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//===--- Builtins.def - Builtins Macro Metaprogramming Database -*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file defines the database of builtin functions.
// BUILTIN(Id, Name, Attrs)
// - Id is an identifier suitable for use in C++
// - Name is a string literal for the name to which the builtin should be
// bound in Swift
// - Attrs specifies information about attributes of the function:
// n -> readnone
/// Cast operations have type T1 -> T2.
#define BUILTIN_CAST_OPERATION(Id, Name, Attrs) BUILTIN(Id, Name, Attrs)
BUILTIN_CAST_OPERATION(Trunc , "trunc", "n")
BUILTIN_CAST_OPERATION(FPTrunc , "fptrunc", "n")
BUILTIN_CAST_OPERATION(PtrToInt, "ptrtoint", "n")
BUILTIN_CAST_OPERATION(IntToPtr, "inttoptr", "n")
BUILTIN_CAST_OPERATION(BitCast , "bitcast", "n")
/// Cast-or-bitcast operations have type T1 -> T2.
/// T1 and T2 may be the same size, unlike the corresponding true casts.
BUILTIN_CAST_OR_BITCAST_OPERATION(TruncOrBitCast, "truncOrBitCast", "n")
/// Binary operations have type (T,T) -> T.
#define BUILTIN_BINARY_OPERATION(Id, Name, Attrs, Overload) \
BUILTIN(Id, Name, Attrs)
BUILTIN_BINARY_OPERATION(Add, "add", "n", IntegerOrVector)
BUILTIN_BINARY_OPERATION(FAdd, "fadd", "n", FloatOrVector)
BUILTIN_BINARY_OPERATION(And, "and", "n", IntegerOrVector)
BUILTIN_BINARY_OPERATION(AShr, "ashr", "n", IntegerOrVector)
BUILTIN_BINARY_OPERATION(LShr, "lshr", "n", IntegerOrVector)
BUILTIN_BINARY_OPERATION(Or, "or", "n", IntegerOrVector)
BUILTIN_BINARY_OPERATION(FDiv, "fdiv", "n", FloatOrVector)
BUILTIN_BINARY_OPERATION(Mul, "mul", "n", IntegerOrVector)
BUILTIN_BINARY_OPERATION(FMul, "fmul", "n", FloatOrVector)
BUILTIN_BINARY_OPERATION(SDiv, "sdiv", "n", IntegerOrVector)
BUILTIN_BINARY_OPERATION(ExactSDiv, "sdiv_exact", "n", IntegerOrVector)
BUILTIN_BINARY_OPERATION(Shl, "shl", "n", IntegerOrVector)
BUILTIN_BINARY_OPERATION(SRem, "srem", "n", IntegerOrVector)
BUILTIN_BINARY_OPERATION(Sub, "sub", "n", IntegerOrVector)
BUILTIN_BINARY_OPERATION(FSub, "fsub", "n", FloatOrVector)
BUILTIN_BINARY_OPERATION(UDiv, "udiv", "n", IntegerOrVector)
BUILTIN_BINARY_OPERATION(ExactUDiv, "udiv_exact", "n", IntegerOrVector)
BUILTIN_BINARY_OPERATION(URem, "urem", "n", Integer)
BUILTIN_BINARY_OPERATION(FRem, "frem", "n", FloatOrVector)
BUILTIN_BINARY_OPERATION(Xor, "xor", "n", IntegerOrVector)
/// These builtins are analogous the similarly named llvm intrinsics. The
/// difference between the two is that these are not expected to overflow,
/// so we should produce a compile time error if we can statically prove
/// that they do.
#define BUILTIN_BINARY_OPERATION_WITH_OVERFLOW(Id, Name, UncheckedID, Attrs, Overload) \
BUILTIN(Id, Name, Attrs)
"sadd_with_overflow", Add, "n", Integer)
"uadd_with_overflow", Add, "n", Integer)
"ssub_with_overflow", Sub, "n", Integer)
"usub_with_overflow", Sub, "n", Integer)
"smul_with_overflow", Mul, "n", Integer)
"umul_with_overflow", Mul, "n", Integer)
/// Unary operations have type (T) -> T.
