blob: 3f7c614a0521aff2079329a1da8f9c9d91a46c46 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- ClusteredBitVector.h - A size-optimized bit vector -----*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file defines the ClusteredBitVector class, a bitset data
// structure appropriate for situations meeting two criteria:
// - Many vectors are no larger than a particular constant size, and
// such vectors should be stored as compactly as possible. This
// constant size should be at least as large as any reasonable
// target's pointer size in bits (i.e. at least 64).
// - Most vectors have no bits set, and those that do tend to have
// them set in coherent ranges.
// For example, this would be reasonable to use to describe the
// unoccupied bits in a memory layout.
// Primary mutators:
// - appending another vector to this vector
// - appending a constant vector (<0,0,...,0> or <1,1,...,1>) to this vector
// Primary observers:
// - testing a specific bit
// - searching for set bits from the start
#include "swift/Basic/LLVM.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Optional.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Compiler.h"
#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
#include "llvm/Support/MathExtras.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <climits>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <type_traits>
namespace llvm {
class APInt;
namespace swift {
/// A vector of bits. This data structure is optimized to store an
/// empty vector of any size without doing any allocation.
class ClusteredBitVector {
using ChunkType = uint64_t;
static_assert(std::is_unsigned<ChunkType>::value, "ChunkType must be unsigned");
enum {
ChunkSizeInBits = sizeof(ChunkType) * CHAR_BIT
static_assert(sizeof(ChunkType) >= sizeof(ChunkType*),
"ChunkType must be large enough to store a pointer");
/// Return the number of chunks required to store a vector of the
/// given number of bits.
static size_t getNumChunksForBits(size_t value) {
return (value + ChunkSizeInBits - 1) / ChunkSizeInBits;
/// Either:
/// - a uint64_t * with at least enough storage for
/// getNumChunksForBits(LengthInBits) or
/// - inline storage for a single chunk
/// as determined by HasOutOfLineData.
/// 1) When using out-of-line storage:
/// Suppose chunk size = 8, length = 13, capacity = 24.
/// 11010101 00011010 101010010
/// ~~~~~~~~ ^ ~~~~~ ^
/// data | data |
/// | +---- bits in other chunks
/// high bits in last chunk are uninitialized
/// are guaranteed zero
/// The capacity (in bits) is stored at index -1.
/// 2) When using inline storage:
/// a) LengthInBits >= ChunkSizeInBits. In this case, Data must be 0.
/// All bits are considered to be zero in this case.
/// b) 0 == LengthInBits. In this case, Data must be 0.
/// c) 0 < LengthInBits < ChunkSizeInBits. In this case, Data contains
/// a single chunk, with its unused high bits zeroed like in the
/// out-of-line case.
/// Therefore, an efficient way to test whether all bits are zero:
/// Data != 0. (isInlineAndAllClear()) Not *guaranteed* to find
/// something, but still efficient.
ChunkType Data;
size_t LengthInBits : sizeof(size_t) * CHAR_BIT - 1;
size_t HasOutOfLineData : 1;
/// Is this vector using out-of-line storage?
bool hasOutOfLineData() const { return HasOutOfLineData; }
/// Return true if this vector is not using out-of-line storage and
/// does not have any bits set. This is a special-case representation
/// where the capacity can be smaller than the length.
/// This is a necessary condition for hasSufficientChunkStorage(),
/// and it's quicker to test, so a lot of routines in this class
/// that need to work on chunk data in the general case test this
/// first.
bool isInlineAndAllClear() const {
assert(!hasOutOfLineData() || Data != 0);
return Data == 0;
/// Return true if this vector is not in the special case where the
/// capacity is smaller than the length. If this is true, then
/// it's safe to call routines like getChunks().
bool hasSufficientChunkStorage() const {
return !(isInlineAndAllClear() && LengthInBits > ChunkSizeInBits);
/// Return the number of chunks required in order to store the full
/// length (not capacity) of this bit vector. This may be greater
/// than the capacity in exactly one case, (2a), i.e.
/// !hasSufficientChunkStorage().
size_t getLengthInChunks() const {
return getNumChunksForBits(LengthInBits);
/// Return the current capacity of this bit vector, in bits. This
/// is a relatively important operation because it's needed on every
/// append.
size_t getCapacityInBits() const {
return hasOutOfLineData() ? getOutOfLineCapacityInBits() : ChunkSizeInBits;
/// Return the current capacity of this bit vector, in chunks.
size_t getCapacityInChunks() const {
return getCapacityInBits() / ChunkSizeInBits;
/// Return the current capacity of this bit vector, in bits, given
/// that it's using out-of-line storage.
size_t getOutOfLineCapacityInBits() const {
return (size_t) getOutOfLineChunksPtr()[-1];
/// Return the current capacity of this bit vector, in chunks, given
/// that it's using out-of-line storage.
size_t getOutOfLineCapacityInChunks() const {
return getOutOfLineCapacityInBits() / ChunkSizeInBits;
/// Return a pointer to the data storage of this bit vector.
