHeaderPrefix<Runtime>(heapPrefix),
TargetTypeMetadataHeader<Runtime>(typePrefix) {}
using HeapMetadataHeader =
/// The common structure of all metadata for heap-allocated types. A
/// pointer to one of these can be retrieved by loading the 'isa'
/// field of any heap object, whether it was managed by Swift or by
/// Objective-C. However, when loading from an Objective-C object,
/// this metadata may not have the heap-metadata header, and it may
/// not be the Swift type metadata for the object's dynamic type.
template <typename Runtime>
struct TargetHeapMetadata : TargetMetadata<Runtime> {
using HeaderType = TargetHeapMetadataHeader<Runtime>;
TargetHeapMetadata() = default;
constexpr TargetHeapMetadata(MetadataKind kind)
: TargetMetadata<Runtime>(kind) {}
constexpr TargetHeapMetadata(TargetAnyClassMetadata<Runtime> *isa)
: TargetMetadata<Runtime>(isa) {}
using HeapMetadata = TargetHeapMetadata<InProcess>;
template <typename Runtime>
struct TargetMethodDescriptor {
/// The method implementation.
TargetRelativeDirectPointer<Runtime, void> Impl;
/// Flags describing the method.
MethodDescriptorFlags Flags;
// TODO: add method types or anything else needed for reflection.
/// Header for a class vtable descriptor. This is a variable-sized
/// structure that describes how to find and parse a vtable
/// within the type metadata for a class.
template <typename Runtime>
struct TargetVTableDescriptorHeader {
using StoredPointer = typename Runtime::StoredPointer;
/// The offset of the vtable for this class in its metadata, if any,
/// in words.
/// If this class has a resilient superclass, this offset is relative to the
/// the start of the immediate class's metadata. Otherwise, it is relative
/// to the metadata address point.
uint32_t VTableOffset;
/// The number of vtable entries. This is the number of MethodDescriptor
/// records following the vtable header in the class's nominal type
/// descriptor, which is equal to the number of words this subclass's vtable
/// entries occupy in instantiated class metadata.
uint32_t VTableSize;
uint32_t getVTableOffset(const TargetClassMetadata<Runtime> *metadata) const {
const auto *description = metadata->getDescription();
if (description->hasResilientSuperclass())
return metadata->Superclass->getSizeInWords() + VTableOffset;
return VTableOffset;
/// The bounds of a class metadata object.
/// This type is a currency type and is not part of the ABI.
/// See TargetStoredClassMetadataBounds for the type of the class
/// metadata bounds variable.
template <typename Runtime>
struct TargetClassMetadataBounds : TargetMetadataBounds<Runtime> {
using StoredPointer = typename Runtime::StoredPointer;
using StoredSize = typename Runtime::StoredSize;
using StoredPointerDifference = typename Runtime::StoredPointerDifference;
using TargetMetadataBounds<Runtime>::NegativeSizeInWords;
using TargetMetadataBounds<Runtime>::PositiveSizeInWords;
/// The offset from the address point of the metadata to the immediate
/// members.
StoredPointerDifference ImmediateMembersOffset;
constexpr TargetClassMetadataBounds() = default;
constexpr TargetClassMetadataBounds(
StoredPointerDifference immediateMembersOffset,
uint32_t negativeSizeInWords, uint32_t positiveSizeInWords)
: TargetMetadataBounds<Runtime>{negativeSizeInWords, positiveSizeInWords},
ImmediateMembersOffset(immediateMembersOffset) {}
/// Return the basic bounds of all Swift class metadata.
/// The immediate members offset will not be meaningful.
static constexpr TargetClassMetadataBounds<Runtime> forSwiftRootClass() {
using Metadata = FullMetadata<TargetClassMetadata<Runtime>>;
return forAddressPointAndSize(sizeof(typename Metadata::HeaderType),
/// Return the bounds of a Swift class metadata with the given address
/// point and size (both in bytes).
/// The immediate members offset will not be meaningful.
static constexpr TargetClassMetadataBounds<Runtime>
forAddressPointAndSize(StoredSize addressPoint, StoredSize totalSize) {
return {
// Immediate offset in bytes.
StoredPointerDifference(totalSize - addressPoint),
// Negative size in words.
uint32_t(addressPoint / sizeof(StoredPointer)),
// Positive size in words.
uint32_t((totalSize - addressPoint) / sizeof(StoredPointer))
/// Adjust these bounds for a subclass with the given immediate-members
/// section.
void adjustForSubclass(bool areImmediateMembersNegative,
uint32_t numImmediateMembers) {
if (areImmediateMembersNegative) {
NegativeSizeInWords += numImmediateMembers;
ImmediateMembersOffset =
-StoredPointerDifference(NegativeSizeInWords) * sizeof(StoredPointer);
} else {
ImmediateMembersOffset = PositiveSizeInWords * sizeof(StoredPointer);
PositiveSizeInWords += numImmediateMembers;
using ClassMetadataBounds =
/// The portion of a class metadata object that is compatible with
/// all classes, even non-Swift ones.
template <typename Runtime>
struct TargetAnyClassMetadata : public TargetHeapMetadata<Runtime> {
using StoredPointer = typename Runtime::StoredPointer;
using StoredSize = typename Runtime::StoredSize;
constexpr TargetAnyClassMetadata(TargetAnyClassMetadata<Runtime> *isa,
TargetClassMetadata<Runtime> *superclass)
: TargetHeapMetadata<Runtime>(isa),
CacheData{nullptr, nullptr},
constexpr TargetAnyClassMetadata(TargetClassMetadata<Runtime> *superclass)
: TargetHeapMetadata<Runtime>(MetadataKind::Class),
CacheData{nullptr, nullptr},
// Allow setting the metadata kind to a class ISA on class metadata.
using TargetMetadata<Runtime>::getClassISA;
using TargetMetadata<Runtime>::setClassISA;
// Note that ObjC classes does not have a metadata header.
/// The metadata for the superclass. This is null for the root class.
ConstTargetMetadataPointer<Runtime, swift::TargetClassMetadata> Superclass;
// TODO: remove the CacheData and Data fields in non-ObjC-interop builds.
/// The cache data is used for certain dynamic lookups; it is owned
/// by the runtime and generally needs to interoperate with
/// Objective-C's use.
TargetPointer<Runtime, void> CacheData[2];
/// The data pointer is used for out-of-line metadata and is
/// generally opaque, except that the compiler sets the low bit in
/// order to indicate that this is a Swift metatype and therefore
/// that the type metadata header is present.
StoredSize Data;
static constexpr StoredPointer offsetToData() {
return offsetof(TargetAnyClassMetadata, Data);
/// Is this object a valid swift type metadata? That is, can it be
/// safely downcast to ClassMetadata?
bool isTypeMetadata() const {
/// A different perspective on the same bit
bool isPureObjC() const {
return !isTypeMetadata();
using AnyClassMetadata =
using ClassIVarDestroyer =
SWIFT_CC(swift) void(SWIFT_CONTEXT HeapObject *);
/// The structure of all class metadata. This structure is embedded
/// directly within the class's heap metadata structure and therefore
/// cannot be extended without an ABI break.
/// Note that the layout of this type is compatible with the layout of
/// an Objective-C class.
template <typename Runtime>
struct TargetClassMetadata : public TargetAnyClassMetadata<Runtime> {
using StoredPointer = typename Runtime::StoredPointer;
using StoredSize = typename Runtime::StoredSize;
friend class ReflectionContext;
TargetClassMetadata() = default;
constexpr TargetClassMetadata(const TargetAnyClassMetadata<Runtime> &base,
ClassFlags flags,
ClassIVarDestroyer *ivarDestroyer,
StoredPointer size, StoredPointer addressPoint,
StoredPointer alignMask,
StoredPointer classSize, StoredPointer classAddressPoint)
: TargetAnyClassMetadata<Runtime>(base),
Flags(flags), InstanceAddressPoint(addressPoint),
InstanceSize(size), InstanceAlignMask(alignMask),
Reserved(0), ClassSize(classSize), ClassAddressPoint(classAddressPoint),
Description(nullptr), IVarDestroyer(ivarDestroyer) {}
// The remaining fields are valid only when isTypeMetadata().
// The Objective-C runtime knows the offsets to some of these fields.
// Be careful when accessing them.
/// Swift-specific class flags.
ClassFlags Flags;
/// The address point of instances of this type.
uint32_t InstanceAddressPoint;
/// The required size of instances of this type.
/// 'InstanceAddressPoint' bytes go before the address point;
/// 'InstanceSize - InstanceAddressPoint' bytes go after it.
uint32_t InstanceSize;
/// The alignment mask of the address point of instances of this type.
uint16_t InstanceAlignMask;
/// Reserved for runtime use.
uint16_t Reserved;
/// The total size of the class object, including prefix and suffix
/// extents.
uint32_t ClassSize;
/// The offset of the address point within the class object.
uint32_t ClassAddressPoint;
// Description is by far the most likely field for a client to try
// to access directly, so we force access to go through accessors.
/// An out-of-line Swift-specific description of the type, or null
/// if this is an artificial subclass. We currently provide no
/// supported mechanism for making a non-artificial subclass
/// dynamically.
ConstTargetMetadataPointer<Runtime, TargetClassDescriptor> Description;
/// A function for destroying instance variables, used to clean up
/// after an early return from a constructor.
TargetPointer<Runtime, ClassIVarDestroyer> IVarDestroyer;
// After this come the class members, laid out as follows:
// - class members for the superclass (recursively)
// - metadata reference for the parent, if applicable
// - generic parameters for this class
// - class variables (if we choose to support these)
// - "tabulated" virtual methods
using TargetAnyClassMetadata<Runtime>::isTypeMetadata;
ConstTargetMetadataPointer<Runtime, TargetClassDescriptor>
getDescription() const {
return Description;
void setDescription(const TargetClassDescriptor<Runtime> *description) {
Description = description;
/// Is this class an artificial subclass, such as one dynamically
/// created for various dynamic purposes like KVO?
bool isArtificialSubclass() const {
return Description == 0;
void setArtificialSubclass() {
Description = 0;
ClassFlags getFlags() const {
return Flags;
void setFlags(ClassFlags flags) {
Flags = flags;
StoredSize getInstanceSize() const {
return InstanceSize;
void setInstanceSize(StoredSize size) {
InstanceSize = size;
StoredPointer getInstanceAddressPoint() const {
return InstanceAddressPoint;
void setInstanceAddressPoint(StoredSize size) {
InstanceAddressPoint = size;
StoredPointer getInstanceAlignMask() const {
return InstanceAlignMask;
void setInstanceAlignMask(StoredSize mask) {
InstanceAlignMask = mask;
StoredPointer getClassSize() const {
return ClassSize;
void setClassSize(StoredSize size) {
ClassSize = size;
StoredPointer getClassAddressPoint() const {
return ClassAddressPoint;
void setClassAddressPoint(StoredSize offset) {
ClassAddressPoint = offset;
uint16_t getRuntimeReservedData() const {
return Reserved;
void setRuntimeReservedData(uint16_t data) {
Reserved = data;
/// Get a pointer to the field offset vector, if present, or null.
const StoredPointer *getFieldOffsets() const {
auto offset = getDescription()->getFieldOffsetVectorOffset(this);
if (offset == 0)
return nullptr;
auto asWords = reinterpret_cast<const void * const*>(this);
return reinterpret_cast<const StoredPointer *>(asWords + offset);
uint32_t getSizeInWords() const {
uint32_t size = getClassSize() - getClassAddressPoint();
assert(size % sizeof(StoredPointer) == 0);
return size / sizeof(StoredPointer);
/// Given that this class is serving as the superclass of a Swift class,
/// return its bounds as metadata.