#define BUILTIN_UNARY_OPERATION(Id, Name, Attrs, Overload) \
BUILTIN(Id, Name, Attrs)
// "fneg" is a separate builtin because its LLVM representation is
// 'fsub -0.0, %x', but defining it in swift as
// 'func [prefix] -(x) { -0.0 - x }' would be infinitely recursive.
BUILTIN_UNARY_OPERATION(FNeg, "fneg", "n", FloatOrVector)
// Returns the argument and specifies that the value is not negative.
// It has only an effect if the argument is a load or call.
// TODO: consider printing a warning if it is not used on a load or call.
BUILTIN_UNARY_OPERATION(AssumeNonNegative, "assumeNonNegative", "n", Integer)
// Binary predicates have type (T,T) -> i1 or (T, T) -> Vector<i1> for scalars
// and vectors, respectively.
#define BUILTIN_BINARY_PREDICATE(Id, Name, Attrs, Overload) \
BUILTIN(Id, Name, Attrs)
BUILTIN_BINARY_PREDICATE(ICMP_EQ, "cmp_eq", "n", IntegerOrRawPointerOrVector)
BUILTIN_BINARY_PREDICATE(ICMP_NE, "cmp_ne", "n", IntegerOrRawPointerOrVector)
BUILTIN_BINARY_PREDICATE(ICMP_SLE, "cmp_sle", "n", IntegerOrVector)
BUILTIN_BINARY_PREDICATE(ICMP_SLT, "cmp_slt", "n", IntegerOrVector)
BUILTIN_BINARY_PREDICATE(ICMP_SGE, "cmp_sge", "n", IntegerOrVector)
BUILTIN_BINARY_PREDICATE(ICMP_SGT, "cmp_sgt", "n", IntegerOrVector)
BUILTIN_BINARY_PREDICATE(ICMP_ULE, "cmp_ule", "n", IntegerOrRawPointerOrVector)
BUILTIN_BINARY_PREDICATE(ICMP_ULT, "cmp_ult", "n", IntegerOrRawPointerOrVector)
BUILTIN_BINARY_PREDICATE(ICMP_UGE, "cmp_uge", "n", IntegerOrRawPointerOrVector)
BUILTIN_BINARY_PREDICATE(ICMP_UGT, "cmp_ugt", "n", IntegerOrRawPointerOrVector)
BUILTIN_BINARY_PREDICATE(FCMP_OEQ, "fcmp_oeq", "n", FloatOrVector)
BUILTIN_BINARY_PREDICATE(FCMP_OGT, "fcmp_ogt", "n", FloatOrVector)
BUILTIN_BINARY_PREDICATE(FCMP_OGE, "fcmp_oge", "n", FloatOrVector)
BUILTIN_BINARY_PREDICATE(FCMP_OLT, "fcmp_olt", "n", FloatOrVector)
BUILTIN_BINARY_PREDICATE(FCMP_OLE, "fcmp_ole", "n", FloatOrVector)
BUILTIN_BINARY_PREDICATE(FCMP_ONE, "fcmp_one", "n", FloatOrVector)
BUILTIN_BINARY_PREDICATE(FCMP_ORD, "fcmp_ord", "n", FloatOrVector)
BUILTIN_BINARY_PREDICATE(FCMP_UEQ, "fcmp_ueq", "n", FloatOrVector)
BUILTIN_BINARY_PREDICATE(FCMP_UGT, "fcmp_ugt", "n", FloatOrVector)
BUILTIN_BINARY_PREDICATE(FCMP_UGE, "fcmp_uge", "n", FloatOrVector)
BUILTIN_BINARY_PREDICATE(FCMP_ULT, "fcmp_ult", "n", FloatOrVector)
BUILTIN_BINARY_PREDICATE(FCMP_ULE, "fcmp_ule", "n", FloatOrVector)
BUILTIN_BINARY_PREDICATE(FCMP_UNE, "fcmp_une", "n", FloatOrVector)
BUILTIN_BINARY_PREDICATE(FCMP_UNO, "fcmp_uno", "n", FloatOrVector)
// BUILTIN_SIL_OPERATION - Operations that can be lowered to SIL instructions.