ChunkType *getChunksPtr() {
return hasOutOfLineData() ? getOutOfLineChunksPtr() : &Data;
const ChunkType *getChunksPtr() const {
return hasOutOfLineData() ? getOutOfLineChunksPtr() : &Data;
MutableArrayRef<ChunkType> getChunks() {
return { getChunksPtr(), getLengthInChunks() };
ArrayRef<ChunkType> getChunks() const {
return { getChunksPtr(), getLengthInChunks() };
MutableArrayRef<ChunkType> getOutOfLineChunks() {
return { getOutOfLineChunksPtr(), getLengthInChunks() };
ArrayRef<ChunkType> getOutOfLineChunks() const {
return { getOutOfLineChunksPtr(), getLengthInChunks() };
/// Return a pointer to the data storage of this bit vector, given
/// that it's using out-of-line storage.
ChunkType *getOutOfLineChunksPtr() {
return reinterpret_cast<ChunkType*>(Data);
const ChunkType *getOutOfLineChunksPtr() const {
return reinterpret_cast<const ChunkType*>(Data);
/// Create a new bit vector of zero length. This does not perform
/// any allocations.
ClusteredBitVector() : Data(0), LengthInBits(0), HasOutOfLineData(0) {}
/// Return a constant bit-vector of the given size.
static ClusteredBitVector getConstant(size_t numBits, bool value) {
ClusteredBitVector result;
if (value) {
} else {
return result;
ClusteredBitVector(const ClusteredBitVector &other)
: Data(other.Data),
HasOutOfLineData(other.HasOutOfLineData) {
if (hasOutOfLineData()) {
ClusteredBitVector(ClusteredBitVector &&other)
: Data(other.Data),
HasOutOfLineData(other.HasOutOfLineData) {
ClusteredBitVector &operator=(const ClusteredBitVector &other) {
// Do something with our current out-of-line storage.
if (hasOutOfLineData()) {
// Copy into our current storage if its capacity is adequate.
auto otherLengthInChunks = other.getLengthInChunks();
if (otherLengthInChunks <= getOutOfLineCapacityInChunks()) {
LengthInBits = other.LengthInBits;
if (other.isInlineAndAllClear()) {
memset(getOutOfLineChunksPtr(), 0,
otherLengthInChunks * sizeof(ChunkType));
} else {
memcpy(getOutOfLineChunksPtr(), other.getChunksPtr(),
otherLengthInChunks * sizeof(ChunkType));
return *this;
// Otherwise, destroy our current storage.
Data = other.Data;
LengthInBits = other.LengthInBits;
HasOutOfLineData = other.HasOutOfLineData;
if (HasOutOfLineData) {
return *this;
ClusteredBitVector &operator=(ClusteredBitVector &&other) {
// Just drop our current out-of-line storage.
if (hasOutOfLineData()) {
Data = other.Data;
LengthInBits = other.LengthInBits;
HasOutOfLineData = other.HasOutOfLineData;
return *this;
~ClusteredBitVector() {
if (hasOutOfLineData()) {
/// Return true if this vector is zero-length (*not* if it does not
/// contain any set bits).
bool empty() const {
return LengthInBits == 0;
/// Return the length of this bit-vector.
size_t size() const {
return LengthInBits;
/// Reserve space for an extra N bits. This may unnecessarily force
/// the vector to use an out-of-line representation.
void reserveExtra(size_t numBits) {
auto requiredBits = LengthInBits + numBits;
if (requiredBits > getCapacityInBits()) {
auto requiredChunks = getNumChunksForBits(requiredBits);
auto chunkCount = getCapacityInChunks();
assert(requiredChunks > chunkCount);
do {
// Growth curve: 1 (inline) -> 3 -> 7 -> 15 -> 31 -> ...
// This is a particularly nice sequence because we store the
// capacity in the chunk at index -1, so the actual allocation
// size is a power of 2.
chunkCount = chunkCount * 2 + 1;
} while (requiredChunks > chunkCount);
// Postcondition: hasSufficientChunkStorage().
/// Reserve space for a total of N bits. This may unnecessarily
/// force the vector to use an out-of-line representation.
void reserve(size_t requiredSize) {
if (requiredSize > getCapacityInBits()) {
// Postcondition: hasSufficientChunkStorage().
