blob: 426ef195902727783b8df6067bc2a2d83fb06034 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- SwiftEditor.cpp --------------------------------------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
#include "SwiftASTManager.h"
#include "SwiftEditorDiagConsumer.h"
#include "SwiftLangSupport.h"
#include "SourceKit/Core/Context.h"
#include "SourceKit/Core/NotificationCenter.h"
#include "SourceKit/Support/ImmutableTextBuffer.h"
#include "SourceKit/Support/Logging.h"
#include "SourceKit/Support/Tracing.h"
#include "SourceKit/Support/UIdent.h"
#include "swift/AST/AST.h"
#include "swift/AST/ASTVisitor.h"
#include "swift/AST/ASTWalker.h"
#include "swift/AST/SourceEntityWalker.h"
#include "swift/AST/DiagnosticsClangImporter.h"
#include "swift/AST/DiagnosticsParse.h"
#include "swift/Basic/SourceManager.h"
#include "swift/Frontend/Frontend.h"
#include "swift/Frontend/PrintingDiagnosticConsumer.h"
#include "swift/IDE/CodeCompletion.h"
#include "swift/IDE/CommentConversion.h"
#include "swift/IDE/Formatting.h"
#include "swift/IDE/SyntaxModel.h"
#include "swift/Subsystems.h"
#include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Mutex.h"
using namespace SourceKit;
using namespace swift;
using namespace ide;
void EditorDiagConsumer::handleDiagnostic(SourceManager &SM, SourceLoc Loc,
DiagnosticKind Kind, StringRef Text,
const DiagnosticInfo &Info) {
if (Kind == DiagnosticKind::Error) {
HadAnyError = true;
// Filter out lexer errors for placeholders.
if (Info.ID == diag::lex_editor_placeholder.ID)
if (Loc.isInvalid()) {
if (Kind == DiagnosticKind::Error)
HadInvalidLocError = true;
bool IsNote = (Kind == DiagnosticKind::Note);
if (IsNote && !haveLastDiag())
// Is this possible?
DiagnosticEntryInfo SKInfo;
SKInfo.Description = Text;
unsigned BufferID = SM.findBufferContainingLoc(Loc);
if (!isInputBufferID(BufferID)) {
if (Info.ID == diag::error_from_clang.ID ||
Info.ID == diag::warning_from_clang.ID ||
Info.ID == diag::note_from_clang.ID) {
// Handle it as other diagnostics.
} else {
if (!IsNote) {
LOG_WARN_FUNC("got swift diagnostic not pointing at input file, "
"buffer name: " << SM.getIdentifierForBuffer(BufferID));
// FIXME: This is a note pointing to a synthesized declaration buffer for
// a declaration coming from a module.
// We should include the Decl* in the DiagnosticInfo and have a way for
// Xcode to handle this "points-at-a-decl-from-module" location.
// For now instead of ignoring it, pick up the declaration name from the
// buffer identifier and append it to the diagnostic message.
auto &LastDiag = getLastDiag();
SKInfo.Description += " (";
SKInfo.Description += SM.getIdentifierForBuffer(BufferID);
SKInfo.Description += ")";
SKInfo.Offset = LastDiag.Offset;
SKInfo.Line = LastDiag.Line;
SKInfo.Column = LastDiag.Column;
SKInfo.Filename = LastDiag.Filename;
SKInfo.Offset = SM.getLocOffsetInBuffer(Loc, BufferID);
std::tie(SKInfo.Line, SKInfo.Column) = SM.getLineAndColumn(Loc, BufferID);
SKInfo.Filename = SM.getIdentifierForBuffer(BufferID);
for (auto R : Info.Ranges) {
if (R.isInvalid() || SM.findBufferContainingLoc(R.getStart()) != BufferID)
unsigned Offset = SM.getLocOffsetInBuffer(R.getStart(), BufferID);
unsigned Length = R.getByteLength();
SKInfo.Ranges.push_back({ Offset, Length });
for (auto F : Info.FixIts) {
if (F.getRange().isInvalid() ||
SM.findBufferContainingLoc(F.getRange().getStart()) != BufferID)
unsigned Offset = SM.getLocOffsetInBuffer(F.getRange().getStart(),
unsigned Length = F.getRange().getByteLength();
SKInfo.Fixits.push_back({ Offset, Length, F.getText() });
if (IsNote) {
DiagnosticsTy &Diagnostics = BufferDiagnostics[BufferID];
switch (Kind) {
case DiagnosticKind::Error:
SKInfo.Severity = DiagnosticSeverityKind::Error;
case DiagnosticKind::Warning:
SKInfo.Severity = DiagnosticSeverityKind::Warning;
case DiagnosticKind::Note:
llvm_unreachable("already covered");
if (Diagnostics.empty() || Diagnostics.back().Offset <= SKInfo.Offset) {
LastDiagBufferID = BufferID;
LastDiagIndex = Diagnostics.size() - 1;
// Keep the diagnostics array in source order.
auto Pos = std::lower_bound(Diagnostics.begin(), Diagnostics.end(), SKInfo.Offset,
[&](const DiagnosticEntryInfo &LHS, unsigned Offset) -> bool {
return LHS.Offset < Offset;
LastDiagBufferID = BufferID;
LastDiagIndex = Pos - Diagnostics.begin();
Diagnostics.insert(Pos, std::move(SKInfo));
SwiftEditorDocumentFileMap::getByUnresolvedName(StringRef FilePath) {
SwiftEditorDocumentRef EditorDoc;
auto It = Docs.find(FilePath);
if (It != Docs.end())
EditorDoc = It->second.DocRef;
return EditorDoc;
SwiftEditorDocumentFileMap::findByPath(StringRef FilePath) {
SwiftEditorDocumentRef EditorDoc;
std::string ResolvedPath = SwiftLangSupport::resolvePathSymlinks(FilePath);
for (auto &Entry : Docs) {
if (Entry.getKey() == FilePath ||
Entry.getValue().ResolvedPath == ResolvedPath) {
EditorDoc = Entry.getValue().DocRef;
return EditorDoc;
bool SwiftEditorDocumentFileMap::getOrUpdate(
StringRef FilePath, SwiftLangSupport &LangSupport,
SwiftEditorDocumentRef &EditorDoc) {
bool found = false;
std::string ResolvedPath = SwiftLangSupport::resolvePathSymlinks(FilePath);
DocInfo &Doc = Docs[FilePath];
if (!Doc.DocRef) {
Doc.DocRef = EditorDoc;
Doc.ResolvedPath = ResolvedPath;
} else {
EditorDoc = Doc.DocRef;
found = true;
return found;
SwiftEditorDocumentRef SwiftEditorDocumentFileMap::remove(StringRef FilePath) {
SwiftEditorDocumentRef Removed;
auto I = Docs.find(FilePath);
if (I != Docs.end()) {
Removed = I->second.DocRef;
return Removed;
namespace {
/// Merges two overlapping ranges and splits the first range into two
/// ranges before and after the overlapping range.
void mergeSplitRanges(unsigned Off1, unsigned Len1, unsigned Off2, unsigned Len2,
std::function<void(unsigned BeforeOff, unsigned BeforeLen,
unsigned AfterOff,
unsigned AfterLen)> applier) {
unsigned End1 = Off1 + Len1;
unsigned End2 = Off2 + Len2;
if (End1 > Off2) {
// Overlapping. Split into before and after ranges.
unsigned BeforeOff = Off1;
unsigned BeforeLen = Off2 > Off1 ? Off2 - Off1 : 0;
unsigned AfterOff = End2;
unsigned AfterLen = End1 > End2 ? End1 - End2 : 0;
applier(BeforeOff, BeforeLen, AfterOff, AfterLen);
else {
// Not overlapping.