/// Note that the ImmediateMembersOffset member will not be meaningful.
getClassBoundsAsSwiftSuperclass() const {
using Bounds = TargetClassMetadataBounds<Runtime>;
auto rootBounds = Bounds::forSwiftRootClass();
// If the class is not type metadata, just use the root-class bounds.
if (!isTypeMetadata())
return rootBounds;
// Otherwise, pull out the bounds from the metadata.
auto bounds = Bounds::forAddressPointAndSize(getClassAddressPoint(),
// Round the bounds up to the required dimensions.
if (bounds.NegativeSizeInWords < rootBounds.NegativeSizeInWords)
bounds.NegativeSizeInWords = rootBounds.NegativeSizeInWords;
if (bounds.PositiveSizeInWords < rootBounds.PositiveSizeInWords)
bounds.PositiveSizeInWords = rootBounds.PositiveSizeInWords;
return bounds;
static bool classof(const TargetMetadata<Runtime> *metadata) {
return metadata->getKind() == MetadataKind::Class;
using ClassMetadata = TargetClassMetadata<InProcess>;
/// The structure of metadata for heap-allocated local variables.
/// This is non-type metadata.
template <typename Runtime>
struct TargetHeapLocalVariableMetadata
: public TargetHeapMetadata<Runtime> {
using StoredPointer = typename Runtime::StoredPointer;
uint32_t OffsetToFirstCapture;
TargetPointer<Runtime, const char> CaptureDescription;
static bool classof(const TargetMetadata<Runtime> *metadata) {
return metadata->getKind() == MetadataKind::HeapLocalVariable;
constexpr TargetHeapLocalVariableMetadata()
: TargetHeapMetadata<Runtime>(MetadataKind::HeapLocalVariable),
OffsetToFirstCapture(0), CaptureDescription(nullptr) {}
using HeapLocalVariableMetadata
= TargetHeapLocalVariableMetadata<InProcess>;
/// The structure of wrapper metadata for Objective-C classes. This
/// is used as a type metadata pointer when the actual class isn't
/// Swift-compiled.
template <typename Runtime>
struct TargetObjCClassWrapperMetadata : public TargetMetadata<Runtime> {
ConstTargetMetadataPointer<Runtime, TargetClassMetadata> Class;
static bool classof(const TargetMetadata<Runtime> *metadata) {
return metadata->getKind() == MetadataKind::ObjCClassWrapper;
using ObjCClassWrapperMetadata
= TargetObjCClassWrapperMetadata<InProcess>;
/// The structure of metadata for foreign types where the source
/// language doesn't provide any sort of more interesting metadata for
/// us to use.
template <typename Runtime>
struct TargetForeignTypeMetadata : public TargetMetadata<Runtime> {
using StoredPointer = typename Runtime::StoredPointer;
using StoredSize = typename Runtime::StoredSize;
using InitializationFunction_t =
void (TargetForeignTypeMetadata<Runtime> *selectedMetadata);
using RuntimeMetadataPointer =
ConstTargetMetadataPointer<Runtime, swift::TargetForeignTypeMetadata>;
/// An invasive cache for the runtime-uniqued lookup structure that is stored
/// in the header prefix of foreign metadata records.
/// Prior to initialization, as emitted by the compiler, this contains the
/// initialization flags.
/// After initialization, it holds a pointer to the actual, runtime-uniqued
/// metadata for this type.
struct CacheValue {
StoredSize Value;
/// Work around a bug in libstdc++'s std::atomic that requires the type to
/// be default-constructible.
CacheValue() = default;
explicit CacheValue(RuntimeMetadataPointer p)
: Value(reinterpret_cast<StoredSize>(p))
/// Various flags. The largest flag bit should be less than 4096 so that
/// a flag set is distinguishable from a valid pointer.
enum : StoredSize {
/// This metadata has an initialization callback function. If
/// this flag is not set, the metadata object needn't actually
/// have a InitializationFunction field, and that field will be
/// undefined.
HasInitializationFunction = 0x1,
LargestFlagMask = 0xFFF,
/// True if the metadata record associated with this cache has not been
/// initialized, so contains a flag set describing parameters to the
/// initialization operation. isFlags() == !isInitialized()
bool isFlags() const {
return Value <= LargestFlagMask;
/// True if the metadata record associated with this cache has an
/// initialization function which must be run if it is picked as the
/// canonical metadata record for its key.
/// Undefined if !isFlags().
bool hasInitializationFunction() const {
return Value & HasInitializationFunction;
/// True if the metadata record associated with this cache has been
/// initialized, so the cache contains an absolute pointer to the
/// canonical metadata record for its key. isInitialized() == !isFlags()
bool isInitialized() const {
return !isFlags();
/// Gets the cached pointer to the unique canonical metadata record for
/// this metadata record's key.
/// Undefined if !isInitialized().
RuntimeMetadataPointer getCachedUniqueMetadata() const {
return RuntimeMetadataPointer(Value);
/// Foreign type metadata may have extra header fields depending on
/// the flags.
struct HeaderPrefix {
/// An optional callback performed when a particular metadata object
/// is chosen as the unique structure.
/// If there is no initialization function, this metadata record can be
/// assumed to be immutable (except for the \c Unique invasive cache
/// field). The field is not present unless the HasInitializationFunction
/// flag is set.
RelativeDirectPointer<InitializationFunction_t> InitializationFunction;
mutable std::atomic<CacheValue> Cache;
struct HeaderType : HeaderPrefix, TargetTypeMetadataHeader<Runtime> {};
CacheValue getCacheValue() const {
/// NB: This can be a relaxed-order load if there is no initialization
/// function. On platforms Swift currently targets, consume is no more
/// expensive than relaxed, so there's no reason to branch here (and LLVM
/// isn't smart enough to eliminate it when it's not needed).
/// A port to a platform where relaxed is significantly less expensive than
/// consume (historically, Alpha) would probably want to preserve the
/// 'hasInitializationFunction' bit in its own word to be able to avoid
/// the consuming load when not needed.
return asFullMetadata(this)->Cache
void setCachedUniqueMetadata(RuntimeMetadataPointer unique) const {
auto cache = getCacheValue();
// If the cache was already set to a pointer, we're done. We ought to
// converge on a single unique pointer.
if (cache.isInitialized()) {
assert(cache.getCachedUniqueMetadata() == unique
&& "already set unique metadata to something else");
auto newCache = CacheValue(unique);
// If there is no initialization function, this can be a relaxed store.
if (cache.hasInitializationFunction())
asFullMetadata(this)->, std::memory_order_relaxed);
// Otherwise, we need a release store to publish the result of
// initialization.
asFullMetadata(this)->, std::memory_order_release);
/// Return the initialization function for this metadata record.
/// As a prerequisite, the metadata record must not have been initialized yet,
/// and must have an initialization function to begin with, otherwise the
/// result is undefined.
InitializationFunction_t *getInitializationFunction() const {
#ifndef NDEBUG
auto cache = getCacheValue();
return asFullMetadata(this)->InitializationFunction;
using ForeignTypeMetadata = TargetForeignTypeMetadata<InProcess>;
/// The structure of metadata objects for foreign class types.
/// A foreign class is a foreign type with reference semantics and
/// Swift-supported reference counting. Generally this requires
/// special logic in the importer.
/// We assume for now that foreign classes are entirely opaque
/// to Swift introspection.
template <typename Runtime>
struct TargetForeignClassMetadata
: public TargetForeignTypeMetadata<Runtime> {
using StoredPointer = typename Runtime::StoredPointer;
/// An out-of-line description of the type.
ConstTargetMetadataPointer<Runtime, TargetClassDescriptor> Description;
/// The superclass of the foreign class, if any.
ConstTargetMetadataPointer<Runtime, swift::TargetForeignClassMetadata>
/// Reserved space. For now, these should be zero-initialized.
StoredPointer Reserved[3];
static bool classof(const TargetMetadata<Runtime> *metadata) {
return metadata->getKind() == MetadataKind::ForeignClass;
using ForeignClassMetadata = TargetForeignClassMetadata<InProcess>;
/// The common structure of metadata for structs and enums.
template <typename Runtime>
struct TargetValueMetadata : public TargetMetadata<Runtime> {
using StoredPointer = typename Runtime::StoredPointer;
TargetValueMetadata(MetadataKind Kind,
const TargetTypeContextDescriptor<Runtime> *description)
: TargetMetadata<Runtime>(Kind), Description(description) {}
/// An out-of-line description of the type.
ConstTargetMetadataPointer<Runtime, TargetValueTypeDescriptor>
static bool classof(const TargetMetadata<Runtime> *metadata) {
return metadata->getKind() == MetadataKind::Struct
|| metadata->getKind() == MetadataKind::Enum
|| metadata->getKind() == MetadataKind::Optional;
ConstTargetMetadataPointer<Runtime, TargetValueTypeDescriptor>
getDescription() const {
return Description;
using ValueMetadata = TargetValueMetadata<InProcess>;
/// The structure of type metadata for structs.
template <typename Runtime>
struct TargetStructMetadata : public TargetValueMetadata<Runtime> {
using StoredPointer = typename Runtime::StoredPointer;
using TargetValueMetadata<Runtime>::TargetValueMetadata;
const TargetStructDescriptor<Runtime> *getDescription() const {
return llvm::cast<TargetStructDescriptor<Runtime>>(this->Description);
// The first trailing field of struct metadata is always the generic
// argument array.
/// Get a pointer to the field offset vector, if present, or null.
const uint32_t *getFieldOffsets() const {
auto offset = getDescription()->FieldOffsetVectorOffset;
if (offset == 0)
return nullptr;
auto asWords = reinterpret_cast<const void * const*>(this);
return reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t *>(asWords + offset);
static constexpr int32_t getGenericArgumentOffset() {
return sizeof(TargetStructMetadata<Runtime>) / sizeof(void*);
static bool classof(const TargetMetadata<Runtime> *metadata) {
return metadata->getKind() == MetadataKind::Struct;
using StructMetadata = TargetStructMetadata<InProcess>;
/// The structure of type metadata for enums.
template <typename Runtime>
struct TargetEnumMetadata : public TargetValueMetadata<Runtime> {
using StoredPointer = typename Runtime::StoredPointer;
using StoredSize = typename Runtime::StoredSize;
using TargetValueMetadata<Runtime>::TargetValueMetadata;
const TargetEnumDescriptor<Runtime> *getDescription() const {
return llvm::cast<TargetEnumDescriptor<Runtime>>(this->Description);
// The first trailing field of enum metadata is always the generic
// argument array.
/// True if the metadata records the size of the payload area.
bool hasPayloadSize() const {
return getDescription()->hasPayloadSizeOffset();
/// Retrieve the size of the payload area.
/// `hasPayloadSize` must be true for this to be valid.