/// Append the bits from the given vector to this one.
void append(const ClusteredBitVector &other) {
// Nothing to do if the other vector is empty.
if (other.empty()) return;
// Special case: don't allocate space for zero bits.
if (isInlineAndAllClear() && other.isInlineAndAllClear()) {
LengthInBits += other.LengthInBits;
// Okay, one or the other of these is using out-of-line storage.
// Assume that bits might be set.
if (other.isInlineAndAllClear()) {
appendConstantBitsReserved(other.size(), 0);
} else {
appendReserved(other.size(), other.getChunksPtr());
/// Append the bits from the given vector to this one.
void append(ClusteredBitVector &&other) {
// If this vector is empty, just move the other.
if (empty()) {
*this = std::move(other);
// Otherwise, use copy-append.
/// Add the low N bits from the given value to the vector.
void add(size_t numBits, uint64_t value) {
assert(numBits <= 64);
if (numBits == 0) return;
if (value == 0 && isInlineAndAllClear()) {
LengthInBits += numBits;
static_assert(sizeof(value) <= sizeof(ChunkType),
"chunk too small for this, break 'value' up into "
"multiple parts");
const ChunkType chunks[] = { value };
appendReserved(numBits, chunks);
/// Append a number of clear bits to this vector.
void appendClearBits(size_t numBits) {
if (numBits == 0) return;
if (isInlineAndAllClear()) {
LengthInBits += numBits;
appendConstantBitsReserved(numBits, 0);
/// Extend the vector out to the given length with clear bits.
void extendWithClearBits(size_t newSize) {
assert(newSize >= size());
appendClearBits(newSize - size());
/// Append a number of set bits to this vector.
void appendSetBits(size_t numBits) {
if (numBits == 0) return;
appendConstantBitsReserved(numBits, 1);
/// Extend the vector out to the given length with set bits.
void extendWithSetBits(size_t newSize) {
assert(newSize >= size());
appendSetBits(newSize - size());
/// Test whether a particular bit is set.
bool operator[](size_t i) const {
assert(i < size());
if (isInlineAndAllClear()) return false;
return getChunks()[i / ChunkSizeInBits]
& (ChunkType(1) << (i % ChunkSizeInBits));
/// Intersect a bit-vector of the same size into this vector.
ClusteredBitVector &operator&=(const ClusteredBitVector &other) {
assert(size() == other.size());
// If this vector is all-clear, this is a no-op.
if (isInlineAndAllClear())
return *this;
// If the other vector is all-clear, we need to wipe this one.
if (other.isInlineAndAllClear()) {
for (auto &chunk : getChunks())
chunk = 0;
return *this;
// Otherwise, &= the chunks pairwise.
auto chunks = getChunks();
auto oi = other.getChunksPtr();
for (auto i = chunks.begin(), e = chunks.end(); i != e; ++i, ++oi) {
*i &= *oi;
return *this;
/// Union a bit-vector of the same size into this vector.
ClusteredBitVector &operator|=(const ClusteredBitVector &other) {
assert(size() == other.size());
// If the other vector is all-clear, this is a no-op.
if (other.isInlineAndAllClear())
return *this;
// If this vector is all-clear, we just copy the other.
if (isInlineAndAllClear()) {
return (*this = other);
// Otherwise, |= the chunks pairwise.
auto chunks = getChunks();
auto oi = other.getChunksPtr();
for (auto i = chunks.begin(), e = chunks.end(); i != e; ++i, ++oi) {
*i |= *oi;
return *this;
/// Set bit i.
void setBit(size_t i) {
assert(i < size());
if (isInlineAndAllClear()) {
getChunks()[i / ChunkSizeInBits] |= (ChunkType(1) << (i % ChunkSizeInBits));
/// Clear bit i.
void clearBit(size_t i) {
assert(i < size());
if (isInlineAndAllClear()) return;
getChunksPtr()[i / ChunkSizeInBits] &= ~(ChunkType(1) << (i % ChunkSizeInBits));
/// Toggle bit i.
void flipBit(size_t i) {
assert(i < size());
if (isInlineAndAllClear()) {
getChunksPtr()[i / ChunkSizeInBits] ^= (ChunkType(1) << (i % ChunkSizeInBits));
/// Toggle all the bits in this vector.
void flipAll() {
if (empty()) return;
if (isInlineAndAllClear()) {
for (auto &chunk : getChunks()) {
chunk = ~chunk;
if (auto tailBits = size() % ChunkSizeInBits) {
getChunks().back() &= ((ChunkType(1) << tailBits) - 1);
/// Set the length of this vector to zero, but do not release any capacity.
void clear() {
LengthInBits = 0;
if (!hasOutOfLineData())
Data = 0;
/// Count the number of set bits in this vector.
size_t count() const {
if (isInlineAndAllClear()) return 0;
size_t count = 0;
for (ChunkType chunk : getChunks()) {
count += llvm::countPopulation(chunk);
return count;
/// Determine if there are any bits set in this vector.
bool any() const {
if (isInlineAndAllClear()) return false;
for (ChunkType chunk : getChunks()) {
if (chunk) return true;
return false;
/// Determine if there are no bits set in this vector.