applier(Off1, Len1, 0, 0);
struct SwiftSyntaxToken {
unsigned Column;
unsigned Length:24;
SyntaxNodeKind Kind:8;
SwiftSyntaxToken(unsigned Column, unsigned Length,
SyntaxNodeKind Kind)
:Column(Column), Length(Length), Kind(Kind) { }
class SwiftSyntaxMap {
typedef std::vector<SwiftSyntaxToken> SwiftSyntaxLineMap;
std::vector<SwiftSyntaxLineMap> Lines;
bool matchesFirstTokenOnLine(unsigned Line,
const SwiftSyntaxToken &Token) const {
assert(Line > 0);
if (Lines.size() < Line)
return false;
unsigned LineOffset = Line - 1;
const SwiftSyntaxLineMap &LineMap = Lines[LineOffset];
if (LineMap.empty())
return false;
const SwiftSyntaxToken &Tok = LineMap.front();
if (Tok.Column == Token.Column && Tok.Length == Token.Length
&& Tok.Kind == Token.Kind) {
return true;
return false;
void addTokenForLine(unsigned Line, const SwiftSyntaxToken &Token) {
assert(Line > 0);
if (Lines.size() < Line) {
unsigned LineOffset = Line - 1;
SwiftSyntaxLineMap &LineMap = Lines[LineOffset];
// FIXME: Assert this token is after the last one
void mergeTokenForLine(unsigned Line, const SwiftSyntaxToken &Token) {
assert(Line > 0);
if (Lines.size() < Line) {
unsigned LineOffset = Line - 1;
SwiftSyntaxLineMap &LineMap = Lines[LineOffset];
if (!LineMap.empty()) {
auto &LastTok = LineMap.back();
mergeSplitRanges(LastTok.Column, LastTok.Length,
Token.Column, Token.Length,
[&](unsigned BeforeOff, unsigned BeforeLen,
unsigned AfterOff, unsigned AfterLen) {
auto LastKind = LastTok.Kind;
if (BeforeLen)
LineMap.emplace_back(BeforeOff, BeforeLen, LastKind);
if (AfterLen)
LineMap.emplace_back(AfterOff, AfterLen, LastKind);
else {
// Not overlapping, just add the new token to the end
void clearLineRange(unsigned StartLine, unsigned Length) {
assert(StartLine > 0);
unsigned LineOffset = StartLine - 1;
for (unsigned Line = LineOffset; Line < LineOffset + Length
&& Line < Lines.size(); ++Line) {
void removeLineRange(unsigned StartLine, unsigned Length) {
assert(StartLine > 0 && Length > 0);
if (StartLine < Lines.size()) {
unsigned EndLine = StartLine + Length - 1;
// Delete all syntax map data from start line through end line
Lines.erase(Lines.begin() + StartLine - 1,
EndLine >= Lines.size() ? Lines.end()
: Lines.begin() + EndLine);
void insertLineRange(unsigned StartLine, unsigned Length) {
Lines.insert(StartLine <= Lines.size() ? Lines.begin() + StartLine - 1
: Lines.end(),
Length, SwiftSyntaxLineMap());
void reset() {
struct EditorConsumerSyntaxMapEntry {
unsigned Offset;
unsigned Length;
UIdent Kind;
EditorConsumerSyntaxMapEntry(unsigned Offset, unsigned Length, UIdent Kind)
:Offset(Offset), Length(Length), Kind(Kind) { }
typedef std::pair<unsigned, unsigned> SwiftEditorCharRange;
struct SwiftSemanticToken {
unsigned ByteOffset;
unsigned Length : 24;
// The code-completion kinds are a good match for the semantic kinds we want.
// FIXME: Maybe rename CodeCompletionDeclKind to a more general concept ?
CodeCompletionDeclKind Kind : 6;
bool IsRef : 1;
bool IsSystem : 1;
SwiftSemanticToken(CodeCompletionDeclKind Kind,
unsigned ByteOffset, unsigned Length,
bool IsRef, bool IsSystem)
: ByteOffset(ByteOffset), Length(Length), Kind(Kind),
IsRef(IsRef), IsSystem(IsSystem) { }
UIdent getUIdentForKind() const {
return SwiftLangSupport::getUIDForCodeCompletionDeclKind(Kind, IsRef);
static_assert(sizeof(SwiftSemanticToken) == 8, "Too big");
class SwiftDocumentSemanticInfo :
public ThreadSafeRefCountedBase<SwiftDocumentSemanticInfo> {
const std::string Filename;
SwiftASTManager &ASTMgr;
NotificationCenter &NotificationCtr;
ThreadSafeRefCntPtr<SwiftInvocation> InvokRef;
std::string CompilerArgsError;
uint64_t ASTGeneration = 0;
ImmutableTextSnapshotRef TokSnapshot;
std::vector<SwiftSemanticToken> SemaToks;
ImmutableTextSnapshotRef DiagSnapshot;
std::vector<DiagnosticEntryInfo> SemaDiags;
mutable llvm::sys::Mutex Mtx;
SwiftDocumentSemanticInfo(StringRef Filename, SwiftLangSupport &LangSupport)
: Filename(Filename),
NotificationCtr(LangSupport.getContext().getNotificationCenter()) {}
SwiftInvocationRef getInvocation() const {
return InvokRef;
uint64_t getASTGeneration() const;
void setCompilerArgs(ArrayRef<const char *> Args) {
InvokRef = ASTMgr.getInvocation(Args, Filename, CompilerArgsError);
void readSemanticInfo(ImmutableTextSnapshotRef NewSnapshot,
std::vector<SwiftSemanticToken> &Tokens,
std::vector<DiagnosticEntryInfo> &Diags,
ArrayRef<DiagnosticEntryInfo> ParserDiags);
void processLatestSnapshotAsync(EditableTextBufferRef EditableBuffer);
void updateSemanticInfo(std::vector<SwiftSemanticToken> Toks,
std::vector<DiagnosticEntryInfo> Diags,
ImmutableTextSnapshotRef Snapshot,
uint64_t ASTGeneration);
void removeCachedAST() {
if (InvokRef)
std::vector<SwiftSemanticToken> takeSemanticTokens(
ImmutableTextSnapshotRef NewSnapshot);
std::vector<DiagnosticEntryInfo> getSemanticDiagnostics(
ImmutableTextSnapshotRef NewSnapshot,
ArrayRef<DiagnosticEntryInfo> ParserDiags);
class SwiftDocumentSyntaxInfo {
SourceManager SM;
EditorDiagConsumer DiagConsumer;
std::unique_ptr<ParserUnit> Parser;
unsigned BufferID;
std::vector<std::string> Args;
std::string PrimaryFile;
SwiftDocumentSyntaxInfo(const CompilerInvocation &CompInv,
ImmutableTextSnapshotRef Snapshot,
std::vector<std::string> &Args,
StringRef FilePath)
: Args(Args), PrimaryFile(FilePath) {
std::unique_ptr<llvm::MemoryBuffer> BufCopy =
Snapshot->getBuffer()->getText(), FilePath);
BufferID = SM.addNewSourceBuffer(std::move(BufCopy));
new ParserUnit(SM, BufferID,
void initArgsAndPrimaryFile(trace::SwiftInvocation &Info) {
Info.Args.PrimaryFile = PrimaryFile;
Info.Args.Args = Args;
void parse() {
auto &P = Parser->getParser();
trace::TracedOperation TracedOp;
if (trace::enabled()) {
trace::SwiftInvocation Info;
auto Text = SM.getLLVMSourceMgr().getMemoryBuffer(BufferID)->getBuffer();
Info.Files.push_back(std::make_pair(PrimaryFile, Text));
TracedOp.start(trace::OperationKind::SimpleParse, Info);
bool Done = false;
while (!Done) {
Done =;
SourceFile &getSourceFile() {
return Parser->getSourceFile();
unsigned getBufferID() {
return BufferID;
const LangOptions &getLangOptions() {
return Parser->getLangOptions();
SourceManager &getSourceManager() {
return SM;
ArrayRef<DiagnosticEntryInfo> getDiagnostics() {
return DiagConsumer.getDiagnosticsForBuffer(BufferID);
} // anonymous namespace.
uint64_t SwiftDocumentSemanticInfo::getASTGeneration() const {
llvm::sys::ScopedLock L(Mtx);
return ASTGeneration;
void SwiftDocumentSemanticInfo::readSemanticInfo(
ImmutableTextSnapshotRef NewSnapshot,
std::vector<SwiftSemanticToken> &Tokens,
std::vector<DiagnosticEntryInfo> &Diags,
ArrayRef<DiagnosticEntryInfo> ParserDiags) {
llvm::sys::ScopedLock L(Mtx);
Tokens = takeSemanticTokens(NewSnapshot);
Diags = getSemanticDiagnostics(NewSnapshot, ParserDiags);
ImmutableTextSnapshotRef NewSnapshot) {
llvm::sys::ScopedLock L(Mtx);
if (SemaToks.empty())
return {};
// Adjust the position of the tokens.