StoredSize getPayloadSize() const {
auto offset = getDescription()->getPayloadSizeOffset();
const StoredSize *asWords = reinterpret_cast<const StoredSize *>(this);
asWords += offset;
return *asWords;
StoredSize &getPayloadSize() {
auto offset = getDescription()->getPayloadSizeOffset();
StoredSize *asWords = reinterpret_cast<StoredSize *>(this);
asWords += offset;
return *asWords;
static constexpr int32_t getGenericArgumentOffset() {
return sizeof(TargetEnumMetadata<Runtime>) / sizeof(void*);
static bool classof(const TargetMetadata<Runtime> *metadata) {
return metadata->getKind() == MetadataKind::Enum
|| metadata->getKind() == MetadataKind::Optional;
using EnumMetadata = TargetEnumMetadata<InProcess>;
/// The structure of function type metadata.
template <typename Runtime>
struct TargetFunctionTypeMetadata : public TargetMetadata<Runtime> {
using StoredSize = typename Runtime::StoredSize;
using Parameter = ConstTargetMetadataPointer<Runtime, swift::TargetMetadata>;
TargetFunctionTypeFlags<StoredSize> Flags;
/// The type metadata for the result type.
ConstTargetMetadataPointer<Runtime, swift::TargetMetadata> ResultType;
Parameter *getParameters() { return reinterpret_cast<Parameter *>(this + 1); }
const Parameter *getParameters() const {
return reinterpret_cast<const Parameter *>(this + 1);
Parameter getParameter(unsigned index) const {
assert(index < getNumParameters());
return getParameters()[index];
ParameterFlags getParameterFlags(unsigned index) const {
assert(index < getNumParameters());
auto flags = hasParameterFlags() ? getParameterFlags()[index] : 0;
return ParameterFlags::fromIntValue(flags);
StoredSize getNumParameters() const {
return Flags.getNumParameters();
FunctionMetadataConvention getConvention() const {
return Flags.getConvention();
bool throws() const { return Flags.throws(); }
bool hasParameterFlags() const { return Flags.hasParameterFlags(); }
bool isEscaping() const { return Flags.isEscaping(); }
static constexpr StoredSize OffsetToFlags = sizeof(TargetMetadata<Runtime>);
static bool classof(const TargetMetadata<Runtime> *metadata) {
return metadata->getKind() == MetadataKind::Function;
uint32_t *getParameterFlags() {
return reinterpret_cast<uint32_t *>(getParameters() + getNumParameters());
const uint32_t *getParameterFlags() const {
return reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t *>(getParameters() +
using FunctionTypeMetadata = TargetFunctionTypeMetadata<InProcess>;
/// The structure of metadata for metatypes.
template <typename Runtime>
struct TargetMetatypeMetadata : public TargetMetadata<Runtime> {
/// The type metadata for the element.
ConstTargetMetadataPointer<Runtime, swift::TargetMetadata> InstanceType;
static bool classof(const TargetMetadata<Runtime> *metadata) {
return metadata->getKind() == MetadataKind::Metatype;
using MetatypeMetadata = TargetMetatypeMetadata<InProcess>;
/// The structure of tuple type metadata.
template <typename Runtime>
struct TargetTupleTypeMetadata : public TargetMetadata<Runtime> {
using StoredSize = typename Runtime::StoredSize;
TargetTupleTypeMetadata() = default;
constexpr TargetTupleTypeMetadata(const TargetMetadata<Runtime> &base,
StoredSize numElements,
TargetPointer<Runtime, const char> labels)
: TargetMetadata<Runtime>(base),
Labels(labels) {}
/// The number of elements.
StoredSize NumElements;
/// The labels string; see swift_getTupleTypeMetadata.
TargetPointer<Runtime, const char> Labels;
struct Element {
/// The type of the element.
ConstTargetMetadataPointer<Runtime, swift::TargetMetadata> Type;
/// The offset of the tuple element within the tuple.
StoredSize Offset;
OpaqueValue *findIn(OpaqueValue *tuple) const {
return (OpaqueValue*) (((char*) tuple) + Offset);
const TypeLayout *getTypeLayout() const {
return Type->getTypeLayout();
Element *getElements() {
return reinterpret_cast<Element*>(this + 1);
const Element *getElements() const {
return reinterpret_cast<const Element*>(this + 1);
const Element &getElement(unsigned i) const {
return getElements()[i];
Element &getElement(unsigned i) {
return getElements()[i];
static constexpr StoredSize OffsetToNumElements = sizeof(TargetMetadata<Runtime>);
static bool classof(const TargetMetadata<Runtime> *metadata) {
return metadata->getKind() == MetadataKind::Tuple;
using TupleTypeMetadata = TargetTupleTypeMetadata<InProcess>;
template <typename Runtime> struct TargetProtocolDescriptor;
/// An array of protocol descriptors with a header and tail-allocated elements.
template <typename Runtime>
struct TargetProtocolDescriptorList {
using StoredPointer = typename Runtime::StoredPointer;
StoredPointer NumProtocols;
ConstTargetMetadataPointer<Runtime, TargetProtocolDescriptor> *
getProtocols() {
return reinterpret_cast<
Runtime, TargetProtocolDescriptor> *>(this + 1);
ConstTargetMetadataPointer<Runtime, TargetProtocolDescriptor> const *
getProtocols() const {
return reinterpret_cast<
Runtime, TargetProtocolDescriptor> const *>(this + 1);
ConstTargetMetadataPointer<Runtime, TargetProtocolDescriptor> const &
operator[](size_t i) const {
return getProtocols()[i];
ConstTargetMetadataPointer<Runtime, TargetProtocolDescriptor> &
operator[](size_t i) {
return getProtocols()[i];
constexpr TargetProtocolDescriptorList() : NumProtocols(0) {}
constexpr TargetProtocolDescriptorList(StoredPointer NumProtocols)
: NumProtocols(NumProtocols) {}
using ProtocolDescriptorList = TargetProtocolDescriptorList<InProcess>;
/// A literal class for creating constant protocol descriptors in the runtime.
template<typename Runtime, uintptr_t NUM_PROTOCOLS>
struct TargetLiteralProtocolDescriptorList
: TargetProtocolDescriptorList<Runtime> {
const TargetProtocolDescriptorList<Runtime> *Protocols[NUM_PROTOCOLS];
constexpr TargetLiteralProtocolDescriptorList(DescriptorPointers...elements)
: TargetProtocolDescriptorList<Runtime>(NUM_PROTOCOLS),
using LiteralProtocolDescriptorList = TargetProtocolDescriptorList<InProcess>;
/// A protocol requirement descriptor. This describes a single protocol
/// requirement in a protocol descriptor. The index of the requirement in
/// the descriptor determines the offset of the witness in a witness table
/// for this protocol.
template <typename Runtime>
struct TargetProtocolRequirement {
ProtocolRequirementFlags Flags;
// TODO: name, type
/// A function pointer to a global symbol which is used by client code
/// to invoke the protocol requirement from a witness table. This pointer
/// is also to uniquely identify the requirement in resilient witness
/// tables, which is why it appears here.
/// This forms the basis of our mechanism to hide witness table offsets
/// from clients, both when calling protocol requirements and when
/// defining witness tables.
/// Will be null if the protocol is not resilient.
RelativeDirectPointer<void, /*nullable*/ true> Function;
/// The optional default implementation of the protocol.
RelativeDirectPointer<void, /*nullable*/ true> DefaultImplementation;
using ProtocolRequirement = TargetProtocolRequirement<InProcess>;
/// A protocol descriptor. This is not type metadata, but is referenced by
/// existential type metadata records to describe a protocol constraint.
/// Its layout is compatible with the Objective-C runtime's 'protocol_t' record
/// layout.
template <typename Runtime>
struct TargetProtocolDescriptor {
using StoredPointer = typename Runtime::StoredPointer;
/// Unused by the Swift runtime.
TargetPointer<Runtime, const void> _ObjC_Isa;
/// The mangled name of the protocol.
TargetPointer<Runtime, const char> Name;
/// The list of protocols this protocol refines.
ConstTargetMetadataPointer<Runtime, TargetProtocolDescriptorList>
/// Unused by the Swift runtime.
TargetPointer<Runtime, const void>
/// Size of the descriptor record.
uint32_t DescriptorSize;
/// Additional flags.
ProtocolDescriptorFlags Flags;
/// The number of requirements described by the Requirements array.
/// If any requirements beyond MinimumWitnessTableSizeInWords are present
/// in the witness table template, they will be not be overwritten with
/// defaults.
uint32_t NumRequirements;
/// Requirement descriptions.
RelativeDirectPointer<TargetProtocolRequirement<Runtime>> Requirements;
/// The superclass of which all conforming types must be a subclass.
RelativeDirectPointer<const TargetClassMetadata<Runtime>, /*Nullable=*/true>
/// Associated type names, as a space-separated list in the same order
/// as the requirements.
RelativeDirectPointer<const char, /*Nullable=*/true> AssociatedTypeNames;
// This is only used in unittests/Metadata.cpp.
constexpr TargetProtocolDescriptor<Runtime>(const char *Name,
const TargetProtocolDescriptorList<Runtime> *Inherited,
ProtocolDescriptorFlags Flags)
: _ObjC_Isa(nullptr), Name(Name), InheritedProtocols(Inherited),
_ObjC_InstanceMethods(nullptr), _ObjC_ClassMethods(nullptr),
#ifndef NDEBUG
"only for use in the debugger");
using ProtocolDescriptor = TargetProtocolDescriptor<InProcess>;
/// A witness table for a protocol.
/// With the exception of the initial protocol conformance descriptor,
/// the layout of a witness table is dependent on the protocol being
/// represented.
template <typename Runtime>
struct TargetWitnessTable {
/// The protocol conformance descriptor from which this witness table
/// was generated.
ConstTargetMetadataPointer<Runtime, TargetProtocolConformanceDescriptor>
using WitnessTable = TargetWitnessTable<InProcess>;
template <typename Runtime>
using TargetWitnessTablePointer =
ConstTargetMetadataPointer<Runtime, TargetWitnessTable>;
using WitnessTablePointer = TargetWitnessTablePointer<InProcess>;
using AssociatedTypeAccessFunction =
SWIFT_CC(swift) MetadataResponse(MetadataRequest request,
const Metadata *self,
const WitnessTable *selfConformance);
using AssociatedWitnessTableAccessFunction =
SWIFT_CC(swift) WitnessTable *(const Metadata *associatedType,
const Metadata *self,
const WitnessTable *selfConformance);
/// The possible physical representations of existential types.
enum class ExistentialTypeRepresentation {
/// The type uses an opaque existential representation.
/// The type uses a class existential representation.
/// The type uses the Error boxed existential representation.
/// The structure of existential type metadata.
template <typename Runtime>
struct TargetExistentialTypeMetadata : public TargetMetadata<Runtime> {
using StoredPointer = typename Runtime::StoredPointer;
/// The number of witness tables and class-constrained-ness of the type.
ExistentialTypeFlags Flags;
/// The protocol constraints.
TargetProtocolDescriptorList<Runtime> Protocols;
/// NB: Protocols has a tail-emplaced array; additional fields cannot follow.
constexpr TargetExistentialTypeMetadata()
: TargetMetadata<Runtime>(MetadataKind::Existential),
Flags(ExistentialTypeFlags()), Protocols() {}
explicit constexpr TargetExistentialTypeMetadata(ExistentialTypeFlags Flags)
: TargetMetadata<Runtime>(MetadataKind::Existential),
Flags(Flags), Protocols() {}
/// Get the representation form this existential type uses.
