blob: c83c6eddcfcbf987920cda444e49edf267b85081 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -Xllvm -new-mangling-for-tests -assume-parsing-unqualified-ownership-sil -emit-ir -primary-file %s -disable-objc-attr-requires-foundation-module | %FileCheck %s
// <rdar://problem/21665983> IRGen crash with protocol extension involving same-type constraint to X<T>
public struct DefaultFoo<T> {
var t: T?
public protocol P {
associatedtype Foo
public extension P where Foo == DefaultFoo<Self> {
public func foo() -> DefaultFoo<Self> {
return DefaultFoo()
// CHECK: define{{( protected)?}} swiftcc void @_T021same_type_constraints1PPAaaBRzAA10DefaultFooVyxG0E0RtzlE3fooAEyxGyF
// <rdar://26873036> IRGen crash with derived class declaring same-type constraint on constrained associatedtype.
public class C1<T: Equatable> { }
public class C2<T: Equatable, U: P where T == U.Foo>: C1<T> {}
// CHECK: define{{( protected)?}} swiftcc void @_T021same_type_constraints2C1CfD
public protocol MyHashable {}
public protocol DataType : MyHashable {}
public protocol E {
associatedtype Data: DataType
struct Dict<V : MyHashable, K> {}
struct Val {}
public class GenericKlazz<T: DataType, R: E> : E where R.Data == T
public typealias Data = T
var d: Dict<T, Val>
init() {
d = Dict()
// This used to hit an infinite loop - <rdar://problem/27018457>
public protocol CodingType {
associatedtype ValueType
public protocol ValueCoding {
associatedtype Coder: CodingType
func foo<Self>(s: Self)
where Self : CodingType,
Self.ValueType: ValueCoding,
Self.ValueType.Coder == Self {