[&](ReplaceImmutableTextUpdateRef Upd) -> bool {
if (SemaToks.empty())
return false;
auto ReplaceBegin = std::lower_bound(SemaToks.begin(), SemaToks.end(),
[&](const SwiftSemanticToken &Tok, unsigned StartOffset) -> bool {
return Tok.ByteOffset+Tok.Length < StartOffset;
std::vector<SwiftSemanticToken>::iterator ReplaceEnd;
if (Upd->getLength() == 0) {
ReplaceEnd = ReplaceBegin;
} else {
ReplaceEnd = std::upper_bound(ReplaceBegin, SemaToks.end(),
Upd->getByteOffset() + Upd->getLength(),
[&](unsigned EndOffset, const SwiftSemanticToken &Tok) -> bool {
return EndOffset < Tok.ByteOffset;
unsigned InsertLen = Upd->getText().size();
int Delta = InsertLen - Upd->getLength();
if (Delta != 0) {
for (std::vector<SwiftSemanticToken>::iterator
I = ReplaceEnd, E = SemaToks.end(); I != E; ++I)
I->ByteOffset += Delta;
SemaToks.erase(ReplaceBegin, ReplaceEnd);
return true;
return std::move(SemaToks);
static bool
adjustDiagnosticRanges(SmallVectorImpl<std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>> &Ranges,
unsigned ByteOffset, unsigned RemoveLen, int Delta) {
for (auto &Range : Ranges) {
unsigned RangeBegin = Range.first;
unsigned RangeEnd = Range.first + Range.second;
unsigned RemoveEnd = ByteOffset + RemoveLen;
// If it intersects with the remove range, ignore the whole diagnostic.
if (!(RangeEnd < ByteOffset || RangeBegin > RemoveEnd))
return true; // Ignore.
if (RangeBegin > RemoveEnd)
Range.first += Delta;
return false;
static bool
adjustDiagnosticFixits(SmallVectorImpl<DiagnosticEntryInfo::Fixit> &Fixits,
unsigned ByteOffset, unsigned RemoveLen, int Delta) {
for (auto &Fixit : Fixits) {
unsigned FixitBegin = Fixit.Offset;
unsigned FixitEnd = Fixit.Offset + Fixit.Length;
unsigned RemoveEnd = ByteOffset + RemoveLen;
// If it intersects with the remove range, ignore the whole diagnostic.
if (!(FixitEnd < ByteOffset || FixitBegin > RemoveEnd))
return true; // Ignore.
if (FixitBegin > RemoveEnd)
Fixit.Offset += Delta;
return false;
static bool
adjustDiagnosticBase(DiagnosticEntryInfoBase &Diag,
unsigned ByteOffset, unsigned RemoveLen, int Delta) {
if (Diag.Offset >= ByteOffset && Diag.Offset < ByteOffset+RemoveLen)
return true; // Ignore.
bool Ignore = adjustDiagnosticRanges(Diag.Ranges, ByteOffset, RemoveLen, Delta);
if (Ignore)
return true;
Ignore = adjustDiagnosticFixits(Diag.Fixits, ByteOffset, RemoveLen, Delta);
if (Ignore)
return true;
if (Diag.Offset > ByteOffset)
Diag.Offset += Delta;
return false;
static bool
adjustDiagnostic(DiagnosticEntryInfo &Diag, StringRef Filename,
unsigned ByteOffset, unsigned RemoveLen, int Delta) {
for (auto &Note : Diag.Notes) {
if (Filename != Note.Filename)
bool Ignore = adjustDiagnosticBase(Note, ByteOffset, RemoveLen, Delta);
if (Ignore)
return true;
return adjustDiagnosticBase(Diag, ByteOffset, RemoveLen, Delta);
static std::vector<DiagnosticEntryInfo>
adjustDiagnostics(std::vector<DiagnosticEntryInfo> Diags, StringRef Filename,
unsigned ByteOffset, unsigned RemoveLen, int Delta) {
std::vector<DiagnosticEntryInfo> NewDiags;
for (auto &Diag : Diags) {
bool Ignore = adjustDiagnostic(Diag, Filename, ByteOffset, RemoveLen, Delta);
if (!Ignore) {
return NewDiags;
ImmutableTextSnapshotRef NewSnapshot,
ArrayRef<DiagnosticEntryInfo> ParserDiags) {
llvm::sys::ScopedLock L(Mtx);
if (SemaDiags.empty())
return SemaDiags;
assert(DiagSnapshot && "If we have diagnostics, we must have snapshot!");
if (!DiagSnapshot->precedesOrSame(NewSnapshot)) {
// It may happen that other thread has already updated the diagnostics to
// the version *after* NewSnapshot. This can happen in at least two cases:
// (a) two or more or editor.replacetext queries are being
// processed concurrently (not valid, but possible call pattern)
// (b) while editor.replacetext processing is running, a concurrent
// thread executes getBuffer()/getBufferForSnapshot() on the same
// Snapshot/EditableBuffer (thus creating a new ImmutableTextBuffer)
// and updates DiagSnapshot/SemaDiags
// Since we cannot "adjust back" diagnostics, we just return an empty set.
// FIXME: add handling of the case#b above
return {};
SmallVector<unsigned, 16> ParserDiagLines;
for (auto Diag : ParserDiags)
std::sort(ParserDiagLines.begin(), ParserDiagLines.end());
auto hasParserDiagAtLine = [&](unsigned Line) {
return std::binary_search(ParserDiagLines.begin(), ParserDiagLines.end(),
// Adjust the position of the diagnostics.
[&](ReplaceImmutableTextUpdateRef Upd) -> bool {
if (SemaDiags.empty())
return false;
unsigned ByteOffset = Upd->getByteOffset();
unsigned RemoveLen = Upd->getLength();
unsigned InsertLen = Upd->getText().size();
int Delta = InsertLen - RemoveLen;
SemaDiags = adjustDiagnostics(std::move(SemaDiags), Filename,
ByteOffset, RemoveLen, Delta);
return true;
if (!SemaDiags.empty()) {
auto ImmBuf = NewSnapshot->getBuffer();
for (auto &Diag : SemaDiags) {
std::tie(Diag.Line, Diag.Column) = ImmBuf->getLineAndColumn(Diag.Offset);
// If there is a parser diagnostic in a line, ignore diagnostics in the same
// line that we got from the semantic pass.
// Note that the semantic pass also includes parser diagnostics so this
// avoids duplicates.
SemaDiags.erase(std::remove_if(SemaDiags.begin(), SemaDiags.end(),
[&](const DiagnosticEntryInfo &Diag) -> bool {
return hasParserDiagAtLine(Diag.Line);
DiagSnapshot = NewSnapshot;
return SemaDiags;
void SwiftDocumentSemanticInfo::updateSemanticInfo(
std::vector<SwiftSemanticToken> Toks,
std::vector<DiagnosticEntryInfo> Diags,
ImmutableTextSnapshotRef Snapshot,
uint64_t ASTGeneration) {
llvm::sys::ScopedLock L(Mtx);
if (ASTGeneration > this->ASTGeneration) {
SemaToks = std::move(Toks);
SemaDiags = std::move(Diags);
TokSnapshot = DiagSnapshot = std::move(Snapshot);
this->ASTGeneration = ASTGeneration;
LOG_INFO_FUNC(High, "posted document update notification for: " << Filename);
namespace {
class SemanticAnnotator : public SourceEntityWalker {
SourceManager &SM;
unsigned BufferID;
std::vector<SwiftSemanticToken> SemaToks;
SemanticAnnotator(SourceManager &SM, unsigned BufferID)
: SM(SM), BufferID(BufferID) {}
bool visitDeclReference(ValueDecl *D, CharSourceRange Range,
TypeDecl *CtorTyRef, Type T) override {
if (isa<VarDecl>(D) && D->hasName() && D->getName().str() == "self")
return true;
// Do not annotate references to unavailable decls.
if (AvailableAttr::isUnavailable(D))
return true;
if (CtorTyRef)
D = CtorTyRef;
annotate(D, /*IsRef=*/true, Range);
return true;
bool visitSubscriptReference(ValueDecl *D, CharSourceRange Range,
bool IsOpenBracket) override {
// We should treat both open and close brackets equally
return visitDeclReference(D, Range, nullptr, Type());
void annotate(const Decl *D, bool IsRef, CharSourceRange Range) {
unsigned ByteOffset = SM.getLocOffsetInBuffer(Range.getStart(), BufferID);
unsigned Length = Range.getByteLength();
auto Kind = CodeCompletionResult::getCodeCompletionDeclKind(D);
bool IsSystem = D->getModuleContext()->isSystemModule();
SemaToks.emplace_back(Kind, ByteOffset, Length, IsRef, IsSystem);
} // anonymous namespace
namespace {
class AnnotAndDiagASTConsumer : public SwiftASTConsumer {
EditableTextBufferRef EditableBuffer;
RefPtr<SwiftDocumentSemanticInfo> SemaInfoRef;
std::vector<SwiftSemanticToken> SemaToks;
AnnotAndDiagASTConsumer(EditableTextBufferRef EditableBuffer,
RefPtr<SwiftDocumentSemanticInfo> SemaInfoRef)
: EditableBuffer(std::move(EditableBuffer)),
SemaInfoRef(std::move(SemaInfoRef)) { }
void failed(StringRef Error) override {
LOG_WARN_FUNC("sema annotations failed: " << Error);
void handlePrimaryAST(ASTUnitRef AstUnit) override {
auto Generation = AstUnit->getGeneration();
auto &CompIns = AstUnit->getCompilerInstance();
auto &Consumer = AstUnit->getEditorDiagConsumer();
if (Generation < SemaInfoRef->getASTGeneration()) {
// It may happen that this request was waiting in async queue for
// too long so another thread has already updated this sema with
// ast generation bigger than ASTGeneration
ImmutableTextSnapshotRef DocSnapshot;
for (auto &Snap : AstUnit->getSnapshots()) {
if (Snap->getEditableBuffer() == EditableBuffer) {
DocSnapshot = Snap;
if (!DocSnapshot) {
LOG_WARN_FUNC("did not find document snapshot when handling the AST");
if (Generation == SemaInfoRef->getASTGeneration()) {
// Save time if we already know we processed this AST version.