ExistentialTypeRepresentation getRepresentation() const;
/// True if it's valid to take ownership of the value in the existential
/// container if we own the container.
bool mayTakeValue(const OpaqueValue *container) const;
/// Clean up an existential container whose value is uninitialized.
void deinitExistentialContainer(OpaqueValue *container) const;
/// Project the value pointer from an existential container of the type
/// described by this metadata.
const OpaqueValue *projectValue(const OpaqueValue *container) const;
OpaqueValue *projectValue(OpaqueValue *container) const {
return const_cast<OpaqueValue *>(projectValue((const OpaqueValue*)container));
/// Get the dynamic type from an existential container of the type described
/// by this metadata.
const TargetMetadata<Runtime> *
getDynamicType(const OpaqueValue *container) const;
/// Get a witness table from an existential container of the type described
/// by this metadata.
const TargetWitnessTable<Runtime> * getWitnessTable(
const OpaqueValue *container,
unsigned i) const;
/// Return true iff all the protocol constraints are @objc.
bool isObjC() const {
return isClassBounded() && Flags.getNumWitnessTables() == 0;
bool isClassBounded() const {
return Flags.getClassConstraint() == ProtocolClassConstraint::Class;
const TargetMetadata<Runtime> *getSuperclassConstraint() const {
if (!Flags.hasSuperclassConstraint())
return nullptr;
// Get a pointer to tail-allocated storage for this metadata record.
auto Pointer = reinterpret_cast<
ConstTargetMetadataPointer<Runtime, TargetMetadata> const *>(this + 1);
// The superclass immediately follows the list of protocol descriptors.
return Pointer[Protocols.NumProtocols];
static bool classof(const TargetMetadata<Runtime> *metadata) {
return metadata->getKind() == MetadataKind::Existential;
static constexpr StoredPointer
OffsetToNumProtocols = sizeof(TargetMetadata<Runtime>) + sizeof(ExistentialTypeFlags);
using ExistentialTypeMetadata
= TargetExistentialTypeMetadata<InProcess>;
/// The basic layout of an existential metatype type.
template <typename Runtime>
struct TargetExistentialMetatypeContainer {
ConstTargetMetadataPointer<Runtime, TargetMetadata> Value;
TargetWitnessTablePointer<Runtime> *getWitnessTables() {
return reinterpret_cast<TargetWitnessTablePointer<Runtime> *>(this + 1);
TargetWitnessTablePointer<Runtime> const *getWitnessTables() const {
return reinterpret_cast<TargetWitnessTablePointer<Runtime> const *>(this+1);
void copyTypeInto(TargetExistentialMetatypeContainer *dest,
unsigned numTables) const {
for (unsigned i = 0; i != numTables; ++i)
dest->getWitnessTables()[i] = getWitnessTables()[i];
using ExistentialMetatypeContainer
= TargetExistentialMetatypeContainer<InProcess>;
/// The structure of metadata for existential metatypes.
template <typename Runtime>
struct TargetExistentialMetatypeMetadata
: public TargetMetadata<Runtime> {
/// The type metadata for the element.
ConstTargetMetadataPointer<Runtime, swift::TargetMetadata> InstanceType;
/// The number of witness tables and class-constrained-ness of the
/// underlying type.
ExistentialTypeFlags Flags;
static bool classof(const TargetMetadata<Runtime> *metadata) {
return metadata->getKind() == MetadataKind::ExistentialMetatype;
/// Return true iff all the protocol constraints are @objc.
bool isObjC() const {
return isClassBounded() && Flags.getNumWitnessTables() == 0;
bool isClassBounded() const {
return Flags.getClassConstraint() == ProtocolClassConstraint::Class;
using ExistentialMetatypeMetadata
= TargetExistentialMetatypeMetadata<InProcess>;
/// Heap metadata for a box, which may have been generated statically by the
/// compiler or by the runtime.
template <typename Runtime>
struct TargetBoxHeapMetadata : public TargetHeapMetadata<Runtime> {
/// The offset from the beginning of a box to its value.
unsigned Offset;
constexpr TargetBoxHeapMetadata(MetadataKind kind, unsigned offset)
: TargetHeapMetadata<Runtime>(kind), Offset(offset) {}
using BoxHeapMetadata = TargetBoxHeapMetadata<InProcess>;
/// Heap metadata for runtime-instantiated generic boxes.
template <typename Runtime>
struct TargetGenericBoxHeapMetadata : public TargetBoxHeapMetadata<Runtime> {
using super = TargetBoxHeapMetadata<Runtime>;
using super::Offset;
/// The type inside the box.
ConstTargetMetadataPointer<Runtime, swift::TargetMetadata> BoxedType;
TargetGenericBoxHeapMetadata(MetadataKind kind, unsigned offset,
ConstTargetMetadataPointer<Runtime, swift::TargetMetadata> boxedType)
: TargetBoxHeapMetadata<Runtime>(kind, offset), BoxedType(boxedType)
static unsigned getHeaderOffset(const Metadata *boxedType) {
// Round up the header size to alignment.
unsigned alignMask = boxedType->getValueWitnesses()->getAlignmentMask();
return (sizeof(HeapObject) + alignMask) & ~alignMask;
/// Project the value out of a box of this type.
OpaqueValue *project(HeapObject *box) const {
auto bytes = reinterpret_cast<char*>(box);
return reinterpret_cast<OpaqueValue *>(bytes + Offset);
/// Get the allocation size of this box.
unsigned getAllocSize() const {
return Offset + BoxedType->getValueWitnesses()->getSize();
/// Get the allocation alignment of this box.
unsigned getAllocAlignMask() const {
// Heap allocations are at least pointer aligned.
return BoxedType->getValueWitnesses()->getAlignmentMask()
| (alignof(void*) - 1);
static bool classof(const TargetMetadata<Runtime> *metadata) {
return metadata->getKind() == MetadataKind::HeapGenericLocalVariable;
using GenericBoxHeapMetadata = TargetGenericBoxHeapMetadata<InProcess>;
/// \brief The control structure of a generic or resilient protocol
/// conformance witness.
/// Resilient conformances must use a pattern where new requirements
/// with default implementations can be added and the order of existing
/// requirements can be changed.
/// This is accomplished by emitting an order-independent series of
/// relative pointer pairs, consisting of a protocol requirement together
/// with a witness. The requirement is identified by an indirect relative
/// pointer to the protocol dispatch thunk.
template <typename Runtime>
struct TargetResilientWitness {
RelativeIndirectPointer<void> Function;
RelativeDirectPointer<void> Witness;
using ResilientWitness = TargetResilientWitness<InProcess>;
template <typename Runtime>
struct TargetResilientWitnessTable final
: public swift::ABI::TrailingObjects<
TargetResilientWitness<Runtime>> {
uint32_t NumWitnesses;
using TrailingObjects = swift::ABI::TrailingObjects<
friend TrailingObjects;
template<typename T>
using OverloadToken = typename TrailingObjects::template OverloadToken<T>;
size_t numTrailingObjects(
OverloadToken<TargetResilientWitness<Runtime>>) const {
return NumWitnesses;
getWitnesses() const {
return {this->template getTrailingObjects<TargetResilientWitness<Runtime>>(),
const TargetResilientWitness<Runtime> &
getWitness(unsigned i) const {
return getWitnesses()[i];
using ResilientWitnessTable = TargetResilientWitnessTable<InProcess>;
/// \brief The control structure of a generic or resilient protocol
/// conformance.
/// Witness tables need to be instantiated at runtime in these cases:
/// - For a generic conforming type, associated type requirements might be
/// dependent on the conforming type.
/// - For a type conforming to a resilient protocol, the runtime size of
/// the witness table is not known because default requirements can be
/// added resiliently.
/// One per conformance.
template <typename Runtime>
struct TargetGenericWitnessTable {
/// The size of the witness table in words. This amount is copied from
/// the witness table template into the instantiated witness table.
uint16_t WitnessTableSizeInWords;
/// The amount of private storage to allocate before the address point,
/// in words. This memory is zeroed out in the instantiated witness table
/// template.
uint16_t WitnessTablePrivateSizeInWords;
/// The protocol descriptor. Only used for resilient conformances.
/*nullable*/ true> Protocol;
/// The pattern.
RelativeDirectPointer<const TargetWitnessTable<Runtime>> Pattern;
/// The resilient witness table, if any.
RelativeDirectPointer<const TargetResilientWitnessTable<Runtime>,
/*nullable*/ true> ResilientWitnesses;
/// The instantiation function, which is called after the template is copied.
RelativeDirectPointer<void(TargetWitnessTable<Runtime> *instantiatedTable,
const TargetMetadata<Runtime> *type,
void ** const *instantiationArgs),
/*nullable*/ true> Instantiator;
using PrivateDataType = void *[swift::NumGenericMetadataPrivateDataWords];
/// Private data for the instantiator. Out-of-line so that the rest
/// of this structure can be constant.
RelativeDirectPointer<PrivateDataType> PrivateData;
using GenericWitnessTable = TargetGenericWitnessTable<InProcess>;
/// The structure of a type metadata record.
/// This contains enough static information to recover type metadata from a
/// name.
template <typename Runtime>
struct TargetTypeMetadataRecord {
union {
/// A direct reference to a nominal type descriptor.
/// An indirect reference to a nominal type descriptor.
RelativeDirectPointerIntPair<TargetTypeContextDescriptor<Runtime> * const,
TypeMetadataRecordKind getTypeKind() const {
return DirectNominalTypeDescriptor.getInt();
const TargetTypeContextDescriptor<Runtime> *
getTypeContextDescriptor() const {
switch (getTypeKind()) {
case TypeMetadataRecordKind::DirectNominalTypeDescriptor:
return DirectNominalTypeDescriptor.getPointer();
case TypeMetadataRecordKind::Reserved:
case TypeMetadataRecordKind::IndirectObjCClass:
return nullptr;
case TypeMetadataRecordKind::IndirectNominalTypeDescriptor:
return *IndirectNominalTypeDescriptor.getPointer();
return nullptr;
using TypeMetadataRecord = TargetTypeMetadataRecord<InProcess>;
template<typename Runtime> struct TargetContextDescriptor;
template<typename Runtime>
using RelativeContextPointer =
RelativeIndirectablePointer<const TargetContextDescriptor<Runtime>,
/*nullable*/ true>;
/// The structure of a protocol reference record.
template <typename Runtime>
struct TargetProtocolRecord {
/// The protocol referenced.
/// The remaining low bit is reserved for future use.
using ProtocolRecord = TargetProtocolRecord<InProcess>;
template<typename Runtime> class TargetGenericRequirementDescriptor;
/// The structure of a protocol conformance.
/// This contains enough static information to recover the witness table for a
/// type's conformance to a protocol.
template <typename Runtime>
struct TargetProtocolConformanceDescriptor final
: public swift::ABI::TrailingObjects<
TargetGenericRequirementDescriptor<Runtime>> {
using TrailingObjects = swift::ABI::TrailingObjects<
friend TrailingObjects;
template<typename T>
using OverloadToken = typename TrailingObjects::template OverloadToken<T>;
using WitnessTableAccessorFn
= const TargetWitnessTable<Runtime> *(const TargetMetadata<Runtime>*,
const TargetWitnessTable<Runtime> **,
using GenericRequirementDescriptor =
/// The protocol being conformed to.
/// The remaining low bit is reserved for future use.
RelativeIndirectablePointer<ProtocolDescriptor> Protocol;
// Some description of the type that conforms to the protocol.
union {
/// A direct reference to a nominal type descriptor.
/// An indirect reference to a nominal type descriptor.
ConstTargetMetadataPointer<Runtime, TargetTypeContextDescriptor>>
/// An indirect reference to the metadata.
