blob: 31cb69f1b1edf217a985631d2798ff521dab30e5 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift -verify-ignore-unknown
protocol Fooable {
associatedtype Foo
var foo: Foo { get }
protocol Barrable {
associatedtype Bar: Fooable
var bar: Bar { get }
struct X {}
struct Y: Fooable {
typealias Foo = X
var foo: X { return X() }
struct Z: Barrable {
typealias Bar = Y
var bar: Y { return Y() }
protocol TestSameTypeRequirement {
func foo<F1: Fooable>(_ f: F1) where F1.Foo == X
struct SatisfySameTypeRequirement : TestSameTypeRequirement {
func foo<F2: Fooable>(_ f: F2) where F2.Foo == X {}
func test1<T: Fooable>(_ fooable: T) -> X where T.Foo == X {
struct NestedConstraint<T> {
func tFoo<U: Fooable>(_ fooable: U) -> T where U.Foo == T {
func test2<T: Fooable, U: Fooable>(_ t: T, u: U) -> (X, X)
where T.Foo == X, U.Foo == T.Foo {
return (,
func test2a<T: Fooable, U: Fooable>(_ t: T, u: U) -> (X, X)
where T.Foo == X, T.Foo == U.Foo {
return (,
func test3<T: Fooable, U: Fooable>(_ t: T, u: U) -> (X, X)
where T.Foo == X, U.Foo == X, T.Foo == U.Foo {
// expected-warning@-1{{redundant same-type constraint 'U.Foo' == 'X'}}
// expected-note@-2{{same-type constraint 'T.Foo' == 'X' written here}}
return (,
func fail1<
T: Fooable, U: Fooable
>(_ t: T, u: U) -> (X, Y)
where T.Foo == X, U.Foo == Y, T.Foo == U.Foo { // expected-error{{associated type 'T.Foo' cannot be equal to both 'X' and 'Y'}}
return (,
func fail2<
T: Fooable, U: Fooable
>(_ t: T, u: U) -> (X, Y)
where T.Foo == U.Foo, T.Foo == X, U.Foo == Y { // expected-error{{associated type 'U.Foo' cannot be equal to both 'X' and 'Y'}}
return (, // expected-error{{cannot convert return expression of type 'X' to return type 'Y'}}
func test4<T: Barrable>(_ t: T) -> Y where T.Bar == Y {
func fail3<T: Barrable>(_ t: T) -> X
where T.Bar == X { // expected-error {{'X' does not conform to required protocol 'Fooable'}}
func test5<T: Barrable>(_ t: T) -> X where T.Bar.Foo == X {
func test6<T: Barrable>(_ t: T) -> (Y, X) where T.Bar == Y {
return (,
func test7<T: Barrable>(_ t: T) -> (Y, X) where T.Bar == Y, T.Bar.Foo == X {
// expected-warning@-1{{redundant same-type constraint 'T.Bar.Foo' == 'X'}}
return (,
func fail4<T: Barrable>(_ t: T) -> (Y, Z)
T.Bar == Y,
T.Bar.Foo == Z { // expected-error{{associated type 'T.Bar.Foo' cannot be equal to both 'Y.Foo' (aka 'X') and 'Z'}}
return (, // expected-error{{cannot convert return expression of type 'X' to return type 'Z'}}
func fail5<T: Barrable>(_ t: T) -> (Y, Z)
T.Bar.Foo == Z, // expected-warning{{redundant same-type constraint 'T.Bar.Foo' == 'Z'}}
T.Bar == Y { // expected-error{{associated type 'T.Bar.Foo' cannot be equal to both 'Z' and 'X'}}
// expected-note@-1{{same-type constraint 'T.Bar.Foo' == 'Y.Foo' (aka 'X') implied here}}
return (, // expected-error{{cannot convert return expression of type 'X' to return type 'Z'}}
func test8<T: Fooable>(_ t: T) where T.Foo == X, T.Foo == Y {} // expected-error{{associated type 'T.Foo' cannot be equal to both 'X' and 'Y'}}
func testAssocTypeEquivalence<T: Fooable>(_ fooable: T) -> X.Type
where T.Foo == X {
return T.Foo.self
func fail6<T>(_ t: T) -> Int where T == Int { // expected-error{{same-type requirement makes generic parameter 'T' non-generic}}