if (DocSnapshot->getStamp() != EditableBuffer->getSnapshot()->getStamp()){
// Handle edits that occurred after we processed the AST.
if (!AstUnit->getPrimarySourceFile().getBufferID().hasValue()) {
LOG_WARN_FUNC("Primary SourceFile is expected to have a BufferID");
unsigned BufferID = AstUnit->getPrimarySourceFile().getBufferID().getValue();
trace::TracedOperation TracedOp;
if (trace::enabled()) {
trace::SwiftInvocation SwiftArgs;
trace::initTraceFiles(SwiftArgs, CompIns);
TracedOp.start(trace::OperationKind::AnnotAndDiag, SwiftArgs);
SemanticAnnotator Annotator(CompIns.getSourceMgr(), BufferID);
SemaToks = std::move(Annotator.SemaToks);
if (DocSnapshot->getStamp() != EditableBuffer->getSnapshot()->getStamp()) {
// Handle edits that occurred after we processed the AST.
} // anonymous namespace
void SwiftDocumentSemanticInfo::processLatestSnapshotAsync(
EditableTextBufferRef EditableBuffer) {
SwiftInvocationRef Invok = InvokRef;
if (!Invok)
RefPtr<SwiftDocumentSemanticInfo> SemaInfoRef = this;
auto Consumer = std::make_shared<AnnotAndDiagASTConsumer>(EditableBuffer,
// Semantic annotation queries for a particular document should cancel
// previously queued queries for the same document. Each document has a
// SwiftDocumentSemanticInfo pointer so use that for the token.
const void *OncePerASTToken = SemaInfoRef.get();
ASTMgr.processASTAsync(Invok, std::move(Consumer), OncePerASTToken);
struct SwiftEditorDocument::Implementation {
SwiftLangSupport &LangSupport;
const std::string FilePath;
EditableTextBufferRef EditableBuffer;
SwiftSyntaxMap SyntaxMap;
LineRange EditedLineRange;
SwiftEditorCharRange AffectedRange;
std::vector<DiagnosticEntryInfo> ParserDiagnostics;
RefPtr<SwiftDocumentSemanticInfo> SemanticInfo;
CodeFormatOptions FormatOptions;
std::shared_ptr<SwiftDocumentSyntaxInfo> SyntaxInfo;
std::shared_ptr<SwiftDocumentSyntaxInfo> getSyntaxInfo() {
llvm::sys::ScopedLock L(AccessMtx);
return SyntaxInfo;
llvm::sys::Mutex AccessMtx;
Implementation(StringRef FilePath, SwiftLangSupport &LangSupport,
CodeFormatOptions options)
: LangSupport(LangSupport), FilePath(FilePath), FormatOptions(options) {
SemanticInfo = new SwiftDocumentSemanticInfo(FilePath, LangSupport);
void buildSwiftInv(trace::SwiftInvocation &Inv);
void SwiftEditorDocument::Implementation::buildSwiftInv(
trace::SwiftInvocation &Inv) {
if (SemanticInfo->getInvocation()) {
std::string PrimaryFile; // Ignored, FilePath will be used
SemanticInfo->getInvocation()->raw(Inv.Args.Args, PrimaryFile);
Inv.Args.PrimaryFile = FilePath;
auto &SM = SyntaxInfo->getSourceManager();
auto ID = SyntaxInfo->getBufferID();
auto Text = SM.getLLVMSourceMgr().getMemoryBuffer(ID)->getBuffer();
Inv.Files.push_back(std::make_pair(FilePath, Text));
namespace {
static UIdent getAccessibilityUID(Accessibility Access) {
static UIdent AccessOpen("");
static UIdent AccessPublic("source.lang.swift.accessibility.public");
static UIdent AccessInternal("source.lang.swift.accessibility.internal");
static UIdent AccessFilePrivate("source.lang.swift.accessibility.fileprivate");
static UIdent AccessPrivate("source.lang.swift.accessibility.private");
switch (Access) {
case Accessibility::Private:
return AccessPrivate;
case Accessibility::FilePrivate:
return AccessFilePrivate;
case Accessibility::Internal:
return AccessInternal;
case Accessibility::Public:
return AccessPublic;
case Accessibility::Open:
return AccessOpen;
static Accessibility inferDefaultAccessibility(const ExtensionDecl *ED) {
if (ED->hasDefaultAccessibility())
return ED->getDefaultAccessibility();
if (auto *AA = ED->getAttrs().getAttribute<AccessibilityAttr>())
return AA->getAccess();
// Assume "internal", which is the most common thing anyway.
return Accessibility::Internal;
/// If typechecking was performed we use the computed accessibility, otherwise
/// we fallback to inferring accessibility syntactically. This may not be as
/// accurate but it's only until we have typechecked the AST.
static Accessibility inferAccessibility(const ValueDecl *D) {
if (D->hasAccessibility())
return D->getFormalAccess();
// Check if the decl has an explicit accessibility attribute.
if (auto *AA = D->getAttrs().getAttribute<AccessibilityAttr>())
return AA->getAccess();
DeclContext *DC = D->getDeclContext();
switch (DC->getContextKind()) {
case DeclContextKind::SerializedLocal:
case DeclContextKind::AbstractClosureExpr:
case DeclContextKind::Initializer:
case DeclContextKind::TopLevelCodeDecl:
case DeclContextKind::AbstractFunctionDecl:
case DeclContextKind::SubscriptDecl:
return Accessibility::Private;
case DeclContextKind::Module:
case DeclContextKind::FileUnit:
return Accessibility::Internal;
case DeclContextKind::GenericTypeDecl: {
auto Nominal = cast<GenericTypeDecl>(DC);
Accessibility Access = inferAccessibility(Nominal);
if (!isa<ProtocolDecl>(Nominal))
Access = std::min(Access, Accessibility::Internal);
return Access;
case DeclContextKind::ExtensionDecl:
return inferDefaultAccessibility(cast<ExtensionDecl>(DC));
static Optional<Accessibility>
inferSetterAccessibility(const AbstractStorageDecl *D) {
if (auto *VD = dyn_cast<VarDecl>(D)) {
if (VD->isLet())
return None;
if (D->getGetter() && !D->getSetter())
return None;
// FIXME: Have the parser detect as read-only the syntactic form of generated
// interfaces, which is "var foo : Int { get }"
if (auto *AA = D->getAttrs().getAttribute<SetterAccessibilityAttr>())
return AA->getAccess();
return inferAccessibility(D);
class SwiftDocumentStructureWalker: public ide::SyntaxModelWalker {
SourceManager &SrcManager;
EditorConsumer &Consumer;
unsigned BufferID;
SwiftDocumentStructureWalker(SourceManager &SrcManager,
unsigned BufferID,
EditorConsumer &Consumer)
: SrcManager(SrcManager), Consumer(Consumer), BufferID(BufferID) { }
bool walkToSubStructurePre(SyntaxStructureNode Node) override {
unsigned StartOffset = SrcManager.getLocOffsetInBuffer(Node.Range.getStart(),
unsigned EndOffset = SrcManager.getLocOffsetInBuffer(Node.Range.getEnd(),
unsigned NameStart;
unsigned NameEnd;
if (Node.NameRange.isValid()) {
NameStart = SrcManager.getLocOffsetInBuffer(Node.NameRange.getStart(),
NameEnd = SrcManager.getLocOffsetInBuffer(Node.NameRange.getEnd(),
else {
NameStart = NameEnd = 0;
unsigned BodyOffset;
unsigned BodyEnd;
if (Node.BodyRange.isValid()) {
BodyOffset = SrcManager.getLocOffsetInBuffer(Node.BodyRange.getStart(),
BodyEnd = SrcManager.getLocOffsetInBuffer(Node.BodyRange.getEnd(),