ConstTargetMetadataPointer<Runtime, TargetClassMetadata>>
// The conformance, or a generator function for the conformance.
union {
/// A direct reference to the witness table for the conformance.
RelativeDirectPointer<const TargetWitnessTable<Runtime>> WitnessTable;
/// A function that produces the witness table given an instance of the
/// type.
RelativeDirectPointer<WitnessTableAccessorFn> WitnessTableAccessor;
/// Various flags, including the kind of conformance.
ConformanceFlags Flags;
const ProtocolDescriptor *getProtocol() const {
return Protocol;
TypeMetadataRecordKind getTypeKind() const {
return Flags.getTypeReferenceKind();
typename ConformanceFlags::ConformanceKind getConformanceKind() const {
return Flags.getConformanceKind();
const TargetClassMetadata<Runtime> * const *getIndirectObjCClass() const {
switch (getTypeKind()) {
case TypeMetadataRecordKind::IndirectObjCClass:
case TypeMetadataRecordKind::Reserved:
return nullptr;
case TypeMetadataRecordKind::DirectNominalTypeDescriptor:
case TypeMetadataRecordKind::IndirectNominalTypeDescriptor:
assert(false && "not indirect class object");
return IndirectObjCClass.get();
const TargetTypeContextDescriptor<Runtime> *
getTypeContextDescriptor() const {
switch (getTypeKind()) {
case TypeMetadataRecordKind::DirectNominalTypeDescriptor:
return DirectNominalTypeDescriptor;
case TypeMetadataRecordKind::IndirectNominalTypeDescriptor:
return *IndirectNominalTypeDescriptor;
case TypeMetadataRecordKind::Reserved:
case TypeMetadataRecordKind::IndirectObjCClass:
return nullptr;
return nullptr;
/// Retrieve the context of a retroactive conformance.
const TargetContextDescriptor<Runtime> *getRetroactiveContext() const {
if (!Flags.isRetroactive()) return nullptr;
return this->template getTrailingObjects<RelativeContextPointer<Runtime>>();
/// Retrieve the conditional requirements that must also be
/// satisfied
getConditionalRequirements() const {
return {this->template getTrailingObjects<GenericRequirementDescriptor>(),
/// Get the directly-referenced static witness table.
const swift::TargetWitnessTable<Runtime> *getStaticWitnessTable() const {
switch (getConformanceKind()) {
case ConformanceFlags::ConformanceKind::WitnessTable:
case ConformanceFlags::ConformanceKind::WitnessTableAccessor:
case ConformanceFlags::ConformanceKind::ConditionalWitnessTableAccessor:
assert(false && "not witness table");
return WitnessTable;
WitnessTableAccessorFn *getWitnessTableAccessor() const {
switch (getConformanceKind()) {
case ConformanceFlags::ConformanceKind::WitnessTableAccessor:
case ConformanceFlags::ConformanceKind::ConditionalWitnessTableAccessor:
case ConformanceFlags::ConformanceKind::WitnessTable:
assert(false && "not witness table accessor");
return WitnessTableAccessor;
/// Get the canonical metadata for the type referenced by this record, or
/// return null if the record references a generic or universal type.
const TargetMetadata<Runtime> *getCanonicalTypeMetadata() const;
/// Get the witness table for the specified type, realizing it if
/// necessary, or return null if the conformance does not apply to the
/// type.
const swift::TargetWitnessTable<Runtime> *
getWitnessTable(const TargetMetadata<Runtime> *type) const;
void dump() const;
#ifndef NDEBUG
/// Verify that the protocol descriptor obeys all invariants.
/// We currently check that the descriptor:
/// 1. Has a valid TypeMetadataRecordKind.
/// 2. Has a valid conformance kind.
void verify() const LLVM_ATTRIBUTE_USED;
size_t numTrailingObjects(
OverloadToken<RelativeContextPointer<Runtime>>) const {
return Flags.isRetroactive() ? 1 : 0;
size_t numTrailingObjects(OverloadToken<GenericRequirementDescriptor>) const {
return Flags.getNumConditionalRequirements();
using ProtocolConformanceDescriptor
= TargetProtocolConformanceDescriptor<InProcess>;
template<typename Runtime>
using TargetProtocolConformanceRecord =
using ProtocolConformanceRecord = TargetProtocolConformanceRecord<InProcess>;
template<typename Runtime>
struct TargetGenericContext;
/// Base class for all context descriptors.
template<typename Runtime>
struct TargetContextDescriptor {
/// Flags describing the context, including its kind and format version.
ContextDescriptorFlags Flags;
/// The parent context, or null if this is a top-level context.
RelativeContextPointer<Runtime> Parent;
bool isGeneric() const { return Flags.isGeneric(); }
bool isUnique() const { return Flags.isUnique(); }
ContextDescriptorKind getKind() const { return Flags.getKind(); }
/// Get the generic context information for this context, or null if the
/// context is not generic.
const TargetGenericContext<Runtime> *getGenericContext() const;
unsigned getNumGenericParams() const {
auto *genericContext = getGenericContext();
return genericContext
? genericContext->getGenericContextHeader().NumParams
: 0;
TargetContextDescriptor(const TargetContextDescriptor &) = delete;
TargetContextDescriptor(TargetContextDescriptor &&) = delete;
TargetContextDescriptor &operator=(const TargetContextDescriptor &) = delete;
TargetContextDescriptor &operator=(TargetContextDescriptor &&) = delete;
using ContextDescriptor = TargetContextDescriptor<InProcess>;
/// Descriptor for a module context.
template<typename Runtime>
struct TargetModuleContextDescriptor final : TargetContextDescriptor<Runtime> {
/// The module name.
RelativeDirectPointer<const char, /*nullable*/ false> Name;
static bool classof(const TargetContextDescriptor<Runtime> *cd) {
return cd->getKind() == ContextDescriptorKind::Module;
using ModuleContextDescriptor = TargetModuleContextDescriptor<InProcess>;
template<typename Runtime>
struct TargetGenericContextDescriptorHeader {
uint16_t NumParams, NumRequirements, NumKeyArguments, NumExtraArguments;
uint32_t getNumArguments() const {
return NumKeyArguments + NumExtraArguments;
bool hasArguments() const {
return getNumArguments() > 0;
using GenericContextDescriptorHeader =
/// A reference to a generic parameter that is the subject of a requirement.
/// This can refer either directly to a generic parameter or to a path to an
/// associated type.
template<typename Runtime>
class TargetGenericParamRef {
union {
/// The word of storage, whose low bit indicates whether there is an
/// associated type path stored out-of-line and whose upper bits describe
/// the generic parameter at root of the path.
uint32_t Word;
/// This is the associated type path stored out-of-line. The \c bool
/// is used for masking purposes and is otherwise unused; instead, check
/// the low bit of \c Word.
RelativeDirectPointerIntPair<const void, bool> AssociatedTypePath;
/// Index of the parameter being referenced. 0 is the first generic parameter
/// of the root of the context hierarchy, and subsequent parameters are
/// numbered breadth-first from there.
unsigned getRootParamIndex() const {
// If there is no path, retrieve the index directly.
if ((Word & 0x01) == 0) return Word >> 1;
// Otherwise, the index is at the start of the associated type path.
return *reinterpret_cast<const unsigned *>(AssociatedTypePath.getPointer());
/// A reference to an associated type along the reference path.
struct AssociatedTypeRef {
/// The protocol the associated type belongs to.
/*nullable*/ false> Protocol;
/// The index of the associated type metadata within a witness table for
/// the protocol.
unsigned Index;
/// A forward iterator that walks through the associated type path, which is
/// a zero-terminated array of AssociatedTypeRefs.
class AssociatedTypeIterator {
const void *addr;
explicit AssociatedTypeIterator(const void *startAddr) : addr(startAddr) {}
bool isEnd() const {
if (addr == nullptr)
return true;
unsigned word;
memcpy(&word, addr, sizeof(unsigned));
if (word == 0)
return true;
return false;
template <class> friend class TargetGenericParamRef;
AssociatedTypeIterator() : addr(nullptr) {}
using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag;
using value_type = AssociatedTypeRef;
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
using pointer = const AssociatedTypeRef *;
using reference = const AssociatedTypeRef &;
bool operator==(AssociatedTypeIterator i) const {
// Iterators are same if they both point at the same place, or are both
// at the end (either by being initialized as an end iterator with a
// null address, or by being advanced to the null terminator of an
// associated type list).
if (addr == i.addr)
return true;
if (isEnd() && i.isEnd())
return true;
return false;
bool operator!=(AssociatedTypeIterator i) const {
return !(*this == i);
reference operator*() const {
return *reinterpret_cast<pointer>(addr);
pointer operator->() const {
return reinterpret_cast<pointer>(addr);
AssociatedTypeIterator &operator++() {
addr = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(addr) + sizeof(AssociatedTypeRef);
return *this;
AssociatedTypeIterator operator++(int) {
auto copy = *this;
return copy;
/// Iterators for going through the associated type path from the root param.
AssociatedTypeIterator begin() const {
if (Word & 0x01) {
// The associated types start after the first word, which holds the
// root param index.
return AssociatedTypeIterator(
reinterpret_cast<const char*>(AssociatedTypePath.getPointer()) +
} else {
// This is a direct param reference, so there are no associated types.
return end();
AssociatedTypeIterator end() const {
return AssociatedTypeIterator{};
using GenericParamRef = TargetGenericParamRef<InProcess>;
template<typename Runtime>
class TargetGenericRequirementDescriptor {
GenericRequirementFlags Flags;
/// The generic parameter or associated type that's constrained.
TargetGenericParamRef<Runtime> Param;
union {
/// A mangled representation of the same-type or base class the param is
/// constrained to.
/// Only valid if the requirement has SameType or BaseClass kind.
RelativeDirectPointer<const char, /*nullable*/ false> Type;
/// The protocol the param is constrained to.
/// Only valid if the requirement has Protocol kind.
/*nullable*/ false> Protocol;
/// The conformance the param is constrained to use.
/// Only valid if the requirement has SameConformance kind.
/*nullable*/ false> Conformance;
/// The kind of layout constraint.
/// Only valid if the requirement has Layout kind.
GenericRequirementLayoutKind Layout;
constexpr GenericRequirementFlags getFlags() const {
return Flags;
constexpr GenericRequirementKind getKind() const {
return getFlags().getKind();
/// Retrieve the generic parameter that is the subject of this requirement.
const TargetGenericParamRef<Runtime> &getParam() const {
return Param;
/// Retrieve the protocol descriptor for a Protocol requirement.
const TargetProtocolDescriptor<Runtime> *getProtocol() const {
assert(getKind() == GenericRequirementKind::Protocol);
return Protocol;
/// Retrieve the right-hand type for a SameType or BaseClass requirement.
StringRef getMangledTypeName() const {
assert(getKind() == GenericRequirementKind::SameType ||
getKind() == GenericRequirementKind::BaseClass);
return swift::Demangle::makeSymbolicMangledNameStringRef(Type.get());
/// Retrieve the protocol conformance record for a SameConformance
/// requirement.
const TargetProtocolConformanceRecord<Runtime> *getConformance() const {
assert(getKind() == GenericRequirementKind::SameConformance);
return Conformance;
/// Retrieve the layout constraint.
GenericRequirementLayoutKind getLayout() const {
assert(getKind() == GenericRequirementKind::Layout);
return Layout;
/// Determine whether this generic requirement has a known kind.