// These have various types.
// Since these operations will be lowered to SIL Instructions, we do not
// assign any attributes on them.
#define BUILTIN_SIL_OPERATION(Id, Name, Overload) BUILTIN(Id, Name, "")
/// retain: T -> ()
BUILTIN_SIL_OPERATION(Retain, "retain", Special)
/// release: T -> ()
BUILTIN_SIL_OPERATION(Release, "release", Special)
/// autorelease: T -> ()
BUILTIN_SIL_OPERATION(Autorelease, "autorelease", Special)
// The pin operations return T only because Optional isn't intrinsic.
/// tryPin: Builtin.NativeObject -> T
BUILTIN_SIL_OPERATION(TryPin, "tryPin", Special)
/// unpin: T -> ()
BUILTIN_SIL_OPERATION(Unpin, "unpin", Special)
/// Load has type (Builtin.RawPointer) -> T
BUILTIN_SIL_OPERATION(Load, "load", Special)
/// LoadRaw has type (Builtin.RawPointer) -> T
/// This is a load of T from raw memory.
/// It's address does not adhere to strict aliasing.
BUILTIN_SIL_OPERATION(LoadRaw, "loadRaw", Special)
/// Take has type (Builtin.RawPointer) -> T
BUILTIN_SIL_OPERATION(Take, "take", Special)
/// Destroy has type (T.Type, Builtin.RawPointer) -> ()
BUILTIN_SIL_OPERATION(Destroy, "destroy", Special)
/// Assign has type (T, Builtin.RawPointer) -> ()
BUILTIN_SIL_OPERATION(Assign, "assign", Special)
/// Init has type (T, Builtin.RawPointer) -> ()
BUILTIN_SIL_OPERATION(Init, "initialize", Special)
/// CastToUnknownObject has type (T) -> Builtin.UnknownObject.
BUILTIN_SIL_OPERATION(CastToUnknownObject, "castToUnknownObject", Special)
/// CastFromUnknownObject has type (Builtin.UnknownObject) -> T.
BUILTIN_SIL_OPERATION(CastFromUnknownObject, "castFromUnknownObject", Special)
/// CastToNativeObject has type (T) -> Builtin.NativeObject.
BUILTIN_SIL_OPERATION(CastToNativeObject, "castToNativeObject", Special)
/// CastFromNativeObject has type (Builtin.NativeObject) -> T
BUILTIN_SIL_OPERATION(CastFromNativeObject, "castFromNativeObject", Special)
/// CastToBridgeObject has type (T, Builtin.Word) -> Builtin.BridgeObject.
/// It sets the BridgeObject to the bitwise OR of its operands.
/// It is assumed that
/// castReferenceFromBridgeObject(castToBridgeObject(ref, x)) === ref
/// regardless of what x is.
/// x thus must not have any bits set that would change the heap
/// object pointer value, nor may it have the native/ObjC discriminator bit set,
/// nor may it have any bits set if the first operand is an ObjC tagged pointer,
/// or else undefined behavior will ensue.
BUILTIN_SIL_OPERATION(CastToBridgeObject, "castToBridgeObject", Special)
/// CastReferenceFromBridgeObject has type (Builtin.BridgeObject) -> T.
/// It recovers the heap object reference by masking spare bits from the
/// BridgeObject.
/// CastBitPatternFromBridgeObject has type (Builtin.BridgeObject) -> Builtin.Word.
/// It presents the raw bit pattern of the BridgeObject as
/// BridgeToRawPointer has type (T) -> Builtin.RawPointer
BUILTIN_SIL_OPERATION(BridgeToRawPointer, "bridgeToRawPointer", Special)
/// BridgeFromRawPointer (Builtin.RawPointer) -> T
/// SILGen requires that T is a single retainable pointer.