else {
BodyOffset = BodyEnd = 0;
UIdent Kind = SwiftLangSupport::getUIDForSyntaxStructureKind(Node.Kind);
UIdent AccessLevel;
UIdent SetterAccessLevel;
if (Node.Kind != SyntaxStructureKind::Parameter) {
if (auto *VD = dyn_cast_or_null<ValueDecl>(Node.Dcl)) {
AccessLevel = getAccessibilityUID(inferAccessibility(VD));
if (auto *ASD = dyn_cast_or_null<AbstractStorageDecl>(Node.Dcl)) {
Optional<Accessibility> SetAccess = inferSetterAccessibility(ASD);
if (SetAccess.hasValue()) {
SetterAccessLevel = getAccessibilityUID(SetAccess.getValue());
SmallVector<StringRef, 4> InheritedNames;
if (!Node.InheritedTypeRanges.empty()) {
for (auto &TR : Node.InheritedTypeRanges) {
StringRef TypeName;
if (Node.TypeRange.isValid()) {
TypeName = SrcManager.extractText(Node.TypeRange);
SmallString<64> DisplayNameBuf;
StringRef DisplayName;
if (auto ValueD = dyn_cast_or_null<ValueDecl>(Node.Dcl)) {
llvm::raw_svector_ostream OS(DisplayNameBuf);
if (!SwiftLangSupport::printDisplayName(ValueD, OS))
DisplayName = OS.str();
else if (Node.NameRange.isValid()) {
DisplayName = SrcManager.extractText(Node.NameRange);
SmallString<64> RuntimeNameBuf;
StringRef RuntimeName = getObjCRuntimeName(Node.Dcl, RuntimeNameBuf);
SmallString<64> SelectorNameBuf;
StringRef SelectorName = getObjCSelectorName(Node.Dcl, SelectorNameBuf);
std::vector<UIdent> Attrs = SwiftLangSupport::UIDsFromDeclAttributes(Node.Attrs);
Consumer.beginDocumentSubStructure(StartOffset, EndOffset - StartOffset,
Kind, AccessLevel, SetterAccessLevel,
NameStart, NameEnd - NameStart,
BodyOffset, BodyEnd - BodyOffset,
TypeName, RuntimeName,
InheritedNames, Attrs);
for (const auto &Elem : Node.Elements) {
if (Elem.Range.isInvalid())
UIdent Kind = SwiftLangSupport::getUIDForSyntaxStructureElementKind(Elem.Kind);
unsigned Offset = SrcManager.getLocOffsetInBuffer(Elem.Range.getStart(),
unsigned Length = Elem.Range.getByteLength();
Consumer.handleDocumentSubStructureElement(Kind, Offset, Length);
return true;
StringRef getObjCRuntimeName(const Decl *D, SmallString<64> &Buf) {
if (!D)
return StringRef();
if (!isa<ClassDecl>(D) && !isa<ProtocolDecl>(D))
return StringRef();
// We don't support getting the runtime name for nested classes.
// This would require typechecking or at least name lookup, if the nested
// class is in an extension.
if (!D->getDeclContext()->isModuleScopeContext())
return StringRef();
if (auto ClassD = dyn_cast<ClassDecl>(D)) {
// We don't vend the runtime name for generic classes for now.
if (ClassD->getGenericParams())
return StringRef();
return ClassD->getObjCRuntimeName(Buf);
return cast<ProtocolDecl>(D)->getObjCRuntimeName(Buf);
StringRef getObjCSelectorName(const Decl *D, SmallString<64> &Buf) {
if (auto FuncD = dyn_cast_or_null<AbstractFunctionDecl>(D)) {
// We only vend the selector name for @IBAction methods.
if (FuncD->getAttrs().hasAttribute<IBActionAttr>())
return FuncD->getObjCSelector().getString(Buf);
return StringRef();
bool walkToSubStructurePost(SyntaxStructureNode Node) override {
return true;
bool walkToNodePre(SyntaxNode Node) override {
if (Node.Kind != SyntaxNodeKind::CommentMarker)
return false;
unsigned StartOffset = SrcManager.getLocOffsetInBuffer(Node.Range.getStart(),
unsigned EndOffset = SrcManager.getLocOffsetInBuffer(Node.Range.getEnd(),
UIdent Kind = SwiftLangSupport::getUIDForSyntaxNodeKind(Node.Kind);
Consumer.beginDocumentSubStructure(StartOffset, EndOffset - StartOffset,
Kind, UIdent(), UIdent(), 0, 0,
0, 0,
StringRef(), StringRef(),
{}, {});
return true;
bool walkToNodePost(SyntaxNode Node) override {
if (Node.Kind != SyntaxNodeKind::CommentMarker)
return true;
return true;
class SwiftEditorSyntaxWalker: public ide::SyntaxModelWalker {
SwiftSyntaxMap &SyntaxMap;
LineRange EditedLineRange;
SwiftEditorCharRange &AffectedRange;
SourceManager &SrcManager;
EditorConsumer &Consumer;
unsigned BufferID;
SwiftDocumentStructureWalker DocStructureWalker;
std::vector<EditorConsumerSyntaxMapEntry> ConsumerSyntaxMap;
unsigned NestingLevel = 0;
SwiftEditorSyntaxWalker(SwiftSyntaxMap &SyntaxMap,
LineRange EditedLineRange,
SwiftEditorCharRange &AffectedRange,
SourceManager &SrcManager, EditorConsumer &Consumer,
unsigned BufferID)
: SyntaxMap(SyntaxMap), EditedLineRange(EditedLineRange),
AffectedRange(AffectedRange), SrcManager(SrcManager), Consumer(Consumer),
DocStructureWalker(SrcManager, BufferID, Consumer) { }
bool walkToNodePre(SyntaxNode Node) override {
if (Node.Kind == SyntaxNodeKind::CommentMarker)
return DocStructureWalker.walkToNodePre(Node);
SourceLoc StartLoc = Node.Range.getStart();
auto StartLineAndColumn = SrcManager.getLineAndColumn(StartLoc);
auto EndLineAndColumn = SrcManager.getLineAndColumn(Node.Range.getEnd());
unsigned StartLine = StartLineAndColumn.first;
unsigned EndLine = EndLineAndColumn.second > 1 ? EndLineAndColumn.first
: EndLineAndColumn.first - 1;
unsigned Offset = SrcManager.getByteDistance(
SrcManager.getLocForBufferStart(BufferID), StartLoc);
// Note that the length can span multiple lines.
unsigned Length = Node.Range.getByteLength();
SwiftSyntaxToken Token(StartLineAndColumn.second, Length,
if (EditedLineRange.isValid()) {
if (StartLine < EditedLineRange.startLine()) {
if (EndLine < EditedLineRange.startLine()) {
// We're entirely before the edited range, no update needed.
return true;
// This token starts before the edited range, but doesn't end before it,
// we need to adjust edited line range and clear the affected syntax map
// line range.
unsigned AdjLineCount = EditedLineRange.startLine() - StartLine;
EditedLineRange.setRange(StartLine, AdjLineCount
+ EditedLineRange.lineCount());
SyntaxMap.clearLineRange(StartLine, AdjLineCount);
// Also adjust the affected char range accordingly.
unsigned AdjCharCount = AffectedRange.first - Offset;
AffectedRange.first -= AdjCharCount;
AffectedRange.second += AdjCharCount;
else if (Offset > AffectedRange.first + AffectedRange.second) {
// We're passed the affected range and already synced up, just return.
return true;
else if (StartLine > EditedLineRange.endLine()) {
// We're after the edited line range, let's test if we're synced up.
if (SyntaxMap.matchesFirstTokenOnLine(StartLine, Token)) {
// We're synced up, mark the affected range and return.
AffectedRange.second =
Offset - (StartLineAndColumn.second - 1) - AffectedRange.first;
return true;
// We're not synced up, continue replacing syntax map data on this line.