/// \returns \c false for any future generic requirement kinds.
bool hasKnownKind() const {
switch (getKind()) {
case GenericRequirementKind::BaseClass:
case GenericRequirementKind::Layout:
case GenericRequirementKind::Protocol:
case GenericRequirementKind::SameConformance:
case GenericRequirementKind::SameType:
return true;
return false;
using GenericRequirementDescriptor =
/// CRTP class for a context descriptor that includes trailing generic
/// context description.
template<class Self,
template <typename> class TargetGenericContextHeaderType =
typename... FollowingTrailingObjects>
class TrailingGenericContextObjects;
// This oddity with partial specialization is necessary to get
// reasonable-looking code while also working around various kinds of
// compiler bad behavior with injected class names.
template<class Runtime,
template <typename> class TargetSelf,
template <typename> class TargetGenericContextHeaderType,
typename... FollowingTrailingObjects>
class TrailingGenericContextObjects<TargetSelf<Runtime>,
FollowingTrailingObjects...> :
protected swift::ABI::TrailingObjects<TargetSelf<Runtime>,
using Self = TargetSelf<Runtime>;
using GenericContextHeaderType = TargetGenericContextHeaderType<Runtime>;
using GenericRequirementDescriptor =
using TrailingObjects = swift::ABI::TrailingObjects<Self,
friend TrailingObjects;
template<typename T>
using OverloadToken = typename TrailingObjects::template OverloadToken<T>;
const Self *asSelf() const {
return static_cast<const Self *>(this);
using StoredSize = typename Runtime::StoredSize;
using StoredPointer = typename Runtime::StoredPointer;
const GenericContextHeaderType &getFullGenericContextHeader() const {
return *this->template getTrailingObjects<GenericContextHeaderType>();
const TargetGenericContextDescriptorHeader<Runtime> &
getGenericContextHeader() const {
/// HeaderType ought to be convertible to GenericContextDescriptorHeader.
return getFullGenericContextHeader();
const TargetGenericContext<Runtime> *getGenericContext() const {
if (!asSelf()->isGeneric())
return nullptr;
// The generic context header should always be immediately followed in
// memory by trailing parameter and requirement descriptors.
auto *header = reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&getGenericContextHeader());
return reinterpret_cast<const TargetGenericContext<Runtime> *>(
header - sizeof(TargetGenericContext<Runtime>));
llvm::ArrayRef<GenericParamDescriptor> getGenericParams() const {
if (!asSelf()->isGeneric())
return {};
return {this->template getTrailingObjects<GenericParamDescriptor>(),
llvm::ArrayRef<GenericRequirementDescriptor> getGenericRequirements() const {
if (!asSelf()->isGeneric())
return {};
return {this->template getTrailingObjects<GenericRequirementDescriptor>(),
/// Return the amount of space that the generic arguments take up in
/// metadata of this type.
StoredSize getGenericArgumentsStorageSize() const {
return StoredSize(getGenericContextHeader().getNumArguments())
* sizeof(StoredPointer);
size_t numTrailingObjects(OverloadToken<GenericContextHeaderType>) const {
return asSelf()->isGeneric() ? 1 : 0;
size_t numTrailingObjects(OverloadToken<GenericParamDescriptor>) const {
return asSelf()->isGeneric() ? getGenericContextHeader().NumParams : 0;
size_t numTrailingObjects(OverloadToken<GenericRequirementDescriptor>) const {
return asSelf()->isGeneric() ? getGenericContextHeader().NumRequirements : 0;
/// Reference to a generic context.
template<typename Runtime>
struct TargetGenericContext final
: TrailingGenericContextObjects<TargetGenericContext<Runtime>,
// This struct is supposed to be empty, but TrailingObjects respects the
// unique-address-per-object C++ rule, so even if this type is empty, the
// trailing objects will come after one byte of padding. This dummy field
// takes up space to make the offset of the trailing objects portable.
unsigned _dummy;
bool isGeneric() const { return true; }
/// Descriptor for an extension context.
template<typename Runtime>
struct TargetExtensionContextDescriptor final
: TargetContextDescriptor<Runtime>,
using TrailingGenericContextObjects
= TrailingGenericContextObjects<TargetExtensionContextDescriptor<Runtime>>;
/// A mangling of the `Self` type context that the extension extends.
/// The mangled name represents the type in the generic context encoded by
/// this descriptor. For example, a nongeneric nominal type extension will
/// encode the nominal type name. A generic nominal type extension will encode
/// the instance of the type with any generic arguments bound.
/// Note that the Parent of the extension will be the module context the
/// extension is declared inside.
RelativeDirectPointer<const char> ExtendedContext;
using TrailingGenericContextObjects::getGenericContext;
StringRef getMangledExtendedContext() const {
return Demangle::makeSymbolicMangledNameStringRef(ExtendedContext.get());
static bool classof(const TargetContextDescriptor<Runtime> *cd) {
return cd->getKind() == ContextDescriptorKind::Extension;
using ExtensionContextDescriptor = TargetExtensionContextDescriptor<InProcess>;
template<typename Runtime>
struct TargetAnonymousContextDescriptor final
: TargetContextDescriptor<Runtime>,
using TrailingGenericContextObjects
= TrailingGenericContextObjects<TargetAnonymousContextDescriptor<Runtime>>;
using TrailingGenericContextObjects::getGenericContext;
static bool classof(const TargetContextDescriptor<Runtime> *cd) {
return cd->getKind() == ContextDescriptorKind::Anonymous;
/// The instantiation cache for generic metadata. This must be guaranteed
/// to zero-initialized before it is first accessed. Its contents are private
/// to the runtime.
template <typename Runtime>
struct TargetGenericMetadataInstantiationCache {
/// Data that the runtime can use for its own purposes. It is guaranteed
/// to be zero-filled by the compiler.
TargetPointer<Runtime, void>
using GenericMetadataInstantiationCache =
/// A function that instantiates metadata. This function is required
/// to succeed.
/// In general, the metadata returned by this function should have all the
/// basic structure necessary to identify itself: that is, it must have a
/// type descriptor and generic arguments. However, it does not need to be
/// fully functional as type metadata; for example, it does not need to have
/// a meaningful value witness table, v-table entries, or a superclass.
/// Operations which may fail (due to e.g. recursive dependencies) but which
/// must be performed in order to prepare the metadata object to be fully
/// functional as type metadata should be delayed until the completion
/// function.
using MetadataInstantiator =
Metadata *(const TargetTypeContextDescriptor<InProcess> *type,
const void *arguments,
const TargetGenericMetadataPattern<InProcess> *pattern);
/// The opaque completion context of a metadata completion function.
/// A completion function that needs to report a completion dependency
/// can use this to figure out where it left off and thus avoid redundant
/// work when re-invoked. It will be zero on first entry for a type, and
/// the runtime is free to copy it to a different location between
/// invocations.
struct MetadataCompletionContext {
void *Data[NumWords_MetadataCompletionContext];
/// A function which attempts to complete the given metadata.
/// This function may fail due to a dependency on the completion of some
/// other metadata object. It can indicate this by returning the metadata
/// on which it depends. In this case, the function will be invoked again
/// when the dependency is resolved. The function must be careful not to
/// indicate a completion dependency on a type that has always been
/// completed; the runtime cannot reliably distinguish this sort of
/// programming failure from a race in which the dependent type was
/// completed immediately after it was observed to be incomplete, and so
/// the function will be repeatedly re-invoked.
/// The function will never be called multiple times simultaneously, but
/// it may be called many times as successive dependencies are resolved.
/// If the function ever completes successfully (by returning null), it
/// will not be called again for the same type.
/// \return null to indicate that the type has been completed, or a non-null
/// pointer to indicate that completion is blocked on the completion of
/// some other type
using MetadataCompleter =
MetadataDependency(const Metadata *type,
MetadataCompletionContext *context,
const TargetGenericMetadataPattern<InProcess> *pattern);
/// An instantiation pattern for type metadata.
template <typename Runtime>
struct TargetGenericMetadataPattern {
/// The function to call to instantiate the template.
TargetRelativeDirectPointer<Runtime, MetadataInstantiator>
/// The function to call to complete the instantiation. If this is null,
/// the instantiation function must always generate complete metadata.
TargetRelativeDirectPointer<Runtime, MetadataCompleter, /*nullable*/ true>
/// Flags describing the layout of this instantiation pattern.
GenericMetadataPatternFlags PatternFlags;
bool hasExtraDataPattern() const {
return PatternFlags.hasExtraDataPattern();
using GenericMetadataPattern =
/// Part of a generic metadata instantiation pattern.
template <typename Runtime>
struct TargetGenericMetadataPartialPattern {
/// A reference to the pattern. The pattern must always be at least
/// word-aligned.
TargetRelativeDirectPointer<Runtime, typename Runtime::StoredPointer> Pattern;
/// The offset into the section into which to copy this pattern, in words.
uint16_t OffsetInWords;
/// The size of the pattern, in words.
uint16_t SizeInWords;
using GenericMetadataPartialPattern =
/// A base class for conveniently adding trailing fields to a
/// generic metadata pattern.
template <typename Runtime,
typename Self,
typename... ExtraTrailingObjects>
class TargetGenericMetadataPatternTrailingObjects :
protected swift::ABI::TrailingObjects<Self,
ExtraTrailingObjects...> {
using TrailingObjects =
friend TrailingObjects;
using GenericMetadataPartialPattern =
const Self *asSelf() const {
return static_cast<const Self *>(this);
template<typename T>
using OverloadToken = typename TrailingObjects::template OverloadToken<T>;
/// Return the extra-data pattern.
/// For class metadata, the existence of this pattern creates the need
/// for extra data to be allocated in the metadata. The amount of extra
/// data allocated is the sum of the offset and the size of this pattern.
/// In value metadata, the size of the extra data section is passed to the
/// allocation function; this is because it is currently not stored elsewhere
/// and because the extra data is principally used for storing values that
/// cannot be patterned anyway.
/// In value metadata, this section is relative to the end of the
/// metadata header (e.g. after the last members declared in StructMetadata).
/// In class metadata, this section is relative to the end of the entire
/// class metadata.
const GenericMetadataPartialPattern *getExtraDataPattern() const {
return this->template getTrailingObjects<GenericMetadataPartialPattern>();
/// Return the class immediate-members pattern.
const GenericMetadataPartialPattern *class_getImmediateMembersPattern() const{
return this->template getTrailingObjects<GenericMetadataPartialPattern>()
+ size_t(asSelf()->hasExtraDataPattern());
size_t numTrailingObjects(OverloadToken<GenericMetadataPartialPattern>) const{
return size_t(asSelf()->hasExtraDataPattern())
+ size_t(asSelf()->class_hasImmediateMembersPattern());
/// An instantiation pattern for class metadata.
template <typename Runtime>
struct TargetGenericClassMetadataPattern final :
TargetGenericClassMetadataPattern<Runtime>> {
using TrailingObjects =
friend TrailingObjects;
using TargetGenericMetadataPattern<Runtime>::PatternFlags;
/// The heap-destructor function.
TargetRelativeDirectPointer<Runtime, HeapObjectDestroyer> Destroy;
/// The ivar-destructor function.
TargetRelativeDirectPointer<Runtime, ClassIVarDestroyer> IVarDestroyer;
/// The class flags.
ClassFlags Flags;
// The following fields are only present in ObjC interop.