/// Bridging to/from a raw pointer does not imply a retain.
BUILTIN_SIL_OPERATION(BridgeFromRawPointer, "bridgeFromRawPointer", Special)
/// castReference has type T -> U.
/// T and U must be convertible to AnyObject.
BUILTIN_SIL_OPERATION(CastReference, "castReference", Special)
/// reinterpretCast has type T -> U.
BUILTIN_SIL_OPERATION(ReinterpretCast, "reinterpretCast", Special)
/// addressof ([inout] T) -> Builtin.RawPointer
/// Returns a RawPointer pointing to an lvalue. The returned pointer is only
/// valid within the scope of the statement for logical lvalues.
BUILTIN_SIL_OPERATION(AddressOf, "addressof", Special)
/// GepRaw(Builtin.RawPointer, Builtin.Word) -> Builtin.RawPointer
/// Adds index bytes to a base pointer.
BUILTIN_SIL_OPERATION(GepRaw, "gepRaw", Integer)
/// Gep (Builtin.RawPointer, Builtin.Word, T.Type) -> Builtin.RawPointer
/// Like the GepRaw-builtin, but multiplies the index by stride-of type 'T'.
BUILTIN_SIL_OPERATION(Gep, "gep", Integer)
/// getTailAddr(Builtin.RawPointer,
/// Builtin.Word, T.Type, E.Type) -> Builtin.RawPointer
/// Like the Gep-builtin, but rounds up the resulting address to a tail-
/// allocated element type 'E'.
BUILTIN_SIL_OPERATION(GetTailAddr, "getTailAddr", Integer)
/// condfail(Int1) -> ()
/// Triggers a runtime failure if the condition is true.
BUILTIN_SIL_OPERATION(CondFail, "condfail", Special)
/// fixLifetime(T) -> ()
/// Fixes the lifetime of any heap references in a value.
BUILTIN_SIL_OPERATION(FixLifetime, "fixLifetime", Special)
/// isUnique : <T> (inout T[?]) -> Int1
/// This builtin takes an inout object reference and returns a boolean. Passing
/// the reference inout forces the optimizer to preserve a retain distinct from
/// what's required to maintain lifetime for any of the reference's source-level
/// copies, because the called function is allowed to replace the reference,
/// thereby releasing the referent.
/// The kind of reference count checking that Builtin.isUnique performs depends
/// on the argument type:
/// - Native object types are directly checked by reading the
/// strong reference count:
/// (Builtin.NativeObject, known native class reference)
/// - Objective-C object types require an additional check that the
/// dynamic object type uses native swift reference counting:
/// (Builtin.UnknownObject, unknown class reference, class existential)
/// - Bridged object types allow the dynamic object type check to be
/// passed based on their pointer encoding:
/// (Builtin.BridgeObject)
/// Any of the above types may also be wrapped in an optional.
/// If the static argument type is optional, then a null check is also
/// performed.
/// Thus, isUnique only returns true for non-null, native swift object
/// references with a strong reference count of one.
BUILTIN_SIL_OPERATION(IsUnique, "isUnique", Special)
/// isUniqueOrPinned : <T> (inout T[?]) -> Int1
/// This builtin has the same semantics as isUnique except that it also returns
/// true if the object is marked pinned regardless of the reference count. This
/// allows for simultaneous non-structural modification of multiple subobjects.
BUILTIN_SIL_OPERATION(IsUniqueOrPinned, "isUniqueOrPinned", Special)
/// IsUnique_native : <T> (inout T[?]) -> Int1
/// These variants of isUnique implicitly cast to a non-null NativeObject before
/// checking uniqueness. This allows an object reference statically typed as
/// BridgeObject or UnknownObject to be treated as a native object by the
/// runtime.