SyntaxMap.clearLineRange(StartLine, 1);
if (EndLine > StartLine) {
// The token spans multiple lines, make sure to replace syntax map data
// for affected lines.
unsigned LineCount = EndLine - StartLine + 1;
SyntaxMap.clearLineRange(StartLine, LineCount);
// Add the syntax map token.
if (NestingLevel > 1)
SyntaxMap.mergeTokenForLine(StartLine, Token);
SyntaxMap.addTokenForLine(StartLine, Token);
// Add consumer entry.
unsigned ByteOffset = SrcManager.getLocOffsetInBuffer(Node.Range.getStart(),
UIdent Kind = SwiftLangSupport::getUIDForSyntaxNodeKind(Node.Kind);
if (NestingLevel > 1) {
auto &Last = ConsumerSyntaxMap.back();
mergeSplitRanges(Last.Offset, Last.Length, ByteOffset, Length,
[&](unsigned BeforeOff, unsigned BeforeLen,
unsigned AfterOff, unsigned AfterLen) {
auto LastKind = Last.Kind;
if (BeforeLen)
ConsumerSyntaxMap.emplace_back(BeforeOff, BeforeLen, LastKind);
ConsumerSyntaxMap.emplace_back(ByteOffset, Length, Kind);
if (AfterLen)
ConsumerSyntaxMap.emplace_back(AfterOff, AfterLen, LastKind);
ConsumerSyntaxMap.emplace_back(ByteOffset, Length, Kind);
return true;
bool walkToNodePost(SyntaxNode Node) override {
if (Node.Kind == SyntaxNodeKind::CommentMarker)
return DocStructureWalker.walkToNodePost(Node);
if (--NestingLevel == 0) {
// We've unwound to the top level, so inform the consumer and drain
// the consumer syntax map queue.
for (auto &Entry: ConsumerSyntaxMap)
Consumer.handleSyntaxMap(Entry.Offset, Entry.Length, Entry.Kind);
return true;
bool walkToSubStructurePre(SyntaxStructureNode Node) override {
return DocStructureWalker.walkToSubStructurePre(Node);
bool walkToSubStructurePost(SyntaxStructureNode Node) override {
return DocStructureWalker.walkToSubStructurePost(Node);
class PlaceholderExpansionScanner {
struct Param {
CharSourceRange NameRange;
CharSourceRange TypeRange;
Param(CharSourceRange NameRange, CharSourceRange TypeRange)
:NameRange(NameRange), TypeRange(TypeRange) { }
struct ClosureInfo {
std::vector<Param> Params;
CharSourceRange ReturnTypeRange;
SourceManager &SM;
ClosureInfo TargetClosureInfo;
EditorPlaceholderExpr *PHE = nullptr;
class PlaceholderFinder: public ASTWalker {
SourceLoc PlaceholderLoc;
EditorPlaceholderExpr *&Found;
PlaceholderFinder(SourceLoc PlaceholderLoc,
EditorPlaceholderExpr *&Found)
: PlaceholderLoc(PlaceholderLoc), Found(Found) {
std::pair<bool, Expr *> walkToExprPre(Expr *E) override {
if (isa<EditorPlaceholderExpr>(E) && E->getStartLoc() == PlaceholderLoc) {
Found = cast<EditorPlaceholderExpr>(E);
return { false, nullptr };
return { true, E };
class ClosureTypeWalker: public ASTWalker {
SourceManager &SM;
ClosureInfo &Info;
bool FoundFunctionTypeRepr = false;
explicit ClosureTypeWalker(SourceManager &SM, ClosureInfo &Info) : SM(SM),
Info(Info) { }
bool walkToTypeReprPre(TypeRepr *T) override {
if (auto *FTR = dyn_cast<FunctionTypeRepr>(T)) {
FoundFunctionTypeRepr = true;
if (auto *TTR = dyn_cast_or_null<TupleTypeRepr>(FTR->getArgsTypeRepr())) {
for (auto *ArgTR : TTR->getElements()) {
CharSourceRange NR;
CharSourceRange TR;
auto *NTR = dyn_cast<NamedTypeRepr>(ArgTR);
if (NTR && NTR->hasName()) {
NR = CharSourceRange(NTR->getNameLoc(),
ArgTR = NTR->getTypeRepr();
SourceLoc SRE = Lexer::getLocForEndOfToken(SM,
TR = CharSourceRange(SM, ArgTR->getStartLoc(), SRE);
Info.Params.emplace_back(NR, TR);
} else if (FTR->getArgsTypeRepr()) {
CharSourceRange TR;
TR = CharSourceRange(SM, FTR->getArgsTypeRepr()->getStartLoc(),
Info.Params.emplace_back(CharSourceRange(), TR);
if (auto *RTR = FTR->getResultTypeRepr()) {
SourceLoc SRE = Lexer::getLocForEndOfToken(SM, RTR->getEndLoc());
Info.ReturnTypeRange = CharSourceRange(SM, RTR->getStartLoc(), SRE);
return !FoundFunctionTypeRepr;
bool walkToTypeReprPost(TypeRepr *T) override {
// If we just visited the FunctionTypeRepr, end traversal.
return !FoundFunctionTypeRepr;
bool containClosure(Expr *E) {
if (E->getStartLoc().isInvalid())
return false;
EditorPlaceholderExpr *Found;
ClosureInfo Info;
ClosureTypeWalker ClosureWalker(SM, Info);
PlaceholderFinder Finder(E->getStartLoc(), Found);
if (Found) {
if (auto TR = Found->getTypeLoc().getTypeRepr()) {
return ClosureWalker.FoundFunctionTypeRepr;
return ClosureWalker.FoundFunctionTypeRepr;
bool scanClosureType(SourceFile &SF, SourceLoc PlaceholderLoc) {
TargetClosureInfo.ReturnTypeRange = CharSourceRange();
PlaceholderFinder Finder(PlaceholderLoc, PHE);
if (!PHE || !PHE->getTypeForExpansion())
return false;
ClosureTypeWalker PW(SM, TargetClosureInfo);
return PW.FoundFunctionTypeRepr;
/// Finds the enclosing CallExpr, and indicates whether it should be further
/// considered a candidate for application of trailing closure.
/// For example, if the CallExpr is enclosed in another expression or statement
/// such as "outer(inner(<#closure#>))", or "if inner(<#closure#>)", then trailing
/// closure should not be applied to the inner call.
std::pair<CallExpr *, bool> enclosingCallExpr(SourceFile &SF, SourceLoc SL) {
class CallExprFinder : public SourceEntityWalker {
const SourceManager &SM;
SourceLoc TargetLoc;
CallExpr *EnclosingCall;
Expr *OuterExpr;
Stmt *OuterStmt;
explicit CallExprFinder(const SourceManager &SM)
:SM(SM) { }
bool walkToExprPre(Expr *E) override {
auto SR = E->getSourceRange();
if (SR.isValid() && SM.rangeContainsTokenLoc(SR, TargetLoc)) {
if (auto *CE = dyn_cast<CallExpr>(E)) {
if (EnclosingCall)
OuterExpr = EnclosingCall;
EnclosingCall = CE;
else if (!EnclosingCall)
OuterExpr = E;
return true;
bool walkToExprPost(Expr *E) override {
if (E->getStartLoc() == TargetLoc)
return false; // found what we needed to find, stop walking.
return true;
bool walkToStmtPre(Stmt *S) override {
auto SR = S->getSourceRange();
if (SR.isValid() && SM.rangeContainsTokenLoc(SR, TargetLoc)) {
if (!EnclosingCall && !isa<BraceStmt>(S))
OuterStmt = S;
return true;
CallExpr *findEnclosingCall(SourceFile &SF, SourceLoc SL) {
EnclosingCall = nullptr;
OuterExpr = nullptr;
OuterStmt = nullptr;
TargetLoc = SL;
return EnclosingCall;
CallExprFinder CEFinder(SM);
auto *CE = CEFinder.findEnclosingCall(SF, SL);
if (!CE)
return std::make_pair(CE, false);
if (CEFinder.OuterExpr)
return std::make_pair(CE, false);
if (CEFinder.OuterStmt)
return std::make_pair(CE, false);
return std::make_pair(CE, true);
bool shouldUseTrailingClosureInTuple(TupleExpr *TE,
SourceLoc PlaceHolderStartLoc) {
if (!TE->getElements().empty()) {
for (unsigned I = 0, N = TE->getNumElements(); I < N; ++ I) {
bool IsLast = I == N - 1;
Expr *E = TE->getElement(I);
if (IsLast) {
return E->getStartLoc() == PlaceHolderStartLoc;
} else if (containClosure(E)) {
return false;
return false;
explicit PlaceholderExpansionScanner(SourceManager &SM) : SM(SM) { }
/// Retrieves the parameter list, return type and context info for
/// a typed completion placeholder in a function call.
/// For example:, <#T##(Int, Int) -> Bool#>).
bool scan(SourceFile &SF, unsigned BufID, unsigned Offset,
unsigned Length, std::function<void(Expr *Args,
bool UseTrailingClosure,
CharSourceRange)> Callback,
std::function<bool(EditorPlaceholderExpr*)> NonClosureCallback) {
SourceLoc PlaceholderStartLoc = SM.getLocForOffset(BufID, Offset);
// See if the placeholder is encapsulated with an EditorPlaceholderExpr
// and retrieve parameter and return type ranges.
if (!scanClosureType(SF, PlaceholderStartLoc)) {
return NonClosureCallback(PHE);
// Now we need to see if we can suggest trailing closure expansion,
// and if the call parens can be removed in that case.