/// The offset of the class RO-data within the extra data pattern,
/// in words.
uint16_t ClassRODataOffset;
/// The offset of the metaclass object within the extra data pattern,
/// in words.
uint16_t MetaclassObjectOffset;
/// The offset of the metaclass RO-data within the extra data pattern,
/// in words.
uint16_t MetaclassRODataOffset;
uint16_t Reserved;
bool hasImmediateMembersPattern() const {
return PatternFlags.class_hasImmediateMembersPattern();
const GenericMetadataPartialPattern *getImmediateMembersPattern() const{
return this->class_getImmediateMembersPattern();
bool class_hasImmediateMembersPattern() const {
return hasImmediateMembersPattern();
using GenericClassMetadataPattern =
/// An instantiation pattern for value metadata.
template <typename Runtime>
struct TargetGenericValueMetadataPattern final :
TargetGenericValueMetadataPattern<Runtime>> {
using TrailingObjects =
friend TrailingObjects;
using TargetGenericMetadataPattern<Runtime>::PatternFlags;
/// The value-witness table. Indirectable so that we can re-use tables
/// from other libraries if that seems wise.
TargetRelativeIndirectablePointer<Runtime, const ValueWitnessTable>
const ValueWitnessTable *getValueWitnessesPattern() const {
return ValueWitnesses.get();
/// Return the metadata kind to use in the instantiation.
MetadataKind getMetadataKind() const {
return PatternFlags.value_getMetadataKind();
bool class_hasImmediateMembersPattern() const {
// It's important to not look at the flag because we use those
// bits for other things.
return false;
using GenericValueMetadataPattern =
template <typename Runtime>
struct TargetTypeGenericContextDescriptorHeader {
/// The metadata instantiation cache.
GenericMetadataInstantiationCache *getInstantiationCache() const {
return InstantiationCache.get();
/// The default instantiation pattern.
TargetRelativeDirectPointer<Runtime, TargetGenericMetadataPattern<Runtime>>
/// The base header. Must always be the final member.
TargetGenericContextDescriptorHeader<Runtime> Base;
operator const TargetGenericContextDescriptorHeader<Runtime> &() const {
return Base;
using TypeGenericContextDescriptorHeader =
/// Wrapper class for the pointer to a metadata access function that provides
/// operator() overloads to call it with the right calling convention.
class MetadataAccessFunction {
MetadataResponse (*Function)(...);
static_assert(NumDirectGenericTypeMetadataAccessFunctionArgs == 3,
"Need to account for change in number of direct arguments");
explicit MetadataAccessFunction(MetadataResponse (*Function)(...))
: Function(Function)
explicit operator bool() const {
return Function != nullptr;
/// Invoke with an array of arguments of dynamic size.
MetadataResponse operator()(MetadataRequest request,
llvm::ArrayRef<const void *> args) const {
switch (args.size()) {
case 0:
return operator()(request);
case 1:
return operator()(request, args[0]);
case 2:
return operator()(request, args[0], args[1]);
case 3:
return operator()(request, args[0], args[1], args[2]);
return applyMany(request,;
/// Invoke with exactly 0 arguments.
MetadataResponse operator()(MetadataRequest request) const {
using Fn0 = SWIFT_CC(swift) MetadataResponse(MetadataRequest request);
return reinterpret_cast<Fn0*>(Function)(request);
/// Invoke with exactly 1 argument.
MetadataResponse operator()(MetadataRequest request,
const void *arg0) const {
using Fn1 = SWIFT_CC(swift) MetadataResponse(MetadataRequest request,
const void *arg0);
return reinterpret_cast<Fn1*>(Function)(request, arg0);
/// Invoke with exactly 2 arguments.
MetadataResponse operator()(MetadataRequest request,
const void *arg0,
const void *arg1) const {
using Fn2 = SWIFT_CC(swift) MetadataResponse(MetadataRequest request,
const void *arg0,
const void *arg1);
return reinterpret_cast<Fn2*>(Function)(request, arg0, arg1);
/// Invoke with exactly 3 arguments.
MetadataResponse operator()(MetadataRequest request,
const void *arg0,
const void *arg1,
const void *arg2) const {
using Fn3 = SWIFT_CC(swift) MetadataResponse(MetadataRequest request,
const void *arg0,
const void *arg1,
const void *arg2);
return reinterpret_cast<Fn3*>(Function)(request, arg0, arg1, arg2);
/// Invoke with more than 3 arguments.
MetadataResponse operator()(MetadataRequest request,
const void *arg0,
const void *arg1,
const void *arg2,
Args... argN) const {
const void *args[] = { arg0, arg1, arg2, argN... };
return applyMany(request, args);
/// In the more-then-max case, just pass all the arguments as an array.
MetadataResponse applyMany(MetadataRequest request,
const void * const *args) const {
using FnN = SWIFT_CC(swift) MetadataResponse(MetadataRequest request,
const void * const *args);
return reinterpret_cast<FnN*>(Function)(request, args);
template <typename Runtime>
class TargetTypeContextDescriptor
: public TargetContextDescriptor<Runtime> {
/// The name of the type.
TargetRelativeDirectPointer<Runtime, const char, /*nullable*/ false> Name;
/// A pointer to the metadata access function for this type.
/// The function type here is a stand-in. You should use getAccessFunction()
/// to wrap the function pointer in an accessor that uses the proper calling
/// convention for a given number of arguments.
TargetRelativeDirectPointer<Runtime, MetadataResponse(...),
/*Nullable*/ true> AccessFunctionPtr;
MetadataAccessFunction getAccessFunction() const {
return MetadataAccessFunction(AccessFunctionPtr.get());
TypeContextDescriptorFlags getTypeContextDescriptorFlags() const {
return TypeContextDescriptorFlags(this->Flags.getKindSpecificFlags());
const TargetTypeGenericContextDescriptorHeader<Runtime> &
getFullGenericContextHeader() const;
const TargetGenericContextDescriptorHeader<Runtime> &
getGenericContextHeader() const {
return getFullGenericContextHeader();
llvm::ArrayRef<GenericParamDescriptor> getGenericParams() const;
/// Return the offset of the start of generic arguments in the nominal
/// type's metadata. The returned value is measured in sizeof(void*).
int32_t getGenericArgumentOffset() const;
/// Return the start of the generic arguments array in the nominal
/// type's metadata. The returned value is measured in sizeof(void*).
const TargetMetadata<Runtime> * const *getGenericArguments(
const TargetMetadata<Runtime> *metadata) const {
auto offset = getGenericArgumentOffset();
auto words =
reinterpret_cast<const TargetMetadata<Runtime> * const *>(metadata);
return words + offset;
static bool classof(const TargetContextDescriptor<Runtime> *cd) {
return cd->getKind() >= ContextDescriptorKind::Type_First
&& cd->getKind() <= ContextDescriptorKind::Type_Last;
using TypeContextDescriptor = TargetTypeContextDescriptor<InProcess>;
/// Storage for class metadata bounds. This is the variable returned
/// by getAddrOfClassMetadataBounds in the compiler.
/// This storage is initialized before the allocation of any metadata
/// for the class to which it belongs. In classes without resilient
/// superclasses, it is initialized statically with values derived
/// during compilation. In classes with resilient superclasses, it
/// is initialized dynamically, generally during the allocation of
/// the first metadata of this class's type. If metadata for this
/// class is available to you to use, you must have somehow synchronized
/// with the thread which allocated the metadata, and therefore the
/// complete initialization of this variable is also ordered before
/// your access. That is why you can safely access this variable,
/// and moreover access it without further atomic accesses. However,
/// since this variable may be accessed in a way that is not dependency-
/// ordered on the metadata pointer, it is important that you do a full
/// synchronization and not just a dependency-ordered (consume)
/// synchronization when sharing class metadata pointers between
/// threads. (There are other reasons why this is true; for example,
/// field offset variables are also accessed without dependency-ordering.)
/// If you are accessing this storage without such a guarantee, you
/// should be aware that it may be lazily initialized, and moreover
/// it may be getting lazily initialized from another thread. To ensure
/// correctness, the fields must be read in the correct order: the
/// immediate-members offset is initialized last with a store-release,
/// so it must be read first with a load-acquire, and if the result
/// is non-zero then the rest of the variable is known to be valid.
/// (No locking is required because racing initializations should always
/// assign the same values to the storage.)
template <typename Runtime>
struct TargetStoredClassMetadataBounds {
using StoredPointerDifference =
typename Runtime::StoredPointerDifference;
/// The offset to the immediate members. This value is in bytes so that
/// clients don't have to sign-extend it.
/// It is not necessary to use atomic-ordered loads when accessing this
/// variable just to read the immediate-members offset when drilling to
/// the immediate members of an already-allocated metadata object.
/// The proper initialization of this variable is always ordered before
/// any allocation of metadata for this class.
std::atomic<StoredPointerDifference> ImmediateMembersOffset;
/// The positive and negative bounds of the class metadata.
TargetMetadataBounds<Runtime> Bounds;
/// Attempt to read the cached immediate-members offset.
/// \return true if the read was successful, or false if the cache hasn't
/// been filled yet
bool tryGetImmediateMembersOffset(StoredPointerDifference &output) {
output = ImmediateMembersOffset.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
return output != 0;
/// Attempt to read the full cached bounds.
/// \return true if the read was successful, or false if the cache hasn't
/// been filled yet
bool tryGet(TargetClassMetadataBounds<Runtime> &output) {
auto offset = ImmediateMembersOffset.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
if (offset == 0) return false;
output.ImmediateMembersOffset = offset;
output.NegativeSizeInWords = Bounds.NegativeSizeInWords;
output.PositiveSizeInWords = Bounds.PositiveSizeInWords;
return true;
void initialize(TargetClassMetadataBounds<Runtime> value) {
assert(value.ImmediateMembersOffset != 0 &&
"attempting to initialize metadata bounds cache to a zero state!");
Bounds.NegativeSizeInWords = value.NegativeSizeInWords;
Bounds.PositiveSizeInWords = value.PositiveSizeInWords;,
using StoredClassMetadataBounds =
template <typename Runtime>
class TargetClassDescriptor final
: public TargetTypeContextDescriptor<Runtime>,
public TrailingGenericContextObjects<TargetClassDescriptor<Runtime>,
/*additional trailing objects:*/
TargetMethodDescriptor<Runtime>> {
using TrailingGenericContextObjects =
using TrailingObjects =
typename TrailingGenericContextObjects::TrailingObjects;
friend TrailingObjects;
using MethodDescriptor = TargetMethodDescriptor<Runtime>;
using VTableDescriptorHeader = TargetVTableDescriptorHeader<Runtime>;
using StoredPointer = typename Runtime::StoredPointer;
using StoredPointerDifference = typename Runtime::StoredPointerDifference;
using StoredSize = typename Runtime::StoredSize;
using TrailingGenericContextObjects::getGenericContext;
using TrailingGenericContextObjects::getGenericContextHeader;
using TrailingGenericContextObjects::getFullGenericContextHeader;
using TrailingGenericContextObjects::getGenericParams;
using TargetTypeContextDescriptor<Runtime>::getTypeContextDescriptorFlags;
/// The superclass of this class. This pointer can be interpreted
/// using the superclass reference kind stored in the type context
/// descriptor flags. It is null if the class has no formal superclass.
/// Note that SwiftObject, the implicit superclass of all Swift root
/// classes when building with ObjC compatibility, does not appear here.
