blob: a655d22b19f252a2040f39a1bec9c6809aa46385 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift -verify-ignore-unknown
import StdlibUnittest
import StdlibCollectionUnittest
// Check that Collection.SubSequence is constrained to Collection.
// expected-error@+3 {{type 'CollectionWithBadSubSequence' does not conform to protocol 'Collection'}}
// expected-error@+2 {{type 'CollectionWithBadSubSequence' does not conform to protocol '_IndexableBase'}}
// expected-error@+1 {{type 'CollectionWithBadSubSequence' does not conform to protocol 'Sequence'}}
struct CollectionWithBadSubSequence : Collection {
var startIndex: MinimalIndex {
var endIndex: MinimalIndex {
subscript(i: MinimalIndex) -> OpaqueValue<Int> {
// expected-note@+3 {{possibly intended match 'CollectionWithBadSubSequence.SubSequence' (aka 'OpaqueValue<Int8>') does not conform to 'Sequence'}}
// expected-note@+2 {{possibly intended match}}
// expected-note@+1 {{possibly intended match}}
typealias SubSequence = OpaqueValue<Int8>
func useCollectionTypeSubSequenceIndex<C : Collection>(_ c: C)
where C.SubSequence.Index == C.Index {}
func useCollectionTypeSubSequenceGeneratorElement<C : Collection>(_ c: C)
where C.SubSequence.Iterator.Element == C.Iterator.Element {}
func sortResultIgnored<
S : Sequence,
MC : MutableCollection
>(_ sequence: S, mutableCollection: MC, array: [Int])
where S.Iterator.Element : Comparable, MC.Iterator.Element : Comparable {
var sequence = sequence // expected-warning {{variable 'sequence' was never mutated; consider changing to 'let' constant}}
var mutableCollection = mutableCollection // expected-warning {{variable 'mutableCollection' was never mutated; consider changing to 'let' constant}}
var array = array // expected-warning {{variable 'array' was never mutated; consider changing to 'let' constant}}
sequence.sorted() // expected-warning {{result of call to 'sorted()' is unused}}
sequence.sorted { $0 < $1 } // expected-warning {{result of call to 'sorted(by:)' is unused}}
mutableCollection.sorted() // expected-warning {{result of call to 'sorted()' is unused}}
mutableCollection.sorted { $0 < $1 } // expected-warning {{result of call to 'sorted(by:)' is unused}}
array.sorted() // expected-warning {{result of call to 'sorted()' is unused}}
array.sorted { $0 < $1 } // expected-warning {{result of call to 'sorted(by:)' is unused}}
// expected-warning@+1 {{'Indexable' is deprecated: it will be removed in Swift 4.0. Please use 'Collection' instead}}
struct GoodIndexable : Indexable {
func index(after i: Int) -> Int { return i + 1 }
var startIndex: Int { return 0 }
var endIndex: Int { return 0 }
subscript(pos: Int) -> Int { return 0 }
subscript(bounds: Range<Int>) -> [Int] { return [] }
// expected-warning@+2 {{'Indexable' is deprecated: it will be removed in Swift 4.0. Please use 'Collection' instead}}
// expected-error@+1 {{type 'BadIndexable1' does not conform to protocol '_IndexableBase'}}
struct BadIndexable1 : Indexable {
func index(after i: Int) -> Int { return i + 1 }
var startIndex: Int { return 0 }
var endIndex: Int { return 0 }
subscript(pos: Int) -> Int { return 0 }
// Missing 'subscript(_:) -> SubSequence'.
// expected-warning@+2 {{'Indexable' is deprecated: it will be removed in Swift 4.0. Please use 'Collection' instead}}
// expected-error@+1 {{type 'BadIndexable2' does not conform to protocol '_IndexableBase'}}
struct BadIndexable2 : Indexable {
var startIndex: Int { return 0 }
var endIndex: Int { return 0 }
subscript(pos: Int) -> Int { return 0 }
subscript(bounds: Range<Int>) -> [Int] { return [] }
// Missing index(after:) -> Int
// expected-warning@+1 {{'BidirectionalIndexable' is deprecated: it will be removed in Swift 4.0. Please use 'BidirectionalCollection' instead}}
struct GoodBidirectionalIndexable1 : BidirectionalIndexable {
var startIndex: Int { return 0 }
var endIndex: Int { return 0 }
func index(after i: Int) -> Int { return i + 1 }
func index(before i: Int) -> Int { return i - 1 }
subscript(pos: Int) -> Int { return 0 }
subscript(bounds: Range<Int>) -> [Int] { return [] }
// We'd like to see: {{type 'BadBidirectionalIndexable' does not conform to protocol 'BidirectionalIndexable'}}
// But the compiler doesn't generate that error.
// expected-warning@+1 {{'BidirectionalIndexable' is deprecated: it will be removed in Swift 4.0. Please use 'BidirectionalCollection' instead}}
struct BadBidirectionalIndexable : BidirectionalIndexable {
var startIndex: Int { return 0 }
var endIndex: Int { return 0 }
subscript(pos: Int) -> Int { return 0 }
subscript(bounds: Range<Int>) -> [Int] { return [] }
// This is a poor error message; it would be better to get a message
// that index(before:) was missing.
// expected-error@+1 {{'index(after:)' has different argument names from those required by protocol '_BidirectionalIndexable' ('index(before:)'}}
func index(after i: Int) -> Int { return 0 }
// Check that RangeReplaceableCollection.SubSequence is defaulted.
struct RangeReplaceableCollection_SubSequence_IsDefaulted : RangeReplaceableCollection {
var startIndex: Int { fatalError() }
var endIndex: Int { fatalError() }
subscript(pos: Int) -> Int { return 0 }
func index(after: Int) -> Int { fatalError() }
func index(before: Int) -> Int { fatalError() }
func index(_: Int, offsetBy: Int) -> Int { fatalError() }
func distance(from: Int, to: Int) -> Int { fatalError() }
mutating func replaceSubrange<C>(
_ subrange: Range<Int>,
with newElements: C
) where C : Collection, C.Iterator.Element == Int {
// FIXME: Remove -verify-ignore-unknown.
// <unknown>:0: error: unexpected note produced: possibly intended match
// <unknown>:0: error: unexpected note produced: possibly intended match