// We'll first find the enclosing CallExpr, and then do further analysis.
bool UseTrailingClosure = false;
std::pair<CallExpr*, bool> ECE = enclosingCallExpr(SF, PlaceholderStartLoc);
Expr *Args = ECE.first ? ECE.first->getArg() : nullptr;
if (Args && ECE.second) {
if (isa<ParenExpr>(Args)) {
UseTrailingClosure = true;
} else if (auto *TE = dyn_cast<TupleExpr>(Args)) {
UseTrailingClosure = shouldUseTrailingClosureInTuple(TE,
Callback(Args, UseTrailingClosure, TargetClosureInfo.Params,
return true;
} // anonymous namespace
SwiftEditorDocument::SwiftEditorDocument(StringRef FilePath,
SwiftLangSupport &LangSupport, CodeFormatOptions Options)
:Impl(*new Implementation(FilePath, LangSupport, Options)) { }
delete &Impl;
ImmutableTextSnapshotRef SwiftEditorDocument::initializeText(
llvm::MemoryBuffer *Buf, ArrayRef<const char *> Args) {
llvm::sys::ScopedLock L(Impl.AccessMtx);
Impl.EditableBuffer =
new EditableTextBuffer(Impl.FilePath, Buf->getBuffer());
Impl.AffectedRange = std::make_pair(0, Buf->getBufferSize());
Impl.SemanticInfo =
new SwiftDocumentSemanticInfo(Impl.FilePath, Impl.LangSupport);
return Impl.EditableBuffer->getSnapshot();
ImmutableTextSnapshotRef SwiftEditorDocument::replaceText(
unsigned Offset, unsigned Length, llvm::MemoryBuffer *Buf,
bool ProvideSemanticInfo) {
llvm::sys::ScopedLock L(Impl.AccessMtx);
llvm::StringRef Str = Buf->getBuffer();
ImmutableTextSnapshotRef Snapshot =
Impl.EditableBuffer->replace(Offset, Length, Str);
if (ProvideSemanticInfo) {
// If this is not a no-op, update semantic info.
if (Length != 0 || Buf->getBufferSize() != 0) {
if (auto Invok = Impl.SemanticInfo->getInvocation()) {
// Update semantic info for open editor documents of the same module.
// FIXME: Detect edits that don't affect other files, e.g. whitespace,
// comments, inside a function body, etc.
CompilerInvocation CI;
auto &EditorDocs = Impl.LangSupport.getEditorDocuments();
for (auto &Input : CI.getInputFilenames()) {
if (auto EditorDoc = EditorDocs.findByPath(Input)) {
if (EditorDoc.get() != this)
SourceManager &SrcManager = Impl.SyntaxInfo->getSourceManager();
unsigned BufID = Impl.SyntaxInfo->getBufferID();
SourceLoc StartLoc = SrcManager.getLocForBufferStart(BufID).getAdvancedLoc(
unsigned StartLine = SrcManager.getLineAndColumn(StartLoc).first;
unsigned EndLine = SrcManager.getLineAndColumn(
// Delete all syntax map data from start line through end line.
unsigned OldLineCount = EndLine - StartLine + 1;
Impl.SyntaxMap.removeLineRange(StartLine, OldLineCount);
// Insert empty syntax map data for replaced lines.
unsigned NewLineCount = Str.count('\n') + 1;
Impl.SyntaxMap.insertLineRange(StartLine, NewLineCount);
// Update the edited line range.
Impl.EditedLineRange.setRange(StartLine, NewLineCount);
ImmutableTextBufferRef ImmBuf = Snapshot->getBuffer();
// The affected range starts from the previous newline.
if (Offset > 0) {
auto AffectedRangeOffset = ImmBuf->getText().rfind('\n', Offset);
Impl.AffectedRange.first =
AffectedRangeOffset != StringRef::npos ? AffectedRangeOffset + 1 : 0;
Impl.AffectedRange.first = 0;
Impl.AffectedRange.second = ImmBuf->getText().size() - Impl.AffectedRange.first;
return Snapshot;
void SwiftEditorDocument::updateSemaInfo() {
if (Impl.SemanticInfo) {
void SwiftEditorDocument::parse(ImmutableTextSnapshotRef Snapshot,
SwiftLangSupport &Lang) {
llvm::sys::ScopedLock L(Impl.AccessMtx);
assert(Impl.SemanticInfo && "Impl.SemanticInfo must be set");
std::vector<std::string> Args;
std::string PrimaryFile; // Ignored, Impl.FilePath will be used
CompilerInvocation CompInv;
if (Impl.SemanticInfo->getInvocation()) {
Impl.SemanticInfo->getInvocation()->raw(Args, PrimaryFile);
} else {
ArrayRef<const char *> Args;
std::string Error;
// Ignore possible error(s)
initCompilerInvocation(CompInv, Args, StringRef(), Error);
// Access to Impl.SyntaxInfo is guarded by Impl.AccessMtx
new SwiftDocumentSyntaxInfo(CompInv, Snapshot, Args, Impl.FilePath));
void SwiftEditorDocument::readSyntaxInfo(EditorConsumer &Consumer) {
llvm::sys::ScopedLock L(Impl.AccessMtx);
trace::TracedOperation TracedOp;
if (trace::enabled()) {
trace::SwiftInvocation Info;
TracedOp.start(trace::OperationKind::ReadSyntaxInfo, Info);
Impl.ParserDiagnostics = Impl.SyntaxInfo->getDiagnostics();
ide::SyntaxModelContext ModelContext(Impl.SyntaxInfo->getSourceFile());
SwiftEditorSyntaxWalker SyntaxWalker(Impl.SyntaxMap,
void SwiftEditorDocument::readSemanticInfo(ImmutableTextSnapshotRef Snapshot,
EditorConsumer& Consumer) {
trace::TracedOperation TracedOp;
if (trace::enabled()) {
trace::SwiftInvocation Info;
TracedOp.start(trace::OperationKind::ReadSemanticInfo, Info);
std::vector<SwiftSemanticToken> SemaToks;
std::vector<DiagnosticEntryInfo> SemaDiags;
// FIXME: Parser diagnostics should be filtered out of the semantic ones,
// Then just merge the semantic ones with the current parse ones.
Impl.SemanticInfo->readSemanticInfo(Snapshot, SemaToks, SemaDiags,
for (auto SemaTok : SemaToks) {
unsigned Offset = SemaTok.ByteOffset;
unsigned Length = SemaTok.Length;
UIdent Kind = SemaTok.getUIdentForKind();
bool IsSystem = SemaTok.IsSystem;
if (Kind.isValid())
if (!Consumer.handleSemanticAnnotation(Offset, Length, Kind, IsSystem))
static UIdent SemaDiagStage("source.diagnostic.stage.swift.sema");
static UIdent ParseDiagStage("source.diagnostic.stage.swift.parse");
if (!SemaDiags.empty() || !SemaToks.empty()) {
} else {
for (auto &Diag : Impl.ParserDiagnostics)
Consumer.handleDiagnostic(Diag, ParseDiagStage);
for (auto &Diag : SemaDiags)
Consumer.handleDiagnostic(Diag, SemaDiagStage);
void SwiftEditorDocument::removeCachedAST() {
void SwiftEditorDocument::applyFormatOptions(OptionsDictionary &FmtOptions) {
static UIdent KeyUseTabs("key.editor.format.usetabs");
static UIdent KeyIndentWidth("key.editor.format.indentwidth");
static UIdent KeyTabWidth("key.editor.format.tabwidth");
FmtOptions.valueForOption(KeyUseTabs, Impl.FormatOptions.UseTabs);
FmtOptions.valueForOption(KeyIndentWidth, Impl.FormatOptions.IndentWidth);
FmtOptions.valueForOption(KeyTabWidth, Impl.FormatOptions.TabWidth);
const CodeFormatOptions &SwiftEditorDocument::getFormatOptions() {
return Impl.FormatOptions;
void SwiftEditorDocument::formatText(unsigned Line, unsigned Length,
EditorConsumer &Consumer) {
auto SyntaxInfo = Impl.getSyntaxInfo();
SourceFile &SF = SyntaxInfo->getSourceFile();
SourceManager &SM = SyntaxInfo->getSourceManager();
unsigned BufID = SyntaxInfo->getBufferID();
trace::TracedOperation TracedOp;
if (trace::enabled()) {
trace::SwiftInvocation SwiftArgs;
// Compiler arguments do not matter
auto Buf = SM.getLLVMSourceMgr().getMemoryBuffer(BufID);
SwiftArgs.Args.PrimaryFile = Buf->getBufferIdentifier();
SwiftArgs.addFile(SwiftArgs.Args.PrimaryFile, Buf->getBuffer());
trace::StringPairs OpArgs = {
std::make_pair("Line", std::to_string(Line)),
std::make_pair("Length", std::to_string(Length)),
TracedOp.start(trace::OperationKind::FormatText, SwiftArgs, OpArgs);
LineRange inputRange = LineRange(Line, Length);
CodeFormatOptions Options = getFormatOptions();
auto indented = reformat(inputRange, Options, SM, SF);
LineRange LineRange = indented.first;
StringRef ModifiedText = indented.second;
Consumer.recordAffectedLineRange(LineRange.startLine(), LineRange.lineCount());
bool isReturningVoid(SourceManager &SM, CharSourceRange Range) {
if (Range.isInvalid())
return false;
StringRef Text = SM.extractText(Range);
return "()" == Text || "Void" == Text;
void SwiftEditorDocument::expandPlaceholder(unsigned Offset, unsigned Length,
EditorConsumer &Consumer) {
auto SyntaxInfo = Impl.getSyntaxInfo();
SourceManager &SM = SyntaxInfo->getSourceManager();
unsigned BufID = SyntaxInfo->getBufferID();
const unsigned PlaceholderStartLen = 2;
const unsigned PlaceholderEndLen = 2;
if (Length < (PlaceholderStartLen + PlaceholderEndLen)) {
Consumer.handleRequestError("Invalid Length parameter");
trace::TracedOperation TracedOp;
if (trace::enabled()) {
trace::SwiftInvocation SwiftArgs;
auto Buf = SM.getLLVMSourceMgr().getMemoryBuffer(BufID);
SwiftArgs.addFile(Buf->getBufferIdentifier(), Buf->getBuffer());
trace::StringPairs OpArgs = {
std::make_pair("Offset", std::to_string(Offset)),
std::make_pair("Length", std::to_string(Length))};
TracedOp.start(trace::OperationKind::ExpandPlaceholder, SwiftArgs, OpArgs);
PlaceholderExpansionScanner Scanner(SM);
SourceFile &SF = SyntaxInfo->getSourceFile();
Scanner.scan(SF, BufID, Offset, Length,
[&](Expr *Args,
bool UseTrailingClosure,
ArrayRef<PlaceholderExpansionScanner::Param> ClosureParams,
CharSourceRange ClosureReturnTypeRange) {
unsigned EffectiveOffset = Offset;
unsigned EffectiveLength = Length;
llvm::SmallString<128> ExpansionStr;
llvm::raw_svector_ostream OS(ExpansionStr);
if (UseTrailingClosure) {
if (isa<ParenExpr>(Args)) {
// There appears to be no other parameters in this call, so we'll
// expand replacement for trailing closure and cover call parens.