/// \return \c !any()
bool none() const {
return !any();
/// A class for scanning for set bits, from low indices to high ones.
class SetBitEnumerator {
ChunkType CurChunk;
const ChunkType *Chunks;
unsigned CurChunkIndex;
unsigned NumChunks;
explicit SetBitEnumerator(const ClusteredBitVector &vector) {
if (vector.isInlineAndAllClear()) {
CurChunkIndex = 0;
NumChunks = 0;
} else {
Chunks = vector.getChunksPtr();
CurChunk = Chunks[0];
CurChunkIndex = 0;
NumChunks = vector.getLengthInChunks();
/// Search for another bit. Returns false if it can't find one.
Optional<size_t> findNext() {
if (CurChunkIndex == NumChunks) return None;
auto cur = CurChunk;
while (!cur) {
if (++CurChunkIndex == NumChunks) return None;
cur = Chunks[CurChunkIndex];
// Find the index of the lowest set bit.
size_t bitIndex = llvm::countTrailingZeros(cur, llvm::ZB_Undefined);
// Clear that bit in the current chunk.
CurChunk = cur ^ (ChunkType(1) << bitIndex);
assert(!(CurChunk & (ChunkType(1) << bitIndex)));
return (CurChunkIndex * ChunkSizeInBits + bitIndex);
SetBitEnumerator enumerateSetBits() const {
return SetBitEnumerator(*this);
friend bool operator==(const ClusteredBitVector &lhs,
const ClusteredBitVector &rhs) {
if (lhs.size() != rhs.size())
return false;
if (lhs.empty())
return true;
if (!lhs.hasOutOfLineData() && !rhs.hasOutOfLineData()) {
return lhs.Data == rhs.Data;
} else {
return equalsSlowCase(lhs, rhs);
friend bool operator!=(const ClusteredBitVector &lhs,
const ClusteredBitVector &rhs) {
return !(lhs == rhs);
/// Return this bit-vector as an APInt, with low indices becoming
/// the least significant bits of the number.
llvm::APInt asAPInt() const;
/// Construct a bit-vector from an APInt.
static ClusteredBitVector fromAPInt(const llvm::APInt &value);
/// Pretty-print the vector.
void print(llvm::raw_ostream &out) const;
void dump() const;
/// Make this object store an independent copy of the out of line
/// data it currently stores, simply overwriting the current pointer
/// without deleting it.
void makeIndependentCopy() {
auto lengthToCopy = getLengthInChunks();
allocateAndCopyFrom(getOutOfLineChunksPtr(), lengthToCopy, lengthToCopy);
/// Reallocate this vector, copying the current data into the new space.
void reallocate(size_t newCapacityInChunks);
ChunkType *allocate(size_t newCapacityInChunks) {
assert(HasOutOfLineData && "bit should already be set");
ChunkType *newData = new ChunkType[newCapacityInChunks + 1] + 1;
newData[-1] = newCapacityInChunks * ChunkSizeInBits;
Data = reinterpret_cast<ChunkType>(newData);
assert(getCapacityInChunks() == newCapacityInChunks);
return newData;
void allocateAndCopyFrom(const ChunkType *oldData,
size_t newCapacityInChunks,
size_t numChunksToCopy) {
auto newData = allocate(newCapacityInChunks);
memcpy(newData, oldData, numChunksToCopy * sizeof(ChunkType));
/// Drop references to the current data.
void dropData() {
LengthInBits = 0;
HasOutOfLineData = false;
Data = 0;
/// Destroy the out of line data currently stored in this object.
void destroy() {
delete[] (getOutOfLineChunksPtr() - 1);
/// Append a certain number of constant bits to this vector, given
/// that it's known to contain enough capacity for them.
void appendConstantBitsReserved(size_t numBits, bool addOnes);
/// Append bits from the given array to this vector.
void appendReserved(size_t numBits, const ChunkType *nextChunk);
/// Append bits to this vector, given that it's known to contain
/// enough capacity for them all.
void appendReserved(size_t numBits,
llvm::function_ref<ChunkType(size_t numBitsWanted)> generator);
/// The slow case of equality-checking.
static bool equalsSlowCase(const ClusteredBitVector &lhs,
const ClusteredBitVector &rhs);
} // end namespace swift