TargetRelativeDirectPointer<Runtime, const void, /*nullable*/true> Superclass;
/// Does this class have a formal superclass?
bool hasSuperclass() const {
return !Superclass.isNull();
TypeMetadataRecordKind getSuperclassReferenceKind() const {
return getTypeContextDescriptorFlags().class_getSuperclassReferenceKind();
union {
/// If this descriptor does not have a resilient superclass, this is the
/// negative size of metadata objects of this class (in words).
uint32_t MetadataNegativeSizeInWords;
/// If this descriptor has a resilient superclass, this is a reference
/// to a cache holding the metadata's extents.
union {
/// If this descriptor does not have a resilient superclass, this is the
/// positive size of metadata objects of this class (in words).
uint32_t MetadataPositiveSizeInWords;
// Maybe add something here that's useful only for resilient types?
/// The number of additional members added by this class to the class
/// metadata. This data is opaque by default to the runtime, other than
/// as exposed in other members; it's really just
/// NumImmediateMembers * sizeof(void*) bytes of data.
/// Whether those bytes are added before or after the address point
/// depends on areImmediateMembersNegative().
uint32_t NumImmediateMembers; // ABI: could be uint16_t?
StoredSize getImmediateMembersSize() const {
return StoredSize(NumImmediateMembers) * sizeof(StoredPointer);
/// Are the immediate members of the class metadata allocated at negative
/// offsets instead of positive?
bool areImmediateMembersNegative() const {
return getTypeContextDescriptorFlags().class_areImmediateMembersNegative();
/// The number of stored properties in the class, not including its
/// superclasses. If there is a field offset vector, this is its length.
uint32_t NumFields;
/// The offset of the field offset vector for this class's stored
/// properties in its metadata, in words. 0 means there is no field offset
/// vector.
/// If this class has a resilient superclass, this offset is relative to
/// the size of the resilient superclass metadata. Otherwise, it is
/// absolute.
uint32_t FieldOffsetVectorOffset;
template<typename T>
using OverloadToken =
typename TrailingGenericContextObjects::template OverloadToken<T>;
using TrailingGenericContextObjects::numTrailingObjects;
size_t numTrailingObjects(OverloadToken<VTableDescriptorHeader>) const {
return hasVTable() ? 1 : 0;
size_t numTrailingObjects(OverloadToken<MethodDescriptor>) const {
if (!hasVTable())
return 0;
return getVTableDescriptor()->VTableSize;
/// True if metadata records for this type have a field offset vector for
/// its stored properties.
bool hasFieldOffsetVector() const { return FieldOffsetVectorOffset != 0; }
unsigned getFieldOffsetVectorOffset(const ClassMetadata *metadata) const {
const auto *description = metadata->getDescription();
if (description->hasResilientSuperclass())
return metadata->Superclass->getSizeInWords() + FieldOffsetVectorOffset;
return FieldOffsetVectorOffset;
bool hasVTable() const {
return this->getTypeContextDescriptorFlags().class_hasVTable();
bool hasResilientSuperclass() const {
return this->getTypeContextDescriptorFlags().class_hasResilientSuperclass();
const VTableDescriptorHeader *getVTableDescriptor() const {
if (!hasVTable())
return nullptr;
return this->template getTrailingObjects<VTableDescriptorHeader>();
llvm::ArrayRef<MethodDescriptor> getMethodDescriptors() const {
if (!hasVTable())
return {};
return {this->template getTrailingObjects<MethodDescriptor>(),
/// Return the bounds of this class's metadata.
TargetClassMetadataBounds<Runtime> getMetadataBounds() const {
if (!hasResilientSuperclass())
return getNonResilientMetadataBounds();
// This lookup works by ADL and will intentionally fail for
// non-InProcess instantiations.
return getResilientMetadataBounds(this);
/// Given that this class is known to not have a resilient superclass
/// return its metadata bounds.
TargetClassMetadataBounds<Runtime> getNonResilientMetadataBounds() const {
return { getNonResilientImmediateMembersOffset()
* StoredPointerDifference(sizeof(void*)),
MetadataPositiveSizeInWords };
/// Return the offset of the start of generic arguments in the nominal
/// type's metadata. The returned value is measured in words.
int32_t getGenericArgumentOffset() const {
if (!hasResilientSuperclass())
return getNonResilientGenericArgumentOffset();
// This lookup works by ADL and will intentionally fail for
// non-InProcess instantiations.
return getResilientImmediateMembersOffset(this);
/// Given that this class is known to not have a resilient superclass,
/// return the offset of its generic arguments in words.
int32_t getNonResilientGenericArgumentOffset() const {
return getNonResilientImmediateMembersOffset();
/// Given that this class is known to not have a resilient superclass,
/// return the offset of its immediate members in words.
int32_t getNonResilientImmediateMembersOffset() const {
return areImmediateMembersNegative()
? -int32_t(MetadataNegativeSizeInWords)
: int32_t(MetadataPositiveSizeInWords - NumImmediateMembers);
void *getMethod(unsigned i) const {
&& i < numTrailingObjects(OverloadToken<MethodDescriptor>{}));
return getMethodDescriptors()[i].Impl.get();
static bool classof(const TargetContextDescriptor<Runtime> *cd) {
return cd->getKind() == ContextDescriptorKind::Class;
using ClassDescriptor = TargetClassDescriptor<InProcess>;
template <typename Runtime>
class TargetValueTypeDescriptor
: public TargetTypeContextDescriptor<Runtime> {
static bool classof(const TargetContextDescriptor<Runtime> *cd) {
return cd->getKind() == ContextDescriptorKind::Struct ||
cd->getKind() == ContextDescriptorKind::Enum;
using ValueTypeDescriptor = TargetValueTypeDescriptor<InProcess>;
template <typename Runtime>
class TargetStructDescriptor final
: public TargetValueTypeDescriptor<Runtime>,
public TrailingGenericContextObjects<TargetStructDescriptor<Runtime>,
TargetTypeGenericContextDescriptorHeader> {
using TrailingGenericContextObjects =
using TrailingObjects =
typename TrailingGenericContextObjects::TrailingObjects;
friend TrailingObjects;
using TrailingGenericContextObjects::getGenericContext;
using TrailingGenericContextObjects::getGenericContextHeader;
using TrailingGenericContextObjects::getFullGenericContextHeader;
using TrailingGenericContextObjects::getGenericParams;
/// The number of stored properties in the struct.
/// If there is a field offset vector, this is its length.
uint32_t NumFields;
/// The offset of the field offset vector for this struct's stored
/// properties in its metadata, if any. 0 means there is no field offset
/// vector.
uint32_t FieldOffsetVectorOffset;
/// True if metadata records for this type have a field offset vector for
/// its stored properties.
bool hasFieldOffsetVector() const { return FieldOffsetVectorOffset != 0; }
static constexpr int32_t getGenericArgumentOffset() {
return TargetStructMetadata<Runtime>::getGenericArgumentOffset();
static bool classof(const TargetContextDescriptor<Runtime> *cd) {
return cd->getKind() == ContextDescriptorKind::Struct;
using StructDescriptor = TargetStructDescriptor<InProcess>;
template <typename Runtime>
class TargetEnumDescriptor final
: public TargetValueTypeDescriptor<Runtime>,
public TrailingGenericContextObjects<TargetEnumDescriptor<Runtime>,
TargetTypeGenericContextDescriptorHeader> {
using TrailingGenericContextObjects =
using TrailingObjects =
typename TrailingGenericContextObjects::TrailingObjects;
friend TrailingObjects;
using TrailingGenericContextObjects::getGenericContext;
using TrailingGenericContextObjects::getGenericContextHeader;
using TrailingGenericContextObjects::getFullGenericContextHeader;
using TrailingGenericContextObjects::getGenericParams;
/// The number of non-empty cases in the enum are in the low 24 bits;
/// the offset of the payload size in the metadata record in words,
/// if any, is stored in the high 8 bits.
uint32_t NumPayloadCasesAndPayloadSizeOffset;
/// The number of empty cases in the enum.
uint32_t NumEmptyCases;
uint32_t getNumPayloadCases() const {
return NumPayloadCasesAndPayloadSizeOffset & 0x00FFFFFFU;
uint32_t getNumEmptyCases() const {
return NumEmptyCases;
uint32_t getNumCases() const {
return getNumPayloadCases() + NumEmptyCases;
size_t getPayloadSizeOffset() const {
return ((NumPayloadCasesAndPayloadSizeOffset & 0xFF000000U) >> 24);
bool hasPayloadSizeOffset() const {
return getPayloadSizeOffset() != 0;
static constexpr int32_t getGenericArgumentOffset() {
return TargetEnumMetadata<Runtime>::getGenericArgumentOffset();
static bool classof(const TargetContextDescriptor<Runtime> *cd) {
return cd->getKind() == ContextDescriptorKind::Enum;
using EnumDescriptor = TargetEnumDescriptor<InProcess>;
template<typename Runtime>
inline const TargetGenericContext<Runtime> *
TargetContextDescriptor<Runtime>::getGenericContext() const {
if (!isGeneric())
return nullptr;
switch (getKind()) {
case ContextDescriptorKind::Module:
// Never generic.
return nullptr;
case ContextDescriptorKind::Extension:
return llvm::cast<TargetExtensionContextDescriptor<Runtime>>(this)
case ContextDescriptorKind::Anonymous:
return llvm::cast<TargetAnonymousContextDescriptor<Runtime>>(this)
case ContextDescriptorKind::Class:
return llvm::cast<TargetClassDescriptor<Runtime>>(this)
case ContextDescriptorKind::Enum:
return llvm::cast<TargetEnumDescriptor<Runtime>>(this)
case ContextDescriptorKind::Struct:
return llvm::cast<TargetStructDescriptor<Runtime>>(this)
// We don't know about this kind of descriptor.
return nullptr;
template <typename Runtime>
int32_t TargetTypeContextDescriptor<Runtime>::getGenericArgumentOffset() const {
switch (this->getKind()) {
case ContextDescriptorKind::Class:
return llvm::cast<TargetClassDescriptor<Runtime>>(this)
case ContextDescriptorKind::Enum:
return llvm::cast<TargetEnumDescriptor<Runtime>>(this)
case ContextDescriptorKind::Struct:
return llvm::cast<TargetStructDescriptor<Runtime>>(this)
swift_runtime_unreachable("Not a type context descriptor.");
template <typename Runtime>
const TargetTypeGenericContextDescriptorHeader<Runtime> &
TargetTypeContextDescriptor<Runtime>::getFullGenericContextHeader() const {
switch (this->getKind()) {
case ContextDescriptorKind::Class:
return llvm::cast<TargetClassDescriptor<Runtime>>(this)
case ContextDescriptorKind::Enum:
return llvm::cast<TargetEnumDescriptor<Runtime>>(this)
case ContextDescriptorKind::Struct:
return llvm::cast<TargetStructDescriptor<Runtime>>(this)
swift_runtime_unreachable("Not a type context descriptor.");
template <typename Runtime>
TargetTypeContextDescriptor<Runtime>::getGenericParams() const {
switch (this->getKind()) {
case ContextDescriptorKind::Class:
return llvm::cast<TargetClassDescriptor<Runtime>>(this)->getGenericParams();
case ContextDescriptorKind::Enum:
return llvm::cast<TargetEnumDescriptor<Runtime>>(this)->getGenericParams();
case ContextDescriptorKind::Struct:
return llvm::cast<TargetStructDescriptor<Runtime>>(this)->getGenericParams();
swift_runtime_unreachable("Not a type context descriptor.");
} // end namespace swift
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