// For example:
//<#closure#>) turns into <#closure#>.
EffectiveOffset = SM.getLocOffsetInBuffer(Args->getStartLoc(), BufID);
OS << " ";
} else {
auto *TupleE = cast<TupleExpr>(Args);
auto Elems = TupleE->getElements();
if (Elems.size() == 1) {
EffectiveOffset = SM.getLocOffsetInBuffer(Args->getStartLoc(), BufID);
OS << " ";
} else {
// Expand replacement range for trailing closure.
// For example:
//, <#closure#>) turns into <#closure#>.
// If the preceding token in the call is the leading parameter
// separator, we'll expand replacement to cover that.
assert(Elems.size() > 1);
SourceLoc BeforeLoc = Lexer::getLocForEndOfToken(SM,
EffectiveOffset = SM.getLocOffsetInBuffer(BeforeLoc, BufID);
OS << ") ";
unsigned End = SM.getLocOffsetInBuffer(Args->getEndLoc(), BufID);
EffectiveLength = (End + 1) - EffectiveOffset;
OS << "{ ";
bool ReturningVoid = isReturningVoid(SM, ClosureReturnTypeRange);
bool HasSignature = !ClosureParams.empty() ||
(ClosureReturnTypeRange.isValid() && !ReturningVoid);
bool FirstParam = true;
if (HasSignature)
OS << "(";
for (auto &Param: ClosureParams) {
if (!FirstParam)
OS << ", ";
FirstParam = false;
if (Param.NameRange.isValid()) {
// If we have a parameter name, just output the name as is and skip
// the type. For example:
// <#(arg1: Int, arg2: Int)#> turns into (arg1, arg2).
OS << SM.extractText(Param.NameRange);
else {
// If we only have the parameter type, output the type as a
// placeholder. For example:
// <#(Int, Int)#> turns into (<#Int#>, <#Int#>).
OS << "<#";
OS << SM.extractText(Param.TypeRange);
OS << "#>";
if (HasSignature)
OS << ") ";
if (ClosureReturnTypeRange.isValid()) {
auto ReturnTypeText = SM.extractText(ClosureReturnTypeRange);
// We need return type if it is not Void.
if (!ReturningVoid) {
OS << "-> ";
OS << ReturnTypeText << " ";
if (HasSignature)
OS << "in";
OS << "\n<#code#>\n";
OS << "}";
Consumer.recordAffectedRange(EffectiveOffset, EffectiveLength);
}, [&](EditorPlaceholderExpr *PHE) {
if (!PHE)
return false;
if (auto Ty = PHE->getTypeForExpansion()) {
std::string S;
llvm::raw_string_ostream OS(S);
Consumer.recordAffectedRange(Offset, Length);
return true;
return false;
ImmutableTextSnapshotRef SwiftEditorDocument::getLatestSnapshot() const {
return Impl.EditableBuffer->getSnapshot();
void SwiftEditorDocument::reportDocumentStructure(SourceFile &SrcFile,
EditorConsumer &Consumer) {
ide::SyntaxModelContext ModelContext(SrcFile);
SwiftDocumentStructureWalker Walker(SrcFile.getASTContext().SourceMgr,
// EditorOpen
void SwiftLangSupport::editorOpen(StringRef Name, llvm::MemoryBuffer *Buf,
bool EnableSyntaxMap,
EditorConsumer &Consumer,
ArrayRef<const char *> Args) {
ImmutableTextSnapshotRef Snapshot = nullptr;
auto EditorDoc = EditorDocuments.getByUnresolvedName(Name);
if (!EditorDoc) {
EditorDoc = new SwiftEditorDocument(Name, *this);
Snapshot = EditorDoc->initializeText(Buf, Args);
EditorDoc->parse(Snapshot, *this);
if (EditorDocuments.getOrUpdate(Name, *this, EditorDoc)) {
// Document already exists, re-initialize it. This should only happen
// if we get OPEN request while the previous document is not closed.
LOG_WARN_FUNC("Document already exists in editorOpen(..): " << Name);
Snapshot = nullptr;
if (!Snapshot) {
Snapshot = EditorDoc->initializeText(Buf, Args);
EditorDoc->parse(Snapshot, *this);
if (Consumer.needsSemanticInfo()) {
EditorDoc->readSemanticInfo(Snapshot, Consumer);
// EditorClose
void SwiftLangSupport::editorClose(StringRef Name, bool RemoveCache) {
auto Removed = EditorDocuments.remove(Name);
if (!Removed)
if (Removed && RemoveCache)
// FIXME: Report error if Name did not apply to anything ?
// EditorReplaceText
void SwiftLangSupport::editorReplaceText(StringRef Name, llvm::MemoryBuffer *Buf,
unsigned Offset, unsigned Length,
EditorConsumer &Consumer) {
auto EditorDoc = EditorDocuments.getByUnresolvedName(Name);
if (!EditorDoc) {
Consumer.handleRequestError("No associated Editor Document");
ImmutableTextSnapshotRef Snapshot;
if (Length != 0 || Buf->getBufferSize() != 0) {
Snapshot = EditorDoc->replaceText(Offset, Length, Buf,
EditorDoc->parse(Snapshot, *this);
} else {
Snapshot = EditorDoc->getLatestSnapshot();
EditorDoc->readSemanticInfo(Snapshot, Consumer);
// EditorFormatText
void SwiftLangSupport::editorApplyFormatOptions(StringRef Name,
OptionsDictionary &FmtOptions) {
auto EditorDoc = EditorDocuments.getByUnresolvedName(Name);
if (EditorDoc)
void SwiftLangSupport::editorFormatText(StringRef Name, unsigned Line,
unsigned Length,
EditorConsumer &Consumer) {
auto EditorDoc = EditorDocuments.getByUnresolvedName(Name);
if (!EditorDoc) {
Consumer.handleRequestError("No associated Editor Document");
EditorDoc->formatText(Line, Length, Consumer);
void SwiftLangSupport::editorExtractTextFromComment(StringRef Source,
EditorConsumer &Consumer) {
// EditorExpandPlaceholder
void SwiftLangSupport::editorExpandPlaceholder(StringRef Name, unsigned Offset,
unsigned Length,
EditorConsumer &Consumer) {
auto EditorDoc = EditorDocuments.getByUnresolvedName(Name);
if (!EditorDoc) {
Consumer.handleRequestError("No associated Editor Document");
EditorDoc->expandPlaceholder(Offset, Length, Consumer);