BUILTIN_SIL_OPERATION(IsUnique_native, "isUnique_native", Special)
BUILTIN_SIL_OPERATION(IsUniqueOrPinned_native, "isUniqueOrPinned_native",
/// bindMemory : <T> (Builtin.RawPointer, Builtin.Word, T.Type) -> ()
BUILTIN_SIL_OPERATION(BindMemory, "bindMemory", Special)
/// allocWithTailElems_<n>(C.Type,
/// Builtin.Word, E1.Type, ... , Builtin.Word, En.Type) -> C\
/// The integer suffix <n> specifies the number of tail-allocated arrays.
/// Each tail-allocated array adds a counter and an element meta-type parameter.
BUILTIN_SIL_OPERATION(AllocWithTailElems, "allocWithTailElems", Special)
/// projectTailElems : <C,E> (C) -> Builtin.RawPointer
/// Projects the first tail-allocated element of type E from a class C.
BUILTIN_SIL_OPERATION(ProjectTailElems, "projectTailElems", Special)
// BUILTIN_RUNTIME_CALL - A call into a runtime function.
// These functions accept a single argument of any type.
#define BUILTIN_RUNTIME_CALL(Id, Name, Attrs) \
BUILTIN(Id, Name, Attrs)
/// willThrow: Error -> ()
BUILTIN_RUNTIME_CALL(WillThrow, "willThrow", "n")
/// unexpectedError: Error -> ()
BUILTIN_RUNTIME_CALL(UnexpectedError, "unexpectedError", "")
/// errorInMain: Error -> ()
BUILTIN_RUNTIME_CALL(ErrorInMain, "errorInMain", "")
/// IsOptionalType : T.Type -> Bool
/// This builtin takes a metatype and returns true if the metatype's
/// nominal type is Optional.
BUILTIN_RUNTIME_CALL(IsOptionalType, "isOptional", "")
// BUILTIN_MISC_OPERATION - Miscellaneous operations without a unifying class.
// These have various types.
#define BUILTIN_MISC_OPERATION(Id, Name, Attrs, Overload) \
BUILTIN(Id, Name, Attrs)
/// Sizeof has type T.Type -> Int
BUILTIN_MISC_OPERATION(Sizeof, "sizeof", "n", Special)
/// Strideof has type T.Type -> Int
BUILTIN_MISC_OPERATION(Strideof, "strideof", "n", Special)
/// IsPOD has type T.Type -> Bool
BUILTIN_MISC_OPERATION(IsPOD, "ispod", "n", Special)
/// Alignof has type T.Type -> Int
BUILTIN_MISC_OPERATION(Alignof, "alignof", "n", Special)
/// AllocRaw has type (Int, Int) -> Builtin.RawPointer
BUILTIN_MISC_OPERATION(AllocRaw, "allocRaw", "", Special)
/// DeallocRaw has type (Builtin.RawPointer, Int, Int) -> ()
BUILTIN_MISC_OPERATION(DeallocRaw, "deallocRaw", "", Special)
/// Fence has type () -> ().
BUILTIN_MISC_OPERATION(Fence, "fence", "", None)
/// onFastPath has type () -> ().
BUILTIN_MISC_OPERATION(OnFastPath, "onFastPath", "n", None)
/// CmpXChg has type (Builtin.RawPointer, T, T) -> (T, Bool).
BUILTIN_MISC_OPERATION(CmpXChg, "cmpxchg", "", Special)
/// AtomicLoad has type (Builtin.RawPointer) -> T.
BUILTIN_MISC_OPERATION(AtomicLoad, "atomicload", "", Special)
/// AtomicStore has type (Builtin.RawPointer, T) -> ().
BUILTIN_MISC_OPERATION(AtomicStore, "atomicstore", "", Special)
/// AtomicRMW has type (Builtin.RawPointer, T) -> T.
BUILTIN_MISC_OPERATION(AtomicRMW, "atomicrmw", "", IntegerOrRawPointer)
/// ExtractElement has type (Vector<N, T>, Int32) -> T
BUILTIN_MISC_OPERATION(ExtractElement, "extractelement", "n", Special)
/// InsertElement has type (Vector<N, T>, T, Int32) -> Vector<N, T>.