return t
func test8<T: Barrable, U: Barrable>(_ t: T, u: U) -> (Y, Y, X, X)
where T.Bar == Y, U.Bar.Foo == X, T.Bar == U.Bar {
return (,,,
func test8a<T: Barrable, U: Barrable>(_ t: T, u: U) -> (Y, Y, X, X)
T.Bar == Y, U.Bar.Foo == X, U.Bar == T.Bar {
return (,,,
// rdar://problem/19137463
func rdar19137463<T>(_ t: T) where T.a == T {} // expected-error{{'a' is not a member type of 'T'}}
struct Brunch<U : Fooable> where U.Foo == X {}
struct BadFooable : Fooable {
typealias Foo = DoesNotExist // expected-error{{use of undeclared type 'DoesNotExist'}}
var foo: Foo { while true {} }
func bogusInOutError(d: inout Brunch<BadFooable>) {}
// Some interesting invalid cases that used to crash
protocol P {
associatedtype A
associatedtype B
struct Q : P {
typealias A = Int
typealias B = Int
struct S1<T : P> {
func foo<X, Y>(x: X, y: Y) where X == T.A, Y == T.B {
S1<Q>().foo(x: 1, y: 2)
struct S2<T : P> where T.A == T.B {
func foo<X, Y>(x: X, y: Y) where X == T.A, Y == T.B { // expected-error{{same-type requirement makes generic parameters 'X' and 'Y' equivalent}}
S2<Q>().foo(x: 1, y: 2)
struct S3<T : P> {
func foo<X, Y>(x: X, y: Y) where X == T.A, Y == T.A {} // expected-error{{same-type requirement makes generic parameters 'X' and 'Y' equivalent}}
S3<Q>().foo(x: 1, y: 2)
// Secondaries can be equated OK, even if we're imposing
// new conformances onto an outer secondary
protocol PPP {}
protocol PP {
associatedtype A : PPP
struct SSS : PPP {}
struct SS : PP { typealias A = SSS }
struct QQ : P {
typealias A = SSS
typealias B = Int
struct S4<T : P> {
func foo<X : PP>(x: X) where X.A == T.A {
S4<QQ>().foo(x: SS())
// rdar://problem/29333056 - allow deeper matching of same-type constraints.
struct X1<A, B> { }
protocol P1 {
associatedtype Assoc
func structuralSameType1<A: P1, B: P1, T, U, V, W>(_: A, _: B, _: T, _: U, _: V, _: W)
where A.Assoc == X1<T, U>, B.Assoc == X1<V, W>, A.Assoc == B.Assoc { }
// expected-error@-1{{same-type requirement makes generic parameters 'T' and 'V' equivalent}}
// expected-error@-2{{same-type requirement makes generic parameters 'U' and 'W' equivalent}}
typealias Tuple2<T, U> = (T, U)
func structuralSameType2<A: P1, B: P1, T, U, V, W>(_: A, _: B, _: T, _: U, _: V, _: W)
where A.Assoc == Tuple2<T, U>, B.Assoc == Tuple2<V, W>, A.Assoc == B.Assoc { }
// expected-error@-1{{same-type requirement makes generic parameters 'T' and 'V' equivalent}}
// expected-error@-2{{same-type requirement makes generic parameters 'U' and 'W' equivalent}}
func structuralSameType3<T, U, V, W>(_: T, _: U, _: V, _: W)
where X1<T, U> == X1<V, W> { }
// expected-error@-1{{same-type requirement makes generic parameters 'T' and 'V' equivalent}}
// expected-error@-2{{same-type requirement makes generic parameters 'U' and 'W' equivalent}}
protocol P2 {
associatedtype Assoc1
associatedtype Assoc2
func structuralSameTypeRecursive1<T: P2, U>(_: T, _: U)
where T.Assoc1 == Tuple2<T.Assoc1, U> // expected-error{{same-type constraint 'T.Assoc1' == '(T.Assoc1, U)' is recursive}}
{ }
// FIXME: Remove -verify-ignore-unknown.
// <unknown>:0: error: unexpected error produced: generic parameter τ_0_0.Bar.Foo cannot be equal to both 'Y.Foo' (aka 'X') and 'Z'