BUILTIN_MISC_OPERATION(InsertElement, "insertelement", "n", Special)
/// StaticReport has type (Builtin.Int1, Builtin.Int1, Builtin.RawPointer) -> ()
BUILTIN_MISC_OPERATION(StaticReport, "staticReport", "", Special)
/// assert_configuration has type () -> Builtin.Int32
/// Returns the selected assertion configuration.
BUILTIN_MISC_OPERATION(AssertConf, "assert_configuration", "n", Special)
/// Special truncation builtins that check for sign and overflow errors. These
/// take an integer as an input and return a tuple of the truncated result and
/// an error bit. The name of each builtin is extended with the "from"
/// (sign-agnostic) builtin integer type and the "to" integer type.
/// We require the source type size to be larger than the destination type size
/// (number of bits).
BUILTIN_MISC_OPERATION(UToSCheckedTrunc, "u_to_s_checked_trunc", "n", Special)
BUILTIN_MISC_OPERATION(SToSCheckedTrunc, "s_to_s_checked_trunc", "n", Special)
BUILTIN_MISC_OPERATION(SToUCheckedTrunc, "s_to_u_checked_trunc", "n", Special)
BUILTIN_MISC_OPERATION(UToUCheckedTrunc, "u_to_u_checked_trunc", "n", Special)
/// Checked conversions for signed <-> unsigned integers of the same size.
/// Returns a tuple containing the conversion result as well as
/// the sign error / overflow bit.
"s_to_u_checked_conversion", "n", Special)
"u_to_s_checked_conversion", "n", Special)
/// IntToFPWithOverflow has type (Integer) -> Float
BUILTIN_MISC_OPERATION(IntToFPWithOverflow, "itofp_with_overflow", "n", Special)
// FIXME: shufflevector
/// zeroInitializer has type <T> () -> T
BUILTIN_MISC_OPERATION(ZeroInitializer, "zeroInitializer", "n", Special)
/// once has type (Builtin.RawPointer, () -> ())
BUILTIN_MISC_OPERATION(Once, "once", "", Special)
/// unreachable has type () -> Never
BUILTIN_MISC_OPERATION(Unreachable, "unreachable", "", Special)
/// conditionallyUnreachable has type () -> Never
BUILTIN_MISC_OPERATION(CondUnreachable, "conditionallyUnreachable", "", Special)
/// DestroyArray has type (T.Type, Builtin.RawPointer, Builtin.Word) -> ()
BUILTIN_MISC_OPERATION(DestroyArray, "destroyArray", "", Special)
/// CopyArray, TakeArrayFrontToBack, and TakeArrayBackToFront all have type
/// (T.Type, Builtin.RawPointer, Builtin.RawPointer, Builtin.Word) -> ()
BUILTIN_MISC_OPERATION(CopyArray, "copyArray", "", Special)
BUILTIN_MISC_OPERATION(TakeArrayFrontToBack, "takeArrayFrontToBack", "", Special)
BUILTIN_MISC_OPERATION(TakeArrayBackToFront, "takeArrayBackToFront", "", Special)
// unsafeGuaranteed has type <T: AnyObject> T -> (T, Builtin.Int8)
BUILTIN_MISC_OPERATION(UnsafeGuaranteed, "unsafeGuaranteed", "", Special)
// unsafeGuaranteedEnd has type (Builtin.Int8) -> ()
BUILTIN_MISC_OPERATION(UnsafeGuaranteedEnd, "unsafeGuaranteedEnd", "", Special)
// getObjCTypeEncoding has type <T> T.Type -> RawPointer
BUILTIN_MISC_OPERATION(GetObjCTypeEncoding, "getObjCTypeEncoding", "n", Special)
// BUILTIN_TYPE_TRAIT_OPERATION - Compile-time type trait operations.
BUILTIN(Id, #Name, "n")
/// canBeClass(T.Type) -> Builtin.Int8
/// At compile time, evaluate whether T is or can be bound to a class or
/// @objc protocol type. The answer is a tri-state of 0 = No, 1 = Yes, 2 =
/// Maybe.
#undef BUILTIN